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1 /*
2  * Copyright 2016-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
3  */
5 @file:JvmMultifileClass
6 @file:JvmName("JobKt")
7 @file:Suppress("DEPRECATION_ERROR", "RedundantUnitReturnType")
9 package kotlinx.coroutines
11 import kotlinx.coroutines.selects.*
12 import kotlin.coroutines.*
13 import kotlin.jvm.*
15 // --------------- core job interfaces ---------------
17 /**
18  * A background job. Conceptually, a job is a cancellable thing with a life-cycle that
19  * culminates in its completion.
20  *
21  * Jobs can be arranged into parent-child hierarchies where cancellation
22  * of a parent leads to immediate cancellation of all its [children] recursively.
23  * Failure of a child with an exception other than [CancellationException] immediately cancels its parent and,
24  * consequently, all its other children. This behavior can be customized using [SupervisorJob].
25  *
26  * The most basic instances of `Job` interface are created like this:
27  *
28  * * **Coroutine job** is created with [launch][CoroutineScope.launch] coroutine builder.
29  *   It runs a specified block of code and completes on completion of this block.
30  * * **[CompletableJob]** is created with a `Job()` factory function.
31  *   It is completed by calling [CompletableJob.complete].
32  *
33  * Conceptually, an execution of a job does not produce a result value. Jobs are launched solely for their
34  * side-effects. See [Deferred] interface for a job that produces a result.
35  *
36  * ### Job states
37  *
38  * A job has the following states:
39  *
40  * | **State**                        | [isActive] | [isCompleted] | [isCancelled] |
41  * | -------------------------------- | ---------- | ------------- | ------------- |
42  * | _New_ (optional initial state)   | `false`    | `false`       | `false`       |
43  * | _Active_ (default initial state) | `true`     | `false`       | `false`       |
44  * | _Completing_ (transient state)   | `true`     | `false`       | `false`       |
45  * | _Cancelling_ (transient state)   | `false`    | `false`       | `true`        |
46  * | _Cancelled_ (final state)        | `false`    | `true`        | `true`        |
47  * | _Completed_ (final state)        | `false`    | `true`        | `false`       |
48  *
49  * Usually, a job is created in the _active_ state (it is created and started). However, coroutine builders
50  * that provide an optional `start` parameter create a coroutine in the _new_ state when this parameter is set to
51  * [CoroutineStart.LAZY]. Such a job can be made _active_ by invoking [start] or [join].
52  *
53  * A job is _active_ while the coroutine is working or until [CompletableJob] is completed,
54  * or until it fails or cancelled.
55  *
56  * Failure of an _active_ job with an exception makes it _cancelling_.
57  * A job can be cancelled at any time with [cancel] function that forces it to transition to
58  * the _cancelling_ state immediately. The job becomes _cancelled_  when it finishes executing its work and
59  * all its children complete.
60  *
61  * Completion of an _active_ coroutine's body or a call to [CompletableJob.complete] transitions the job to
62  * the _completing_ state. It waits in the _completing_ state for all its children to complete before
63  * transitioning to the _completed_ state.
64  * Note that _completing_ state is purely internal to the job. For an outside observer a _completing_ job is still
65  * active, while internally it is waiting for its children.
66  *
67  * ```
68  *                                       wait children
69  * +-----+ start  +--------+ complete   +-------------+  finish  +-----------+
70  * | New | -----> | Active | ---------> | Completing  | -------> | Completed |
71  * +-----+        +--------+            +-------------+          +-----------+
72  *                  |  cancel / fail       |
73  *                  |     +----------------+
74  *                  |     |
75  *                  V     V
76  *              +------------+                           finish  +-----------+
77  *              | Cancelling | --------------------------------> | Cancelled |
78  *              +------------+                                   +-----------+
79  * ```
80  *
81  * A `Job` instance in the
82  * [coroutineContext](https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin.coroutines/coroutine-context.html)
83  * represents the coroutine itself.
84  *
85  * ### Cancellation cause
86  *
87  * A coroutine job is said to _complete exceptionally_ when its body throws an exception;
88  * a [CompletableJob] is completed exceptionally by calling [CompletableJob.completeExceptionally].
89  * An exceptionally completed job is cancelled and the corresponding exception becomes the _cancellation cause_ of the job.
