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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 use crate::binder::AsNative;
18 use crate::sys;
20 use std::error;
21 use std::ffi::CStr;
22 use std::fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter, Result as FmtResult};
23 use std::result;
25 pub use sys::binder_status_t as status_t;
27 /// Low-level status codes from Android `libutils`.
28 // All error codes are negative integer values. Derived from the anonymous enum
29 // in utils/Errors.h
30 pub use sys::android_c_interface_StatusCode as StatusCode;
32 /// A specialized [`Result`](result::Result) for binder operations.
33 pub type Result<T> = result::Result<T, StatusCode>;
35 /// Convert a low-level status code into an empty result.
36 ///
37 /// An OK status is converted into an `Ok` result, any other status is converted
38 /// into an `Err` result holding the status code.
status_result(status: status_t) -> Result<()>39 pub fn status_result(status: status_t) -> Result<()> {
40     match parse_status_code(status) {
41         StatusCode::OK => Ok(()),
42         e => Err(e),
43     }
44 }
parse_status_code(code: i32) -> StatusCode46 fn parse_status_code(code: i32) -> StatusCode {
47     match code {
48         e if e == StatusCode::OK as i32 => StatusCode::OK,
49         e if e == StatusCode::NO_MEMORY as i32 => StatusCode::NO_MEMORY,
50         e if e == StatusCode::INVALID_OPERATION as i32 => StatusCode::INVALID_OPERATION,
51         e if e == StatusCode::BAD_VALUE as i32 => StatusCode::BAD_VALUE,
52         e if e == StatusCode::BAD_TYPE as i32 => StatusCode::BAD_TYPE,
53         e if e == StatusCode::NAME_NOT_FOUND as i32 => StatusCode::NAME_NOT_FOUND,
54         e if e == StatusCode::PERMISSION_DENIED as i32 => StatusCode::PERMISSION_DENIED,
55         e if e == StatusCode::NO_INIT as i32 => StatusCode::NO_INIT,
56         e if e == StatusCode::ALREADY_EXISTS as i32 => StatusCode::ALREADY_EXISTS,
57         e if e == StatusCode::DEAD_OBJECT as i32 => StatusCode::DEAD_OBJECT,
58         e if e == StatusCode::FAILED_TRANSACTION as i32 => StatusCode::FAILED_TRANSACTION,
59         e if e == StatusCode::BAD_INDEX as i32 => StatusCode::BAD_INDEX,
60         e if e == StatusCode::NOT_ENOUGH_DATA as i32 => StatusCode::NOT_ENOUGH_DATA,
61         e if e == StatusCode::WOULD_BLOCK as i32 => StatusCode::WOULD_BLOCK,
62         e if e == StatusCode::TIMED_OUT as i32 => StatusCode::TIMED_OUT,
63         e if e == StatusCode::UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION as i32 => StatusCode::UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION,
64         e if e == StatusCode::FDS_NOT_ALLOWED as i32 => StatusCode::FDS_NOT_ALLOWED,
65         e if e == StatusCode::UNEXPECTED_NULL as i32 => StatusCode::UNEXPECTED_NULL,
66         _ => StatusCode::UNKNOWN_ERROR,
67     }
68 }
70 pub use sys::android_c_interface_ExceptionCode as ExceptionCode;
parse_exception_code(code: i32) -> ExceptionCode72 fn parse_exception_code(code: i32) -> ExceptionCode {
73     match code {
74         e if e == ExceptionCode::NONE as i32 => ExceptionCode::NONE,
75         e if e == ExceptionCode::SECURITY as i32 => ExceptionCode::SECURITY,
76         e if e == ExceptionCode::BAD_PARCELABLE as i32 => ExceptionCode::BAD_PARCELABLE,
77         e if e == ExceptionCode::ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT as i32 => ExceptionCode::ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT,
78         e if e == ExceptionCode::NULL_POINTER as i32 => ExceptionCode::NULL_POINTER,
79         e if e == ExceptionCode::ILLEGAL_STATE as i32 => ExceptionCode::ILLEGAL_STATE,
80         e if e == ExceptionCode::NETWORK_MAIN_THREAD as i32 => ExceptionCode::NETWORK_MAIN_THREAD,
81         e if e == ExceptionCode::UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION as i32 => {
82             ExceptionCode::UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION
83         }
84         e if e == ExceptionCode::SERVICE_SPECIFIC as i32 => ExceptionCode::SERVICE_SPECIFIC,
85         _ => ExceptionCode::TRANSACTION_FAILED,
86     }
87 }
89 // Safety: `Status` always contains a owning pointer to a valid `AStatus`. The
90 // lifetime of the contained pointer is the same as the `Status` object.
