/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.server.wifi.aware; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.hardware.wifi.V1_0.NanStatusType; import android.hardware.wifi.V1_0.WifiStatusCode; import android.hardware.wifi.V1_2.NanDataPathChannelInfo; import android.location.LocationManager; import android.net.wifi.WifiManager; import android.net.wifi.aware.AwareResources; import android.net.wifi.aware.Characteristics; import android.net.wifi.aware.ConfigRequest; import android.net.wifi.aware.IWifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback; import android.net.wifi.aware.IWifiAwareEventCallback; import android.net.wifi.aware.IWifiAwareMacAddressProvider; import android.net.wifi.aware.PublishConfig; import android.net.wifi.aware.SubscribeConfig; import android.net.wifi.aware.WifiAwareManager; import android.net.wifi.aware.WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier; import android.net.wifi.util.HexEncoding; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.os.PowerManager; import android.os.Process; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.os.UserHandle; import android.os.WorkSource; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import android.util.SparseArray; import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.android.internal.util.MessageUtils; import com.android.internal.util.State; import com.android.internal.util.StateMachine; import com.android.internal.util.WakeupMessage; import com.android.modules.utils.BasicShellCommandHandler; import com.android.modules.utils.build.SdkLevel; import com.android.server.wifi.Clock; import com.android.server.wifi.util.NetdWrapper; import com.android.server.wifi.util.WifiPermissionsUtil; import com.android.server.wifi.util.WifiPermissionsWrapper; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Manages the state of the Wi-Fi Aware system service. */ public class WifiAwareStateManager implements WifiAwareShellCommand.DelegatedShellCommand { private static final String TAG = "WifiAwareStateManager"; private static final boolean VDBG = false; // STOPSHIP if true - for detailed state machine private boolean mDbg = false; @VisibleForTesting public static final String HAL_COMMAND_TIMEOUT_TAG = TAG + " HAL Command Timeout"; @VisibleForTesting public static final String HAL_SEND_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_TAG = TAG + " HAL Send Message Timeout"; @VisibleForTesting public static final String HAL_DATA_PATH_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT_TAG = TAG + " HAL Data Path Confirm Timeout"; /* * State machine message types. There are sub-types for the messages (except for TIMEOUTs). * Format: * - Message.arg1: contains message sub-type * - Message.arg2: contains transaction ID for RESPONSE & RESPONSE_TIMEOUT */ private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND = 1; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE = 2; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION = 3; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT = 4; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT = 5; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_DATA_PATH_TIMEOUT = 6; /* * Message sub-types: */ private static final int COMMAND_TYPE_CONNECT = 100; private static final int COMMAND_TYPE_DISCONNECT = 101; private static final int COMMAND_TYPE_TERMINATE_SESSION = 102; private static final int COMMAND_TYPE_PUBLISH = 103; private static final int COMMAND_TYPE_UPDATE_PUBLISH = 104; private static final int COMMAND_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE = 105; private static final int COMMAND_TYPE_UPDATE_SUBSCRIBE = 106; private static final int COMMAND_TYPE_ENQUEUE_SEND_MESSAGE = 107; private static final int COMMAND_TYPE_ENABLE_USAGE = 108; private static final int COMMAND_TYPE_DISABLE_USAGE = 109; private static final int COMMAND_TYPE_GET_CAPABILITIES = 111; private static final int COMMAND_TYPE_CREATE_ALL_DATA_PATH_INTERFACES = 112; private static final int COMMAND_TYPE_DELETE_ALL_DATA_PATH_INTERFACES = 113; private static final int COMMAND_TYPE_CREATE_DATA_PATH_INTERFACE = 114; private static final int COMMAND_TYPE_DELETE_DATA_PATH_INTERFACE = 115; private static final int COMMAND_TYPE_INITIATE_DATA_PATH_SETUP = 116; private static final int COMMAND_TYPE_RESPOND_TO_DATA_PATH_SETUP_REQUEST = 117; private static final int COMMAND_TYPE_END_DATA_PATH = 118; private static final int COMMAND_TYPE_TRANSMIT_NEXT_MESSAGE = 119; private static final int COMMAND_TYPE_RECONFIGURE = 120; private static final int COMMAND_TYPE_DELAYED_INITIALIZATION = 121; private static final int COMMAND_TYPE_GET_AWARE = 122; private static final int COMMAND_TYPE_RELEASE_AWARE = 123; private static final int COMMAND_TYPE_DISABLE = 124; private static final int RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_CONFIG_SUCCESS = 200; private static final int RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_CONFIG_FAIL = 201; private static final int RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_SESSION_CONFIG_SUCCESS = 202; private static final int RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_SESSION_CONFIG_FAIL = 203; private static final int RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_MESSAGE_SEND_QUEUED_SUCCESS = 204; private static final int RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_MESSAGE_SEND_QUEUED_FAIL = 205; private static final int RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_CAPABILITIES_UPDATED = 206; private static final int RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_CREATE_INTERFACE = 207; private static final int RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_DELETE_INTERFACE = 208; private static final int RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_INITIATE_DATA_PATH_SUCCESS = 209; private static final int RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_INITIATE_DATA_PATH_FAIL = 210; private static final int RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_RESPOND_TO_DATA_PATH_SETUP_REQUEST = 211; private static final int RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_END_DATA_PATH = 212; private static final int RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_DISABLE = 213; private static final int NOTIFICATION_TYPE_INTERFACE_CHANGE = 301; private static final int NOTIFICATION_TYPE_CLUSTER_CHANGE = 302; private static final int NOTIFICATION_TYPE_MATCH = 303; private static final int NOTIFICATION_TYPE_SESSION_TERMINATED = 304; private static final int NOTIFICATION_TYPE_MESSAGE_RECEIVED = 305; private static final int NOTIFICATION_TYPE_AWARE_DOWN = 306; private static final int NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ON_MESSAGE_SEND_SUCCESS = 307; private static final int NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ON_MESSAGE_SEND_FAIL = 308; private static final int NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ON_DATA_PATH_REQUEST = 309; private static final int NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ON_DATA_PATH_CONFIRM = 310; private static final int NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ON_DATA_PATH_END = 311; private static final int NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ON_DATA_PATH_SCHED_UPDATE = 312; private static final int NOTIFICATION_TYPE_MATCH_EXPIRED = 313; private static final SparseArray sSmToString = MessageUtils.findMessageNames( new Class[]{WifiAwareStateManager.class}, new String[]{"MESSAGE_TYPE", "COMMAND_TYPE", "RESPONSE_TYPE", "NOTIFICATION_TYPE"}); /* * Keys used when passing (some) arguments to the Handler thread (too many * arguments to pass in the short-cut Message members). */ private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SESSION_TYPE = "session_type"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SESSION_ID = "session_id"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CONFIG = "config"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE = "message"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE_PEER_ID = "message_peer_id"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE_ID = "message_id"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SSI_DATA = "ssi_data"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_FILTER_DATA = "filter_data"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MAC_ADDRESS = "mac_address"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE_DATA = "message_data"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_REQ_INSTANCE_ID = "req_instance_id"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SEND_MESSAGE_ENQUEUE_TIME = "message_queue_time"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_RETRY_COUNT = "retry_count"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SUCCESS_FLAG = "success_flag"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_STATUS_CODE = "status_code"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_INTERFACE_NAME = "interface_name"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CHANNEL_REQ_TYPE = "channel_request_type"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CHANNEL = "channel"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_PEER_ID = "peer_id"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_UID = "uid"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_PID = "pid"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CALLING_PACKAGE = "calling_package"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CALLING_FEATURE_ID = "calling_feature_id"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SENT_MESSAGE = "send_message"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE_ARRIVAL_SEQ = "message_arrival_seq"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_NOTIFY_IDENTITY_CHANGE = "notify_identity_chg"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_PMK = "pmk"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_PASSPHRASE = "passphrase"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_OOB = "out_of_band"; private static final String MESSAGE_RANGING_INDICATION = "ranging_indication"; private static final String MESSAGE_RANGE_MM = "range_mm"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_NDP_IDS = "ndp_ids"; private static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_APP_INFO = "app_info"; private WifiAwareNativeApi mWifiAwareNativeApi; private WifiAwareNativeManager mWifiAwareNativeManager; /* * Asynchronous access with no lock */ private volatile boolean mUsageEnabled = false; /* * Synchronous access: state is only accessed through the state machine * handler thread: no need to use a lock. */ private Context mContext; private WifiAwareMetrics mAwareMetrics; private WifiPermissionsUtil mWifiPermissionsUtil; private volatile Capabilities mCapabilities; private volatile Characteristics mCharacteristics = null; private WifiAwareStateMachine mSm; public WifiAwareDataPathStateManager mDataPathMgr; private PowerManager mPowerManager; private LocationManager mLocationManager; private WifiManager mWifiManager; private final SparseArray mClients = new SparseArray<>(); private ConfigRequest mCurrentAwareConfiguration = null; private boolean mCurrentIdentityNotification = false; private boolean mCurrentRangingEnabled = false; private boolean mIsInstantCommunicationModeEnabled = false; private static final byte[] ALL_ZERO_MAC = new byte[] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; private byte[] mCurrentDiscoveryInterfaceMac = ALL_ZERO_MAC; // Flag to help defer the connect request when disable Aware is not finished, to prevent race // condition. private boolean mAwareIsDisabling = false; public WifiAwareStateManager() { onReset(); } /** * Enable verbose logging. */ public void enableVerboseLogging(boolean verbose) { mDbg = verbose | VDBG; } /** * Inject references to other manager objects. Needed to resolve * circular dependencies and to allow mocking. */ public void setNative(WifiAwareNativeManager wifiAwareNativeManager, WifiAwareNativeApi wifiAwareNativeApi) { mWifiAwareNativeManager = wifiAwareNativeManager; mWifiAwareNativeApi = wifiAwareNativeApi; } /* * parameters settable through shell command */ public static final String PARAM_ON_IDLE_DISABLE_AWARE = "on_idle_disable_aware"; public static final int PARAM_ON_IDLE_DISABLE_AWARE_DEFAULT = 1; // 0 = false, 1 = true private Map mSettableParameters = new HashMap<>(); /** * Interpreter of adb shell command 'adb shell wifiaware native_api ...'. * * @return -1 if parameter not recognized or invalid value, 0 otherwise. */ @Override public int onCommand(BasicShellCommandHandler parentShell) { final PrintWriter pw_err = parentShell.getErrPrintWriter(); final PrintWriter pw_out = parentShell.getOutPrintWriter(); String subCmd = parentShell.getNextArgRequired(); switch (subCmd) { case "set": { String name = parentShell.getNextArgRequired(); if (!mSettableParameters.containsKey(name)) { pw_err.println("Unknown parameter name -- '" + name + "'"); return -1; } String valueStr = parentShell.getNextArgRequired(); int value; try { value = Integer.valueOf(valueStr); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { pw_err.println("Can't convert value to integer -- '" + valueStr + "'"); return -1; } mSettableParameters.put(name, value); return 0; } case "get": { String name = parentShell.getNextArgRequired(); if (!mSettableParameters.containsKey(name)) { pw_err.println("Unknown parameter name -- '" + name + "'"); return -1; } pw_out.println((int) mSettableParameters.get(name)); return 0; } case "get_capabilities": { JSONObject j = new JSONObject(); if (mCapabilities != null) { try { j.put("maxConcurrentAwareClusters", mCapabilities.maxConcurrentAwareClusters); j.put("maxPublishes", mCapabilities.maxPublishes); j.put("maxSubscribes", mCapabilities.maxSubscribes); j.put("maxServiceNameLen", mCapabilities.maxServiceNameLen); j.put("maxMatchFilterLen", mCapabilities.maxMatchFilterLen); j.put("maxTotalMatchFilterLen", mCapabilities.maxTotalMatchFilterLen); j.put("maxServiceSpecificInfoLen", mCapabilities.maxServiceSpecificInfoLen); j.put("maxExtendedServiceSpecificInfoLen", mCapabilities.maxExtendedServiceSpecificInfoLen); j.put("maxNdiInterfaces", mCapabilities.maxNdiInterfaces); j.put("maxNdpSessions", mCapabilities.maxNdpSessions); j.put("maxAppInfoLen", mCapabilities.maxAppInfoLen); j.put("maxQueuedTransmitMessages", mCapabilities.maxQueuedTransmitMessages); j.put("maxSubscribeInterfaceAddresses", mCapabilities.maxSubscribeInterfaceAddresses); j.put("supportedCipherSuites", mCapabilities.supportedCipherSuites); j.put("isInstantCommunicationModeSupported", mCapabilities.isInstantCommunicationModeSupported); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, "onCommand: get_capabilities e=" + e); } } pw_out.println(j.toString()); return 0; } case "get_aware_resources": { if (!SdkLevel.isAtLeastS()) { return -1; } JSONObject j = new JSONObject(); AwareResources resources = getAvailableAwareResources(); if (resources != null) { try { j.put("numOfAvailableNdps", resources.getAvailableDataPathsCount()); j.put("numOfAvailablePublishSessions", resources.getAvailablePublishSessionsCount()); j.put("numOfAvailableSubscribeSessions", resources.getAvailableSubscribeSessionsCount()); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, "onCommand: get_aware_resources e=" + e); } } pw_out.println(j.toString()); return 0; } case "allow_ndp_any": { String flag = parentShell.getNextArgRequired(); if (mDataPathMgr == null) { pw_err.println("Null Aware data-path manager - can't configure"); return -1; } if (TextUtils.equals("true", flag)) { mDataPathMgr.mAllowNdpResponderFromAnyOverride = true; return 0; } else if (TextUtils.equals("false", flag)) { mDataPathMgr.mAllowNdpResponderFromAnyOverride = false; return 0; } else { pw_err.println( "Unknown configuration flag for 'allow_ndp_any' - true|false expected" + " -- '" + flag + "'"); return -1; } } default: pw_err.println("Unknown 'wifiaware state_mgr '"); } return -1; } @Override public void onReset() { mSettableParameters.put(PARAM_ON_IDLE_DISABLE_AWARE, PARAM_ON_IDLE_DISABLE_AWARE_DEFAULT); if (mDataPathMgr != null) { mDataPathMgr.mAllowNdpResponderFromAnyOverride = false; } } @Override public void onHelp(String command, BasicShellCommandHandler parentShell) { final PrintWriter pw = parentShell.getOutPrintWriter(); pw.println(" " + command); pw.println(" set : sets named parameter to value. Names: " + mSettableParameters.keySet()); pw.println(" get : gets named parameter value. Names: " + mSettableParameters.keySet()); pw.println(" get_capabilities: prints out the capabilities as a JSON string"); pw.println( " allow_ndp_any true|false: configure whether Responders can be specified to " + "accept requests from ANY requestor (null peer spec)"); } /** * Initialize the handler of the state manager with the specified thread * looper. * * @param looper Thread looper on which to run the handler. */ public void start(Context context, Looper looper, WifiAwareMetrics awareMetrics, WifiPermissionsUtil wifiPermissionsUtil, WifiPermissionsWrapper permissionsWrapper, Clock clock, NetdWrapper netdWrapper) { Log.i(TAG, "start()"); mContext = context; mAwareMetrics = awareMetrics; mWifiPermissionsUtil = wifiPermissionsUtil; mSm = new WifiAwareStateMachine(TAG, looper); mSm.setDbg(VDBG); mSm.start(); mDataPathMgr = new WifiAwareDataPathStateManager(this, clock); mDataPathMgr.start(mContext, mSm.getHandler().getLooper(), awareMetrics, wifiPermissionsUtil, permissionsWrapper, netdWrapper); mPowerManager = mContext.getSystemService(PowerManager.class); mLocationManager = (LocationManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); mWifiManager = (WifiManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter(); intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON); intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF); intentFilter.addAction(PowerManager.ACTION_DEVICE_IDLE_MODE_CHANGED); mContext.registerReceiver(new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { String action = intent.getAction(); if (mDbg) Log.v(TAG, "BroadcastReceiver: action=" + action); if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON) || action.equals(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF)) { reconfigure(); } if (action.equals(PowerManager.ACTION_DEVICE_IDLE_MODE_CHANGED)) { if (mSettableParameters.get(PARAM_ON_IDLE_DISABLE_AWARE) != 0) { if (mPowerManager.isDeviceIdleMode()) { disableUsage(false); } else { enableUsage(); } } else { reconfigure(); } } } }, intentFilter); intentFilter = new IntentFilter(); intentFilter.addAction(LocationManager.MODE_CHANGED_ACTION); mContext.registerReceiver(new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (mDbg) Log.v(TAG, "onReceive: MODE_CHANGED_ACTION: intent=" + intent); if (wifiPermissionsUtil.isLocationModeEnabled()) { enableUsage(); } else { disableUsage(false); } } }, intentFilter); intentFilter = new IntentFilter(); intentFilter.addAction(WifiManager.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION); mContext.registerReceiver(new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (mDbg) Log.v(TAG, "onReceive: WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: intent=" + intent); boolean isEnabled = intent.getIntExtra(WifiManager.EXTRA_WIFI_STATE, WifiManager.WIFI_STATE_UNKNOWN) == WifiManager.WIFI_STATE_ENABLED; if (isEnabled) { enableUsage(); } else { disableUsage(false); } } }, intentFilter); } /** * Initialize the late-initialization sub-services: depend on other services already existing. */ public void startLate() { delayedInitialization(); } /** * Try to get capability if it is null. */ public void tryToGetAwareCapability() { if (mCapabilities != null) return; // Internal request for fetching capabilities. getAwareInterface(new WorkSource(Process.WIFI_UID)); queryCapabilities(); releaseAwareInterface(); } /** * Get the client state for the specified ID (or null if none exists). */ /* package */ WifiAwareClientState getClient(int clientId) { return mClients.get(clientId); } /** * Get the capabilities. */ public Capabilities getCapabilities() { return mCapabilities; } /** * Get the available aware resources. */ public AwareResources getAvailableAwareResources() { if (mCapabilities == null) { if (mDbg) { Log.v(TAG, "Aware capability hasn't loaded, resources is unknown."); } return null; } Pair numOfDiscoverySessions = getNumOfDiscoverySessions(); int numOfAvailableNdps = mCapabilities.maxNdpSessions - mDataPathMgr.getNumOfNdps(); int numOfAvailablePublishSessions = mCapabilities.maxPublishes - numOfDiscoverySessions.first; int numOfAvailableSubscribeSessions = mCapabilities.maxSubscribes - numOfDiscoverySessions.second; if (numOfAvailableNdps < 0) { Log.w(TAG, "Available NDPs number is negative, wrong capability?"); } if (numOfAvailablePublishSessions < 0) { Log.w(TAG, "Available publish session number is negative, wrong capability?"); } if (numOfAvailableSubscribeSessions < 0) { Log.w(TAG, "Available subscribe session number is negative, wrong capability?"); } return new AwareResources(numOfAvailableNdps, numOfAvailablePublishSessions, numOfAvailableSubscribeSessions); } private Pair getNumOfDiscoverySessions() { int numOfPub = 0; int numOfSub = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mClients.size(); i++) { WifiAwareClientState clientState = mClients.valueAt(i); for (int j = 0; j < clientState.getSessions().size(); j++) { WifiAwareDiscoverySessionState session = clientState.getSessions().valueAt(j); if (session.isPublishSession()) { numOfPub++; } else { numOfSub++; } } } return Pair.create(numOfPub, numOfSub); } /** * Get the public characteristics derived from the capabilities. Use lazy initialization. */ public Characteristics getCharacteristics() { if (mCharacteristics == null && mCapabilities != null) { mCharacteristics = mCapabilities.toPublicCharacteristics(); } return mCharacteristics; } /* * Cross-service API: synchronized but independent of state machine */ /** * Translate (and return in the callback) the peerId to its MAC address representation. */ public void requestMacAddresses(int uid, List peerIds, IWifiAwareMacAddressProvider callback) { mSm.getHandler().post(() -> { if (VDBG) Log.v(TAG, "requestMacAddresses: uid=" + uid + ", peerIds=" + peerIds); Map peerIdToMacMap = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < mClients.size(); ++i) { WifiAwareClientState client = mClients.valueAt(i); if (client.getUid() != uid) { continue; } SparseArray sessions = client.getSessions(); for (int j = 0; j < sessions.size(); ++j) { WifiAwareDiscoverySessionState session = sessions.valueAt(j); for (int peerId : peerIds) { WifiAwareDiscoverySessionState.PeerInfo peerInfo = session.getPeerInfo( peerId); if (peerInfo != null) { peerIdToMacMap.put(peerId, peerInfo.mMac); } } } } try { if (mDbg) Log.v(TAG, "requestMacAddresses: peerIdToMacMap=" + peerIdToMacMap); callback.macAddress(peerIdToMacMap); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "requestMacAddress (sync): exception on callback -- " + e); } }); } /* * COMMANDS */ /** * Place a request for delayed start operation on the state machine queue. */ public void delayedInitialization() { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND); msg.arg1 = COMMAND_TYPE_DELAYED_INITIALIZATION; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a request to get the Wi-Fi Aware interface (before which no HAL command can be * executed). */ public void getAwareInterface(@NonNull WorkSource requestorWs) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND); msg.arg1 = COMMAND_TYPE_GET_AWARE; msg.obj = requestorWs; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a request to release the Wi-Fi Aware interface (after which no HAL command can be * executed). */ public void releaseAwareInterface() { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND); msg.arg1 = COMMAND_TYPE_RELEASE_AWARE; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Enable instant communication mode if supported. * @param enabled true for enable, false for disable. */ public void enableInstantCommunicationMode(boolean enabled) { if (mCapabilities == null) { if (mDbg) { Log.v(TAG, "Aware capability is not loaded."); } return; } if (!mCapabilities.isInstantCommunicationModeSupported) { if (mDbg) { Log.v(TAG, "Device does not support instant communication mode."); } return; } boolean changed = mIsInstantCommunicationModeEnabled != enabled; mIsInstantCommunicationModeEnabled = enabled; if (!changed) { return; } reconfigure(); } /** * Get if instant communication mode is currently enabled. * @return true if enabled, false otherwise. */ public boolean isInstantCommunicationModeEnabled() { return mIsInstantCommunicationModeEnabled; } /** * Place a request for a new client connection on the state machine queue. */ public void connect(int clientId, int uid, int pid, String callingPackage, @Nullable String callingFeatureId, IWifiAwareEventCallback callback, ConfigRequest configRequest, boolean notifyOnIdentityChanged) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND); msg.arg1 = COMMAND_TYPE_CONNECT; msg.arg2 = clientId; msg.obj = callback; msg.getData().putParcelable(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CONFIG, configRequest); msg.getData().putInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_UID, uid); msg.getData().putInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_PID, pid); msg.getData().putString(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CALLING_PACKAGE, callingPackage); msg.getData().putString(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CALLING_FEATURE_ID, callingFeatureId); msg.getData().putBoolean(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_NOTIFY_IDENTITY_CHANGE, notifyOnIdentityChanged); mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a request to disconnect (destroy) an existing client on the state * machine queue. */ public void disconnect(int clientId) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND); msg.arg1 = COMMAND_TYPE_DISCONNECT; msg.arg2 = clientId; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a request to defer Disable Aware on the state machine queue. */ private void deferDisableAware() { mAwareIsDisabling = true; Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND); msg.arg1 = COMMAND_TYPE_DISABLE; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a request to reconfigure Aware. No additional input - intended to use current * power settings when executed. Thus possibly entering or exiting power saving mode if * needed (or do nothing if Aware is not active). */ public void reconfigure() { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND); msg.arg1 = COMMAND_TYPE_RECONFIGURE; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a request to stop a discovery session on the state machine queue. */ public void terminateSession(int clientId, int sessionId) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND); msg.arg1 = COMMAND_TYPE_TERMINATE_SESSION; msg.arg2 = clientId; msg.obj = sessionId; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a request to start a new publish discovery session on the state * machine queue. */ public void publish(int clientId, PublishConfig publishConfig, IWifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback callback) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND); msg.arg1 = COMMAND_TYPE_PUBLISH; msg.arg2 = clientId; msg.obj = callback; msg.getData().putParcelable(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CONFIG, publishConfig); mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a request to modify an existing publish discovery session on the * state machine queue. */ public void updatePublish(int clientId, int sessionId, PublishConfig publishConfig) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND); msg.arg1 = COMMAND_TYPE_UPDATE_PUBLISH; msg.arg2 = clientId; msg.getData().putParcelable(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CONFIG, publishConfig); msg.getData().putInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SESSION_ID, sessionId); mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a request to start a new subscribe discovery session on the state * machine queue. */ public void subscribe(int clientId, SubscribeConfig subscribeConfig, IWifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback callback) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND); msg.arg1 = COMMAND_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE; msg.arg2 = clientId; msg.obj = callback; msg.getData().putParcelable(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CONFIG, subscribeConfig); mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a request to modify an existing subscribe discovery session on the * state machine queue. */ public void updateSubscribe(int clientId, int sessionId, SubscribeConfig subscribeConfig) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND); msg.arg1 = COMMAND_TYPE_UPDATE_SUBSCRIBE; msg.arg2 = clientId; msg.getData().putParcelable(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CONFIG, subscribeConfig); msg.getData().putInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SESSION_ID, sessionId); mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a request to send a message on a discovery session on the state * machine queue. */ public void sendMessage(int uid, int clientId, int sessionId, int peerId, byte[] message, int messageId, int retryCount) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND); msg.arg1 = COMMAND_TYPE_ENQUEUE_SEND_MESSAGE; msg.arg2 = clientId; msg.getData().putInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SESSION_ID, sessionId); msg.getData().putInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE_PEER_ID, peerId); msg.getData().putByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE, message); msg.getData().putInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE_ID, messageId); msg.getData().putInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_RETRY_COUNT, retryCount); msg.getData().putInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_UID, uid); mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Enable usage of Aware. Doesn't actually turn on Aware (form clusters) - that * only happens when a connection is created. */ public void enableUsage() { if (mSettableParameters.get(PARAM_ON_IDLE_DISABLE_AWARE) != 0 && mPowerManager.isDeviceIdleMode()) { if (mDbg) Log.d(TAG, "enableUsage(): while device is in IDLE mode - ignoring"); return; } if (!mWifiPermissionsUtil.isLocationModeEnabled()) { if (mDbg) Log.d(TAG, "enableUsage(): while location is disabled - ignoring"); return; } if (mWifiManager.getWifiState() != WifiManager.WIFI_STATE_ENABLED) { if (mDbg) Log.d(TAG, "enableUsage(): while Wi-Fi is disabled - ignoring"); return; } Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND); msg.arg1 = COMMAND_TYPE_ENABLE_USAGE; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Disable usage of Aware. Terminates all existing clients with onAwareDown(). * @param markAsAvailable mark the Aware service as available to all app or not. */ public void disableUsage(boolean markAsAvailable) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND); msg.arg1 = COMMAND_TYPE_DISABLE_USAGE; msg.arg2 = markAsAvailable ? 