1 /* Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 limitations under the License.
14 ==============================================================================*/
16 #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/common/tasks/convolution_transposed_3x3.h"
18 #include <string>
19 #include <utility>
20 #include <vector>
22 #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/common/task/work_group_picking.h"
24 namespace tflite {
25 namespace gpu {
ConvolutionTransposed3x3(const OperationDef & definition,const GpuInfo & gpu_info,int2 padding)27 ConvolutionTransposed3x3::ConvolutionTransposed3x3(
28 const OperationDef& definition, const GpuInfo& gpu_info, int2 padding)
29 : GPUOperation(definition), padding_(padding) {
30 work_group_size_ = int3(8, 4, 1);
31 work_group_launch_order_ = int3(2, 0, 1);
32 if (gpu_info.IsPowerVR()) {
33 weights_upload_type_ = WeightsUploadType::LOCAL_MEM_ASYNC;
34 } else if (gpu_info.IsNvidia() || gpu_info.IsIntel()) {
35 weights_upload_type_ = WeightsUploadType::LOCAL_MEM_BY_THREADS;
36 } else if (gpu_info.IsAMD()) {
37 weights_upload_type_ = WeightsUploadType::CONSTANT_MEM;
38 } else {
39 weights_upload_type_ = WeightsUploadType::GLOBAL_MEM;
40 }
41 if (gpu_info.IsApple()) {
42 weights_layout_ = WeightsLayout::kOICustomSpatialO4I4;
43 } else {
44 weights_layout_ = WeightsLayout::kOICustomSpatialI4O4;
45 }
46 code_ = GenerateConvolutionTransposedCode(gpu_info, definition_,
47 weights_upload_type_, padding_,
48 work_group_launch_order_);
49 if (definition_.precision == CalculationsPrecision::F16 &&
50 gpu_info.IsPowerVR()) {
51 compiler_options_.push_back(CompilerOptions::kClPowervrFp16);
52 }
53 }
GenerateConvolutionTransposedCode(const GpuInfo & gpu_info,const OperationDef & op_def,ConvolutionTransposed3x3::WeightsUploadType weights_upload_type,int2 padding,int3 work_group_launch_order)55 std::string ConvolutionTransposed3x3::GenerateConvolutionTransposedCode(
56 const GpuInfo& gpu_info, const OperationDef& op_def,
57 ConvolutionTransposed3x3::WeightsUploadType weights_upload_type,
58 int2 padding, int3 work_group_launch_order) {
59 auto src_desc = op_def.src_tensors[0];
60 src_desc.SetAddressMode(AddressMode::kZero);
61 if (op_def.IsBatchSupported()) {
62 src_desc.SetStateVar("BatchedWidth", "true");
63 }
64 AddSrcTensor("src_tensor", src_desc);
66 auto dst_desc = op_def.dst_tensors[0];
67 if (op_def.IsBatchSupported()) {
68 dst_desc.SetStateVar("BatchedWidth", "true");
69 }
70 AddDstTensor("dst_tensor", dst_desc);
72 if (op_def.src_tensors.size() == 2) {
73 // dynamic weights
74 BufferDescriptor desc;
75 desc.element_type = op_def.src_tensors[1].data_type;
76 desc.element_size = 4;
77 desc.memory_type =
78 weights_upload_type ==
79 ConvolutionTransposed3x3::WeightsUploadType::CONSTANT_MEM
80 ? MemoryType::CONSTANT
81 : MemoryType::GLOBAL;
82 AddSrcBuffer("weights", desc);
83 }
85 args_.AddInt("filter_offset");
86 args_.AddInt("padding_x");
87 args_.AddInt("padding_y");
89 const bool need_local_mem =
90 weights_upload_type ==
91 ConvolutionTransposed3x3::WeightsUploadType::LOCAL_MEM_BY_THREADS ||
92 weights_upload_type ==
