/* * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef _UI_INPUTREADER_TOUCH_INPUT_MAPPER_H #define _UI_INPUTREADER_TOUCH_INPUT_MAPPER_H #include #include "CursorButtonAccumulator.h" #include "CursorScrollAccumulator.h" #include "EventHub.h" #include "InputMapper.h" #include "InputReaderBase.h" #include "TouchButtonAccumulator.h" namespace android { /* Raw axis information from the driver. */ struct RawPointerAxes { RawAbsoluteAxisInfo x; RawAbsoluteAxisInfo y; RawAbsoluteAxisInfo pressure; RawAbsoluteAxisInfo touchMajor; RawAbsoluteAxisInfo touchMinor; RawAbsoluteAxisInfo toolMajor; RawAbsoluteAxisInfo toolMinor; RawAbsoluteAxisInfo orientation; RawAbsoluteAxisInfo distance; RawAbsoluteAxisInfo tiltX; RawAbsoluteAxisInfo tiltY; RawAbsoluteAxisInfo trackingId; RawAbsoluteAxisInfo slot; RawPointerAxes(); inline int32_t getRawWidth() const { return x.maxValue - x.minValue + 1; } inline int32_t getRawHeight() const { return y.maxValue - y.minValue + 1; } void clear(); }; /* Raw data for a collection of pointers including a pointer id mapping table. */ struct RawPointerData { struct Pointer { uint32_t id; int32_t x; int32_t y; int32_t pressure; int32_t touchMajor; int32_t touchMinor; int32_t toolMajor; int32_t toolMinor; int32_t orientation; int32_t distance; int32_t tiltX; int32_t tiltY; int32_t toolType; // a fully decoded AMOTION_EVENT_TOOL_TYPE constant bool isHovering; }; uint32_t pointerCount; Pointer pointers[MAX_POINTERS]; BitSet32 hoveringIdBits, touchingIdBits, canceledIdBits; uint32_t idToIndex[MAX_POINTER_ID + 1]; RawPointerData(); void clear(); void copyFrom(const RawPointerData& other); void getCentroidOfTouchingPointers(float* outX, float* outY) const; inline void markIdBit(uint32_t id, bool isHovering) { if (isHovering) { hoveringIdBits.markBit(id); } else { touchingIdBits.markBit(id); } } inline void clearIdBits() { hoveringIdBits.clear(); touchingIdBits.clear(); canceledIdBits.clear(); } inline const Pointer& pointerForId(uint32_t id) const { return pointers[idToIndex[id]]; } inline bool isHovering(uint32_t pointerIndex) { return pointers[pointerIndex].isHovering; } }; /* Cooked data for a collection of pointers including a pointer id mapping table. */ struct CookedPointerData { uint32_t pointerCount; PointerProperties pointerProperties[MAX_POINTERS]; PointerCoords pointerCoords[MAX_POINTERS]; BitSet32 hoveringIdBits, touchingIdBits, canceledIdBits, validIdBits; uint32_t idToIndex[MAX_POINTER_ID + 1]; CookedPointerData(); void clear(); void copyFrom(const CookedPointerData& other); inline const PointerCoords& pointerCoordsForId(uint32_t id) const { return pointerCoords[idToIndex[id]]; } inline PointerCoords& editPointerCoordsWithId(uint32_t id) { return pointerCoords[idToIndex[id]]; } inline PointerProperties& editPointerPropertiesWithId(uint32_t id) { return pointerProperties[idToIndex[id]]; } inline bool isHovering(uint32_t pointerIndex) const { return hoveringIdBits.hasBit(pointerProperties[pointerIndex].id); } inline bool isTouching(uint32_t pointerIndex) const { return touchingIdBits.hasBit(pointerProperties[pointerIndex].id); } inline bool hasPointerCoordsForId(uint32_t id) const { return validIdBits.hasBit(id); } }; class TouchInputMapper : public InputMapper { public: explicit TouchInputMapper(InputDeviceContext& deviceContext); ~TouchInputMapper() override; uint32_t getSources() override; void populateDeviceInfo(InputDeviceInfo* deviceInfo) override; void dump(std::string& dump) override; void configure(nsecs_t when, const InputReaderConfiguration* config, uint32_t changes) override; void reset(nsecs_t when) override; void process(const RawEvent* rawEvent) override; int32_t getKeyCodeState(uint32_t sourceMask, int32_t keyCode) override; int32_t getScanCodeState(uint32_t sourceMask, int32_t scanCode) override; bool markSupportedKeyCodes(uint32_t sourceMask, size_t numCodes, const int32_t* keyCodes, uint8_t* outFlags) override; void cancelTouch(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime) override; void timeoutExpired(nsecs_t when) override; void updateExternalStylusState(const StylusState& state) override; std::optional getAssociatedDisplayId() override; protected: CursorButtonAccumulator mCursorButtonAccumulator; CursorScrollAccumulator mCursorScrollAccumulator; TouchButtonAccumulator mTouchButtonAccumulator; struct VirtualKey { int32_t keyCode; int32_t scanCode; uint32_t flags; // computed hit box, specified in touch screen coords based