/external/javaparser/javaparser-core/src/main/javacc-support/com/github/javaparser/ |
D | GeneratedJavaParserTokenManagerBase.java | 1 package com.github.javaparser; 3 import com.github.javaparser.ast.comments.BlockComment; 4 import com.github.javaparser.ast.comments.Comment; 5 import com.github.javaparser.ast.comments.JavadocComment; 6 import com.github.javaparser.ast.comments.LineComment; 8 import static com.github.javaparser.GeneratedJavaParserConstants.*; 11 * Base class for {@link com.github.javaparser.GeneratedJavaParserTokenManager} 15 * Create a TokenRange that spans exactly one token 17 private static TokenRange tokenRange(Token token) { in tokenRange() argument 18 JavaToken javaToken = token.javaToken; in tokenRange() [all …]
D | GeneratedJavaParserBase.java | 1 package com.github.javaparser; 3 import com.github.javaparser.ast.ArrayCreationLevel; 4 import com.github.javaparser.ast.Node; 5 import com.github.javaparser.ast.NodeList; 6 import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.Parameter; 7 import com.github.javaparser.ast.comments.CommentsCollection; 8 import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.*; 9 import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.Statement; 10 import com.github.javaparser.ast.type.ArrayType; 11 import com.github.javaparser.ast.type.Type; [all …]
/external/llvm-project/llvm/utils/release/ |
D | github-upload-release.py | 2 # ===-- github-upload-release.py ------------------------------------------===# 6 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception 8 #===------------------------------------------------------------------------===# 10 # Create and manage releases in the llvm github project. 16 # You will need to obtain a personal access token for your github account in 18 # https://help.github.com/en/articles/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line 21 # ./github-upload-release.py --token $github_token --release 8.0.1-rc4 create 24 # ./github-upload-release.py --token $github_token --release 8.0.1-rc4 upload --files llvm-8.0.1rc4… 27 # ./github-upload-release.py --token $github_token --release 8.0.1-rc4 upload --files *.src.* 28 #===------------------------------------------------------------------------===# [all …]
/external/rust/crates/grpcio-sys/grpc/tools/release/ |
D | release_notes.py | 7 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 14 """Generate draft and release notes in Markdown from Github PRs. 16 You'll need a github API token to avoid being rate-limited. See 17 https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line/ 34 -- 35 …auto generated release notes. Previous releases notes are [here](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/rele… 37 …bels and make necessary corrections (like fixing the title) to the PR in Github. Final release not… 40 -- 43 - 47 - [all …]
/external/javaparser/javaparser-core/src/main/java/com/github/javaparser/printer/ |
D | ConcreteSyntaxModel.java | 2 * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Júlio Vilmar Gesser. 3 * Copyright (C) 2011, 2013-2016 The JavaParser Team. 22 package com.github.javaparser.printer; 24 import com.github.javaparser.GeneratedJavaParserConstants; 25 import com.github.javaparser.ast.*; 26 import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.*; 27 import com.github.javaparser.ast.comments.Comment; 28 import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.*; 29 import com.github.javaparser.ast.modules.*; 30 import com.github.javaparser.ast.observer.ObservableProperty; [all …]
/external/javaparser/javaparser-core-testing/src/test/java/com/github/javaparser/ |
D | JavaTokenTest.java | 2 * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Júlio Vilmar Gesser. 3 * Copyright (C) 2011, 2013-2016 The JavaParser Team. 22 package com.github.javaparser; 24 import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.Expression; 29 import static com.github.javaparser.GeneratedJavaParserConstants.*; 30 import static com.github.javaparser.JavaToken.Category.*; 31 import static com.github.javaparser.Providers.provider; 32 import static com.github.javaparser.Range.range; 51 …id assertToken(String image, Range range, int kind, JavaToken.Category category, JavaToken token) { in assertToken() argument 52 assertEquals(image, token.getText()); in assertToken() [all …]
