1 /*
2 * iperf, Copyright (c) 2014-2020, The Regents of the University of
3 * California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject
4 * to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of
5 * Energy). All rights reserved.
6 *
7 * If you have questions about your rights to use or distribute this
8 * software, please contact Berkeley Lab's Technology Transfer
9 * Department at TTD@lbl.gov.
10 *
11 * NOTICE. This software is owned by the U.S. Department of Energy.
12 * As such, the U.S. Government has been granted for itself and others
13 * acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
14 * worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, prepare derivative
15 * works, and perform publicly and display publicly. Beginning five
16 * (5) years after the date permission to assert copyright is obtained
17 * from the U.S. Department of Energy, and subject to any subsequent
18 * five (5) year renewals, the U.S. Government is granted for itself
19 * and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive,
20 * irrevocable, worldwide license in the Software to reproduce,
21 * prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, perform
22 * publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
23 *
24 * This code is distributed under a BSD style license, see the LICENSE file
25 * for complete information.
26 */
27 #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
28 # define _GNU_SOURCE
29 #endif
30 #define __USE_GNU
32 #include "iperf_config.h"
34 #include <stdio.h>
35 #include <stdlib.h>
36 #include <string.h>
37 #include <time.h>
38 #include <getopt.h>
39 #include <errno.h>
40 #include <signal.h>
41 #include <unistd.h>
42 #include <assert.h>
43 #include <fcntl.h>
44 #include <sys/socket.h>
45 #include <sys/types.h>
46 #include <netinet/in.h>
47 #include <arpa/inet.h>
48 #include <netdb.h>
49 #ifdef HAVE_STDINT_H
50 #include <stdint.h>
51 #endif
52 #include <netinet/tcp.h>
53 #include <sys/time.h>
54 #include <sys/resource.h>
55 #include <sys/mman.h>
56 #include <sys/stat.h>
57 #include <sched.h>
58 #include <setjmp.h>
59 #include <stdarg.h>
60 #include <math.h>
63 #include <sys/param.h>
64 #include <sys/cpuset.h>
67 #if defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(__WINDOWS__)
69 #endif /* __CYGWIN__, _WIN32, _WIN64, __WINDOWS__ */
72 #include <Windows.h>
75 #include "net.h"
76 #include "iperf.h"
77 #include "iperf_api.h"
78 #include "iperf_udp.h"
79 #include "iperf_tcp.h"
80 #if defined(HAVE_SCTP_H)
81 #include "iperf_sctp.h"
82 #endif /* HAVE_SCTP_H */
83 #include "timer.h"
85 #include "cjson.h"
86 #include "units.h"
87 #include "iperf_util.h"
88 #include "iperf_locale.h"
89 #include "version.h"
90 #if defined(HAVE_SSL)
91 #include <openssl/bio.h>
92 #include "iperf_auth.h"
93 #endif /* HAVE_SSL */
95 /* Forwards. */
96 static int send_parameters(struct iperf_test *test);
97 static int get_parameters(struct iperf_test *test);
98 static int send_results(struct iperf_test *test);
99 static int get_results(struct iperf_test *test);
100 static int diskfile_send(struct iperf_stream *sp);
101 static int diskfile_recv(struct iperf_stream *sp);
102 static int JSON_write(int fd, cJSON *json);
103 static void print_interval_results(struct iperf_test *test, struct iperf_stream *sp, cJSON *json_interval_streams);
104 static cJSON *JSON_read(int fd);
107 /*************************** Print usage functions ****************************/
109 void
usage()110 usage()
111 {
112 fputs(usage_shortstr, stderr);
113 }
116 void
usage_long(FILE * f)117 usage_long(FILE *f)
118 {
119 fprintf(f, usage_longstr, UDP_RATE / (1024*1024), DURATION, DEFAULT_TCP_BLKSIZE / 1024, DEFAULT_UDP_BLKSIZE);
120 }
warning(const char * str)123 void warning(const char *str)
124 {
125 fprintf(stderr, "warning: %s\n", str);
126 }
129 /************** Getter routines for some fields inside iperf_test *************/
131 int
iperf_get_verbose(struct iperf_test * ipt)132 iperf_get_verbose(struct iperf_test *ipt)
133 {
134 return ipt->verbose;
135 }
137 int
iperf_get_control_socket(struct iperf_test * ipt)138 iperf_get_control_socket(struct iperf_test *ipt)
139 {
140 return ipt->ctrl_sck;
141 }
143 int
iperf_get_control_socket_mss(struct iperf_test * ipt)144 iperf_get_control_socket_mss(struct iperf_test *ipt)
145 {
146 return ipt->ctrl_sck_mss;
147 }
149 int
iperf_get_test_omit(struct iperf_test * ipt)150 iperf_get_test_omit(struct iperf_test *ipt)
151 {
152 return ipt->omit;
153 }
155 int
iperf_get_test_duration(struct iperf_test * ipt)156 iperf_get_test_duration(struct iperf_test *ipt)
157 {
158 return ipt->duration;
159 }
161 uint64_t
iperf_get_test_rate(struct iperf_test * ipt)162 iperf_get_test_rate(struct iperf_test *ipt)
163 {
164 return ipt->settings->rate;
165 }
167 uint64_t
iperf_get_test_bitrate_limit(struct iperf_test * ipt)168 iperf_get_test_bitrate_limit(struct iperf_test *ipt)
169 {
170 return ipt->settings->bitrate_limit;
171 }
173 double
iperf_get_test_bitrate_limit_interval(struct iperf_test * ipt)174 iperf_get_test_bitrate_limit_interval(struct iperf_test *ipt)
175 {
176 return ipt->settings->bitrate_limit_interval;
177 }
179 int
iperf_get_test_bitrate_limit_stats_per_interval(struct iperf_test * ipt)180 iperf_get_test_bitrate_limit_stats_per_interval(struct iperf_test *ipt)
181 {
182 return ipt->settings->bitrate_limit_stats_per_interval;
183 }
185 uint64_t
iperf_get_test_fqrate(struct iperf_test * ipt)186 iperf_get_test_fqrate(struct iperf_test *ipt)
187 {
188 return ipt->settings->fqrate;
189 }
191 int
iperf_get_test_pacing_timer(struct iperf_test * ipt)192 iperf_get_test_pacing_timer(struct iperf_test *ipt)
193 {
194 return ipt->settings->pacing_timer;
195 }
197 uint64_t
iperf_get_test_bytes(struct iperf_test * ipt)198 iperf_get_test_bytes(struct iperf_test *ipt)
199 {
200 return (uint64_t) ipt->settings->bytes;
201 }
203 uint64_t
iperf_get_test_blocks(struct iperf_test * ipt)204 iperf_get_test_blocks(struct iperf_test *ipt)
205 {
206 return (uint64_t) ipt->settings->blocks;
207 }
209 int
iperf_get_test_burst(struct iperf_test * ipt)210 iperf_get_test_burst(struct iperf_test *ipt)
211 {
212 return ipt->settings->burst;
213 }
215 char
iperf_get_test_role(struct iperf_test * ipt)216 iperf_get_test_role(struct iperf_test *ipt)
217 {
218 return ipt->role;
219 }
221 int
iperf_get_test_reverse(struct iperf_test * ipt)222 iperf_get_test_reverse(struct iperf_test *ipt)
223 {
224 return ipt->reverse;
225 }
227 int
iperf_get_test_blksize(struct iperf_test * ipt)228 iperf_get_test_blksize(struct iperf_test *ipt)
229 {
230 return ipt->settings->blksize;
231 }
233 FILE *
iperf_get_test_outfile(struct iperf_test * ipt)234 iperf_get_test_outfile (struct iperf_test *ipt)
235 {
236 return ipt->outfile;
237 }
239 int
iperf_get_test_socket_bufsize(struct iperf_test * ipt)240 iperf_get_test_socket_bufsize(struct iperf_test *ipt)
241 {
242 return ipt->settings->socket_bufsize;
243 }
245 double
iperf_get_test_reporter_interval(struct iperf_test * ipt)246 iperf_get_test_reporter_interval(struct iperf_test *ipt)
247 {
248 return ipt->reporter_interval;
249 }
251 double
iperf_get_test_stats_interval(struct iperf_test * ipt)252 iperf_get_test_stats_interval(struct iperf_test *ipt)
253 {
254 return ipt->stats_interval;
255 }
257 int
iperf_get_test_num_streams(struct iperf_test * ipt)258 iperf_get_test_num_streams(struct iperf_test *ipt)
259 {
260 return ipt->num_streams;
261 }
263 int
iperf_get_test_timestamps(struct iperf_test * ipt)264 iperf_get_test_timestamps(struct iperf_test *ipt)
265 {
266 return ipt->timestamps;
267 }
269 const char *
iperf_get_test_timestamp_format(struct iperf_test * ipt)270 iperf_get_test_timestamp_format(struct iperf_test *ipt)
271 {
272 return ipt->timestamp_format;
273 }
275 int
iperf_get_test_repeating_payload(struct iperf_test * ipt)276 iperf_get_test_repeating_payload(struct iperf_test *ipt)
277 {
278 return ipt->repeating_payload;
279 }
281 int
iperf_get_test_server_port(struct iperf_test * ipt)282 iperf_get_test_server_port(struct iperf_test *ipt)
283 {
284 return ipt->server_port;
285 }
287 char*
iperf_get_test_server_hostname(struct iperf_test * ipt)288 iperf_get_test_server_hostname(struct iperf_test *ipt)
289 {
290 return ipt->server_hostname;
291 }
293 char*
iperf_get_test_template(struct iperf_test * ipt)294 iperf_get_test_template(struct iperf_test *ipt)
295 {
296 return ipt->tmp_template;
297 }
299 int
iperf_get_test_protocol_id(struct iperf_test * ipt)300 iperf_get_test_protocol_id(struct iperf_test *ipt)
301 {
302 return ipt->protocol->id;
303 }
305 int
iperf_get_test_json_output(struct iperf_test * ipt)306 iperf_get_test_json_output(struct iperf_test *ipt)
307 {
308 return ipt->json_output;
309 }
311 char *
iperf_get_test_json_output_string(struct iperf_test * ipt)312 iperf_get_test_json_output_string(struct iperf_test *ipt)
313 {
314 return ipt->json_output_string;
315 }
317 int
iperf_get_test_zerocopy(struct iperf_test * ipt)318 iperf_get_test_zerocopy(struct iperf_test *ipt)
319 {
320 return ipt->zerocopy;
321 }
323 int
iperf_get_test_get_server_output(struct iperf_test * ipt)324 iperf_get_test_get_server_output(struct iperf_test *ipt)
325 {
326 return ipt->get_server_output;
327 }
329 char
iperf_get_test_unit_format(struct iperf_test * ipt)330 iperf_get_test_unit_format(struct iperf_test *ipt)
331 {
332 return ipt->settings->unit_format;
333 }
335 char *
iperf_get_test_bind_address(struct iperf_test * ipt)336 iperf_get_test_bind_address(struct iperf_test *ipt)
337 {
338 return ipt->bind_address;
339 }
341 int
iperf_get_test_udp_counters_64bit(struct iperf_test * ipt)342 iperf_get_test_udp_counters_64bit(struct iperf_test *ipt)
343 {
344 return ipt->udp_counters_64bit;
345 }
347 int
iperf_get_test_one_off(struct iperf_test * ipt)348 iperf_get_test_one_off(struct iperf_test *ipt)
349 {
350 return ipt->one_off;
351 }
353 int
iperf_get_test_tos(struct iperf_test * ipt)354 iperf_get_test_tos(struct iperf_test *ipt)
355 {
356 return ipt->settings->tos;
357 }
359 char *
iperf_get_test_extra_data(struct iperf_test * ipt)360 iperf_get_test_extra_data(struct iperf_test *ipt)
361 {
362 return ipt->extra_data;
363 }
365 static const char iperf_version[] = IPERF_VERSION;
366 char *
iperf_get_iperf_version(void)367 iperf_get_iperf_version(void)
368 {
369 return (char*)iperf_version;
370 }
372 int
iperf_get_test_no_delay(struct iperf_test * ipt)373 iperf_get_test_no_delay(struct iperf_test *ipt)
374 {
375 return ipt->no_delay;
376 }
378 int
iperf_get_test_connect_timeout(struct iperf_test * ipt)379 iperf_get_test_connect_timeout(struct iperf_test *ipt)
380 {
381 return ipt->settings->connect_timeout;
382 }
384 /************** Setter routines for some fields inside iperf_test *************/
386 void
iperf_set_verbose(struct iperf_test * ipt,int verbose)387 iperf_set_verbose(struct iperf_test *ipt, int verbose)
388 {
389 ipt->verbose = verbose;
390 }
392 void
iperf_set_control_socket(struct iperf_test * ipt,int ctrl_sck)393 iperf_set_control_socket(struct iperf_test *ipt, int ctrl_sck)
394 {
395 ipt->ctrl_sck = ctrl_sck;
396 }
398 void
iperf_set_test_omit(struct iperf_test * ipt,int omit)399 iperf_set_test_omit(struct iperf_test *ipt, int omit)
400 {
401 ipt->omit = omit;
402 }
404 void
iperf_set_test_duration(struct iperf_test * ipt,int duration)405 iperf_set_test_duration(struct iperf_test *ipt, int duration)
406 {
407 ipt->duration = duration;
408 }
410 void
iperf_set_test_reporter_interval(struct iperf_test * ipt,double reporter_interval)411 iperf_set_test_reporter_interval(struct iperf_test *ipt, double reporter_interval)
412 {
413 ipt->reporter_interval = reporter_interval;
414 }
416 void
iperf_set_test_stats_interval(struct iperf_test * ipt,double stats_interval)417 iperf_set_test_stats_interval(struct iperf_test *ipt, double stats_interval)
418 {
419 ipt->stats_interval = stats_interval;
420 }
422 void
iperf_set_test_state(struct iperf_test * ipt,signed char state)423 iperf_set_test_state(struct iperf_test *ipt, signed char state)
424 {
425 ipt->state = state;
426 }
428 void
iperf_set_test_blksize(struct iperf_test * ipt,int blksize)429 iperf_set_test_blksize(struct iperf_test *ipt, int blksize)
430 {
431 ipt->settings->blksize = blksize;
432 }
434 void
iperf_set_test_logfile(struct iperf_test * ipt,const char * logfile)435 iperf_set_test_logfile(struct iperf_test *ipt, const char *logfile)
436 {
437 ipt->logfile = strdup(logfile);
438 }
440 void
iperf_set_test_rate(struct iperf_test * ipt,uint64_t rate)441 iperf_set_test_rate(struct iperf_test *ipt, uint64_t rate)
442 {
443 ipt->settings->rate = rate;
444 }
446 void
iperf_set_test_bitrate_limit_maximum(struct iperf_test * ipt,uint64_t total_rate)447 iperf_set_test_bitrate_limit_maximum(struct iperf_test *ipt, uint64_t total_rate)
448 {
449 ipt->settings->bitrate_limit = total_rate;
450 }
452 void
iperf_set_test_bitrate_limit_interval(struct iperf_test * ipt,uint64_t bitrate_limit_interval)453 iperf_set_test_bitrate_limit_interval(struct iperf_test *ipt, uint64_t bitrate_limit_interval)
454 {
455 ipt->settings->bitrate_limit_interval = bitrate_limit_interval;
456 }
458 void
iperf_set_test_bitrate_limit_stats_per_interval(struct iperf_test * ipt,uint64_t bitrate_limit_stats_per_interval)459 iperf_set_test_bitrate_limit_stats_per_interval(struct iperf_test *ipt, uint64_t bitrate_limit_stats_per_interval)
460 {
461 ipt->settings->bitrate_limit_stats_per_interval = bitrate_limit_stats_per_interval;
462 }
464 void
iperf_set_test_fqrate(struct iperf_test * ipt,uint64_t fqrate)465 iperf_set_test_fqrate(struct iperf_test *ipt, uint64_t fqrate)
466 {
467 ipt->settings->fqrate = fqrate;
468 }
470 void
iperf_set_test_pacing_timer(struct iperf_test * ipt,int pacing_timer)471 iperf_set_test_pacing_timer(struct iperf_test *ipt, int pacing_timer)
472 {
473 ipt->settings->pacing_timer = pacing_timer;
474 }
476 void
iperf_set_test_bytes(struct iperf_test * ipt,uint64_t bytes)477 iperf_set_test_bytes(struct iperf_test *ipt, uint64_t bytes)
478 {
479 ipt->settings->bytes = (iperf_size_t) bytes;
480 }
482 void
iperf_set_test_blocks(struct iperf_test * ipt,uint64_t blocks)483 iperf_set_test_blocks(struct iperf_test *ipt, uint64_t blocks)
484 {
485 ipt->settings->blocks = (iperf_size_t) blocks;
486 }
488 void
iperf_set_test_burst(struct iperf_test * ipt,int burst)489 iperf_set_test_burst(struct iperf_test *ipt, int burst)
490 {
491 ipt->settings->burst = burst;
492 }
494 void
iperf_set_test_server_port(struct iperf_test * ipt,int srv_port)495 iperf_set_test_server_port(struct iperf_test *ipt, int srv_port)
496 {
497 ipt->server_port = srv_port;
498 }
500 void
iperf_set_test_socket_bufsize(struct iperf_test * ipt,int socket_bufsize)501 iperf_set_test_socket_bufsize(struct iperf_test *ipt, int socket_bufsize)
502 {
503 ipt->settings->socket_bufsize = socket_bufsize;
504 }
506 void
iperf_set_test_num_streams(struct iperf_test * ipt,int num_streams)507 iperf_set_test_num_streams(struct iperf_test *ipt, int num_streams)
508 {
509 ipt->num_streams = num_streams;
510 }
512 void
iperf_set_test_repeating_payload(struct iperf_test * ipt,int repeating_payload)513 iperf_set_test_repeating_payload(struct iperf_test *ipt, int repeating_payload)
514 {
515 ipt->repeating_payload = repeating_payload;
516 }
518 void
iperf_set_test_timestamps(struct iperf_test * ipt,int timestamps)519 iperf_set_test_timestamps(struct iperf_test *ipt, int timestamps)
520 {
521 ipt->timestamps = timestamps;
522 }
524 void
iperf_set_test_timestamp_format(struct iperf_test * ipt,const char * tf)525 iperf_set_test_timestamp_format(struct iperf_test *ipt, const char *tf)
526 {
527 ipt->timestamp_format = strdup(tf);
528 }
530 static void
check_sender_has_retransmits(struct iperf_test * ipt)531 check_sender_has_retransmits(struct iperf_test *ipt)
532 {
533 if (ipt->mode != RECEIVER && ipt->protocol->id == Ptcp && has_tcpinfo_retransmits())
534 ipt->sender_has_retransmits = 1;
535 else
536 ipt->sender_has_retransmits = 0;
537 }
539 void
iperf_set_test_role(struct iperf_test * ipt,char role)540 iperf_set_test_role(struct iperf_test *ipt, char role)
541 {
542 ipt->role = role;
543 if (!ipt->reverse) {
544 if (ipt->bidirectional)
545 ipt->mode = BIDIRECTIONAL;
546 else if (role == 'c')
547 ipt->mode = SENDER;
548 else if (role == 's')
549 ipt->mode = RECEIVER;
550 } else {
551 if (role == 'c')
552 ipt->mode = RECEIVER;
553 else if (role == 's')
554 ipt->mode = SENDER;
555 }
556 check_sender_has_retransmits(ipt);
557 }
559 void
iperf_set_test_server_hostname(struct iperf_test * ipt,const char * server_hostname)560 iperf_set_test_server_hostname(struct iperf_test *ipt, const char *server_hostname)
561 {
562 ipt->server_hostname = strdup(server_hostname);
563 }
565 void
iperf_set_test_template(struct iperf_test * ipt,const char * tmp_template)566 iperf_set_test_template(struct iperf_test *ipt, const char *tmp_template)
567 {
568 ipt->tmp_template = strdup(tmp_template);
569 }
571 void
iperf_set_test_reverse(struct iperf_test * ipt,int reverse)572 iperf_set_test_reverse(struct iperf_test *ipt, int reverse)
573 {
574 ipt->reverse = reverse;
575 if (!ipt->reverse) {
576 if (ipt->role == 'c')
577 ipt->mode = SENDER;
578 else if (ipt->role == 's')
579 ipt->mode = RECEIVER;
580 } else {
581 if (ipt->role == 'c')
582 ipt->mode = RECEIVER;
583 else if (ipt->role == 's')
584 ipt->mode = SENDER;
585 }
586 check_sender_has_retransmits(ipt);
587 }
589 void
iperf_set_test_json_output(struct iperf_test * ipt,int json_output)590 iperf_set_test_json_output(struct iperf_test *ipt, int json_output)
591 {
592 ipt->json_output = json_output;
593 }
595 int
iperf_has_zerocopy(void)596 iperf_has_zerocopy( void )
597 {
598 return has_sendfile();
599 }
601 void
iperf_set_test_zerocopy(struct iperf_test * ipt,int zerocopy)602 iperf_set_test_zerocopy(struct iperf_test *ipt, int zerocopy)
603 {
604 ipt->zerocopy = (zerocopy && has_sendfile());
605 }
607 void
iperf_set_test_get_server_output(struct iperf_test * ipt,int get_server_output)608 iperf_set_test_get_server_output(struct iperf_test *ipt, int get_server_output)
609 {
610 ipt->get_server_output = get_server_output;
611 }
613 void
iperf_set_test_unit_format(struct iperf_test * ipt,char unit_format)614 iperf_set_test_unit_format(struct iperf_test *ipt, char unit_format)
615 {
616 ipt->settings->unit_format = unit_format;
617 }
619 #if defined(HAVE_SSL)
620 void
iperf_set_test_client_username(struct iperf_test * ipt,const char * client_username)621 iperf_set_test_client_username(struct iperf_test *ipt, const char *client_username)
622 {
623 ipt->settings->client_username = strdup(client_username);
624 }
626 void
iperf_set_test_client_password(struct iperf_test * ipt,const char * client_password)627 iperf_set_test_client_password(struct iperf_test *ipt, const char *client_password)
628 {
629 ipt->settings->client_password = strdup(client_password);
630 }
632 void
iperf_set_test_client_rsa_pubkey(struct iperf_test * ipt,const char * client_rsa_pubkey_base64)633 iperf_set_test_client_rsa_pubkey(struct iperf_test *ipt, const char *client_rsa_pubkey_base64)
634 {
635 ipt->settings->client_rsa_pubkey = load_pubkey_from_base64(client_rsa_pubkey_base64);
636 }
638 void
iperf_set_test_server_authorized_users(struct iperf_test * ipt,const char * server_authorized_users)639 iperf_set_test_server_authorized_users(struct iperf_test *ipt, const char *server_authorized_users)
640 {
641 ipt->server_authorized_users = strdup(server_authorized_users);
642 }
644 void
iperf_set_test_server_rsa_privkey(struct iperf_test * ipt,const char * server_rsa_privkey_base64)645 iperf_set_test_server_rsa_privkey(struct iperf_test *ipt, const char *server_rsa_privkey_base64)
646 {
647 ipt->server_rsa_private_key = load_privkey_from_base64(server_rsa_privkey_base64);
648 }
649 #endif // HAVE_SSL
651 void
iperf_set_test_bind_address(struct iperf_test * ipt,const char * bnd_address)652 iperf_set_test_bind_address(struct iperf_test *ipt, const char *bnd_address)
653 {
654 ipt->bind_address = strdup(bnd_address);
655 }
657 void
iperf_set_test_udp_counters_64bit(struct iperf_test * ipt,int udp_counters_64bit)658 iperf_set_test_udp_counters_64bit(struct iperf_test *ipt, int udp_counters_64bit)
659 {
660 ipt->udp_counters_64bit = udp_counters_64bit;
661 }
663 void
iperf_set_test_one_off(struct iperf_test * ipt,int one_off)664 iperf_set_test_one_off(struct iperf_test *ipt, int one_off)
665 {
666 ipt->one_off = one_off;
667 }
669 void
iperf_set_test_tos(struct iperf_test * ipt,int tos)670 iperf_set_test_tos(struct iperf_test *ipt, int tos)
671 {
672 ipt->settings->tos = tos;
673 }
675 void
iperf_set_test_extra_data(struct iperf_test * ipt,const char * dat)676 iperf_set_test_extra_data(struct iperf_test *ipt, const char *dat)
677 {
678 ipt->extra_data = strdup(dat);
679 }
681 void
iperf_set_test_bidirectional(struct iperf_test * ipt,int bidirectional)682 iperf_set_test_bidirectional(struct iperf_test* ipt, int bidirectional)
683 {
684 ipt->bidirectional = bidirectional;
685 if (bidirectional)
686 ipt->mode = BIDIRECTIONAL;
687 else
688 iperf_set_test_reverse(ipt, ipt->reverse);
689 }
691 void
iperf_set_test_no_delay(struct iperf_test * ipt,int no_delay)692 iperf_set_test_no_delay(struct iperf_test* ipt, int no_delay)
693 {
694 ipt->no_delay = no_delay;
695 }
697 void
iperf_set_test_connect_timeout(struct iperf_test * ipt,int ct)698 iperf_set_test_connect_timeout(struct iperf_test* ipt, int ct)
699 {
700 ipt->settings->connect_timeout = ct;
701 }
704 /********************** Get/set test protocol structure ***********************/
706 struct protocol *
get_protocol(struct iperf_test * test,int prot_id)707 get_protocol(struct iperf_test *test, int prot_id)
708 {
709 struct protocol *prot;
711 SLIST_FOREACH(prot, &test->protocols, protocols) {
712 if (prot->id == prot_id)
713 break;
714 }
716 if (prot == NULL)
717 i_errno = IEPROTOCOL;
719 return prot;
720 }
722 int
set_protocol(struct iperf_test * test,int prot_id)723 set_protocol(struct iperf_test *test, int prot_id)
724 {
725 struct protocol *prot = NULL;
727 SLIST_FOREACH(prot, &test->protocols, protocols) {
728 if (prot->id == prot_id) {
729 test->protocol = prot;
730 check_sender_has_retransmits(test);
731 return 0;
732 }
733 }
735 i_errno = IEPROTOCOL;
736 return -1;
737 }
740 /************************** Iperf callback functions **************************/
742 void
iperf_on_new_stream(struct iperf_stream * sp)743 iperf_on_new_stream(struct iperf_stream *sp)
744 {
745 connect_msg(sp);
746 }
748 void
iperf_on_test_start(struct iperf_test * test)749 iperf_on_test_start(struct iperf_test *test)
750 {
751 if (test->json_output) {
752 cJSON_AddItemToObject(test->json_start, "test_start", iperf_json_printf("protocol: %s num_streams: %d blksize: %d omit: %d duration: %d bytes: %d blocks: %d reverse: %d tos: %d", test->protocol->name, (int64_t) test->num_streams, (int64_t) test->settings->blksize, (int64_t) test->omit, (int64_t) test->duration, (int64_t) test->settings->bytes, (int64_t) test->settings->blocks, test->reverse?(int64_t)1:(int64_t)0, (int64_t) test->settings->tos));
753 } else {
754 if (test->verbose) {
755 if (test->settings->bytes)
756 iperf_printf(test, test_start_bytes, test->protocol->name, test->num_streams, test->settings->blksize, test->omit, test->settings->bytes, test->settings->tos);
757 else if (test->settings->blocks)
758 iperf_printf(test, test_start_blocks, test->protocol->name, test->num_streams, test->settings->blksize, test->omit, test->settings->blocks, test->settings->tos);
759 else
760 iperf_printf(test, test_start_time, test->protocol->name, test->num_streams, test->settings->blksize, test->omit, test->duration, test->settings->tos);
761 }
762 }
763 }
765 /* This converts an IPv6 string address from IPv4-mapped format into regular
766 ** old IPv4 format, which is easier on the eyes of network veterans.
