1 /*
2 * Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 * found in the LICENSE file.
6 */
8 #include "bmhParser.h"
10 const string kSpellingFileName("spelling.txt");
12 #define M(mt) (1LL << (int) MarkType::k##mt)
13 #define M_D M(Description)
14 #define M_CS M(Class) | M(Struct)
15 #define M_MD M(Method) | M(Define)
16 #define M_MDCM M_MD | M(Const) | M(Member)
17 #define M_ST M(Subtopic) | M(Topic)
18 #define M_CSST M_CS | M_ST
19 #ifdef M_E
20 #undef M_E
21 #endif
22 #define M_E M(Enum) | M(EnumClass)
24 #define R_Y Resolvable::kYes
25 #define R_N Resolvable::kNo
26 #define R_O Resolvable::kOut
27 #define R_K Resolvable::kCode
28 #define R_F Resolvable::kFormula
29 #define R_C Resolvable::kClone
31 #define E_Y Exemplary::kYes
32 #define E_N Exemplary::kNo
33 #define E_O Exemplary::kOptional
35 // ToDo: add column to denote which marks are one-liners
36 BmhParser::MarkProps BmhParser::kMarkProps[] = {
37 // names without formal definitions (e.g. Column) aren't included
38 { "", MarkType::kNone, R_Y, E_N, 0 }
39 , { "A", MarkType::kAnchor, R_N, E_N, 0 }
40 , { "Alias", MarkType::kAlias, R_N, E_N, M_ST | M(Const) }
41 , { "Bug", MarkType::kBug, R_N, E_N, M_CSST | M_MDCM | M_E
42 | M(Example) | M(NoExample) }
43 , { "Class", MarkType::kClass, R_Y, E_O, M_CSST }
44 , { "Code", MarkType::kCode, R_K, E_N, M_CSST | M_E | M_MD | M(Typedef) }
45 , { "", MarkType::kColumn, R_Y, E_N, M(Row) }
46 , { "", MarkType::kComment, R_N, E_N, 0 }
47 , { "Const", MarkType::kConst, R_Y, E_O, M_E | M_CSST }
48 , { "Define", MarkType::kDefine, R_O, E_Y, M_ST }
49 , { "Description", MarkType::kDescription, R_Y, E_N, M(Example) | M(NoExample) }
50 , { "Details", MarkType::kDetails, R_N, E_N, M(Const) }
51 , { "Duration", MarkType::kDuration, R_N, E_N, M(Example) | M(NoExample) }
52 , { "Enum", MarkType::kEnum, R_Y, E_O, M_CSST }
53 , { "EnumClass", MarkType::kEnumClass, R_Y, E_O, M_CSST }
54 , { "Example", MarkType::kExample, R_O, E_N, M_CSST | M_E | M_MD | M(Const) }
55 , { "External", MarkType::kExternal, R_Y, E_N, 0 }
56 , { "File", MarkType::kFile, R_Y, E_N, M(Topic) }
57 , { "Filter", MarkType::kFilter, R_N, E_N, M(Subtopic) | M(Code) }
58 , { "Formula", MarkType::kFormula, R_F, E_N, M(Column) | M(Description)
59 | M_E | M_ST | M_MDCM }
60 , { "Function", MarkType::kFunction, R_O, E_N, M(Example) | M(NoExample) }
61 , { "Height", MarkType::kHeight, R_N, E_N, M(Example) | M(NoExample) }
62 , { "Illustration", MarkType::kIllustration, R_N, E_N, M_CSST | M_MD }
63 , { "Image", MarkType::kImage, R_N, E_N, M(Example) | M(NoExample) }
64 , { "In", MarkType::kIn, R_N, E_N, M_CSST | M_E | M(Method) | M(Typedef) | M(Code) }
65 , { "Legend", MarkType::kLegend, R_Y, E_N, M(Table) }
66 , { "Line", MarkType::kLine, R_N, E_N, M_CSST | M_E | M(Method) | M(Typedef) }
67 , { "", MarkType::kLink, R_N, E_N, M(Anchor) }
68 , { "List", MarkType::kList, R_Y, E_N, M(Method) | M_CSST | M_E | M_D }
69 , { "Literal", MarkType::kLiteral, R_N, E_N, M(Code) }
70 , { "", MarkType::kMarkChar, R_N, E_N, 0 }
71 , { "Member", MarkType::kMember, R_Y, E_O, M_CSST }
72 , { "Method", MarkType::kMethod, R_Y, E_Y, M_CSST }
73 , { "NoExample", MarkType::kNoExample, R_N, E_N, M_CSST | M_E | M_MD }
74 , { "NoJustify", MarkType::kNoJustify, R_N, E_N, M(Const) | M(Member) }
75 , { "Outdent", MarkType::kOutdent, R_N, E_N, M(Code) }
76 , { "Param", MarkType::kParam, R_Y, E_N, M(Method) | M(Define) }
77 , { "PhraseDef", MarkType::kPhraseDef, R_Y, E_N, M_ST }
78 , { "", MarkType::kPhraseParam, R_Y, E_N, 0 }
79 , { "", MarkType::kPhraseRef, R_N, E_N, 0 }
80 , { "Platform", MarkType::kPlatform, R_N, E_N, M(Example) | M(NoExample) }
81 , { "Populate", MarkType::kPopulate, R_N, E_N, M(Code) | M(Method) }
82 , { "Return", MarkType::kReturn, R_Y, E_N, M(Method) }
83 , { "", MarkType::kRow, R_Y, E_N, M(Table) | M(List) }
84 , { "SeeAlso", MarkType::kSeeAlso, R_C, E_N, M_CSST | M_E | M_MD | M(Typedef) }
85 , { "Set", MarkType::kSet, R_N, E_N, M(Example) | M(NoExample) }
86 , { "StdOut", MarkType::kStdOut, R_N, E_N, M(Example) | M(NoExample) }
87 , { "Struct", MarkType::kStruct, R_Y, E_O, M(Class) | M_ST }
88 , { "Substitute", MarkType::kSubstitute, R_N, E_N, M(Alias) | M_ST }
89 , { "Subtopic", MarkType::kSubtopic, R_Y, E_Y, M_CSST | M_E }
90 , { "Table", MarkType::kTable, R_Y, E_N, M(Method) | M_CSST | M_E }
91 , { "Template", MarkType::kTemplate, R_Y, E_N, M_CSST }
92 , { "", MarkType::kText, R_N, E_N, 0 }
93 , { "ToDo", MarkType::kToDo, R_N, E_N, 0 }
94 , { "Topic", MarkType::kTopic, R_Y, E_Y, 0 }
95 , { "Typedef", MarkType::kTypedef, R_Y, E_O, M_CSST | M_E }
96 , { "Union", MarkType::kUnion, R_Y, E_N, M_CSST }
97 , { "Using", MarkType::kUsing, R_Y, E_O, M_CSST }
98 , { "Volatile", MarkType::kVolatile, R_N, E_N, M(StdOut) }
99 , { "Width", MarkType::kWidth, R_N, E_N, M(Example) | M(NoExample) }
100 };
102 #undef R_O
103 #undef R_N
104 #undef R_Y
105 #undef R_K
106 #undef R_F
107 #undef R_C
109 #undef M_E
110 #undef M_CSST
111 #undef M_ST
112 #undef M_CS
113 #undef M_MCD
114 #undef M_D
115 #undef M
117 #undef E_Y
118 #undef E_N
119 #undef E_O
addDefinition(const char * defStart,bool hasEnd,MarkType markType,const vector<string> & typeNameBuilder,HasTag hasTag)121 bool BmhParser::addDefinition(const char* defStart, bool hasEnd, MarkType markType,
122 const vector<string>& typeNameBuilder, HasTag hasTag) {
123 Definition* definition = nullptr;
124 switch (markType) {
125 case MarkType::kComment:
126 if (!this->skipToDefinitionEnd(markType)) {
127 return false;
128 }
129 return true;
130 // these types may be referred to by name
131 case MarkType::kClass:
132 case MarkType::kStruct:
133 case MarkType::kConst:
134 case MarkType::kDefine:
135 case MarkType::kEnum:
136 case MarkType::kEnumClass:
137 case MarkType::kMember:
138 case MarkType::kMethod:
139 case MarkType::kTemplate:
140 case MarkType::kTypedef: {
141 if (!typeNameBuilder.size()) {
142 return this->reportError<bool>("unnamed markup");
143 }
144 if (typeNameBuilder.size() > 1) {
145 return this->reportError<bool>("expected one name only");
146 }
147 string name = typeNameBuilder[0];
148 if (nullptr == fRoot) {
149 fRoot = this->findBmhObject(markType, name);
150 fRoot->fFileName = fFileName;
151 fRoot->fName = name;
152 fRoot->fNames.fName = name;
153 fRoot->fNames.fParent = &fGlobalNames;
154 definition = fRoot;
155 } else {
156 if (nullptr == fParent) {
157 return this->reportError<bool>("expected parent");
158 }
159 if (fParent == fRoot && hasEnd) {
160 RootDefinition* rootParent = fRoot->rootParent();
161 if (rootParent) {
162 fRoot = rootParent;
163 }
164 definition = fParent;
165 } else {
166 if (!hasEnd && fRoot->find(name, RootDefinition::AllowParens::kNo)) {
167 return this->reportError<bool>("duplicate symbol");
168 }
169 if (MarkType::kStruct == markType || MarkType::kClass == markType
170 || MarkType::kEnumClass == markType) {
171 // if class or struct, build fRoot hierarchy
172 // and change isDefined to search all parents of fRoot
173 SkASSERT(!hasEnd);
174 RootDefinition* childRoot = new RootDefinition;
175 (fRoot->fBranches)[name] = childRoot;
176 childRoot->setRootParent(fRoot);
177 childRoot->fFileName = fFileName;
178 SkASSERT(MarkType::kSubtopic != fRoot->fMarkType
179 && MarkType::kTopic != fRoot->fMarkType);
180 childRoot->fNames.fName = name;
181 childRoot->fNames.fParent = &fRoot->fNames;
182 fRoot = childRoot;
183 definition = fRoot;
184 } else {
185 definition = &fRoot->fLeaves[name];
186 }
187 }
188 }
189 if (hasEnd) {
190 Exemplary hasExample = Exemplary::kNo;
191 bool hasExcluder = false;
192 for (auto child : definition->fChildren) {
193 if (MarkType::kExample == child->fMarkType) {
194 hasExample = Exemplary::kYes;
195 }
196 hasExcluder |= MarkType::kNoExample == child->fMarkType;
197 }
198 if (kMarkProps[(int) markType].fExemplary != hasExample
199 && kMarkProps[(int) markType].fExemplary != Exemplary::kOptional) {
200 if (string::npos == fFileName.find("undocumented")
201 && !hasExcluder) {
202 hasExample == Exemplary::kNo ?
