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1# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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14# ==============================================================================
15"""Tools for selecting ops in a graph."""
17from __future__ import absolute_import
18from __future__ import division
19from __future__ import print_function
21from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
22from tensorflow.python.util import object_identity
25def is_differentiable(op):
26  try:
27    return ops._gradient_registry.lookup(op.op_def.name) is not None  # pylint: disable=protected-access
28  except LookupError:
29    return False
32def is_iterable(obj):
33  """Return true if the object is iterable."""
34  if isinstance(obj, ops.Tensor):
35    return False
36  try:
37    _ = iter(obj)
38  except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
39    return False
40  return True
43def concatenate_unique(la, lb):
44  """Add all the elements of `lb` to `la` if they are not there already.
46  The elements added to `la` maintain ordering with respect to `lb`.
48  Args:
49    la: List of Python objects.
50    lb: List of Python objects.
51  Returns:
52    `la`: The list `la` with missing elements from `lb`.
53  """
54  la_set = set(la)
55  for l in lb:
56    if l not in la_set:
57      la.append(l)
58      la_set.add(l)
59  return la
62def get_tensors(graph):
63  """get all the tensors which are input or output of an op in the graph.
65  Args:
66    graph: a `tf.Graph`.
67  Returns:
68    A list of `tf.Tensor`.
69  Raises:
70    TypeError: if graph is not a `tf.Graph`.
71  """
72  if not isinstance(graph, ops.Graph):
73    raise TypeError("Expected a graph, got: {}".format(type(graph)))
74  ts = []
75  for op in graph.get_operations():
76    ts += op.outputs
77  return ts
80def get_unique_graph(tops, check_types=None, none_if_empty=False):
81  """Return the unique graph used by the all the elements in tops.
83  Args:
84    tops: list of elements to check (usually a list of tf.Operation and/or
85      tf.Tensor). Or a tf.Graph.
86    check_types: check that the element in tops are of given type(s). If None,
87      the types (tf.Operation, tf.Tensor) are used.
88    none_if_empty: don't raise an error if tops is an empty list, just return
89      None.
90  Returns:
91    The unique graph used by all the tops.
92  Raises:
93    TypeError: if tops is not a iterable of tf.Operation.
94    ValueError: if the graph is not unique.
95  """
96  if isinstance(tops, ops.Graph):
97    return tops
98  if not is_iterable(tops):
99    raise TypeError("{} is not iterable".format(type(tops)))
100  if check_types is None:
101    check_types = (ops.Operation, ops.Tensor)
102  elif not is_iterable(check_types):
103    check_types = (check_types,)
104  g = None
105  for op in tops:
106    if not isinstance(op, check_types):
107      raise TypeError("Expected a type in ({}), got: {}".format(", ".join([str(
108          t) for t in check_types]), type(op)))
109    if g is None:
110      g = op.graph
111    elif g._graph_key != op.graph._graph_key:  # pylint: disable=protected-access
112      raise ValueError("Operation {} does not belong to given graph".format(op))
113  if g is None and not none_if_empty:
114    raise ValueError("Can't find the unique graph of an empty list")
115  return g
118def check_graphs(*args):
119  """Check that all the element in args belong to the same graph.
121  Args:
122    *args: a list of object with a obj.graph property.
123  Raises:
124    ValueError: if all the elements do not belong to the same graph.
125  """
126  graph = None
127  for i, sgv in enumerate(args):
128    if graph is None and sgv.graph is not None:
129      graph = sgv.graph
130    elif sgv.graph is not None and sgv.graph is not graph:
131      raise ValueError("Argument[{}]: Wrong graph!".format(i))
134def make_list_of_t(ts, check_graph=True, allow_graph=True, ignore_ops=False):
135  """Convert ts to a list of `tf.Tensor`.
137  Args:
138    ts: can be an iterable of `tf.Tensor`, a `tf.Graph` or a single tensor.
139    check_graph: if `True` check if all the tensors belong to the same graph.
140    allow_graph: if `False` a `tf.Graph` cannot be converted.
141    ignore_ops: if `True`, silently ignore `tf.Operation`.
142  Returns:
143    A newly created list of `tf.Tensor`.
144  Raises:
145    TypeError: if `ts` cannot be converted to a list of `tf.Tensor` or,
146     if `check_graph` is `True`, if all the ops do not belong to the same graph.
147  """
148  if isinstance(ts, ops.Graph):
149    if allow_graph:
150      return get_tensors(ts)
151    else:
152      raise TypeError("allow_graph is False: cannot convert a tf.Graph.")