767 **
768 ** If the v6 address is not v4-mapped it is left alone.
769 */
770 static void
mapped_v4_to_regular_v4(char * str)771 mapped_v4_to_regular_v4(char *str)
772 {
773 char *prefix = "::ffff:";
774 int prefix_len;
776 prefix_len = strlen(prefix);
777 if (strncmp(str, prefix, prefix_len) == 0) {
778 int str_len = strlen(str);
779 memmove(str, str + prefix_len, str_len - prefix_len + 1);
780 }
781 }
783 void
iperf_on_connect(struct iperf_test * test)784 iperf_on_connect(struct iperf_test *test)
785 {
786 time_t now_secs;
787 const char* rfc1123_fmt = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z";
788 char now_str[100];
789 char ipr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
790 int port;
791 struct sockaddr_storage sa;
792 struct sockaddr_in *sa_inP;
793 struct sockaddr_in6 *sa_in6P;
794 socklen_t len;
796 now_secs = time((time_t*) 0);
797 (void) strftime(now_str, sizeof(now_str), rfc1123_fmt, gmtime(&now_secs));
798 if (test->json_output)
799 cJSON_AddItemToObject(test->json_start, "timestamp", iperf_json_printf("time: %s timesecs: %d", now_str, (int64_t) now_secs));
800 else if (test->verbose)
801 iperf_printf(test, report_time, now_str);
803 if (test->role == 'c') {
804 if (test->json_output)
805 cJSON_AddItemToObject(test->json_start, "connecting_to", iperf_json_printf("host: %s port: %d", test->server_hostname, (int64_t) test->server_port));
806 else {
807 iperf_printf(test, report_connecting, test->server_hostname, test->server_port);
808 if (test->reverse)
809 iperf_printf(test, report_reverse, test->server_hostname);
810 }
811 } else {
812 len = sizeof(sa);
813 getpeername(test->ctrl_sck, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, &len);
814 if (getsockdomain(test->ctrl_sck) == AF_INET) {
815 sa_inP = (struct sockaddr_in *) &sa;
816 inet_ntop(AF_INET, &sa_inP->sin_addr, ipr, sizeof(ipr));
817 port = ntohs(sa_inP->sin_port);
818 } else {
819 sa_in6P = (struct sockaddr_in6 *) &sa;
820 inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &sa_in6P->sin6_addr, ipr, sizeof(ipr));
821 port = ntohs(sa_in6P->sin6_port);
822 }
823 mapped_v4_to_regular_v4(ipr);
824 if (test->json_output)
825 cJSON_AddItemToObject(test->json_start, "accepted_connection", iperf_json_printf("host: %s port: %d", ipr, (int64_t) port));
826 else
827 iperf_printf(test, report_accepted, ipr, port);
828 }
829 if (test->json_output) {
830 cJSON_AddStringToObject(test->json_start, "cookie", test->cookie);
831 if (test->protocol->id == SOCK_STREAM) {
832 if (test->settings->mss)
833 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(test->json_start, "tcp_mss", test->settings->mss);
834 else {
835 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(test->json_start, "tcp_mss_default", test->ctrl_sck_mss);
836 }
837 if (test->settings->rate)
838 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(test->json_start, "target_bitrate", test->settings->rate);
839 }
840 } else if (test->verbose) {
841 iperf_printf(test, report_cookie, test->cookie);
842 if (test->protocol->id == SOCK_STREAM) {
843 if (test->settings->mss)
844 iperf_printf(test, " TCP MSS: %d\n", test->settings->mss);
845 else {
846 iperf_printf(test, " TCP MSS: %d (default)\n", test->ctrl_sck_mss);
847 }
848 }
849 if (test->settings->rate)
850 iperf_printf(test, " Target Bitrate: %"PRIu64"\n", test->settings->rate);
851 }
852 }
854 void
iperf_on_test_finish(struct iperf_test * test)855 iperf_on_test_finish(struct iperf_test *test)
856 {
857 }
860 /******************************************************************************/
862 int
iperf_parse_arguments(struct iperf_test * test,int argc,char ** argv)863 iperf_parse_arguments(struct iperf_test *test, int argc, char **argv)
864 {
865 static struct option longopts[] =
866 {
867 {"port", required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
868 {"format", required_argument, NULL, 'f'},
869 {"interval", required_argument, NULL, 'i'},
870 {"daemon", no_argument, NULL, 'D'},
871 {"one-off", no_argument, NULL, '1'},
872 {"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'V'},
873 {"json", no_argument, NULL, 'J'},
874 {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'v'},
875 {"server", no_argument, NULL, 's'},
876 {"client", required_argument, NULL, 'c'},
877 {"udp", no_argument, NULL, 'u'},
878 {"bitrate", required_argument, NULL, 'b'},
879 {"bandwidth", required_argument, NULL, 'b'},
880 {"server-bitrate-limit", required_argument, NULL, OPT_SERVER_BITRATE_LIMIT},
881 {"time", required_argument, NULL, 't'},
882 {"bytes", required_argument, NULL, 'n'},
883 {"blockcount", required_argument, NULL, 'k'},
884 {"length", required_argument, NULL, 'l'},
885 {"parallel", required_argument, NULL, 'P'},
886 {"reverse", no_argument, NULL, 'R'},
887 {"bidir", no_argument, NULL, OPT_BIDIRECTIONAL},
888 {"window", required_argument, NULL, 'w'},
889 {"bind", required_argument, NULL, 'B'},
890 {"cport", required_argument, NULL, OPT_CLIENT_PORT},
891 {"set-mss", required_argument, NULL, 'M'},
892 {"no-delay", no_argument, NULL, 'N'},
893 {"version4", no_argument, NULL, '4'},
894 {"version6", no_argument, NULL, '6'},
895 {"tos", required_argument, NULL, 'S'},
896 {"dscp", required_argument, NULL, OPT_DSCP},
897 {"extra-data", required_argument, NULL, OPT_EXTRA_DATA},
898 #if defined(HAVE_FLOWLABEL)
899 {"flowlabel", required_argument, NULL, 'L'},
900 #endif /* HAVE_FLOWLABEL */
901 {"zerocopy", no_argument, NULL, 'Z'},
902 {"omit", required_argument, NULL, 'O'},
903 {"file", required_argument, NULL, 'F'},
904 {"repeating-payload", no_argument, NULL, OPT_REPEATING_PAYLOAD},
905 {"timestamps", optional_argument, NULL, OPT_TIMESTAMPS},
906 #if defined(HAVE_CPU_AFFINITY)
907 {"affinity", required_argument, NULL, 'A'},
908 #endif /* HAVE_CPU_AFFINITY */
909 {"title", required_argument, NULL, 'T'},
910 #if defined(HAVE_TCP_CONGESTION)
911 {"congestion", required_argument, NULL, 'C'},
912 {"linux-congestion", required_argument, NULL, 'C'},
913 #endif /* HAVE_TCP_CONGESTION */
914 #if defined(HAVE_SCTP_H)
915 {"sctp", no_argument, NULL, OPT_SCTP},
916 {"nstreams", required_argument, NULL, OPT_NUMSTREAMS},
917 {"xbind", required_argument, NULL, 'X'},
918 #endif
919 {"pidfile", required_argument, NULL, 'I'},
920 {"logfile", required_argument, NULL, OPT_LOGFILE},
921 {"forceflush", no_argument, NULL, OPT_FORCEFLUSH},
922 {"get-server-output", no_argument, NULL, OPT_GET_SERVER_OUTPUT},
923 {"udp-counters-64bit", no_argument, NULL, OPT_UDP_COUNTERS_64BIT},
924 {"no-fq-socket-pacing", no_argument, NULL, OPT_NO_FQ_SOCKET_PACING},
925 #if defined(HAVE_SSL)
926 {"username", required_argument, NULL, OPT_CLIENT_USERNAME},
927 {"rsa-public-key-path", required_argument, NULL, OPT_CLIENT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY},
928 {"rsa-private-key-path", required_argument, NULL, OPT_SERVER_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY},
929 {"authorized-users-path", required_argument, NULL, OPT_SERVER_AUTHORIZED_USERS},
930 #endif /* HAVE_SSL */
931 {"fq-rate", required_argument, NULL, OPT_FQ_RATE},
932 {"pacing-timer", required_argument, NULL, OPT_PACING_TIMER},
933 {"connect-timeout", required_argument, NULL, OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT},
934 {"debug", no_argument, NULL, 'd'},
935 {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
936 {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
937 };
938 int flag;
939 int portno;
940 int blksize;
941 int server_flag, client_flag, rate_flag, duration_flag;
942 char *endptr;
943 #if defined(HAVE_CPU_AFFINITY)
944 char* comma;
945 #endif /* HAVE_CPU_AFFINITY */
946 char* slash;
947 struct xbind_entry *xbe;
948 double farg;
950 blksize = 0;
951 server_flag = client_flag = rate_flag = duration_flag = 0;
952 #if defined(HAVE_SSL)
953 char *client_username = NULL, *client_rsa_public_key = NULL, *server_rsa_private_key = NULL;
954 #endif /* HAVE_SSL */
956 while ((flag = getopt_long(argc, argv, "p:f:i:D1VJvsc:ub:t:n:k:l:P:Rw:B:M:N46S:L:ZO:F:A:T:C:dI:hX:", longopts, NULL)) != -1) {
957 switch (flag) {
958 case 'p':
959 portno = atoi(optarg);
960 if (portno < 1 || portno > 65535) {
961 i_errno = IEBADPORT;
962 return -1;
963 }
964 test->server_port = portno;
965 break;
966 case 'f':
967 if (!optarg) {
968 i_errno = IEBADFORMAT;
969 return -1;
970 }
971 test->settings->unit_format = *optarg;
972 if (test->settings->unit_format == 'k' ||
973 test->settings->unit_format == 'K' ||
974 test->settings->unit_format == 'm' ||
975 test->settings->unit_format == 'M' ||
976 test->settings->unit_format == 'g' ||
977 test->settings->unit_format == 'G' ||
978 test->settings->unit_format == 't' ||
979 test->settings->unit_format == 'T') {
980 break;
981 }
982 else {
983 i_errno = IEBADFORMAT;
984 return -1;
985 }
986 break;
987 case 'i':
988 /* XXX: could potentially want separate stat collection and reporting intervals,
989 but just set them to be the same for now */
990 test->stats_interval = test->reporter_interval = atof(optarg);
991 if ((test->stats_interval < MIN_INTERVAL || test->stats_interval > MAX_INTERVAL) && test->stats_interval != 0) {
992 i_errno = IEINTERVAL;
993 return -1;
994 }
995 break;
996 case 'D':
997 test->daemon = 1;
998 server_flag = 1;
999 break;
1000 case '1':
1001 test->one_off = 1;
1002 server_flag = 1;
1003 break;
1004 case 'V':
1005 test->verbose = 1;
1006 break;
1007 case 'J':
1008 test->json_output = 1;
1009 break;
1010 case 'v':
1011 printf("%s (cJSON %s)\n%s\n%s\n", version, cJSON_Version(), get_system_info(),
1012 get_optional_features());
1013 exit(0);
1014 case 's':
1015 if (test->role == 'c') {
1016 i_errno = IESERVCLIENT;
1017 return -1;
1018 }
1019 iperf_set_test_role(test, 's');
1020 break;
1021 case 'c':
1022 if (test->role == 's') {
1023 i_errno = IESERVCLIENT;
1024 return -1;
1025 }
1026 iperf_set_test_role(test, 'c');
1027 iperf_set_test_server_hostname(test, optarg);
1028 break;
1029 case 'u':
1030 set_protocol(test, Pudp);
1031 client_flag = 1;
1032 break;
1033 case OPT_SCTP:
1034 #if defined(HAVE_SCTP_H)
1035 set_protocol(test, Psctp);
1036 client_flag = 1;
1037 break;
1038 #else /* HAVE_SCTP_H */
1039 i_errno = IEUNIMP;
1040 return -1;
1041 #endif /* HAVE_SCTP_H */
1044 #if defined(linux) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
1045 test->settings->num_ostreams = unit_atoi(optarg);
1046 client_flag = 1;
1047 #else /* linux */
1048 i_errno = IEUNIMP;
1049 return -1;
1050 #endif /* linux */
1051 case 'b':
1052 slash = strchr(optarg, '/');
1053 if (slash) {
1054 *slash = '\0';
1055 ++slash;
1056 test->settings->burst = atoi(slash);
1057 if (test->settings->burst <= 0 ||
1058 test->settings->burst > MAX_BURST) {
1059 i_errno = IEBURST;
1060 return -1;
1061 }
1062 }
1063 test->settings->rate = unit_atof_rate(optarg);
1064 rate_flag = 1;
1065 client_flag = 1;
1066 break;
1068 slash = strchr(optarg, '/');
1069 if (slash) {
1070 *slash = '\0';
1071 ++slash;
1072 test->settings->bitrate_limit_interval = atof(slash);
1073 if (test->settings->bitrate_limit_interval != 0 && /* Using same Max/Min limits as for Stats Interval */
1074 (test->settings->bitrate_limit_interval < MIN_INTERVAL || test->settings->bitrate_limit_interval > MAX_INTERVAL) ) {
1075 i_errno = IETOTALINTERVAL;
1076 return -1;
1077 }
1078 }
1079 test->settings->bitrate_limit = unit_atof_rate(optarg);
1080 server_flag = 1;
1081 break;
1082 case 't':
1083 test->duration = atoi(optarg);
1084 if (test->duration > MAX_TIME) {
1085 i_errno = IEDURATION;
1086 return -1;
1087 }
1088 duration_flag = 1;
1089 client_flag = 1;
1090 break;
1091 case 'n':
1092 test->settings->bytes = unit_atoi(optarg);
1093 client_flag = 1;
1094 break;
1095 case 'k':
1096 test->settings->blocks = unit_atoi(optarg);
1097 client_flag = 1;
1098 break;
1099 case 'l':
1100 blksize = unit_atoi(optarg);
1101 client_flag = 1;
1102 break;
1103 case 'P':
1104 test->num_streams = atoi(optarg);
1105 if (test->num_streams > MAX_STREAMS) {
1106 i_errno = IENUMSTREAMS;
1107 return -1;
1108 }
1109 client_flag = 1;
1110 break;
1111 case 'R':
1112 if (test->bidirectional) {
1113 i_errno = IEREVERSEBIDIR;
1114 return -1;
1115 }
1116 iperf_set_test_reverse(test, 1);
1117 client_flag = 1;
1118 break;
1120 if (test->reverse) {
1121 i_errno = IEREVERSEBIDIR;
1122 return -1;
1123 }
1124 iperf_set_test_bidirectional(test, 1);
1125 client_flag = 1;
1126 break;
1127 case 'w':
1128 // XXX: This is a socket buffer, not specific to TCP
1129 // Do sanity checks as double-precision floating point
1130 // to avoid possible integer overflows.
