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2 * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17syntax = "proto2";
18option java_outer_classname = "InputMethodEditorTraceProto";
20package android.view.inputmethod;
22import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/view/inputmethod/inputmethodmanager.proto";
23import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/view/viewrootimpl.proto";
24import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/view/insetscontroller.proto";
25import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/view/imeinsetssourceconsumer.proto";
26import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/view/inputmethod/editorinfo.proto";
27import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/view/inputmethod/inputconnection.proto";
28import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/view/imefocuscontroller.proto";
30import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/server/inputmethod/inputmethodmanagerservice.proto";
31import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/inputmethodservice/inputmethodservice.proto";
34 * Represents a file full of trace entries for clients that use InputMethod.
35 * Encoded, it should start with 0x9 0x49 0x4d 0x43 0x54 0x52 0x41 0x43 0x45 (.IMCTRACE), such
36 * that they can be easily identified.
37 */
38message InputMethodClientsTraceFileProto {
40    /* constant; MAGIC_NUMBER = (long) MAGIC_NUMBER_H << 32 | MagicNumber.MAGIC_NUMBER_L
41       (this is needed because enums have to be 32 bits and there's no nice way to put 64bit
42        constants into .proto files.) */
43    enum MagicNumber {
44        INVALID = 0;
45        MAGIC_NUMBER_L = 0x54434d49;  /* IMCT (little-endian ASCII) */
46        MAGIC_NUMBER_H = 0x45434152;  /* RACE (little-endian ASCII) */
47    }
49    /* Must be the first field to allow winscope to auto-detect the dump type. Set to value
50        in MagicNumber */
51    optional fixed64 magic_number = 1;
52    repeated InputMethodClientsTraceProto entry = 2;
55/* One dump entry for clients that use InputMethod. */
56message InputMethodClientsTraceProto {
57    /* required: elapsed realtime in nanos since boot of when this entry was logged */
58    optional fixed64 elapsed_realtime_nanos = 1;
60    /* where the trace originated */
61    optional string where = 2;
63    optional ClientSideProto client = 3;
65    /* groups together the dump from ime related client side classes */
66    message ClientSideProto {
67        optional int32 display_id = 1;
68        optional InputMethodManagerProto input_method_manager = 2;
69        optional ViewRootImplProto view_root_impl = 3;
70        optional InsetsControllerProto insets_controller = 4;
71        optional ImeInsetsSourceConsumerProto ime_insets_source_consumer = 5;
72        optional EditorInfoProto editor_info = 6;
73        optional ImeFocusControllerProto ime_focus_controller = 7;
74        optional InputConnectionProto input_connection = 8;
75        optional InputConnectionCallProto input_connection_call = 9;
76    }
80 * Represents a file full of InputMethodService trace entries.
81 * Encoded, it should start with 0x9 0x49 0x4d 0x53 0x54 0x52 0x41 0x43 0x45 (.IMSTRACE), such
82 * that they can be easily identified.
83 */
84message InputMethodServiceTraceFileProto {
86    /* constant; MAGIC_NUMBER = (long) MAGIC_NUMBER_H << 32 | MagicNumber.MAGIC_NUMBER_L
87       (this is needed because enums have to be 32 bits and there's no nice way to put 64bit
88        constants into .proto files.) */
89    enum MagicNumber {
90        INVALID = 0;
91        MAGIC_NUMBER_L = 0x54534d49;  /* IMST (little-endian ASCII) */
92        MAGIC_NUMBER_H = 0x45434152;  /* RACE (little-endian ASCII) */
93    }
95    /* Must be the first field to allow winscope to auto-detect the dump type. Set to value
96        in MagicNumber */
97    optional fixed64 magic_number = 1;
98    repeated InputMethodServiceTraceProto entry = 2;
101/* One dump entry for InputMethodService. */
102message InputMethodServiceTraceProto {
103    /* required: elapsed realtime in nanos since boot of when this entry was logged */
104    optional fixed64 elapsed_realtime_nanos = 1;
106    /* where the trace originated */
107    optional string where = 2;
109    optional .android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodServiceProto input_method_service = 3;
113 * Represents a file full of InputMethodManagerService trace entries.
114 * Encoded, it should start with 0x9 0x49 0x4d 0x4d 0x54 0x52 0x41 0x43 0x45 (.IMMTRACE), such
115 * that they can be easily identified.
116 */
117message InputMethodManagerServiceTraceFileProto {
119    /* constant; MAGIC_NUMBER = (long) MAGIC_NUMBER_H << 32 | MagicNumber.MAGIC_NUMBER_L
120       (this is needed because enums have to be 32 bits and there's no nice way to put 64bit
121        constants into .proto files.) */
122    enum MagicNumber {
123        INVALID = 0;
124        MAGIC_NUMBER_L = 0x544d4d49;  /* IMMT (little-endian ASCII) */
125        MAGIC_NUMBER_H = 0x45434152;  /* RACE (little-endian ASCII) */
126    }
128    /* Must be the first field to allow winscope to auto-detect the dump type. Set to value
129        in MagicNumber */
130    optional fixed64 magic_number = 1;
131    repeated InputMethodManagerServiceTraceProto entry = 2;
134/* One dump entry for InputMethodManagerService. */
135message InputMethodManagerServiceTraceProto {
136    /* required: elapsed realtime in nanos since boot of when this entry was logged */
137    optional fixed64 elapsed_realtime_nanos = 1;
139    /* where the trace originated */
140    optional string where = 2;
142    optional .android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerServiceProto input_method_manager_service = 3;