91 /// High-level binder status object that encapsulates a standard way to keep
92 /// track of and chain binder errors along with service specific errors.
93 ///
94 /// Used in AIDL transactions to represent failed transactions.
95 pub struct Status(*mut sys::AStatus);
97 // Safety: The `AStatus` that the `Status` points to must have an entirely thread-safe API for the
98 // duration of the `Status` object's lifetime. We ensure this by not allowing mutation of a `Status`
99 // in Rust, and the NDK API says we're the owner of our `AStatus` objects so outside code should not
100 // be mutating them underneath us.
101 unsafe impl Sync for Status {}
103 // Safety: `Status` always contains an owning pointer to a global, immutable, interned `AStatus`.
104 // A thread-local `AStatus` would not be valid.
105 unsafe impl Send for Status {}
107 impl Status {
108     /// Create a status object representing a successful transaction.
ok() -> Self109     pub fn ok() -> Self {
110         let ptr = unsafe {
111             // Safety: `AStatus_newOk` always returns a new, heap allocated
112             // pointer to an `ASTatus` object, so we know this pointer will be
113             // valid.
114             //
115             // Rust takes ownership of the returned pointer.
116             sys::AStatus_newOk()
117         };
118         Self(ptr)
119     }
121     /// Create a status object from a service specific error
new_service_specific_error(err: i32, message: Option<&CStr>) -> Status122     pub fn new_service_specific_error(err: i32, message: Option<&CStr>) -> Status {
123         let ptr = if let Some(message) = message {
124             unsafe {
125                 // Safety: Any i32 is a valid service specific error for the
126                 // error code parameter. We construct a valid, null-terminated
127                 // `CString` from the message, which must be a valid C-style
128                 // string to pass as the message. This function always returns a
129                 // new, heap allocated pointer to an `AStatus` object, so we
130                 // know the returned pointer will be valid.
131                 //
132                 // Rust takes ownership of the returned pointer.
133                 sys::AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(err, message.as_ptr())
134             }
135         } else {
136             unsafe {
137                 // Safety: Any i32 is a valid service specific error for the
138                 // error code parameter. This function always returns a new,
139                 // heap allocated pointer to an `AStatus` object, so we know the
140                 // returned pointer will be valid.
141                 //
142                 // Rust takes ownership of the returned pointer.
143                 sys::AStatus_fromServiceSpecificError(err)
144             }
145         };
146         Self(ptr)
147     }
149     /// Create a status object from an exception code
new_exception(exception: ExceptionCode, message: Option<&CStr>) -> Status150     pub fn new_exception(exception: ExceptionCode, message: Option<&CStr>) -> Status {
151         if let Some(message) = message {
152             let ptr = unsafe {
153                 sys::AStatus_fromExceptionCodeWithMessage(exception as i32, message.as_ptr())
154             };
155             Self(ptr)
156         } else {
157             exception.into()
158         }
159     }
161     /// Create a status object from a raw `AStatus` pointer.