90  *
91  * Normal cancellation of a job is distinguished from its failure by the type of this exception that caused its cancellation.
92  * A coroutine that threw [CancellationException] is considered to be _cancelled normally_.
93  * If a cancellation cause is a different exception type, then the job is considered to have _failed_.
94  * When a job has _failed_, then its parent gets cancelled with the exception of the same type,
95  * thus ensuring transparency in delegating parts of the job to its children.
96  *
97  * Note, that [cancel] function on a job only accepts [CancellationException] as a cancellation cause, thus
98  * calling [cancel] always results in a normal cancellation of a job, which does not lead to cancellation
99  * of its parent. This way, a parent can [cancel] its own children (cancelling all their children recursively, too)
100  * without cancelling itself.
101  *
102  * ### Concurrency and synchronization
103  *
104  * All functions on this interface and on all interfaces derived from it are **thread-safe** and can
105  * be safely invoked from concurrent coroutines without external synchronization.
106  *
107  * ### Not stable for inheritance
108  *
109  * **`Job` interface and all its derived interfaces are not stable for inheritance in 3rd party libraries**,
110  * as new methods might be added to this interface in the future, but is stable for use.
111  */
112 public interface Job : CoroutineContext.Element {
113     /**
114      * Key for [Job] instance in the coroutine context.
115      */
116     public companion object Key : CoroutineContext.Key<Job> {
117         init {
118             /*
119              * Here we make sure that CoroutineExceptionHandler is always initialized in advance, so
120              * that if a coroutine fails due to StackOverflowError we don't fail to report this error
121              * trying to initialize CoroutineExceptionHandler
122              */
123             CoroutineExceptionHandler
124         }
125     }
127     // ------------ state query ------------
129     /**
130      * Returns `true` when this job is active -- it was already started and has not completed nor was cancelled yet.
131      * The job that is waiting for its [children] to complete is still considered to be active if it
132      * was not cancelled nor failed.
133      *
134      * See [Job] documentation for more details on job states.
135      */
136     public val isActive: Boolean
138     /**
139      * Returns `true` when this job has completed for any reason. A job that was cancelled or failed
140      * and has finished its execution is also considered complete. Job becomes complete only after
141      * all its [children] complete.
142      *
143      * See [Job] documentation for more details on job states.
144      */
145     public val isCompleted: Boolean
147     /**
148      * Returns `true` if this job was cancelled for any reason, either by explicit invocation of [cancel] or
149      * because it had failed or its child or parent was cancelled.
150      * In the general case, it does not imply that the
151      * job has already [completed][isCompleted], because it may still be finishing whatever it was doing and
152      * waiting for its [children] to complete.
153      *
154      * See [Job] documentation for more details on cancellation and failures.
155      */
156     public val isCancelled: Boolean
158     /**
159      * Returns [CancellationException] that signals the completion of this job. This function is
160      * used by [cancellable][suspendCancellableCoroutine] suspending functions. They throw exception
161      * returned by this function when they suspend in the context of this job and this job becomes _complete_.
162      *
163      * This function returns the original [cancel] cause of this job if that `cause` was an instance of
164      * [CancellationException]. Otherwise (if this job was cancelled with a cause of a different type, or
165      * was cancelled without a cause, or had completed normally), an instance of [CancellationException] is
166      * returned. The [CancellationException.cause] of the resulting [CancellationException] references
167      * the original cancellation cause that was passed to [cancel] function.
168      *
169      * This function throws [IllegalStateException] when invoked on a job that is still active.
170      *
171      * @suppress **This an internal API and should not be used from general code.**
172      */
173     @InternalCoroutinesApi
getCancellationExceptionnull174     public fun getCancellationException(): CancellationException
176     // ------------ state update ------------
178     /**
179      * Starts coroutine related to this job (if any) if it was not started yet.
180      * The result `true` if this invocation actually started coroutine or `false`
181      * if it was already started or completed.
182      */
183     public fun start(): Boolean
186     /**
187      * Cancels this job with an optional cancellation [cause].
188      * A cause can be used to specify an error message or to provide other details on
189      * the cancellation reason for debugging purposes.
190      * See [Job] documentation for full explanation of cancellation machinery.