on known display size int32_t hitLeft; int32_t hitTop; int32_t hitRight; int32_t hitBottom; inline bool isHit(int32_t x, int32_t y) const { return x >= hitLeft && x <= hitRight && y >= hitTop && y <= hitBottom; } }; // Input sources and device mode. uint32_t mSource; enum class DeviceMode { DISABLED, // input is disabled DIRECT, // direct mapping (touchscreen) UNSCALED, // unscaled mapping (touchpad) NAVIGATION, // unscaled mapping with assist gesture (touch navigation) POINTER, // pointer mapping (pointer) }; DeviceMode mDeviceMode; // The reader's configuration. InputReaderConfiguration mConfig; // Immutable configuration parameters. struct Parameters { enum class DeviceType { TOUCH_SCREEN, TOUCH_PAD, TOUCH_NAVIGATION, POINTER, }; DeviceType deviceType; bool hasAssociatedDisplay; bool associatedDisplayIsExternal; bool orientationAware; bool hasButtonUnderPad; std::string uniqueDisplayId; enum class GestureMode { SINGLE_TOUCH, MULTI_TOUCH, }; GestureMode gestureMode; bool wake; } mParameters; // Immutable calibration parameters in parsed form. struct Calibration { // Size enum class SizeCalibration { DEFAULT, NONE, GEOMETRIC, DIAMETER, BOX, AREA, }; SizeCalibration sizeCalibration; bool haveSizeScale; float sizeScale; bool haveSizeBias; float sizeBias; bool haveSizeIsSummed; bool sizeIsSummed; // Pressure enum class PressureCalibration { DEFAULT, NONE, PHYSICAL, AMPLITUDE, }; PressureCalibration pressureCalibration; bool havePressureScale; float pressureScale; // Orientation enum class OrientationCalibration { DEFAULT, NONE, INTERPOLATED, VECTOR, }; OrientationCalibration orientationCalibration; // Distance enum class DistanceCalibration { DEFAULT, NONE, SCALED, }; DistanceCalibration distanceCalibration; bool haveDistanceScale; float distanceScale; enum class CoverageCalibration { DEFAULT, NONE, BOX, }; CoverageCalibration coverageCalibration; inline void applySizeScaleAndBias(float* outSize) const { if (haveSizeScale) { *outSize *= sizeScale; } if (haveSizeBias) { *outSize += sizeBias; } if (*outSize < 0) { *outSize = 0; } } } mCalibration; // Affine location transformation/calibration struct TouchAffineTransformation mAffineTransform; RawPointerAxes mRawPointerAxes; struct RawState { nsecs_t when; nsecs_t readTime; // Raw pointer sample data. RawPointerData rawPointerData; int32_t buttonState; // Scroll state. int32_t rawVScroll; int32_t rawHScroll; void copyFrom(const RawState& other) { when = other.when; readTime = other.readTime; rawPointerData.copyFrom(other.rawPointerData); buttonState = other.buttonState; rawVScroll = other.rawVScroll; rawHScroll = other.rawHScroll; } void clear() { when = 0; readTime = 0; rawPointerData.clear(); buttonState = 0; rawVScroll = 0; rawHScroll = 0; } }; struct CookedState { // Cooked pointer sample data. CookedPointerData cookedPointerData; // Id bits used to differentiate fingers, stylus and mouse tools. BitSet32 fingerIdBits; BitSet32 stylusIdBits; BitSet32 mouseIdBits; int32_t buttonState; void copyFrom(const CookedState& other) { cookedPointerData.copyFrom(other.cookedPointerData); fingerIdBits = other.fingerIdBits; stylusIdBits = other.stylusIdBits; mouseIdBits = other.mouseIdBits; buttonState = other.buttonState; } void clear() { cookedPointerData.clear(); fingerIdBits.clear(); stylusIdBits.clear(); mouseIdBits.clear(); buttonState = 0; } }; std::vector mRawStatesPending; RawState mCurrentRawState; CookedState mCurrentCookedState; RawState mLastRawState; CookedState mLastCookedState; // State provided by an external stylus StylusState mExternalStylusState; int64_t mExternalStylusId; nsecs_t mExternalStylusFusionTimeout; bool mExternalStylusDataPending; // True if we sent a HOVER_ENTER event. bool mSentHoverEnter; // Have we assigned pointer IDs for this stream bool mHavePointerIds; // Is the current stream of direct touch events aborted bool mCurrentMotionAborted; // The time the primary pointer last went down. nsecs_t mDownTime; // The pointer controller, or null if the device is not a pointer. std::shared_ptr mPointerController; std::vector mVirtualKeys; virtual void configureParameters(); virtual void dumpParameters(std::string& dump); virtual void configureRawPointerAxes(); virtual void dumpRawPointerAxes(std::string& dump); virtual void configureSurface(nsecs_t when, bool* outResetNeeded); virtual void dumpSurface(std::string& dump); virtual void configureVirtualKeys(); virtual void dumpVirtualKeys(std::string& dump); virtual