// // Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // #define LOG_TAG "android.hardware.bluetooth@1.1.sim" #include "bluetooth_hci.h" #include "log/log.h" #include #include #include #include #include "hci_internals.h" namespace android { namespace hardware { namespace bluetooth { namespace V1_1 { namespace sim { using android::hardware::hidl_vec; using test_vendor_lib::AsyncTaskId; using test_vendor_lib::DualModeController; using test_vendor_lib::TaskCallback; namespace { bool BtTestConsoleEnabled() { // Assume enabled by default. return property_get_bool("vendor.bt.rootcanal_test_console", true); } } // namespace class BluetoothDeathRecipient : public hidl_death_recipient { public: BluetoothDeathRecipient(const sp hci) : mHci(hci) {} void serviceDied( uint64_t /* cookie */, const wp<::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase>& /* who */) override { LOG_ERROR("BluetoothDeathRecipient::serviceDied - Bluetooth service died"); has_died_ = true; mHci->close(); } sp mHci; bool getHasDied() const { return has_died_; } void setHasDied(bool has_died) { has_died_ = has_died; } private: bool has_died_; }; BluetoothHci::BluetoothHci() : death_recipient_(new BluetoothDeathRecipient(this)) {} Return BluetoothHci::initialize( const sp& cb) { return initialize_impl(cb, nullptr); } Return BluetoothHci::initialize_1_1( const sp& cb) { return initialize_impl(cb, cb); } Return BluetoothHci::initialize_impl( const sp& cb, const sp& cb_1_1) { LOG_INFO("%s", __func__); if (cb == nullptr) { LOG_ERROR("cb == nullptr! -> Unable to call initializationComplete(ERR)"); return Void(); } death_recipient_->setHasDied(false); auto link_ret = cb->linkToDeath(death_recipient_, 0); CHECK(link_ret.isOk()) << "Error calling linkToDeath."; test_channel_transport_.RegisterCommandHandler( [this](const std::string& name, const std::vector& args) { async_manager_.ExecAsync( user_id_, std::chrono::milliseconds(0), [this, name, args]() { test_channel_.HandleCommand(name, args); }); }); controller_ = std::make_shared(); char mac_property[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = ""; property_get("vendor.bt.rootcanal_mac_address", mac_property, "3C:5A:B4:01:02:03"); controller_->Initialize({"dmc", std::string(mac_property)}); controller_->RegisterEventChannel( [this, cb](std::shared_ptr> packet) { hidl_vec hci_event(packet->begin(), packet->end()); auto ret = cb->hciEventReceived(hci_event); if (!ret.isOk()) { LOG_ERROR("Error sending event callback"); if (!death_recipient_->getHasDied()) { LOG_ERROR("Closing"); close(); } } }); controller_->RegisterAclChannel( [this, cb](std::shared_ptr> packet) { hidl_vec acl_packet(packet->begin(), packet->end()); auto ret = cb->aclDataReceived(acl_packet); if (!ret.isOk()) { LOG_ERROR("Error sending acl callback"); if (!death_recipient_->getHasDied()) { LOG_ERROR("Closing"); close(); } } }); controller_->RegisterScoChannel( [this, cb](std::shared_ptr> packet) { hidl_vec sco_packet(packet->begin(), packet->end()); auto ret = cb->scoDataReceived(sco_packet); if (!ret.isOk()) { LOG_ERROR("Error sending sco callback"); if (!death_recipient_->getHasDied()) { LOG_ERROR("Closing"); close(); } } }); if (cb_1_1 != nullptr) { controller_->RegisterIsoChannel( [this, cb_1_1](std::shared_ptr> packet) { hidl_vec iso_packet(packet->begin(), packet->end()); auto ret = cb_1_1->isoDataReceived(iso_packet); if (!ret.isOk()) { LOG_ERROR("Error sending iso callback"); if (!death_recipient_->getHasDied()) { LOG_ERROR("Closing"); close(); } } }); } controller_->RegisterTaskScheduler( [this](std::chrono::milliseconds delay, const TaskCallback& task) { return async_manager_.ExecAsync(user_id_, delay, task); }); controller_->RegisterPeriodicTaskScheduler( [this](std::chrono::milliseconds