1 struct cpuinfo_mock_file filesystem[] = { 2 { 3 .path = "/proc/cpuinfo", 4 .size = 1025, 5 .content = 6 "Processor\t: AArch64 Processor rev 1 (aarch64)\n" 7 "processor\t: 0\n" 8 "min_vddcx\t: 400000\n" 9 "min_vddmx\t: 490000\n" 10 "BogoMIPS\t: 38.00\n" 11 "Features\t: fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32\n" 12 "CPU implementer\t: 0x51\n" 13 "CPU architecture: 8\n" 14 "CPU variant\t: 0x2\n" 15 "CPU part\t: 0x201\n" 16 "CPU revision\t: 1\n" 17 "\n" 18 "processor\t: 1\n" 19 "min_vddcx\t: 400000\n" 20 "min_vddmx\t: 490000\n" 21 "BogoMIPS\t: 38.00\n" 22 "Features\t: fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32\n" 23 "CPU implementer\t: 0x51\n" 24 "CPU architecture: 8\n" 25 "CPU variant\t: 0x2\n" 26 "CPU part\t: 0x201\n" 27 "CPU revision\t: 1\n" 28 "\n" 29 "processor\t: 2\n" 30 "min_vddcx\t: 400000\n" 31 "min_vddmx\t: 490000\n" 32 "BogoMIPS\t: 38.00\n" 33 "Features\t: fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32\n" 34 "CPU implementer\t: 0x51\n" 35 "CPU architecture: 8\n" 36 "CPU variant\t: 0x2\n" 37 "CPU part\t: 0x205\n" 38 "CPU revision\t: 1\n" 39 "\n" 40 "processor\t: 3\n" 41 "min_vddcx\t: 400000\n" 42 "min_vddmx\t: 490000\n" 43 "BogoMIPS\t: 38.00\n" 44 "Features\t: fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32\n" 45 "CPU implementer\t: 0x51\n" 46 "CPU architecture: 8\n" 47 "CPU variant\t: 0x2\n" 48 "CPU part\t: 0x205\n" 49 "CPU revision\t: 1\n" 50 "\n" 51 "CPU param\t: 267 434 434 633 958 308 436 436 636 1078 \n" 52 "Hardware\t: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc MSM8996pro\n", 53 }, 54 { 55 .path = "/system/build.prop", 56 .size = 5155, 57 .content = 58 "\n" 59 "# begin build properties\n" 60 "# autogenerated by buildinfo.sh\n" 61 "ro.build.id=NOF26V\n" 62 "ro.build.display.id=NOF26V\n" 63 "ro.build.version.incremental=3636322\n" 64 "ro.build.version.sdk=25\n" 65 "ro.build.version.preview_sdk=0\n" 66 "ro.build.version.codename=REL\n" 67 "ro.build.version.all_codenames=REL\n" 68 "ro.build.version.release=7.1.1\n" 69 "ro.build.version.security_patch=2017-02-05\n" 70 "ro.build.version.base_os=\n" 71 "ro.build.date=Fri Jan 13 03:24:11 UTC 2017\n" 72 "ro.build.date.utc=1484277851\n" 73 "ro.build.type=user\n" 74 "ro.build.user=android-build\n" 75 "ro.build.host=wpix7.hot.corp.google.com\n" 76 "ro.build.tags=release-keys\n" 77 "ro.build.flavor=marlin-user\n" 78 "ro.build.system_root_image=true\n" 79 "ro.build.ab_update=true\n" 80 "ro.product.model=Pixel XL\n" 81 "ro.product.brand=google\n" 82 "ro.product.name=marlin\n" 83 "ro.product.device=marlin\n" 84 "ro.product.board=marlin\n" 85 "# ro.product.cpu.abi and ro.product.cpu.abi2 are obsolete,\n" 86 "# use ro.product.cpu.abilist instead.\n" 87 "ro.product.cpu.abi=arm64-v8a\n" 88 "ro.product.cpu.abilist=arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,armeabi\n" 89 "ro.product.cpu.abilist32=armeabi-v7a,armeabi\n" 90 "ro.product.cpu.abilist64=arm64-v8a\n" 91 "ro.product.manufacturer=Google\n" 92 "ro.product.locale=en-US\n" 93 "ro.wifi.channels=\n" 94 "ro.board.platform=msm8996\n" 95 "# ro.build.product is obsolete; use ro.product.device\n" 96 "ro.build.product=marlin\n" 97 "# Do not try to parse description, fingerprint, or thumbprint\n" 98 "ro.build.description=marlin-user 7.1.1 NOF26V 3636322 release-keys\n" 99 "ro.build.fingerprint=google/marlin/marlin:7.1.1/NOF26V/3636322:user/release-keys\n" 100 "ro.build.characteristics=nosdcard\n" 