93 ConvolutionTransposed3x3::WeightsUploadType::LOCAL_MEM_ASYNC;
95 std::string c;
96 if (GetWeightsDescription().IsI4O4()) {
97 switch (op_def.precision) {
98 case CalculationsPrecision::F32:
99 case CalculationsPrecision::F16:
100 c += "#define CONV(R, SRC, F) \\\n";
101 c += " R += SRC.x * weights_cache[F]; \\\n";
102 c += " R += SRC.y * weights_cache[F + 1]; \\\n";
103 c += " R += SRC.z * weights_cache[F + 2]; \\\n";
104 c += " R += SRC.w * weights_cache[F + 3]; \n";
105 break;
106 case CalculationsPrecision::F32_F16:
107 c += "#define CONV(R, SRC, F) \\\n";
108 c += " R += TO_ACCUM_TYPE(SRC.x * weights_cache[F] + SRC.y * "
109 "weights_cache[F + 1] + SRC.z * weights_cache[F + 2] + SRC.w * "
110 "weights_cache[F + 3]);\n";
111 break;
112 }
113 } else {
114 // O4I4
115 c += "#define CONV(R, SRC, F) \\\n";
116 c += " R.x += dot(SRC, weights_cache[F]); \\\n";
117 c += " R.y += dot(SRC, weights_cache[F + 1]); \\\n";
118 c += " R.z += dot(SRC, weights_cache[F + 2]); \\\n";
119 c += " R.w += dot(SRC, weights_cache[F + 3]); \n";
120 }
122 const int wg_total_size =
123 work_group_size_.x * work_group_size_.y * work_group_size_.z;
124 const std::string barrier =
125 wg_total_size == 32 && gpu_info.IsWaveSizeEqualTo32()
128 const std::string weights_space =
129 weights_upload_type ==
130 ConvolutionTransposed3x3::WeightsUploadType::CONSTANT_MEM
131 ? "__constant"
132 : "__global";
134 const std::string pixel_stride =
135 op_def.IsBatchSupported() ? "args.dst_tensor.Batch()" : "1";
136 if (gpu_info.IsApiOpenCl()) {
137 c += "__attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(8, 4, 1)))\n";
138 }
139 c += "MAIN_FUNCTION($0) {\n";
140 int3 launch_remap;
141 launch_remap[work_group_launch_order.x] = 0;
142 launch_remap[work_group_launch_order.y] = 1;
143 launch_remap[work_group_launch_order.z] = 2;
144 auto GetGlobalID = [&](int id) {
145 std::string result;
146 const std::string sid = std::to_string(id);
147 if (work_group_launch_order[id] == id) {
148 return "GLOBAL_ID_" + sid;
149 } else {
150 return "GROUP_ID_" + std::to_string(launch_remap[id]) + " * GROUP_SIZE_" +
151 sid + " + LOCAL_ID_" + sid;
152 }
153 };
154 if (op_def.IsBatchSupported()) {
155 c += " int linear_id = " + GetGlobalID(0) + ";\n";
156 c += " int X0 = linear_id / args.dst_tensor.Batch();\n";
157 c += " int B = linear_id % args.dst_tensor.Batch();\n";
158 c += " int DST_X = X0 * 2 * args.dst_tensor.Batch() + B;\n";
159 c += " int SRC_X = linear_id + args.padding_x;\n";
160 } else {
161 c += " int X = " + GetGlobalID(0) + ";\n";
162 c += " int DST_X = X * 2;\n";
163 c += " int SRC_X = X + args.padding_x;\n";
164 }
165 c += " int Y = " + GetGlobalID(1) + ";\n";
166 c += " int DST_Y = Y * 2;\n";
167 c += " int SRC_Y = Y + args.padding_y;\n";
168 c += " int Z = " + GetGlobalID(2) + ";\n";
169 if (!need_local_mem) {
170 c += " if (DST_X >= args.dst_tensor.Width() || DST_Y >= "
171 "args.dst_tensor.Height() || Z >= args.dst_tensor.Slices()) return;\n";
172 }
173 c += " ACCUM_FLT4 r0 = INIT_ACCUM_FLT4(0.0f);\n";
174 c += " ACCUM_FLT4 r1 = INIT_ACCUM_FLT4(0.0f);\n";
175 c += " ACCUM_FLT4 r2 = INIT_ACCUM_FLT4(0.0f);\n";