153  else:
154    if not is_iterable(ts):
155      ts = [ts]
156    if not ts:
157      return []
158    if check_graph:
159      check_types = None if ignore_ops else ops.Tensor
160      get_unique_graph(ts, check_types=check_types)
161    return [t for t in ts if isinstance(t, ops.Tensor)]
164def get_generating_ops(ts):
165  """Return all the generating ops of the tensors in `ts`.
167  Args:
168    ts: a list of `tf.Tensor`
169  Returns:
170    A list of all the generating `tf.Operation` of the tensors in `ts`.
171  Raises:
172    TypeError: if `ts` cannot be converted to a list of `tf.Tensor`.
173  """
174  ts = make_list_of_t(ts, allow_graph=False)
175  return [t.op for t in ts]
178def get_consuming_ops(ts):
179  """Return all the consuming ops of the tensors in ts.
181  Args:
182    ts: a list of `tf.Tensor`
183  Returns:
184    A list of all the consuming `tf.Operation` of the tensors in `ts`.
185  Raises:
186    TypeError: if ts cannot be converted to a list of `tf.Tensor`.
187  """
188  ts = make_list_of_t(ts, allow_graph=False)
189  tops = []
190  for t in ts:
191    for op in t.consumers():
192      if op not in tops:
193        tops.append(op)
194  return tops
197def make_list_of_op(tops, check_graph=True, allow_graph=True, ignore_ts=False):
198  """Convert ops to a list of `tf.Operation`.
200  Args:
201    tops: can be an iterable of `tf.Operation`, a `tf.Graph` or a single
202      operation.
203    check_graph: if `True` check if all the operations belong to the same graph.
204    allow_graph: if `False` a `tf.Graph` cannot be converted.
205    ignore_ts: if True, silently ignore `tf.Tensor`.
206  Returns:
207    A newly created list of `tf.Operation`.
208  Raises:
209    TypeError: if tops cannot be converted to a list of `tf.Operation` or,
210     if `check_graph` is `True`, if all the ops do not belong to the
211     same graph.
212  """
213  if isinstance(tops, ops.Graph):
214    if allow_graph:
215      return tops.get_operations()
216    else:
217      raise TypeError("allow_graph is False: cannot convert a tf.Graph.")
218  else:
219    if not is_iterable(tops):
220      tops = [tops]
221    if not tops:
222      return []
223    if check_graph:
224      check_types = None if ignore_ts else ops.Operation
225      get_unique_graph(tops, check_types=check_types)
226    return [op for op in tops if isinstance(op, ops.Operation)]
229def _get_inputs(op, only_differentiable):
230  op_inputs = op.inputs
231  if only_differentiable:
232    return op_inputs if is_differentiable(op) else []
233  else:
234    return op_inputs
237def get_backward_walk_ops(seed_ops,
238                          inclusive=True,
239                          within_ops=None,
240                          within_ops_fn=None,
241                          stop_at_ts=(),
242                          control_inputs=False,
243                          only_differentiable=False):
244  """Do a backward graph walk and return all the visited ops.
246  Args:
247    seed_ops: an iterable of operations from which the backward graph
248      walk starts. If a list of tensors is given instead, the seed_ops are set
249      to be the generators of those tensors.
250    inclusive: if True the given seed_ops are also part of the resulting set.
251    within_ops: an iterable of `tf.Operation` within which the search is
252      restricted. If `within_ops` is `None`, the search is performed within
253      the whole graph.
254    within_ops_fn: if provided, a function on ops that should return True iff
255      the op is within the graph traversal. This can be used along within_ops,
256      in which case an op is within if it is also in within_ops.
257    stop_at_ts: an iterable of tensors at which the graph walk stops.
258    control_inputs: if True, control inputs will be used while moving backward.
259    only_differentiable: if True, only traverse ops which are differentiable.
260      This includes natively differentiable ops, or ops with custom gradients.
261  Returns:
262    A Python set of all the `tf.Operation` behind `seed_ops`.
263  Raises:
264    TypeError: if `seed_ops` or `within_ops` cannot be converted to a list of
265      `tf.Operation`.