1131 farg = unit_atof(optarg);
1132 if (farg > (double) MAX_TCP_BUFFER) {
1133 i_errno = IEBUFSIZE;
1134 return -1;
1135 }
1136 test->settings->socket_bufsize = (int) farg;
1137 client_flag = 1;
1138 break;
1139 case 'B':
1140 test->bind_address = strdup(optarg);
1141 break;
1142 case OPT_CLIENT_PORT:
1143 portno = atoi(optarg);
1144 if (portno < 1 || portno > 65535) {
1145 i_errno = IEBADPORT;
1146 return -1;
1147 }
1148 test->bind_port = portno;
1149 break;
1150 case 'M':
1151 test->settings->mss = atoi(optarg);
1152 if (test->settings->mss > MAX_MSS) {
1153 i_errno = IEMSS;
1154 return -1;
1155 }
1156 client_flag = 1;
1157 break;
1158 case 'N':
1159 test->no_delay = 1;
1160 client_flag = 1;
1161 break;
1162 case '4':
1163 test->settings->domain = AF_INET;
1164 break;
1165 case '6':
1166 test->settings->domain = AF_INET6;
1167 break;
1168 case 'S':
1169 test->settings->tos = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 0);
1170 if (endptr == optarg ||
1171 test->settings->tos < 0 ||
1172 test->settings->tos > 255) {
1173 i_errno = IEBADTOS;
1174 return -1;
1175 }
1176 client_flag = 1;
1177 break;
1178 case OPT_DSCP:
1179 test->settings->tos = parse_qos(optarg);
1180 if(test->settings->tos < 0) {
1181 i_errno = IEBADTOS;
1182 return -1;
1183 }
1184 client_flag = 1;
1185 break;
1186 case OPT_EXTRA_DATA:
1187 test->extra_data = strdup(optarg);
1188 client_flag = 1;
1189 break;
1190 case 'L':
1191 #if defined(HAVE_FLOWLABEL)
1192 test->settings->flowlabel = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 0);
1193 if (endptr == optarg ||
1194 test->settings->flowlabel < 1 || test->settings->flowlabel > 0xfffff) {
1195 i_errno = IESETFLOW;
1196 return -1;
1197 }
1198 client_flag = 1;
1199 #else /* HAVE_FLOWLABEL */
1200 i_errno = IEUNIMP;
1201 return -1;
1202 #endif /* HAVE_FLOWLABEL */
1203 break;
1204 case 'X':
1205 xbe = (struct xbind_entry *)malloc(sizeof(struct xbind_entry));
1206 if (!xbe) {
1207 i_errno = IESETSCTPBINDX;
1208 return -1;
1209 }
1210 memset(xbe, 0, sizeof(*xbe));
1211 xbe->name = strdup(optarg);
1212 if (!xbe->name) {
1213 i_errno = IESETSCTPBINDX;
1214 return -1;
1215 }
1216 TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&test->xbind_addrs, xbe, link);
1217 break;
1218 case 'Z':
1219 if (!has_sendfile()) {
1220 i_errno = IENOSENDFILE;
1221 return -1;
1222 }
1223 test->zerocopy = 1;
1224 client_flag = 1;
1225 break;
1227 test->repeating_payload = 1;
1228 client_flag = 1;
1229 break;
1231 iperf_set_test_timestamps(test, 1);
1232 if (optarg) {
1233 iperf_set_test_timestamp_format(test, optarg);
1234 }
1235 else {
1236 iperf_set_test_timestamp_format(test, TIMESTAMP_FORMAT);
1237 }
1238 break;
1239 case 'O':
1240 test->omit = atoi(optarg);
1241 if (test->omit < 0 || test->omit > 60) {
1242 i_errno = IEOMIT;
1243 return -1;
1244 }
1245 client_flag = 1;
1246 break;
1247 case 'F':
1248 test->diskfile_name = optarg;
1249 break;
1250 case 'A':
1251 #if defined(HAVE_CPU_AFFINITY)
1252 test->affinity = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 0);
1253 if (endptr == optarg ||
1254 test->affinity < 0 || test->affinity > 1024) {
1255 i_errno = IEAFFINITY;
1256 return -1;
1257 }
1258 comma = strchr(optarg, ',');
1259 if (comma != NULL) {
1260 test->server_affinity = atoi(comma+1);
1261 if (test->server_affinity < 0 || test->server_affinity > 1024) {
1262 i_errno = IEAFFINITY;
1263 return -1;
1264 }
1265 client_flag = 1;
1266 }
1267 #else /* HAVE_CPU_AFFINITY */
1268 i_errno = IEUNIMP;
1269 return -1;
1270 #endif /* HAVE_CPU_AFFINITY */
1271 break;
1272 case 'T':
1273 test->title = strdup(optarg);
1274 client_flag = 1;
1275 break;
1276 case 'C':
1277 #if defined(HAVE_TCP_CONGESTION)
1278 test->congestion = strdup(optarg);
1279 client_flag = 1;
1280 #else /* HAVE_TCP_CONGESTION */
1281 i_errno = IEUNIMP;
1282 return -1;
1283 #endif /* HAVE_TCP_CONGESTION */
1284 break;
1285 case 'd':
1286 test->debug = 1;
1287 break;
1288 case 'I':
1289 test->pidfile = strdup(optarg);
1290 server_flag = 1;
1291 break;
1292 case OPT_LOGFILE:
1293 test->logfile = strdup(optarg);
1294 break;
1296 test->forceflush = 1;
1297 break;
1299 test->get_server_output = 1;
1300 client_flag = 1;
1301 break;
1303 test->udp_counters_64bit = 1;
1304 break;
1306 #if defined(HAVE_SO_MAX_PACING_RATE)
1307 printf("Warning: --no-fq-socket-pacing is deprecated\n");
1308 test->settings->fqrate = 0;
1309 client_flag = 1;
1310 #else /* HAVE_SO_MAX_PACING_RATE */
1311 i_errno = IEUNIMP;
1312 return -1;
1313 #endif
1314 break;
1315 case OPT_FQ_RATE:
1316 #if defined(HAVE_SO_MAX_PACING_RATE)
1317 test->settings->fqrate = unit_atof_rate(optarg);
1318 client_flag = 1;
1319 #else /* HAVE_SO_MAX_PACING_RATE */
1320 i_errno = IEUNIMP;
1321 return -1;
1322 #endif
1323 break;
1324 #if defined(HAVE_SSL)
1326 client_username = strdup(optarg);
1327 break;
1329 client_rsa_public_key = strdup(optarg);
1330 break;
1332 server_rsa_private_key = strdup(optarg);
1333 break;
1335 test->server_authorized_users = strdup(optarg);
1336 break;
1337 #endif /* HAVE_SSL */
1339 test->settings->pacing_timer = unit_atoi(optarg);
1340 client_flag = 1;
1341 break;
1343 test->settings->connect_timeout = unit_atoi(optarg);
1344 client_flag = 1;
1345 break;
1346 case 'h':
1347 usage_long(stdout);
1348 exit(0);
1349 default:
1350 usage_long(stderr);
1351 exit(1);
1352 }
1353 }
1355 /* Check flag / role compatibility. */
1356 if (test->role == 'c' && server_flag) {
1357 i_errno = IESERVERONLY;
1358 return -1;
1359 }
1360 if (test->role == 's' && client_flag) {
1361 i_errno = IECLIENTONLY;
1362 return -1;
1363 }
1365 #if defined(HAVE_SSL)
1367 if (test->role == 's' && (client_username || client_rsa_public_key)){
1368 i_errno = IECLIENTONLY;
1369 return -1;
1370 } else if (test->role == 'c' && (client_username || client_rsa_public_key) &&
1371 !(client_username && client_rsa_public_key)) {
1372 i_errno = IESETCLIENTAUTH;
1373 return -1;
1374 } else if (test->role == 'c' && (client_username && client_rsa_public_key)){
1376 char *client_password = NULL;
1377 size_t s;
1378 /* Need to copy env var, so we can do a common free */
1379 if ((client_password = getenv("IPERF3_PASSWORD")) != NULL)
1380 client_password = strdup(client_password);
1381 else if (iperf_getpass(&client_password, &s, stdin) < 0){
1382 i_errno = IESETCLIENTAUTH;
1383 return -1;
1384 }
1385 if (test_load_pubkey_from_file(client_rsa_public_key) < 0){
1386 i_errno = IESETCLIENTAUTH;
1387 return -1;
1388 }
1390 test->settings->client_username = client_username;
1391 test->settings->client_password = client_password;
1392 test->settings->client_rsa_pubkey = load_pubkey_from_file(client_rsa_public_key);
1393 free(client_rsa_public_key);
1394 client_rsa_public_key = NULL;
1395 }
1397 if (test->role == 'c' && (server_rsa_private_key || test->server_authorized_users)){
1398 i_errno = IESERVERONLY;
1399 return -1;
1400 } else if (test->role == 's' && (server_rsa_private_key || test->server_authorized_users) &&
1401 !(server_rsa_private_key && test->server_authorized_users)) {
1402 i_errno = IESETSERVERAUTH;
1403 return -1;
1404 } else if (test->role == 's' && server_rsa_private_key) {
1405 test->server_rsa_private_key = load_privkey_from_file(server_rsa_private_key);
1406 if (test->server_rsa_private_key == NULL){
1407 i_errno = IESETSERVERAUTH;
1408 return -1;
1409 }
1410 free(server_rsa_private_key);
1411 server_rsa_private_key = NULL;
1412 }
1414 #endif //HAVE_SSL
1415 if (blksize == 0) {
1416 if (test->protocol->id == Pudp)
1417 blksize = 0; /* try to dynamically determine from MSS */
1418 else if (test->protocol->id == Psctp)
1419 blksize = DEFAULT_SCTP_BLKSIZE;
1420 else
1421 blksize = DEFAULT_TCP_BLKSIZE;
1422 }
1423 if ((test->protocol->id != Pudp && blksize <= 0)
1424 || blksize > MAX_BLOCKSIZE) {
1425 i_errno = IEBLOCKSIZE;
1426 return -1;
1427 }
1428 if (test->protocol->id == Pudp &&
1429 (blksize > 0 &&
1430 (blksize < MIN_UDP_BLOCKSIZE || blksize > MAX_UDP_BLOCKSIZE))) {
1431 i_errno = IEUDPBLOCKSIZE;
1432 return -1;
1433 }
1434 test->settings->blksize = blksize;
1436 if (!rate_flag)
1437 test->settings->rate = test->protocol->id == Pudp ? UDP_RATE : 0;
1439 if ((test->settings->bytes != 0 || test->settings->blocks != 0) && ! duration_flag)
1440 test->duration = 0;
1442 /* Disallow specifying multiple test end conditions. The code actually
1443 ** works just fine without this prohibition. As soon as any one of the
1444 ** three possible end conditions is met, the test ends. So this check
1445 ** could be removed if desired.
1446 */
1447 if ((duration_flag && test->settings->bytes != 0) ||
1448 (duration_flag && test->settings->blocks != 0) ||
1449 (test->settings->bytes != 0 && test->settings->blocks != 0)) {
1450 i_errno = IEENDCONDITIONS;
1451 return -1;
1452 }
1454 /* For subsequent calls to getopt */
1455 #ifdef __APPLE__
1456 optreset = 1;
1457 #endif
1458 optind = 0;
1460 if ((test->role != 'c') && (test->role != 's')) {
1461 i_errno = IENOROLE;
1462 return -1;
1463 }
1465 /* Set Total-rate average interval to multiplicity of State interval */
1466 if (test->settings->bitrate_limit_interval != 0) {
1467 test->settings->bitrate_limit_stats_per_interval =
1468 (test->settings->bitrate_limit_interval <= test->stats_interval ?
1469 1 : round(test->settings->bitrate_limit_interval/test->stats_interval) );
1470 }
1472 /* Show warning if JSON output is used with explicit report format */
1473 if ((test->json_output) && (test->settings->unit_format != 'a')) {
1474 warning("Report format (-f) flag ignored with JSON output (-J)");
1475 }
1477 /* Show warning if JSON output is used with verbose or debug flags */
1478 if (test->json_output && test->verbose) {
1479 warning("Verbose output (-v) may interfere with JSON output (-J)");
1480 }
1481 if (test->json_output && test->debug) {
1482 warning("Debug output (-d) may interfere with JSON output (-J)");
1483 }
1485 return 0;
1486 }
1488 /*
1489 * Open the file specified by test->logfile and set test->outfile to its' FD.
1490 */
iperf_open_logfile(struct iperf_test * test)1491 int iperf_open_logfile(struct iperf_test *test)
1492 {
1493 test->outfile = fopen(test->logfile, "a+");
1494 if (test->outfile == NULL) {
1495 i_errno = IELOGFILE;
1496 return -1;
1497 }
1499 return 0;
1500 }
1502 int
iperf_set_send_state(struct iperf_test * test,signed char state)1503 iperf_set_send_state(struct iperf_test *test, signed char state)
1504 {
1505 test->state = state;
1506 if (Nwrite(test->ctrl_sck, (char*) &state, sizeof(state), Ptcp) < 0) {
1507 i_errno = IESENDMESSAGE;
1508 return -1;
1509 }
1510 return 0;
1511 }
1513 void
iperf_check_throttle(struct iperf_stream * sp,struct iperf_time * nowP)1514 iperf_check_throttle(struct iperf_stream *sp, struct iperf_time *nowP)
1515 {
1516 struct iperf_time temp_time;
1517 double seconds;
1518 uint64_t bits_per_second;
1520 if (sp->test->done || sp->test->settings->rate == 0 || sp->test->settings->burst != 0)
1521 return;
1522 iperf_time_diff(&sp->result->start_time_fixed, nowP, &temp_time);
1523 seconds = iperf_time_in_secs(&temp_time);
1524 bits_per_second = sp->result->bytes_sent * 8 / seconds;
1525 if (bits_per_second < sp->test->settings->rate) {
1526 sp->green_light = 1;
1527 FD_SET(sp->socket, &sp->test->write_set);
1528 } else {
1529 sp->green_light = 0;
1530 FD_CLR(sp->socket, &sp->test->write_set);
1531 }
1532 }
1534 /* Verify that average traffic is not greater than the specifid limit */
1535 void
iperf_check_total_rate(struct iperf_test * test,iperf_size_t last_interval_bytes_transferred)1536 iperf_check_total_rate(struct iperf_test *test, iperf_size_t last_interval_bytes_transferred)
1537 {
1538 double seconds;
1539 uint64_t bits_per_second;
1540 iperf_size_t total_bytes;
1541 int i;
1543 if (test->done || test->settings->bitrate_limit == 0) // Continue only if check should be done
1544 return;
1546 /* Add last inetrval's transffered bytes to the array */
1547 if (++test->bitrate_limit_last_interval_index >= test->settings->bitrate_limit_stats_per_interval)
1548 test->bitrate_limit_last_interval_index = 0;
1549 test->bitrate_limit_intervals_traffic_bytes[test->bitrate_limit_last_interval_index] = last_interval_bytes_transferred;
1551 /* Ensure that enough stats periods passed to allow averaging throughput */
1552 test->bitrate_limit_stats_count += 1;
1553 if (test->bitrate_limit_stats_count < test->settings->bitrate_limit_stats_per_interval)
1554 return;
1556 /* Calculating total bytes traffic to be averaged */
1557 for (total_bytes = 0, i = 0; i < test->settings->bitrate_limit_stats_per_interval; i++) {
1558 total_bytes += test->bitrate_limit_intervals_traffic_bytes[i];
1559 }
1561 seconds = test->stats_interval * test->settings->bitrate_limit_stats_per_interval;
1562 bits_per_second = total_bytes * 8 / seconds;
1563 if (test->debug) {
1564 iperf_printf(test,"Interval %" PRIu64 " - throughput %" PRIu64 " bps (limit %" PRIu64 ")\n", test->bitrate_limit_stats_count, bits_per_second, test->settings->bitrate_limit);
1565 }
1567 if (bits_per_second > test->settings->bitrate_limit) {
1568 iperf_err(test, "Total throughput of %" PRIu64 " bps exceeded %" PRIu64 " bps limit", bits_per_second, test->settings->bitrate_limit);
1569 test->bitrate_limit_exceeded = 1;
1570 }
1571 }
1573 int
iperf_send(struct iperf_test * test,fd_set * write_setP)1574 iperf_send(struct iperf_test *test, fd_set *write_setP)
1575 {
1576 register int multisend, r, streams_active;
1577 register struct iperf_stream *sp;
1578 struct iperf_time now;
1580 /* Can we do multisend mode? */
1581 if (test->settings->burst != 0)
1582 multisend = test->settings->burst;
1583 else if (test->settings->rate == 0)
1584 multisend = test->multisend;
1585 else
1586 multisend = 1; /* nope */
1588 for (; multisend > 0; --multisend) {
1589 if (test->settings->rate != 0 && test->settings->burst == 0)
1590 iperf_time_now(&now);
1591 streams_active = 0;
1592 SLIST_FOREACH(sp, &test->streams, streams) {
1593 if ((sp->green_light && sp->sender &&
1594 (write_setP == NULL || FD_ISSET(sp->socket, write_setP)))) {
1595 if ((r = sp->snd(sp)) < 0) {
1596 if (r == NET_SOFTERROR)
1597 break;
1598 i_errno = IESTREAMWRITE;
1599 return r;
1600 }
1601 streams_active = 1;
1602 test->bytes_sent += r;
1603 ++test->blocks_sent;
1604 iperf_check_throttle(sp, &now);
1605 if (multisend > 1 && test->settings->bytes != 0 && test->bytes_sent >= test->settings->bytes)
1606 break;
1607 if (multisend > 1 && test->settings->blocks != 0 && test->blocks_sent >= test->settings->blocks)
1608 break;
1609 }
1610 }
1611 if (!streams_active)
1612 break;
1613 }
1614 if (test->settings->burst != 0) {
1615 iperf_time_now(&now);
1616 SLIST_FOREACH(sp, &test->streams, streams)
1617 if (sp->sender)
1618 iperf_check_throttle(sp, &now);
1619 }
1620 if (write_setP != NULL)
1621 SLIST_FOREACH(sp, &test->streams, streams)
1622 if (FD_ISSET(sp->socket, write_setP))
1623 FD_CLR(sp->socket, write_setP);
1625 return 0;
1626 }
1628 int
iperf_recv(struct iperf_test * test,fd_set * read_setP)1629 iperf_recv(struct iperf_test *test, fd_set *read_setP)
1630 {
1631 int r;
1632 struct iperf_stream *sp;
1634 SLIST_FOREACH(sp, &test->streams, streams) {
1635 if (FD_ISSET(sp->socket, read_setP) && !sp->sender) {
1636 if ((r = sp->rcv(sp)) < 0) {
1637 i_errno = IESTREAMREAD;
1638 return r;
1639 }
1640 test->bytes_received += r;
1641 ++test->blocks_received;
1642 FD_CLR(sp->socket, read_setP);
1643 }
1644 }
1646 return 0;
1647 }
1649 int
iperf_init_test(struct iperf_test * test)1650 iperf_init_test(struct iperf_test *test)
1651 {
1652 struct iperf_time now;
1653 struct iperf_stream *sp;
1655 if (test->protocol->init) {
1656 if (test->protocol->init(test) < 0)
1657 return -1;
1658 }
1660 /* Init each stream. */
1661 if (iperf_time_now(&now) < 0) {
1662 i_errno = IEINITTEST;
1663 return -1;
1664 }
1665 SLIST_FOREACH(sp, &test->streams, streams) {
1666 sp->result->start_time = sp->result->start_time_fixed = now;
1667 }
1669 if (test->on_test_start)
1670 test->on_test_start(test);
1672 return 0;
1673 }
1675 static void
send_timer_proc(TimerClientData client_data,struct iperf_time * nowP)1676 send_timer_proc(TimerClientData client_data, struct iperf_time *nowP)
1677 {
1678 struct iperf_stream *sp = client_data.p;
1680 /* All we do here is set or clear the flag saying that this stream may
1681 ** be sent to. The actual sending gets done in the send proc, after
1682 ** checking the flag.