176 c += " ACCUM_FLT4 r3 = INIT_ACCUM_FLT4(0.0f);\n";
177 c += " int f_offset = Z * args.filter_offset;\n";
178 if (need_local_mem) {
179 c += " __local FLT4 weights_cache[36];\n";
180 }
181 if (weights_upload_type ==
182 ConvolutionTransposed3x3::WeightsUploadType::LOCAL_MEM_BY_THREADS) {
183 c += " int local_id = LOCAL_ID_1 * 8 + LOCAL_ID_0;\n";
184 }
185 const std::string next_x = "SRC_X + " + pixel_stride;
186 if (!src_desc.SupportsZeroClamp(Axis::WIDTH)) {
187 c += " bool in_x0 = SRC_X >= 0 && SRC_X < args.src_tensor.Width();\n";
188 c += " bool in_x1 = " + next_x + " >= 0 && " + next_x +
189 " < args.src_tensor.Width();\n";
190 }
191 if (!src_desc.SupportsZeroClamp(Axis::HEIGHT)) {
192 c += " bool in_y0 = SRC_Y >= 0 && SRC_Y < args.src_tensor.Height();\n";
193 c += " bool in_y1 = SRC_Y + 1 >= 0 && SRC_Y + 1 < "
194 "args.src_tensor.Height();\n";
195 }
196 auto generate_check = [&](int x, int y) {
197 std::string check;
198 const std::vector<Axis> axes{Axis::WIDTH, Axis::HEIGHT};
199 const std::vector<std::string> names{"in_x" + std::to_string(x),
200 "in_y" + std::to_string(y)};
201 for (int i = 0; i < axes.size(); ++i) {
202 const auto& axis = axes[i];
203 if (src_desc.HasAxis(axis) && !src_desc.SupportsZeroClamp(axis)) {
204 if (!check.empty()) {
205 check += " && ";
206 }
207 check += names[i];
208 }
209 }
210 return check;
211 };
212 if (src_desc.IsLinear()) {
213 if (src_desc.ReturnsZeroForNegOneRead()) {
214 c += " args.src_tensor.GetAddress(addr_0, SRC_X, SRC_Y, 0);\n";
215 c += " args.src_tensor.GetAddress(addr_1," + next_x + ", SRC_Y, 0);\n";
216 c += " args.src_tensor.GetAddress(addr_2, SRC_X, SRC_Y + 1, 0);\n";
217 c += " args.src_tensor.GetAddress(addr_3," + next_x + ", SRC_Y+1, 0);\n";
218 c += " addr_0 = select(-1, addr_0, (in_x0 && in_y0));\n";
219 c += " addr_1 = select(-1, addr_1, (in_x1 && in_y0));\n";
220 c += " addr_2 = select(-1, addr_2, (in_x0 && in_y1));\n";
221 c += " addr_3 = select(-1, addr_3, (in_x1 && in_y1));\n";
222 c += " int dz_0 = select(0, args.src_tensor.SliceStride(), (in_x0 && "
223 "in_y0));\n";
224 c += " int dz_1 = select(0, args.src_tensor.SliceStride(), (in_x1 && "
225 "in_y0));\n";
226 c += " int dz_2 = select(0, args.src_tensor.SliceStride(), (in_x0 && "
227 "in_y1));\n";
228 c += " int dz_3 = select(0, args.src_tensor.SliceStride(), (in_x1 && "
229 "in_y1));\n";
230 } else {
231 c += " int xc0 = clamp(SRC_X, 0, args.src_tensor.Width() - 1);\n";
232 c += " int xc1 = clamp(" + next_x +
233 ", 0, args.src_tensor.Width() - 1);\n";
234 c += " int yc0 = clamp(SRC_Y, 0, args.src_tensor.Height() - 1);\n";
235 c += " int yc1 = clamp(SRC_Y + 1, 0, args.src_tensor.Height() - 1);\n";
236 c += " args.src_tensor.GetAddress(addr_0, xc0, yc0, 0);\n";
237 c += " args.src_tensor.GetAddress(addr_1, xc1, yc0, 0);\n";
238 c += " args.src_tensor.GetAddress(addr_2, xc0, yc1, 0);\n";
239 c += " args.src_tensor.GetAddress(addr_3, xc1, yc1, 0);\n";
240 c += " int dz = args.src_tensor.SliceStride();\n";
241 }
242 }
243 auto read_src = [&](int x, int y) {
244 if (src_desc.IsLinear()) {
245 const std::string id = std::to_string(y * 2 + x);
