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1//===- VectorInterfaces.td - Vector interfaces -------------*- tablegen -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// Defines the interface for operations on vectors.
16include "mlir/IR/OpBase.td"
18def VectorUnrollOpInterface : OpInterface<"VectorUnrollOpInterface"> {
19  let description = [{
20    Encodes properties of an operation on vectors that can be unrolled.
21  }];
22  let cppNamespace = "::mlir";
24  let methods = [
25    InterfaceMethod<
26      /*desc=*/[{
27        Return the shape ratio of unrolling to the target vector shape
28        `targetShape`. Return `None` if the op cannot be unrolled to the target
29        vector shape.
30      }],
31      /*retTy=*/"Optional<SmallVector<int64_t, 4>>",
32      /*methodName=*/"getShapeForUnroll",
33      /*args=*/(ins),
34      /*methodBody=*/"",
35      /*defaultImplementation=*/[{
36        assert($_op->getNumResults() == 1);
37        auto vt = $_op.getResult().getType().
38          template dyn_cast<VectorType>();
39        if (!vt)
40          return None;
41        SmallVector<int64_t, 4> res(vt.getShape().begin(), vt.getShape().end());
42        return res;
43      }]
44    >,
45  ];
48def VectorTransferOpInterface : OpInterface<"VectorTransferOpInterface"> {
49  let description = [{
50    Encodes properties of an operation on vectors that can be unrolled.
51  }];
52  let cppNamespace = "::mlir";
54  let methods = [
55    StaticInterfaceMethod<
56      /*desc=*/"Return the `masked` attribute name.",
57      /*retTy=*/"StringRef",
58      /*methodName=*/"getMaskedAttrName",
59      /*args=*/(ins),
60      /*methodBody=*/"",
61      /*defaultImplementation=*/ [{ return "masked"; }]
62    >,
63    StaticInterfaceMethod<
64      /*desc=*/"Return the `permutation_map` attribute name.",
65      /*retTy=*/"StringRef",
66      /*methodName=*/"getPermutationMapAttrName",
67      /*args=*/(ins),
68      /*methodBody=*/"",
69      /*defaultImplementation=*/ [{ return "permutation_map"; }]
70    >,
71    InterfaceMethod<
72      /*desc=*/[{
73      Return `false` when the `masked` attribute at dimension
74      `dim` is set to `false`. Return `true` otherwise.}],
75      /*retTy=*/"bool",
76      /*methodName=*/"isMaskedDim",
77      /*args=*/(ins "unsigned":$dim),
78      /*methodBody=*/"",
79      /*defaultImplementation=*/[{
80        return !$_op.masked() ||
81          $_op.masked()->template cast<ArrayAttr>()[dim]
82                        .template cast<BoolAttr>().getValue();
83      }]
84    >,
85    InterfaceMethod<
86      /*desc=*/"Return the memref operand.",
87      /*retTy=*/"Value",
88      /*methodName=*/"memref",
89      /*args=*/(ins),
90      /*methodBody=*/"return $_op.memref();"
91      /*defaultImplementation=*/
92    >,
93    InterfaceMethod<
94      /*desc=*/"Return the vector operand or result.",
95      /*retTy=*/"Value",
96      /*methodName=*/"vector",
97      /*args=*/(ins),
98      /*methodBody=*/"return $_op.vector();"
99      /*defaultImplementation=*/
100    >,
101    InterfaceMethod<
102      /*desc=*/"Return the indices operands.",
103      /*retTy=*/"ValueRange",
104      /*methodName=*/"indices",
105      /*args=*/(ins),
106      /*methodBody=*/"return $_op.indices();"
107      /*defaultImplementation=*/
108    >,
109    InterfaceMethod<
110      /*desc=*/"Return the permutation map.",
111      /*retTy=*/"AffineMap",
112      /*methodName=*/"permutation_map",
113      /*args=*/(ins),
114      /*methodBody=*/"return $_op.permutation_map();"
115      /*defaultImplementation=*/
116    >,
117    InterfaceMethod<
118      /*desc=*/"Return the `masked` boolean ArrayAttr.",
119      /*retTy=*/"Optional<ArrayAttr>",
120      /*methodName=*/"masked",
121      /*args=*/(ins),
122      /*methodBody=*/"return $_op.masked();"
123      /*defaultImplementation=*/
124    >,
125    InterfaceMethod<
126      /*desc=*/"Return the MemRefType.",
127      /*retTy=*/"MemRefType",
128      /*methodName=*/"getMemRefType",
129      /*args=*/(ins),
130      /*methodBody=*/"",
131      /*defaultImplementation=*/
132        "return $_op.memref().getType().template cast<MemRefType>();"
133    >,
134    InterfaceMethod<
135      /*desc=*/"Return the VectorType.",
136      /*retTy=*/"VectorType",
137      /*methodName=*/"getVectorType",
138      /*args=*/(ins),
139      /*methodBody=*/"",
140      /*defaultImplementation=*/[{
141        return $_op.vector().getType().template dyn_cast<VectorType>();
142        }]
143    >,
144    InterfaceMethod<
145      /*desc=*/[{ Return the number of dimensions that participate in the
146                  permutation map.}],
147      /*retTy=*/"unsigned",
148      /*methodName=*/"getTransferRank",
149      /*args=*/(ins),
150      /*methodBody=*/"",
151      /*defaultImplementation=*/
152        "return $_op.permutation_map().getNumResults();"
153    >,
154    InterfaceMethod<
155      /*desc=*/[{ Return the number of leading memref dimensions that do not
156                  participate in the permutation map.}],
157      /*retTy=*/"unsigned",
158      /*methodName=*/"getLeadingMemRefRank",
159      /*args=*/(ins),
160      /*methodBody=*/"",
161      /*defaultImplementation=*/
162        "return $_op.getMemRefType().getRank() - $_op.getTransferRank();"
163    >,
164    InterfaceMethod<
165      /*desc=*/[{ Returns true if at least one of the dimensions is masked.}],
166      /*retTy=*/"bool",
167      /*methodName=*/"hasMaskedDim",
168      /*args=*/(ins),
169      /*methodBody=*/"",
170      /*defaultImplementation=*/[{
171        for (unsigned idx = 0, e = $_op.getTransferRank(); idx < e; ++idx)
172          if ($_op.isMaskedDim(idx))
173            return true;
174        return false;
175      }]
176    >,
177    InterfaceMethod<
178      /*desc=*/[{
179      Helper function to account for the fact that `permutationMap` results and
180      `op.indices` sizes may not match and may not be aligned. The first
181      `getLeadingMemRefRank()` indices may just be indexed and not transferred
182      from/into the vector.
183      For example:
184      ```
185         vector.transfer %0[%i, %j, %k, %c0] :
186           memref<?x?x?x?xf32>, vector<2x4xf32>
187      ```
188      with `permutation_map = (d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d2, d3)`.
189      Provide a zip function to coiterate on 2 running indices: `resultIdx` and
190      `indicesIdx` which accounts for this misalignment.
191      }],
192      /*retTy=*/"void",
193      /*methodName=*/"zipResultAndIndexing",
194      /*args=*/(ins "llvm::function_ref<void(int64_t, int64_t)>":$fun),
195      /*methodBody=*/"",
196      /*defaultImplementation=*/[{
197        for (int64_t resultIdx = 0,
198                   indicesIdx = $_op.getLeadingMemRefRank(),
199                   eResult = $_op.getTransferRank();
200           resultIdx < eResult;
201           ++resultIdx, ++indicesIdx)
202        fun(resultIdx, indicesIdx);
203      }]
204    >,
205  ];