1683 */
1684 iperf_check_throttle(sp, nowP);
1685 }
1687 int
iperf_create_send_timers(struct iperf_test * test)1688 iperf_create_send_timers(struct iperf_test * test)
1689 {
1690 struct iperf_time now;
1691 struct iperf_stream *sp;
1692 TimerClientData cd;
1694 if (iperf_time_now(&now) < 0) {
1695 i_errno = IEINITTEST;
1696 return -1;
1697 }
1698 SLIST_FOREACH(sp, &test->streams, streams) {
1699 sp->green_light = 1;
1700 if (test->settings->rate != 0 && sp->sender) {
1701 cd.p = sp;
1702 sp->send_timer = tmr_create(NULL, send_timer_proc, cd, test->settings->pacing_timer, 1);
1703 if (sp->send_timer == NULL) {
1704 i_errno = IEINITTEST;
1705 return -1;
1706 }
1707 }
1708 }
1709 return 0;
1710 }
1712 #if defined(HAVE_SSL)
test_is_authorized(struct iperf_test * test)1713 int test_is_authorized(struct iperf_test *test){
1714 if ( !(test->server_rsa_private_key && test->server_authorized_users)) {
1715 return 0;
1716 }
1718 if (test->settings->authtoken){
1719 char *username = NULL, *password = NULL;
1720 time_t ts;
1721 int rc = decode_auth_setting(test->debug, test->settings->authtoken, test->server_rsa_private_key, &username, &password, &ts);
1722 if (rc) {
1723 return -1;
1724 }
1725 int ret = check_authentication(username, password, ts, test->server_authorized_users);
1726 if (ret == 0){
1727 iperf_printf(test, report_authentication_succeeded, username, ts);
1728 free(username);
1729 free(password);
1730 return 0;
1731 } else {
1732 iperf_printf(test, report_authentication_failed, username, ts);
1733 free(username);
1734 free(password);
1735 return -1;
1736 }
1737 }
1738 return -1;
1739 }
1740 #endif //HAVE_SSL
1742 /**
1743 * iperf_exchange_parameters - handles the param_Exchange part for client
1744 *
1745 */
1747 int
iperf_exchange_parameters(struct iperf_test * test)1748 iperf_exchange_parameters(struct iperf_test *test)
1749 {
1750 int s;
1751 int32_t err;
1753 if (test->role == 'c') {
1755 if (send_parameters(test) < 0)
1756 return -1;
1758 } else {
1760 if (get_parameters(test) < 0)
1761 return -1;
1763 #if defined(HAVE_SSL)
1764 if (test_is_authorized(test) < 0){
1765 if (iperf_set_send_state(test, SERVER_ERROR) != 0)
1766 return -1;
1767 i_errno = IEAUTHTEST;
1768 err = htonl(i_errno);
1769 if (Nwrite(test->ctrl_sck, (char*) &err, sizeof(err), Ptcp) < 0) {
1770 i_errno = IECTRLWRITE;
1771 return -1;
1772 }
1773 return -1;
1774 }
1775 #endif //HAVE_SSL
1777 if ((s = test->protocol->listen(test)) < 0) {
1778 if (iperf_set_send_state(test, SERVER_ERROR) != 0)
1779 return -1;
1780 err = htonl(i_errno);
1781 if (Nwrite(test->ctrl_sck, (char*) &err, sizeof(err), Ptcp) < 0) {
1782 i_errno = IECTRLWRITE;
1783 return -1;
1784 }
1785 err = htonl(errno);
1786 if (Nwrite(test->ctrl_sck, (char*) &err, sizeof(err), Ptcp) < 0) {
1787 i_errno = IECTRLWRITE;
1788 return -1;
1789 }
1790 return -1;
1791 }
1793 FD_SET(s, &test->read_set);
1794 test->max_fd = (s > test->max_fd) ? s : test->max_fd;
1795 test->prot_listener = s;
1797 // Send the control message to create streams and start the test
1798 if (iperf_set_send_state(test, CREATE_STREAMS) != 0)
1799 return -1;
1801 }
1803 return 0;
1804 }
1806 /*************************************************************/
1808 int
iperf_exchange_results(struct iperf_test * test)1809 iperf_exchange_results(struct iperf_test *test)
1810 {
1811 if (test->role == 'c') {
1812 /* Send results to server. */
1813 if (send_results(test) < 0)
1814 return -1;
1815 /* Get server results. */
1816 if (get_results(test) < 0)
1817 return -1;
1818 } else {
1819 /* Get client results. */
1820 if (get_results(test) < 0)
1821 return -1;
1822 /* Send results to client. */
1823 if (send_results(test) < 0)
1824 return -1;
1825 }
1826 return 0;
1827 }
1829 /*************************************************************/
1831 static int
send_parameters(struct iperf_test * test)1832 send_parameters(struct iperf_test *test)
1833 {
1834 int r = 0;
1835 cJSON *j;
1837 j = cJSON_CreateObject();
1838 if (j == NULL) {
1839 i_errno = IESENDPARAMS;
1840 r = -1;
1841 } else {
1842 if (test->protocol->id == Ptcp)
1843 cJSON_AddTrueToObject(j, "tcp");
1844 else if (test->protocol->id == Pudp)
1845 cJSON_AddTrueToObject(j, "udp");
1846 else if (test->protocol->id == Psctp)
1847 cJSON_AddTrueToObject(j, "sctp");
1848 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j, "omit", test->omit);
1849 if (test->server_affinity != -1)
1850 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j, "server_affinity", test->server_affinity);
1851 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j, "time", test->duration);
1852 if (test->settings->bytes)
1853 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j, "num", test->settings->bytes);
1854 if (test->settings->blocks)
1855 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j, "blockcount", test->settings->blocks);
1856 if (test->settings->mss)
1857 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j, "MSS", test->settings->mss);
1858 if (test->no_delay)
1859 cJSON_AddTrueToObject(j, "nodelay");
1860 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j, "parallel", test->num_streams);
1861 if (test->reverse)
1862 cJSON_AddTrueToObject(j, "reverse");
1863 if (test->bidirectional)
1864 cJSON_AddTrueToObject(j, "bidirectional");
1865 if (test->settings->socket_bufsize)
1866 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j, "window", test->settings->socket_bufsize);
1867 if (test->settings->blksize)
1868 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j, "len", test->settings->blksize);
1869 if (test->settings->rate)
1870 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j, "bandwidth", test->settings->rate);
1871 if (test->settings->fqrate)
1872 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j, "fqrate", test->settings->fqrate);
1873 if (test->settings->pacing_timer)
1874 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j, "pacing_timer", test->settings->pacing_timer);
1875 if (test->settings->burst)
1876 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j, "burst", test->settings->burst);
1877 if (test->settings->tos)
1878 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j, "TOS", test->settings->tos);
1879 if (test->settings->flowlabel)
1880 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j, "flowlabel", test->settings->flowlabel);
1881 if (test->title)
1882 cJSON_AddStringToObject(j, "title", test->title);
1883 if (test->extra_data)
1884 cJSON_AddStringToObject(j, "extra_data", test->extra_data);
1885 if (test->congestion)
1886 cJSON_AddStringToObject(j, "congestion", test->congestion);
1887 if (test->congestion_used)
1888 cJSON_AddStringToObject(j, "congestion_used", test->congestion_used);
1889 if (test->get_server_output)
1890 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j, "get_server_output", iperf_get_test_get_server_output(test));
1891 if (test->udp_counters_64bit)
1892 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j, "udp_counters_64bit", iperf_get_test_udp_counters_64bit(test));
1893 if (test->repeating_payload)
1894 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j, "repeating_payload", test->repeating_payload);
1895 #if defined(HAVE_SSL)
1896 /* Send authentication parameters */
1897 if (test->settings->client_username && test->settings->client_password && test->settings->client_rsa_pubkey){
1898 int rc = encode_auth_setting(test->settings->client_username, test->settings->client_password, test->settings->client_rsa_pubkey, &test->settings->authtoken);
1900 if (rc) {
1901 cJSON_Delete(j);
1902 i_errno = IESENDPARAMS;
1903 return -1;
1904 }
1906 cJSON_AddStringToObject(j, "authtoken", test->settings->authtoken);
1907 }
1908 #endif // HAVE_SSL
1909 cJSON_AddStringToObject(j, "client_version", IPERF_VERSION);
1911 if (test->debug) {
1912 char *str = cJSON_Print(j);
1913 printf("send_parameters:\n%s\n", str);
1914 cJSON_free(str);
1915 }
1917 if (JSON_write(test->ctrl_sck, j) < 0) {
1918 i_errno = IESENDPARAMS;
1919 r = -1;
1920 }
1921 cJSON_Delete(j);
1922 }
1923 return r;
1924 }
1926 /*************************************************************/
1928 static int
get_parameters(struct iperf_test * test)1929 get_parameters(struct iperf_test *test)
1930 {
1931 int r = 0;
1932 cJSON *j;
1933 cJSON *j_p;
1935 j = JSON_read(test->ctrl_sck);
1936 if (j == NULL) {
1937 i_errno = IERECVPARAMS;
1938 r = -1;
1939 } else {
1940 if (test->debug) {
1941 char *str;
1942 str = cJSON_Print(j);
1943 printf("get_parameters:\n%s\n", str );
1944 cJSON_free(str);
1945 }
1947 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "tcp")) != NULL)
1948 set_protocol(test, Ptcp);
1949 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "udp")) != NULL)
1950 set_protocol(test, Pudp);
1951 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "sctp")) != NULL)
1952 set_protocol(test, Psctp);
1953 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "omit")) != NULL)
1954 test->omit = j_p->valueint;
1955 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "server_affinity")) != NULL)
1956 test->server_affinity = j_p->valueint;
1957 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "time")) != NULL)
1958 test->duration = j_p->valueint;
1959 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "num")) != NULL)
1960 test->settings->bytes = j_p->valueint;
1961 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "blockcount")) != NULL)
1962 test->settings->blocks = j_p->valueint;
1963 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "MSS")) != NULL)
1964 test->settings->mss = j_p->valueint;
1965 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "nodelay")) != NULL)
1966 test->no_delay = 1;
1967 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "parallel")) != NULL)
1968 test->num_streams = j_p->valueint;
1969 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "reverse")) != NULL)
1970 iperf_set_test_reverse(test, 1);
1971 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "bidirectional")) != NULL)
1972 iperf_set_test_bidirectional(test, 1);
1973 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "window")) != NULL)
1974 test->settings->socket_bufsize = j_p->valueint;
1975 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "len")) != NULL)
1976 test->settings->blksize = j_p->valueint;
1977 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "bandwidth")) != NULL)
1978 test->settings->rate = j_p->valueint;
1979 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "fqrate")) != NULL)
1980 test->settings->fqrate = j_p->valueint;
1981 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "pacing_timer")) != NULL)
1982 test->settings->pacing_timer = j_p->valueint;
1983 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "burst")) != NULL)
1984 test->settings->burst = j_p->valueint;
1985 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "TOS")) != NULL)
1986 test->settings->tos = j_p->valueint;
1987 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "flowlabel")) != NULL)
1988 test->settings->flowlabel = j_p->valueint;
1989 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "title")) != NULL)
1990 test->title = strdup(j_p->valuestring);
1991 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "extra_data")) != NULL)
1992 test->extra_data = strdup(j_p->valuestring);
1993 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "congestion")) != NULL)
1994 test->congestion = strdup(j_p->valuestring);
1995 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "congestion_used")) != NULL)
1996 test->congestion_used = strdup(j_p->valuestring);
1997 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "get_server_output")) != NULL)
1998 iperf_set_test_get_server_output(test, 1);
1999 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "udp_counters_64bit")) != NULL)
2000 iperf_set_test_udp_counters_64bit(test, 1);
2001 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "repeating_payload")) != NULL)
2002 test->repeating_payload = 1;
2003 #if defined(HAVE_SSL)
2004 if ((j_p = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "authtoken")) != NULL)
2005 test->settings->authtoken = strdup(j_p->valuestring);
2006 #endif //HAVE_SSL
2007 if (test->mode && test->protocol->id == Ptcp && has_tcpinfo_retransmits())
2008 test->sender_has_retransmits = 1;
2009 if (test->settings->rate)
2010 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(test->json_start, "target_bitrate", test->settings->rate);
2011 cJSON_Delete(j);
2012 }
2013 return r;
2014 }
2016 /*************************************************************/
2018 static int
send_results(struct iperf_test * test)2019 send_results(struct iperf_test *test)
2020 {
2021 int r = 0;
2022 cJSON *j;
2023 cJSON *j_streams;
2024 struct iperf_stream *sp;
2025 cJSON *j_stream;
2026 int sender_has_retransmits;
2027 iperf_size_t bytes_transferred;
2028 int retransmits;
2029 struct iperf_time temp_time;
2030 double start_time, end_time;
2032 j = cJSON_CreateObject();
2033 if (j == NULL) {
2034 i_errno = IEPACKAGERESULTS;
2035 r = -1;
2036 } else {
2037 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j, "cpu_util_total", test->cpu_util[0]);
2038 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j, "cpu_util_user", test->cpu_util[1]);
2039 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j, "cpu_util_system", test->cpu_util[2]);
2040 if ( test->mode == RECEIVER )
2041 sender_has_retransmits = -1;
2042 else
2043 sender_has_retransmits = test->sender_has_retransmits;
2044 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j, "sender_has_retransmits", sender_has_retransmits);
2045 if ( test->congestion_used ) {
2046 cJSON_AddStringToObject(j, "congestion_used", test->congestion_used);
2047 }
2049 /* If on the server and sending server output, then do this */
2050 if (test->role == 's' && test->get_server_output) {
2051 if (test->json_output) {
2052 /* Add JSON output */
2053 cJSON_AddItemReferenceToObject(j, "server_output_json", test->json_top);
2054 }
2055 else {
2056 /* Add textual output */
2057 size_t buflen = 0;
2059 /* Figure out how much room we need to hold the complete output string */
2060 struct iperf_textline *t;
2061 TAILQ_FOREACH(t, &(test->server_output_list), textlineentries) {
2062 buflen += strlen(t->line);
2063 }
2065 /* Allocate and build it up from the component lines */
2066 char *output = calloc(buflen + 1, 1);
2067 TAILQ_FOREACH(t, &(test->server_output_list), textlineentries) {
2068 strncat(output, t->line, buflen);
2069 buflen -= strlen(t->line);
2070 }
2072 cJSON_AddStringToObject(j, "server_output_text", output);
2073 free(output);
2074 }
2075 }
2077 j_streams = cJSON_CreateArray();
2078 if (j_streams == NULL) {
2079 i_errno = IEPACKAGERESULTS;
2080 r = -1;
2081 } else {
2082 cJSON_AddItemToObject(j, "streams", j_streams);
2083 SLIST_FOREACH(sp, &test->streams, streams) {
2084 j_stream = cJSON_CreateObject();
2085 if (j_stream == NULL) {
2086 i_errno = IEPACKAGERESULTS;
2087 r = -1;
2088 } else {
2089 cJSON_AddItemToArray(j_streams, j_stream);
2090 bytes_transferred = sp->sender ? (sp->result->bytes_sent - sp->result->bytes_sent_omit) : sp->result->bytes_received;
2091 retransmits = (sp->sender && test->sender_has_retransmits) ? sp->result->stream_retrans : -1;
2092 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j_stream, "id", sp->id);
2093 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j_stream, "bytes", bytes_transferred);
2094 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j_stream, "retransmits", retransmits);
2095 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j_stream, "jitter", sp->jitter);
2096 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j_stream, "errors", sp->cnt_error);
2097 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j_stream, "packets", sp->packet_count);
2099 iperf_time_diff(&sp->result->start_time, &sp->result->start_time, &temp_time);
2100 start_time = iperf_time_in_secs(&temp_time);
2101 iperf_time_diff(&sp->result->start_time, &sp->result->end_time, &temp_time);
2102 end_time = iperf_time_in_secs(&temp_time);
2103 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j_stream, "start_time", start_time);
2104 cJSON_AddNumberToObject(j_stream, "end_time", end_time);
2106 }
2107 }
2108 if (r == 0 && test->debug) {
2109 char *str = cJSON_Print(j);
2110 printf("send_results\n%s\n", str);
2111 cJSON_free(str);
2112 }
2113 if (r == 0 && JSON_write(test->ctrl_sck, j) < 0) {
2114 i_errno = IESENDRESULTS;
2115 r = -1;
2116 }
2117 }
2118 cJSON_Delete(j);
2119 }
2120 return r;
2121 }
2123 /*************************************************************/
2125 static int
get_results(struct iperf_test * test)2126 get_results(struct iperf_test *test)
2127 {
2128 int r = 0;
2129 cJSON *j;
2130 cJSON *j_cpu_util_total;
2131 cJSON *j_cpu_util_user;
2132 cJSON *j_cpu_util_system;
2133 cJSON *j_remote_congestion_used;
2134 cJSON *j_sender_has_retransmits;
2135 int result_has_retransmits;
2136 cJSON *j_streams;
2137 int n, i;
2138 cJSON *j_stream;
2139 cJSON *j_id;
2140 cJSON *j_bytes;
2141 cJSON *j_retransmits;
2142 cJSON *j_jitter;
2143 cJSON *j_errors;
2144 cJSON *j_packets;
2145 cJSON *j_server_output;
2146 cJSON *j_start_time, *j_end_time;
2147 int sid, cerror, pcount;
2148 double jitter;
2149 iperf_size_t bytes_transferred;
2150 int retransmits;
2151 struct iperf_stream *sp;
2153 j = JSON_read(test->ctrl_sck);
2154 if (j == NULL) {
2155 i_errno = IERECVRESULTS;
2156 r = -1;
2157 } else {
2158 j_cpu_util_total = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "cpu_util_total");
2159 j_cpu_util_user = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "cpu_util_user");
2160 j_cpu_util_system = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "cpu_util_system");
2161 j_sender_has_retransmits = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "sender_has_retransmits");
2162 if (j_cpu_util_total == NULL || j_cpu_util_user == NULL || j_cpu_util_system == NULL || j_sender_has_retransmits == NULL) {
2163 i_errno = IERECVRESULTS;
2164 r = -1;
2165 } else {
2166 if (test->debug) {
2167 char *str = cJSON_Print(j);
2168 printf("get_results\n%s\n", str);
2169 cJSON_free(str);
2170 }
2172 test->remote_cpu_util[0] = j_cpu_util_total->valuedouble;
2173 test->remote_cpu_util[1] = j_cpu_util_user->valuedouble;
2174 test->remote_cpu_util[2] = j_cpu_util_system->valuedouble;
2175 result_has_retransmits = j_sender_has_retransmits->valueint;
2176 if ( test->mode == RECEIVER ) {
2177 test->sender_has_retransmits = result_has_retransmits;
2178 test->other_side_has_retransmits = 0;
2179 }
2180 else if ( test->mode == BIDIRECTIONAL )
2181 test->other_side_has_retransmits = result_has_retransmits;
2183 j_streams = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "streams");
2184 if (j_streams == NULL) {
2185 i_errno = IERECVRESULTS;
2186 r = -1;
2187 } else {
2188 n = cJSON_GetArraySize(j_streams);
2189 for (i=0; i<n; ++i) {
2190 j_stream = cJSON_GetArrayItem(j_streams, i);
2191 if (j_stream == NULL) {
2192 i_errno = IERECVRESULTS;
2193 r = -1;
2194 } else {
2195 j_id = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j_stream, "id");
2196 j_bytes = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j_stream, "bytes");
2197 j_retransmits = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j_stream, "retransmits");
2198 j_jitter = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j_stream, "jitter");
2199 j_errors = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j_stream, "errors");
2200 j_packets = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j_stream, "packets");
2201 j_start_time = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j_stream, "start_time");
2202 j_end_time = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j_stream, "end_time");
2203 if (j_id == NULL || j_bytes == NULL || j_retransmits == NULL || j_jitter == NULL || j_errors == NULL || j_packets == NULL) {
2204 i_errno = IERECVRESULTS;
2205 r = -1;
2206 } else {
2207 sid = j_id->valueint;
2208 bytes_transferred = j_bytes->valueint;
2209 retransmits = j_retransmits->valueint;
2210 jitter = j_jitter->valuedouble;
2211 cerror = j_errors->valueint;
2212 pcount = j_packets->valueint;
2213 SLIST_FOREACH(sp, &test->streams, streams)
2214 if (sp->id == sid) break;
2215 if (sp == NULL) {
2216 i_errno = IESTREAMID;
2217 r = -1;
2218 } else {
2219 if (sp->sender) {
2220 sp->jitter = jitter;
2221 sp->cnt_error = cerror;
2222 sp->peer_packet_count = pcount;
2223 sp->result->bytes_received = bytes_transferred;
2224 /*
2225 * We have to handle the possibilty that
2226 * start_time and end_time might not be
2227 * available; this is the case for older (pre-3.2)
2228 * servers.
2229 *
2230 * We need to have result structure members to hold
2231 * the both sides' start_time and end_time.
2232 */
2233 if (j_start_time && j_end_time) {
2234 sp->result->receiver_time = j_end_time->valuedouble - j_start_time->valuedouble;
2235 }
2236 else {
2237 sp->result->receiver_time = 0.0;
2238 }
2239 } else {
2240 sp->peer_packet_count = pcount;
2241 sp->result->bytes_sent = bytes_transferred;
2242 sp->result->stream_retrans = retransmits;
2243 if (j_start_time && j_end_time) {
2244 sp->result->sender_time = j_end_time->valuedouble - j_start_time->valuedouble;
2245 }
2246 else {
2247 sp->result->sender_time = 0.0;
2248 }
2249 }
2250 }
2251 }
2252 }
2253 }
2254 /*
2255 * If we're the client and we're supposed to get remote results,
2256 * look them up and process accordingly.
2257 */
2258 if (test->role == 'c' && iperf_get_test_get_server_output(test)) {
2259 /* Look for JSON. If we find it, grab the object so it doesn't get deleted. */
2260 j_server_output = cJSON_DetachItemFromObject(j, "server_output_json");
2261 if (j_server_output != NULL) {
2262 test->json_server_output = j_server_output;
2263 }
2264 else {
2265 /* No JSON, look for textual output. Make a copy of the text for later. */
2266 j_server_output = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "server_output_text");
2267 if (j_server_output != NULL) {
2268 test->server_output_text = strdup(j_server_output->valuestring);
2269 }
2270 }
2271 }
2272 }
2273 }
2275 j_remote_congestion_used = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j, "congestion_used");
2276 if (j_remote_congestion_used != NULL) {
2277 test->remote_congestion_used = strdup(j_remote_congestion_used->valuestring);
2278 }
2280 cJSON_Delete(j);
2281 }
2282 return r;
2283 }
2285 /*************************************************************/
2287 static int
JSON_write(int fd,cJSON * json)2288 JSON_write(int fd, cJSON *json)
2289 {
2290 uint32_t hsize, nsize;
2291 char *str;
2292 int r = 0;
2294 str = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json);
2295 if (str == NULL)
2296 r = -1;
2297 else {
2298 hsize = strlen(str);
2299 nsize = htonl(hsize);
2300 if (Nwrite(fd, (char*) &nsize, sizeof(nsize), Ptcp) < 0)
2301 r = -1;
2302 else {
2303 if (Nwrite(fd, str, hsize, Ptcp) < 0)
2304 r = -1;
2305 }
2306 cJSON_free(str);
2307 }
2308 return r;
2309 }
2311 /*************************************************************/
2313 static cJSON *
JSON_read(int fd)2314 JSON_read(int fd)
2315 {
2316 uint32_t hsize, nsize;
2317 char *str;
2318 cJSON *json = NULL;
2319 int rc;
2321 /*
2322 * Read a four-byte integer, which is the length of the JSON to follow.
2323 * Then read the JSON into a buffer and parse it. Return a parsed JSON
2324 * structure, NULL if there was an error.
2325 */
2326 if (Nread(fd, (char*) &nsize, sizeof(nsize), Ptcp) >= 0) {
2327 hsize = ntohl(nsize);
2328 /* Allocate a buffer to hold the JSON */
2329 str = (char *) calloc(sizeof(char), hsize+1); /* +1 for trailing null */
2330 if (str != NULL) {
2331 rc = Nread(fd, str, hsize, Ptcp);
2332 if (rc >= 0) {
2333 /*
2334 * We should be reading in the number of bytes corresponding to the
2335 * length in that 4-byte integer. If we don't the socket might have
2336 * prematurely closed. Only do the JSON parsing if we got the
2337 * correct number of bytes.