1 : 0; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Checks whether Aware usage is enabled (not necessarily that Aware is up right * now) or disabled. * * @return A boolean indicating whether Aware usage is enabled (true) or * disabled (false). */ public boolean isUsageEnabled() { return mUsageEnabled; } /** * Get the capabilities of the current Aware firmware. */ public void queryCapabilities() { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND); msg.arg1 = COMMAND_TYPE_GET_CAPABILITIES; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Create all Aware data path interfaces which are supported by the firmware capabilities. */ public void createAllDataPathInterfaces() { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND); msg.arg1 = COMMAND_TYPE_CREATE_ALL_DATA_PATH_INTERFACES; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * delete all Aware data path interfaces. */ public void deleteAllDataPathInterfaces() { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND); msg.arg1 = COMMAND_TYPE_DELETE_ALL_DATA_PATH_INTERFACES; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Create the specified data-path interface. Doesn't actually creates a data-path. */ public void createDataPathInterface(String interfaceName) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND); msg.arg1 = COMMAND_TYPE_CREATE_DATA_PATH_INTERFACE; msg.obj = interfaceName; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Deletes the specified data-path interface. */ public void deleteDataPathInterface(String interfaceName) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND); msg.arg1 = COMMAND_TYPE_DELETE_DATA_PATH_INTERFACE; msg.obj = interfaceName; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Command to initiate a data-path (executed by the initiator). */ public void initiateDataPathSetup(WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier networkSpecifier, int peerId, int channelRequestType, int channel, byte[] peer, String interfaceName, byte[] pmk, String passphrase, boolean isOutOfBand, byte[] appInfo) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND); msg.arg1 = COMMAND_TYPE_INITIATE_DATA_PATH_SETUP; msg.obj = networkSpecifier; msg.getData().putInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_PEER_ID, peerId); msg.getData().putInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CHANNEL_REQ_TYPE, channelRequestType); msg.getData().putInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CHANNEL, channel); msg.getData().putByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MAC_ADDRESS, peer); msg.getData().putString(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_INTERFACE_NAME, interfaceName); msg.getData().putByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_PMK, pmk); msg.getData().putString(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_PASSPHRASE, passphrase); msg.getData().putBoolean(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_OOB, isOutOfBand); msg.getData().putByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_APP_INFO, appInfo); mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Command to respond to the data-path request (executed by the responder). */ public void respondToDataPathRequest(boolean accept, int ndpId, String interfaceName, byte[] pmk, String passphrase, byte[] appInfo, boolean isOutOfBand) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND); msg.arg1 = COMMAND_TYPE_RESPOND_TO_DATA_PATH_SETUP_REQUEST; msg.arg2 = ndpId; msg.obj = accept; msg.getData().putString(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_INTERFACE_NAME, interfaceName); msg.getData().putByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_PMK, pmk); msg.getData().putString(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_PASSPHRASE, passphrase); msg.getData().putByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_APP_INFO, appInfo); msg.getData().putBoolean(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_OOB, isOutOfBand); mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Command to terminate the specified data-path. */ public void endDataPath(int ndpId) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND); msg.arg1 = COMMAND_TYPE_END_DATA_PATH; msg.arg2 = ndpId; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Aware follow-on messages (L2 messages) are queued by the firmware for transmission * on-the-air. The firmware has limited queue depth. The host queues all messages and doles * them out to the firmware when possible. This command removes the next messages for * transmission from the host queue and attempts to send it through the firmware. The queues * are inspected when the command is executed - not when the command is placed on the handler * (i.e. not evaluated here). */ private void transmitNextMessage() { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND); msg.arg1 = COMMAND_TYPE_TRANSMIT_NEXT_MESSAGE; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /* * RESPONSES */ /** * Place a callback request on the state machine queue: configuration * request completed (successfully). */ public void onConfigSuccessResponse(short transactionId) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE); msg.arg1 = RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_CONFIG_SUCCESS; msg.arg2 = transactionId; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a callback request on the state machine queue: configuration * request failed. */ public void onConfigFailedResponse(short transactionId, int reason) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE); msg.arg1 = RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_CONFIG_FAIL; msg.arg2 = transactionId; msg.obj = reason; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a callback request on the stage machine queue: disable request finished * (with the provided reason code). */ public void onDisableResponse(short transactionId, int reason) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE); msg.arg1 = RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_DISABLE; msg.arg2 = transactionId; msg.obj = reason; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a callback request on the state machine queue: session * configuration (new or update) request succeeded. */ public void onSessionConfigSuccessResponse(short transactionId, boolean isPublish, byte pubSubId) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE); msg.arg1 = RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_SESSION_CONFIG_SUCCESS; msg.arg2 = transactionId; msg.obj = pubSubId; msg.getData().putBoolean(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SESSION_TYPE, isPublish); mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a callback request on the state machine queue: session * configuration (new or update) request failed. */ public void onSessionConfigFailResponse(short transactionId, boolean isPublish, int reason) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE); msg.arg1 = RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_SESSION_CONFIG_FAIL; msg.arg2 = transactionId; msg.obj = reason; msg.getData().putBoolean(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SESSION_TYPE, isPublish); mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a callback request on the state machine queue: message has been queued successfully. */ public void onMessageSendQueuedSuccessResponse(short transactionId) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE); msg.arg1 = RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_MESSAGE_SEND_QUEUED_SUCCESS; msg.arg2 = transactionId; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a callback request on the state machine queue: attempt to queue the message failed. */ public void onMessageSendQueuedFailResponse(short transactionId, int reason) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE); msg.arg1 = RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_MESSAGE_SEND_QUEUED_FAIL; msg.arg2 = transactionId; msg.obj = reason; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a callback request on the state machine queue: update vendor * capabilities of the Aware stack. */ public void onCapabilitiesUpdateResponse(short transactionId, Capabilities capabilities) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE); msg.arg1 = RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_CAPABILITIES_UPDATED; msg.arg2 = transactionId; msg.obj = capabilities; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Places a callback request on the state machine queue: data-path interface creation command * completed. */ public void onCreateDataPathInterfaceResponse(short transactionId, boolean success, int reasonOnFailure) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE); msg.arg1 = RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_CREATE_INTERFACE; msg.arg2 = transactionId; msg.getData().putBoolean(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SUCCESS_FLAG, success); msg.getData().putInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_STATUS_CODE, reasonOnFailure); mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Places a callback request on the state machine queue: data-path interface deletion command * completed. */ public void onDeleteDataPathInterfaceResponse(short transactionId, boolean success, int reasonOnFailure) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE); msg.arg1 = RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_DELETE_INTERFACE; msg.arg2 = transactionId; msg.getData().putBoolean(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SUCCESS_FLAG, success); msg.getData().putInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_STATUS_CODE, reasonOnFailure); mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Response from firmware to initiateDataPathSetup(...). Indicates that command has started * succesfully (not completed!). */ public void onInitiateDataPathResponseSuccess(short transactionId, int ndpId) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE); msg.arg1 = RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_INITIATE_DATA_PATH_SUCCESS; msg.arg2 = transactionId; msg.obj = ndpId; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Response from firmware to initiateDataPathSetup(...). * Indicates that command has failed. */ public void onInitiateDataPathResponseFail(short transactionId, int reason) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE); msg.arg1 = RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_INITIATE_DATA_PATH_FAIL; msg.arg2 = transactionId; msg.obj = reason; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Response from firmware to * {@link #respondToDataPathRequest(boolean, int, String, byte[], String, byte[], boolean)} */ public void onRespondToDataPathSetupRequestResponse(short transactionId, boolean success, int reasonOnFailure) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE); msg.arg1 = RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_RESPOND_TO_DATA_PATH_SETUP_REQUEST; msg.arg2 = transactionId; msg.getData().putBoolean(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SUCCESS_FLAG, success); msg.getData().putInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_STATUS_CODE, reasonOnFailure); mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Response from firmware to {@link #endDataPath(int)}. */ public void onEndDataPathResponse(short transactionId, boolean success, int reasonOnFailure) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE); msg.arg1 = RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_END_DATA_PATH; msg.arg2 = transactionId; msg.getData().putBoolean(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SUCCESS_FLAG, success); msg.getData().putInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_STATUS_CODE, reasonOnFailure); mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /* * NOTIFICATIONS */ /** * Place a callback request on the state machine queue: the discovery * interface has changed. */ public void onInterfaceAddressChangeNotification(byte[] mac) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION); msg.arg1 = NOTIFICATION_TYPE_INTERFACE_CHANGE; msg.obj = mac; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a callback request on the state machine queue: the cluster * membership has changed (e.g. due to starting a new cluster or joining * another cluster). */ public void onClusterChangeNotification(int flag, byte[] clusterId) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION); msg.arg1 = NOTIFICATION_TYPE_CLUSTER_CHANGE; msg.arg2 = flag; msg.obj = clusterId; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a callback request on the state machine queue: a discovery match * has occurred - e.g. our subscription discovered someone else publishing a * matching service (to the one we were looking for). */ public void onMatchNotification(int pubSubId, int requestorInstanceId, byte[] peerMac, byte[] serviceSpecificInfo, byte[] matchFilter, int rangingIndication, int rangeMm) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION); msg.arg1 = NOTIFICATION_TYPE_MATCH; msg.arg2 = pubSubId; msg.getData().putInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_REQ_INSTANCE_ID, requestorInstanceId); msg.getData().putByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MAC_ADDRESS, peerMac); msg.getData().putByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SSI_DATA, serviceSpecificInfo); msg.getData().putByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_FILTER_DATA, matchFilter); msg.getData().putInt(MESSAGE_RANGING_INDICATION, rangingIndication); msg.getData().putInt(MESSAGE_RANGE_MM, rangeMm); mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a callback request on the state machine queue: a discovered session * has expired - e.g. some discovered peer is no longer visible. */ public void onMatchExpiredNotification(int pubSubId, int requestorInstanceId) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION); msg.arg1 = NOTIFICATION_TYPE_MATCH_EXPIRED; msg.arg2 = pubSubId; msg.getData().putInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_REQ_INSTANCE_ID, requestorInstanceId); mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a callback request on the state machine queue: a session (publish * or subscribe) has terminated (per plan or due to an error). */ public void onSessionTerminatedNotification(int pubSubId, int reason, boolean isPublish) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION); msg.arg1 = NOTIFICATION_TYPE_SESSION_TERMINATED; msg.arg2 = pubSubId; msg.obj = reason; msg.getData().putBoolean(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SESSION_TYPE, isPublish); mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a callback request on the state machine queue: a message has been * received as part of a discovery session. */ public void onMessageReceivedNotification(int pubSubId, int requestorInstanceId, byte[] peerMac, byte[] message) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION); msg.arg1 = NOTIFICATION_TYPE_MESSAGE_RECEIVED; msg.arg2 = pubSubId; msg.obj = requestorInstanceId; msg.getData().putByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MAC_ADDRESS, peerMac); msg.getData().putByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE_DATA, message); mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a callback request on the state machine queue: Aware is going down. */ public void onAwareDownNotification(int reason) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION); msg.arg1 = NOTIFICATION_TYPE_AWARE_DOWN; msg.arg2 = reason; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Notification that a message has been sent successfully (i.e. an ACK has been received). */ public void onMessageSendSuccessNotification(short transactionId) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION); msg.arg1 = NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ON_MESSAGE_SEND_SUCCESS; msg.arg2 = transactionId; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Notification that a message transmission has failed due to the indicated reason - e.g. no ACK * was received. */ public void onMessageSendFailNotification(short transactionId, int reason) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION); msg.arg1 = NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ON_MESSAGE_SEND_FAIL; msg.arg2 = transactionId; msg.obj = reason; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a callback request on the state machine queue: data-path request (from peer) received. */ public void onDataPathRequestNotification(int pubSubId, byte[] mac, int ndpId, byte[] message) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION); msg.arg1 = NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ON_DATA_PATH_REQUEST; msg.arg2 = pubSubId; msg.obj = ndpId; msg.getData().putByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MAC_ADDRESS, mac); msg.getData().putByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE, message); mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a callback request on the state machine queue: data-path confirmation received - i.e. * data-path is now up. */ public void onDataPathConfirmNotification(int ndpId, byte[] mac, boolean accept, int reason, byte[] message, List channelInfo) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION); msg.arg1 = NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ON_DATA_PATH_CONFIRM; msg.arg2 = ndpId; msg.getData().putByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MAC_ADDRESS, mac); msg.getData().putBoolean(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SUCCESS_FLAG, accept); msg.getData().putInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_STATUS_CODE, reason); msg.getData().putByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE_DATA, message); msg.obj = channelInfo; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a callback request on the state machine queue: the specified data-path has been * terminated. */ public void onDataPathEndNotification(int ndpId) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION); msg.arg1 = NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ON_DATA_PATH_END; msg.arg2 = ndpId; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Place a callback request on the state machine queue: schedule update for the specified * data-paths. */ public void onDataPathScheduleUpdateNotification(byte[] peerMac, ArrayList ndpIds, List channelInfo) { Message msg = mSm.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION); msg.arg1 = NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ON_DATA_PATH_SCHED_UPDATE; msg.getData().putByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MAC_ADDRESS, peerMac); msg.getData().putIntegerArrayList(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_NDP_IDS, ndpIds); msg.obj = channelInfo; mSm.sendMessage(msg); } /** * State machine. */ @VisibleForTesting class WifiAwareStateMachine extends StateMachine { private static final int TRANSACTION_ID_IGNORE = 0; private DefaultState mDefaultState = new DefaultState(); private WaitState mWaitState = new WaitState(); private WaitForResponseState mWaitForResponseState = new WaitForResponseState(); private short mNextTransactionId = 1; public int mNextSessionId = 1; private Message mCurrentCommand; private short mCurrentTransactionId = TRANSACTION_ID_IGNORE; private static final long AWARE_SEND_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT = 10_000; private static final int MESSAGE_QUEUE_DEPTH_PER_UID = 50; private int mSendArrivalSequenceCounter = 0; private boolean mSendQueueBlocked = false; private final SparseArray mHostQueuedSendMessages = new SparseArray<>(); private final Map mFwQueuedSendMessages = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private WakeupMessage mSendMessageTimeoutMessage = new WakeupMessage(mContext, getHandler(), HAL_SEND_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_TAG, MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT); private static final long AWARE_WAIT_FOR_DP_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT = 20_000; private final SparseArray mDataPathConfirmTimeoutMessages = new SparseArray<>(); WifiAwareStateMachine(String name, Looper looper) { super(name, looper); addState(mDefaultState); /* --> */ addState(mWaitState, mDefaultState); /* --> */ addState(mWaitForResponseState, mDefaultState); setInitialState(mWaitState); } public void onAwareDownCleanupSendQueueState() { mSendQueueBlocked = false; mHostQueuedSendMessages.clear(); mFwQueuedSendMessages.clear(); } private class DefaultState extends State { @Override public boolean processMessage(Message msg) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, getName() + msg.toString()); } switch (msg.what) { case MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION: processNotification(msg); return HANDLED; case MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT: processSendMessageTimeout(); return HANDLED; case MESSAGE_TYPE_DATA_PATH_TIMEOUT: { int ndpId = msg.arg1; if (mDbg) { Log.v(TAG, "MESSAGE_TYPE_DATA_PATH_TIMEOUT: ndpId=" + ndpId); } mDataPathMgr.handleDataPathTimeout(ndpId); mDataPathConfirmTimeoutMessages.remove(ndpId); return HANDLED; } default: /* fall-through */ } Log.wtf(TAG, "DefaultState: should not get non-NOTIFICATION in this state: msg=" + msg); return NOT_HANDLED; } } private class WaitState extends State { @Override public boolean processMessage(Message msg) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, getName() + msg.toString()); } switch (msg.what) { case MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND: if (processCommand(msg)) { transitionTo(mWaitForResponseState); } return HANDLED; case MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE: /* fall-through */ case MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT: /* * remnants/delayed/out-of-sync messages - but let * WaitForResponseState deal with them (identified as * out-of-date by transaction ID). */ deferMessage(msg); return HANDLED; default: /* fall-through */ } return NOT_HANDLED; } } private class WaitForResponseState extends State { private static final long AWARE_COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 5_000; private WakeupMessage mTimeoutMessage; @Override public void enter() { mTimeoutMessage = new WakeupMessage(mContext, getHandler(), HAL_COMMAND_TIMEOUT_TAG, MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT, mCurrentCommand.arg1, mCurrentTransactionId); mTimeoutMessage.schedule(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + AWARE_COMMAND_TIMEOUT); } @Override public void exit() { mTimeoutMessage.cancel(); } @Override public boolean processMessage(Message msg) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, getName() + msg.toString()); } switch (msg.what) { case MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND: /* * don't want COMMANDs in this state - defer until back * in WaitState */ deferMessage(msg); return HANDLED; case MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE: if (msg.arg2 == mCurrentTransactionId) { processResponse(msg); transitionTo(mWaitState); } else { Log.w(TAG, "WaitForResponseState: processMessage: non-matching " + "transaction ID on RESPONSE (a very late " + "response) -- msg=" + msg); /* no transition */ } return HANDLED; case MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT: if (msg.arg2 == mCurrentTransactionId) { processTimeout(msg); transitionTo(mWaitState); } else { Log.w(TAG, "WaitForResponseState: processMessage: non-matching " + "transaction ID on RESPONSE_TIMEOUT (either a non-cancelled " + "timeout or a race condition with cancel) -- msg=" + msg); /* no transition */ } return HANDLED; default: /* fall-through */ } return NOT_HANDLED; } } private void processNotification(Message msg) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "processNotification: msg=" + msg); } switch (msg.arg1) { case NOTIFICATION_TYPE_INTERFACE_CHANGE: { byte[] mac = (byte[]) msg.obj; onInterfaceAddressChangeLocal(mac); break; } case NOTIFICATION_TYPE_CLUSTER_CHANGE: { int flag = msg.arg2; byte[] clusterId = (byte[]) msg.obj; onClusterChangeLocal(flag, clusterId); break; } case NOTIFICATION_TYPE_MATCH: { int pubSubId = msg.arg2; int requestorInstanceId = msg.getData() .getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_REQ_INSTANCE_ID); byte[] peerMac = msg.getData().getByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MAC_ADDRESS); byte[] serviceSpecificInfo = msg.getData() .getByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SSI_DATA); byte[] matchFilter = msg.getData().getByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_FILTER_DATA); int rangingIndication = msg.getData().getInt(MESSAGE_RANGING_INDICATION); int rangeMm = msg.getData().getInt(MESSAGE_RANGE_MM); onMatchLocal(pubSubId, requestorInstanceId, peerMac, serviceSpecificInfo, matchFilter, rangingIndication, rangeMm); break; } case NOTIFICATION_TYPE_MATCH_EXPIRED: { int pubSubId = msg.arg2; int requestorInstanceId = msg.getData() .getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_REQ_INSTANCE_ID); onMatchExpiredLocal(pubSubId, requestorInstanceId); break; } case NOTIFICATION_TYPE_SESSION_TERMINATED: { int pubSubId = msg.arg2; int reason = (Integer) msg.obj; boolean isPublish = msg.getData().getBoolean(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SESSION_TYPE); onSessionTerminatedLocal(pubSubId, isPublish, reason); break; } case NOTIFICATION_TYPE_MESSAGE_RECEIVED: { int pubSubId = msg.arg2; int requestorInstanceId = (Integer) msg.obj; byte[] peerMac = msg.getData().getByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MAC_ADDRESS); byte[] message = msg.getData().getByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE_DATA); onMessageReceivedLocal(pubSubId, requestorInstanceId, peerMac, message); break; } case NOTIFICATION_TYPE_AWARE_DOWN: { int reason = msg.arg2; /* * TODO: b/28615938. Use reason code to determine whether or not need clean-up * local state (only needed if AWARE_DOWN is due to internal firmware reason, * e.g. concurrency, rather than due to a requested shutdown). */ onAwareDownLocal(); if (reason != NanStatusType.SUCCESS) { sendAwareStateChangedBroadcast(false); } break; } case NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ON_MESSAGE_SEND_SUCCESS: { short transactionId = (short) msg.arg2; Message queuedSendCommand = mFwQueuedSendMessages.get(transactionId); if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ON_MESSAGE_SEND_SUCCESS: queuedSendCommand=" + queuedSendCommand); } if (queuedSendCommand == null) { Log.w(TAG, "processNotification: NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ON_MESSAGE_SEND_SUCCESS:" + " transactionId=" + transactionId + " - no such queued send command (timed-out?)"); } else { mFwQueuedSendMessages.remove(transactionId); updateSendMessageTimeout(); onMessageSendSuccessLocal(queuedSendCommand); } mSendQueueBlocked = false; transmitNextMessage(); break; } case NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ON_MESSAGE_SEND_FAIL: { short transactionId = (short) msg.arg2; int reason = (Integer) msg.obj; Message sentMessage = mFwQueuedSendMessages.get(transactionId); if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ON_MESSAGE_SEND_FAIL: sentMessage=" + sentMessage); } if (sentMessage == null) { Log.w(TAG, "processNotification: NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ON_MESSAGE_SEND_FAIL:" + " transactionId=" + transactionId + " - no such queued send command (timed-out?)"); } else { mFwQueuedSendMessages.remove(transactionId); updateSendMessageTimeout(); int retryCount = sentMessage.getData() .getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_RETRY_COUNT); if (retryCount > 0 && reason == NanStatusType.NO_OTA_ACK) { if (mDbg) { Log.v(TAG, "NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ON_MESSAGE_SEND_FAIL: transactionId=" + transactionId + ", reason=" + reason + ": retransmitting - retryCount=" + retryCount); } sentMessage.getData().putInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_RETRY_COUNT, retryCount - 1); int arrivalSeq = sentMessage.getData().getInt( MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE_ARRIVAL_SEQ); mHostQueuedSendMessages.put(arrivalSeq, sentMessage); } else { onMessageSendFailLocal(sentMessage, reason); } mSendQueueBlocked = false; transmitNextMessage(); } break; } case NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ON_DATA_PATH_REQUEST: { int ndpId = (int) msg.obj; boolean success = mDataPathMgr.onDataPathRequest( msg.arg2, msg.getData().getByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MAC_ADDRESS), ndpId, msg.getData().getByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE)); if (success) { WakeupMessage timeout = new WakeupMessage(mContext, getHandler(), HAL_DATA_PATH_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT_TAG, MESSAGE_TYPE_DATA_PATH_TIMEOUT, ndpId); mDataPathConfirmTimeoutMessages.put(ndpId, timeout); timeout.schedule( SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + AWARE_WAIT_FOR_DP_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT); } break; } case NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ON_DATA_PATH_CONFIRM: { int ndpId = msg.arg2; boolean success = mDataPathMgr.onDataPathConfirm( ndpId, msg.getData().getByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MAC_ADDRESS), msg.getData().getBoolean(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SUCCESS_FLAG), msg.getData().getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_STATUS_CODE), msg.getData().getByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE_DATA), (List) msg.obj); if (success) { WakeupMessage timeout = mDataPathConfirmTimeoutMessages.get(ndpId); if (timeout != null) { mDataPathConfirmTimeoutMessages.remove(ndpId); timeout.cancel(); } } break; } case NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ON_DATA_PATH_END: mDataPathMgr.onDataPathEnd(msg.arg2); break; case NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ON_DATA_PATH_SCHED_UPDATE: mDataPathMgr.onDataPathSchedUpdate( msg.getData().getByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MAC_ADDRESS), msg.getData().getIntegerArrayList(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_NDP_IDS), (List) msg.obj); break; default: Log.wtf(TAG, "processNotification: this isn't a NOTIFICATION -- msg=" + msg); return; } } /** * Execute the command specified by the input Message. Returns a true if * need to wait for a RESPONSE, otherwise a false. We may not have to * wait for a RESPONSE if there was an error in the state (so no command * is sent to HAL) OR if we choose not to wait for response - e.g. for * disconnected/terminate commands failure is not possible. */ private boolean processCommand(Message msg) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "processCommand: msg=" + msg); } if (mCurrentCommand != null) { Log.wtf(TAG, "processCommand: receiving a command (msg=" + msg + ") but current (previous) command isn't null (prev_msg=" + mCurrentCommand + ")"); mCurrentCommand = null; } mCurrentTransactionId = mNextTransactionId++; boolean waitForResponse = true; switch (msg.arg1) { case COMMAND_TYPE_CONNECT: { if (mAwareIsDisabling) { deferMessage(msg); waitForResponse = false; break; } int clientId = msg.arg2; IWifiAwareEventCallback callback = (IWifiAwareEventCallback) msg.obj; ConfigRequest configRequest = (ConfigRequest) msg.getData() .getParcelable(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CONFIG); int uid = msg.getData().getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_UID); int pid = msg.getData().getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_PID); String callingPackage = msg.getData().getString( MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CALLING_PACKAGE); String callingFeatureId = msg.getData().getString( MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CALLING_FEATURE_ID); boolean notifyIdentityChange = msg.getData().getBoolean( MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_NOTIFY_IDENTITY_CHANGE); waitForResponse = connectLocal(mCurrentTransactionId, clientId, uid, pid, callingPackage, callingFeatureId, callback, configRequest, notifyIdentityChange); break; } case COMMAND_TYPE_DISCONNECT: { int clientId = msg.arg2; waitForResponse = disconnectLocal(mCurrentTransactionId, clientId); break; } case COMMAND_TYPE_DISABLE: { mAwareIsDisabling = false; // Must trigger a state transition to execute the deferred connect command if (!mWifiAwareNativeApi.disable(mCurrentTransactionId)) { onDisableResponse(mCurrentTransactionId, WifiStatusCode.ERROR_UNKNOWN); } break; } case COMMAND_TYPE_RECONFIGURE: waitForResponse = reconfigureLocal(mCurrentTransactionId); break; case COMMAND_TYPE_TERMINATE_SESSION: { int clientId = msg.arg2; int sessionId = (Integer) msg.obj; terminateSessionLocal(clientId, sessionId); waitForResponse = false; break; } case COMMAND_TYPE_PUBLISH: { int clientId = msg.arg2; IWifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback callback = (IWifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback) msg.obj; PublishConfig publishConfig = (PublishConfig) msg.getData() .getParcelable(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CONFIG); waitForResponse = publishLocal(mCurrentTransactionId, clientId, publishConfig, callback); break; } case COMMAND_TYPE_UPDATE_PUBLISH: { int clientId = msg.arg2; int sessionId = msg.getData().getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SESSION_ID); PublishConfig publishConfig = (PublishConfig) msg.getData() .getParcelable(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CONFIG); waitForResponse = updatePublishLocal(mCurrentTransactionId, clientId, sessionId, publishConfig); break; } case COMMAND_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE: { int clientId = msg.arg2; IWifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback callback = (IWifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback) msg.obj; SubscribeConfig subscribeConfig = (SubscribeConfig) msg.getData() .getParcelable(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CONFIG); waitForResponse = subscribeLocal(mCurrentTransactionId, clientId, subscribeConfig, callback); break; } case COMMAND_TYPE_UPDATE_SUBSCRIBE: { int clientId = msg.arg2; int sessionId = msg.getData().getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SESSION_ID); SubscribeConfig subscribeConfig = (SubscribeConfig) msg.getData() .getParcelable(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CONFIG); waitForResponse = updateSubscribeLocal(mCurrentTransactionId, clientId, sessionId, subscribeConfig); break; } case COMMAND_TYPE_ENQUEUE_SEND_MESSAGE: { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "processCommand: ENQUEUE_SEND_MESSAGE - messageId=" + msg.getData().getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE_ID) + ", mSendArrivalSequenceCounter=" + mSendArrivalSequenceCounter); } int uid = msg.getData().getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_UID); if (isUidExceededMessageQueueDepthLimit(uid)) { if (mDbg) { Log.v(TAG, "message queue limit exceeded for uid=" + uid + " at messageId=" + msg.getData().getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE_ID)); } onMessageSendFailLocal(msg, NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); waitForResponse = false; break; } Message sendMsg = obtainMessage(msg.what); sendMsg.copyFrom(msg); sendMsg.getData().putInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE_ARRIVAL_SEQ, mSendArrivalSequenceCounter); mHostQueuedSendMessages.put(mSendArrivalSequenceCounter, sendMsg); mSendArrivalSequenceCounter++; waitForResponse = false; if (!mSendQueueBlocked) { transmitNextMessage(); } break; } case COMMAND_TYPE_TRANSMIT_NEXT_MESSAGE: { if (mSendQueueBlocked || mHostQueuedSendMessages.size() == 0) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "processCommand: SEND_TOP_OF_QUEUE_MESSAGE - blocked or " + "empty host queue"); } waitForResponse = false; } else { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "processCommand: SEND_TOP_OF_QUEUE_MESSAGE - " + "sendArrivalSequenceCounter=" + mHostQueuedSendMessages.keyAt(0)); } Message sendMessage = mHostQueuedSendMessages.valueAt(0); mHostQueuedSendMessages.removeAt(0); Bundle data = sendMessage.getData(); int clientId = sendMessage.arg2; int sessionId = sendMessage.getData().getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SESSION_ID); int peerId = data.getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE_PEER_ID); byte[] message = data.getByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE); int messageId = data.getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE_ID); msg.getData().putParcelable(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SENT_MESSAGE, sendMessage); waitForResponse = sendFollowonMessageLocal(mCurrentTransactionId, clientId, sessionId, peerId, message, messageId); } break; } case COMMAND_TYPE_ENABLE_USAGE: enableUsageLocal(); waitForResponse = false; break; case COMMAND_TYPE_DISABLE_USAGE: disableUsageLocal(mCurrentTransactionId, msg.arg2 == 1); waitForResponse = false; break; case COMMAND_TYPE_GET_CAPABILITIES: if (mCapabilities == null) { waitForResponse = mWifiAwareNativeApi.getCapabilities( mCurrentTransactionId); } else { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "COMMAND_TYPE_GET_CAPABILITIES: already have capabilities - " + "skipping"); } waitForResponse = false; } break; case COMMAND_TYPE_CREATE_ALL_DATA_PATH_INTERFACES: mDataPathMgr.createAllInterfaces(); waitForResponse = false; break; case COMMAND_TYPE_DELETE_ALL_DATA_PATH_INTERFACES: mDataPathMgr.deleteAllInterfaces(); waitForResponse = false; break; case COMMAND_TYPE_CREATE_DATA_PATH_INTERFACE: waitForResponse = mWifiAwareNativeApi.createAwareNetworkInterface( mCurrentTransactionId, (String) msg.obj); break; case COMMAND_TYPE_DELETE_DATA_PATH_INTERFACE: waitForResponse = mWifiAwareNativeApi.deleteAwareNetworkInterface( mCurrentTransactionId, (String) msg.obj); break; case COMMAND_TYPE_INITIATE_DATA_PATH_SETUP: { Bundle data = msg.getData(); WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier networkSpecifier = (WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier) msg.obj; int peerId = data.getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_PEER_ID); int channelRequestType = data.getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CHANNEL_REQ_TYPE); int channel = data.getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CHANNEL); byte[] peer = data.getByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MAC_ADDRESS); String interfaceName = data.getString(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_INTERFACE_NAME); byte[] pmk = data.getByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_PMK); String passphrase = data.getString(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_PASSPHRASE); boolean isOutOfBand = data.getBoolean(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_OOB); byte[] appInfo = data.getByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_APP_INFO); waitForResponse = initiateDataPathSetupLocal(mCurrentTransactionId, networkSpecifier, peerId, channelRequestType, channel, peer, interfaceName, pmk, passphrase, isOutOfBand, appInfo); break; } case COMMAND_TYPE_RESPOND_TO_DATA_PATH_SETUP_REQUEST: { Bundle data = msg.getData(); int ndpId = msg.arg2; boolean accept = (boolean) msg.obj; String interfaceName = data.getString(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_INTERFACE_NAME); byte[] pmk = data.getByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_PMK); String passphrase = data.getString(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_PASSPHRASE); byte[] appInfo = data.getByteArray(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_APP_INFO); boolean isOutOfBand = data.getBoolean(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_OOB); waitForResponse = respondToDataPathRequestLocal(mCurrentTransactionId, accept, ndpId, interfaceName, pmk, passphrase, appInfo, isOutOfBand); break; } case COMMAND_TYPE_END_DATA_PATH: waitForResponse = endDataPathLocal(mCurrentTransactionId, msg.arg2); break; case COMMAND_TYPE_DELAYED_INITIALIZATION: mWifiAwareNativeManager.start(getHandler()); waitForResponse = false; break; case COMMAND_TYPE_GET_AWARE: WorkSource requestorWs = (WorkSource) msg.obj; mWifiAwareNativeManager.tryToGetAware(requestorWs); waitForResponse = false; break; case COMMAND_TYPE_RELEASE_AWARE: mWifiAwareNativeManager.releaseAware(); waitForResponse = false; break; default: waitForResponse = false; Log.wtf(TAG, "processCommand: this isn't a COMMAND -- msg=" + msg); /* fall-through */ } if (!waitForResponse) { mCurrentTransactionId = TRANSACTION_ID_IGNORE; } else { mCurrentCommand = obtainMessage(msg.what); mCurrentCommand.copyFrom(msg); } return waitForResponse; } private void processResponse(Message msg) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "processResponse: msg=" + msg); } if (mCurrentCommand == null) { Log.wtf(TAG, "processResponse: no existing command stored!? msg=" + msg); mCurrentTransactionId = TRANSACTION_ID_IGNORE; return; } switch (msg.arg1) { case RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_CONFIG_SUCCESS: onConfigCompletedLocal(mCurrentCommand); break; case RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_CONFIG_FAIL: { int reason = (Integer) msg.obj; onConfigFailedLocal(mCurrentCommand, reason); break; } case RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_SESSION_CONFIG_SUCCESS: { byte pubSubId = (Byte) msg.obj; boolean isPublish = msg.getData().getBoolean(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SESSION_TYPE); onSessionConfigSuccessLocal(mCurrentCommand, pubSubId, isPublish); break; } case RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_SESSION_CONFIG_FAIL: { int reason = (Integer) msg.obj; boolean isPublish = msg.getData().getBoolean(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SESSION_TYPE); onSessionConfigFailLocal(mCurrentCommand, isPublish, reason); break; } case RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_MESSAGE_SEND_QUEUED_SUCCESS: { Message sentMessage = mCurrentCommand.getData().getParcelable( MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SENT_MESSAGE); sentMessage.getData().putLong(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SEND_MESSAGE_ENQUEUE_TIME, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()); mFwQueuedSendMessages.put(mCurrentTransactionId, sentMessage); updateSendMessageTimeout(); if (!mSendQueueBlocked) { transmitNextMessage(); } if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "processResponse: ON_MESSAGE_SEND_QUEUED_SUCCESS - arrivalSeq=" + sentMessage.getData().getInt( MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE_ARRIVAL_SEQ)); } break; } case RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_MESSAGE_SEND_QUEUED_FAIL: { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "processResponse: ON_MESSAGE_SEND_QUEUED_FAIL - blocking!"); } int reason = (Integer) msg.obj; if (reason == NanStatusType.FOLLOWUP_TX_QUEUE_FULL) { Message sentMessage = mCurrentCommand.getData().getParcelable( MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SENT_MESSAGE); int arrivalSeq = sentMessage.getData().getInt( MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE_ARRIVAL_SEQ); mHostQueuedSendMessages.put(arrivalSeq, sentMessage); mSendQueueBlocked = true; if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "processResponse: ON_MESSAGE_SEND_QUEUED_FAIL - arrivalSeq=" + arrivalSeq + " -- blocking"); } } else { Message sentMessage = mCurrentCommand.getData().getParcelable( MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SENT_MESSAGE); onMessageSendFailLocal(sentMessage, NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); if (!mSendQueueBlocked) { transmitNextMessage(); } } break; } case RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_CAPABILITIES_UPDATED: { onCapabilitiesUpdatedResponseLocal((Capabilities) msg.obj); break; } case RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_CREATE_INTERFACE: onCreateDataPathInterfaceResponseLocal(mCurrentCommand, msg.getData().getBoolean(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SUCCESS_FLAG), msg.getData().getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_STATUS_CODE)); break; case RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_DELETE_INTERFACE: onDeleteDataPathInterfaceResponseLocal(mCurrentCommand, msg.getData().getBoolean(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SUCCESS_FLAG), msg.getData().getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_STATUS_CODE)); break; case RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_INITIATE_DATA_PATH_SUCCESS: int ndpId = (int) msg.obj; boolean success = onInitiateDataPathResponseSuccessLocal(mCurrentCommand, ndpId); if (success) { WakeupMessage timeout = new WakeupMessage(mContext, getHandler(), HAL_DATA_PATH_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT_TAG, MESSAGE_TYPE_DATA_PATH_TIMEOUT, ndpId); mDataPathConfirmTimeoutMessages.put(ndpId, timeout); timeout.schedule( SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + AWARE_WAIT_FOR_DP_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT); } break; case RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_INITIATE_DATA_PATH_FAIL: onInitiateDataPathResponseFailLocal(mCurrentCommand, (int) msg.obj); break; case RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_RESPOND_TO_DATA_PATH_SETUP_REQUEST: onRespondToDataPathSetupRequestResponseLocal(mCurrentCommand, msg.getData().getBoolean(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SUCCESS_FLAG), msg.getData().getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_STATUS_CODE)); break; case RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_END_DATA_PATH: onEndPathEndResponseLocal(mCurrentCommand, msg.getData().getBoolean(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SUCCESS_FLAG), msg.getData().getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_STATUS_CODE)); break; case RESPONSE_TYPE_ON_DISABLE: onDisableResponseLocal(mCurrentCommand, (Integer) msg.obj); break; default: Log.wtf(TAG, "processResponse: this isn't a RESPONSE -- msg=" + msg); mCurrentCommand = null; mCurrentTransactionId = TRANSACTION_ID_IGNORE; return; } mCurrentCommand = null; mCurrentTransactionId = TRANSACTION_ID_IGNORE; } private void processTimeout(Message msg) { if (mDbg) { Log.v(TAG, "processTimeout: msg=" + msg); } if (mCurrentCommand == null) { Log.wtf(TAG, "processTimeout: no existing command stored!? msg=" + msg); mCurrentTransactionId = TRANSACTION_ID_IGNORE; return; } /* * Only have to handle those COMMANDs which wait for a response. */ switch (msg.arg1) { case COMMAND_TYPE_CONNECT: case