void parseCalibration(); virtual void resolveCalibration(); virtual void dumpCalibration(std::string& dump); virtual void updateAffineTransformation(); virtual void dumpAffineTransformation(std::string& dump); virtual void resolveExternalStylusPresence(); virtual bool hasStylus() const = 0; virtual bool hasExternalStylus() const; virtual void syncTouch(nsecs_t when, RawState* outState) = 0; private: // The current viewport. // The components of the viewport are specified in the display's rotated orientation. DisplayViewport mViewport; // The surface orientation, width and height set by configureSurface(). // The width and height are derived from the viewport but are specified // in the natural orientation. // They could be used for calculating diagonal, scaling factors, and virtual keys. int32_t mRawSurfaceWidth; int32_t mRawSurfaceHeight; // The surface origin specifies how the surface coordinates should be translated // to align with the logical display coordinate space. int32_t mSurfaceLeft; int32_t mSurfaceTop; int32_t mSurfaceRight; int32_t mSurfaceBottom; // Similar to the surface coordinates, but in the raw display coordinate space rather than in // the logical coordinate space. int32_t mPhysicalWidth; int32_t mPhysicalHeight; int32_t mPhysicalLeft; int32_t mPhysicalTop; // The orientation may be different from the viewport orientation as it specifies // the rotation of the surface coordinates required to produce the viewport's // requested orientation, so it will depend on whether the device is orientation aware. int32_t mSurfaceOrientation; // Translation and scaling factors, orientation-independent. float mXTranslate; float mXScale; float mXPrecision; float mYTranslate; float mYScale; float mYPrecision; float mGeometricScale; float mPressureScale; float mSizeScale; float mOrientationScale; float mDistanceScale; bool mHaveTilt; float mTiltXCenter; float mTiltXScale; float mTiltYCenter; float mTiltYScale; bool mExternalStylusConnected; // Oriented motion ranges for input device info. struct OrientedRanges { InputDeviceInfo::MotionRange x; InputDeviceInfo::MotionRange y; InputDeviceInfo::MotionRange pressure; bool haveSize; InputDeviceInfo::MotionRange size; bool haveTouchSize; InputDeviceInfo::MotionRange touchMajor; InputDeviceInfo::MotionRange touchMinor; bool haveToolSize; InputDeviceInfo::MotionRange toolMajor; InputDeviceInfo::MotionRange toolMinor; bool haveOrientation; InputDeviceInfo::MotionRange orientation; bool haveDistance; InputDeviceInfo::MotionRange distance; bool haveTilt; InputDeviceInfo::MotionRange tilt; OrientedRanges() { clear(); } void clear() { haveSize = false; haveTouchSize = false; haveToolSize = false; haveOrientation = false; haveDistance = false; haveTilt = false; } } mOrientedRanges; // Oriented dimensions and precision. float mOrientedXPrecision; float mOrientedYPrecision; struct CurrentVirtualKeyState { bool down; bool ignored; nsecs_t downTime; int32_t keyCode; int32_t scanCode; } mCurrentVirtualKey; // Scale factor for gesture or mouse based pointer movements. float mPointerXMovementScale; float mPointerYMovementScale; // Scale factor for gesture based zooming and other freeform motions. float mPointerXZoomScale; float mPointerYZoomScale; // The maximum swipe width. float mPointerGestureMaxSwipeWidth; struct PointerDistanceHeapElement { uint32_t currentPointerIndex : 8; uint32_t lastPointerIndex : 8; uint64_t distance : 48; // squared distance }; enum class PointerUsage { NONE, GESTURES, STYLUS, MOUSE, }; PointerUsage mPointerUsage; struct PointerGesture { enum class Mode { // No fingers, button is not pressed. // Nothing happening. NEUTRAL, // No fingers, button is not pressed. // Tap detected. // Emits DOWN and UP events at the pointer location. TAP, // Exactly one finger dragging following a tap. // Pointer follows the active finger. // Emits DOWN, MOVE and UP events at the pointer location. // // Detect double-taps when the finger goes up while in TAP_DRAG mode. TAP_DRAG, // Button is pressed. // Pointer follows the active finger if there is one. Other fingers are ignored. // Emits DOWN, MOVE and UP events at the pointer location. BUTTON_CLICK_OR_DRAG, // Exactly one finger, button is not pressed. // Pointer follows the active finger. // Emits HOVER_MOVE events at the pointer location. // // Detect taps when the finger goes up while in HOVER mode. HOVER, // Exactly two fingers but neither have moved enough to clearly indicate // whether