2338 */
2339 if (rc == hsize) {
2340 json = cJSON_Parse(str);
2341 }
2342 else {
2343 printf("WARNING: Size of data read does not correspond to offered length\n");
2344 }
2345 }
2346 }
2347 free(str);
2348 }
2349 return json;
2350 }
2352 /*************************************************************/
2353 /**
2354 * add_to_interval_list -- adds new interval to the interval_list
2355 */
2357 void
add_to_interval_list(struct iperf_stream_result * rp,struct iperf_interval_results * new)2358 add_to_interval_list(struct iperf_stream_result * rp, struct iperf_interval_results * new)
2359 {
2360 struct iperf_interval_results *irp;
2362 irp = (struct iperf_interval_results *) malloc(sizeof(struct iperf_interval_results));
2363 memcpy(irp, new, sizeof(struct iperf_interval_results));
2364 TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&rp->interval_results, irp, irlistentries);
2365 }
2368 /************************************************************/
2370 /**
2371 * connect_msg -- displays connection message
2372 * denoting sender/receiver details
2373 *
2374 */
2376 void
connect_msg(struct iperf_stream * sp)2377 connect_msg(struct iperf_stream *sp)
2378 {
2380 int lport, rport;
2382 if (getsockdomain(sp->socket) == AF_INET) {
2383 inet_ntop(AF_INET, (void *) &((struct sockaddr_in *) &sp->local_addr)->sin_addr, ipl, sizeof(ipl));
2384 mapped_v4_to_regular_v4(ipl);
2385 inet_ntop(AF_INET, (void *) &((struct sockaddr_in *) &sp->remote_addr)->sin_addr, ipr, sizeof(ipr));
2386 mapped_v4_to_regular_v4(ipr);
2387 lport = ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in *) &sp->local_addr)->sin_port);
2388 rport = ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in *) &sp->remote_addr)->sin_port);
2389 } else {
2390 inet_ntop(AF_INET6, (void *) &((struct sockaddr_in6 *) &sp->local_addr)->sin6_addr, ipl, sizeof(ipl));
2391 mapped_v4_to_regular_v4(ipl);
2392 inet_ntop(AF_INET6, (void *) &((struct sockaddr_in6 *) &sp->remote_addr)->sin6_addr, ipr, sizeof(ipr));
2393 mapped_v4_to_regular_v4(ipr);
2394 lport = ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in6 *) &sp->local_addr)->sin6_port);
2395 rport = ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in6 *) &sp->remote_addr)->sin6_port);
2396 }
2398 if (sp->test->json_output)
2399 cJSON_AddItemToArray(sp->test->json_connected, iperf_json_printf("socket: %d local_host: %s local_port: %d remote_host: %s remote_port: %d", (int64_t) sp->socket, ipl, (int64_t) lport, ipr, (int64_t) rport));
2400 else
2401 iperf_printf(sp->test, report_connected, sp->socket, ipl, lport, ipr, rport);
2402 }
2405 /**************************************************************************/
2407 struct iperf_test *
iperf_new_test()2408 iperf_new_test()
2409 {
2410 struct iperf_test *test;
2412 test = (struct iperf_test *) malloc(sizeof(struct iperf_test));
2413 if (!test) {
2414 i_errno = IENEWTEST;
2415 return NULL;
2416 }
2417 /* initialize everything to zero */
2418 memset(test, 0, sizeof(struct iperf_test));
2420 test->settings = (struct iperf_settings *) malloc(sizeof(struct iperf_settings));
2421 if (!test->settings) {
2422 free(test);
2423 i_errno = IENEWTEST;
2424 return NULL;
2425 }
2426 memset(test->settings, 0, sizeof(struct iperf_settings));
2428 test->bitrate_limit_intervals_traffic_bytes = (iperf_size_t *) malloc(sizeof(iperf_size_t) * MAX_INTERVAL);
2429 if (!test->bitrate_limit_intervals_traffic_bytes) {
2430 free(test);
2431 i_errno = IENEWTEST;
2432 return NULL;
2433 }
2434 memset(test->bitrate_limit_intervals_traffic_bytes, 0, sizeof(sizeof(iperf_size_t) * MAX_INTERVAL));
2436 /* By default all output goes to stdout */
2437 test->outfile = stdout;
2439 return test;
2440 }
2442 /**************************************************************************/
2444 struct protocol *
protocol_new(void)2445 protocol_new(void)
2446 {
2447 struct protocol *proto;
2449 proto = malloc(sizeof(struct protocol));
2450 if(!proto) {
2451 return NULL;
2452 }
2453 memset(proto, 0, sizeof(struct protocol));
2455 return proto;
2456 }
2458 void
protocol_free(struct protocol * proto)2459 protocol_free(struct protocol *proto)
2460 {
2461 free(proto);
2462 }
2464 /**************************************************************************/
2465 int
iperf_defaults(struct iperf_test * testp)2466 iperf_defaults(struct iperf_test *testp)
2467 {
2468 struct protocol *tcp, *udp;
2469 #if defined(HAVE_SCTP_H)
2470 struct protocol *sctp;
2471 #endif /* HAVE_SCTP_H */
2473 testp->omit = OMIT;
2474 testp->duration = DURATION;
2475 testp->diskfile_name = (char*) 0;
2476 testp->affinity = -1;
2477 testp->server_affinity = -1;
2478 TAILQ_INIT(&testp->xbind_addrs);
2480 CPU_ZERO(&testp->cpumask);
2482 testp->title = NULL;
2483 testp->extra_data = NULL;
2484 testp->congestion = NULL;
2485 testp->congestion_used = NULL;
2486 testp->remote_congestion_used = NULL;
2487 testp->server_port = PORT;
2488 testp->ctrl_sck = -1;
2489 testp->prot_listener = -1;
2490 testp->other_side_has_retransmits = 0;
2492 testp->stats_callback = iperf_stats_callback;
2493 testp->reporter_callback = iperf_reporter_callback;
2495 testp->stats_interval = testp->reporter_interval = 1;
2496 testp->num_streams = 1;
2498 testp->settings->domain = AF_UNSPEC;
2499 testp->settings->unit_format = 'a';
2500 testp->settings->socket_bufsize = 0; /* use autotuning */
2501 testp->settings->blksize = DEFAULT_TCP_BLKSIZE;
2502 testp->settings->rate = 0;
2503 testp->settings->bitrate_limit = 0;
2504 testp->settings->bitrate_limit_interval = 5;
2505 testp->settings->bitrate_limit_stats_per_interval = 0;
2506 testp->settings->fqrate = 0;
2507 testp->settings->pacing_timer = 1000;
2508 testp->settings->burst = 0;
2509 testp->settings->mss = 0;
2510 testp->settings->bytes = 0;
2511 testp->settings->blocks = 0;
2512 testp->settings->connect_timeout = -1;
2513 memset(testp->cookie, 0, COOKIE_SIZE);
2515 testp->multisend = 10; /* arbitrary */
2517 /* Set up protocol list */
2518 SLIST_INIT(&testp->streams);
2519 SLIST_INIT(&testp->protocols);
2521 tcp = protocol_new();
2522 if (!tcp)
2523 return -1;
2525 tcp->id = Ptcp;
2526 tcp->name = "TCP";
2527 tcp->accept = iperf_tcp_accept;
2528 tcp->listen = iperf_tcp_listen;
2529 tcp->connect = iperf_tcp_connect;
2530 tcp->send = iperf_tcp_send;
2531 tcp->recv = iperf_tcp_recv;
2532 tcp->init = NULL;
2533 SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&testp->protocols, tcp, protocols);
2535 udp = protocol_new();
2536 if (!udp) {
2537 protocol_free(tcp);
2538 return -1;
2539 }
2541 udp->id = Pudp;
2542 udp->name = "UDP";
2543 udp->accept = iperf_udp_accept;
2544 udp->listen = iperf_udp_listen;
2545 udp->connect = iperf_udp_connect;
2546 udp->send = iperf_udp_send;
2547 udp->recv = iperf_udp_recv;
2548 udp->init = iperf_udp_init;
2549 SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(tcp, udp, protocols);
2551 set_protocol(testp, Ptcp);
2553 #if defined(HAVE_SCTP_H)
2554 sctp = protocol_new();
2555 if (!sctp) {
2556 protocol_free(tcp);
2557 protocol_free(udp);
2558 return -1;
2559 }
2561 sctp->id = Psctp;
2562 sctp->name = "SCTP";
2563 sctp->accept = iperf_sctp_accept;
2564 sctp->listen = iperf_sctp_listen;
2565 sctp->connect = iperf_sctp_connect;
2566 sctp->send = iperf_sctp_send;
2567 sctp->recv = iperf_sctp_recv;
2568 sctp->init = iperf_sctp_init;
2570 SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(udp, sctp, protocols);
2571 #endif /* HAVE_SCTP_H */
2573 testp->on_new_stream = iperf_on_new_stream;
2574 testp->on_test_start = iperf_on_test_start;
2575 testp->on_connect = iperf_on_connect;
2576 testp->on_test_finish = iperf_on_test_finish;
2578 TAILQ_INIT(&testp->server_output_list);
2580 return 0;
2581 }
2584 /**************************************************************************/
2585 void
iperf_free_test(struct iperf_test * test)2586 iperf_free_test(struct iperf_test *test)
2587 {
2588 struct protocol *prot;
2589 struct iperf_stream *sp;
2591 /* Free streams */
2592 while (!SLIST_EMPTY(&test->streams)) {
2593 sp = SLIST_FIRST(&test->streams);
2594 SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&test->streams, streams);
2595 iperf_free_stream(sp);
2596 }
2597 if (test->server_hostname)
2598 free(test->server_hostname);
2599 if (test->tmp_template)
2600 free(test->tmp_template);
2601 if (test->bind_address)
2602 free(test->bind_address);
2603 if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&test->xbind_addrs)) {
2604 struct xbind_entry *xbe;
2606 while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&test->xbind_addrs)) {
2607 xbe = TAILQ_FIRST(&test->xbind_addrs);
2608 TAILQ_REMOVE(&test->xbind_addrs, xbe, link);
2609 if (xbe->ai)
2610 freeaddrinfo(xbe->ai);
2611 free(xbe->name);
2612 free(xbe);
2613 }
2614 }
2615 #if defined(HAVE_SSL)
2617 if (test->server_rsa_private_key)
2618 EVP_PKEY_free(test->server_rsa_private_key);
2619 test->server_rsa_private_key = NULL;
2621 free(test->settings->authtoken);
2622 test->settings->authtoken = NULL;
2624 free(test->settings->client_username);
2625 test->settings->client_username = NULL;
2627 free(test->settings->client_password);
2628 test->settings->client_password = NULL;
2630 if (test->settings->client_rsa_pubkey)
2631 EVP_PKEY_free(test->settings->client_rsa_pubkey);
2632 test->settings->client_rsa_pubkey = NULL;
2633 #endif /* HAVE_SSL */
2635 if (test->settings)
2636 free(test->settings);
2637 if (test->title)
2638 free(test->title);
2639 if (test->extra_data)
2640 free(test->extra_data);
2641 if (test->congestion)
2642 free(test->congestion);
2643 if (test->congestion_used)
2644 free(test->congestion_used);
2645 if (test->remote_congestion_used)
2646 free(test->remote_congestion_used);
2647 if (test->timestamp_format)
2648 free(test->timestamp_format);
2649 if (test->omit_timer != NULL)
2650 tmr_cancel(test->omit_timer);
2651 if (test->timer != NULL)
2652 tmr_cancel(test->timer);
2653 if (test->stats_timer != NULL)
2654 tmr_cancel(test->stats_timer);
2655 if (test->reporter_timer != NULL)
2656 tmr_cancel(test->reporter_timer);
2658 /* Free protocol list */
2659 while (!SLIST_EMPTY(&test->protocols)) {
2660 prot = SLIST_FIRST(&test->protocols);
2661 SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&test->protocols, protocols);
2662 free(prot);
2663 }
2665 if (test->logfile) {
2666 free(test->logfile);
2667 test->logfile = NULL;
2668 if (test->outfile) {
2669 fclose(test->outfile);
2670 test->outfile = NULL;
2671 }
2672 }
2674 if (test->server_output_text) {
2675 free(test->server_output_text);
2676 test->server_output_text = NULL;
2677 }
2679 if (test->json_output_string) {
2680 free(test->json_output_string);
2681 test->json_output_string = NULL;
2682 }
2684 /* Free output line buffers, if any (on the server only) */
2685 struct iperf_textline *t;
2686 while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&test->server_output_list)) {
2687 t = TAILQ_FIRST(&test->server_output_list);
2688 TAILQ_REMOVE(&test->server_output_list, t, textlineentries);
2689 free(t->line);
2690 free(t);
2691 }
2693 /* sctp_bindx: do not free the arguments, only the resolver results */
2694 if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&test->xbind_addrs)) {
2695 struct xbind_entry *xbe;
2697 TAILQ_FOREACH(xbe, &test->xbind_addrs, link) {
2698 if (xbe->ai) {
2699 freeaddrinfo(xbe->ai);
2700 xbe->ai = NULL;
2701 }
2702 }
2703 }
2705 /* Free interval's traffic array for avrage rate calculations */
2706 if (test->bitrate_limit_intervals_traffic_bytes != NULL)
2707 free(test->bitrate_limit_intervals_traffic_bytes);
2709 /* XXX: Why are we setting these values to NULL? */
2710 // test->streams = NULL;
2711 test->stats_callback = NULL;
2712 test->reporter_callback = NULL;
2713 free(test);
2714 }
2717 void
iperf_reset_test(struct iperf_test * test)2718 iperf_reset_test(struct iperf_test *test)
2719 {
2720 struct iperf_stream *sp;
2721 int i;
2723 /* Free streams */
2724 while (!SLIST_EMPTY(&test->streams)) {
2725 sp = SLIST_FIRST(&test->streams);
2726 SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&test->streams, streams);
2727 iperf_free_stream(sp);
2728 }
2729 if (test->omit_timer != NULL) {
2730 tmr_cancel(test->omit_timer);
2731 test->omit_timer = NULL;
2732 }
2733 if (test->timer != NULL) {
2734 tmr_cancel(test->timer);
2735 test->timer = NULL;
2736 }
2737 if (test->stats_timer != NULL) {
2738 tmr_cancel(test->stats_timer);
2739 test->stats_timer = NULL;
2740 }
2741 if (test->reporter_timer != NULL) {
2742 tmr_cancel(test->reporter_timer);
2743 test->reporter_timer = NULL;
2744 }
2745 test->done = 0;
2747 SLIST_INIT(&test->streams);
2749 if (test->remote_congestion_used)
2750 free(test->remote_congestion_used);
2751 test->remote_congestion_used = NULL;
2752 test->role = 's';
2753 test->mode = RECEIVER;
2754 test->sender_has_retransmits = 0;
2755 set_protocol(test, Ptcp);
2756 test->omit = OMIT;
2757 test->duration = DURATION;
2758 test->server_affinity = -1;
2760 CPU_ZERO(&test->cpumask);
2762 test->state = 0;
2764 test->ctrl_sck = -1;
2765 test->prot_listener = -1;
2767 test->bytes_sent = 0;
2768 test->blocks_sent = 0;
2770 test->bytes_received = 0;
2771 test->blocks_received = 0;
2773 test->other_side_has_retransmits = 0;
2775 test->bitrate_limit_stats_count = 0;
2776 test->bitrate_limit_last_interval_index = 0;
2777 test->bitrate_limit_exceeded = 0;
2779 for (i = 0; i < MAX_INTERVAL; i++)
2780 test->bitrate_limit_intervals_traffic_bytes[i] = 0;
2782 test->reverse = 0;
2783 test->bidirectional = 0;
2784 test->no_delay = 0;
2786 FD_ZERO(&test->read_set);
2787 FD_ZERO(&test->write_set);
2789 test->num_streams = 1;
2790 test->settings->socket_bufsize = 0;
2791 test->settings->blksize = DEFAULT_TCP_BLKSIZE;
2792 test->settings->rate = 0;
2793 test->settings->burst = 0;
2794 test->settings->mss = 0;
2795 test->settings->tos = 0;
2797 #if defined(HAVE_SSL)
2798 if (test->settings->authtoken) {
2799 free(test->settings->authtoken);
2800 test->settings->authtoken = NULL;
2801 }
2802 if (test->settings->client_username) {
2803 free(test->settings->client_username);
2804 test->settings->client_username = NULL;
2805 }
2806 if (test->settings->client_password) {
2807 free(test->settings->client_password);
2808 test->settings->client_password = NULL;
2809 }
2810 if (test->settings->client_rsa_pubkey) {
2811 EVP_PKEY_free(test->settings->client_rsa_pubkey);
2812 test->settings->client_rsa_pubkey = NULL;
2813 }
2814 #endif /* HAVE_SSL */
2816 memset(test->cookie, 0, COOKIE_SIZE);
2817 test->multisend = 10; /* arbitrary */
2818 test->udp_counters_64bit = 0;
2819 if (test->title) {
2820 free(test->title);
2821 test->title = NULL;
2822 }
2823 if (test->extra_data) {
2824 free(test->extra_data);
2825 test->extra_data = NULL;
2826 }
2828 /* Free output line buffers, if any (on the server only) */
2829 struct iperf_textline *t;
2830 while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&test->server_output_list)) {
2831 t = TAILQ_FIRST(&test->server_output_list);
2832 TAILQ_REMOVE(&test->server_output_list, t, textlineentries);
2833 free(t->line);
2834 free(t);
2835 }
2836 }
2839 /* Reset all of a test's stats back to zero. Called when the omitting
2840 ** period is over.
2841 */
2842 void
iperf_reset_stats(struct iperf_test * test)2843 iperf_reset_stats(struct iperf_test *test)
2844 {
2845 struct iperf_time now;
2846 struct iperf_stream *sp;
2847 struct iperf_stream_result *rp;
2849 test->bytes_sent = 0;
2850 test->blocks_sent = 0;
2851 iperf_time_now(&now);
2852 SLIST_FOREACH(sp, &test->streams, streams) {
2853 sp->omitted_packet_count = sp->packet_count;
2854 sp->omitted_cnt_error = sp->cnt_error;
2855 sp->omitted_outoforder_packets = sp->outoforder_packets;
2856 sp->jitter = 0;
2857 rp = sp->result;
2858 rp->bytes_sent_omit = rp->bytes_sent;
2859 rp->bytes_received = 0;
2860 rp->bytes_sent_this_interval = rp->bytes_received_this_interval = 0;
2861 if (test->sender_has_retransmits == 1) {
2862 struct iperf_interval_results ir; /* temporary results structure */
2863 save_tcpinfo(sp, &ir);
2864 rp->stream_prev_total_retrans = get_total_retransmits(&ir);
2865 }
2866 rp->stream_retrans = 0;
2867 rp->start_time = now;
2868 }
2869 }
2872 /**************************************************************************/
2874 /**
2875 * Gather statistics during a test.
2876 * This function works for both the client and server side.
2877 */
2878 void
iperf_stats_callback(struct iperf_test * test)2879 iperf_stats_callback(struct iperf_test *test)
2880 {
2881 struct iperf_stream *sp;
2882 struct iperf_stream_result *rp = NULL;
2883 struct iperf_interval_results *irp, temp;
2884 struct iperf_time temp_time;
2885 iperf_size_t total_interval_bytes_transferred = 0;
2887 temp.omitted = test->omitting;
2888 SLIST_FOREACH(sp, &test->streams, streams) {
2889 rp = sp->result;
2890 temp.bytes_transferred = sp->sender ? rp->bytes_sent_this_interval : rp->bytes_received_this_interval;
2892 // Total bytes transferred this interval
2893 total_interval_bytes_transferred += rp->bytes_sent_this_interval + rp->bytes_received_this_interval;
2895 irp = TAILQ_LAST(&rp->interval_results, irlisthead);
2896 /* result->end_time contains timestamp of previous interval */
2897 if ( irp != NULL ) /* not the 1st interval */
2898 memcpy(&temp.interval_start_time, &rp->end_time, sizeof(struct iperf_time));
2899 else /* or use timestamp from beginning */
2900 memcpy(&temp.interval_start_time, &rp->start_time, sizeof(struct iperf_time));
2901 /* now save time of end of this interval */
2902 iperf_time_now(&rp->end_time);
2903 memcpy(&temp.interval_end_time, &rp->end_time, sizeof(struct iperf_time));
2904 iperf_time_diff(&temp.interval_start_time, &temp.interval_end_time, &temp_time);
2905 temp.interval_duration = iperf_time_in_secs(&temp_time);
2906 if (test->protocol->id == Ptcp) {
2907 if ( has_tcpinfo()) {
2908 save_tcpinfo(sp, &temp);
2909 if (test->sender_has_retransmits == 1) {
2910 long total_retrans = get_total_retransmits(&temp);
2911 temp.interval_retrans = total_retrans - rp->stream_prev_total_retrans;
2912 rp->stream_retrans += temp.interval_retrans;
2913 rp->stream_prev_total_retrans = total_retrans;
2915 temp.snd_cwnd = get_snd_cwnd(&temp);
2916 if (temp.snd_cwnd > rp->stream_max_snd_cwnd) {
2917 rp->stream_max_snd_cwnd = temp.snd_cwnd;
2918 }
2920 temp.rtt = get_rtt(&temp);
2921 if (temp.rtt > rp->stream_max_rtt) {
2922 rp->stream_max_rtt = temp.rtt;
2923 }
2924 if (rp->stream_min_rtt == 0 ||
2925 temp.rtt < rp->stream_min_rtt) {
2926 rp->stream_min_rtt = temp.rtt;
2927 }
2928 rp->stream_sum_rtt += temp.rtt;
2929 rp->stream_count_rtt++;
2931 temp.rttvar = get_rttvar(&temp);
2932 temp.pmtu = get_pmtu(&temp);
2933 }
2934 }
2935 } else {
2936 if (irp == NULL) {
2937 temp.interval_packet_count = sp->packet_count;
2938 temp.interval_outoforder_packets = sp->outoforder_packets;
2939 temp.interval_cnt_error = sp->cnt_error;
2940 } else {
2941 temp.interval_packet_count = sp->packet_count - irp->packet_count;
2942 temp.interval_outoforder_packets = sp->outoforder_packets - irp->outoforder_packets;
2943 temp.interval_cnt_error = sp->cnt_error - irp->cnt_error;
2944 }
2945 temp.packet_count = sp->packet_count;
2946 temp.jitter = sp->jitter;
2947 temp.outoforder_packets = sp->outoforder_packets;
2948 temp.cnt_error = sp->cnt_error;
2949 }
2950 add_to_interval_list(rp, &temp);
2951 rp->bytes_sent_this_interval = rp->bytes_received_this_interval = 0;
2952 }
2954 /* Verify that total server's throughput is not above specified limit */
2955 if (test->role == 's') {
2956 iperf_check_total_rate(test, total_interval_bytes_transferred);
2957 }
2958 }
2960 /**
2961 * Print intermediate results during a test (interval report).