D | TokenRangeTest.java | 1 package com.github.javaparser; 3 import com.github.javaparser.ast.CompilationUnit; 4 import com.github.javaparser.ast.Node; 9 import static com.github.javaparser.StaticJavaParser.parse; 23 …assertEquals("1,1-5/6,1-1/7,1-1/8,1-1/9,1-1/10,1-1/1,2-1/2,2-1/3,2-1/4,2-1/5,2-1/6,2-1/1,3-8/9,3-1… in renumberRangesWorks() 30 …assertEquals("1,1-5/6,1-4/10,1-2/1,2-1/2,2-1/3,2-1/4,2-1/5,2-1/1,3-1/2,3-1/3,3-1/4,3-1/5,3-1/6,3-1… in renumberRangesWorks() 34 * Make a compact String for comparing token range positions. 37 Optional<JavaToken> token = node.getTokenRange().map(TokenRange::getBegin); in makeRangesString() local 39 while (token.isPresent()) { in makeRangesString() 40 token = token.flatMap(t -> { in makeRangesString() [all …]
D | JavadocParserTest.java | 2 * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Júlio Vilmar Gesser. 3 * Copyright (C) 2011, 2013-2016 The JavaParser Team. 22 package com.github.javaparser; 24 import com.github.javaparser.javadoc.Javadoc; 25 import com.github.javaparser.javadoc.JavadocBlockTag; 26 import com.github.javaparser.javadoc.description.JavadocDescription; 30 import static com.github.javaparser.utils.Utils.EOL; 43 …new Javadoc(JavadocDescription.parseText("The line number of the first character of this Token.")), in parseSingleLineWithSpacing() 44 JavadocParser.parse(" The line number of the first character of this Token. ")); in parseSingleLineWithSpacing() 49 assertEquals(new Javadoc(JavadocDescription.parseText("The string image of the token.")), in parseSingleLineWithNewLines() [all …]
/external/javaparser/javaparser-core/src/main/java/com/github/javaparser/printer/lexicalpreservation/ |
D | TokenTextElement.java | 2 * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Júlio Vilmar Gesser. 3 * Copyright (C) 2011, 2013-2016 The JavaParser Team. 22 package com.github.javaparser.printer.lexicalpreservation; 24 import com.github.javaparser.JavaToken; 25 import com.github.javaparser.Range; 26 import com.github.javaparser.ast.Node; 31 private final JavaToken token; field in TokenTextElement 33 TokenTextElement(JavaToken token) { in TokenTextElement() argument 34 this.token = token; in TokenTextElement() 47 return token.getText(); in expand() [all …]
D | RemovedGroup.java | 1 package com.github.javaparser.printer.lexicalpreservation; 3 import com.github.javaparser.JavaToken; 4 import com.github.javaparser.TokenRange; 5 import com.github.javaparser.TokenTypes; 6 import com.github.javaparser.ast.Node; 7 import com.github.javaparser.printer.concretesyntaxmodel.CsmToken; 88 return indicesBeingRemoved.get(indicesBeingRemoved.size() - 1); in getLastElementIndex() 106 return removedList.get(removedList.size() - 1); in getLastElement() 115 …* " [Removed] [EOL]" -> this would be a complete line, regardless of spaces or tabs before or aft… 116 * " [Removed] void [EOL]" -> this would not be a complete line because of the "void" [all …]
D | LexicalPreservingPrinter.java | 2 * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Júlio Vilmar Gesser. 3 * Copyright (C) 2011, 2013-2016 The JavaParser Team. 22 package com.github.javaparser.printer.lexicalpreservation; 24 import com.github.javaparser.*; 25 import com.github.javaparser.ast.DataKey; 26 import com.github.javaparser.ast.Modifier; 27 import com.github.javaparser.ast.Node; 28 import com.github.javaparser.ast.NodeList; 29 import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.VariableDeclarator; 30 import com.github.javaparser.ast.comments.BlockComment; [all …]
/external/rust/crates/grpcio-sys/grpc/tools/github/ |
D | pr_latency.py | 8 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 17 You'll need a github API token to avoid being rate-limited. See 18 https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line/ 23 GitHub reports a PR's updated timestamp for any event that modifies the PR (e.g. 27 to a manual re-run of tests. 43 PRS = 'https://api.github.com/repos/grpc/grpc/pulls?state=open&per_page=100' 44 COMMITS = 'https://api.github.com/repos/grpc/grpc/pulls/{pr_number}/commits' 49 if TOKEN: 50 request.add_header('Authorization', 'token {}'.format(TOKEN)) 78 str(int((test_time - base_time).total_seconds())), [all …]
/external/grpc-grpc/tools/github/ |
