/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.net.wifi.rtt; import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.SOURCE; import android.annotation.IntDef; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; /** * Civic Address key types used to define address elements. * *
These keys can be used with {@code ResponderLocation.toCivicLocationSparseArray()} * to look-up the corresponding string values.
*/ public class CivicLocationKeys { /** * An enumeration of all civic location keys. * * @hide */ @Retention(SOURCE) @IntDef({LANGUAGE, STATE, COUNTY, CITY, BOROUGH, NEIGHBORHOOD, GROUP_OF_STREETS, PRD, POD, STS, HNO, HNS, LMK, LOC, NAM, POSTAL_CODE, BUILDING, APT, FLOOR, ROOM, TYPE_OF_PLACE, PCN, PO_BOX, ADDITIONAL_CODE, DESK, PRIMARY_ROAD_NAME, ROAD_SECTION, BRANCH_ROAD_NAME, SUBBRANCH_ROAD_NAME, STREET_NAME_PRE_MODIFIER, STREET_NAME_POST_MODIFIER, SCRIPT}) public @interface CivicLocationKeysType { } /** Language key e.g. i-default. */ public static final int LANGUAGE = 0; /** Category label A1 key e.g. California. */ public static final int STATE = 1; /** Category label A2 key e.g. Marin. */ public static final int COUNTY = 2; /** Category label A3 key e.g. San Francisco. */ public static final int CITY = 3; /** Category label A4 key e.g. Westminster. */ public static final int BOROUGH = 4; /** Category label A5 key e.g. Pacific Heights. */ public static final int NEIGHBORHOOD = 5; /** Category label A6 key e.g. University District. */ public static final int GROUP_OF_STREETS = 6; // 7 - 15 not defined /** Leading Street direction key e.g. N. */ public static final int PRD = 16; /** Trailing street suffix key e.g. SW. */ public static final int POD = 17; /** Street suffix or Type key e.g Ave, Platz. */ public static final int STS = 18; /** House Number key e.g. 123. */ public static final int HNO = 19; /** House number suffix key e.g. A, 1/2. */ public static final int HNS = 20; /** Landmark or vanity address key e.g. Golden Gate Bridge. */ public static final int LMK = 21; /** Additional Location info key e.g. South Wing. */ public static final int LOC = 22; /** Name of residence key e.g. Joe's Barbershop. */ public static final int NAM = 23; /** Postal or ZIP code key e.g. 10027-1234. */ public static final int POSTAL_CODE = 24; /** Building key e.g. Lincoln Library. */ public static final int BUILDING = 25; /** Apartment or suite key e.g. Apt 42. */ public static final int APT = 26; /** Floor key e.g. 4. */ public static final int FLOOR = 27; /** Room key e.g. 450F. */ public static final int ROOM = 28; /** Type of place key e.g. office. */ public static final int TYPE_OF_PLACE = 29; /** Postal community name key e.g. Leonia. */ public static final int PCN = 30; /** Post Office Box key e.g. 12345. */ public static final int PO_BOX = 31; /** Additional Code key e.g. 13203000003. */ public static final int ADDITIONAL_CODE = 32; /** Seat, desk, pole, or cubical key e.g. WS 181. */ public static final int DESK = 33; /** Primary road name key e.g. Shoreline. */ public static final int PRIMARY_ROAD_NAME = 34; /** Road Section key e.g. 14. */ public static final int ROAD_SECTION = 35; /** Branch Rd Name key e.g. Lane 7. */ public static final int BRANCH_ROAD_NAME = 36; /** Subbranch Rd Name key e.g. Alley 8. */ public static final int SUBBRANCH_ROAD_NAME = 37; /** Premodifier key e.g. Old. */ public static final int STREET_NAME_PRE_MODIFIER = 38; /** Postmodifier key e.g. Service. */ public static final int STREET_NAME_POST_MODIFIER = 39; /** Script key e.g. Latn. */ public static final int SCRIPT = 128; /** private constructor */ private CivicLocationKeys() {} }