a swipe or freeform gesture was intended. We consider the // pointer to be pressed so this enables clicking or long-pressing on buttons. // Pointer does not move. // Emits DOWN, MOVE and UP events with a single stationary pointer coordinate. PRESS, // Exactly two fingers moving in the same direction, button is not pressed. // Pointer does not move. // Emits DOWN, MOVE and UP events with a single pointer coordinate that // follows the midpoint between both fingers. SWIPE, // Two or more fingers moving in arbitrary directions, button is not pressed. // Pointer does not move. // Emits DOWN, POINTER_DOWN, MOVE, POINTER_UP and UP events that follow // each finger individually relative to the initial centroid of the finger. FREEFORM, // Waiting for quiet time to end before starting the next gesture. QUIET, }; // When a gesture is sent to an unfocused window, return true if it can bring that window // into focus, false otherwise. static bool canGestureAffectWindowFocus(Mode mode) { switch (mode) { case Mode::TAP: case Mode::TAP_DRAG: case Mode::BUTTON_CLICK_OR_DRAG: // Taps can affect window focus. return true; case Mode::FREEFORM: case Mode::HOVER: case Mode::NEUTRAL: case Mode::PRESS: case Mode::QUIET: case Mode::SWIPE: // Most gestures can be performed on an unfocused window, so they should not // not affect window focus. return false; } } // Time the first finger went down. nsecs_t firstTouchTime; // The active pointer id from the raw touch data. int32_t activeTouchId; // -1 if none // The active pointer id from the gesture last delivered to the application. int32_t activeGestureId; // -1 if none // Pointer coords and ids for the current and previous pointer gesture. Mode currentGestureMode; BitSet32 currentGestureIdBits; uint32_t currentGestureIdToIndex[MAX_POINTER_ID + 1]; PointerProperties currentGestureProperties[MAX_POINTERS]; PointerCoords currentGestureCoords[MAX_POINTERS]; Mode lastGestureMode; BitSet32 lastGestureIdBits; uint32_t lastGestureIdToIndex[MAX_POINTER_ID + 1]; PointerProperties lastGestureProperties[MAX_POINTERS]; PointerCoords lastGestureCoords[MAX_POINTERS]; // Time the pointer gesture last went down. nsecs_t downTime; // Time when the pointer went down for a TAP. nsecs_t tapDownTime; // Time when the pointer went up for a TAP. nsecs_t tapUpTime; // Location of initial tap. float tapX, tapY; // Time we started waiting for quiescence. nsecs_t quietTime; // Reference points for multitouch gestures. float referenceTouchX; // reference touch X/Y coordinates in surface units float referenceTouchY; float referenceGestureX; // reference gesture X/Y coordinates in pixels float referenceGestureY; // Distance that each pointer has traveled which has not yet been // subsumed into the reference gesture position. BitSet32 referenceIdBits; struct Delta { float dx, dy; }; Delta referenceDeltas[MAX_POINTER_ID + 1]; // Describes how touch ids are mapped to gesture ids for freeform gestures. uint32_t freeformTouchToGestureIdMap[MAX_POINTER_ID + 1]; // A velocity tracker for determining whether to switch active pointers during drags. VelocityTracker velocityTracker; void reset() { firstTouchTime = LLONG_MIN; activeTouchId = -1; activeGestureId = -1; currentGestureMode = Mode::NEUTRAL; currentGestureIdBits.clear(); lastGestureMode = Mode::NEUTRAL; lastGestureIdBits.clear(); downTime = 0; velocityTracker.clear(); resetTap(); resetQuietTime(); } void resetTap() { tapDownTime = LLONG_MIN; tapUpTime = LLONG_MIN; } void resetQuietTime() { quietTime = LLONG_MIN; } } mPointerGesture; struct PointerSimple { PointerCoords currentCoords; PointerProperties currentProperties; PointerCoords lastCoords; PointerProperties lastProperties; // True if the pointer is down. bool down; // True if the pointer is hovering. bool hovering; // Time the pointer last went down. nsecs_t downTime; void reset() { currentCoords.clear(); currentProperties.clear(); lastCoords.clear(); lastProperties.clear(); down = false; hovering = false; downTime = 0; } } mPointerSimple; // The pointer and scroll velocity controls. VelocityControl mPointerVelocityControl; VelocityControl mWheelXVelocityControl; VelocityControl mWheelYVelocityControl; std::optional findViewport(); void resetExternalStylus(); void clearStylusDataPendingFlags(); void sync(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime); bool consumeRawTouches(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime, uint32_t policyFlags); void