203 this->reportWarning("missing example") :
204 this->reportWarning("unexpected example");
205 }
207 }
208 if (MarkType::kMethod == markType) {
209 if (fCheckMethods && !definition->checkMethod()) {
210 return false;
211 }
212 }
213 if (HasTag::kYes == hasTag) {
214 if (!this->checkEndMarker(markType, definition->fName)) {
215 return false;
216 }
217 }
218 if (!this->popParentStack(definition)) {
219 return false;
220 }
221 if (fRoot == definition) {
222 fRoot = nullptr;
223 }
224 } else {
225 definition->fStart = defStart;
226 this->skipSpace();
227 definition->fFileName = fFileName;
228 definition->fContentStart = fChar;
229 definition->fLineCount = fLineCount;
230 definition->fClone = fCloned;
231 if (MarkType::kConst == markType) {
232 // todo: require that fChar points to def on same line as markup
233 // additionally add definition to class children if it is not already there
234 if (definition->fParent != fRoot) {
235 // fRoot->fChildren.push_back(definition);
236 }
237 }
238 SkASSERT(string::npos == name.find('\n'));
239 definition->fName = name;
240 if (MarkType::kMethod == markType) {
241 if (string::npos != name.find(':', 0)) {
242 definition->setCanonicalFiddle();
243 } else {
244 definition->fFiddle = name;
245 }
246 } else {
247 definition->fFiddle = Definition::NormalizedName(name);
248 }
249 definition->fMarkType = markType;
250 definition->fAnonymous = fAnonymous;
251 this->setAsParent(definition);
252 }
253 } break;
254 case MarkType::kTopic:
255 case MarkType::kSubtopic:
256 SkASSERT(1 == typeNameBuilder.size());
257 if (!hasEnd) {
258 if (!typeNameBuilder.size()) {
259 return this->reportError<bool>("unnamed topic");
260 }
261 fTopics.emplace_front(markType, defStart, fLineCount, fParent, fMC);
262 RootDefinition* rootDefinition = &fTopics.front();
263 definition = rootDefinition;
264 definition->fFileName = fFileName;
265 definition->fContentStart = fChar;
266 if (MarkType::kTopic == markType) {
267 if (fParent) {
268 return this->reportError<bool>("#Topic must be root");
269 }
270 // topic name is unappended
271 definition->fName = typeNameBuilder[0];
272 } else {
273 if (!fParent) {
274 return this->reportError<bool>("#Subtopic may not be root");
275 }
276 Definition* parent = fParent;
277 while (MarkType::kTopic != parent->fMarkType && MarkType::kSubtopic != parent->fMarkType) {
278 parent = parent->fParent;
279 if (!parent) {
280 // subtopic must have subtopic or topic in parent chain
281 return this->reportError<bool>("#Subtopic missing parent");
282 }
283 }
284 if (MarkType::kSubtopic == parent->fMarkType) {
285 // subtopic prepends parent subtopic name, but not parent topic name
286 definition->fName = parent->fName + '_';
287 }
288 definition->fName += typeNameBuilder[0];
289 definition->fFiddle = parent->fFiddle + '_';
290 }
291 rootDefinition->fNames.fName = rootDefinition->fName;
292 rootDefinition->fNames.fParent = &fGlobalNames;
293 definition->fFiddle += Definition::NormalizedName(typeNameBuilder[0]);
294 this->setAsParent(definition);
295 }
296 {
297 SkASSERT(hasEnd ? fParent : definition);
298 string fullTopic = hasEnd ? fParent->fFiddle : definition->fFiddle;
299 Definition* defPtr = fTopicMap[fullTopic];
300 if (hasEnd) {
301 if (HasTag::kYes == hasTag && !this->checkEndMarker(markType, fullTopic)) {
302 return false;
303 }
304 if (!definition) {
305 definition = defPtr;
306 } else if (definition != defPtr) {
307 return this->reportError<bool>("mismatched topic");
308 }
309 } else {
310 if (nullptr != defPtr) {
311 return this->reportError<bool>("already declared topic");
312 }
313 fTopicMap[fullTopic] = definition;
314 }
315 }
316 if (hasEnd) {
317 if (!this->popParentStack(definition)) {
318 return false;
319 }
320 }
321 break;
322 case MarkType::kFormula:
323 // hasEnd : single line / multiple line
324 if (!fParent || MarkType::kFormula != fParent->fMarkType) {
325 SkASSERT(!definition || MarkType::kFormula == definition->fMarkType);
326 fMarkup.emplace_front(markType, defStart, fLineCount, fParent, fMC);
327 definition = &fMarkup.front();
328 definition->fContentStart = fChar;
329 definition->fName = typeNameBuilder[0];
330 definition->fFiddle = fParent->fFiddle;
331 fParent = definition;
332 } else {
333 SkASSERT(fParent && MarkType::kFormula == fParent->fMarkType);
334 SkASSERT(fMC == defStart[0]);
335 SkASSERT(fMC == defStart[-1]);
336 definition = fParent;
337 definition->fTerminator = fChar;
338 if (!this->popParentStack(definition)) {
339 return false;
340 }
341 this->parseHashFormula(definition);
342 fParent->fChildren.push_back(definition);
343 }
344 break;
345 // these types are children of parents, but are not in named maps
346 case MarkType::kDescription:
347 case MarkType::kStdOut:
348 // may be one-liner
349 case MarkType::kAlias:
350 case MarkType::kNoExample:
351 case MarkType::kParam:
352 case MarkType::kPhraseDef:
353 case MarkType::kReturn:
354 case MarkType::kToDo:
355 if (hasEnd) {
356 if (markType == fParent->fMarkType) {
357 definition = fParent;
358 if (MarkType::kBug == markType || MarkType::kReturn == markType
359 || MarkType::kToDo == markType) {
360 this->skipNoName();
361 }
362 if (!this->popParentStack(fParent)) { // if not one liner, pop
363 return false;
364 }
365 if (MarkType::kParam == markType || MarkType::kReturn == markType
366 || MarkType::kPhraseDef == markType) {
367 if (!this->checkParamReturn(definition)) {
368 return false;
369 }
370 }
371 if (MarkType::kPhraseDef == markType) {
372 string key = definition->fName;
373 if (fPhraseMap.end() != fPhraseMap.find(key)) {
374 this->reportError<bool>("duplicate phrase key");
375 }
376 fPhraseMap[key] = definition;
377 }
378 } else {
379 fMarkup.emplace_front(markType, defStart, fLineCount, fParent, fMC);
380 definition = &fMarkup.front();
381 definition->fName = typeNameBuilder[0];
382 definition->fFiddle = fParent->fFiddle;
383 definition->fContentStart = fChar;
384 string endBracket;
385 endBracket += fMC;
386 endBracket += fMC;
387 definition->fContentEnd = this->trimmedBracketEnd(endBracket);
388 this->skipToEndBracket(endBracket.c_str());
389 SkAssertResult(fMC == this->next());
390 SkAssertResult(fMC == this->next());
391 definition->fTerminator = fChar;
392 TextParser checkForChildren(definition);
393 if (checkForChildren.strnchr(fMC, definition->fContentEnd)) {
394 this->reportError<bool>("put ## on separate line");
395 }
396 fParent->fChildren.push_back(definition);
397 }
398 if (MarkType::kAlias == markType) {
399 const char* end = definition->fChildren.size() > 0 ?
400 definition->fChildren[0]->fStart : definition->fContentEnd;
401 TextParser parser(definition->fFileName, definition->fContentStart, end,
402 definition->fLineCount);
403 parser.trimEnd();
404 string key = string(parser.fStart, parser.lineLength());
405 if (fAliasMap.end() != fAliasMap.find(key)) {
406 return this->reportError<bool>("duplicate alias");
407 }
408 fAliasMap[key] = definition;
409 definition->fFiddle = definition->fParent->fFiddle;
410 }
411 break;
412 } else if (MarkType::kPhraseDef == markType) {
413 bool hasParams = '(' == this->next();
414 fMarkup.emplace_front(markType, defStart, fLineCount, fParent, fMC);
415 definition = &fMarkup.front();
416 definition->fName = typeNameBuilder[0];
417 definition->fFiddle = fParent->fFiddle;
418 definition->fContentStart = fChar;
419 if (hasParams) {
420 char lastChar;
421 do {
422 const char* subEnd = this->anyOf(",)\n");
423 if (!subEnd || '\n' == *subEnd) {
424 return this->reportError<bool>("unexpected phrase list end");
425 }
426 fMarkup.emplace_front(MarkType::kPhraseParam, fChar, fLineCount, fParent,
427 fMC);
428 Definition* phraseParam = &fMarkup.front();
429 phraseParam->fContentStart = fChar;
430 phraseParam->fContentEnd = subEnd;
431 phraseParam->fName = string(fChar, subEnd - fChar);
432 definition->fChildren.push_back(phraseParam);
433 this->skipTo(subEnd);
434 lastChar = this->next();
435 phraseParam->fTerminator = fChar;
436 } while (')' != lastChar);
437 this->skipWhiteSpace();
438 definition->fContentStart = fChar;
439 }
440 this->setAsParent(definition);
441 break;
442 }
443 // not one-liners
444 case MarkType::kCode:
445 case MarkType::kExample:
446 case MarkType::kFile:
447 case MarkType::kFunction:
448 case MarkType::kLegend:
449 case MarkType::kList:
450 case MarkType::kTable:
451 if (hasEnd) {
452 definition = fParent;
453 if (markType != fParent->fMarkType) {
454 return this->reportError<bool>("end element mismatch");
455 } else if (!this->popParentStack(fParent)) {
456 return false;
457 }
458 if (MarkType::kExample == markType) {
459 if (definition->fChildren.size() == 0) {
460 TextParser emptyCheck(definition);
461 if (emptyCheck.eof() || !emptyCheck.skipWhiteSpace()) {
462 return this->reportError<bool>("missing example body");
463 }
464 }
465 // can't do this here; phrase refs may not have been defined yet
466 // this->setWrapper(definition);
467 }
468 } else {
469 fMarkup.emplace_front(markType, defStart, fLineCount, fParent, fMC);
470 definition = &fMarkup.front();
471 definition->fContentStart = fChar;
472 definition->fName = typeNameBuilder[0];
473 definition->fFiddle = fParent->fFiddle;
474 char suffix = '\0';
475 bool tryAgain;
476 do {
477 tryAgain = false;
478 for (const auto& child : fParent->fChildren) {
479 if (child->fFiddle == definition->fFiddle) {
480 if (MarkType::kExample != child->fMarkType) {
481 continue;
482 }
483 if ('\0' == suffix) {
484 suffix = 'a';
485 } else if (++suffix > 'z') {
486 return reportError<bool>("too many examples");
487 }
488 definition->fFiddle = fParent->fFiddle + '_';
489 definition->fFiddle += suffix;
490 tryAgain = true;
491 break;
492 }
493 }
494 } while (tryAgain);
495 this->setAsParent(definition);
496 }
497 break;
498 // always treated as one-liners (can't detect misuse easily)
499 case MarkType::kAnchor:
500 case MarkType::kBug:
501 case MarkType::kDetails:
502 case MarkType::kDuration:
503 case MarkType::kFilter:
504 case MarkType::kHeight:
505 case MarkType::kIllustration:
506 case MarkType::kImage:
507 case MarkType::kIn:
508 case MarkType::kLine:
509 case MarkType::kLiteral:
510 case MarkType::kNoJustify:
511 case MarkType::kOutdent:
512 case MarkType::kPlatform:
513 case MarkType::kPopulate:
514 case MarkType::kSeeAlso:
515 case MarkType::kSet:
516 case MarkType::kSubstitute:
517 case MarkType::kVolatile:
518 case MarkType::kWidth:
519 // todo : add check disallowing children?
520 if (hasEnd && MarkType::kAnchor != markType && MarkType::kLine != markType) {
521 return this->reportError<bool>("one liners omit end element");
522 } else if (!hasEnd && MarkType::kAnchor == markType) {
523 return this->reportError<bool>("anchor line must have end element last");
524 }
525 fMarkup.emplace_front(markType, defStart, fLineCount, fParent, fMC);
526 definition = &fMarkup.front();
527 definition->fName = typeNameBuilder[0];
528 definition->fFiddle = Definition::NormalizedName(typeNameBuilder[0]);
529 definition->fContentStart = fChar;
530 definition->fContentEnd = this->trimmedBracketEnd('\n');
531 definition->fTerminator = this->lineEnd() - 1;
532 fParent->fChildren.push_back(definition);
533 if (MarkType::kAnchor == markType) {
534 this->parseHashAnchor(definition);
535 } else if (MarkType::kLine == markType) {
536 this->parseHashLine(definition);
537 }
538 break;
539 case MarkType::kExternal:
540 (void) this->collectExternals(); // FIXME: detect errors in external defs?