D | pr_latency.py | 8 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 17 You'll need a github API token to avoid being rate-limited. See 18 https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line/ 23 GitHub reports a PR's updated timestamp for any event that modifies the PR (e.g. 27 to a manual re-run of tests. 43 PRS = 'https://api.github.com/repos/grpc/grpc/pulls?state=open&per_page=100' 44 COMMITS = 'https://api.github.com/repos/grpc/grpc/pulls/{pr_number}/commits' 49 if TOKEN: 50 request.add_header('Authorization', 'token {}'.format(TOKEN)) 78 str(int((test_time - base_time).total_seconds())), [all …]
/external/javaparser/javaparser-core/src/main/java/com/github/javaparser/printer/concretesyntaxmodel/ |
D | CsmElement.java | 2 * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Júlio Vilmar Gesser. 3 * Copyright (C) 2011, 2013-2016 The JavaParser Team. 22 package com.github.javaparser.printer.concretesyntaxmodel; 24 import com.github.javaparser.GeneratedJavaParserConstants; 25 import com.github.javaparser.ast.Node; 26 import com.github.javaparser.ast.observer.ObservableProperty; 27 import com.github.javaparser.printer.SourcePrinter; 32 import static com.github.javaparser.TokenTypes.*; 33 import static com.github.javaparser.utils.Utils.EOL; 67 static CsmElement token(int tokenType) { in token() method [all …]
D | CsmAttribute.java | 2 * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Júlio Vilmar Gesser. 3 * Copyright (C) 2011, 2013-2016 The JavaParser Team. 22 package com.github.javaparser.printer.concretesyntaxmodel; 24 import com.github.javaparser.GeneratedJavaParserConstants; 25 import com.github.javaparser.ast.Node; 26 import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.IntegerLiteralExpr; 27 import com.github.javaparser.ast.observer.ObservableProperty; 28 import com.github.javaparser.printer.SourcePrinter; 30 import static com.github.javaparser.utils.CodeGenerationUtils.f; 50 * Obtain the token type corresponding to the specific value of the attribute. [all …]
/external/rust/crates/grpcio-sys/grpc/tools/run_tests/python_utils/ |
D | check_on_pr.py | 7 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 26 _GITHUB_API_PREFIX = 'https://api.github.com' 55 url='https://api.github.com/app/installations/%s/access_tokens' 59 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.machine-man-preview+json', 64 'token': resp.json()['token'], 71 print("Fetch access token from Github API failed:") 73 if i != _ACCESS_TOKEN_FETCH_RETRIES - 1: 78 print("error: Unable to fetch access token, exiting...") 81 return _ACCESS_TOKEN_CACHE['token'] 89 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.antiope-preview+json', [all …]
/external/javaparser/javaparser-core/src/main/java/com/github/javaparser/ |
D | JavaToken.java | 2 * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Júlio Vilmar Gesser. 3 * Copyright (C) 2011, 2013-2016 The JavaParser Team. 21 package com.github.javaparser; 25 import static com.github.javaparser.utils.CodeGenerationUtils.f; 26 import static com.github.javaparser.utils.Utils.EOL; 27 import static com.github.javaparser.utils.Utils.assertNotNull; 28 import com.github.javaparser.ast.Generated; 31 * A token from a parsed source file. 32 * (Awkwardly named "Java"Token since JavaCC already generates an internal class Token.) 33 * It is a node in a double linked list called token list. [all …]
/external/rust/crates/syn/src/ |
D | ident.rs | 8 use crate::token::Token; 16 pub fn Ident(marker: lookahead::TokenMarker) -> Ident { in Ident() 21 fn accept_as_ident(ident: &Ident) -> bool { in accept_as_ident() 24 // Based on https://doc.rust-lang.org/grammar.html#keywords in accept_as_ident() 25 // and https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/2421-unreservations-2018.md in accept_as_ident() 26 // and https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/2420-unreserve-proc.md in accept_as_ident() 41 fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> { in parse() 54 impl Token for Ident { 55 fn peek(cursor: Cursor) -> bool { in peek() 63 fn display() -> &'static str { in display() [all …]
/external/rust/crates/mio/ |