delay, std::chrono::milliseconds period, const TaskCallback& task) { return async_manager_.ExecAsyncPeriodically(user_id_, delay, period, task); }); controller_->RegisterTaskCancel( [this](AsyncTaskId task) { async_manager_.CancelAsyncTask(task); }); // Add the controller as a device in the model. size_t controller_index = test_model_.Add(controller_); size_t low_energy_phy_index = test_model_.AddPhy(test_vendor_lib::Phy::Type::LOW_ENERGY); size_t classic_phy_index = test_model_.AddPhy(test_vendor_lib::Phy::Type::BR_EDR); test_model_.AddDeviceToPhy(controller_index, low_energy_phy_index); test_model_.AddDeviceToPhy(controller_index, classic_phy_index); test_model_.SetTimerPeriod(std::chrono::milliseconds(10)); test_model_.StartTimer(); // Send responses to logcat if the test channel is not configured. test_channel_.RegisterSendResponse([](const std::string& response) { LOG_INFO("No test channel yet: %s", response.c_str()); }); if (BtTestConsoleEnabled()) { SetUpTestChannel(6111); SetUpHciServer(6211, [this](int fd) { test_model_.IncomingHciConnection(fd); }); SetUpLinkLayerServer( 6311, [this](int fd) { test_model_.IncomingLinkLayerConnection(fd); }); } else { // This should be configurable in the future. LOG_INFO("Adding Beacons so the scan list is not empty."); test_channel_.Add({"beacon", "be:ac:10:00:00:01", "1000"}); test_model_.AddDeviceToPhy(controller_index + 1, low_energy_phy_index); test_channel_.Add({"beacon", "be:ac:10:00:00:02", "1000"}); test_model_.AddDeviceToPhy(controller_index + 2, low_energy_phy_index); test_channel_.Add( {"scripted_beacon", "5b:ea:c1:00:00:03", "/data/vendor/bluetooth/bluetooth_sim_ble_playback_file", "/data/vendor/bluetooth/bluetooth_sim_ble_playback_events"}); test_model_.AddDeviceToPhy(controller_index + 3, low_energy_phy_index); test_channel_.List({}); } unlink_cb_ = [this, cb](sp& death_recipient) { if (death_recipient->getHasDied()) LOG_INFO("Skipping unlink call, service died."); else { auto ret = cb->unlinkToDeath(death_recipient); if (!ret.isOk()) { CHECK(death_recipient_->getHasDied()) << "Error calling unlink, but no death notification."; } } }; auto init_ret = cb->initializationComplete(V1_0::Status::SUCCESS); if (!init_ret.isOk()) { CHECK(death_recipient_->getHasDied()) << "Error sending init callback, but no death notification."; } return Void(); } Return BluetoothHci::close() { LOG_INFO("%s", __func__); test_model_.Reset(); return Void(); } Return BluetoothHci::sendHciCommand(const hidl_vec& packet) { async_manager_.ExecAsync(user_id_, std::chrono::milliseconds(0), [this, packet]() { std::shared_ptr> packet_copy = std::shared_ptr>( new std::vector(packet)); controller_->HandleCommand(packet_copy); }); return Void(); } Return BluetoothHci::sendAclData(const hidl_vec& packet) { async_manager_.ExecAsync(user_id_, std::chrono::milliseconds(0), [this, packet]() { std::shared_ptr> packet_copy = std::shared_ptr>( new std::vector(packet)); controller_->HandleAcl(packet_copy); }); return Void(); } Return BluetoothHci::sendScoData(const hidl_vec& packet) { async_manager_.ExecAsync(user_id_, std::chrono::milliseconds(0), [this, packet]() { std::shared_ptr> packet_copy = std::shared_ptr>( new std::vector(packet)); controller_->HandleSco(packet_copy); }); return Void(); } Return BluetoothHci::sendIsoData(const hidl_vec& packet) { async_manager_.ExecAsync(user_id_, std::chrono::milliseconds(0), [this, packet]() { std::shared_ptr> packet_copy = std::shared_ptr>( new std::vector(packet)); controller_->HandleIso(packet_copy); }); return Void(); } void BluetoothHci::SetUpHciServer(int port, const std::function& connection_callback) { int socket_fd = remote_hci_transport_.SetUp(port); test_channel_.RegisterSendResponse([](const