541 break;
542 default:
543 SkASSERT(0); // fixme : don't let any types be invisible
544 return true;
545 }
546 if (fParent) {
547 SkASSERT(definition);
548 SkASSERT(definition->fName.length() > 0);
549 }
550 return true;
551 }
reportDuplicates(const Definition & def,string dup) const553 void BmhParser::reportDuplicates(const Definition& def, string dup) const {
554 if (MarkType::kExample == def.fMarkType && dup == def.fFiddle) {
555 TextParser reporter(&def);
556 reporter.reportError("duplicate example name");
557 }
558 for (auto& child : def.fChildren ) {
559 reportDuplicates(*child, dup);
560 }
561 }
find_fiddle(Definition * def,string name)564 static Definition* find_fiddle(Definition* def, string name) {
565 if (MarkType::kExample == def->fMarkType && name == def->fFiddle) {
566 return def;
567 }
568 for (auto& child : def->fChildren) {
569 Definition* result = find_fiddle(child, name);
570 if (result) {
571 return result;
572 }
573 }
574 return nullptr;
575 }
findExample(string name) const577 Definition* BmhParser::findExample(string name) const {
578 for (const auto& topic : fTopicMap) {
579 if (topic.second->fParent) {
580 continue;
581 }
582 Definition* def = find_fiddle(topic.second, name);
583 if (def) {
584 return def;
585 }
586 }
587 return nullptr;
588 }
check_example_hashes(Definition * def)590 static bool check_example_hashes(Definition* def) {
591 if (MarkType::kExample == def->fMarkType) {
592 if (def->fHash.length()) {
593 return true;
594 }
595 for (auto child : def->fChildren) {
596 if (MarkType::kPlatform == child->fMarkType) {
597 if (string::npos != string(child->fContentStart, child->length()).find("!fiddle")) {
598 return true;
599 }
600 }
601 }
602 return def->reportError<bool>("missing hash");
603 }
604 for (auto& child : def->fChildren) {
605 if (!check_example_hashes(child)) {
606 return false;
607 }
608 }
609 return true;
610 }
checkExampleHashes() const612 bool BmhParser::checkExampleHashes() const {
613 for (const auto& topic : fTopicMap) {
614 if (!topic.second->fParent && !check_example_hashes(topic.second)) {
615 return false;
616 }
617 }
618 return true;
619 }
reset_example_hashes(Definition * def)621 static void reset_example_hashes(Definition* def) {
622 if (MarkType::kExample == def->fMarkType) {
623 def->fHash.clear();
624 return;
625 }
626 for (auto& child : def->fChildren) {
627 reset_example_hashes(child);
628 }
629 }
resetExampleHashes()631 void BmhParser::resetExampleHashes() {
632 for (const auto& topic : fTopicMap) {
633 if (!topic.second->fParent) {
634 reset_example_hashes(topic.second);
635 }
636 }
637 }
find_examples(const Definition & def,vector<string> * exampleNames)639 static void find_examples(const Definition& def, vector<string>* exampleNames) {
640 if (MarkType::kExample == def.fMarkType) {
641 exampleNames->push_back(def.fFiddle);
642 }
643 for (auto& child : def.fChildren ) {
644 find_examples(*child, exampleNames);
645 }
646 }
checkEndMarker(MarkType markType,string match) const648 bool BmhParser::checkEndMarker(MarkType markType, string match) const {
649 TextParser tp(fFileName, fLine, fChar, fLineCount);
650 tp.skipSpace();
651 if (fMC != tp.next()) {
652 return this->reportError<bool>("mismatched end marker expect #");
653 }
654 const char* nameStart = tp.fChar;
655 tp.skipToNonName();
656 string markName(nameStart, tp.fChar - nameStart);
657 if (kMarkProps[(int) markType].fName != markName) {
658 return this->reportError<bool>("expected #XXX ## to match");
659 }
660 tp.skipSpace();
661 nameStart = tp.fChar;
662 tp.skipToNonName();
663 markName = string(nameStart, tp.fChar - nameStart);
664 if ("" == markName) {
665 if (fMC != tp.next() || fMC != tp.next()) {
666 return this->reportError<bool>("expected ##");
667 }
668 return true;
669 }
670 std::replace(markName.begin(), markName.end(), '-', '_');
671 auto defPos = match.rfind(markName);
672 if (string::npos == defPos) {
673 return this->reportError<bool>("mismatched end marker v1");
674 }
675 if (markName.size() != match.size() - defPos) {
676 return this->reportError<bool>("mismatched end marker v2");
677 }
678 return true;
679 }
checkExamples() const681 bool BmhParser::checkExamples() const {
682 vector<string> exampleNames;
683 for (const auto& topic : fTopicMap) {
684 if (topic.second->fParent) {
685 continue;
686 }
687 find_examples(*topic.second, &exampleNames);
688 }
689 std::sort(exampleNames.begin(), exampleNames.end());
690 string* last = nullptr;
691 string reported;
692 bool checkOK = true;
693 for (auto& nameIter : exampleNames) {
694 if (last && *last == nameIter && reported != *last) {
695 reported = *last;
696 SkDebugf("%s\n", reported.c_str());
697 for (const auto& topic : fTopicMap) {
698 if (topic.second->fParent) {
699 continue;
700 }
701 this->reportDuplicates(*topic.second, reported);
702 }
703 checkOK = false;
704 }
705 last = &nameIter;
706 }
707 return checkOK;
708 }
checkParamReturn(const Definition * definition) const710 bool BmhParser::checkParamReturn(const Definition* definition) const {
711 const char* parmEndCheck = definition->fContentEnd;
712 while (parmEndCheck < definition->fTerminator) {
713 if (fMC == parmEndCheck[0]) {
714 break;
715 }
716 if (' ' < parmEndCheck[0]) {
717 this->reportError<bool>(
718 "use full end marker on multiline #Param and #Return");
719 }
720 ++parmEndCheck;
721 }
722 return true;
723 }
childOf(MarkType markType) const725 bool BmhParser::childOf(MarkType markType) const {
726 auto childError = [this](MarkType markType) -> bool {
727 string errStr = "expected ";
728 errStr += kMarkProps[(int) markType].fName;
729 errStr += " parent";
730 return this->reportError<bool>(errStr.c_str());
731 };
733 if (markType == fParent->fMarkType) {
734 return true;
735 }
736 if (this->hasEndToken()) {
737 if (!fParent->fParent) {
738 return this->reportError<bool>("expected grandparent");
739 }
740 if (markType == fParent->fParent->fMarkType) {
741 return true;
742 }
743 }
744 return childError(markType);
745 }
className(MarkType markType)747 string BmhParser::className(MarkType markType) {
748 const char* end = this->lineEnd();
749 const char* mc = this->strnchr(fMC, end);
750 string classID;
751 TextParserSave savePlace(this);
752 this->skipSpace();
753 const char* wordStart = fChar;
754 this->skipToNonName();
755 const char* wordEnd = fChar;
756 classID = string(wordStart, wordEnd - wordStart);
757 if (!mc) {
758 savePlace.restore();
759 }
760 string builder;
761 const Definition* parent = this->parentSpace();
762 if (parent && parent->fName != classID) {
763 builder += parent->fName;
764 }
765 if (mc) {
766 if (mc + 1 < fEnd && fMC == mc[1]) { // if ##
767 if (markType != fParent->fMarkType) {
768 return this->reportError<string>("unbalanced method");
769 }
770 if (builder.length() > 0 && classID.size() > 0) {
771 if (builder != fParent->fName) {
772 builder += "::";
773 builder += classID;
774 if (builder != fParent->fName) {
775 return this->reportError<string>("name mismatch");
776 }
777 }
778 }
779 this->skipLine();
780 return fParent->fName;
781 } else if (' ' == mc[1] && MarkType::kConst == markType && fParent
782 && (MarkType::kEnum == fParent->fMarkType
783 || MarkType::kEnumClass == fParent->fMarkType)) {
784 this->skipToEndBracket('\n');
785 return builder + "::" + string(wordStart, wordEnd - wordStart);
786 }
787 fChar = mc;
788 this->next();
789 }
790 this->skipWhiteSpace();
791 if (MarkType::kEnum == markType && fChar >= end) {
792 fAnonymous = true;
793 builder += "::_anonymous";
794 return uniqueRootName(builder, markType);
795 }
796 builder = this->word(builder, "::");
797 return builder;
798 }
collectExternals()800 bool BmhParser::collectExternals() {
801 do {
802 this->skipWhiteSpace();
803 if (this->eof()) {
804 break;
805 }
806 if (fMC == this->peek()) {
807 this->next();
808 if (this->eof()) {
809 break;
810 }
811 if (fMC == this->peek()) {
812 this->skipLine();
813 break;
814 }
815 if (' ' >= this->peek()) {
816 this->skipLine();
817 continue;
818 }
819 if (this->startsWith(kMarkProps[(int) MarkType::kExternal].fName)) {
820 this->skipToNonName();
821 continue;
822 }
823 }
824 this->skipToAlpha();
825 const char* wordStart = fChar;
826 this->skipToWhiteSpace();
827 if (fChar - wordStart > 0) {
828 fExternals.emplace_front(MarkType::kExternal, wordStart, fChar, fLineCount, fParent,
829 fMC);
830 RootDefinition* definition = &fExternals.front();
831 definition->fFileName = fFileName;
832 definition->fName = string(wordStart ,fChar - wordStart);
833 definition->fFiddle = Definition::NormalizedName(definition->fName);
834 }
835 } while (!this->eof());
836 return true;
837 }
dumpExamples(FILE * fiddleOut,Definition & def,bool * continuation) const839 bool BmhParser::dumpExamples(FILE* fiddleOut, Definition& def, bool* continuation) const {
840 if (MarkType::kExample == def.fMarkType) {
841 string result;
842 if (!this->exampleToScript(&def, BmhParser::ExampleOptions::kAll, &result)) {
843 return false;
844 }
845 if (result.length() > 0) {
846 result += "\n";
847 result += "}";
848 if (*continuation) {
849 fprintf(fiddleOut, ",\n");
850 } else {
851 *continuation = true;
852 }
853 fprintf(fiddleOut, "%s", result.c_str());
854 }
855 return true;
856 }
857 for (auto& child : def.fChildren ) {
858 if (!this->dumpExamples(fiddleOut, *child, continuation)) {
859 return false;
860 }
861 }
862 return true;
863 }
dumpExamples(const char * fiddleJsonFileName) const865 bool BmhParser::dumpExamples(const char* fiddleJsonFileName) const {
866 string oldFiddle(fiddleJsonFileName);
867 string newFiddle(fiddleJsonFileName);
868 newFiddle += "_new";
869 FILE* fiddleOut = fopen(newFiddle.c_str(), "wb");
870 if (!fiddleOut) {
871 SkDebugf("could not open output file %s\n", newFiddle.c_str());
872 return false;
873 }
874 fprintf(fiddleOut, "{\n");
875 bool continuation = false;
876 for (const auto& topic : fTopicMap) {
877 if (topic.second->fParent) {