2962 * Uses print_interval_results to print the results for each stream,
2963 * then prints an interval summary for all streams in this
2964 * interval.
2965 */
2966 static void
iperf_print_intermediate(struct iperf_test * test)2967 iperf_print_intermediate(struct iperf_test *test)
2968 {
2969 struct iperf_stream *sp = NULL;
2970 struct iperf_interval_results *irp;
2971 struct iperf_time temp_time;
2972 cJSON *json_interval;
2973 cJSON *json_interval_streams;
2975 int lower_mode, upper_mode;
2976 int current_mode;
2978 /*
2979 * Due to timing oddities, there can be cases, especially on the
2980 * server side, where at the end of a test there is a fairly short
2981 * interval with no data transferred. This could caused by
2982 * the control and data flows sharing the same path in the network,
2983 * and having the control messages for stopping the test being
2984 * queued behind the data packets.
2985 *
2986 * We'd like to try to omit that last interval when it happens, to
2987 * avoid cluttering data and output with useless stuff.
2988 * So we're going to try to ignore very short intervals (less than
2989 * 10% of the interval time) that have no data.
2990 */
2991 int interval_ok = 0;
2992 SLIST_FOREACH(sp, &test->streams, streams) {
2993 irp = TAILQ_LAST(&sp->result->interval_results, irlisthead);
2994 if (irp) {
2995 iperf_time_diff(&irp->interval_start_time, &irp->interval_end_time, &temp_time);
2996 double interval_len = iperf_time_in_secs(&temp_time);
2997 if (test->debug) {
2998 printf("interval_len %f bytes_transferred %" PRIu64 "\n", interval_len, irp->bytes_transferred);
2999 }
3001 /*
3002 * If the interval is at least 10% the normal interval
3003 * length, or if there were actual bytes transferrred,
3004 * then we want to keep this interval.
3005 */
3006 if (interval_len >= test->stats_interval * 0.10 ||
3007 irp->bytes_transferred > 0) {
3008 interval_ok = 1;
3009 if (test->debug) {
3010 printf("interval forces keep\n");
3011 }
3012 }
3013 }
3014 }
3015 if (!interval_ok) {
3016 if (test->debug) {
3017 printf("ignoring short interval with no data\n");
3018 }
3019 return;
3020 }
3022 if (test->json_output) {
3023 json_interval = cJSON_CreateObject();
3024 if (json_interval == NULL)
3025 return;
3026 cJSON_AddItemToArray(test->json_intervals, json_interval);
3027 json_interval_streams = cJSON_CreateArray();
3028 if (json_interval_streams == NULL)
3029 return;
3030 cJSON_AddItemToObject(json_interval, "streams", json_interval_streams);
3031 } else {
3032 json_interval = NULL;
3033 json_interval_streams = NULL;
3034 }
3036 /*
3037 * We must to sum streams separately.
3038 * For bidirectional mode we must to display
3039 * information about sender and receiver streams.
3040 * For client side we must handle sender streams
3041 * firstly and receiver streams for server side.
3042 * The following design allows us to do this.
3043 */
3045 if (test->mode == BIDIRECTIONAL) {
3046 if (test->role == 'c') {
3047 lower_mode = -1;
3048 upper_mode = 0;
3049 } else {
3050 lower_mode = 0;
3051 upper_mode = 1;
3052 }
3053 } else {
3054 lower_mode = test->mode;
3055 upper_mode = lower_mode;
3056 }
3059 for (current_mode = lower_mode; current_mode <= upper_mode; ++current_mode) {
3060 char ubuf[UNIT_LEN];
3061 char nbuf[UNIT_LEN];
3062 char mbuf[UNIT_LEN];
3063 char zbuf[] = " ";
3065 iperf_size_t bytes = 0;
3066 double bandwidth;
3067 int retransmits = 0;
3068 double start_time, end_time;
3070 int total_packets = 0, lost_packets = 0;
3071 double avg_jitter = 0.0, lost_percent;
3072 int stream_must_be_sender = current_mode * current_mode;
3074 /* Print stream role just for bidirectional mode. */
3076 if (test->mode == BIDIRECTIONAL) {
3077 sprintf(mbuf, "[%s-%s]", stream_must_be_sender?"TX":"RX", test->role == 'c'?"C":"S");
3078 } else {
3079 mbuf[0] = '\0';
3080 zbuf[0] = '\0';
3081 }
3083 SLIST_FOREACH(sp, &test->streams, streams) {
3084 if (sp->sender == stream_must_be_sender) {
3085 print_interval_results(test, sp, json_interval_streams);
3086 /* sum up all streams */
3087 irp = TAILQ_LAST(&sp->result->interval_results, irlisthead);
3088 if (irp == NULL) {
3089 iperf_err(test,
3090 "iperf_print_intermediate error: interval_results is NULL");
3091 return;
3092 }
3093 bytes += irp->bytes_transferred;
3094 if (test->protocol->id == Ptcp) {
3095 if (test->sender_has_retransmits == 1) {
3096 retransmits += irp->interval_retrans;
3097 }
3098 } else {
3099 total_packets += irp->interval_packet_count;
3100 lost_packets += irp->interval_cnt_error;
3101 avg_jitter += irp->jitter;
3102 }
3103 }
3104 }
3106 /* next build string with sum of all streams */
3107 if (test->num_streams > 1 || test->json_output) {
3108 sp = SLIST_FIRST(&test->streams); /* reset back to 1st stream */
3109 /* Only do this of course if there was a first stream */
3110 if (sp) {
3111 irp = TAILQ_LAST(&sp->result->interval_results, irlisthead); /* use 1st stream for timing info */
3113 unit_snprintf(ubuf, UNIT_LEN, (double) bytes, 'A');
3114 bandwidth = (double) bytes / (double) irp->interval_duration;
3115 unit_snprintf(nbuf, UNIT_LEN, bandwidth, test->settings->unit_format);
3117 iperf_time_diff(&sp->result->start_time,&irp->interval_start_time, &temp_time);
3118 start_time = iperf_time_in_secs(&temp_time);
3119 iperf_time_diff(&sp->result->start_time,&irp->interval_end_time, &temp_time);
3120 end_time = iperf_time_in_secs(&temp_time);
3121 if (test->protocol->id == Ptcp || test->protocol->id == Psctp) {
3122 if (test->sender_has_retransmits == 1 && stream_must_be_sender) {
3123 /* Interval sum, TCP with retransmits. */
3124 if (test->json_output)
3125 cJSON_AddItemToObject(json_interval, "sum", iperf_json_printf("start: %f end: %f seconds: %f bytes: %d bits_per_second: %f retransmits: %d omitted: %b sender: %b", (double) start_time, (double) end_time, (double) irp->interval_duration, (int64_t) bytes, bandwidth * 8, (int64_t) retransmits, irp->omitted, stream_must_be_sender)); /* XXX irp->omitted or test->omitting? */
3126 else
3127 iperf_printf(test, report_sum_bw_retrans_format, mbuf, start_time, end_time, ubuf, nbuf, retransmits, irp->omitted?report_omitted:""); /* XXX irp->omitted or test->omitting? */
3128 } else {
3129 /* Interval sum, TCP without retransmits. */
3130 if (test->json_output)
3131 cJSON_AddItemToObject(json_interval, "sum", iperf_json_printf("start: %f end: %f seconds: %f bytes: %d bits_per_second: %f omitted: %b sender: %b", (double) start_time, (double) end_time, (double) irp->interval_duration, (int64_t) bytes, bandwidth * 8, test->omitting, stream_must_be_sender));
3132 else
3133 iperf_printf(test, report_sum_bw_format, mbuf, start_time, end_time, ubuf, nbuf, test->omitting?report_omitted:"");
3134 }
3135 } else {
3136 /* Interval sum, UDP. */
3137 if (stream_must_be_sender) {
3138 if (test->json_output)
3139 cJSON_AddItemToObject(json_interval, "sum", iperf_json_printf("start: %f end: %f seconds: %f bytes: %d bits_per_second: %f packets: %d omitted: %b sender: %b", (double) start_time, (double) end_time, (double) irp->interval_duration, (int64_t) bytes, bandwidth * 8, (int64_t) total_packets, test->omitting, stream_must_be_sender));
3140 else
3141 iperf_printf(test, report_sum_bw_udp_sender_format, mbuf, start_time, end_time, ubuf, nbuf, zbuf, total_packets, test->omitting?report_omitted:"");
3142 } else {
3143 avg_jitter /= test->num_streams;
3144 if (total_packets > 0) {
3145 lost_percent = 100.0 * lost_packets / total_packets;
3146 }
3147 else {
3148 lost_percent = 0.0;
3149 }
3150 if (test->json_output)
3151 cJSON_AddItemToObject(json_interval, "sum", iperf_json_printf("start: %f end: %f seconds: %f bytes: %d bits_per_second: %f jitter_ms: %f lost_packets: %d packets: %d lost_percent: %f omitted: %b sender: %b", (double) start_time, (double) end_time, (double) irp->interval_duration, (int64_t) bytes, bandwidth * 8, (double) avg_jitter * 1000.0, (int64_t) lost_packets, (int64_t) total_packets, (double) lost_percent, test->omitting, stream_must_be_sender));
3152 else
3153 iperf_printf(test, report_sum_bw_udp_format, mbuf, start_time, end_time, ubuf, nbuf, avg_jitter * 1000.0, lost_packets, total_packets, lost_percent, test->omitting?report_omitted:"");
3154 }
3155 }
3156 }
3157 }
3158 }
3159 }
3161 /**
3162 * Print overall summary statistics at the end of a test.
3163 */
3164 static void
iperf_print_results(struct iperf_test * test)3165 iperf_print_results(struct iperf_test *test)
3166 {
3168 cJSON *json_summary_streams = NULL;
3170 int lower_mode, upper_mode;
3171 int current_mode;
3173 int tmp_sender_has_retransmits = test->sender_has_retransmits;
3175 /* print final summary for all intervals */
3177 if (test->json_output) {
3178 json_summary_streams = cJSON_CreateArray();
3179 if (json_summary_streams == NULL)
3180 return;
3181 cJSON_AddItemToObject(test->json_end, "streams", json_summary_streams);
3182 } else {
3183 iperf_printf(test, "%s", report_bw_separator);
3184 if (test->verbose)
3185 iperf_printf(test, "%s", report_summary);
3186 if (test->protocol->id == Ptcp || test->protocol->id == Psctp) {
3187 if (test->sender_has_retransmits || test->other_side_has_retransmits) {
3188 if (test->bidirectional)
3189 iperf_printf(test, "%s", report_bw_retrans_header_bidir);
3190 else
3191 iperf_printf(test, "%s", report_bw_retrans_header);
3192 }
3193 else {
3194 if (test->bidirectional)
3195 iperf_printf(test, "%s", report_bw_header_bidir);
3196 else
3197 iperf_printf(test, "%s", report_bw_header);
3198 }
3199 } else {
3200 if (test->bidirectional)
3201 iperf_printf(test, "%s", report_bw_udp_header_bidir);
3202 else
3203 iperf_printf(test, "%s", report_bw_udp_header);
3204 }
3205 }
3207 /*
3208 * We must to sum streams separately.
3209 * For bidirectional mode we must to display
3210 * information about sender and receiver streams.
3211 * For client side we must handle sender streams
3212 * firstly and receiver streams for server side.
3213 * The following design allows us to do this.
3214 */
3216 if (test->mode == BIDIRECTIONAL) {
3217 if (test->role == 'c') {
3218 lower_mode = -1;
3219 upper_mode = 0;
3220 } else {
3221 lower_mode = 0;
3222 upper_mode = 1;
3223 }
3224 } else {
3225 lower_mode = test->mode;
3226 upper_mode = lower_mode;
3227 }
3230 for (current_mode = lower_mode; current_mode <= upper_mode; ++current_mode) {
3231 cJSON *json_summary_stream = NULL;
3232 int total_retransmits = 0;
3233 int total_packets = 0, lost_packets = 0;
3234 int sender_packet_count = 0, receiver_packet_count = 0; /* for this stream, this interval */
3235 int sender_total_packets = 0, receiver_total_packets = 0; /* running total */
3236 char ubuf[UNIT_LEN];
3237 char nbuf[UNIT_LEN];
3238 struct stat sb;
3239 char sbuf[UNIT_LEN];
3240 struct iperf_stream *sp = NULL;
3241 iperf_size_t bytes_sent, total_sent = 0;
3242 iperf_size_t bytes_received, total_received = 0;
3243 double start_time, end_time = 0.0, avg_jitter = 0.0, lost_percent = 0.0;
3244 double sender_time = 0.0, receiver_time = 0.0;
3245 struct iperf_time temp_time;
3246 double bandwidth;
3248 char mbuf[UNIT_LEN];
3249 int stream_must_be_sender = current_mode * current_mode;
3252 /* Print stream role just for bidirectional mode. */
3254 if (test->mode == BIDIRECTIONAL) {
3255 sprintf(mbuf, "[%s-%s]", stream_must_be_sender?"TX":"RX", test->role == 'c'?"C":"S");
3256 } else {
3257 mbuf[0] = '\0';
3258 }
3260 /* Get sender_has_retransmits for each sender side (client and server) */
3261 if (test->mode == BIDIRECTIONAL && stream_must_be_sender)
3262 test->sender_has_retransmits = tmp_sender_has_retransmits;
3263 else if (test->mode == BIDIRECTIONAL && !stream_must_be_sender)
3264 test->sender_has_retransmits = test->other_side_has_retransmits;
3266 start_time = 0.;
3267 sp = SLIST_FIRST(&test->streams);
3269 /*
3270 * If there is at least one stream, then figure out the length of time
3271 * we were running the tests and print out some statistics about
3272 * the streams. It's possible to not have any streams at all
3273 * if the client got interrupted before it got to do anything.
3274 *
3275 * Also note that we try to keep seperate values for the sender
3276 * and receiver ending times. Earlier iperf (3.1 and earlier)
3277 * servers didn't send that to the clients, so in this case we fall
3278 * back to using the client's ending timestamp. The fallback is
3279 * basically emulating what iperf 3.1 did.
3280 */
3282 if (sp) {
3283 iperf_time_diff(&sp->result->start_time, &sp->result->end_time, &temp_time);
3284 end_time = iperf_time_in_secs(&temp_time);
3285 if (sp->sender) {
3286 sp->result->sender_time = end_time;
3287 if (sp->result->receiver_time == 0.0) {
3288 sp->result->receiver_time = sp->result->sender_time;
3289 }
3290 }
3291 else {
3292 sp->result->receiver_time = end_time;
3293 if (sp->result->sender_time == 0.0) {
3294 sp->result->sender_time = sp->result->receiver_time;
3295 }
3296 }
3297 sender_time = sp->result->sender_time;
3298 receiver_time = sp->result->receiver_time;
3299 SLIST_FOREACH(sp, &test->streams, streams) {
3300 if (sp->sender == stream_must_be_sender) {
3301 if (test->json_output) {
3302 json_summary_stream = cJSON_CreateObject();
3303 if (json_summary_stream == NULL)
3304 return;
3305 cJSON_AddItemToArray(json_summary_streams, json_summary_stream);
3306 }
3308 bytes_sent = sp->result->bytes_sent - sp->result->bytes_sent_omit;
3309 bytes_received = sp->result->bytes_received;
3310 total_sent += bytes_sent;
3311 total_received += bytes_received;
3313 if (sp->sender) {
3314 sender_packet_count = sp->packet_count;
3315 receiver_packet_count = sp->peer_packet_count;
3316 }
3317 else {
3318 sender_packet_count = sp->peer_packet_count;
3319 receiver_packet_count = sp->packet_count;
3320 }
3322 if (test->protocol->id == Ptcp || test->protocol->id == Psctp) {
3323 if (test->sender_has_retransmits) {
3324 total_retransmits += sp->result->stream_retrans;
3325 }
3326 } else {
3327 /*
3328 * Running total of the total number of packets. Use the sender packet count if we
3329 * have it, otherwise use the receiver packet count.
3330 */
3331 int packet_count = sender_packet_count ? sender_packet_count : receiver_packet_count;
3332 total_packets += (packet_count - sp->omitted_packet_count);
3333 sender_total_packets += (sender_packet_count - sp->omitted_packet_count);
3334 receiver_total_packets += (receiver_packet_count - sp->omitted_packet_count);
3335 lost_packets += (sp->cnt_error - sp->omitted_cnt_error);
3336 avg_jitter += sp->jitter;
3337 }
3339 unit_snprintf(ubuf, UNIT_LEN, (double) bytes_sent, 'A');
3340 if (sender_time > 0.0) {
3341 bandwidth = (double) bytes_sent / (double) sender_time;
3342 }
3343 else {
3344 bandwidth = 0.0;
3345 }
3346 unit_snprintf(nbuf, UNIT_LEN, bandwidth, test->settings->unit_format);
3347 if (test->protocol->id == Ptcp || test->protocol->id == Psctp) {
3348 if (test->sender_has_retransmits) {
3349 /* Sender summary, TCP and SCTP with retransmits. */
3350 if (test->json_output)
3351 cJSON_AddItemToObject(json_summary_stream, "sender", iperf_json_printf("socket: %d start: %f end: %f seconds: %f bytes: %d bits_per_second: %f retransmits: %d max_snd_cwnd: %d max_rtt: %d min_rtt: %d mean_rtt: %d sender: %b", (int64_t) sp->socket, (double) start_time, (double) sender_time, (double) sender_time, (int64_t) bytes_sent, bandwidth * 8, (int64_t) sp->result->stream_retrans, (int64_t) sp->result->stream_max_snd_cwnd, (int64_t) sp->result->stream_max_rtt, (int64_t) sp->result->stream_min_rtt, (int64_t) ((sp->result->stream_count_rtt == 0) ? 0 : sp->result->stream_sum_rtt / sp->result->stream_count_rtt), stream_must_be_sender));
3352 else
3353 if (test->role == 's' && !sp->sender) {
3354 if (test->verbose)
3355 iperf_printf(test, report_sender_not_available_format, sp->socket);
3356 }
3357 else {
3358 iperf_printf(test, report_bw_retrans_format, sp->socket, mbuf, start_time, sender_time, ubuf, nbuf, sp->result->stream_retrans, report_sender);
3359 }
3360 } else {
3361 /* Sender summary, TCP and SCTP without retransmits. */
3362 if (test->json_output)
3363 cJSON_AddItemToObject(json_summary_stream, "sender", iperf_json_printf("socket: %d start: %f end: %f seconds: %f bytes: %d bits_per_second: %f sender: %b", (int64_t) sp->socket, (double) start_time, (double) sender_time, (double) sender_time, (int64_t) bytes_sent, bandwidth * 8, stream_must_be_sender));
3364 else
3365 if (test->role == 's' && !sp->sender) {
3366 if (test->verbose)
3367 iperf_printf(test, report_sender_not_available_format, sp->socket);
3368 }
3369 else {
3370 iperf_printf(test, report_bw_format, sp->socket, mbuf, start_time, sender_time, ubuf, nbuf, report_sender);
3371 }
3372 }
3373 } else {
3374 /* Sender summary, UDP. */
3375 if (sender_packet_count - sp->omitted_packet_count > 0) {
3376 lost_percent = 100.0 * (sp->cnt_error - sp->omitted_cnt_error) / (sender_packet_count - sp->omitted_packet_count);
3377 }
3378 else {
3379 lost_percent = 0.0;
3380 }
3381 if (test->json_output) {
3382 /*
3383 * For hysterical raisins, we only emit one JSON
3384 * object for the UDP summary, and it contains
3385 * information for both the sender and receiver
3386 * side.
3387 *
3388 * The JSON format as currently defined only includes one
3389 * value for the number of packets. We usually want that
3390 * to be the sender's value (how many packets were sent
3391 * by the sender). However this value might not be
3392 * available on the receiver in certain circumstances
3393 * specifically on the server side for a normal test or
3394 * the client side for a reverse-mode test. If this
3395 * is the case, then use the receiver's count of packets
3396 * instead.