162     ///
163     /// # Safety
164     ///
165     /// This constructor is safe iff `ptr` is a valid pointer to an `AStatus`.
from_ptr(ptr: *mut sys::AStatus) -> Self166     pub(crate) unsafe fn from_ptr(ptr: *mut sys::AStatus) -> Self {
167         Self(ptr)
168     }
170     /// Returns `true` if this status represents a successful transaction.
is_ok(&self) -> bool171     pub fn is_ok(&self) -> bool {
172         unsafe {
173             // Safety: `Status` always contains a valid `AStatus` pointer, so we
174             // are always passing a valid pointer to `AStatus_isOk` here.
175             sys::AStatus_isOk(self.as_native())
176         }
177     }
179     /// Returns a description of the status.
get_description(&self) -> String180     pub fn get_description(&self) -> String {
181         let description_ptr = unsafe {
182             // Safety: `Status` always contains a valid `AStatus` pointer, so we
183             // are always passing a valid pointer to `AStatus_getDescription`
184             // here.
185             //
186             // `AStatus_getDescription` always returns a valid pointer to a null
187             // terminated C string. Rust is responsible for freeing this pointer
188             // via `AStatus_deleteDescription`.
189             sys::AStatus_getDescription(self.as_native())
190         };
191         let description = unsafe {
192             // Safety: `AStatus_getDescription` always returns a valid C string,
193             // which can be safely converted to a `CStr`.
194             CStr::from_ptr(description_ptr)
195         };
196         let description = description.to_string_lossy().to_string();
197         unsafe {
198             // Safety: `description_ptr` was returned from
199             // `AStatus_getDescription` above, and must be freed via
200             // `AStatus_deleteDescription`. We must not access the pointer after
201             // this call, so we copy it into an owned string above and return
202             // that string.
203             sys::AStatus_deleteDescription(description_ptr);
204         }
205         description
206     }
208     /// Returns the exception code of the status.
exception_code(&self) -> ExceptionCode209     pub fn exception_code(&self) -> ExceptionCode {
210         let code = unsafe {
211             // Safety: `Status` always contains a valid `AStatus` pointer, so we
212             // are always passing a valid pointer to `AStatus_getExceptionCode`
213             // here.
214             sys::AStatus_getExceptionCode(self.as_native())
215         };
216         parse_exception_code(code)
217     }
219     /// Return a status code representing a transaction failure, or
220     /// `StatusCode::OK` if there was no transaction failure.
221     ///
222     /// If this method returns `OK`, the status may still represent a different
223     /// exception or a service specific error. To find out if this transaction
224     /// as a whole is okay, use [`is_ok`](Self::is_ok) instead.
transaction_error(&self) -> StatusCode225     pub fn transaction_error(&self) -> StatusCode {
226         let code = unsafe {
227             // Safety: `Status` always contains a valid `AStatus` pointer, so we
228             // are always passing a valid pointer to `AStatus_getStatus` here.
229             sys::AStatus_getStatus(self.as_native())
230         };
231         parse_status_code(code)
232     }
234     /// Return a service specific error if this status represents one.
235     ///
236     /// This function will only ever return a non-zero result if
237     /// [`exception_code`](Self::exception_code) returns
238     /// `ExceptionCode::SERVICE_SPECIFIC`. If this function returns 0, the
239     /// status object may still represent a different exception or status. To
240     /// find out if this transaction as a whole is okay, use
241     /// [`is_ok`](Self::is_ok) instead.
service_specific_error(&self) -> i32242     pub fn service_specific_error(&self) -> i32 {
243         unsafe {
244             // Safety: `Status` always contains a valid `AStatus` pointer, so we
245             // are always passing a valid pointer to
246             // `AStatus_getServiceSpecificError` here.