878 continue;
879 }
880 this->dumpExamples(fiddleOut, *topic.second, &continuation);
881 }
882 fprintf(fiddleOut, "\n}\n");
883 fclose(fiddleOut);
884 if (ParserCommon::WrittenFileDiffers(oldFiddle, newFiddle)) {
885 ParserCommon::CopyToFile(oldFiddle, newFiddle);
886 SkDebugf("wrote %s\n", fiddleJsonFileName);
887 } else {
888 remove(newFiddle.c_str());
889 }
890 return true;
891 }
endHashCount() const893 int BmhParser::endHashCount() const {
894 const char* end = fLine + this->lineLength();
895 int count = 0;
896 while (fLine < end && fMC == *--end) {
897 count++;
898 }
899 return count;
900 }
endTableColumn(const char * end,const char * terminator)902 bool BmhParser::endTableColumn(const char* end, const char* terminator) {
903 if (!this->popParentStack(fParent)) {
904 return false;
905 }
906 fWorkingColumn->fContentEnd = end;
907 fWorkingColumn->fTerminator = terminator;
908 fColStart = fChar - 1;
909 this->skipSpace();
910 fTableState = TableState::kColumnStart;
911 return true;
912 }
count_indent(string text,size_t test,size_t end)914 static size_t count_indent(string text, size_t test, size_t end) {
915 size_t result = test;
916 while (test < end) {
917 if (' ' != text[test]) {
918 break;
919 }
920 ++test;
921 }
922 return test - result;
923 }
add_code(string text,int pos,int end,size_t outIndent,size_t textIndent,string & example)925 static void add_code(string text, int pos, int end,
926 size_t outIndent, size_t textIndent, string& example) {
927 do {
928 // fix this to move whole paragraph in, out, but preserve doc indent
929 int nextIndent = count_indent(text, pos, end);
930 size_t len = text.find('\n', pos);
931 if (string::npos == len) {
932 len = end;
933 }
934 if ((size_t) (pos + nextIndent) < len) {
935 size_t indent = outIndent + nextIndent;
936 SkASSERT(indent >= textIndent);
937 indent -= textIndent;
938 for (size_t index = 0; index < indent; ++index) {
939 example += ' ';
940 }
941 pos += nextIndent;
942 while ((size_t) pos < len) {
943 example += '"' == text[pos] ? "\\\"" :
944 '\\' == text[pos] ? "\\\\" :
945 text.substr(pos, 1);
946 ++pos;
947 }
948 example += "\\n";
949 } else {
950 pos += nextIndent;
951 }
952 if ('\n' == text[pos]) {
953 ++pos;
954 }
955 } while (pos < end);
956 }
IsExemplary(const Definition * def)958 bool BmhParser::IsExemplary(const Definition* def) {
959 return kMarkProps[(int) def->fMarkType].fExemplary != Exemplary::kNo;
960 }
exampleToScript(Definition * def,ExampleOptions exampleOptions,string * result) const962 bool BmhParser::exampleToScript(Definition* def, ExampleOptions exampleOptions,
963 string* result) const {
964 bool hasFiddle = true;
965 const Definition* platform = def->hasChild(MarkType::kPlatform);
966 if (platform) {
967 TextParser platParse(platform);
968 hasFiddle = !platParse.strnstr("!fiddle", platParse.fEnd);
969 }
970 if (!hasFiddle) {
971 *result = "";
972 return true;
973 }
974 string text = this->extractText(def, TrimExtract::kNo);
975 bool textOut = string::npos != text.find("SkDebugf(")
976 || string::npos != text.find("dump(")
977 || string::npos != text.find("dumpHex(");
978 string heightStr = "256";
979 string widthStr = "256";
980 string normalizedName(def->fFiddle);
981 string code;
982 string imageStr = "0";
983 string srgbStr = "false";
984 string durationStr = "0";
985 for (auto iter : def->fChildren) {
986 switch (iter->fMarkType) {
987 case MarkType::kDuration:
988 durationStr = string(iter->fContentStart, iter->fContentEnd - iter->fContentStart);
989 break;
990 case MarkType::kHeight:
991 heightStr = string(iter->fContentStart, iter->fContentEnd - iter->fContentStart);
992 break;
993 case MarkType::kWidth:
994 widthStr = string(iter->fContentStart, iter->fContentEnd - iter->fContentStart);
995 break;
996 case MarkType::kDescription:
997 // ignore for now
998 break;
999 case MarkType::kFunction: {
1000 // emit this, but don't wrap this in draw()
1001 string funcText = this->extractText(&*iter, TrimExtract::kNo);
1002 size_t pos = 0;
1003 while (pos < funcText.length() && ' ' > funcText[pos]) {
1004 ++pos;
1005 }
1006 size_t indent = count_indent(funcText, pos, funcText.length());
1007 add_code(funcText, pos, funcText.length(), 0, indent, code);
1008 code += "\\n";
1009 } break;
1010 case MarkType::kComment:
1011 break;
1012 case MarkType::kImage:
1013 imageStr = string(iter->fContentStart, iter->fContentEnd - iter->fContentStart);
1014 break;
1015 case MarkType::kToDo:
1016 break;
1017 case MarkType::kBug:
1018 case MarkType::kMarkChar:
1019 case MarkType::kPlatform:
1020 case MarkType::kPhraseRef:
1021 // ignore for now
1022 break;
1023 case MarkType::kSet:
1024 if ("sRGB" == string(iter->fContentStart,
1025 iter->fContentEnd - iter->fContentStart)) {
1026 srgbStr = "true";
1027 } else {
1028 SkASSERT(0); // more work to do
1029 return false;
1030 }
1031 break;
1032 case MarkType::kStdOut:
1033 textOut = true;
1034 break;
1035 default:
1036 SkASSERT(0); // more coding to do
1037 }
1038 }
1039 string animatedStr = "0" != durationStr ? "true" : "false";
1040 string textOutStr = textOut ? "true" : "false";
1041 size_t pos = 0;
1042 while (pos < text.length() && ' ' > text[pos]) {
1043 ++pos;
1044 }
1045 size_t end = text.length();
1046 size_t outIndent = 0;
1047 size_t textIndent = count_indent(text, pos, end);
1048 if ("" == def->fWrapper) {
1049 this->setWrapper(def);
1050 }
1051 if (def->fWrapper.length() > 0) {
1052 code += def->fWrapper;
1053 code += "\\n";
1054 outIndent = 4;
1055 }
1056 add_code(text, pos, end, outIndent, textIndent, code);
1057 if (def->fWrapper.length() > 0) {
1058 code += "}";
1059 }
1060 string example = "\"" + normalizedName + "\": {\n";
1061 string filename = def->fileName();
1062 string baseFile = filename.substr(0, filename.length() - 4);
1063 if (ExampleOptions::kText == exampleOptions) {
1064 example += " \"code\": \"" + code + "\",\n";
1065 example += " \"hash\": \"" + def->fHash + "\",\n";
1066 example += " \"file\": \"" + baseFile + "\",\n";
1067 example += " \"name\": \"" + def->fName + "\",";
1068 } else {
1069 example += " \"code\": \"" + code + "\",\n";
1070 if (ExampleOptions::kPng == exampleOptions) {
1071 example += " \"width\": " + widthStr + ",\n";
1072 example += " \"height\": " + heightStr + ",\n";
1073 example += " \"hash\": \"" + def->fHash + "\",\n";
1074 example += " \"file\": \"" + baseFile + "\",\n";
1075 example += " \"name\": \"" + def->fName + "\"\n";
1076 example += "}";
1077 } else {
1078 example += " \"options\": {\n";
1079 example += " \"width\": " + widthStr + ",\n";
1080 example += " \"height\": " + heightStr + ",\n";
1081 example += " \"source\": " + imageStr + ",\n";
1082 example += " \"srgb\": " + srgbStr + ",\n";
1083 example += " \"f16\": false,\n";
1084 example += " \"textOnly\": " + textOutStr + ",\n";
1085 example += " \"animated\": " + animatedStr + ",\n";
1086 example += " \"duration\": " + durationStr + "\n";
1087 example += " },\n";
1088 example += " \"fast\": true";
1089 }
1090 }
1091 *result = example;
1092 return true;
1093 }
extractText(const Definition * def,TrimExtract trimExtract) const1095 string BmhParser::extractText(const Definition* def, TrimExtract trimExtract) const {
1096 string result;
1097 TextParser parser(def);
1098 auto childIter = def->fChildren.begin();
1099 while (!parser.eof()) {
1100 const char* end = def->fChildren.end() == childIter ? parser.fEnd : (*childIter)->fStart;
1101 string fragment(parser.fChar, end - parser.fChar);
1102 trim_end(fragment);
1103 if (TrimExtract::kYes == trimExtract) {
1104 trim_start(fragment);
1105 if (result.length()) {
1106 result += '\n';
1107 result += '\n';
1108 }
1109 }
1110 if (TrimExtract::kYes == trimExtract || has_nonwhitespace(fragment)) {
1111 result += fragment;
1112 }
1113 parser.skipTo(end);
1114 if (def->fChildren.end() != childIter) {
1115 Definition* child = *childIter;
1116 if (MarkType::kPhraseRef == child->fMarkType) {
1117 auto phraseIter = fPhraseMap.find(child->fName);
1118 if (fPhraseMap.end() == phraseIter) {
1119 return def->reportError<string>("missing phrase definition");
1120 }
1121 Definition* phrase = phraseIter->second;
1122 // count indent of last line in result
1123 size_t lastLF = result.rfind('\n');
1124 size_t startPos = string::npos == lastLF ? 0 : lastLF;
1125 size_t lastLen = result.length() - startPos;
1126 size_t indent = count_indent(result, startPos, result.length()) + 4;
1127 string phraseStr = this->extractText(phrase, TrimExtract::kNo);
1128 startPos = 0;
1129 bool firstTime = true;
1130 size_t endPos;
1131 do {
1132 endPos = phraseStr.find('\n', startPos);
1133 size_t len = (string::npos != endPos ? endPos : phraseStr.length()) - startPos;
1134 if (firstTime && lastLen + len + 1 < 100) { // FIXME: make 100 global const or something
1135 result += ' ';
1136 } else {
1137 result += '\n';
1138 result += string(indent, ' ');
1139 }
1140 firstTime = false;
1141 string tmp = phraseStr.substr(startPos, len);
1142 result += tmp;
1143 startPos = endPos + 1;
1144 } while (string::npos != endPos);
1145 result += '\n';
1146 }
1147 parser.skipTo(child->fTerminator);
1148 std::advance(childIter, 1);
1149 }
1150 }
1151 return result;
1152 }
loweredTopic(string name,Definition * def)1154 string BmhParser::loweredTopic(string name, Definition* def) {
1155 string lowered;
1156 SkASSERT('_' != name[0]);
1157 char last = '_';
1158 for (char c : name) {
1159 SkASSERT(' ' != c);
1160 if (isupper(last)) {
1161 lowered += islower(c) ? tolower(last) : last;
1162 last = '\0';
1163 }
1164 if ('_' == c) {
1165 last = c;
1166 c = ' ';
1167 } else if ('_' == last && isupper(c)) {
1168 last = c;
1169 continue;
1170 }
1171 lowered += c;
1172 if (' ' == c) {
1173 this->setUpPartialSubstitute(lowered);
1174 }
1175 }
1176 if (isupper(last)) {
1177 lowered += tolower(last);
1178 }
1179 return lowered;
1180 }
setUpGlobalSubstitutes()1182 void BmhParser::setUpGlobalSubstitutes() {
