1 // Copyright 2020, The Android Open Source Project
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 //! This module holds global state of Keystore such as the thread local
16 //! database connections and connections to services that Keystore needs
17 //! to talk to.
19 use crate::gc::Gc;
20 use crate::legacy_blob::LegacyBlobLoader;
21 use crate::legacy_migrator::LegacyMigrator;
22 use crate::super_key::SuperKeyManager;
23 use crate::utils::watchdog as wd;
24 use crate::utils::Asp;
25 use crate::{async_task::AsyncTask, database::MonotonicRawTime};
26 use crate::{
27 database::KeystoreDB,
28 database::Uuid,
29 error::{map_binder_status, map_binder_status_code, Error, ErrorCode},
30 };
31 use crate::{enforcements::Enforcements, error::map_km_error};
32 use android_hardware_security_keymint::aidl::android::hardware::security::keymint::{
33 IKeyMintDevice::IKeyMintDevice, IRemotelyProvisionedComponent::IRemotelyProvisionedComponent,
34 KeyMintHardwareInfo::KeyMintHardwareInfo, SecurityLevel::SecurityLevel,
35 };
36 use android_hardware_security_keymint::binder::{StatusCode, Strong};
37 use android_security_compat::aidl::android::security::compat::IKeystoreCompatService::IKeystoreCompatService;
38 use anyhow::{Context, Result};
39 use binder::FromIBinder;
40 use keystore2_vintf::get_aidl_instances;
41 use lazy_static::lazy_static;
42 use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, RwLock};
43 use std::{cell::RefCell, sync::Once};
44 use std::{collections::HashMap, path::Path, path::PathBuf};
46 static DB_INIT: Once = Once::new();
48 /// Open a connection to the Keystore 2.0 database. This is called during the initialization of
49 /// the thread local DB field. It should never be called directly. The first time this is called
50 /// we also call KeystoreDB::cleanup_leftovers to restore the key lifecycle invariant. See the
51 /// documentation of cleanup_leftovers for more details. The function also constructs a blob
52 /// garbage collector. The initializing closure constructs another database connection without
53 /// a gc. Although one GC is created for each thread local database connection, this closure
54 /// is run only once, as long as the ASYNC_TASK instance is the same. So only one additional
55 /// database connection is created for the garbage collector worker.
create_thread_local_db() -> KeystoreDB56 pub fn create_thread_local_db() -> KeystoreDB {
57 let db_path = DB_PATH.read().expect("Could not get the database directory.");
59 let mut db = KeystoreDB::new(&db_path, Some(GC.clone())).expect("Failed to open database.");
61 DB_INIT.call_once(|| {
62 log::info!("Touching Keystore 2.0 database for this first time since boot.");
63 db.insert_last_off_body(MonotonicRawTime::now());
64 log::info!("Calling cleanup leftovers.");
65 let n = db.cleanup_leftovers().expect("Failed to cleanup database on startup.");
66 if n != 0 {
67 log::info!(
68 concat!(
69 "Cleaned up {} failed entries. ",
70 "This indicates keystore crashed during key generation."
71 ),
72 n
73 );
74 }
75 });
76 db
77 }
79 thread_local! {
80 /// Database connections are not thread safe, but connecting to the
81 /// same database multiple times is safe as long as each connection is
82 /// used by only one thread. So we store one database connection per
83 /// thread in this thread local key.