3397 */
3398 int packet_count = sender_packet_count ? sender_packet_count : receiver_packet_count;
3399 cJSON_AddItemToObject(json_summary_stream, "udp", iperf_json_printf("socket: %d start: %f end: %f seconds: %f bytes: %d bits_per_second: %f jitter_ms: %f lost_packets: %d packets: %d lost_percent: %f out_of_order: %d sender: %b", (int64_t) sp->socket, (double) start_time, (double) sender_time, (double) sender_time, (int64_t) bytes_sent, bandwidth * 8, (double) sp->jitter * 1000.0, (int64_t) (sp->cnt_error - sp->omitted_cnt_error), (int64_t) (packet_count - sp->omitted_packet_count), (double) lost_percent, (int64_t) (sp->outoforder_packets - sp->omitted_outoforder_packets), stream_must_be_sender));
3400 }
3401 else {
3402 /*
3403 * Due to ordering of messages on the control channel,
3404 * the server cannot report on client-side summary
3405 * statistics. If we're the server, omit one set of
3406 * summary statistics to avoid giving meaningless
3407 * results.
3408 */
3409 if (test->role == 's' && !sp->sender) {
3410 if (test->verbose)
3411 iperf_printf(test, report_sender_not_available_format, sp->socket);
3412 }
3413 else {
3414 iperf_printf(test, report_bw_udp_format, sp->socket, mbuf, start_time, sender_time, ubuf, nbuf, 0.0, 0, (sender_packet_count - sp->omitted_packet_count), (double) 0, report_sender);
3415 }
3416 if ((sp->outoforder_packets - sp->omitted_outoforder_packets) > 0)
3417 iperf_printf(test, report_sum_outoforder, mbuf, start_time, sender_time, (sp->outoforder_packets - sp->omitted_outoforder_packets));
3418 }
3419 }
3421 if (sp->diskfile_fd >= 0) {
3422 if (fstat(sp->diskfile_fd, &sb) == 0) {
3423 /* In the odd case that it's a zero-sized file, say it was all transferred. */
3424 int percent_sent = 100, percent_received = 100;
3425 if (sb.st_size > 0) {
3426 percent_sent = (int) ( ( (double) bytes_sent / (double) sb.st_size ) * 100.0 );
3427 percent_received = (int) ( ( (double) bytes_received / (double) sb.st_size ) * 100.0 );
3428 }
3429 unit_snprintf(sbuf, UNIT_LEN, (double) sb.st_size, 'A');
3430 if (test->json_output)
3431 cJSON_AddItemToObject(json_summary_stream, "diskfile", iperf_json_printf("sent: %d received: %d size: %d percent_sent: %d percent_received: %d filename: %s", (int64_t) bytes_sent, (int64_t) bytes_received, (int64_t) sb.st_size, (int64_t) percent_sent, (int64_t) percent_received, test->diskfile_name));
3432 else
3433 if (stream_must_be_sender) {
3434 iperf_printf(test, report_diskfile, ubuf, sbuf, percent_sent, test->diskfile_name);
3435 }
3436 else {
3437 unit_snprintf(ubuf, UNIT_LEN, (double) bytes_received, 'A');
3438 iperf_printf(test, report_diskfile, ubuf, sbuf, percent_received, test->diskfile_name);
3439 }
3440 }
3441 }
3443 unit_snprintf(ubuf, UNIT_LEN, (double) bytes_received, 'A');
3444 if (receiver_time > 0) {
3445 bandwidth = (double) bytes_received / (double) receiver_time;
3446 }
3447 else {
3448 bandwidth = 0.0;
3449 }
3450 unit_snprintf(nbuf, UNIT_LEN, bandwidth, test->settings->unit_format);
3451 if (test->protocol->id == Ptcp || test->protocol->id == Psctp) {
3452 /* Receiver summary, TCP and SCTP */
3453 if (test->json_output)
3454 cJSON_AddItemToObject(json_summary_stream, "receiver", iperf_json_printf("socket: %d start: %f end: %f seconds: %f bytes: %d bits_per_second: %f sender: %b", (int64_t) sp->socket, (double) start_time, (double) receiver_time, (double) end_time, (int64_t) bytes_received, bandwidth * 8, stream_must_be_sender));
3455 else
3456 if (test->role == 's' && sp->sender) {
3457 if (test->verbose)
3458 iperf_printf(test, report_receiver_not_available_format, sp->socket);
3459 }
3460 else {
3461 iperf_printf(test, report_bw_format, sp->socket, mbuf, start_time, receiver_time, ubuf, nbuf, report_receiver);
3462 }
3463 }
3464 else {
3465 /*
3466 * Receiver summary, UDP. Note that JSON was emitted with
3467 * the sender summary, so we only deal with human-readable
3468 * data here.
3469 */
3470 if (! test->json_output) {
3471 if (receiver_packet_count - sp->omitted_packet_count > 0) {
3472 lost_percent = 100.0 * (sp->cnt_error - sp->omitted_cnt_error) / (receiver_packet_count - sp->omitted_packet_count);
3473 }
3474 else {
3475 lost_percent = 0.0;
3476 }
3478 if (test->role == 's' && sp->sender) {
3479 if (test->verbose)
3480 iperf_printf(test, report_receiver_not_available_format, sp->socket);
3481 }
3482 else {
3483 iperf_printf(test, report_bw_udp_format, sp->socket, mbuf, start_time, receiver_time, ubuf, nbuf, sp->jitter * 1000.0, (sp->cnt_error - sp->omitted_cnt_error), (receiver_packet_count - sp->omitted_packet_count), lost_percent, report_receiver);
3484 }
3485 }
3486 }
3487 }
3488 }
3489 }
3491 if (test->num_streams > 1 || test->json_output) {
3492 unit_snprintf(ubuf, UNIT_LEN, (double) total_sent, 'A');
3493 /* If no tests were run, arbitrarily set bandwidth to 0. */
3494 if (sender_time > 0.0) {
3495 bandwidth = (double) total_sent / (double) sender_time;
3496 }
3497 else {
3498 bandwidth = 0.0;
3499 }
3500 unit_snprintf(nbuf, UNIT_LEN, bandwidth, test->settings->unit_format);
3501 if (test->protocol->id == Ptcp || test->protocol->id == Psctp) {
3502 if (test->sender_has_retransmits) {
3503 /* Summary sum, TCP with retransmits. */
3504 if (test->json_output)
3505 cJSON_AddItemToObject(test->json_end, "sum_sent", iperf_json_printf("start: %f end: %f seconds: %f bytes: %d bits_per_second: %f retransmits: %d sender: %b", (double) start_time, (double) sender_time, (double) sender_time, (int64_t) total_sent, bandwidth * 8, (int64_t) total_retransmits, stream_must_be_sender));
3506 else
3507 if (test->role == 's' && !stream_must_be_sender) {
3508 if (test->verbose)
3509 iperf_printf(test, report_sender_not_available_summary_format, "SUM");
3510 }
3511 else {
3512 iperf_printf(test, report_sum_bw_retrans_format, mbuf, start_time, sender_time, ubuf, nbuf, total_retransmits, report_sender);
3513 }
3514 } else {
3515 /* Summary sum, TCP without retransmits. */
3516 if (test->json_output)
3517 cJSON_AddItemToObject(test->json_end, "sum_sent", iperf_json_printf("start: %f end: %f seconds: %f bytes: %d bits_per_second: %f sender: %b", (double) start_time, (double) sender_time, (double) sender_time, (int64_t) total_sent, bandwidth * 8, stream_must_be_sender));
3518 else
3519 if (test->role == 's' && !stream_must_be_sender) {
3520 if (test->verbose)
3521 iperf_printf(test, report_sender_not_available_summary_format, "SUM");
3522 }
3523 else {
3524 iperf_printf(test, report_sum_bw_format, mbuf, start_time, sender_time, ubuf, nbuf, report_sender);
3525 }
3526 }
3527 unit_snprintf(ubuf, UNIT_LEN, (double) total_received, 'A');
3528 /* If no tests were run, set received bandwidth to 0 */
3529 if (receiver_time > 0.0) {
3530 bandwidth = (double) total_received / (double) receiver_time;
3531 }
3532 else {
3533 bandwidth = 0.0;
3534 }
3535 unit_snprintf(nbuf, UNIT_LEN, bandwidth, test->settings->unit_format);
3536 if (test->json_output)
3537 cJSON_AddItemToObject(test->json_end, "sum_received", iperf_json_printf("start: %f end: %f seconds: %f bytes: %d bits_per_second: %f sender: %b", (double) start_time, (double) receiver_time, (double) receiver_time, (int64_t) total_received, bandwidth * 8, stream_must_be_sender));
3538 else
3539 if (test->role == 's' && stream_must_be_sender) {
3540 if (test->verbose)
3541 iperf_printf(test, report_receiver_not_available_summary_format, "SUM");
3542 }
3543 else {
3544 iperf_printf(test, report_sum_bw_format, mbuf, start_time, receiver_time, ubuf, nbuf, report_receiver);
3545 }
3546 } else {
3547 /* Summary sum, UDP. */
3548 avg_jitter /= test->num_streams;
3549 /* If no packets were sent, arbitrarily set loss percentage to 0. */
3550 if (total_packets > 0) {
3551 lost_percent = 100.0 * lost_packets / total_packets;
3552 }
3553 else {
3554 lost_percent = 0.0;
3555 }
3556 if (test->json_output)
3557 cJSON_AddItemToObject(test->json_end, "sum", iperf_json_printf("start: %f end: %f seconds: %f bytes: %d bits_per_second: %f jitter_ms: %f lost_packets: %d packets: %d lost_percent: %f sender: %b", (double) start_time, (double) receiver_time, (double) receiver_time, (int64_t) total_sent, bandwidth * 8, (double) avg_jitter * 1000.0, (int64_t) lost_packets, (int64_t) total_packets, (double) lost_percent, stream_must_be_sender));
3558 else {
3559 /*
3560 * On the client we have both sender and receiver overall summary
3561 * stats. On the server we have only the side that was on the
3562 * server. Output whatever we have.
3563 */
3564 if (! (test->role == 's' && !stream_must_be_sender) ) {
3565 unit_snprintf(ubuf, UNIT_LEN, (double) total_sent, 'A');
3566 iperf_printf(test, report_sum_bw_udp_format, mbuf, start_time, sender_time, ubuf, nbuf, 0.0, 0, sender_total_packets, 0.0, "sender");
3567 }
3568 if (! (test->role == 's' && stream_must_be_sender) ) {
3570 unit_snprintf(ubuf, UNIT_LEN, (double) total_received, 'A');
3571 /* Compute received bandwidth. */
3572 if (end_time > 0.0) {
3573 bandwidth = (double) total_received / (double) receiver_time;
3574 }
3575 else {
3576 bandwidth = 0.0;
3577 }
3578 unit_snprintf(nbuf, UNIT_LEN, bandwidth, test->settings->unit_format);
3579 iperf_printf(test, report_sum_bw_udp_format, mbuf, start_time, receiver_time, ubuf, nbuf, avg_jitter * 1000.0, lost_packets, receiver_total_packets, lost_percent, "receiver");
3580 }
3581 }
3582 }
3583 }
3585 if (test->json_output && current_mode == upper_mode) {
3586 cJSON_AddItemToObject(test->json_end, "cpu_utilization_percent", iperf_json_printf("host_total: %f host_user: %f host_system: %f remote_total: %f remote_user: %f remote_system: %f", (double) test->cpu_util[0], (double) test->cpu_util[1], (double) test->cpu_util[2], (double) test->remote_cpu_util[0], (double) test->remote_cpu_util[1], (double) test->remote_cpu_util[2]));
3587 if (test->protocol->id == Ptcp) {
3588 char *snd_congestion = NULL, *rcv_congestion = NULL;
3589 if (stream_must_be_sender) {
3590 snd_congestion = test->congestion_used;
3591 rcv_congestion = test->remote_congestion_used;
3592 }
3593 else {
3594 snd_congestion = test->remote_congestion_used;
3595 rcv_congestion = test->congestion_used;
3596 }
3597 if (snd_congestion) {
3598 cJSON_AddStringToObject(test->json_end, "sender_tcp_congestion", snd_congestion);
3599 }
3600 if (rcv_congestion) {
3601 cJSON_AddStringToObject(test->json_end, "receiver_tcp_congestion", rcv_congestion);
3602 }
3603 }
3604 }
3605 else {
3606 if (test->verbose) {
3607 if (stream_must_be_sender) {
3608 if (test->bidirectional) {
3609 iperf_printf(test, report_cpu, report_local, stream_must_be_sender?report_sender:report_receiver, test->cpu_util[0], test->cpu_util[1], test->cpu_util[2], report_remote, stream_must_be_sender?report_receiver:report_sender, test->remote_cpu_util[0], test->remote_cpu_util[1], test->remote_cpu_util[2]);
3610 iperf_printf(test, report_cpu, report_local, !stream_must_be_sender?report_sender:report_receiver, test->cpu_util[0], test->cpu_util[1], test->cpu_util[2], report_remote, !stream_must_be_sender?report_receiver:report_sender, test->remote_cpu_util[0], test->remote_cpu_util[1], test->remote_cpu_util[2]);
3611 } else
3612 iperf_printf(test, report_cpu, report_local, stream_must_be_sender?report_sender:report_receiver, test->cpu_util[0], test->cpu_util[1], test->cpu_util[2], report_remote, stream_must_be_sender?report_receiver:report_sender, test->remote_cpu_util[0], test->remote_cpu_util[1], test->remote_cpu_util[2]);
3613 }
3614 if (test->protocol->id == Ptcp) {
3615 char *snd_congestion = NULL, *rcv_congestion = NULL;
3616 if (stream_must_be_sender) {
3617 snd_congestion = test->congestion_used;
3618 rcv_congestion = test->remote_congestion_used;
3619 }
3620 else {
3621 snd_congestion = test->remote_congestion_used;
3622 rcv_congestion = test->congestion_used;
3623 }
3624 if (snd_congestion) {
3625 iperf_printf(test, "snd_tcp_congestion %s\n", snd_congestion);
3626 }
3627 if (rcv_congestion) {
3628 iperf_printf(test, "rcv_tcp_congestion %s\n", rcv_congestion);
3629 }
3630 }
3631 }
3633 /* Print server output if we're on the client and it was requested/provided */
3634 if (test->role == 'c' && iperf_get_test_get_server_output(test) && !test->json_output) {
3635 if (test->json_server_output) {
3636 char *str = cJSON_Print(test->json_server_output);
3637 iperf_printf(test, "\nServer JSON output:\n%s\n", str);
3638 cJSON_free(str);
3639 cJSON_Delete(test->json_server_output);
3640 test->json_server_output = NULL;
3641 }
3642 if (test->server_output_text) {
3643 iperf_printf(test, "\nServer output:\n%s\n", test->server_output_text);
3644 test->server_output_text = NULL;
3645 }
3646 }
3647 }
3648 }
3650 /* Set real sender_has_retransmits for current side */
3651 if (test->mode == BIDIRECTIONAL)
3652 test->sender_has_retransmits = tmp_sender_has_retransmits;
3653 }
3655 /**************************************************************************/
3657 /**
3658 * Main report-printing callback.
3659 * Prints results either during a test (interval report only) or
3660 * after the entire test has been run (last interval report plus
3661 * overall summary).
3662 */
3663 void
iperf_reporter_callback(struct iperf_test * test)3664 iperf_reporter_callback(struct iperf_test *test)
3665 {
3666 switch (test->state) {
3667 case TEST_RUNNING:
3669 /* print interval results for each stream */
3670 iperf_print_intermediate(test);
3671 break;
3672 case TEST_END:
3674 iperf_print_intermediate(test);
3675 iperf_print_results(test);
3676 break;
3677 }
3679 }
3681 /**
3682 * Print the interval results for one stream.
3683 * This function needs to know about the overall test so it can determine the
3684 * context for printing headers, separators, etc.
3685 */
3686 static void
print_interval_results(struct iperf_test * test,struct iperf_stream * sp,cJSON * json_interval_streams)3687 print_interval_results(struct iperf_test *test, struct iperf_stream *sp, cJSON *json_interval_streams)
3688 {
3689 char ubuf[UNIT_LEN];
3690 char nbuf[UNIT_LEN];
3691 char cbuf[UNIT_LEN];
3692 char mbuf[UNIT_LEN];
3693 char zbuf[] = " ";
3694 double st = 0., et = 0.;
3695 struct iperf_time temp_time;
3696 struct iperf_interval_results *irp = NULL;
3697 double bandwidth, lost_percent;
3699 if (test->mode == BIDIRECTIONAL) {
3700 sprintf(mbuf, "[%s-%s]", sp->sender?"TX":"RX", test->role == 'c'?"C":"S");
3701 } else {
3702 mbuf[0] = '\0';
3703 zbuf[0] = '\0';
3704 }
3706 irp = TAILQ_LAST(&sp->result->interval_results, irlisthead); /* get last entry in linked list */
3707 if (irp == NULL) {
3708 iperf_err(test, "print_interval_results error: interval_results is NULL");
3709 return;
3710 }
3711 if (!test->json_output) {
3712 /* First stream? */
3713 if (sp == SLIST_FIRST(&test->streams)) {
3714 /* It it's the first interval, print the header;
3715 ** else if there's more than one stream, print the separator;
3716 ** else nothing.