1183 for (auto& entry : fExternals) {
1184 string externalName = entry.fName;
1185 SkASSERT(fGlobalNames.fRefMap.end() == fGlobalNames.fRefMap.find(externalName));
1186 fGlobalNames.fRefMap[externalName] = nullptr;
1187 }
1188 for (auto bMap : { &fClassMap, &fConstMap, &fDefineMap, &fEnumMap, &fMethodMap,
1189 &fTypedefMap } ) {
1190 for (auto& entry : *bMap) {
1191 Definition* parent = &entry.second;
1192 string name = parent->fName;
1193 SkASSERT(fGlobalNames.fLinkMap.end() == fGlobalNames.fLinkMap.find(name));
1194 string ref = ParserCommon::HtmlFileName(parent->fFileName) + '#' + parent->fFiddle;
1195 fGlobalNames.fLinkMap[name] = ref;
1196 SkASSERT(fGlobalNames.fRefMap.end() == fGlobalNames.fRefMap.find(name));
1197 fGlobalNames.fRefMap[name] = parent;
1198 NameMap* names = MarkType::kClass == parent->fMarkType
1199 || MarkType::kStruct == parent->fMarkType
1200 || MarkType::kEnumClass == parent->fMarkType ? &parent->asRoot()->fNames :
1201 &fGlobalNames;
1202 this->setUpSubstitutes(parent, names);
1203 if (names != &fGlobalNames) {
1204 names->copyToParent(&fGlobalNames);
1205 }
1206 }
1207 }
1208 for (auto& tEntry : fTypedefMap) {
1209 Definition* typeDef = &tEntry.second;
1210 string defName = typeDef->fName;
1211 TextParser parser(typeDef->fFileName, typeDef->fStart, typeDef->fContentStart,
1212 typeDef->fLineCount);
1213 parser.skipExact("#Typedef");
1214 parser.skipWhiteSpace();
1215 const char* refStart = parser.fChar;
1216 parser.skipToWhiteSpace();
1217 string refName(refStart, parser.fChar - refStart);
1218 auto structIter = fClassMap.find(refName);
1219 if (fClassMap.end() == structIter) {
1220 continue;
1221 }
1222 for (auto& sEntry : structIter->second.fLeaves) {
1223 Definition* def = &sEntry.second;
1224 string name = def->fName;
1225 size_t colonPos = name.find("::");
1226 SkASSERT(string::npos != colonPos);
1227 string typedName = defName + "::" + name.substr(colonPos + 2);
1228 string ref = ParserCommon::HtmlFileName(def->fFileName) + '#' + def->fFiddle;
1229 SkASSERT(fGlobalNames.fLinkMap.end() == fGlobalNames.fLinkMap.find(typedName));
1230 fGlobalNames.fLinkMap[typedName] = ref;
1231 SkASSERT(fGlobalNames.fRefMap.end() == fGlobalNames.fRefMap.find(typedName));
1232 fGlobalNames.fRefMap[typedName] = def;
1233 }
1234 }
1235 for (auto& topic : fTopicMap) {
1236 bool hasSubstitute = false;
1237 for (auto& child : topic.second->fChildren) {
1238 bool isAlias = MarkType::kAlias == child->fMarkType;
1239 bool isSubstitute = MarkType::kSubstitute == child->fMarkType;
1240 if (!isAlias && !isSubstitute) {
1241 continue;
1242 }
1243 hasSubstitute |= isSubstitute;
1244 string name(child->fContentStart, child->length());
1245 if (isAlias) {
1246 name = ParserCommon::ConvertRef(name, false);
1247 for (auto aliasChild : child->fChildren) {
1248 if (MarkType::kSubstitute == aliasChild->fMarkType) {
1249 string sub(aliasChild->fContentStart, aliasChild->length());
1250 this->setUpSubstitute(sub, topic.second);
1251 }
1252 }
1253 }
1254 this->setUpSubstitute(name, topic.second);
1255 }
1256 if (hasSubstitute) {
1257 continue;
1258 }
1259 string lowered = this->loweredTopic(topic.first, topic.second);
1260 SkDEBUGCODE(auto globalIter = fGlobalNames.fLinkMap.find(lowered));
1261 SkASSERT(fGlobalNames.fLinkMap.end() == globalIter);
1262 fGlobalNames.fLinkMap[lowered] =
1263 ParserCommon::HtmlFileName(topic.second->fFileName) + '#' + topic.first;
1264 SkASSERT(fGlobalNames.fRefMap.end() == fGlobalNames.fRefMap.find(lowered));
1265 fGlobalNames.fRefMap[lowered] = topic.second;
1266 }
1267 size_t slash = fRawFilePathDir.rfind('/');
1268 size_t bslash = fRawFilePathDir.rfind('\\');
1269 string spellFile;
1270 if (string::npos == slash && string::npos == bslash) {
1271 spellFile = fRawFilePathDir;
1272 } else {
1273 if (string::npos != bslash && bslash > slash) {
1274 slash = bslash;
1275 }
1276 spellFile = fRawFilePathDir.substr(0, slash);
1277 }
1278 spellFile += '/';
1279 spellFile += kSpellingFileName;
1280 FILE* file = fopen(spellFile.c_str(), "r");
1281 if (!file) {
1282 SkDebugf("missing %s\n", spellFile.c_str());
1283 return;
1284 }
1285 fseek(file, 0L, SEEK_END);
1286 int sz = (int) ftell(file);
1287 rewind(file);
1288 char* buffer = new char[sz];
1289 memset(buffer, ' ', sz);
1290 int read = (int)fread(buffer, 1, sz, file);
1291 SkAssertResult(read > 0);
1292 sz = read; // FIXME: ? why are sz and read different?
1293 fclose(file);
1294 int i = 0;
1295 int start = i;
1296 string last = " ";
1297 string word;
1298 do {
1299 if (' ' < buffer[i]) {
1300 ++i;
1301 continue;
1302 }
1303 last = word;
1304 word = string(&buffer[start], i - start);
1305 #ifdef SK_DEBUG
1306 SkASSERT(last.compare(word) < 0);
1307 for (char c : word) {
1308 SkASSERT(islower(c) || '-' == c);
1309 }
1310 #endif
1311 if (fGlobalNames.fRefMap.end() == fGlobalNames.fRefMap.find(word)) {
1312 fGlobalNames.fRefMap[word] = nullptr;
1313 } else {
1314 SkDebugf("%s ", word.c_str()); // debugging: word missing from spelling list
1315 }
1316 do {
1317 ++i;
1318 } while (i < sz && ' ' >= buffer[i]);
1319 start = i;
1320 } while (i < sz);
1321 delete[] buffer;
1322 }
setUpSubstitutes(const Definition * parent,NameMap * names)1324 void BmhParser::setUpSubstitutes(const Definition* parent, NameMap* names) {
1325 for (const auto& child : parent->fChildren) {
1326 MarkType markType = child->fMarkType;
1327 if (MarkType::kAlias == markType) {
1328 continue;
1329 }
1330 if (MarkType::kSubstitute == markType) {
1331 continue;
1332 }
1333 string name(child->fName);
1334 if (&fGlobalNames != names) {
1335 size_t lastDC = name.rfind("::");
1336 if (string::npos != lastDC) {
1337 name = name.substr(lastDC + 2);
1338 }
1339 if ("" == name) {
1340 continue;
1341 }
1342 }
1343 string ref;
1344 if (&fGlobalNames == names) {
1345 ref = ParserCommon::HtmlFileName(child->fFileName);
1346 }
1347 ref += '#' + child->fFiddle;
1348 if (MarkType::kClass == markType || MarkType::kStruct == markType
1349 || (MarkType::kMethod == markType && !child->fClone)
1350 || MarkType::kEnum == markType
1351 || MarkType::kEnumClass == markType || MarkType::kConst == markType
1352 || MarkType::kMember == markType || MarkType::kDefine == markType
1353 || MarkType::kTypedef == markType) {
1354 SkASSERT(names->fLinkMap.end() == names->fLinkMap.find(name));
1355 names->fLinkMap[name] = ref;
1356 SkASSERT(names->fRefMap.end() == names->fRefMap.find(name));
1357 names->fRefMap[name] = child;
1358 }
1359 if (MarkType::kClass == markType || MarkType::kStruct == markType
1360 || MarkType::kEnumClass == markType) {
1361 RootDefinition* rootDef = child->asRoot();
1362 NameMap* nameMap = &rootDef->fNames;
1363 this->setUpSubstitutes(child, nameMap);
1364 nameMap->copyToParent(names);
1365 }
1366 if (MarkType::kEnum == markType) {
1367 this->setUpSubstitutes(child, names);
1368 }
1369 if (MarkType::kMethod == markType) {
1370 if (child->fClone || child->fCloned) {
1371 TextParser parser(child->fFileName, child->fStart, child->fContentStart,
1372 child->fLineCount);
1373 parser.skipExact("#Method");
1374 parser.skipSpace();
1375 string name = child->methodName();
1376 const char* nameInParser = parser.strnstr(name.c_str(), parser.fEnd);
1377 parser.skipTo(nameInParser);
1378 const char* paren = parser.strnchr('(', parser.fEnd);
1379 parser.skipTo(paren);
1380 parser.skipToBalancedEndBracket('(', ')');
1381 if ("()" != string(paren, parser.fChar - paren)) {
1382 string fullName =
1383 trim_inline_spaces(string(nameInParser, parser.fChar - nameInParser));
1384 SkASSERT(names->fLinkMap.end() == names->fLinkMap.find(fullName));
1385 names->fLinkMap[fullName] = ref;
1386 SkASSERT(names->fRefMap.end() == names->fRefMap.find(fullName));
1387 names->fRefMap[fullName] = child;
1388 }
1389 }
1390 }
1391 if (MarkType::kSubtopic == markType) {
1392 if (&fGlobalNames != names && string::npos != child->fName.find('_')) {
1393 string lowered = this->loweredTopic(child->fName, child);
1394 SkDEBUGCODE(auto refIter = names->fRefMap.find(lowered));
1395 SkDEBUGCODE(auto iter = names->fLinkMap.find(lowered));
1396 SkASSERT(names->fLinkMap.end() == iter);
1397 names->fLinkMap[lowered] = '#' + child->fName;
1398 SkASSERT(names->fRefMap.end() == refIter);
1399 names->fRefMap[lowered] = child;
1400 }
1401 this->setUpSubstitutes(child, names);
1402 }
1403 }
1404 }
setUpPartialSubstitute(string name)1406 void BmhParser::setUpPartialSubstitute(string name) {
1407 auto iter = fGlobalNames.fRefMap.find(name);
1408 if (fGlobalNames.fRefMap.end() != iter) {
1409 SkASSERT(nullptr == iter->second);
1410 return;
1411 }
1412 fGlobalNames.fRefMap[name] = nullptr;
1413 }
setUpSubstitute(string name,Definition * def)1415 void BmhParser::setUpSubstitute(string name, Definition* def) {
1416 SkASSERT(fGlobalNames.fRefMap.end() == fGlobalNames.fRefMap.find(name));
1417 fGlobalNames.fRefMap[name] = def;
1418 SkASSERT(fGlobalNames.fLinkMap.end() == fGlobalNames.fLinkMap.find(name));
1419 string str = ParserCommon::HtmlFileName(def->fFileName) + '#' + def->fName;
1420 fGlobalNames.fLinkMap[name] = str;
1421 size_t stop = name.length();
1422 do {
1423 size_t space = name.rfind(' ', stop);
1424 if (string::npos == space) {
1425 break;
1426 }
1427 string partial = name.substr(0, space + 1);
1428 stop = space - 1;
1429 this->setUpPartialSubstitute(partial);
1430 } while (true);
1431 }
setWrapper(Definition * def) const1433 void BmhParser::setWrapper(Definition* def) const {
1434 const char drawWrapper[] = "void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {";
1435 const char drawNoCanvas[] = "void draw(SkCanvas* ) {";
1436 string text = this->extractText(def, TrimExtract::kNo);
1437 size_t nonSpace = 0;
1438 while (nonSpace < text.length() && ' ' >= text[nonSpace]) {
1439 ++nonSpace;
1440 }
1441 bool hasFunc = !text.compare(nonSpace, sizeof(drawWrapper) - 1, drawWrapper);
1442 bool noCanvas = !text.compare(nonSpace, sizeof(drawNoCanvas) - 1, drawNoCanvas);