84 pub static DB: RefCell<KeystoreDB> =
85 RefCell::new(create_thread_local_db());
86 }
88 #[derive(Default)]
89 struct DevicesMap {
90 devices_by_uuid: HashMap<Uuid, (Asp, KeyMintHardwareInfo)>,
91 uuid_by_sec_level: HashMap<SecurityLevel, Uuid>,
92 }
94 impl DevicesMap {
dev_by_sec_level( &self, sec_level: &SecurityLevel, ) -> Option<(Asp, KeyMintHardwareInfo, Uuid)>95 fn dev_by_sec_level(
96 &self,
97 sec_level: &SecurityLevel,
98 ) -> Option<(Asp, KeyMintHardwareInfo, Uuid)> {
99 self.uuid_by_sec_level.get(sec_level).and_then(|uuid| self.dev_by_uuid(uuid))
100 }
dev_by_uuid(&self, uuid: &Uuid) -> Option<(Asp, KeyMintHardwareInfo, Uuid)>102 fn dev_by_uuid(&self, uuid: &Uuid) -> Option<(Asp, KeyMintHardwareInfo, Uuid)> {
103 self.devices_by_uuid
104 .get(uuid)
105 .map(|(dev, hw_info)| ((*dev).clone(), (*hw_info).clone(), *uuid))
106 }
devices<T: FromIBinder + ?Sized>(&self) -> Vec<Strong<T>>108 fn devices<T: FromIBinder + ?Sized>(&self) -> Vec<Strong<T>> {
109 self.devices_by_uuid.values().filter_map(|(asp, _)| asp.get_interface::<T>().ok()).collect()
110 }
112 /// The requested security level and the security level of the actual implementation may
113 /// differ. So we map the requested security level to the uuid of the implementation
114 /// so that there cannot be any confusion as to which KeyMint instance is requested.
insert(&mut self, sec_level: SecurityLevel, dev: Asp, hw_info: KeyMintHardwareInfo)115 fn insert(&mut self, sec_level: SecurityLevel, dev: Asp, hw_info: KeyMintHardwareInfo) {
116 // For now we use the reported security level of the KM instance as UUID.
117 // TODO update this section once UUID was added to the KM hardware info.
118 let uuid: Uuid = sec_level.into();
119 self.devices_by_uuid.insert(uuid, (dev, hw_info));
120 self.uuid_by_sec_level.insert(sec_level, uuid);
121 }
122 }
124 #[derive(Default)]
125 struct RemotelyProvisionedDevicesMap {
126 devices_by_sec_level: HashMap<SecurityLevel, Asp>,
127 }
129 impl RemotelyProvisionedDevicesMap {
dev_by_sec_level(&self, sec_level: &SecurityLevel) -> Option<Asp>130 fn dev_by_sec_level(&self, sec_level: &SecurityLevel) -> Option<Asp> {
131 self.devices_by_sec_level.get(sec_level).map(|dev| (*dev).clone())
132 }
insert(&mut self, sec_level: SecurityLevel, dev: Asp)134 fn insert(&mut self, sec_level: SecurityLevel, dev: Asp) {
135 self.devices_by_sec_level.insert(sec_level, dev);
136 }
137 }
139 lazy_static! {
140 /// The path where keystore stores all its keys.
141 pub static ref DB_PATH: RwLock<PathBuf> = RwLock::new(
142 Path::new("/data/misc/keystore").to_path_buf());
143 /// Runtime database of unwrapped super keys.
144 pub static ref SUPER_KEY: Arc<SuperKeyManager> = Default::default();
145 /// Map of KeyMint devices.
146 static ref KEY_MINT_DEVICES: Mutex<DevicesMap> = Default::default();
147 /// Timestamp service.
148 static ref TIME_STAMP_DEVICE: Mutex<Option<Asp>> = Default::default();
149 /// RemotelyProvisionedComponent HAL devices.
150 static ref REMOTELY_PROVISIONED_COMPONENT_DEVICES: Mutex<RemotelyProvisionedDevicesMap> = Default::default();
151 /// A single on-demand worker thread that handles deferred tasks with two different
152 /// priorities.
153 pub static ref ASYNC_TASK: Arc<AsyncTask> = Default::default();
154 /// Singleton for enforcements.
155 pub static ref ENFORCEMENTS: Enforcements = Default::default();
156 /// LegacyBlobLoader is initialized and exists globally.
157 /// The same directory used by the database is used by the LegacyBlobLoader as well.