3717 */
3718 if (iperf_time_compare(&sp->result->start_time, &irp->interval_start_time) == 0) {
3719 if (test->protocol->id == Ptcp || test->protocol->id == Psctp) {
3720 if (test->sender_has_retransmits == 1) {
3721 if (test->bidirectional)
3722 iperf_printf(test, "%s", report_bw_retrans_cwnd_header_bidir);
3723 else
3724 iperf_printf(test, "%s", report_bw_retrans_cwnd_header);
3725 }
3726 else {
3727 if (test->bidirectional)
3728 iperf_printf(test, "%s", report_bw_header_bidir);
3729 else
3730 iperf_printf(test, "%s", report_bw_header);
3731 }
3732 } else {
3733 if (test->mode == SENDER) {
3734 iperf_printf(test, "%s", report_bw_udp_sender_header);
3735 } else if (test->mode == RECEIVER){
3736 iperf_printf(test, "%s", report_bw_udp_header);
3737 } else {
3739 iperf_printf(test, "%s", report_bw_udp_header_bidir);
3740 }
3741 }
3742 } else if (test->num_streams > 1)
3743 iperf_printf(test, "%s", report_bw_separator);
3744 }
3745 }
3747 unit_snprintf(ubuf, UNIT_LEN, (double) (irp->bytes_transferred), 'A');
3748 if (irp->interval_duration > 0.0) {
3749 bandwidth = (double) irp->bytes_transferred / (double) irp->interval_duration;
3750 }
3751 else {
3752 bandwidth = 0.0;
3753 }
3754 unit_snprintf(nbuf, UNIT_LEN, bandwidth, test->settings->unit_format);
3756 iperf_time_diff(&sp->result->start_time, &irp->interval_start_time, &temp_time);
3757 st = iperf_time_in_secs(&temp_time);
3758 iperf_time_diff(&sp->result->start_time, &irp->interval_end_time, &temp_time);
3759 et = iperf_time_in_secs(&temp_time);
3761 if (test->protocol->id == Ptcp || test->protocol->id == Psctp) {
3762 if (test->sender_has_retransmits == 1 && sp->sender) {
3763 /* Interval, TCP with retransmits. */
3764 if (test->json_output)
3765 cJSON_AddItemToArray(json_interval_streams, iperf_json_printf("socket: %d start: %f end: %f seconds: %f bytes: %d bits_per_second: %f retransmits: %d snd_cwnd: %d rtt: %d rttvar: %d pmtu: %d omitted: %b sender: %b", (int64_t) sp->socket, (double) st, (double) et, (double) irp->interval_duration, (int64_t) irp->bytes_transferred, bandwidth * 8, (int64_t) irp->interval_retrans, (int64_t) irp->snd_cwnd, (int64_t) irp->rtt, (int64_t) irp->rttvar, (int64_t) irp->pmtu, irp->omitted, sp->sender));
3766 else {
3767 unit_snprintf(cbuf, UNIT_LEN, irp->snd_cwnd, 'A');
3768 iperf_printf(test, report_bw_retrans_cwnd_format, sp->socket, mbuf, st, et, ubuf, nbuf, irp->interval_retrans, cbuf, irp->omitted?report_omitted:"");
3769 }
3770 } else {
3771 /* Interval, TCP without retransmits. */
3772 if (test->json_output)
3773 cJSON_AddItemToArray(json_interval_streams, iperf_json_printf("socket: %d start: %f end: %f seconds: %f bytes: %d bits_per_second: %f omitted: %b sender: %b", (int64_t) sp->socket, (double) st, (double) et, (double) irp->interval_duration, (int64_t) irp->bytes_transferred, bandwidth * 8, irp->omitted, sp->sender));
3774 else
3775 iperf_printf(test, report_bw_format, sp->socket, mbuf, st, et, ubuf, nbuf, irp->omitted?report_omitted:"");
3776 }
3777 } else {
3778 /* Interval, UDP. */
3779 if (sp->sender) {
3780 if (test->json_output)
3781 cJSON_AddItemToArray(json_interval_streams, iperf_json_printf("socket: %d start: %f end: %f seconds: %f bytes: %d bits_per_second: %f packets: %d omitted: %b sender: %b", (int64_t) sp->socket, (double) st, (double) et, (double) irp->interval_duration, (int64_t) irp->bytes_transferred, bandwidth * 8, (int64_t) irp->interval_packet_count, irp->omitted, sp->sender));
3782 else
3783 iperf_printf(test, report_bw_udp_sender_format, sp->socket, mbuf, st, et, ubuf, nbuf, zbuf, irp->interval_packet_count, irp->omitted?report_omitted:"");
3784 } else {
3785 if (irp->interval_packet_count > 0) {
3786 lost_percent = 100.0 * irp->interval_cnt_error / irp->interval_packet_count;
3787 }
3788 else {
3789 lost_percent = 0.0;
3790 }
3791 if (test->json_output)
3792 cJSON_AddItemToArray(json_interval_streams, iperf_json_printf("socket: %d start: %f end: %f seconds: %f bytes: %d bits_per_second: %f jitter_ms: %f lost_packets: %d packets: %d lost_percent: %f omitted: %b sender: %b", (int64_t) sp->socket, (double) st, (double) et, (double) irp->interval_duration, (int64_t) irp->bytes_transferred, bandwidth * 8, (double) irp->jitter * 1000.0, (int64_t) irp->interval_cnt_error, (int64_t) irp->interval_packet_count, (double) lost_percent, irp->omitted, sp->sender));
3793 else
3794 iperf_printf(test, report_bw_udp_format, sp->socket, mbuf, st, et, ubuf, nbuf, irp->jitter * 1000.0, irp->interval_cnt_error, irp->interval_packet_count, lost_percent, irp->omitted?report_omitted:"");
3795 }
3796 }
3798 if (test->logfile || test->forceflush)
3799 iflush(test);
3800 }
3802 /**************************************************************************/
3803 void
iperf_free_stream(struct iperf_stream * sp)3804 iperf_free_stream(struct iperf_stream *sp)
3805 {
3806 struct iperf_interval_results *irp, *nirp;
3808 /* XXX: need to free interval list too! */
3809 munmap(sp->buffer, sp->test->settings->blksize);
3810 close(sp->buffer_fd);
3811 if (sp->diskfile_fd >= 0)
3812 close(sp->diskfile_fd);
3813 for (irp = TAILQ_FIRST(&sp->result->interval_results); irp != NULL; irp = nirp) {
3814 nirp = TAILQ_NEXT(irp, irlistentries);
3815 free(irp);
3816 }
3817 free(sp->result);
3818 if (sp->send_timer != NULL)
3819 tmr_cancel(sp->send_timer);
3820 free(sp);
3821 }
3823 /**************************************************************************/
3824 struct iperf_stream *
iperf_new_stream(struct iperf_test * test,int s,int sender)3825 iperf_new_stream(struct iperf_test *test, int s, int sender)
3826 {
3827 struct iperf_stream *sp;
3828 int ret = 0;
3830 char template[1024];
3831 if (test->tmp_template) {
3832 snprintf(template, sizeof(template) / sizeof(char), "%s", test->tmp_template);
3833 } else {
3834 //find the system temporary dir *unix, windows, cygwin support
3835 char* tempdir = getenv("TMPDIR");
3836 if (tempdir == 0){
3837 tempdir = getenv("TEMP");
3838 }
3839 if (tempdir == 0){
3840 tempdir = getenv("TMP");
3841 }
3842 if (tempdir == 0){
3843 tempdir = "/tmp";
3844 }
3845 snprintf(template, sizeof(template) / sizeof(char), "%s/iperf3.XXXXXX", tempdir);
3846 }
3848 sp = (struct iperf_stream *) malloc(sizeof(struct iperf_stream));
3849 if (!sp) {
3850 i_errno = IECREATESTREAM;
3851 return NULL;
3852 }
3854 memset(sp, 0, sizeof(struct iperf_stream));
3856 sp->sender = sender;
3857 sp->test = test;
3858 sp->settings = test->settings;
3859 sp->result = (struct iperf_stream_result *) malloc(sizeof(struct iperf_stream_result));
3860 if (!sp->result) {
3861 free(sp);
3862 i_errno = IECREATESTREAM;
3863 return NULL;
3864 }
3866 memset(sp->result, 0, sizeof(struct iperf_stream_result));
3867 TAILQ_INIT(&sp->result->interval_results);
3869 /* Create and randomize the buffer */
3870 sp->buffer_fd = mkstemp(template);
3871 if (sp->buffer_fd == -1) {
3872 i_errno = IECREATESTREAM;
3873 free(sp->result);
3874 free(sp);
3875 return NULL;
3876 }
3877 if (unlink(template) < 0) {
3878 i_errno = IECREATESTREAM;
3879 free(sp->result);
3880 free(sp);
3881 return NULL;
3882 }
3883 if (ftruncate(sp->buffer_fd, test->settings->blksize) < 0) {
3884 i_errno = IECREATESTREAM;
3885 free(sp->result);
3886 free(sp);
3887 return NULL;
3888 }
3889 sp->buffer = (char *) mmap(NULL, test->settings->blksize, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE, sp->buffer_fd, 0);
3890 if (sp->buffer == MAP_FAILED) {
3891 i_errno = IECREATESTREAM;
3892 free(sp->result);
3893 free(sp);
3894 return NULL;
3895 }
3897 /* Set socket */
3898 sp->socket = s;
3900 sp->snd = test->protocol->send;
3901 sp->rcv = test->protocol->recv;
3903 if (test->diskfile_name != (char*) 0) {
3904 sp->diskfile_fd = open(test->diskfile_name, sender ? O_RDONLY : (O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC), S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR);
3905 if (sp->diskfile_fd == -1) {
3906 i_errno = IEFILE;
3907 munmap(sp->buffer, sp->test->settings->blksize);
3908 free(sp->result);
3909 free(sp);
3910 return NULL;
3911 }
3912 sp->snd2 = sp->snd;
3913 sp->snd = diskfile_send;
3914 sp->rcv2 = sp->rcv;
3915 sp->rcv = diskfile_recv;
3916 } else
3917 sp->diskfile_fd = -1;
3919 /* Initialize stream */
3920 if (test->repeating_payload)
3921 fill_with_repeating_pattern(sp->buffer, test->settings->blksize);
3922 else
3923 ret = readentropy(sp->buffer, test->settings->blksize);
3925 if ((ret < 0) || (iperf_init_stream(sp, test) < 0)) {
3926 close(sp->buffer_fd);
3927 munmap(sp->buffer, sp->test->settings->blksize);
3928 free(sp->result);
3929 free(sp);
3930 return NULL;
3931 }
3932 iperf_add_stream(test, sp);
3934 return sp;
3935 }
3937 /**************************************************************************/
3938 int
iperf_init_stream(struct iperf_stream * sp,struct iperf_test * test)3939 iperf_init_stream(struct iperf_stream *sp, struct iperf_test *test)
3940 {
3941 socklen_t len;
3942 int opt;
3944 len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage);
3945 if (getsockname(sp->socket, (struct sockaddr *) &sp->local_addr, &len) < 0) {
3946 i_errno = IEINITSTREAM;
3947 return -1;
3948 }
3949 len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage);
3950 if (getpeername(sp->socket, (struct sockaddr *) &sp->remote_addr, &len) < 0) {
3951 i_errno = IEINITSTREAM;
3952 return -1;
3953 }
3955 /* Set IP TOS */
3956 if ((opt = test->settings->tos)) {
3957 if (getsockdomain(sp->socket) == AF_INET6) {
3958 #ifdef IPV6_TCLASS
3959 if (setsockopt(sp->socket, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_TCLASS, &opt, sizeof(opt)) < 0) {
3960 i_errno = IESETCOS;
3961 return -1;
3962 }
3963 #else
3964 i_errno = IESETCOS;
3965 return -1;
3966 #endif
3967 } else {
3968 if (setsockopt(sp->socket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, &opt, sizeof(opt)) < 0) {
3969 i_errno = IESETTOS;
3970 return -1;
3971 }
3972 }
3973 }
3975 return 0;
3976 }
3978 /**************************************************************************/
3979 void
iperf_add_stream(struct iperf_test * test,struct iperf_stream * sp)3980 iperf_add_stream(struct iperf_test *test, struct iperf_stream *sp)
3981 {
3982 int i;
3983 struct iperf_stream *n, *prev;
3985 if (SLIST_EMPTY(&test->streams)) {
3986 SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&test->streams, sp, streams);
3987 sp->id = 1;
3988 } else {
3989 // for (n = test->streams, i = 2; n->next; n = n->next, ++i);
3990 i = 2;
3991 SLIST_FOREACH(n, &test->streams, streams) {
3992 prev = n;
3993 ++i;
3994 }
3995 SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(prev, sp, streams);
3996 sp->id = i;
3997 }
3998 }
4000 /* This pair of routines gets inserted into the snd/rcv function pointers
4001 ** when there's a -F flag. They handle the file stuff and call the real
4002 ** snd/rcv functions, which have been saved in snd2/rcv2.
4003 **
4004 ** The advantage of doing it this way is that in the much more common
4005 ** case of no -F flag, there is zero extra overhead.
4006 */
4008 static int
diskfile_send(struct iperf_stream * sp)4009 diskfile_send(struct iperf_stream *sp)
4010 {
4011 int r;
4012 static int rtot;
4014 /* if needed, read enough data from the disk to fill up the buffer */
4015 if (sp->diskfile_left < sp->test->settings->blksize && !sp->test->done) {
4016 r = read(sp->diskfile_fd, sp->buffer, sp->test->settings->blksize -
4017 sp->diskfile_left);
4018 rtot += r;
4019 if (sp->test->debug) {
4020 printf("read %d bytes from file, %d total\n", r, rtot);
4021 if (r != sp->test->settings->blksize - sp->diskfile_left)
4022 printf("possible eof\n");
4023 }
4024 /* If there's no data left in the file or in the buffer, we're done */
4025 if (r == 0 && sp->diskfile_left == 0) {
4026 sp->test->done = 1;
4027 if (sp->test->debug)
4028 printf("done\n");
4029 }
4030 }
4032 r = sp->snd2(sp);
4033 if (r < 0) {
4034 return r;
4035 }
4036 /*
4037 * Compute how much data is in the buffer but didn't get sent.
4038 * If there are bytes that got left behind, slide them to the
4039 * front of the buffer so they can hopefully go out on the next
4040 * pass.
4041 */
4042 sp->diskfile_left = sp->test->settings->blksize - r;
4043 if (sp->diskfile_left && sp->diskfile_left < sp->test->settings->blksize) {
4044 memcpy(sp->buffer,
4045 sp->buffer + (sp->test->settings->blksize - sp->diskfile_left),
4046 sp->diskfile_left);
4047 if (sp->test->debug)
4048 printf("Shifting %d bytes by %d\n", sp->diskfile_left, (sp->test->settings->blksize - sp->diskfile_left));
4049 }
4050 return r;
4051 }
4053 static int
diskfile_recv(struct iperf_stream * sp)4054 diskfile_recv(struct iperf_stream *sp)
4055 {
4056 int r;
4058 r = sp->rcv2(sp);
4059 if (r > 0) {
4060 (void) write(sp->diskfile_fd, sp->buffer, r);
4061 (void) fsync(sp->diskfile_fd);
4062 }
4063 return r;
4064 }
4067 void
iperf_catch_sigend(void (* handler)(int))4068 iperf_catch_sigend(void (*handler)(int))
4069 {
4070 #ifdef SIGINT
4071 signal(SIGINT, handler);
4072 #endif
4073 #ifdef SIGTERM
4074 signal(SIGTERM, handler);
4075 #endif
4076 #ifdef SIGHUP
4077 signal(SIGHUP, handler);
4078 #endif
4079 }
4081 /**
4082 * Called as a result of getting a signal.
4083 * Depending on the current state of the test (and the role of this
4084 * process) compute and report one more set of ending statistics
4085 * before cleaning up and exiting.
4086 */
4087 void
iperf_got_sigend(struct iperf_test * test)4088 iperf_got_sigend(struct iperf_test *test)
4089 {
4090 /*
4091 * If we're the client, or if we're a server and running a test,
4092 * then dump out the accumulated stats so far.
4093 */
4094 if (test->role == 'c' ||
4095 (test->role == 's' && test->state == TEST_RUNNING)) {
4097 test->done = 1;
4098 cpu_util(test->cpu_util);
4099 test->stats_callback(test);
4100 test->state = DISPLAY_RESULTS; /* change local state only */
4101 if (test->on_test_finish)
4102 test->on_test_finish(test);
4103 test->reporter_callback(test);
4104 }
4106 if (test->ctrl_sck >= 0) {
4107 test->state = (test->role == 'c') ? CLIENT_TERMINATE : SERVER_TERMINATE;
4108 (void) Nwrite(test->ctrl_sck, (char*) &test->state, sizeof(signed char), Ptcp);
4109 }
4110 i_errno = (test->role == 'c') ? IECLIENTTERM : IESERVERTERM;
4111 iperf_errexit(test, "interrupt - %s", iperf_strerror(i_errno));
4112 }
4114 /* Try to write a PID file if requested, return -1 on an error. */
4115 int
iperf_create_pidfile(struct iperf_test * test)4116 iperf_create_pidfile(struct iperf_test *test)
4117 {
4118 if (test->pidfile) {
4119 int fd;
4120 char buf[8];
4122 /* See if the file already exists and we can read it. */
4123 fd = open(test->pidfile, O_RDONLY, 0);
4124 if (fd >= 0) {
4125 if (read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1) >= 0) {
4127 /* We read some bytes, see if they correspond to a valid PID */
4128 pid_t pid;
4129 pid = atoi(buf);
4130 if (pid > 0) {
4132 /* See if the process exists. */
4133 if (kill(pid, 0) == 0) {
4134 /*
4135 * Make sure not to try to delete existing PID file by
4136 * scribbling over the pathname we'd use to refer to it.
4137 * Then exit with an error.
4138 */
4139 free(test->pidfile);
4140 test->pidfile = NULL;
4141 iperf_errexit(test, "Another instance of iperf3 appears to be running");
4142 }
4143 }
4144 }
4145 }
4147 /*
4148 * File didn't exist, we couldn't read it, or it didn't correspond to
4149 * a running process. Try to create it.
4150 */
4151 fd = open(test->pidfile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR);
4152 if (fd < 0) {
4153 return -1;
4154 }
4155 snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", getpid()); /* no trailing newline */
4156 if (write(fd, buf, strlen(buf) + 1) < 0) {
4157 return -1;
4158 }
4159 if (close(fd) < 0) {
4160 return -1;
4161 };
4162 }
4163 return 0;
4164 }
4166 /* Get rid of a PID file, return -1 on error. */
4167 int
iperf_delete_pidfile(struct iperf_test * test)4168 iperf_delete_pidfile(struct iperf_test *test)
4169 {
4170 if (test->pidfile) {
4171 if (unlink(test->pidfile) < 0) {
4172 return -1;
4173 }
4174 }
4175 return 0;
4176 }
4178 int
iperf_json_start(struct iperf_test * test)4179 iperf_json_start(struct iperf_test *test)
4180 {
4181 test->json_top = cJSON_CreateObject();
4182 if (test->json_top == NULL)
4183 return -1;
4184 test->json_start = cJSON_CreateObject();
4185 if (test->json_start == NULL)
4186 return -1;
4187 cJSON_AddItemToObject(test->json_top, "start", test->json_start);
4188 test->json_connected = cJSON_CreateArray();
4189 if (test->json_connected == NULL)
4190 return -1;
4191 cJSON_AddItemToObject(test->json_start, "connected", test->json_connected);
4192 test->json_intervals = cJSON_CreateArray();
4193 if (test->json_intervals == NULL)
4194 return -1;
4195 cJSON_AddItemToObject(test->json_top, "intervals", test->json_intervals);
4196 test->json_end = cJSON_CreateObject();
4197 if (test->json_end == NULL)
4198 return -1;
4199 cJSON_AddItemToObject(test->json_top, "end", test->json_end);
4200 return 0;
4201 }
4203 int
iperf_json_finish(struct iperf_test * test)4204 iperf_json_finish(struct iperf_test *test)
4205 {
4206 if (test->title)
4207 cJSON_AddStringToObject(test->json_top, "title", test->title);
4208 if (test->extra_data)
4209 cJSON_AddStringToObject(test->json_top, "extra_data", test->extra_data);
4210 /* Include server output */
4211 if (test->json_server_output) {
4212 cJSON_AddItemToObject(test->json_top, "server_output_json", test->json_server_output);
4213 }
4214 if (test->server_output_text) {
4215 cJSON_AddStringToObject(test->json_top, "server_output_text", test->server_output_text);
4216 }
4217 test->json_output_string = cJSON_Print(test->json_top);
4218 if (test->json_output_string == NULL)
4219 return -1;
4220 fprintf(test->outfile, "%s\n", test->json_output_string);
4221 iflush(test);
4222 cJSON_free(test->json_output_string);
4223 test->json_output_string = NULL;
4224 cJSON_Delete(test->json_top);
4225 test->json_top = test->json_start = test->json_connected = test->json_intervals = test->json_server_output = test->json_end = NULL;
4226 return 0;
4227 }
4230 /* CPU affinity stuff - Linux, FreeBSD, and Windows only. */
4232 int
iperf_setaffinity(struct iperf_test * test,int affinity)4233 iperf_setaffinity(struct iperf_test *test, int affinity)
4234 {
4235 #if defined(HAVE_SCHED_SETAFFINITY)
4236 cpu_set_t cpu_set;
4238 CPU_ZERO(&cpu_set);
4239 CPU_SET(affinity, &cpu_set);
4240 if (sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpu_set) != 0) {
4241 i_errno = IEAFFINITY;
4242 return -1;
4243 }
4244 return 0;
4245 #elif defined(HAVE_CPUSET_SETAFFINITY)
4246 cpuset_t cpumask;
4248 if(cpuset_getaffinity(CPU_LEVEL_WHICH, CPU_WHICH_PID, -1,
4249 sizeof(cpuset_t), &test->cpumask) != 0) {
4250 i_errno = IEAFFINITY;
4251 return -1;
4252 }
4254 CPU_ZERO(&cpumask);
4255 CPU_SET(affinity, &cpumask);
4257 if(cpuset_setaffinity(CPU_LEVEL_WHICH,CPU_WHICH_PID, -1,
4258 sizeof(cpuset_t), &cpumask) != 0) {
4259 i_errno = IEAFFINITY;
4260 return -1;
4261 }
4262 return 0;
4264 HANDLE process = GetCurrentProcess();
4265 DWORD_PTR processAffinityMask = 1 << affinity;
4267 if (SetProcessAffinityMask(process, processAffinityMask) == 0) {
4268 i_errno = IEAFFINITY;
4269 return -1;
4270 }
4271 return 0;
4273 i_errno = IEAFFINITY;
4274 return -1;
4276 }
4278 int
iperf_clearaffinity(struct iperf_test * test)4279 iperf_clearaffinity(struct iperf_test *test)
4280 {
4281 #if defined(HAVE_SCHED_SETAFFINITY)
4282 cpu_set_t cpu_set;
4283 int i;
4285 CPU_ZERO(&cpu_set);
4286 for (i = 0; i < CPU_SETSIZE; ++i)
4287 CPU_SET(i, &cpu_set);
4288 if (sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpu_set) != 0) {
4289 i_errno = IEAFFINITY;
4290 return -1;
4291 }
4292 return 0;
4293 #elif defined(HAVE_CPUSET_SETAFFINITY)
4294 if(cpuset_setaffinity(CPU_LEVEL_WHICH,CPU_WHICH_PID, -1,
4295 sizeof(cpuset_t), &test->cpumask) != 0) {
4296 i_errno = IEAFFINITY;
4297 return -1;
4298 }
4299 return 0;
4301 HANDLE process = GetCurrentProcess();
4302 DWORD_PTR processAffinityMask;
4303 DWORD_PTR lpSystemAffinityMask;
4305 if (GetProcessAffinityMask(process, &processAffinityMask, &lpSystemAffinityMask) == 0
4306 || SetProcessAffinityMask(process, lpSystemAffinityMask) == 0) {
4307 i_errno = IEAFFINITY;
4308 return -1;
4309 }
4310 return 0;
4312 i_errno = IEAFFINITY;
4313 return -1;
4315 }
4317 char iperf_timestr[100];
4319 int
iperf_printf(struct iperf_test * test,const char * format,...)4320 iperf_printf(struct iperf_test *test, const char* format, ...)
4321 {
4322 va_list argp;
4323 int r = -1;
4324 time_t now;
4325 struct tm *ltm = NULL;
4326 char *ct = NULL;
4328 /* Timestamp if requested */
4329 if (iperf_get_test_timestamps(test)) {
4330 time(&now);
4331 ltm = localtime(&now);
4332 strftime(iperf_timestr, sizeof(iperf_timestr), iperf_get_test_timestamp_format(test), ltm);
4333 ct = iperf_timestr;
4334 }
4336 /*
4337 * There are roughly two use cases here. If we're the client,
4338 * want to print stuff directly to the output stream.
4339 * If we're the sender we might need to buffer up output to send
4340 * to the client.
4341 *
4342 * This doesn't make a whole lot of difference except there are
4343 * some chunks of output on the client (on particular the whole
4344 * of the server output with --get-server-output) that could
4345 * easily exceed the size of the line buffer, but which don't need
4346 * to be buffered up anyway.
4347 */
4348 if (test->role == 'c') {
4349 if (ct) {
4350 fprintf(test->outfile, "%s", ct);
4351 }
4352 if (test->title)
4353 fprintf(test->outfile, "%s: ", test->title);
4354 va_start(argp, format);
4355 r = vfprintf(test->outfile, format, argp);
4356 va_end(argp);
4357 }
4358 else if (test->role == 's') {
4359 char linebuffer[1024];
4360 int i = 0;
4361 if (ct) {
4362 i = sprintf(linebuffer, "%s", ct);
4363 }
4364 va_start(argp, format);
4365 r = vsnprintf(linebuffer + i, sizeof(linebuffer), format, argp);
4366 va_end(argp);
4367 fprintf(test->outfile, "%s", linebuffer);
4369 if (test->role == 's' && iperf_get_test_get_server_output(test)) {
4370 struct iperf_textline *l = (struct iperf_textline *) malloc(sizeof(struct iperf_textline));
4371 l->line = strdup(linebuffer);
4372 TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&(test->server_output_list), l, textlineentries);
4373 }
4374 }
4375 return r;
4376 }
4378 int
iflush(struct iperf_test * test)4379 iflush(struct iperf_test *test)
4380 {
4381 return fflush(test->outfile);
4382 }