COMMAND_TYPE_DISCONNECT: onConfigFailedLocal(mCurrentCommand, NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); break; case COMMAND_TYPE_RECONFIGURE: /* * Reconfigure timed-out. There is nothing to do but log the issue - which * will be done in the callback. */ onConfigFailedLocal(mCurrentCommand, NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); break; case COMMAND_TYPE_TERMINATE_SESSION: { Log.wtf(TAG, "processTimeout: TERMINATE_SESSION - shouldn't be waiting!"); break; } case COMMAND_TYPE_PUBLISH: case COMMAND_TYPE_UPDATE_PUBLISH: { onSessionConfigFailLocal(mCurrentCommand, true, NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); break; } case COMMAND_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE: case COMMAND_TYPE_UPDATE_SUBSCRIBE: { onSessionConfigFailLocal(mCurrentCommand, false, NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); break; } case COMMAND_TYPE_ENQUEUE_SEND_MESSAGE: { Log.wtf(TAG, "processTimeout: ENQUEUE_SEND_MESSAGE - shouldn't be waiting!"); break; } case COMMAND_TYPE_TRANSMIT_NEXT_MESSAGE: { Message sentMessage = mCurrentCommand.getData().getParcelable( MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SENT_MESSAGE); onMessageSendFailLocal(sentMessage, NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); mSendQueueBlocked = false; transmitNextMessage(); break; } case COMMAND_TYPE_ENABLE_USAGE: Log.wtf(TAG, "processTimeout: ENABLE_USAGE - shouldn't be waiting!"); break; case COMMAND_TYPE_DISABLE_USAGE: Log.wtf(TAG, "processTimeout: DISABLE_USAGE - shouldn't be waiting!"); break; case COMMAND_TYPE_GET_CAPABILITIES: Log.e(TAG, "processTimeout: GET_CAPABILITIES timed-out - strange, will try again" + " when next enabled!?"); break; case COMMAND_TYPE_CREATE_ALL_DATA_PATH_INTERFACES: Log.wtf(TAG, "processTimeout: CREATE_ALL_DATA_PATH_INTERFACES - shouldn't be " + "waiting!"); break; case COMMAND_TYPE_DELETE_ALL_DATA_PATH_INTERFACES: Log.wtf(TAG, "processTimeout: DELETE_ALL_DATA_PATH_INTERFACES - shouldn't be " + "waiting!"); break; case COMMAND_TYPE_CREATE_DATA_PATH_INTERFACE: // TODO: fix status: timeout onCreateDataPathInterfaceResponseLocal(mCurrentCommand, false, 0); break; case COMMAND_TYPE_DELETE_DATA_PATH_INTERFACE: // TODO: fix status: timeout onDeleteDataPathInterfaceResponseLocal(mCurrentCommand, false, 0); break; case COMMAND_TYPE_INITIATE_DATA_PATH_SETUP: // TODO: fix status: timeout onInitiateDataPathResponseFailLocal(mCurrentCommand, 0); break; case COMMAND_TYPE_RESPOND_TO_DATA_PATH_SETUP_REQUEST: // TODO: fix status: timeout onRespondToDataPathSetupRequestResponseLocal(mCurrentCommand, false, 0); break; case COMMAND_TYPE_END_DATA_PATH: // TODO: fix status: timeout onEndPathEndResponseLocal(mCurrentCommand, false, 0); break; case COMMAND_TYPE_DELAYED_INITIALIZATION: Log.wtf(TAG, "processTimeout: COMMAND_TYPE_DELAYED_INITIALIZATION - shouldn't be " + "waiting!"); break; case COMMAND_TYPE_GET_AWARE: Log.wtf(TAG, "processTimeout: COMMAND_TYPE_GET_AWARE - shouldn't be waiting!"); break; case COMMAND_TYPE_RELEASE_AWARE: Log.wtf(TAG, "processTimeout: COMMAND_TYPE_RELEASE_AWARE - shouldn't be waiting!"); break; case COMMAND_TYPE_DISABLE: mAwareMetrics.recordDisableAware(); break; default: Log.wtf(TAG, "processTimeout: this isn't a COMMAND -- msg=" + msg); /* fall-through */ } mCurrentCommand = null; mCurrentTransactionId = TRANSACTION_ID_IGNORE; } private void updateSendMessageTimeout() { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "updateSendMessageTimeout: mHostQueuedSendMessages.size()=" + mHostQueuedSendMessages.size() + ", mFwQueuedSendMessages.size()=" + mFwQueuedSendMessages.size() + ", mSendQueueBlocked=" + mSendQueueBlocked); } Iterator it = mFwQueuedSendMessages.values().iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { /* * Schedule timeout based on the first message in the queue (which is the earliest * submitted message). Timeout = queuing time + timeout constant. */ Message msg = it.next(); mSendMessageTimeoutMessage.schedule( msg.getData().getLong(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SEND_MESSAGE_ENQUEUE_TIME) + AWARE_SEND_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT); } else { mSendMessageTimeoutMessage.cancel(); } } private void processSendMessageTimeout() { if (mDbg) { Log.v(TAG, "processSendMessageTimeout: mHostQueuedSendMessages.size()=" + mHostQueuedSendMessages.size() + ", mFwQueuedSendMessages.size()=" + mFwQueuedSendMessages.size() + ", mSendQueueBlocked=" + mSendQueueBlocked); } /* * Note: using 'first' to always time-out (remove) at least 1 notification (partially) * due to test code needs: there's no way to mock elapsedRealtime(). TODO: replace with * injected getClock() once moved off of mmwd. */ boolean first = true; long currentTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); Iterator> it = mFwQueuedSendMessages.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = it.next(); short transactionId = entry.getKey(); Message message = entry.getValue(); long messageEnqueueTime = message.getData().getLong( MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SEND_MESSAGE_ENQUEUE_TIME); if (first || messageEnqueueTime + AWARE_SEND_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT <= currentTime) { if (mDbg) { Log.v(TAG, "processSendMessageTimeout: expiring - transactionId=" + transactionId + ", message=" + message + ", due to messageEnqueueTime=" + messageEnqueueTime + ", currentTime=" + currentTime); } onMessageSendFailLocal(message, NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); it.remove(); first = false; } else { break; } } updateSendMessageTimeout(); mSendQueueBlocked = false; transmitNextMessage(); } private boolean isUidExceededMessageQueueDepthLimit(int uid) { int size = mHostQueuedSendMessages.size(); int numOfMessages = 0; if (size < MESSAGE_QUEUE_DEPTH_PER_UID) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (mHostQueuedSendMessages.valueAt(i).getData() .getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_UID) == uid) { numOfMessages++; if (numOfMessages >= MESSAGE_QUEUE_DEPTH_PER_UID) { return true; } } } return false; } @Override protected String getLogRecString(Message msg) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(WifiAwareStateManager.messageToString(msg)); if (msg.what == MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND && mCurrentTransactionId != TRANSACTION_ID_IGNORE) { sb.append(" (Transaction ID=").append(mCurrentTransactionId).append(")"); } return sb.toString(); } @Override public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) { pw.println("WifiAwareStateMachine:"); pw.println(" mNextTransactionId: " + mNextTransactionId); pw.println(" mNextSessionId: " + mNextSessionId); pw.println(" mCurrentCommand: " + mCurrentCommand); pw.println(" mCurrentTransaction: " + mCurrentTransactionId); pw.println(" mSendQueueBlocked: " + mSendQueueBlocked); pw.println(" mSendArrivalSequenceCounter: " + mSendArrivalSequenceCounter); pw.println(" mHostQueuedSendMessages: [" + mHostQueuedSendMessages + "]"); pw.println(" mFwQueuedSendMessages: [" + mFwQueuedSendMessages + "]"); super.dump(fd, pw, args); } } private void sendAwareStateChangedBroadcast(boolean enabled) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "sendAwareStateChangedBroadcast: enabled=" + enabled); } final Intent intent = new Intent(WifiAwareManager.ACTION_WIFI_AWARE_STATE_CHANGED); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY); mContext.sendBroadcastAsUser(intent, UserHandle.ALL); } /* * COMMANDS */ private boolean connectLocal(short transactionId, int clientId, int uid, int pid, String callingPackage, @Nullable String callingFeatureId, IWifiAwareEventCallback callback, ConfigRequest configRequest, boolean notifyIdentityChange) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "connectLocal(): transactionId=" + transactionId + ", clientId=" + clientId + ", uid=" + uid + ", pid=" + pid + ", callingPackage=" + callingPackage + ", callback=" + callback + ", configRequest=" + configRequest + ", notifyIdentityChange=" + notifyIdentityChange); } if (!mUsageEnabled) { Log.w(TAG, "connect(): called with mUsageEnabled=false"); try { callback.onConnectFail(NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); mAwareMetrics.recordAttachStatus(NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "connectLocal onConnectFail(): RemoteException (FYI): " + e); } return false; } if (mClients.get(clientId) != null) { Log.e(TAG, "connectLocal: entry already exists for clientId=" + clientId); } if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "mCurrentAwareConfiguration=" + mCurrentAwareConfiguration + ", mCurrentIdentityNotification=" + mCurrentIdentityNotification); } ConfigRequest merged = mergeConfigRequests(configRequest); if (merged == null) { Log.e(TAG, "connectLocal: requested configRequest=" + configRequest + ", incompatible with current configurations"); try { callback.onConnectFail(NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); mAwareMetrics.recordAttachStatus(NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "connectLocal onConnectFail(): RemoteException (FYI): " + e); } return false; } else if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "connectLocal: merged=" + merged); } if (mCurrentAwareConfiguration != null && mCurrentAwareConfiguration.equals(merged) && (mCurrentIdentityNotification || !notifyIdentityChange)) { try { callback.onConnectSuccess(clientId); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "connectLocal onConnectSuccess(): RemoteException (FYI): " + e); } WifiAwareClientState client = new WifiAwareClientState(mContext, clientId, uid, pid, callingPackage, callingFeatureId, callback, configRequest, notifyIdentityChange, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(), mWifiPermissionsUtil); client.enableVerboseLogging(mDbg); client.onInterfaceAddressChange(mCurrentDiscoveryInterfaceMac); mClients.append(clientId, client); mAwareMetrics.recordAttachSession(uid, notifyIdentityChange, mClients); if (!mWifiAwareNativeManager.replaceRequestorWs(createMergedRequestorWs())) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to replace requestorWs"); } return false; } boolean notificationRequired = doesAnyClientNeedIdentityChangeNotifications() || notifyIdentityChange; if (mCurrentAwareConfiguration == null) { mWifiAwareNativeManager.tryToGetAware(new WorkSource(uid, callingPackage)); } boolean success = mWifiAwareNativeApi.enableAndConfigure(transactionId, merged, notificationRequired, mCurrentAwareConfiguration == null, mPowerManager.isInteractive(), mPowerManager.isDeviceIdleMode(), mCurrentRangingEnabled, mIsInstantCommunicationModeEnabled); if (!success) { try { callback.onConnectFail(NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); mAwareMetrics.recordAttachStatus(NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "connectLocal onConnectFail(): RemoteException (FYI): " + e); } } return success; } private boolean disconnectLocal(short transactionId, int clientId) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "disconnectLocal(): transactionId=" + transactionId + ", clientId=" + clientId); } WifiAwareClientState client = mClients.get(clientId); if (client == null) { Log.e(TAG, "disconnectLocal: no entry for clientId=" + clientId); return false; } mClients.delete(clientId); mAwareMetrics.recordAttachSessionDuration(client.getCreationTime()); SparseArray sessions = client.getSessions(); for (int i = 0; i < sessions.size(); ++i) { mAwareMetrics.recordDiscoverySessionDuration(sessions.valueAt(i).getCreationTime(), sessions.valueAt(i).isPublishSession()); } client.destroy(); if (mClients.size() == 0) { mCurrentAwareConfiguration = null; mDataPathMgr.deleteAllInterfaces(); deferDisableAware(); return false; } if (!mWifiAwareNativeManager.replaceRequestorWs(createMergedRequestorWs())) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to replace requestorWs"); } ConfigRequest merged = mergeConfigRequests(null); if (merged == null) { Log.wtf(TAG, "disconnectLocal: got an incompatible merge on remaining configs!?"); return false; } boolean notificationReqs = doesAnyClientNeedIdentityChangeNotifications(); boolean rangingEnabled = doesAnyClientNeedRanging(); if (merged.equals(mCurrentAwareConfiguration) && mCurrentIdentityNotification == notificationReqs && mCurrentRangingEnabled == rangingEnabled) { return false; } return mWifiAwareNativeApi.enableAndConfigure(transactionId, merged, notificationReqs, false, mPowerManager.isInteractive(), mPowerManager.isDeviceIdleMode(), rangingEnabled, mIsInstantCommunicationModeEnabled); } private boolean reconfigureLocal(short transactionId) { if (VDBG) Log.v(TAG, "reconfigureLocal(): transactionId=" + transactionId); if (mClients.size() == 0) { // no clients - Aware is not enabled, nothing to reconfigure return false; } boolean notificationReqs = doesAnyClientNeedIdentityChangeNotifications(); boolean rangingEnabled = doesAnyClientNeedRanging(); return mWifiAwareNativeApi.enableAndConfigure(transactionId, mCurrentAwareConfiguration, notificationReqs, false, mPowerManager.isInteractive(), mPowerManager.isDeviceIdleMode(), rangingEnabled, mIsInstantCommunicationModeEnabled); } private void terminateSessionLocal(int clientId, int sessionId) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "terminateSessionLocal(): clientId=" + clientId + ", sessionId=" + sessionId); } WifiAwareClientState client = mClients.get(clientId); if (client == null) { Log.e(TAG, "terminateSession: no client exists for clientId=" + clientId); return; } WifiAwareDiscoverySessionState session = client.terminateSession(sessionId); // If Ranging enabled require changes, reconfigure. if (mCurrentRangingEnabled != doesAnyClientNeedRanging()) { reconfigure(); } if (session != null) { mAwareMetrics.recordDiscoverySessionDuration(session.getCreationTime(), session.isPublishSession()); } } private boolean publishLocal(short transactionId, int clientId, PublishConfig publishConfig, IWifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback callback) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "publishLocal(): transactionId=" + transactionId + ", clientId=" + clientId + ", publishConfig=" + publishConfig + ", callback=" + callback); } WifiAwareClientState client = mClients.get(clientId); if (client == null) { Log.e(TAG, "publishLocal: no client exists for clientId=" + clientId); try { callback.onSessionConfigFail(NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "publishLocal onSessionConfigFail(): RemoteException (FYI): " + e); } return false; } boolean success = mWifiAwareNativeApi.publish(transactionId, (byte) 0, publishConfig); if (!success) { try { callback.onSessionConfigFail(NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "publishLocal onSessionConfigFail(): RemoteException (FYI): " + e); } mAwareMetrics.recordDiscoveryStatus(client.getUid(), NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE, true); } return success; } private boolean updatePublishLocal(short transactionId, int clientId, int sessionId, PublishConfig publishConfig) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "updatePublishLocal(): transactionId=" + transactionId + ", clientId=" + clientId + ", sessionId=" + sessionId + ", publishConfig=" + publishConfig); } WifiAwareClientState client = mClients.get(clientId); if (client == null) { Log.e(TAG, "updatePublishLocal: no client exists for clientId=" + clientId); return false; } WifiAwareDiscoverySessionState session = client.getSession(sessionId); if (session == null) { Log.e(TAG, "updatePublishLocal: no session exists for clientId=" + clientId + ", sessionId=" + sessionId); return