158 pub static ref LEGACY_BLOB_LOADER: Arc<LegacyBlobLoader> = Arc::new(LegacyBlobLoader::new(
159 &DB_PATH.read().expect("Could not get the database path for legacy blob loader.")));
160 /// Legacy migrator. Atomically migrates legacy blobs to the database.
161 pub static ref LEGACY_MIGRATOR: Arc<LegacyMigrator> =
162 Arc::new(LegacyMigrator::new(Arc::new(Default::default())));
163 /// Background thread which handles logging via statsd and logd
164 pub static ref LOGS_HANDLER: Arc<AsyncTask> = Default::default();
166 static ref GC: Arc<Gc> = Arc::new(Gc::new_init_with(ASYNC_TASK.clone(), || {
167 (
168 Box::new(|uuid, blob| {
169 let km_dev: Strong<dyn IKeyMintDevice> =
170 get_keymint_dev_by_uuid(uuid).map(|(dev, _)| dev)?.get_interface()?;
171 let _wp = wd::watch_millis("In invalidate key closure: calling deleteKey", 500);
172 map_km_error(km_dev.deleteKey(&*blob))
173 .context("In invalidate key closure: Trying to invalidate key blob.")
174 }),
175 KeystoreDB::new(&DB_PATH.read().expect("Could not get the database directory."), None)
176 .expect("Failed to open database."),
177 SUPER_KEY.clone(),
178 )
179 }));
180 }
182 static KEYMINT_SERVICE_NAME: &str = "android.hardware.security.keymint.IKeyMintDevice";
184 /// Make a new connection to a KeyMint device of the given security level.
185 /// If no native KeyMint device can be found this function also brings
186 /// up the compatibility service and attempts to connect to the legacy wrapper.
connect_keymint(security_level: &SecurityLevel) -> Result<(Asp, KeyMintHardwareInfo)>187 fn connect_keymint(security_level: &SecurityLevel) -> Result<(Asp, KeyMintHardwareInfo)> {
188 let keymint_instances =
189 get_aidl_instances("android.hardware.security.keymint", 1, "IKeyMintDevice");
191 let service_name = match *security_level {
192 SecurityLevel::TRUSTED_ENVIRONMENT => {
193 if keymint_instances.as_vec()?.iter().any(|instance| *instance == "default") {
194 Some(format!("{}/default", KEYMINT_SERVICE_NAME))
195 } else {
196 None
197 }
198 }
199 SecurityLevel::STRONGBOX => {
200 if keymint_instances.as_vec()?.iter().any(|instance| *instance == "strongbox") {
201 Some(format!("{}/strongbox", KEYMINT_SERVICE_NAME))
202 } else {
203 None
204 }
205 }
206 _ => {
207 return Err(Error::Km(ErrorCode::HARDWARE_TYPE_UNAVAILABLE))
208 .context("In connect_keymint.")
209 }
210 };
212 let (keymint, hal_version) = if let Some(service_name) = service_name {
213 (
214 map_binder_status_code(binder::get_interface(&service_name))
215 .context("In connect_keymint: Trying to connect to genuine KeyMint service.")?,
216 Some(100i32), // The HAL version code for KeyMint V1 is 100.
217 )
218 } else {
219 // This is a no-op if it was called before.
220 keystore2_km_compat::add_keymint_device_service();
222 let keystore_compat_service: Strong<dyn IKeystoreCompatService> =
223 map_binder_status_code(binder::get_interface("android.security.compat"))
224 .context("In connect_keymint: Trying to connect to compat service.")?;
225 (
226 map_binder_status(keystore_compat_service.getKeyMintDevice(*security_level))
227 .map_err(|e| match e {
228 Error::BinderTransaction(StatusCode::NAME_NOT_FOUND) => {
230 }
231 e => e,
232 })
233 .context("In connect_keymint: Trying to get Legacy wrapper.")?,
234 None,
235 )
236 };
238 let wp = wd::watch_millis("In connect_keymint: calling getHardwareInfo()", 500);
239 let mut hw_info = map_km_error(keymint.getHardwareInfo())
240 .context("In connect_keymint: Failed to get hardware info.")?;
241 drop(wp);
243 // The legacy wrapper sets hw_info.versionNumber to the underlying HAL version like so:
244 // 10 * <major> + <minor>, e.g., KM 3.0 = 30. So 30, 40, and 41 are the only viable values.