191      */
192     public fun cancel(cause: CancellationException? = null)
194     /**
195      * @suppress This method implements old version of JVM ABI. Use [cancel].
196      */
197     @Deprecated(level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN, message = "Since 1.2.0, binary compatibility with versions <= 1.1.x")
198     public fun cancel(): Unit = cancel(null)
200     /**
201      * @suppress This method has bad semantics when cause is not a [CancellationException]. Use [cancel].
202      */
203     @Deprecated(level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN, message = "Since 1.2.0, binary compatibility with versions <= 1.1.x")
204     public fun cancel(cause: Throwable? = null): Boolean
206     // ------------ parent-child ------------
208     /**
209      * Returns a sequence of this job's children.
210      *
211      * A job becomes a child of this job when it is constructed with this job in its
212      * [CoroutineContext] or using an explicit `parent` parameter.
213      *
214      * A parent-child relation has the following effect:
215      *
216      * * Cancellation of parent with [cancel] or its exceptional completion (failure)
217      *   immediately cancels all its children.
218      * * Parent cannot complete until all its children are complete. Parent waits for all its children to
219      *   complete in _completing_ or _cancelling_ state.
220      * * Uncaught exception in a child, by default, cancels parent. In particular, this applies to
221      *   children created with [launch][CoroutineScope.launch] coroutine builder. Note that
222      *   [async][CoroutineScope.async] and other future-like
223      *   coroutine builders do not have uncaught exceptions by definition, since all their exceptions are
224      *   caught and are encapsulated in their result.
225      */
226     public val children: Sequence<Job>
228     /**
229      * Attaches child job so that this job becomes its parent and
230      * returns a handle that should be used to detach it.
231      *
232      * A parent-child relation has the following effect:
233      * * Cancellation of parent with [cancel] or its exceptional completion (failure)
234      *   immediately cancels all its children.
235      * * Parent cannot complete until all its children are complete. Parent waits for all its children to
236      *   complete in _completing_ or _cancelling_ states.
237      *
238      * **A child must store the resulting [ChildHandle] and [dispose][DisposableHandle.dispose] the attachment
239      * to its parent on its own completion.**
240      *
241      * Coroutine builders and job factory functions that accept `parent` [CoroutineContext] parameter
242      * lookup a [Job] instance in the parent context and use this function to attach themselves as a child.
243      * They also store a reference to the resulting [ChildHandle] and dispose a handle when they complete.
244      *
245      * @suppress This is an internal API. This method is too error prone for public API.
246      */
247     // ChildJob and ChildHandle are made internal on purpose to further deter 3rd-party impl of Job
248     @InternalCoroutinesApi
249     public fun attachChild(child: ChildJob): ChildHandle
251     // ------------ state waiting ------------
253     /**
254      * Suspends the coroutine until this job is complete. This invocation resumes normally (without exception)
255      * when the job is complete for any reason and the [Job] of the invoking coroutine is still [active][isActive].
256      * This function also [starts][Job.start] the corresponding coroutine if the [Job] was still in _new_ state.
257      *
258      * Note that the job becomes complete only when all its children are complete.
259      *
260      * This suspending function is cancellable and **always** checks for a cancellation of the invoking coroutine's Job.
261      * If the [Job] of the invoking coroutine is cancelled or completed when this
262      * suspending function is invoked or while it is suspended, this function
263      * throws [CancellationException].
264      *
265      * In particular, it means that a parent coroutine invoking `join` on a child coroutine that was started using
266      * `launch(coroutineContext) { ... }` builder throws [CancellationException] if the child
267      * had crashed, unless a non-standard [CoroutineExceptionHandler] is installed in the context.
268      *
269      * This function can be used in [select] invocation with [onJoin] clause.
270      * Use [isCompleted] to check for a completion of this job without waiting.
271      *
272      * There is [cancelAndJoin] function that combines an invocation of [cancel] and `join`.
273      */
274     public suspend fun join()
276     /**
277      * Clause for [select] expression of [join] suspending function that selects when the job is complete.
278      * This clause never fails, even if the job completes exceptionally.
279      */
280     public val onJoin: SelectClause0
282     // ------------ low-level state-notification ------------
284     /**
285      * Registers handler that is **synchronously** invoked once on completion of this job.
