# Fluoride Bluetooth stack ## Building and running on AOSP Just build AOSP - Fluoride is there by default. ## Building and running on Linux Instructions for a Debian based distribution: * Debian Bullseye or newer * Ubuntu 20.10 or newer * Clang-11 or Clang-12 * Flex 2.6.x * Bison 3.x.x (tested with 3.0.x, 3.2.x and 3.7.x) You'll want to download some pre-requisite packages as well. If you're currently configured for AOSP development, you should have all required packages. Otherwise, you can use the following apt-get list: ```sh sudo apt-get install repo git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential \ zip curl zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib \ x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32z-dev libncurses5 \ libgl1-mesa-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc unzip liblz4-tool libssl-dev \ libc++-dev libevent-dev \ flatbuffers-compiler libflatbuffers1 \ openssl openssl-dev ``` You will also need a recent-ish version of Rust and Cargo. Please follow the instructions on [Rustup](https://rustup.rs/) to install a recent version. ### Download source ```sh mkdir ~/fluoride cd ~/fluoride git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/bt ``` Install dependencies (require sudo access). This adds some Ubuntu dependencies and also installs GN (which is the build tool we're using). ```sh cd ~/fluoride/bt build/install_deps.sh ``` The following third-party dependencies are necessary but currently unavailable via a package manager. You may have to build these from source and install them to your local environment. * libchrome * modp_b64 We provide a script to produce debian packages for those components, please follow the instructions in build/dpkg/README.txt. The googletest packages provided by Debian/Ubuntu (libgmock-dev and libgtest-dev) do not provide pkg-config files, so you can build your own googletest using the steps below: ``` $ git clone https://github.com/google/googletest.git -b release-1.10.0 $ cd googletest # Main directory of the cloned repository. $ mkdir build # Create a directory to hold the build output. $ cd build $ cmake .. # Generate native build scripts for GoogleTest. $ sudo make install -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ``` ### Stage your build environment For host build, we depend on a few other repositories: * [Platform2](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/platform2/) * [Rust crates](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/third_party/rust_crates/) * [Proto logging](https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/proto_logging/) Clone these all somewhere and create your staging environment. ```sh export STAGING_DIR=path/to/your/staging/dir mkdir ${STAGING_DIR} mkdir -p ${STAGING_DIR}/external ln -s $(readlink -f ${PLATFORM2_DIR}/common-mk) ${STAGING_DIR}/common-mk ln -s $(readlink -f ${PLATFORM2_DIR}/.gn) ${STAGING_DIR}/.gn ln -s $(readlink -f ${RUST_CRATE_DIR}) ${STAGING_DIR}/external/rust ln -s $(readlink -f ${PROTO_LOG_DIR}) ${STAGING_DIR}/external/proto_logging ``` ### Build We provide a build script to automate building assuming you've staged your build environment already as above. ```sh ./build.py --output ${OUTPUT_DIR} --platform-dir ${STAGING_DIR} --clang ``` This will build all targets to the output directory you've given. You can also build each stage separately (if you want to iterate on something specific): * prepare - Generate the GN rules * tools - Generate host tools * rust - Build the rust portion of the build * main - Build all the C/C++ code * test - Build all targets and run the tests * clean - Clean the output directory You can choose to run only a specific stage by passing an arg via `--target`. Currently, Rust builds are a separate stage that uses Cargo to build. See [gd/rust/README.md](gd/rust/README.md) for more information. ### Run By default on Linux, we statically link libbluetooth so you can just run the binary directly: ```sh cd ~/fluoride/bt/out/Default ./bluetoothtbd -create-ipc-socket=fluoride ```