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1# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.import json
5import logging
6import os
7import requests
9from autotest_lib.client.bin import test
10from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
11from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
12from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import chrome
13from autotest_lib.client.cros import constants as cros_constants
14from autotest_lib.client.cros.multimedia import local_facade_factory
15from autotest_lib.client.cros.video import helper_logger
16from collections import namedtuple
17from string import Template
20class video_AVAnalysis(test.test):
21    """This test plays a video on DUT so it can be recorded.
23    The recording will be carried out by a recording server connected
24    to this DUT via HDMI cable (hence dependency on cros_av_analysis label.
25    The recording will then be uploaded to Google Cloud storage and analyzed
26    for performance and quality metrics.
27    """
28    version = 1
29    dut_info = namedtuple('dut_info', 'ip, board, build')
30    srv_info = namedtuple('srv_info', 'ip, port, path')
31    rec_info = namedtuple('rec_info', ('vid_name, duration, project_id, '
32                                       ' project_name, bucket_name'))
33    tst_info = namedtuple('tst_info', ('check_smoothness, check_psnr, '
34                                       'check_sync, check_audio, check_color, '
35                                       'vid_id, vid_name'))
37    def gather_config_info(self):
38        """Gathers info relevant for AVAS config file creation.
40        Method might seem weird, but it isolates values that at some
41        point could be gathered from a config or setting file instead
42        to provide more flexibility.
43        """
44        board = utils.get_platform()
45        if board is None:
46            board = utils.get_board()
47        self.dut_info.board = board
48        self.dut_info.build = utils.get_chromeos_version().replace('.', '_')
50        self.rec_info.vid_name = '{}_{}_{}.mp4'.format(
51            self.dut_info.build, self.dut_info.board, 'vp9')
52        self.rec_info.duration = '5'
53        self.rec_info.project_id = '40'
54        self.rec_info.project_name = 'cros-av'
55        self.rec_info.bucket_name = 'cros-av-analysis'
57        self.tst_info.check_smoothness = 'true'
58        self.tst_info.check_psnr = 'true'
59        self.tst_info.check_sync = 'false'
60        self.tst_info.check_audio = 'false'
61        self.tst_info.check_color = 'false'
62        self.tst_info.vid_id = '417'
63        self.tst_info.vid_name = 'cros_vp9_720_60'
65    def gather_runtime_info(self):
66        """Gathers pieces of info required for test execution"""
67        self.dut_info.ip = utils.get_ip_address()
68        self.srv_info.ip = self.get_server_ip(self.dut_info.ip)
69        logging.debug('----------I-P------------')
70        logging.debug(self.dut_info.ip)
71        logging.debug(self.srv_info.ip)
72        self.srv_info.port = '5000'
73        self.srv_info.path = 'record_and_upload'
75    def get_server_ip(self, dut_ip):
76        """Returns recorder server IP address.
78        This method uses DUT IP to calculate IP of recording server. Note that
79        we rely on a protocol here, when the lab is setup, DUTs and recorders
80        are assigned IPs in pairs and the server is always one lower. As in,
81        in a V4 address, the last integer segment is less than DUTs last int
82        segment by 1.
84        @param dut_ip: IP address of DUT.
85        """
86        segments = dut_ip.split('.')
87        if len(segments) != 4:
88            raise Exception('IP address of DUT did not have 4 segments')
89        last_segment = int(segments[3])
90        if last_segment > 255 or last_segment < 1:
91            raise Exception('Value of last IP segment of DUT is invalid')
93        last_segment = last_segment - 1
94        segments[3] = str(last_segment)
95        server_ip = '.'.join(segments)
96        return server_ip
98    def start_recording(self):
99        """Starts recording on recording server.
101        Makes an http POST request to the recording server to start
102        recording and processes the response. The body of the post
103        contains config file data.
104        """
105        destination = 'http://{}:{}/{}'.format(self.srv_info.ip,
106                                               self.srv_info.port,
107                                               self.srv_info.path)
108        query_params = {'filename': self.rec_info.vid_name,
109                        'duration': self.rec_info.duration}
110        config_text = self.get_config_string()
111        headers = {'content-type': 'text/plain'}
112        response = requests.post(destination, params=query_params,
113                                 data=config_text, timeout=60, headers=headers)
114        logging.debug('Response received is: ({}, {})'.format(
115            response.status_code, response.content))
117        if response.status_code != 200:
118            raise error.TestFail(
119                'Recording server failed with response: ({}, {})'.format(
120                    response.status_code, response.content))
122    def get_config_string(self):
123        """Write up config text so that AVAS can correctly process video."""
124        path_prefix = '/bigstore/cros-av-analysis/{}'
125        filepath = path_prefix.format(self.rec_info.vid_name)
126        config_dict = {'filepath': filepath, 'triggered_by': 'vsuley'}
127        config_dict.update(vars(self.rec_info))
128        config_dict.update(vars(self.dut_info))
129        config_dict.update(vars(self.tst_info))
131        config_path = os.path.join(self.bindir, 'config_template.txt')
132        with open(config_path) as file:
133            config_template = Template(file.read())
134        config = config_template.substitute(config_dict)
135        return config
137    def run_once(self, video, arc_mode=False):
138        """Plays video on DUT for recording & analysis."""
139        self.gather_config_info()
140        self.gather_runtime_info()
141        with chrome.Chrome(
142                extra_browser_args=helper_logger.chrome_vmodule_flag(),
143                extension_paths=[cros_constants.DISPLAY_TEST_EXTENSION],
144                autotest_ext=True,
145                arc_mode="disabled",
146                init_network_controller=True) as cr:
147            factory = local_facade_factory.LocalFacadeFactory(cr)
148            display_facade = factory.create_display_facade()
149            logging.debug('Setting mirrorred to True')
150            display_facade.set_mirrored(True)
151            display_facade.set_fullscreen(True)
152            tab1 = cr.browser.tabs.New()
153            tab1.Navigate(video)
154            tab1.WaitForDocumentReadyStateToBeComplete()
155            self.start_recording()