false; } boolean status = session.updatePublish(transactionId, publishConfig); if (!status) { mAwareMetrics.recordDiscoveryStatus(client.getUid(), NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE, true); } return status; } private boolean subscribeLocal(short transactionId, int clientId, SubscribeConfig subscribeConfig, IWifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback callback) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "subscribeLocal(): transactionId=" + transactionId + ", clientId=" + clientId + ", subscribeConfig=" + subscribeConfig + ", callback=" + callback); } WifiAwareClientState client = mClients.get(clientId); if (client == null) { try { callback.onSessionConfigFail(NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "subscribeLocal onSessionConfigFail(): RemoteException (FYI): " + e); } Log.e(TAG, "subscribeLocal: no client exists for clientId=" + clientId); return false; } boolean success = mWifiAwareNativeApi.subscribe(transactionId, (byte) 0, subscribeConfig); if (!success) { try { callback.onSessionConfigFail(NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "subscribeLocal onSessionConfigFail(): RemoteException (FYI): " + e); } mAwareMetrics.recordDiscoveryStatus(client.getUid(), NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE, false); } return success; } private boolean updateSubscribeLocal(short transactionId, int clientId, int sessionId, SubscribeConfig subscribeConfig) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "updateSubscribeLocal(): transactionId=" + transactionId + ", clientId=" + clientId + ", sessionId=" + sessionId + ", subscribeConfig=" + subscribeConfig); } WifiAwareClientState client = mClients.get(clientId); if (client == null) { Log.e(TAG, "updateSubscribeLocal: no client exists for clientId=" + clientId); return false; } WifiAwareDiscoverySessionState session = client.getSession(sessionId); if (session == null) { Log.e(TAG, "updateSubscribeLocal: no session exists for clientId=" + clientId + ", sessionId=" + sessionId); return false; } boolean status = session.updateSubscribe(transactionId, subscribeConfig); if (!status) { mAwareMetrics.recordDiscoveryStatus(client.getUid(), NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE, false); } return status; } private boolean sendFollowonMessageLocal(short transactionId, int clientId, int sessionId, int peerId, byte[] message, int messageId) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "sendFollowonMessageLocal(): transactionId=" + transactionId + ", clientId=" + clientId + ", sessionId=" + sessionId + ", peerId=" + peerId + ", messageId=" + messageId); } WifiAwareClientState client = mClients.get(clientId); if (client == null) { Log.e(TAG, "sendFollowonMessageLocal: no client exists for clientId=" + clientId); return false; } WifiAwareDiscoverySessionState session = client.getSession(sessionId); if (session == null) { Log.e(TAG, "sendFollowonMessageLocal: no session exists for clientId=" + clientId + ", sessionId=" + sessionId); return false; } return session.sendMessage(transactionId, peerId, message, messageId); } private void enableUsageLocal() { if (mDbg) Log.v(TAG, "enableUsageLocal: mUsageEnabled=" + mUsageEnabled); if (mUsageEnabled) { return; } mUsageEnabled = true; sendAwareStateChangedBroadcast(true); mAwareMetrics.recordEnableUsage(); } private void disableUsageLocal(short transactionId, boolean markAsAvailable) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "disableUsageLocal: transactionId=" + transactionId + ", mUsageEnabled=" + mUsageEnabled); } if (!mUsageEnabled) { return; } onAwareDownLocal(); mUsageEnabled = markAsAvailable; deferDisableAware(); sendAwareStateChangedBroadcast(markAsAvailable); mAwareMetrics.recordDisableUsage(); } private boolean initiateDataPathSetupLocal(short transactionId, WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier networkSpecifier, int peerId, int channelRequestType, int channel, byte[] peer, String interfaceName, byte[] pmk, String passphrase, boolean isOutOfBand, byte[] appInfo) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "initiateDataPathSetupLocal(): transactionId=" + transactionId + ", networkSpecifier=" + networkSpecifier + ", peerId=" + peerId + ", channelRequestType=" + channelRequestType + ", channel=" + channel + ", peer=" + String.valueOf(HexEncoding.encode(peer)) + ", interfaceName=" + interfaceName + ", pmk=" + ((pmk == null) ? "" : "*") + ", passphrase=" + ( (passphrase == null) ? "" : "*") + ", isOutOfBand=" + isOutOfBand + ", appInfo=" + (appInfo == null ? "" : "")); } boolean success = mWifiAwareNativeApi.initiateDataPath(transactionId, peerId, channelRequestType, channel, peer, interfaceName, pmk, passphrase, isOutOfBand, appInfo, mCapabilities); if (!success) { mDataPathMgr.onDataPathInitiateFail(networkSpecifier, NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); } return success; } private boolean respondToDataPathRequestLocal(short transactionId, boolean accept, int ndpId, String interfaceName, byte[] pmk, String passphrase, byte[] appInfo, boolean isOutOfBand) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "respondToDataPathRequestLocal(): transactionId=" + transactionId + ", accept=" + accept + ", ndpId=" + ndpId + ", interfaceName=" + interfaceName + ", pmk=" + ((pmk == null) ? "" : "*") + ", passphrase=" + ((passphrase == null) ? "" : "*") + ", isOutOfBand=" + isOutOfBand + ", appInfo=" + (appInfo == null ? "" : "")); } boolean success = mWifiAwareNativeApi.respondToDataPathRequest(transactionId, accept, ndpId, interfaceName, pmk, passphrase, appInfo, isOutOfBand, mCapabilities); if (!success) { mDataPathMgr.onRespondToDataPathRequest(ndpId, false, NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); } return success; } private boolean endDataPathLocal(short transactionId, int ndpId) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "endDataPathLocal: transactionId=" + transactionId + ", ndpId=" + ndpId); } return mWifiAwareNativeApi.endDataPath(transactionId, ndpId); } /* * RESPONSES */ private void onConfigCompletedLocal(Message completedCommand) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "onConfigCompleted: completedCommand=" + completedCommand); } if (completedCommand.arg1 == COMMAND_TYPE_CONNECT) { if (mCurrentAwareConfiguration == null) { // enabled (as opposed to re-configured) queryCapabilities(); createAllDataPathInterfaces(); } Bundle data = completedCommand.getData(); int clientId = completedCommand.arg2; IWifiAwareEventCallback callback = (IWifiAwareEventCallback) completedCommand.obj; ConfigRequest configRequest = (ConfigRequest) data .getParcelable(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CONFIG); int uid = data.getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_UID); int pid = data.getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_PID); boolean notifyIdentityChange = data.getBoolean( MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_NOTIFY_IDENTITY_CHANGE); String callingPackage = data.getString(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CALLING_PACKAGE); String callingFeatureId = data.getString(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CALLING_FEATURE_ID); WifiAwareClientState client = new WifiAwareClientState(mContext, clientId, uid, pid, callingPackage, callingFeatureId, callback, configRequest, notifyIdentityChange, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(), mWifiPermissionsUtil); client.enableVerboseLogging(mDbg); mClients.put(clientId, client); mAwareMetrics.recordAttachSession(uid, notifyIdentityChange, mClients); try { callback.onConnectSuccess(clientId); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "onConfigCompletedLocal onConnectSuccess(): RemoteException (FYI): " + e); } client.onInterfaceAddressChange(mCurrentDiscoveryInterfaceMac); } else if (completedCommand.arg1 == COMMAND_TYPE_DISCONNECT) { /* * NOP (i.e. updated configuration after disconnecting a client) */ } else if (completedCommand.arg1 == COMMAND_TYPE_RECONFIGURE) { /* * NOP (i.e. updated configuration at power saving event) */ } else { Log.wtf(TAG, "onConfigCompletedLocal: unexpected completedCommand=" + completedCommand); return; } mCurrentAwareConfiguration = mergeConfigRequests(null); if (mCurrentAwareConfiguration == null) { Log.wtf(TAG, "onConfigCompletedLocal: got a null merged configuration after config!?"); } mCurrentIdentityNotification = doesAnyClientNeedIdentityChangeNotifications(); mCurrentRangingEnabled = doesAnyClientNeedRanging(); } private void onConfigFailedLocal(Message failedCommand, int reason) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "onConfigFailedLocal: failedCommand=" + failedCommand + ", reason=" + reason); } if (failedCommand.arg1 == COMMAND_TYPE_CONNECT) { IWifiAwareEventCallback callback = (IWifiAwareEventCallback) failedCommand.obj; try { callback.onConnectFail(reason); mAwareMetrics.recordAttachStatus(reason); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "onConfigFailedLocal onConnectFail(): RemoteException (FYI): " + e); } } else if (failedCommand.arg1 == COMMAND_TYPE_DISCONNECT) { /* * NOP (tried updating configuration after disconnecting a client - * shouldn't fail but there's nothing to do - the old configuration * is still up-and-running). * * OR: timed-out getting a response to a disable. Either way a NOP. */ } else if (failedCommand.arg1 == COMMAND_TYPE_RECONFIGURE) { /* * NOP (configuration change as part of possibly power saving event - should not * fail but there's nothing to do). */ } else { Log.wtf(TAG, "onConfigFailedLocal: unexpected failedCommand=" + failedCommand); return; } } private void onDisableResponseLocal(Message command, int reason) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "onDisableResponseLocal: command=" + command + ", reason=" + reason); } /* * do nothing: * - success: was waiting so that don't enable while disabling * - fail: shouldn't happen (though can if already disabled for instance) */ if (reason != NanStatusType.SUCCESS) { Log.e(TAG, "onDisableResponseLocal: FAILED!? command=" + command + ", reason=" + reason); } mAwareMetrics.recordDisableAware(); } private void onSessionConfigSuccessLocal(Message completedCommand, byte pubSubId, boolean isPublish) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "onSessionConfigSuccessLocal: completedCommand=" + completedCommand + ", pubSubId=" + pubSubId + ", isPublish=" + isPublish); } boolean isRangingEnabled = false; int minRange = -1; int maxRange = -1; if (isPublish) { PublishConfig publishConfig = completedCommand.getData().getParcelable( MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CONFIG); isRangingEnabled = publishConfig.mEnableRanging; } else { SubscribeConfig subscribeConfig = completedCommand.getData().getParcelable( MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_CONFIG); isRangingEnabled = subscribeConfig.mMinDistanceMmSet || subscribeConfig.mMaxDistanceMmSet; if (subscribeConfig.mMinDistanceMmSet) { minRange = subscribeConfig.mMinDistanceMm; } if (subscribeConfig.mMaxDistanceMmSet) { maxRange = subscribeConfig.mMaxDistanceMm; } } if (completedCommand.arg1 == COMMAND_TYPE_PUBLISH || completedCommand.arg1 == COMMAND_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE) { int clientId = completedCommand.arg2; IWifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback callback = (IWifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback) completedCommand.obj; WifiAwareClientState client = mClients.get(clientId); if (client == null) { Log.e(TAG, "onSessionConfigSuccessLocal: no client exists for clientId=" + clientId); return; } int sessionId = mSm.mNextSessionId++; try { callback.onSessionStarted(sessionId); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "onSessionConfigSuccessLocal: onSessionStarted() RemoteException=" + e); return; } WifiAwareDiscoverySessionState session = new WifiAwareDiscoverySessionState( mWifiAwareNativeApi, sessionId, pubSubId, callback, isPublish, isRangingEnabled, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()); session.enableVerboseLogging(mDbg); client.addSession(session); if (isRangingEnabled) { mAwareMetrics.recordDiscoverySessionWithRanging(client.getUid(), completedCommand.arg1 != COMMAND_TYPE_PUBLISH, minRange, maxRange, mClients); } else { mAwareMetrics.recordDiscoverySession(client.getUid(), mClients); } mAwareMetrics.recordDiscoveryStatus(client.getUid(), NanStatusType.SUCCESS, completedCommand.arg1 == COMMAND_TYPE_PUBLISH); } else if (completedCommand.arg1 == COMMAND_TYPE_UPDATE_PUBLISH || completedCommand.arg1 == COMMAND_TYPE_UPDATE_SUBSCRIBE) { int clientId = completedCommand.arg2; int sessionId = completedCommand.getData().getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SESSION_ID); WifiAwareClientState client = mClients.get(clientId); if (client == null) { Log.e(TAG, "onSessionConfigSuccessLocal: no client exists for clientId=" + clientId); return; } WifiAwareDiscoverySessionState session = client.getSession(sessionId); if (session == null) { Log.e(TAG, "onSessionConfigSuccessLocal: no session exists for clientId=" + clientId + ", sessionId=" + sessionId); return; } try { session.getCallback().onSessionConfigSuccess(); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "onSessionConfigSuccessLocal: onSessionConfigSuccess() RemoteException=" + e); } session.setRangingEnabled(isRangingEnabled); mAwareMetrics.recordDiscoveryStatus(client.getUid(), NanStatusType.SUCCESS, completedCommand.arg1 == COMMAND_TYPE_UPDATE_PUBLISH); } else { Log.wtf(TAG, "onSessionConfigSuccessLocal: unexpected completedCommand=" + completedCommand); return; } // If ranging require changes, reconfigure. if (mCurrentRangingEnabled != doesAnyClientNeedRanging()) { reconfigure(); } } private void onSessionConfigFailLocal(Message failedCommand, boolean isPublish, int reason) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "onSessionConfigFailLocal: failedCommand=" + failedCommand + ", isPublish=" + isPublish + ", reason=" + reason); } if (failedCommand.arg1 == COMMAND_TYPE_PUBLISH || failedCommand.arg1 == COMMAND_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE) { int clientId = failedCommand.arg2; IWifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback callback = (IWifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback) failedCommand.obj; WifiAwareClientState client = mClients.get(clientId); if (client == null) { Log.e(TAG, "onSessionConfigFailLocal: no client exists for clientId=" + clientId); return; } try { callback.onSessionConfigFail(reason); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "onSessionConfigFailLocal onSessionConfigFail(): RemoteException (FYI): " + e); } mAwareMetrics.recordDiscoveryStatus(client.getUid(), reason, failedCommand.arg1 == COMMAND_TYPE_PUBLISH); } else if (failedCommand.arg1 == COMMAND_TYPE_UPDATE_PUBLISH || failedCommand.arg1 == COMMAND_TYPE_UPDATE_SUBSCRIBE) { int clientId = failedCommand.arg2; int sessionId = failedCommand.getData().getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SESSION_ID); WifiAwareClientState client = mClients.get(clientId); if (client == null) { Log.e(TAG, "onSessionConfigFailLocal: no client exists for clientId=" + clientId); return; } WifiAwareDiscoverySessionState session = client.getSession(sessionId); if (session == null) { Log.e(TAG, "onSessionConfigFailLocal: no session exists for clientId=" + clientId + ", sessionId=" + sessionId); return; } try { session.getCallback().onSessionConfigFail(reason); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "onSessionConfigFailLocal: onSessionConfigFail() RemoteException=" + e); } mAwareMetrics.recordDiscoveryStatus(client.getUid(), reason, failedCommand.arg1 == COMMAND_TYPE_UPDATE_PUBLISH); if (reason == NanStatusType.INVALID_SESSION_ID) { client.removeSession(sessionId); if (mCurrentRangingEnabled != doesAnyClientNeedRanging()) { reconfigure(); } } } else { Log.wtf(TAG, "onSessionConfigFailLocal: unexpected failedCommand=" + failedCommand); } } private void onMessageSendSuccessLocal(Message completedCommand) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "onMessageSendSuccess: completedCommand=" + completedCommand); } int clientId = completedCommand.arg2; int sessionId = completedCommand.getData().getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SESSION_ID); int messageId = completedCommand.getData().getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE_ID); WifiAwareClientState client = mClients.get(clientId); if (client == null) { Log.e(TAG, "onMessageSendSuccessLocal: no client exists for clientId=" + clientId); return; } WifiAwareDiscoverySessionState session = client.getSession(sessionId); if (session == null) { Log.e(TAG, "onMessageSendSuccessLocal: no session exists for clientId=" + clientId + ", sessionId=" + sessionId); return; } try { session.getCallback().onMessageSendSuccess(messageId); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "onMessageSendSuccessLocal: RemoteException (FYI): " + e); } } private void onMessageSendFailLocal(Message failedCommand, int reason) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "onMessageSendFail: failedCommand=" + failedCommand + ", reason=" + reason); } int clientId = failedCommand.arg2; int sessionId = failedCommand.getData().getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_SESSION_ID); int messageId = failedCommand.getData().getInt(MESSAGE_BUNDLE_KEY_MESSAGE_ID); WifiAwareClientState client = mClients.get(clientId); if (client == null) { Log.e(TAG, "onMessageSendFailLocal: no client exists for clientId=" + clientId); return; } WifiAwareDiscoverySessionState session = client.getSession(sessionId); if (session == null) { Log.e(TAG, "onMessageSendFailLocal: no session exists for clientId=" + clientId + ", sessionId=" + sessionId); return; } try { session.getCallback().onMessageSendFail(messageId, reason); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "onMessageSendFailLocal: onMessageSendFail RemoteException=" + e); } } private void onCapabilitiesUpdatedResponseLocal(Capabilities capabilities) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "onCapabilitiesUpdatedResponseLocal: capabilites=" + capabilities); } mCapabilities = capabilities; mCharacteristics = null; } private void onCreateDataPathInterfaceResponseLocal(Message command, boolean success, int reasonOnFailure) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "onCreateDataPathInterfaceResponseLocal: command=" + command + ", success=" + success + ", reasonOnFailure=" + reasonOnFailure); } if (success) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "onCreateDataPathInterfaceResponseLocal: successfully created interface " + command.obj); } mDataPathMgr.onInterfaceCreated((String) command.obj); } else { Log.e(TAG, "onCreateDataPathInterfaceResponseLocal: failed when trying to create " + "interface " + command.obj + ". Reason code=" + reasonOnFailure); } } private void onDeleteDataPathInterfaceResponseLocal(Message command, boolean success, int reasonOnFailure) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "onDeleteDataPathInterfaceResponseLocal: command=" + command + ", success=" + success + ", reasonOnFailure=" + reasonOnFailure); } if (success) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "onDeleteDataPathInterfaceResponseLocal: successfully deleted interface " + command.obj); } mDataPathMgr.onInterfaceDeleted((String) command.obj); } else { Log.e(TAG, "onDeleteDataPathInterfaceResponseLocal: failed when trying to delete " + "interface " + command.obj + ". Reason code=" + reasonOnFailure); } } private boolean onInitiateDataPathResponseSuccessLocal(Message command, int ndpId) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "onInitiateDataPathResponseSuccessLocal: command=" + command + ", ndpId=" + ndpId); } return mDataPathMgr .onDataPathInitiateSuccess((WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier) command.obj, ndpId); } private void onInitiateDataPathResponseFailLocal(Message command, int reason) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "onInitiateDataPathResponseFailLocal: command=" + command + ", reason=" + reason); } mDataPathMgr.onDataPathInitiateFail((WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier) command.obj, reason); } private void onRespondToDataPathSetupRequestResponseLocal(Message command, boolean success, int reasonOnFailure) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "onRespondToDataPathSetupRequestResponseLocal: command=" + command + ", success=" + success + ", reasonOnFailure=" + reasonOnFailure); } mDataPathMgr.onRespondToDataPathRequest(command.arg2, success, reasonOnFailure); } private void onEndPathEndResponseLocal(Message command, boolean success, int reasonOnFailure) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "onEndPathEndResponseLocal: command=" + command + ", success=" + success + ", reasonOnFailure=" + reasonOnFailure); } // TODO: do something with this } /* * NOTIFICATIONS */ private void onInterfaceAddressChangeLocal(byte[] mac) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "onInterfaceAddressChange: mac=" + String.valueOf(HexEncoding.encode(mac))); } mCurrentDiscoveryInterfaceMac = mac; for (int i = 0; i < mClients.size(); ++i) { WifiAwareClientState client = mClients.valueAt(i); client.onInterfaceAddressChange(mac); } mAwareMetrics.recordEnableAware(); } private void onClusterChangeLocal(int flag, byte[] clusterId) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "onClusterChange: flag=" + flag + ", clusterId=" + String.valueOf(HexEncoding.encode(clusterId))); } for (int i = 0; i < mClients.size(); ++i) { WifiAwareClientState client = mClients.valueAt(i); client.onClusterChange(flag, clusterId, mCurrentDiscoveryInterfaceMac); } mAwareMetrics.recordEnableAware(); } private void onMatchLocal(int pubSubId, int requestorInstanceId, byte[] peerMac, byte[] serviceSpecificInfo, byte[] matchFilter, int rangingIndication, int rangeMm) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "onMatch: pubSubId=" + pubSubId + ", requestorInstanceId=" + requestorInstanceId + ", peerDiscoveryMac=" + String.valueOf(HexEncoding.encode(peerMac)) + ", serviceSpecificInfo=" + Arrays.toString(serviceSpecificInfo) + ", matchFilter=" + Arrays.toString(matchFilter) + ", rangingIndication=" + rangingIndication + ", rangeMm=" + rangeMm); } Pair data = getClientSessionForPubSubId(pubSubId); if (data == null) { Log.e(TAG, "onMatch: no session found for pubSubId=" + pubSubId); return; } if (data.second.isRangingEnabled()) { mAwareMetrics.recordMatchIndicationForRangeEnabledSubscribe(rangingIndication != 0); } data.second.onMatch(requestorInstanceId, peerMac, serviceSpecificInfo, matchFilter, rangingIndication, rangeMm); } private void onMatchExpiredLocal(int pubSubId, int requestorInstanceId) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "onMatchExpiredNotification: pubSubId=" + pubSubId + ", requestorInstanceId=" + requestorInstanceId); } Pair data = getClientSessionForPubSubId(pubSubId); if (data == null) { Log.e(TAG, "onMatch: no session found for pubSubId=" + pubSubId); return; } data.second.onMatchExpired(requestorInstanceId); } private void onSessionTerminatedLocal(int pubSubId, boolean isPublish, int reason) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "onSessionTerminatedLocal: pubSubId=" + pubSubId + ", isPublish=" + isPublish + ", reason=" + reason); } Pair data = getClientSessionForPubSubId(pubSubId); if (data == null) { Log.e(TAG, "onSessionTerminatedLocal: no session found for pubSubId=" + pubSubId); return; } try { data.second.getCallback().onSessionTerminated(reason); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "onSessionTerminatedLocal onSessionTerminated(): RemoteException (FYI): " + e); } data.first.removeSession(data.second.getSessionId()); if (mCurrentRangingEnabled != doesAnyClientNeedRanging()) { reconfigure(); } mAwareMetrics.recordDiscoverySessionDuration(data.second.getCreationTime(), data.second.isPublishSession()); } private void onMessageReceivedLocal(int pubSubId, int requestorInstanceId, byte[] peerMac, byte[] message) { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "onMessageReceivedLocal: pubSubId=" + pubSubId + ", requestorInstanceId=" + requestorInstanceId + ", peerDiscoveryMac=" + String.valueOf(HexEncoding.encode(peerMac))); } Pair data = getClientSessionForPubSubId(pubSubId); if (data == null) { Log.e(TAG, "onMessageReceivedLocal: no session found for pubSubId=" + pubSubId); return; } data.second.onMessageReceived(requestorInstanceId, peerMac, message); } private void onAwareDownLocal() { if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "onAwareDown: mCurrentAwareConfiguration=" + mCurrentAwareConfiguration); } if (mCurrentAwareConfiguration == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < mClients.size(); ++i) { mAwareMetrics.recordAttachSessionDuration(mClients.valueAt(i).getCreationTime()); SparseArray sessions = mClients.valueAt( i).getSessions(); for (int j = 0; j < sessions.size(); ++j) { mAwareMetrics.recordDiscoverySessionDuration(sessions.valueAt(j).getCreationTime(), sessions.valueAt(j).isPublishSession()); } } mAwareMetrics.recordDisableAware(); mClients.clear(); mCurrentAwareConfiguration = null; mSm.onAwareDownCleanupSendQueueState(); mDataPathMgr.onAwareDownCleanupDataPaths(); mCurrentDiscoveryInterfaceMac = ALL_ZERO_MAC; mDataPathMgr.deleteAllInterfaces(); } /* * Utilities */ private Pair getClientSessionForPubSubId( int pubSubId) { for (int i = 0; i < mClients.size(); ++i) { WifiAwareClientState client = mClients.valueAt(i); WifiAwareDiscoverySessionState session = client.getAwareSessionStateForPubSubId( pubSubId); if (session != null) { return new Pair<>(client, session); } } return null; } /** * Merge all the existing client configurations with the (optional) input configuration request. * If the configurations are "incompatible" (rules in comment below) return a null. */ private ConfigRequest mergeConfigRequests(ConfigRequest configRequest) { if (mDbg) { Log.v(TAG, "mergeConfigRequests(): mClients=[" + mClients + "], configRequest=" + configRequest); } if (mClients.size() == 0 && configRequest == null) { Log.e(TAG, "mergeConfigRequests: invalid state - called with 0 clients registered!"); return null; } // TODO: continue working on merge algorithm: // - if any request 5g: enable // - maximal master preference // - cluster range: must be identical // - if any request identity change: enable // - discovery window: minimum value if specified, 0 (disable) is considered an infinity boolean support5gBand = false; boolean support6gBand = false; int masterPreference = 0; boolean clusterIdValid = false; int clusterLow = 0; int clusterHigh = ConfigRequest.CLUSTER_ID_MAX; int[] discoveryWindowInterval = {ConfigRequest.DW_INTERVAL_NOT_INIT, ConfigRequest.DW_INTERVAL_NOT_INIT}; if (configRequest != null) { support5gBand = configRequest.mSupport5gBand; support6gBand = configRequest.mSupport6gBand; masterPreference = configRequest.mMasterPreference; clusterIdValid = true; clusterLow = configRequest.mClusterLow; clusterHigh = configRequest.mClusterHigh; discoveryWindowInterval = configRequest.mDiscoveryWindowInterval; } for (int i = 0; i < mClients.size(); ++i) { ConfigRequest cr = mClients.valueAt(i).getConfigRequest(); // any request turns on 5G if (cr.mSupport5gBand) { support5gBand = true; } // any request turns on 5G if (cr.mSupport6gBand) { support6gBand = true; } // maximal master preference masterPreference = Math.max(masterPreference, cr.mMasterPreference); // cluster range must be the same across all config requests if (!clusterIdValid) { clusterIdValid = true; clusterLow = cr.mClusterLow; clusterHigh = cr.mClusterHigh; } else { if (clusterLow != cr.mClusterLow) return null; if (clusterHigh != cr.mClusterHigh) return null; } for (int band = ConfigRequest.NAN_BAND_24GHZ; band <= ConfigRequest.NAN_BAND_5GHZ; ++band) { if (discoveryWindowInterval[band] == ConfigRequest.DW_INTERVAL_NOT_INIT) { discoveryWindowInterval[band] = cr.mDiscoveryWindowInterval[band]; } else if (cr.mDiscoveryWindowInterval[band] == ConfigRequest.DW_INTERVAL_NOT_INIT) { // do nothing: keep my values } else if (discoveryWindowInterval[band] == ConfigRequest.DW_DISABLE) { discoveryWindowInterval[band] = cr.mDiscoveryWindowInterval[band]; } else if (cr.mDiscoveryWindowInterval[band] == ConfigRequest.DW_DISABLE) { // do nothing: keep my values } else { discoveryWindowInterval[band] = Math.min(discoveryWindowInterval[band], cr.mDiscoveryWindowInterval[band]); } } } ConfigRequest.Builder builder = new ConfigRequest.Builder().setSupport5gBand(support5gBand) .setMasterPreference(masterPreference).setClusterLow(clusterLow) .setClusterHigh(clusterHigh); for (int band = ConfigRequest.NAN_BAND_24GHZ; band <= ConfigRequest.NAN_BAND_5GHZ; ++band) { if (discoveryWindowInterval[band] != ConfigRequest.DW_INTERVAL_NOT_INIT) { builder.setDiscoveryWindowInterval(band, discoveryWindowInterval[band]); } } return builder.build(); } private WorkSource createMergedRequestorWs() { if (mDbg) { Log.v(TAG, "createMergedRequestorWs(): mClients=[" + mClients + "]"); } WorkSource requestorWs = new WorkSource(); for (int i = 0; i < mClients.size(); ++i) { WifiAwareClientState clientState = mClients.valueAt(i); requestorWs.add(new WorkSource(clientState.getUid(), clientState.getCallingPackage())); } return requestorWs; } private boolean doesAnyClientNeedIdentityChangeNotifications() { for (int i = 0; i < mClients.size(); ++i) { if (mClients.valueAt(i).getNotifyIdentityChange()) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean doesAnyClientNeedRanging() { for (int i = 0; i < mClients.size(); ++i) { if (mClients.valueAt(i).isRangingEnabled()) { return true; } } return false; } private static String messageToString(Message msg) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String s = sSmToString.get(msg.what); if (s == null) { s = ""; } sb.append(s).append("/"); if (msg.what == MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION || msg.what == MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND || msg.what == MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE) { s = sSmToString.get(msg.arg1); if (s == null) { s = ""; } sb.append(s); } if (msg.what == MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE || msg.what == MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT) { sb.append(" (Transaction ID=").append(msg.arg2).append(")"); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Dump the internal state of the class. */ public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) { pw.println("AwareStateManager:"); pw.println(" mClients: [" + mClients + "]"); pw.println(" mUsageEnabled: " + mUsageEnabled); pw.println(" mCapabilities: [" + mCapabilities + "]"); pw.println(" mCurrentAwareConfiguration: " + mCurrentAwareConfiguration); pw.println(" mCurrentIdentityNotification: " + mCurrentIdentityNotification); for (int i = 0; i < mClients.size(); ++i) { mClients.valueAt(i).dump(fd, pw, args); } pw.println(" mSettableParameters: " + mSettableParameters); mSm.dump(fd, pw, args); mDataPathMgr.dump(fd, pw, args); mWifiAwareNativeApi.dump(fd, pw, args); pw.println("mAwareMetrics:"); mAwareMetrics.dump(fd, pw, args); } }