286      * When the job is already complete, then the handler is immediately invoked
287      * with the job's exception or cancellation cause or `null`. Otherwise, the handler will be invoked once when this
288      * job is complete.
289      *
290      * The meaning of `cause` that is passed to the handler:
291      * * Cause is `null` when the job has completed normally.
292      * * Cause is an instance of [CancellationException] when the job was cancelled _normally_.
293      *   **It should not be treated as an error**. In particular, it should not be reported to error logs.
294      * * Otherwise, the job had _failed_.
295      *
296      * The resulting [DisposableHandle] can be used to [dispose][DisposableHandle.dispose] the
297      * registration of this handler and release its memory if its invocation is no longer needed.
298      * There is no need to dispose the handler after completion of this job. The references to
299      * all the handlers are released when this job completes.
300      *
301      * Installed [handler] should not throw any exceptions. If it does, they will get caught,
302      * wrapped into [CompletionHandlerException], and rethrown, potentially causing crash of unrelated code.
303      *
304      * **Note**: Implementation of `CompletionHandler` must be fast, non-blocking, and thread-safe.
305      * This handler can be invoked concurrently with the surrounding code.
306      * There is no guarantee on the execution context in which the [handler] is invoked.
307      */
308     public fun invokeOnCompletion(handler: CompletionHandler): DisposableHandle
310     /**
311      * Registers handler that is **synchronously** invoked once on cancellation or completion of this job.
312      * when the job was already cancelled and is completed its execution, then the handler is immediately invoked
313      * with the job's cancellation cause or `null` unless [invokeImmediately] is set to false.
314      * Otherwise, handler will be invoked once when this job is cancelled or is complete.
315      *
316      * The meaning of `cause` that is passed to the handler:
317      * * Cause is `null` when the job has completed normally.
318      * * Cause is an instance of [CancellationException] when the job was cancelled _normally_.
319      *   **It should not be treated as an error**. In particular, it should not be reported to error logs.
320      * * Otherwise, the job had _failed_.
321      *
322      * Invocation of this handler on a transition to a _cancelling_ state
323      * is controlled by [onCancelling] boolean parameter.
324      * The handler is invoked when the job becomes _cancelling_ if [onCancelling] parameter is set to `true`.
325      *
326      * The resulting [DisposableHandle] can be used to [dispose][DisposableHandle.dispose] the
327      * registration of this handler and release its memory if its invocation is no longer needed.
328      * There is no need to dispose the handler after completion of this job. The references to
329      * all the handlers are released when this job completes.
330      *
331      * Installed [handler] should not throw any exceptions. If it does, they will get caught,
332      * wrapped into [CompletionHandlerException], and rethrown, potentially causing crash of unrelated code.
333      *
334      * **Note**: This function is a part of internal machinery that supports parent-child hierarchies
335      * and allows for implementation of suspending functions that wait on the Job's state.
336      * This function should not be used in general application code.
337      * Implementation of `CompletionHandler` must be fast, non-blocking, and thread-safe.
338      * This handler can be invoked concurrently with the surrounding code.
339      * There is no guarantee on the execution context in which the [handler] is invoked.
340      *
341      * @param onCancelling when `true`, then the [handler] is invoked as soon as this job transitions to _cancelling_ state;
342      *        when `false` then the [handler] is invoked only when it transitions to _completed_ state.
343      * @param invokeImmediately when `true` and this job is already in the desired state (depending on [onCancelling]),
344      *        then the [handler] is immediately and synchronously invoked and no-op [DisposableHandle] is returned;
345      *        when `false` then no-op [DisposableHandle] is returned, but the [handler] is not invoked.
346      * @param handler the handler.
347      *
348      * @suppress **This an internal API and should not be used from general code.**
349      */
350     @InternalCoroutinesApi
351     public fun invokeOnCompletion(
352         onCancelling: Boolean = false,
353         invokeImmediately: Boolean = true,
354         handler: CompletionHandler): DisposableHandle
356     // ------------ unstable internal API ------------
358     /**
359      * @suppress **Error**: Operator '+' on two Job objects is meaningless.
360      * Job is a coroutine context element and `+` is a set-sum operator for coroutine contexts.
361      * The job to the right of `+` just replaces the job the left of `+`.