247             sys::AStatus_getServiceSpecificError(self.as_native())
248         }
249     }
251     /// Calls `op` if the status was ok, otherwise returns an `Err` value of
252     /// `self`.
and_then<T, F>(self, op: F) -> result::Result<T, Status> where F: FnOnce() -> result::Result<T, Status>,253     pub fn and_then<T, F>(self, op: F) -> result::Result<T, Status>
254     where
255         F: FnOnce() -> result::Result<T, Status>,
256     {
257         <result::Result<(), Status>>::from(self)?;
258         op()
259     }
260 }
262 impl error::Error for Status {}
264 impl Display for Status {
fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> FmtResult265     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> FmtResult {
266         f.write_str(&self.get_description())
267     }
268 }
270 impl Debug for Status {
fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> FmtResult271     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> FmtResult {
272         f.write_str(&self.get_description())
273     }
274 }
276 impl PartialEq for Status {
eq(&self, other: &Status) -> bool277     fn eq(&self, other: &Status) -> bool {
278         let self_code = self.exception_code();
279         let other_code = other.exception_code();
281         match (self_code, other_code) {
282             (ExceptionCode::NONE, ExceptionCode::NONE) => true,
283             (ExceptionCode::TRANSACTION_FAILED, ExceptionCode::TRANSACTION_FAILED) => {
284                 self.transaction_error() == other.transaction_error()
285                     && self.get_description() == other.get_description()
286             }
287             (ExceptionCode::SERVICE_SPECIFIC, ExceptionCode::SERVICE_SPECIFIC) => {
288                 self.service_specific_error() == other.service_specific_error()
289                     && self.get_description() == other.get_description()
290             }
291             (e1, e2) => e1 == e2 && self.get_description() == other.get_description(),
292         }
293     }
294 }
296 impl Eq for Status {}
298 impl From<StatusCode> for Status {
from(status: StatusCode) -> Status299     fn from(status: StatusCode) -> Status {
300         (status as status_t).into()
301     }
302 }
304 impl From<status_t> for Status {
from(status: status_t) -> Status305     fn from(status: status_t) -> Status {
306         let ptr = unsafe {
307             // Safety: `AStatus_fromStatus` expects any `status_t` integer, so
308             // this is a safe FFI call. Unknown values will be coerced into
309             // UNKNOWN_ERROR.
310             sys::AStatus_fromStatus(status)
311         };
312         Self(ptr)
313     }
314 }
316 impl From<ExceptionCode> for Status {
from(code: ExceptionCode) -> Status317     fn from(code: ExceptionCode) -> Status {
318         let ptr = unsafe {
319             // Safety: `AStatus_fromExceptionCode` expects any
320             // `binder_exception_t` (i32) integer, so this is a safe FFI call.
321             // Unknown values will be coerced into EX_TRANSACTION_FAILED.
322             sys::AStatus_fromExceptionCode(code as i32)
323         };
324         Self(ptr)
325     }
326 }
328 // TODO: impl Try for Status when try_trait is stabilized
329 // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/42327
330 impl From<Status> for result::Result<(), Status> {
from(status: Status) -> result::Result<(), Status>331     fn from(status: Status) -> result::Result<(), Status> {
332         if status.is_ok() {
333             Ok(())
334         } else {
335             Err(status)
336         }
337     }
338 }
340 impl From<Status> for status_t {
from(status: Status) -> status_t341     fn from(status: Status) -> status_t {
342         status.transaction_error() as status_t
343     }
344 }
346 impl Drop for Status {
drop(&mut self)347     fn drop(&mut self) {
348         unsafe {
349             // Safety: `Status` manages the lifetime of its inner `AStatus`
350             // pointee, so we need to delete it here. We know that the pointer
351             // will be valid here since `Status` always contains a valid pointer
352             // while it is alive.
353             sys::AStatus_delete(self.0);
354         }
355     }
356 }
358 /// # Safety
359 ///
360 /// `Status` always contains a valid pointer to an `AStatus` object, so we can
361 /// trivially convert it to a correctly-typed raw pointer.
362 ///
363 /// Care must be taken that the returned pointer is only dereferenced while the
364 /// `Status` object is still alive.
365 unsafe impl AsNative<sys::AStatus> for Status {
as_native(&self) -> *const sys::AStatus366     fn as_native(&self) -> *const sys::AStatus {
367         self.0
368     }
as_native_mut(&mut self) -> *mut sys::AStatus370     fn as_native_mut(&mut self) -> *mut sys::AStatus {
371         self.0
372     }
373 }