246 const std::string addr = "addr_" + std::to_string(y * 2 + x);
247 if (src_desc.ReturnsZeroForNegOneRead()) {
248 return "args.src_tensor.Read(" + addr + "); " + addr + " += dz_" + id +
249 ";\n";
250 } else {
251 return "args.src_tensor.Read(" + addr + ") * INIT_FLT(in_x" +
252 std::to_string(x) + " && in_y" + std::to_string(y) + "); " +
253 addr + " += dz;\n";
254 }
255 } else {
256 std::string check = generate_check(x, y);
257 if (!check.empty()) {
258 check = " * INIT_FLT(" + check + ")";
259 }
260 return "args.src_tensor.Read(SRC_X + " + std::to_string(x) + "*" +
261 pixel_stride + ", SRC_Y + " + std::to_string(y) + ", s)" + check +
262 ";\n";
263 }
264 };
265 const int padding_x_rem = abs(padding.x) % 2;
266 const int padding_y_rem = abs(padding.y) % 2;
267 std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> permutation;
268 if (padding_x_rem == 1 && padding_y_rem == 1) {
269 permutation = {{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}, {2, 0}, {2, 2},
270 {3, 0}, {3, 1}, {3, 2}, {3, 3}};
271 } else if (padding_x_rem == 0 && padding_y_rem == 1) {
272 permutation = {{0, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 1}, {2, 0}, {2, 1},
273 {2, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 1}, {3, 3}};
274 } else if (padding_x_rem == 1 && padding_y_rem == 0) {
275 permutation = {{0, 0}, {0, 2}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}, {1, 2},
276 {1, 3}, {2, 2}, {3, 2}, {3, 3}};
277 } else { // padding_x_rem == 0 && padding_y_rem == 0
278 permutation = {{0, 0}, {0, 1}, {0, 2}, {0, 3}, {1, 1},
279 {1, 3}, {2, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 3}};
280 }
281 c += " for (int s = 0; s < args.src_tensor.Slices(); ++s) {\n";
282 if (need_local_mem) {
283 c += " " + barrier + ";\n";
284 }
285 if (weights_upload_type ==
286 ConvolutionTransposed3x3::WeightsUploadType::LOCAL_MEM_ASYNC) {
287 c += " async_work_group_copy(weights_cache, "
288 "args.weights.GetPtr(f_offset), 36, "
289 "0);\n";
290 } else if (weights_upload_type ==
291 ConvolutionTransposed3x3::WeightsUploadType::
293 c += " weights_cache[local_id] = args.weights.Read(f_offset + "
294 "local_id);\n";
295 c += " if (local_id < 4) {\n";
296 c += " weights_cache[local_id + 32] = args.weights.Read(f_offset + "
297 "local_id + "
298 "32);\n";
299 c += " };\n";
301 c += " " + weights_space +
302 " FLT4* weights_cache = args.weights.GetPtr(f_offset);\n";
303 }
304 c += " FLT4 src0 = " + read_src(0, 0);
305 c += " FLT4 src1 = " + read_src(1, 0);
306 c += " FLT4 src2 = " + read_src(0, 1);
307 c += " FLT4 src3 = " + read_src(1, 1);
308 c += " f_offset += 36;\n";
309 if (need_local_mem) {
310 c += " " + barrier + ";\n";
311 }
312 for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
313 const std::string r_name = "r" + std::to_string(permutation[i].first);
314 const std::string s_name = "src" + std::to_string(permutation[i].second);
315 const std::string w_name = std::to_string(i * 4);
316 c += " CONV(" + r_name + ", " + s_name + ", " + w_name + ");\n";
317 }
318 c += " }\n";
319 if (need_local_mem) {
320 c += " if (DST_X >= args.dst_tensor.Width() || DST_Y >= "