D | README.md | 3 Mio is a fast, low-level I/O library for Rust focusing on non-blocking APIs and 7 [![Crates.io][crates-badge]][crates-url] 8 [![MIT licensed][mit-badge]][mit-url] 9 [![Build Status][azure-badge]][azure-url] 10 [![Build Status][cirrus-badge]][cirrus-url] 12 [crates-badge]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/mio.svg 13 [crates-url]: https://crates.io/crates/mio 14 [mit-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg 15 [mit-url]: LICENSE 16 [azure-badge]: https://dev.azure.com/tokio-rs/Tokio/_apis/build/status/tokio-rs.mio?branchName=mast… [all …]
/external/javaparser/javaparser-core/src/main/javacc/ |
D | java.jj | 2 * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Júlio Vilmar Gesser. 3 * Copyright (C) 2011, 2013-2016 The JavaParser Team. 32 * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Júlio Vilmar Gesser. 33 * Copyright (C) 2011, 2013-2016 The JavaParser Team. 51 package com.github.javaparser; 54 import com.github.javaparser.ast.*; 55 import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.*; 56 import com.github.javaparser.ast.comments.*; 57 import com.github.javaparser.ast.modules.*; 58 import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.*; [all …]
/external/javaparser/javaparser-core-serialization/src/main/java/com/github/javaparser/serialization/ |
D | JavaParserJsonSerializer.java | 2 * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Júlio Vilmar Gesser. 3 * Copyright (C) 2011, 2013-2018 The JavaParser Team. 21 package com.github.javaparser.serialization; 23 import com.github.javaparser.JavaToken; 24 import com.github.javaparser.Range; 25 import com.github.javaparser.TokenRange; 26 import com.github.javaparser.ast.Node; 27 import com.github.javaparser.ast.NodeList; 28 import com.github.javaparser.metamodel.BaseNodeMetaModel; 29 import com.github.javaparser.metamodel.JavaParserMetaModel; [all …]
/external/rust/crates/syn/ |
D | README.md | 4 …t="github" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/github-dtolnay/syn-8da0cb?style=for-the-badge&labelCo… 5 [<img alt="crates.io" src="https://img.shields.io/crates/v/syn.svg?style=for-the-badge&color=fc8d62… 6 [<img alt="docs.rs" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/docs.rs-syn-66c2a5?style=for-the-badge&labelC… 7 … src="https://img.shields.io/github/workflow/status/dtolnay/syn/CI/master?style=for-the-badge" hei… 15 - **Data structures** — Syn provides a complete syntax tree that can represent 21 - **Derives** — Of particular interest to derive macros is [`syn::DeriveInput`] 24 user-defined trait. 26 - **Parsing** — Parsing in Syn is built around [parser functions] with the 27 signature `fn(ParseStream) -> Result<T>`. Every syntax tree node defined by 32 - **Location information** — Every token parsed by Syn is associated with a [all …]
/external/opencensus-java/buildscripts/kokoro/ |
D | linux_presubmit.sh | 8 # This script assumes `set -e`. Removing it may lead to undefined behavior. 9 set -exu -o pipefail 11 # It would be nicer to use 'readlink -f' here but osx does not support it. 14 # cd to the root dir of opencensus-java 20 echo "- BUILD" 21 echo "- BUILD_EXAMPLES_BAZEL" 22 echo "- BUILD_EXAMPLES_GRADLE" 23 echo "- BUILD_EXAMPLES_MAVEN" 24 echo "- CHECKER_FRAMEWORK" 25 echo "- CHECK_EXAMPLES_FORMAT" [all …]
/external/grpc-grpc/tools/failures/ |
D | detect_new_failures.py | 8 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 37 GH_ISSUE_CREATION_URL = 'https://api.github.com/repos/grpc/grpc/issues' 38 GH_ISSUE_SEARCH_URL = 'https://api.github.com/search/issues' 44 assert TOKEN 45 request.add_header('Authorization', 'token {}'.format(TOKEN)) 47 request.add_header('Content-type', 'application/json') 87 body = '- Test: {}\n- Poll Strategy: {}\n- URL: {}'.format( 108 'Asignees? (comma-separated, leave blank for unassigned): ') 121 print("\t- Test: {}, Polling: {}, Timestamp: {}, url: {}".format( 145 query_job = big_query_utils.sync_query_job(bq, 'grpc-testing', query) [all …]
/external/boringssl/src/util/fipstools/acvp/acvptool/acvp/ |
D | acvp.go | 46 // AccessToken is the top-level access token for the current session. 140 arrayStart, err := decoder.Token() 186 if len(buf) == 0 || buf[len(buf)-1] != ']' { 189 buf = buf[:len(buf)-1] 212 arrayEnd, err := decoder.Token() 226 // expired returns true if the given JWT token has expired. 236 var token struct { 239 if json.Unmarshal(jsonBytes, &token) != nil { 242 return token.Expiry > 0 && token.Expiry < uint64(time.Now().Unix()) 246 for path, token := range server.PrefixTokens { [all …]