processRawTouches(bool timeout); void cookAndDispatch(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime); void dispatchVirtualKey(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime, uint32_t policyFlags, int32_t keyEventAction, int32_t keyEventFlags); void dispatchTouches(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime, uint32_t policyFlags); void dispatchHoverExit(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime, uint32_t policyFlags); void dispatchHoverEnterAndMove(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime, uint32_t policyFlags); void dispatchButtonRelease(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime, uint32_t policyFlags); void dispatchButtonPress(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime, uint32_t policyFlags); const BitSet32& findActiveIdBits(const CookedPointerData& cookedPointerData); void cookPointerData(); void abortTouches(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime, uint32_t policyFlags); void dispatchPointerUsage(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime, uint32_t policyFlags, PointerUsage pointerUsage); void abortPointerUsage(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime, uint32_t policyFlags); void dispatchPointerGestures(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime, uint32_t policyFlags, bool isTimeout); void abortPointerGestures(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime, uint32_t policyFlags); bool preparePointerGestures(nsecs_t when, bool* outCancelPreviousGesture, bool* outFinishPreviousGesture, bool isTimeout); void dispatchPointerStylus(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime, uint32_t policyFlags); void abortPointerStylus(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime, uint32_t policyFlags); void dispatchPointerMouse(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime, uint32_t policyFlags); void abortPointerMouse(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime, uint32_t policyFlags); void dispatchPointerSimple(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime, uint32_t policyFlags, bool down, bool hovering); void abortPointerSimple(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime, uint32_t policyFlags); bool assignExternalStylusId(const RawState& state, bool timeout); void applyExternalStylusButtonState(nsecs_t when); void applyExternalStylusTouchState(nsecs_t when); // Dispatches a motion event. // If the changedId is >= 0 and the action is POINTER_DOWN or POINTER_UP, the // method will take care of setting the index and transmuting the action to DOWN or UP // it is the first / last pointer to go down / up. void dispatchMotion(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime, uint32_t policyFlags, uint32_t source, int32_t action, int32_t actionButton, int32_t flags, int32_t metaState, int32_t buttonState, int32_t edgeFlags, const PointerProperties* properties, const PointerCoords* coords, const uint32_t* idToIndex, BitSet32 idBits, int32_t changedId, float xPrecision, float yPrecision, nsecs_t downTime); // Updates pointer coords and properties for pointers with specified ids that have moved. // Returns true if any of them changed. bool updateMovedPointers(const PointerProperties* inProperties, const PointerCoords* inCoords, const uint32_t* inIdToIndex, PointerProperties* outProperties, PointerCoords* outCoords, const uint32_t* outIdToIndex, BitSet32 idBits) const; // Returns if this touch device is a touch screen with an associated display. bool isTouchScreen(); // Updates touch spots if they are enabled. Should only be used when this device is a // touchscreen. void updateTouchSpots(); bool isPointInsideSurface(int32_t x, int32_t y); const VirtualKey* findVirtualKeyHit(int32_t x, int32_t y); static void assignPointerIds(const RawState& last, RawState& current); const char* modeToString(DeviceMode deviceMode); void rotateAndScale(float& x, float& y); // Wrapper methods for interfacing with PointerController. These are used to convert points // between the coordinate spaces used by InputReader and PointerController, if they differ. void moveMouseCursor(float dx, float dy) const; std::pair getMouseCursorPosition() const; void setMouseCursorPosition(float x, float y) const; void setTouchSpots(const PointerCoords* spotCoords, const uint32_t* spotIdToIndex, BitSet32 spotIdBits, int32_t displayId); }; } // namespace android #endif // _UI_INPUTREADER_TOUCH_INPUT_MAPPER_H