321 "args.dst_tensor.Height() || Z >= args.dst_tensor.Slices()) return;\n";
322 }
323 c += " FLT4 bias_val = args.biases.Read(Z);\n";
324 for (int y = 0; y < 2; ++y) {
325 for (int x = 0; x < 2; ++x) {
326 const std::string s_x = std::to_string(x);
327 const std::string s_y = std::to_string(y);
328 const std::string id = std::to_string(y * 2 + x);
329 const std::string x_c = "DST_X + " + s_x + " * " + pixel_stride;
330 const std::string y_c = "DST_Y + " + s_y;
331 c += " if (" + x_c + " < args.dst_tensor.Width() && " + y_c +
332 " < args.dst_tensor.Height()) {\n";
333 c += " FLT4 res0 = TO_FLT4(r" + id + ") + bias_val;\n";
334 c += " args.dst_tensor.Write(res0, " + x_c + ", " + y_c + ", Z);\n";
335 c += " }\n";
336 }
337 }
338 c += "}\n";
339 return c;
340 }
BindArguments(ArgumentsBinder * args)342 absl::Status ConvolutionTransposed3x3::BindArguments(ArgumentsBinder* args) {
343 RETURN_IF_ERROR(args->SetInt("filter_offset", 4 * 9 * src_[0]->Slices()));
344 const int padding_x =
345 padding_.x >= 1 ? (padding_.x - 1) / 2 : (padding_.x - 2) / 2;
346 const int padding_y =
347 padding_.y >= 1 ? (padding_.y - 1) / 2 : (padding_.y - 2) / 2;
348 RETURN_IF_ERROR(args->SetInt("padding_x", padding_x * src_[0]->Batch()));
349 return args->SetInt("padding_y", padding_y);
350 }
GetPossibleKernelWorkGroups(TuningType tuning_type,const GpuInfo & gpu_info,const KernelInfo & kernel_info,std::vector<int3> * work_groups) const352 void ConvolutionTransposed3x3::GetPossibleKernelWorkGroups(
353 TuningType tuning_type, const GpuInfo& gpu_info,
354 const KernelInfo& kernel_info, std::vector<int3>* work_groups) const {
355 if (weights_upload_type_ == WeightsUploadType::LOCAL_MEM_ASYNC ||
356 weights_upload_type_ == WeightsUploadType::LOCAL_MEM_BY_THREADS) {
357 work_groups->push_back(work_group_size_);
358 return;
359 }
360 GetPossibleWorkGroupsConv(tuning_type, gpu_info, kernel_info, grid_size_,
361 work_groups);
362 }
GetGridSize() const364 int3 ConvolutionTransposed3x3::GetGridSize() const {
365 const int grid_x = DivideRoundUp(dst_[0]->Width(), 2) * dst_[0]->Batch();
366 const int grid_y = DivideRoundUp(dst_[0]->Height(), 2);
367 const int grid_z = dst_[0]->Slices();
368 return int3(grid_x, grid_y, grid_z);
369 }
GetSpatialWeightsRemap() const371 std::vector<int> ConvolutionTransposed3x3::GetSpatialWeightsRemap() const {
372 const int padding_x_rem = abs(padding_.x) % 2;
373 const int padding_y_rem = abs(padding_.y) % 2;
375 std::vector<int> remap;
376 if (padding_x_rem == 1 && padding_y_rem == 1) {
377 return std::vector<int>{4, 5, 3, 7, 1, 8, 6, 2, 0};
378 } else if (padding_x_rem == 0 && padding_y_rem == 1) {
379 return std::vector<int>{5, 3, 4, 8, 6, 2, 0, 7, 1};
380 } else if (padding_x_rem == 1 && padding_y_rem == 0) {
381 return std::vector<int>{7, 1, 8, 6, 2, 0, 4, 5, 3};
382 } else { // padding_x_rem == 0 && padding_y_rem == 0
383 return std::vector<int>{8, 6, 2, 0, 7, 1, 5, 3, 4};
384 }
385 }
UploadWeights(const tflite::gpu::Tensor<OHWI,DataType::FLOAT32> & weights)387 void ConvolutionTransposed3x3::UploadWeights(
388 const tflite::gpu::Tensor<OHWI, DataType::FLOAT32>& weights) {