1443 bool hasCanvas = string::npos != text.find("SkCanvas canvas");
1444 SkASSERT(!hasFunc || !noCanvas);
1445 bool preprocessor = text[0] == '#';
1446 bool wrapCode = !hasFunc && !noCanvas && !preprocessor;
1447 if (wrapCode) {
1448 def->fWrapper = hasCanvas ? string(drawNoCanvas) : string(drawWrapper);
1449 }
1450 }
findBmhObject(MarkType markType,string typeName)1452 RootDefinition* BmhParser::findBmhObject(MarkType markType, string typeName) {
1453 const auto& mapIter = std::find_if(fMaps.begin(), fMaps.end(),
1454 [markType](DefinitionMap& defMap){ return markType == defMap.fMarkType; } );
1455 if (mapIter == fMaps.end()) {
1456 return nullptr;
1457 }
1458 return &(*mapIter->fMap)[typeName];
1459 }
1461 // FIXME: some examples may produce different output on different platforms
1462 // if the text output can be different, think of how to author that
findDefinitions()1464 bool BmhParser::findDefinitions() {
1465 bool lineStart = true;
1466 const char* lastChar = nullptr;
1467 const char* lastMC = nullptr;
1468 fParent = nullptr;
1469 while (!this->eof()) {
1470 if (this->peek() == fMC) {
1471 lastMC = fChar;
1472 this->next();
1473 if (this->peek() == fMC) {
1474 this->next();
1475 if (!lineStart && ' ' < this->peek()) {
1476 if (!fParent || MarkType::kFormula != fParent->fMarkType) {
1477 return this->reportError<bool>("expected definition");
1478 }
1479 }
1480 if (this->peek() != fMC) {
1481 if (MarkType::kColumn == fParent->fMarkType) {
1482 SkASSERT(TableState::kColumnEnd == fTableState);
1483 if (!this->endTableColumn(lastChar, lastMC)) {
1484 return false;
1485 }
1486 SkASSERT(fRow);
1487 if (!this->popParentStack(fParent)) {
1488 return false;
1489 }
1490 fRow->fContentEnd = fWorkingColumn->fContentEnd;
1491 fWorkingColumn = nullptr;
1492 fRow = nullptr;
1493 fTableState = TableState::kNone;
1494 } else {
1495 vector<string> parentName;
1496 parentName.push_back(fParent->fName);
1497 if (!this->addDefinition(fChar - 1, true, fParent->fMarkType, parentName,
1498 HasTag::kNo)) {
1499 return false;
1500 }
1501 }
1502 } else {
1503 SkAssertResult(this->next() == fMC);
1504 fMC = this->next(); // change markup character
1505 if (' ' >= fMC) {
1506 return this->reportError<bool>("illegal markup character");
1507 }
1508 fMarkup.emplace_front(MarkType::kMarkChar, fChar - 4, fLineCount, fParent, fMC);
1509 Definition* markChar = &fMarkup.front();
1510 markChar->fContentStart = fChar - 1;
1511 this->skipToEndBracket('\n');
1512 markChar->fContentEnd = fChar;
1513 markChar->fTerminator = fChar;
1514 fParent->fChildren.push_back(markChar);
1515 }
1516 } else if (this->peek() >= 'A' && this->peek() <= 'Z') {
1517 const char* defStart = fChar - 1;
1518 MarkType markType = this->getMarkType(MarkLookup::kRequire);
1519 bool hasEnd = this->hasEndToken();
1520 if (!hasEnd && fParent) {
1521 MarkType parentType = fParent->fMarkType;
1522 uint64_t parentMask = kMarkProps[(int) markType].fParentMask;
1523 if (parentMask && !(parentMask & (1LL << (int) parentType))) {
1524 return this->reportError<bool>("invalid parent");
1525 }
1526 }
1527 if (!this->skipName(kMarkProps[(int) markType].fName)) {
1528 return this->reportError<bool>("illegal markup character");
1529 }
1530 if (!this->skipSpace()) {
1531 return this->reportError<bool>("unexpected end");
1532 }
1533 lineStart = '\n' == this->peek();
1534 bool expectEnd = true;
1535 vector<string> typeNameBuilder = this->typeName(markType, &expectEnd);
1536 if (fCloned && MarkType::kMethod != markType && MarkType::kExample != markType
1537 && !fAnonymous) {
1538 return this->reportError<bool>("duplicate name");
1539 }
1540 if (hasEnd && expectEnd) {
1541 if (fMC == this->peek()) {
1542 return this->reportError<bool>("missing body");
1543 }
1544 }
1545 if (!this->addDefinition(defStart, hasEnd, markType, typeNameBuilder,
1546 HasTag::kYes)) {
1547 return false;
1548 }
1549 continue;
1550 } else if (this->peek() == ' ') {
1551 if (!fParent || (MarkType::kFormula != fParent->fMarkType
1552 && MarkType::kLegend != fParent->fMarkType
1553 && MarkType::kList != fParent->fMarkType
1554 && MarkType::kLine != fParent->fMarkType
1555 && MarkType::kTable != fParent->fMarkType)) {
1556 int endHashes = this->endHashCount();
1557 if (endHashes <= 1) {
1558 if (fParent) {
1559 if (TableState::kColumnEnd == fTableState) {
1560 if (!this->endTableColumn(lastChar, lastMC)) {
1561 return false;
1562 }
1563 } else { // one line comment
1564 fMarkup.emplace_front(MarkType::kComment, fChar - 1, fLineCount,
1565 fParent, fMC);
1566 Definition* comment = &fMarkup.front();
1567 comment->fContentStart = fChar - 1;
1568 this->skipToEndBracket('\n');
1569 comment->fContentEnd = fChar;
1570 comment->fTerminator = fChar;
1571 fParent->fChildren.push_back(comment);
1572 }
1573 } else {
1574 fChar = fLine + this->lineLength() - 1;
1575 }
1576 } else { // table row
1577 if (2 != endHashes) {
1578 string errorStr = "expect ";
1579 errorStr += fMC;
1580 errorStr += fMC;
1581 return this->reportError<bool>(errorStr.c_str());
1582 }
1583 if (!fParent || MarkType::kTable != fParent->fMarkType) {
1584 return this->reportError<bool>("missing table");
1585 }
1586 }
1587 } else if (TableState::kNone == fTableState) {
1588 // fixme? no nested tables for now
1589 fColStart = fChar - 1;
1590 fMarkup.emplace_front(MarkType::kRow, fColStart, fLineCount, fParent, fMC);
1591 fRow = &fMarkup.front();
1592 fRow->fName = fParent->fName;
1593 this->skipWhiteSpace();
1594 fRow->fContentStart = fChar;
1595 this->setAsParent(fRow);
1596 fTableState = TableState::kColumnStart;
1597 }
1598 if (TableState::kColumnStart == fTableState) {
1599 fMarkup.emplace_front(MarkType::kColumn, fColStart, fLineCount, fParent, fMC);
1600 fWorkingColumn = &fMarkup.front();
1601 fWorkingColumn->fName = fParent->fName;
1602 fWorkingColumn->fContentStart = fChar;
1603 this->setAsParent(fWorkingColumn);
1604 fTableState = TableState::kColumnEnd;
1605 continue;
1606 }
1607 } else if (this->peek() >= 'a' && this->peek() <= 'z') {
1608 // expect zero or more letters and underscores (no spaces) then hash
1609 const char* phraseNameStart = fChar;
1610 this->skipPhraseName();
1611 string phraseKey = string(phraseNameStart, fChar - phraseNameStart);
1612 char delimiter = this->next();
1613 vector<string> params;
1614 vector<const char*> paramsLoc;
1615 if (fMC != delimiter) {
1616 if ('(' != delimiter) {
1617 return this->reportError<bool>("expect # after phrase name");
1618 }
1619 // phrase may take comma delimited parameter list
1620 do {
1621 const char* subEnd = this->anyOf(",)\n");
1622 if (!subEnd || '\n' == *subEnd) {
1623 return this->reportError<bool>("unexpected phrase list end");
1624 }
1625 params.push_back(string(fChar, subEnd - fChar));
1626 paramsLoc.push_back(fChar);
1627 this->skipTo(subEnd);
1629 } while (')' != this->next());
1630 }
1631 const char* start = phraseNameStart;
1632 SkASSERT('#' == start[-1]);
1633 --start;
1634 if (start > fStart && ' ' >= start[-1]) {
1635 --start; // preserve whether to add whitespace before substitution
1636 }
1637 fMarkup.emplace_front(MarkType::kPhraseRef, start, fLineCount, fParent, fMC);
1638 Definition* markChar = &fMarkup.front();
1639 this->skipExact("#");
1640 markChar->fContentStart = fChar;
1641 markChar->fContentEnd = fChar;
1642 markChar->fTerminator = fChar;
1643 markChar->fName = phraseKey;
1644 fParent->fChildren.push_back(markChar);
1645 int paramLocIndex = 0;
1646 for (auto param : params) {
1647 const char* paramLoc = paramsLoc[paramLocIndex++];
1648 fMarkup.emplace_front(MarkType::kPhraseParam, paramLoc, fLineCount, fParent,
1649 fMC);
1650 Definition* phraseParam = &fMarkup.front();
1651 phraseParam->fContentStart = paramLoc;
1652 phraseParam->fContentEnd = paramLoc + param.length();
1653 phraseParam->fTerminator = paramLoc + param.length();
1654 phraseParam->fName = param;
1655 markChar->fChildren.push_back(phraseParam);
1656 }
1657 }
1658 }
1659 char nextChar = this->next();
1660 if (' ' < nextChar) {
1661 lastChar = fChar;
1662 lineStart = false;
1663 } else if (nextChar == '\n') {
1664 lineStart = true;
1665 }
1666 }
1667 if (fParent) {
1668 return fParent->reportError<bool>("mismatched end");
1669 }
1670 return true;
1671 }
getMarkType(MarkLookup lookup) const1673 MarkType BmhParser::getMarkType(MarkLookup lookup) const {
1674 for (int index = 0; index <= Last_MarkType; ++index) {
1675 int typeLen = strlen(kMarkProps[index].fName);
1676 if (typeLen == 0) {
1677 continue;
1678 }
1679 if (fChar + typeLen >= fEnd || fChar[typeLen] > ' ') {
1680 continue;
1681 }
1682 int chCompare = strncmp(fChar, kMarkProps[index].fName, typeLen);
1683 if (chCompare < 0) {
1684 goto fail;
1685 }
1686 if (chCompare == 0) {
1687 return (MarkType) index;
1688 }
1689 }
1690 fail:
1691 if (MarkLookup::kRequire == lookup) {
1692 return this->reportError<MarkType>("unknown mark type");
1693 }
1694 return MarkType::kNone;
1695 }
hasEndToken() const1697 bool BmhParser::hasEndToken() const {
1698 const char* ptr = fLine;
1699 char test;
1700 do {
1701 if (ptr >= fEnd) {
1702 return false;
1703 }
1704 test = *ptr++;
1705 if ('\n' == test) {
1706 return false;
1707 }
1708 } while (fMC != test || fMC != *ptr);
1709 return true;
1710 }
memberName()1712 string BmhParser::memberName() {
1713 const char* wordStart;
1714 const char* prefixes[] = { "static", "const" };
1715 do {
1716 this->skipSpace();
1717 wordStart = fChar;
1718 this->skipToNonName();
1719 } while (this->anyOf(wordStart, prefixes, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(prefixes)));
1720 if ('*' == this->peek()) {
1721 this->next();
1722 }
1723 return this->className(MarkType::kMember);
1724 }
methodName()1726 string BmhParser::methodName() {
1727 if (this->hasEndToken()) {
1728 if (!fParent || !fParent->fName.length()) {
1729 return this->reportError<string>("missing parent method name");
1730 }
1731 SkASSERT(fMC == this->peek());
1732 this->next();