245 // For KeyMint the versionNumber is implementation defined and thus completely meaningless
246 // to Keystore 2.0. So at this point the versionNumber field is set to the HAL version, so
247 // that higher levels have a meaningful guide as to which feature set to expect from the
248 // implementation. As of this writing the only meaningful version number is 100 for KeyMint V1,
249 // and future AIDL versions should follow the pattern <AIDL version> * 100.
250 if let Some(hal_version) = hal_version {
251 hw_info.versionNumber = hal_version;
252 }
254 Ok((Asp::new(keymint.as_binder()), hw_info))
255 }
257 /// Get a keymint device for the given security level either from our cache or
258 /// by making a new connection. Returns the device, the hardware info and the uuid.
259 /// TODO the latter can be removed when the uuid is part of the hardware info.
get_keymint_device( security_level: &SecurityLevel, ) -> Result<(Asp, KeyMintHardwareInfo, Uuid)>260 pub fn get_keymint_device(
261 security_level: &SecurityLevel,
262 ) -> Result<(Asp, KeyMintHardwareInfo, Uuid)> {
263 let mut devices_map = KEY_MINT_DEVICES.lock().unwrap();
264 if let Some((dev, hw_info, uuid)) = devices_map.dev_by_sec_level(&security_level) {
265 Ok((dev, hw_info, uuid))
266 } else {
267 let (dev, hw_info) = connect_keymint(security_level).context("In get_keymint_device.")?;
268 devices_map.insert(*security_level, dev, hw_info);
269 // Unwrap must succeed because we just inserted it.
270 Ok(devices_map.dev_by_sec_level(security_level).unwrap())
271 }
272 }
274 /// Get a keymint device for the given uuid. This will only access the cache, but will not
275 /// attempt to establish a new connection. It is assumed that the cache is already populated
276 /// when this is called. This is a fair assumption, because service.rs iterates through all
277 /// security levels when it gets instantiated.
get_keymint_dev_by_uuid(uuid: &Uuid) -> Result<(Asp, KeyMintHardwareInfo)>278 pub fn get_keymint_dev_by_uuid(uuid: &Uuid) -> Result<(Asp, KeyMintHardwareInfo)> {
279 let devices_map = KEY_MINT_DEVICES.lock().unwrap();
280 if let Some((dev, hw_info, _)) = devices_map.dev_by_uuid(uuid) {
281 Ok((dev, hw_info))
282 } else {
283 Err(Error::sys()).context("In get_keymint_dev_by_uuid: No KeyMint instance found.")
284 }
285 }
287 /// Return all known keymint devices.
get_keymint_devices() -> Vec<Strong<dyn IKeyMintDevice>>288 pub fn get_keymint_devices() -> Vec<Strong<dyn IKeyMintDevice>> {
289 KEY_MINT_DEVICES.lock().unwrap().devices()
290 }
292 static TIME_STAMP_SERVICE_NAME: &str = "android.hardware.security.secureclock.ISecureClock";
294 /// Make a new connection to a secure clock service.
295 /// If no native SecureClock device can be found brings up the compatibility service and attempts
296 /// to connect to the legacy wrapper.
connect_secureclock() -> Result<Asp>297 fn connect_secureclock() -> Result<Asp> {
298 let secureclock_instances =
299 get_aidl_instances("android.hardware.security.secureclock", 1, "ISecureClock");
301 let secure_clock_available =
302 secureclock_instances.as_vec()?.iter().any(|instance| *instance == "default");
304 let default_time_stamp_service_name = format!("{}/default", TIME_STAMP_SERVICE_NAME);
306 let secureclock = if secure_clock_available {
307 map_binder_status_code(binder::get_interface(&default_time_stamp_service_name))
308 .context("In connect_secureclock: Trying to connect to genuine secure clock service.")