362      */
363     @Suppress("DeprecatedCallableAddReplaceWith")
364     @Deprecated(message = "Operator '+' on two Job objects is meaningless. " +
365         "Job is a coroutine context element and `+` is a set-sum operator for coroutine contexts. " +
366         "The job to the right of `+` just replaces the job the left of `+`.",
367         level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
368     public operator fun plus(other: Job): Job = other
369 }
371 /**
372  * Creates a job object in an active state.
373  * A failure of any child of this job immediately causes this job to fail, too, and cancels the rest of its children.
374  *
375  * To handle children failure independently of each other use [SupervisorJob].
376  *
377  * If [parent] job is specified, then this job becomes a child job of its parent and
378  * is cancelled when its parent fails or is cancelled. All this job's children are cancelled in this case, too.
379  * The invocation of [cancel][Job.cancel] with exception (other than [CancellationException]) on this job also cancels parent.
380  *
381  * Conceptually, the resulting job works in the same way as the job created by the `launch { body }` invocation
382  * (see [launch]), but without any code in the body. It is active until cancelled or completed. Invocation of
383  * [CompletableJob.complete] or [CompletableJob.completeExceptionally] corresponds to the successful or
384  * failed completion of the body of the coroutine.
385  *
386  * @param parent an optional parent job.
387  */
388 @Suppress("FunctionName")
389 public fun Job(parent: Job? = null): CompletableJob = JobImpl(parent)
391 /** @suppress Binary compatibility only */
392 @Suppress("FunctionName")
393 @Deprecated(level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN, message = "Since 1.2.0, binary compatibility with versions <= 1.1.x")
394 @JvmName("Job")
395 public fun Job0(parent: Job? = null): Job = Job(parent)
397 /**
398  * A handle to an allocated object that can be disposed to make it eligible for garbage collection.
399  */
400 public interface DisposableHandle {
401     /**
402      * Disposes the corresponding object, making it eligible for garbage collection.
403      * Repeated invocation of this function has no effect.
404      */
405     public fun dispose()
406 }
408 /**
409  * @suppress **This an internal API and should not be used from general code.**
410  */
411 @Suppress("FunctionName")
412 @InternalCoroutinesApi
DisposableHandlenull413 public inline fun DisposableHandle(crossinline block: () -> Unit): DisposableHandle =
414     object : DisposableHandle {
415         override fun dispose() {
416             block()
417         }
418     }
420 // -------------------- Parent-child communication --------------------
422 /**
423  * A reference that parent receives from its child so that it can report its cancellation.
424  *
425  * @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.**
426  */
427 @InternalCoroutinesApi
428 @Deprecated(level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR, message = "This is internal API and may be removed in the future releases")
429 public interface ChildJob : Job {
430     /**
431      * Parent is cancelling its child by invoking this method.
432      * Child finds the cancellation cause using [ParentJob.getChildJobCancellationCause].
433      * This method does nothing is the child is already being cancelled.
434      *
435      * @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.**
436      */
437     @InternalCoroutinesApi
parentCancellednull438     public fun parentCancelled(parentJob: ParentJob)
439 }
441 /**
442  * A reference that child receives from its parent when it is being cancelled by the parent.
443  *
444  * @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.**
445  */
446 @InternalCoroutinesApi
447 @Deprecated(level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR, message = "This is internal API and may be removed in the future releases")
448 public interface ParentJob : Job {
449     /**
450      * Child job is using this method to learn its cancellation cause when the parent cancels it with [ChildJob.parentCancelled].
451      * This method is invoked only if the child was not already being cancelled.
452      *
453      * Note that [CancellationException] is the method's return type: if child is cancelled by its parent,
454      * then the original exception is **already** handled by either the parent or the original source of failure.
455      *
456      * @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.**
457      */
458     @InternalCoroutinesApi
459     public fun getChildJobCancellationCause(): CancellationException
460 }
462 /**
463  * A handle that child keep onto its parent so that it is able to report its cancellation.
464  *
465  * @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.**
466  */
467 @InternalCoroutinesApi
468 @Deprecated(level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR, message = "This is internal API and may be removed in the future releases")
469 public interface ChildHandle : DisposableHandle {
470     /**
471      * Child is cancelling its parent by invoking this method.