1733 SkASSERT(fMC == this->peek());
1734 this->next();
1735 SkASSERT(fMC != this->peek());
1736 return fParent->fName;
1737 }
1738 string builder;
1739 const char* end = this->lineEnd();
1740 const char* paren = this->strnchr('(', end);
1741 if (!paren) {
1742 return this->reportError<string>("missing method name and reference");
1743 }
1744 {
1745 TextParserSave endCheck(this);
1746 while (end < fEnd && !this->strnchr(')', end)) {
1747 fChar = end + 1;
1748 end = this->lineEnd();
1749 }
1750 if (end >= fEnd) {
1751 return this->reportError<string>("missing method end paren");
1752 }
1753 endCheck.restore();
1754 }
1755 const char* nameStart = paren;
1756 char ch;
1757 bool expectOperator = false;
1758 bool isConstructor = false;
1759 const char* nameEnd = nullptr;
1760 while (nameStart > fChar && ' ' != (ch = *--nameStart)) {
1761 if (!isalnum(ch) && '_' != ch) {
1762 if (nameEnd) {
1763 break;
1764 }
1765 expectOperator = true;
1766 continue;
1767 }
1768 if (!nameEnd) {
1769 nameEnd = nameStart + 1;
1770 }
1771 }
1772 if (!nameEnd) {
1773 return this->reportError<string>("unexpected method name char");
1774 }
1775 if (' ' == nameStart[0]) {
1776 ++nameStart;
1777 }
1778 if (nameEnd <= nameStart) {
1779 return this->reportError<string>("missing method name");
1780 }
1781 if (nameStart >= paren) {
1782 return this->reportError<string>("missing method name length");
1783 }
1784 string name(nameStart, nameEnd - nameStart);
1785 bool allLower = true;
1786 for (int index = 0; index < (int) (nameEnd - nameStart); ++index) {
1787 if (!islower(nameStart[index])) {
1788 allLower = false;
1789 break;
1790 }
1791 }
1792 if (expectOperator && "operator" != name) {
1793 return this->reportError<string>("expected operator");
1794 }
1795 const Definition* parent = this->parentSpace();
1796 if (parent && parent->fName.length() > 0) {
1797 size_t parentNameIndex = parent->fName.rfind(':');
1798 parentNameIndex = string::npos == parentNameIndex ? 0 : parentNameIndex + 1;
1799 string parentName = parent->fName.substr(parentNameIndex);
1800 if (parentName == name) {
1801 isConstructor = true;
1802 } else if ('~' == name[0]) {
1803 if (parentName != name.substr(1)) {
1804 return this->reportError<string>("expected destructor");
1805 }
1806 isConstructor = true;
1807 }
1808 builder = parent->fName + "::";
1809 }
1810 bool addConst = false;
1811 if (isConstructor || expectOperator) {
1812 paren = this->strnchr(')', end) + 1;
1813 TextParserSave saveState(this);
1814 this->skipTo(paren);
1815 if (this->skipExact(" const")) {
1816 addConst = true;
1817 }
1818 saveState.restore();
1819 }
1820 builder.append(nameStart, paren - nameStart);
1821 if (addConst) {
1822 builder.append(" const");
1823 }
1824 if (!expectOperator && allLower) {
1825 builder.append("()");
1826 }
1827 int parens = 0;
1828 while (fChar < end || parens > 0) {
1829 if ('(' == this->peek()) {
1830 ++parens;
1831 } else if (')' == this->peek()) {
1832 --parens;
1833 }
1834 this->next();
1835 }
1836 TextParserSave saveState(this);
1837 this->skipWhiteSpace();
1838 if (this->startsWith("const")) {
1839 this->skipName("const");
1840 } else {
1841 saveState.restore();
1842 }
1843 // this->next();
1844 if (string::npos != builder.find('\n')) {
1845 builder.erase(std::remove(builder.begin(), builder.end(), '\n'), builder.end());
1846 }
1847 return uniqueRootName(builder, MarkType::kMethod);
1848 }
parentSpace() const1850 const Definition* BmhParser::parentSpace() const {
1851 Definition* parent = nullptr;
1852 Definition* test = fParent;
1853 while (test) {
1854 if (MarkType::kClass == test->fMarkType ||
1855 MarkType::kEnumClass == test->fMarkType ||
1856 MarkType::kStruct == test->fMarkType) {
1857 parent = test;
1858 break;
1859 }
1860 test = test->fParent;
1861 }
1862 return parent;
1863 }
1865 // A full terminal statement is in the form:
1866 // \n optional-white-space #MarkType white-space #[# white-space]
1867 // \n optional-white-space #MarkType white-space Name white-space #[# white-space]
1868 // MarkType must match definition->fMarkType
checkForFullTerminal(const char * end,const Definition * definition) const1869 const char* BmhParser::checkForFullTerminal(const char* end, const Definition* definition) const {
1870 const char* start = end;
1871 while ('\n' != start[0] && start > fStart) {
1872 --start;
1873 }
1874 SkASSERT (start < end);
1875 // if end is preceeeded by \n#MarkType ## backup to there
1876 TextParser parser(fFileName, start, fChar, fLineCount);
1877 parser.skipWhiteSpace();
1878 if (parser.eof() || fMC != parser.next()) {
1879 return end;
1880 }
1881 const char* markName = kMarkProps[(int) definition->fMarkType].fName;
1882 if (!parser.skipExact(markName)) {
1883 return end;
1884 }
1885 parser.skipWhiteSpace();
1886 TextParser startName(fFileName, definition->fStart, definition->fContentStart,
1887 definition->fLineCount);
1888 if ('#' == startName.next()) {
1889 startName.skipToSpace();
1890 if (!startName.eof() && startName.skipSpace()) {
1891 const char* nameBegin = startName.fChar;
1892 startName.skipToWhiteSpace();
1893 string name(nameBegin, (int) (startName.fChar - nameBegin));
1894 if (fMC != parser.peek() && !parser.skipExact(name.c_str())) {
1895 return end;
1896 }
1897 parser.skipSpace();
1898 }
1899 }
1900 if (parser.eof() || fMC != parser.next()) {
1901 return end;
1902 }
1903 if (!parser.eof() && fMC != parser.next()) {
1904 return end;
1905 }
1906 SkASSERT(parser.eof());
1907 return start;
1908 }
parseHashAnchor(Definition * definition)1910 void BmhParser::parseHashAnchor(Definition* definition) {
1911 this->skipToEndBracket(fMC);
1912 fMarkup.emplace_front(MarkType::kLink, fChar, fLineCount, definition, fMC);
1913 SkAssertResult(fMC == this->next());
1914 this->skipWhiteSpace();
1915 Definition* link = &fMarkup.front();
1916 link->fContentStart = fChar;
1917 link->fContentEnd = this->trimmedBracketEnd(fMC);
1918 this->skipToEndBracket(fMC);
1919 SkAssertResult(fMC == this->next());
1920 SkAssertResult(fMC == this->next());
1921 link->fTerminator = fChar;
1922 definition->fContentEnd = link->fContentEnd;
1923 definition->fTerminator = fChar;
1924 definition->fChildren.emplace_back(link);
1925 }
parseHashFormula(Definition * definition)1927 void BmhParser::parseHashFormula(Definition* definition) {
1928 const char* start = definition->fContentStart;
1929 definition->trimEnd();
1930 const char* end = definition->fContentEnd;
1931 fMarkup.emplace_front(MarkType::kText, start, fLineCount, definition, fMC);
1932 Definition* text = &fMarkup.front();
1933 text->fContentStart = start;
1934 text->fContentEnd = end;
1935 text->fTerminator = definition->fTerminator;
1936 definition->fChildren.emplace_back(text);
1937 }
parseHashLine(Definition * definition)1939 void BmhParser::parseHashLine(Definition* definition) {
1940 const char* nextLF = this->strnchr('\n', this->fEnd);
1941 const char* start = fChar;
1942 const char* end = this->trimmedBracketEnd(fMC);
1943 this->skipToEndBracket(fMC, nextLF);
1944 if (fMC != this->next() || fMC != this->next()) {
1945 return this->reportError<void>("expected ## to delineate line");
1946 }
1947 fMarkup.emplace_front(MarkType::kText, start, fLineCount, definition, fMC);
1948 Definition* text = &fMarkup.front();
1949 if (!islower(start[0]) && (!isdigit(start[0])
1950 || MarkType::kConst != definition->fParent->fMarkType)) {
1951 return this->reportError<void>("expect lower case start");
1952 }
1953 string contents = string(start, end - start);
1954 if (string::npos != contents.find('.')) {
1955 return this->reportError<void>("expect phrase, not sentence");
1956 }
1957 size_t firstSpace = contents.find(' ');
1958 if (string::npos == firstSpace || 0 == firstSpace || 's' != start[firstSpace - 1]) {
1959 if (MarkType::kMethod == fParent->fMarkType && "experimental" != contents
1960 && "incomplete" != contents) {
1961 return this->reportError<void>( "expect phrase in third person present"
1962 " tense (1st word should end in 's'");
1963 }
1964 }
1965 text->fContentStart = start;
1966 text->fContentEnd = end;
1967 text->fTerminator = fChar;
1968 definition->fContentEnd = text->fContentEnd;
1969 definition->fTerminator = fChar;
1970 definition->fChildren.emplace_back(text);
1971 }
popParentStack(Definition * definition)1973 bool BmhParser::popParentStack(Definition* definition) {
1974 if (!fParent) {
1975 return this->reportError<bool>("missing parent");
1976 }
1977 if (definition != fParent) {
1978 return this->reportError<bool>("definition end is not parent");
1979 }
1980 if (!definition->fStart) {
1981 return this->reportError<bool>("definition missing start");
1982 }
1983 if (definition->fContentEnd) {
1984 return this->reportError<bool>("definition already ended");
1985 }
1986 // more to figure out to handle table columns, at minimum
1987 const char* end = fChar;
1988 if (fMC != end[0]) {
1989 while (end > definition->fContentStart && ' ' >= end[-1]) {
1990 --end;
1991 }
1992 SkASSERT(&end[-1] >= definition->fContentStart && fMC == end[-1]
1993 && (MarkType::kColumn == definition->fMarkType
1994 || (&end[-2] >= definition->fContentStart && fMC == end[-2])));
1995 end -= 2;
1996 }
1997 end = checkForFullTerminal(end, definition);
1998 definition->fContentEnd = end;
1999 definition->fTerminator = fChar;
2000 fParent = definition->fParent;
2001 if (!fParent || (MarkType::kTopic == fParent->fMarkType && !fParent->fParent)) {
2002 fRoot = nullptr;
2003 }
2004 return true;
2005 }
skipNoName()2009 bool BmhParser::skipNoName() {
2010 if ('\n' == this->peek()) {
2011 this->next();
2012 return true;
2013 }
2014 this->skipWhiteSpace();
2015 if (fMC != this->peek()) {
2016 return this->reportError<bool>("expected end mark 1");
2017 }
2018 this->next();
2019 if (fMC != this->peek()) {
2020 return this->reportError<bool>("expected end mark 2");
2021 }
2022 this->next();
2023 return true;
2024 }