309 } else {
310 // This is a no-op if it was called before.
311 keystore2_km_compat::add_keymint_device_service();
313 let keystore_compat_service: Strong<dyn IKeystoreCompatService> =
314 map_binder_status_code(binder::get_interface("android.security.compat"))
315 .context("In connect_secureclock: Trying to connect to compat service.")?;
317 // Legacy secure clock services were only implemented by TEE.
318 map_binder_status(keystore_compat_service.getSecureClock())
319 .map_err(|e| match e {
320 Error::BinderTransaction(StatusCode::NAME_NOT_FOUND) => {
322 }
323 e => e,
324 })
325 .context("In connect_secureclock: Trying to get Legacy wrapper.")
326 }?;
328 Ok(Asp::new(secureclock.as_binder()))
329 }
331 /// Get the timestamp service that verifies auth token timeliness towards security levels with
332 /// different clocks.
get_timestamp_service() -> Result<Asp>333 pub fn get_timestamp_service() -> Result<Asp> {
334 let mut ts_device = TIME_STAMP_DEVICE.lock().unwrap();
335 if let Some(dev) = &*ts_device {
336 Ok(dev.clone())
337 } else {
338 let dev = connect_secureclock().context("In get_timestamp_service.")?;
339 *ts_device = Some(dev.clone());
340 Ok(dev)
341 }
342 }
345 "android.hardware.security.keymint.IRemotelyProvisionedComponent";
connect_remotely_provisioned_component(security_level: &SecurityLevel) -> Result<Asp>347 fn connect_remotely_provisioned_component(security_level: &SecurityLevel) -> Result<Asp> {
348 let remotely_prov_instances =
349 get_aidl_instances("android.hardware.security.keymint", 1, "IRemotelyProvisionedComponent");
351 let service_name = match *security_level {
352 SecurityLevel::TRUSTED_ENVIRONMENT => {
353 if remotely_prov_instances.as_vec()?.iter().any(|instance| *instance == "default") {
354 Some(format!("{}/default", REMOTE_PROVISIONING_HAL_SERVICE_NAME))
355 } else {
356 None
357 }
358 }
359 SecurityLevel::STRONGBOX => {
360 if remotely_prov_instances.as_vec()?.iter().any(|instance| *instance == "strongbox") {
361 Some(format!("{}/strongbox", REMOTE_PROVISIONING_HAL_SERVICE_NAME))
362 } else {
363 None
364 }
365 }
366 _ => None,
367 }
368 .ok_or(Error::Km(ErrorCode::HARDWARE_TYPE_UNAVAILABLE))
369 .context("In connect_remotely_provisioned_component.")?;
371 let rem_prov_hal: Strong<dyn IRemotelyProvisionedComponent> =
372 map_binder_status_code(binder::get_interface(&service_name))
373 .context(concat!(
374 "In connect_remotely_provisioned_component: Trying to connect to",
375 " RemotelyProvisionedComponent service."
376 ))
377 .map_err(|e| e)?;
378 Ok(Asp::new(rem_prov_hal.as_binder()))
379 }
381 /// Get a remote provisiong component device for the given security level either from the cache or
382 /// by making a new connection. Returns the device.
get_remotely_provisioned_component(security_level: &SecurityLevel) -> Result<Asp>383 pub fn get_remotely_provisioned_component(security_level: &SecurityLevel) -> Result<Asp> {
384 let mut devices_map = REMOTELY_PROVISIONED_COMPONENT_DEVICES.lock().unwrap();
385 if let Some(dev) = devices_map.dev_by_sec_level(&security_level) {
386 Ok(dev)
387 } else {
388 let dev = connect_remotely_provisioned_component(security_level)
389 .context("In get_remotely_provisioned_component.")?;
390 devices_map.insert(*security_level, dev);
391 // Unwrap must succeed because we just inserted it.
392 Ok(devices_map.dev_by_sec_level(security_level).unwrap())
393 }
394 }