472      * This method is invoked by the child twice. The first time child report its root cause as soon as possible,
473      * so that all its siblings and the parent can start cancelling their work asap. The second time
474      * child invokes this method when it had aggregated and determined its final cancellation cause.
475      *
476      * @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.**
477      */
478     @InternalCoroutinesApi
childCancellednull479     public fun childCancelled(cause: Throwable): Boolean
480 }
482 // -------------------- Job extensions --------------------
484 /**
485  * Disposes a specified [handle] when this job is complete.
486  *
487  * This is a shortcut for the following code with slightly more efficient implementation (one fewer object created).
488  * ```
489  * invokeOnCompletion { handle.dispose() }
490  * ```
491  */
492 internal fun Job.disposeOnCompletion(handle: DisposableHandle): DisposableHandle =
493     invokeOnCompletion(handler = DisposeOnCompletion(this, handle).asHandler)
495 /**
496  * Cancels the job and suspends the invoking coroutine until the cancelled job is complete.
497  *
498  * This suspending function is cancellable and **always** checks for a cancellation of the invoking coroutine's Job.
499  * If the [Job] of the invoking coroutine is cancelled or completed when this
500  * suspending function is invoked or while it is suspended, this function
501  * throws [CancellationException].
502  *
503  * In particular, it means that a parent coroutine invoking `cancelAndJoin` on a child coroutine that was started using
504  * `launch(coroutineContext) { ... }` builder throws [CancellationException] if the child
505  * had crashed, unless a non-standard [CoroutineExceptionHandler] is installed in the context.
506  *
507  * This is a shortcut for the invocation of [cancel][Job.cancel] followed by [join][Job.join].
508  */
509 public suspend fun Job.cancelAndJoin() {
510     cancel()
511     return join()
512 }
514 /**
515  * Cancels all [children][Job.children] jobs of this coroutine using [Job.cancel] for all of them
516  * with an optional cancellation [cause].
517  * Unlike [Job.cancel] on this job as a whole, the state of this job itself is not affected.
518  */
cancelChildrennull519 public fun Job.cancelChildren(cause: CancellationException? = null) {
520     children.forEach { it.cancel(cause) }
521 }
523 /**
524  * @suppress This method implements old version of JVM ABI. Use [cancel].
525  */
526 @Deprecated(level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN, message = "Since 1.2.0, binary compatibility with versions <= 1.1.x")
cancelChildrennull527 public fun Job.cancelChildren(): Unit = cancelChildren(null)
529 /**
530  * @suppress This method has bad semantics when cause is not a [CancellationException]. Use [Job.cancelChildren].
531  */
532 @Deprecated(level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN, message = "Since 1.2.0, binary compatibility with versions <= 1.1.x")
533 public fun Job.cancelChildren(cause: Throwable? = null) {
534     children.forEach { (it as? JobSupport)?.cancelInternal(cause.orCancellation(this)) }
535 }
537 // -------------------- CoroutineContext extensions --------------------
539 /**
540  * Returns `true` when the [Job] of the coroutine in this context is still active
541  * (has not completed and was not cancelled yet).
542  *
543  * Check this property in long-running computation loops to support cancellation
544  * when [CoroutineScope.isActive] is not available:
545  *
546  * ```
547  * while (coroutineContext.isActive) {
548  *     // do some computation
549  * }
550  * ```
551  *
552  * The `coroutineContext.isActive` expression is a shortcut for `coroutineContext[Job]?.isActive == true`.
553  * See [Job.isActive].
554  */
555 public val CoroutineContext.isActive: Boolean
556     get() = this[Job]?.isActive == true
558 /**
559  * Cancels [Job] of this context with an optional cancellation cause.
560  * See [Job.cancel] for details.
561  */
cancelnull562 public fun CoroutineContext.cancel(cause: CancellationException? = null) {
563     this[Job]?.cancel(cause)
564 }
566 /**
567  * @suppress This method implements old version of JVM ABI. Use [CoroutineContext.cancel].
568  */
569 @Deprecated(level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN, message = "Since 1.2.0, binary compatibility with versions <= 1.1.x")
cancelnull570 public fun CoroutineContext.cancel(): Unit = cancel(null)
572 /**
573  * Ensures that current job is [active][Job.isActive].
574  * If the job is no longer active, throws [CancellationException].