skipToDefinitionEnd(MarkType markType)2026 bool BmhParser::skipToDefinitionEnd(MarkType markType) {
2027 if (this->eof()) {
2028 return this->reportError<bool>("missing end");
2029 }
2030 const char* start = fLine;
2031 int startLineCount = fLineCount;
2032 int stack = 1;
2033 ptrdiff_t lineLen;
2034 bool foundEnd = false;
2035 do {
2036 lineLen = this->lineLength();
2037 if (fMC != *fChar++) {
2038 continue;
2039 }
2040 if (fMC == *fChar) {
2041 continue;
2042 }
2043 if (' ' == *fChar) {
2044 continue;
2045 }
2046 MarkType nextType = this->getMarkType(MarkLookup::kAllowUnknown);
2047 if (markType != nextType) {
2048 continue;
2049 }
2050 bool hasEnd = this->hasEndToken();
2051 if (hasEnd) {
2052 if (!--stack) {
2053 foundEnd = true;
2054 continue;
2055 }
2056 } else {
2057 ++stack;
2058 }
2059 } while ((void) ++fLineCount, (void) (fLine += lineLen), (void) (fChar = fLine),
2060 !this->eof() && !foundEnd);
2061 if (foundEnd) {
2062 return true;
2063 }
2064 fLineCount = startLineCount;
2065 fLine = start;
2066 fChar = start;
2067 return this->reportError<bool>("unbalanced stack");
2068 }
skipToString()2070 bool BmhParser::skipToString() {
2071 this->skipSpace();
2072 if (fMC != this->peek()) {
2073 return this->reportError<bool>("expected end mark 3");
2074 }
2075 this->next();
2076 this->skipSpace();
2077 // body is text from here to double fMC
2078 // no single fMC allowed, no linefeed allowed
2079 return true;
2080 }
topicName()2082 vector<string> BmhParser::topicName() {
2083 vector<string> result;
2084 this->skipWhiteSpace();
2085 const char* lineEnd = fLine + this->lineLength();
2086 const char* nameStart = fChar;
2087 while (fChar < lineEnd) {
2088 char ch = this->next();
2089 SkASSERT(',' != ch);
2090 if ('\n' == ch) {
2091 break;
2092 }
2093 if (fMC == ch) {
2094 break;
2095 }
2096 }
2097 if (fChar - 1 > nameStart) {
2098 string builder(nameStart, fChar - nameStart - 1);
2099 trim_start_end(builder);
2100 result.push_back(builder);
2101 }
2102 if (fChar < lineEnd && fMC == this->peek()) {
2103 this->next();
2104 }
2105 return result;
2106 }
2108 // typeName parsing rules depend on mark type
typeName(MarkType markType,bool * checkEnd)2109 vector<string> BmhParser::typeName(MarkType markType, bool* checkEnd) {
2110 fAnonymous = false;
2111 fCloned = false;
2112 vector<string> result;
2113 string builder;
2114 if (fParent) {
2115 builder = fParent->fName;
2116 }
2117 switch (markType) {
2118 case MarkType::kDefine:
2119 case MarkType::kEnum:
2120 // enums may be nameless
2121 case MarkType::kConst:
2122 case MarkType::kEnumClass:
2123 case MarkType::kClass:
2124 case MarkType::kStruct:
2125 case MarkType::kTemplate:
2126 // expect name
2127 builder = this->className(markType);
2128 break;
2129 case MarkType::kExample:
2130 // check to see if one already exists -- if so, number this one
2131 builder = this->uniqueName(string(), markType);
2132 this->skipNoName();
2133 break;
2134 case MarkType::kCode:
2135 case MarkType::kDescription:
2136 case MarkType::kExternal:
2137 case MarkType::kFunction:
2138 case MarkType::kLegend:
2139 case MarkType::kList:
2140 case MarkType::kNoExample:
2141 this->skipNoName();
2142 break;
2143 case MarkType::kFormula:
2144 case MarkType::kLine:
2145 this->skipToString();
2146 break;
2147 case MarkType::kAlias:
2148 case MarkType::kAnchor:
2149 case MarkType::kBug: // fixme: expect number
2150 case MarkType::kDetails:
2151 case MarkType::kDuration:
2152 case MarkType::kFile:
2153 case MarkType::kFilter:
2154 case MarkType::kHeight:
2155 case MarkType::kIllustration:
2156 case MarkType::kImage:
2157 case MarkType::kIn:
2158 case MarkType::kLiteral:
2159 case MarkType::kNoJustify:
2160 case MarkType::kOutdent:
2161 case MarkType::kPlatform:
2162 case MarkType::kPopulate:
2163 case MarkType::kReturn:
2164 case MarkType::kSeeAlso:
2165 case MarkType::kSet:
2166 case MarkType::kSubstitute:
2167 case MarkType::kToDo:
2168 case MarkType::kVolatile:
2169 case MarkType::kWidth:
2170 *checkEnd = false; // no name, may have text body
2171 break;
2172 case MarkType::kStdOut:
2173 this->skipNoName();
2174 break; // unnamed
2175 case MarkType::kMember:
2176 builder = this->memberName();
2177 break;
2178 case MarkType::kMethod:
2179 builder = this->methodName();
2180 break;
2181 case MarkType::kTypedef:
2182 builder = this->typedefName();
2183 break;
2184 case MarkType::kParam:
2185 // fixme: expect camelCase for param
2186 builder = this->word("", "");
2187 this->skipSpace();
2188 *checkEnd = false;
2189 break;
2190 case MarkType::kPhraseDef: {
2191 const char* nameEnd = this->anyOf("(\n");
2192 builder = string(fChar, nameEnd - fChar);
2193 this->skipLower();
2194 if (fChar != nameEnd) {
2195 this->reportError("expect lower case only");
2196 break;
2197 }
2198 this->skipTo(nameEnd);
2199 *checkEnd = false;
2200 } break;
2201 case MarkType::kTable:
2202 this->skipNoName();
2203 break; // unnamed
2204 case MarkType::kSubtopic:
2205 case MarkType::kTopic:
2206 // fixme: start with cap, allow space, hyphen, stop on comma
2207 // one topic can have multiple type names delineated by comma
2208 result = this->topicName();
2209 if (result.size() == 0 && this->hasEndToken()) {
2210 break;
2211 }
2212 return result;
2213 default:
2214 // fixme: don't allow silent failures
2215 SkASSERT(0);
2216 }
2217 result.push_back(builder);
2218 return result;
2219 }
typedefName()2221 string BmhParser::typedefName() {
2222 if (this->hasEndToken()) {
2223 if (!fParent || !fParent->fName.length()) {
2224 return this->reportError<string>("missing parent typedef name");
2225 }
2226 SkASSERT(fMC == this->peek());
2227 this->next();
2228 SkASSERT(fMC == this->peek());
2229 this->next();
2230 SkASSERT(fMC != this->peek());
2231 return fParent->fName;
2232 }
2233 string builder;
2234 const Definition* parent = this->parentSpace();
2235 if (parent && parent->fName.length() > 0) {
2236 builder = parent->fName + "::";
2237 }
2238 builder += TextParser::typedefName();
2239 return uniqueRootName(builder, MarkType::kTypedef);
2240 }
uniqueName(string base,MarkType markType)2242 string BmhParser::uniqueName(string base, MarkType markType) {
2243 string builder(base);
2244 if (!builder.length()) {
2245 builder = fParent->fName;
2246 }
2247 if (!fParent) {
2248 return builder;
2249 }
2250 int number = 2;
2251 string numBuilder(builder);
2252 do {
2253 for (auto& iter : fParent->fChildren) {
2254 if (markType == iter->fMarkType) {
2255 if (iter->fName == numBuilder) {
2256 fCloned = true;
2257 numBuilder = builder + '_' + to_string(number);
2258 goto tryNext;
2259 }
2260 }
2261 }
2262 break;
2263 tryNext: ;
2264 } while (++number);
2265 return numBuilder;
2266 }
uniqueRootName(string base,MarkType markType)2268 string BmhParser::uniqueRootName(string base, MarkType markType) {
2269 auto checkName = [markType](const Definition& def, string numBuilder) -> bool {
2270 return markType == def.fMarkType && def.fName == numBuilder;
2271 };
2273 string builder(base);
2274 if (!builder.length()) {
2275 builder = fParent->fName;
2276 }
2277 int number = 2;
2278 string numBuilder(builder);
2279 Definition* cloned = nullptr;
2280 do {
2281 if (fRoot) {
2282 for (auto& iter : fRoot->fBranches) {
2283 if (checkName(*iter.second, numBuilder)) {
2284 cloned = iter.second;
2285 goto tryNext;
2286 }
2287 }
2288 for (auto& iter : fRoot->fLeaves) {
2289 if (checkName(iter.second, numBuilder)) {
2290 cloned = &iter.second;
2291 goto tryNext;
2292 }
2293 }
2294 } else if (fParent) {
2295 for (auto& iter : fParent->fChildren) {
2296 if (checkName(*iter, numBuilder)) {
2297 cloned = &*iter;
2298 goto tryNext;
2299 }
2300 }
2301 }
2302 break;
2303 tryNext: ;
2304 if ("()" == builder.substr(builder.length() - 2)) {
2305 builder = builder.substr(0, builder.length() - 2);
2306 }
2307 if (MarkType::kMethod == markType) {
2308 cloned->fCloned = true;
2309 }
2310 fCloned = true;
2311 numBuilder = builder + '_' + to_string(number);
2312 } while (++number);
2313 return numBuilder;
2314 }
validate() const2316 void BmhParser::validate() const {
2317 for (int index = 0; index <= (int) Last_MarkType; ++index) {
2318 SkASSERT(kMarkProps[index].fMarkType == (MarkType) index);
2319 }
2320 const char* last = "";
2321 for (int index = 0; index <= (int) Last_MarkType; ++index) {
2322 const char* next = kMarkProps[index].fName;
2323 if (!last[0]) {
2324 last = next;
2325 continue;
2326 }
2327 if (!next[0]) {
2328 continue;
2329 }
2330 SkASSERT(strcmp(last, next) < 0);
2331 last = next;
2332 }
2333 }
word(string prefix,string delimiter)2335 string BmhParser::word(string prefix, string delimiter) {
2336 string builder(prefix);
2337 this->skipWhiteSpace();
2338 const char* lineEnd = fLine + this->lineLength();
2339 const char* nameStart = fChar;
2340 while (fChar < lineEnd) {
2341 char ch = this->next();
2342 if (' ' >= ch) {
2343 break;
2344 }
2345 if (',' == ch) {
2346 return this->reportError<string>("no comma needed");
2347 break;
2348 }
2349 if (fMC == ch) {
2350 return builder;
2351 }
2352 if (!isalnum(ch) && '_' != ch && ':' != ch && '-' != ch) {
2353 return this->reportError<string>("unexpected char");
2354 }
2355 if (':' == ch) {
2356 // expect pair, and expect word to start with Sk
2357 if (nameStart[0] != 'S' || nameStart[1] != 'k') {
2358 return this->reportError<string>("expected Sk");
2359 }
2360 if (':' != this->peek()) {
2361 return this->reportError<string>("expected ::");
2362 }
2363 this->next();
2364 } else if ('-' == ch) {
2365 // expect word not to start with Sk or kX where X is A-Z
2366 if (nameStart[0] == 'k' && nameStart[1] >= 'A' && nameStart[1] <= 'Z') {
2367 return this->reportError<string>("didn't expected kX");
2368 }
2369 if (nameStart[0] == 'S' && nameStart[1] == 'k') {
2370 return this->reportError<string>("expected Sk");
2371 }
2372 }
2373 }
2374 if (prefix.size()) {
2375 builder += delimiter;
2376 }
2377 builder.append(nameStart, fChar - nameStart - 1);
2378 return builder;
2379 }