389 const int flt_count =
390 GetTotalElementsCountForLayout(GetWeightsDescription(), weights.shape);
392 DataType weights_type = definition_.precision == CalculationsPrecision::F32
393 ? DataType::FLOAT32
394 : DataType::FLOAT16;
396 BufferDescriptor desc;
397 desc.element_type = weights_type;
398 desc.element_size = 4;
399 desc.memory_type =
400 weights_upload_type_ ==
401 ConvolutionTransposed3x3::WeightsUploadType::CONSTANT_MEM
402 ? MemoryType::CONSTANT
403 : MemoryType::GLOBAL;
404 desc.size = flt_count * SizeOf(desc.element_type);
405 desc.data.resize(desc.size);
407 RearrangeWeights(weights, GetWeightsDescription(), weights_type,
408 absl::MakeSpan(desc.data));
410 args_.AddObject("weights",
411 absl::make_unique<BufferDescriptor>(std::move(desc)));
412 }
IsConvolutionTransposed3x3Supported(const OperationDef & definition,const ConvolutionTransposedAttributes & attr)414 bool IsConvolutionTransposed3x3Supported(
415 const OperationDef& definition,
416 const ConvolutionTransposedAttributes& attr) {
417 return attr.weights.shape.w == 3 && attr.weights.shape.h == 3 &&
418 attr.stride.w == 2 && attr.stride.h == 2;
419 }
CreateConvolutionTransposed3x3(const GpuInfo & gpu_info,const OperationDef & definition,const ConvolutionTransposedAttributes & attr)421 ConvolutionTransposed3x3 CreateConvolutionTransposed3x3(
422 const GpuInfo& gpu_info, const OperationDef& definition,
423 const ConvolutionTransposedAttributes& attr) {
424 const int2 padding = int2(attr.padding.prepended.w, attr.padding.prepended.h);
425 ConvolutionTransposed3x3 result(definition, gpu_info, padding);
426 result.UploadWeights(attr.weights);
428 TensorLinearDescriptor desc;
429 desc.storage_type = LinearStorageType::TEXTURE_2D;
430 desc.element_type = definition.GetDataType();
431 desc.UploadLinearData(attr.bias);
432 result.args_.AddObject(
433 "biases", absl::make_unique<TensorLinearDescriptor>(std::move(desc)));
434 return result;
435 }
CreateConvolutionTransposed3x3DynamicWeights(const GpuInfo & gpu_info,const OperationDef & definition,const ConvolutionTransposedAttributes & attr)437 ConvolutionTransposed3x3 CreateConvolutionTransposed3x3DynamicWeights(
438 const GpuInfo& gpu_info, const OperationDef& definition,
439 const ConvolutionTransposedAttributes& attr) {
440 OperationDef new_def = definition;
441 new_def.src_tensors = {
442 definition.src_tensors[0]}; // leaving only src_tensor def, weights defs
443 // will be added later
444 const DataType weights_type = definition.GetDataType();
445 // add 1 src_tensor(buffer) for weights
446 new_def.src_tensors.push_back(
447 {weights_type, TensorStorageType::BUFFER, Layout::HWC});
449 const int2 padding = int2(attr.padding.prepended.w, attr.padding.prepended.h);
450 ConvolutionTransposed3x3 result(new_def, gpu_info, padding);
452 TensorLinearDescriptor desc;
453 desc.storage_type = LinearStorageType::TEXTURE_2D;
454 desc.element_type = new_def.GetDataType();
455 desc.UploadLinearData(attr.bias);
456 result.args_.AddObject(
457 "biases", absl::make_unique<TensorLinearDescriptor>(std::move(desc)));
458 return result;
459 }
461 } // namespace gpu
462 } // namespace tflite