266  """
267  control_inputs = control_inputs and (not only_differentiable)
269  if not is_iterable(seed_ops):
270    seed_ops = [seed_ops]
271  if not seed_ops:
272    return []
273  if isinstance(seed_ops[0], ops.Tensor):
274    ts = make_list_of_t(seed_ops, allow_graph=False)
275    seed_ops = get_generating_ops(ts)
276  else:
277    seed_ops = make_list_of_op(seed_ops, allow_graph=False)
279  stop_at_ts = object_identity.ObjectIdentitySet(make_list_of_t(stop_at_ts))
280  seed_ops = object_identity.ObjectIdentitySet(make_list_of_op(seed_ops))
281  if within_ops:
282    within_ops = make_list_of_op(within_ops, allow_graph=False)
283    within_ops = object_identity.ObjectIdentitySet(within_ops)
284    seed_ops &= within_ops
286  def is_within(op):
287    return (within_ops is None or op in within_ops) and (
288        within_ops_fn is None or within_ops_fn(op))
290  result = list(seed_ops)
291  wave = set(seed_ops)
292  while wave:
293    new_wave = set()
294    for op in wave:
295      for new_t in _get_inputs(op, only_differentiable=only_differentiable):
296        if new_t in stop_at_ts:
297          continue
298        if new_t.op not in result and is_within(new_t.op):
299          new_wave.add(new_t.op)
300      if control_inputs:
301        for new_op in op.control_inputs:
302          if new_op not in result and is_within(new_op):
303            new_wave.add(new_op)
304    concatenate_unique(result, new_wave)
305    wave = new_wave
306  if not inclusive:
307    result = [op for op in result if op not in seed_ops]
308  return result
311class UnliftableError(Exception):
312  """Raised if a Tensor cannot be lifted from the graph."""
314  # Prevent autograph from rewriting this error.
315  ag_pass_through = True
318def _as_operation(op_or_tensor):
319  if isinstance(op_or_tensor, ops.Tensor):
320    return op_or_tensor.op
321  return op_or_tensor
324def graph_inputs(op):
325  return [x.op for x in op.inputs] + list(op.control_inputs)
328def _path_from(from_op, tensor, sources):
329  """Find one path from `from_op` to `tensor`, ignoring `sources`.
331  Args:
332    from_op: A `tf.Operation`.
333    tensor: A `tf.Operation` or `tf.Tensor`.
334    sources: A list of `tf.Tensor`.
336  Returns:
337    A python string containing the path, or "??" if none is found.
338  """
339  if isinstance(from_op, ops.Tensor):
340    from_op = from_op.op
342  visited_ops = set(x.op for x in sources)
343  ops_to_visit = [_as_operation(tensor)]
344  some_op_output = {}
345  while ops_to_visit:
346    op = ops_to_visit.pop()
347    if op in visited_ops:
348      continue
349    visited_ops.add(op)
350    if op == from_op:
351      path_op = op
352      path = [path_op]
353      final_op = _as_operation(tensor)
354      while path_op != final_op:
355        path_op = some_op_output[path_op]
356        path.append(path_op)
357      return " <- ".join("%s (%s)" % (x.name, x.type) for x in reversed(path))
358    else:
359      for inp in graph_inputs(op):
360        if inp not in visited_ops and inp not in sources:
361          some_op_output[inp] = op
362          ops_to_visit.append(inp)
363  return "??"
366# TODO(jmenick) - there is considerable duplication of functionality between
367# this function and get_backward_walk_ops(). Need to deduplicate.
368def map_subgraph(init_tensor, sources, disallowed_placeholders, visited_ops,
369                 op_outputs, add_sources):
370  """Walk a Graph and capture the subgraph between init_tensor and sources.
372  Note: This function mutates visited_ops and op_outputs.
374  Args:
375    init_tensor:  A Tensor or Operation where the subgraph terminates.
376    sources:  A set of Tensors where subgraph extraction should stop.
377    disallowed_placeholders: An optional set of ops which may not appear in the
378      lifted graph. Defaults to all placeholders.
379    visited_ops: A set of operations which were visited in a prior pass.
380    op_outputs: A defaultdict containing the outputs of an op which are to be
381      copied into the new subgraph.
382    add_sources: A boolean indicating whether placeholders which are not in
383      sources should be allowed.
385  Returns:
386    The set of placeholders upon which init_tensor depends and are not in
387    sources.
389  Raises:
390    UnliftableError: if init_tensor depends on a placeholder which is not in
391      sources and add_sources is False.
392  """
393  ops_to_visit = [_as_operation(init_tensor)]
394  extra_sources = object_identity.ObjectIdentitySet()
395  while ops_to_visit:
396    op = ops_to_visit.pop()
397    if op in visited_ops:
398      continue
399    visited_ops.add(op)
401    should_raise = False
402    if disallowed_placeholders is not None and op in disallowed_placeholders:
403      should_raise = True
404    elif op.type == "Placeholder":
405      if disallowed_placeholders is None and not add_sources:
406        should_raise = True
407      extra_sources.update(op.outputs)
409    if should_raise:
410      raise UnliftableError(
411          "Unable to lift tensor %s because it depends transitively on "
412          "placeholder %s via at least one path, e.g.: %s"
413          % (repr(init_tensor), repr(op), _path_from(op, init_tensor, sources)))
414    for inp in graph_inputs(op):
415      op_outputs[inp].add(op)
416      if inp not in visited_ops and inp not in (sources or extra_sources):
417        ops_to_visit.append(inp)
419  return extra_sources