575  * If the job was cancelled, thrown exception contains the original cancellation cause.
576  *
577  * This method is a drop-in replacement for the following code, but with more precise exception:
578  * ```
579  * if (!job.isActive) {
580  *     throw CancellationException()
581  * }
582  * ```
583  */
584 public fun Job.ensureActive(): Unit {
585     if (!isActive) throw getCancellationException()
586 }
588 /**
589  * Ensures that job in the current context is [active][Job.isActive].
590  *
591  * If the job is no longer active, throws [CancellationException].
592  * If the job was cancelled, thrown exception contains the original cancellation cause.
593  * This function does not do anything if there is no [Job] in the context, since such a coroutine cannot be cancelled.
594  *
595  * This method is a drop-in replacement for the following code, but with more precise exception:
596  * ```
597  * if (!isActive) {
598  *     throw CancellationException()
599  * }
600  * ```
601  */
ensureActivenull602 public fun CoroutineContext.ensureActive() {
603     get(Job)?.ensureActive()
604 }
606 /**
607  * Cancels current job, including all its children with a specified diagnostic error [message].
608  * A [cause] can be specified to provide additional details on a cancellation reason for debugging purposes.
609  */
cancelnull610 public fun Job.cancel(message: String, cause: Throwable? = null): Unit = cancel(CancellationException(message, cause))
612 /**
613  * @suppress This method has bad semantics when cause is not a [CancellationException]. Use [CoroutineContext.cancel].
614  */
615 @Deprecated(level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN, message = "Since 1.2.0, binary compatibility with versions <= 1.1.x")
616 public fun CoroutineContext.cancel(cause: Throwable? = null): Boolean {
617     val job = this[Job] as? JobSupport ?: return false
618     job.cancelInternal(cause.orCancellation(job))
619     return true
620 }
622 /**
623  * Cancels all children of the [Job] in this context, without touching the state of this job itself
624  * with an optional cancellation cause. See [Job.cancel].
625  * It does not do anything if there is no job in the context or it has no children.
626  */
cancelChildrennull627 public fun CoroutineContext.cancelChildren(cause: CancellationException? = null) {
628     this[Job]?.children?.forEach { it.cancel(cause) }
629 }
631 /**
632  * @suppress This method implements old version of JVM ABI. Use [CoroutineContext.cancelChildren].
633  */
634 @Deprecated(level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN, message = "Since 1.2.0, binary compatibility with versions <= 1.1.x")
cancelChildrennull635 public fun CoroutineContext.cancelChildren(): Unit = cancelChildren(null)
637 /**
638  * Retrieves the current [Job] instance from the given [CoroutineContext] or
639  * throws [IllegalStateException] if no job is present in the context.
640  *
641  * This method is a short-cut for `coroutineContext[Job]!!` and should be used only when it is known in advance that
642  * the context does have instance of the job in it.
643  */
644 public val CoroutineContext.job: Job get() = get(Job) ?: error("Current context doesn't contain Job in it: $this")
646 /**
647  * @suppress This method has bad semantics when cause is not a [CancellationException]. Use [CoroutineContext.cancelChildren].
648  */
649 @Deprecated(level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN, message = "Since 1.2.0, binary compatibility with versions <= 1.1.x")
650 public fun CoroutineContext.cancelChildren(cause: Throwable? = null) {
651     val job = this[Job] ?: return
652     job.children.forEach { (it as? JobSupport)?.cancelInternal(cause.orCancellation(job)) }
653 }
Throwablenull655 private fun Throwable?.orCancellation(job: Job): Throwable = this ?: JobCancellationException("Job was cancelled", null, job)
657 /**
658  * No-op implementation of [DisposableHandle].
659  * @suppress **This an internal API and should not be used from general code.**
660  */
661 @InternalCoroutinesApi
662 public object NonDisposableHandle : DisposableHandle, ChildHandle {
663     /**
664      * Does not do anything.
665      * @suppress
666      */
667     override fun dispose() {}
669     /**
670      * Returns `false`.
671      * @suppress
672      */
673     override fun childCancelled(cause: Throwable): Boolean = false
675     /**
676      * Returns "NonDisposableHandle" string.
677      * @suppress
678      */
679     override fun toString(): String = "NonDisposableHandle"
680 }