std::string& response) { LOG_INFO("No HCI Response channel: %s", response.c_str()); }); if (socket_fd == -1) { LOG_ERROR("Remote HCI channel SetUp(%d) failed.", port); return; } async_manager_.WatchFdForNonBlockingReads(socket_fd, [this, connection_callback](int socket_fd) { int conn_fd = remote_hci_transport_.Accept(socket_fd); if (conn_fd < 0) { LOG_ERROR("Error watching remote HCI channel fd."); return; } int flags = fcntl(conn_fd, F_GETFL, NULL); int ret; ret = fcntl(conn_fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); CHECK(ret != -1) << "Error setting O_NONBLOCK " << strerror(errno); connection_callback(conn_fd); }); } void BluetoothHci::SetUpLinkLayerServer(int port, const std::function& connection_callback) { int socket_fd = remote_link_layer_transport_.SetUp(port); test_channel_.RegisterSendResponse([](const std::string& response) { LOG_INFO("No LinkLayer Response channel: %s", response.c_str()); }); if (socket_fd == -1) { LOG_ERROR("Remote LinkLayer channel SetUp(%d) failed.", port); return; } async_manager_.WatchFdForNonBlockingReads(socket_fd, [this, connection_callback](int socket_fd) { int conn_fd = remote_link_layer_transport_.Accept(socket_fd); if (conn_fd < 0) { LOG_ERROR("Error watching remote LinkLayer channel fd."); return; } int flags = fcntl(conn_fd, F_GETFL, NULL); int ret = fcntl(conn_fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); CHECK(ret != -1) << "Error setting O_NONBLOCK " << strerror(errno); connection_callback(conn_fd); }); } int BluetoothHci::ConnectToRemoteServer(const std::string& server, int port) { int socket_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (socket_fd < 1) { LOG_INFO("socket() call failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } struct hostent* host; host = gethostbyname(server.c_str()); if (host == NULL) { LOG_INFO("gethostbyname() failed for %s: %s", server.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return -1; } struct sockaddr_in serv_addr; memset((void*)&serv_addr, 0, sizeof(serv_addr)); serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; serv_addr.sin_port = htons(port); int result = connect(socket_fd, (struct sockaddr*)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)); if (result < 0) { LOG_INFO("connect() failed for %s@%d: %s", server.c_str(), port, strerror(errno)); return -1; } int flags = fcntl(socket_fd, F_GETFL, NULL); int ret = fcntl(socket_fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); CHECK(ret != -1) << "Error setting O_NONBLOCK " << strerror(errno); return socket_fd; } void BluetoothHci::SetUpTestChannel(int port) { int socket_fd = test_channel_transport_.SetUp(port); test_channel_.RegisterSendResponse([](const std::string& response) { LOG_INFO("No test channel: %s", response.c_str()); }); if (socket_fd == -1) { LOG_ERROR("Test channel SetUp(%d) failed.", port); return; } LOG_INFO("Test channel SetUp() successful"); async_manager_.WatchFdForNonBlockingReads(socket_fd, [this](int socket_fd) { int conn_fd = test_channel_transport_.Accept(socket_fd); if (conn_fd < 0) { LOG_ERROR("Error watching test channel fd."); return; } LOG_INFO("Test channel connection accepted."); test_channel_.RegisterSendResponse( [this, conn_fd](const std::string& response) { test_channel_transport_.SendResponse(conn_fd, response); }); async_manager_.WatchFdForNonBlockingReads(conn_fd, [this](int conn_fd) { test_channel_transport_.OnCommandReady(conn_fd, [this, conn_fd]() { async_manager_.StopWatchingFileDescriptor(conn_fd); }); }); }); } /* Fallback to shared library if there is no service. */ IBluetoothHci* HIDL_FETCH_IBluetoothHci(const char* /* name */) { return new BluetoothHci(); } } // namespace sim } // namespace V1_1 } // namespace bluetooth } // namespace hardware } // namespace android