101 "# end build properties\n" 102 "\n" 103 "#\n" 104 "# ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES\n" 105 "#\n" 106 "ro.product.first_api_level=24\n" 107 "dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit=256m\n" 108 "ro.telephony.default_cdma_sub=0\n" 109 "dalvik.vm.heapstartsize=8m\n" 110 "dalvik.vm.heapsize=512m\n" 111 "dalvik.vm.heaptargetutilization=0.75\n" 112 "dalvik.vm.heapminfree=512k\n" 113 "dalvik.vm.heapmaxfree=8m\n" 114 "ro.vendor.extension_library=libqti-perfd-client.so\n" 115 "persist.radio.apm_sim_not_pwdn=1\n" 116 "persist.radio.sib16_support=1\n" 117 "persist.radio.custom_ecc=1\n" 118 "ro.opengles.version=196610\n" 119 "ro.hwui.gradient_cache_size=1\n" 120 "ro.hwui.drop_shadow_cache_size=6\n" 121 "ro.hwui.r_buffer_cache_size=8\n" 122 "ro.hwui.texture_cache_flushrate=0.4\n" 123 "ro.hwui.text_small_cache_width=1024\n" 124 "ro.hwui.text_small_cache_height=1024\n" 125 "ro.hwui.text_large_cache_width=2048\n" 126 "ro.hwui.text_large_cache_height=1024\n" 127 "ro.qc.sdk.audio.fluencetype=fluencepro\n" 128 "persist.audio.fluence.voicecall=true\n" 129 "persist.audio.fluence.speaker=true\n" 130 "persist.audio.fluence.voicecomm=true\n" 131 "persist.audio.fluence.voicerec=false\n" 132 "af.fast_track_multiplier=1\n" 133 "audio_hal.period_size=192\n" 134 "persist.camera.gyro.android=4\n" 135 "persist.camera.tof.direct=1\n" 136 "persist.camera.tnr.preview=1\n" 137 "persist.camera.tnr.video=1\n" 138 "qcom.bluetooth.soc=rome\n" 139 "persist.cne.feature=1\n" 140 "persist.radio.data_ltd_sys_ind=1\n" 141 "persist.radio.is_wps_enabled=true\n" 142 "persist.radio.RATE_ADAPT_ENABLE=1\n" 143 "persist.radio.ROTATION_ENABLE=1\n" 144 "persist.radio.sw_mbn_update=1\n" 145 "persist.radio.videopause.mode=1\n" 146 "persist.radio.VT_ENABLE=1\n" 147 "persist.radio.VT_HYBRID_ENABLE=1\n" 148 "persist.radio.data_con_rprt=true\n" 149 "persist.rcs.supported=1\n" 150 "rild.libpath=/vendor/lib64/libril-qc-qmi-1.so\n" 151 "persist.data.mode=concurrent\n" 152 "persist.radio.snapshot_enabled=1\n" 153 "persist.radio.snapshot_timer=3\n" 154 "persist.data.iwlan.enable=true\n" 155 "ro.telephony.default_network=10\n" 156 "telephony.lteOnCdmaDevice=1\n" 157 "persist.camera.eis.enable=1\n" 158 "persist.camera.is_type=4\n" 159 "persist.sys.ssr.restart_level=venus,AR6320,slpi,modem,adsp\n" 160 "ro.bt.bdaddr_path=/sys/module/bdaddress/parameters/bdaddress\n" 161 "ro.cp_system_other_odex=1\n" 162 "ro.camera.notify_nfc=1\n" 163 "ro.frp.pst=/dev/block/platform/soc/624000.ufshc/by-name/frp\n" 164 "sdm.debug.disable_rotator_split=1\n" 165 "qdcm.only_pcc_for_trans=1\n" 166 "qdcm.diagonal_matrix_mode=1\n" 167 "vidc.debug.perf.mode=2\n" 168 "ro.crypto.scrypt_params=13:3:1\n" 169 "debug.sf.disable_hwc_vds=1\n" 170 "audio.adm.buffering.ms=3\n" 171 "ro.sf.lcd_density=560\n" 172 "ro.config.vc_call_vol_steps=7\n" 173 "ro.hwui.texture_cache_size=72\n" 174 "ro.hwui.layer_cache_size=48\n" 175 "ro.hwui.path_cache_size=32\n" 176 "ro.hardware.fingerprint=fpc\n" 177 "ro.config.ringtone=Zen.ogg\n" 178 "ro.config.notification_sound=Chime.ogg\n" 179 "ro.config.alarm_alert=Flow.ogg\n" 180 "ro.com.android.dataroaming=false\n" 181 "ro.url.legal=http://www.google.com/intl/%s/mobile/android/basic/phone-legal.html\n" 182 "ro.url.legal.android_privacy=http://www.google.com/intl/%s/mobile/android/basic/privacy.html\n" 183 "ro.com.google.clientidbase=android-google\n" 184 "ro.carrier=unknown\n" 185 "ro.com.android.wifi-watchlist=GoogleGuest\n" 186 "ro.error.receiver.system.apps=com.google.android.gms\n" 187 "ro.setupwizard.enterprise_mode=1\n" 188 "ro.atrace.core.services=com.google.android.gms,com.google.android.gms.ui,com.google.android.gms.persistent\n" 189 "ro.retaildemo.video_path=/data/preloads/demo/retail_demo.mp4\n" 190 "ro.com.android.prov_mobiledata=false\n" 191 "keyguard.no_require_sim=true\n" 192 "drm.service.enabled=true\n" 193 "media.mediadrmservice.enable=true\n" 194 "ro.setupwizard.rotation_locked=true\n" 195 "ro.opa.eligible_device=true\n" 196 "ro.facelock.black_timeout=700\n" 197 "ro.facelock.det_timeout=2500\n" 198 "ro.facelock.rec_timeout=3500\n" 199 "ro.facelock.est_max_time=600\n" 200 "ro.wallpapers_loc_request_suw=true\n" 201 "ro.com.google.ime.theme_id=5\n" 202 "ro.storage_manager.enabled=true\n" 203 "persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib.2=libart.so\n" 204 "dalvik.vm.isa.arm64.variant=generic\n" 205 "dalvik.vm.isa.arm64.features=default\n" 206 "dalvik.vm.isa.arm.variant=krait\n" 207 "dalvik.vm.isa.arm.features=default\n" 208 "net.bt.name=Android\n" 209 "dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file=/data/anr/traces.txt\n" 210 "ro.build.expect.bootloader=8996-012001-1611091517\n" 211 "ro.build.expect.baseband=8996-012511-1611190200\n" 212 "\n", 213 }, 214 { 215 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/kernel_max", 216 .size = 2, 217 .content = "3\n", 218 }, 219 { 220 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/possible", 221 .size = 4, 222 .content = "0-3\n", 223 }, 224 { 225 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/present", 226 .size = 4, 227 .content = "0-3\n", 228 }, 229 { 230 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/online", 231 .size = 4, 232 .content = "0-3\n", 233 }, 234 { 235 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/offline", 236 .size = 1, 237 .content = "\n", 238 }, 239 { 240 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/modalias", 241 .size = 66, 242 .content = "cpu:type:aarch64:feature:,0000,0001,0002,0003,0004,0005,0006,0007\n", 243 }, 244 { 245 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/all_time_in_state", 246 .size = 31, 247 .content = "freq\t\tcpu0\t\tcpu1\t\tcpu2\t\tcpu3\t\t\n", 248 }, 249 { 250 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/current_in_state", 251 .size = 492, 252 .content = 253 "CPU2:307200=0 384000=0 460800=0 537600=0 614400=0 691200=0 748800=0 825600=0 902400=0 979200=0 1056000=0 1132800=0 1209600=0 1286400=0 1363200=0 1440000=0 1516800=0 1593600=0 1670400=0 1747200=0 1824000=0 1900800=0 1977600=0 2054400=0 2150400=0 \n" 254 "CPU3:307200=0 384000=0 460800=0 537600=0 614400=0 691200=0 748800=0 825600=0 902400=0 979200=0 1056000=0 1132800=0 1209600=0 1286400=0 1363200=0 1440000=0 1516800=0 1593600=0 1670400=0 1747200=0 1824000=0 1900800=0 1977600=0 2054400=0 2150400=0 \n", 255 }, 256 { 257 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuidle/current_driver", 258 .size = 9, 259 .content = "msm_idle\n", 260 }, 261 { 262 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuidle/current_governor_ro", 263 .size = 5, 264 .content = "qcom\n", 265 }, 266 { 267 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/affected_cpus", 268 .size = 4, 269 .content = "0 1\n", 270 }, 271 { 272 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq", 273 .size = 8, 274 .content = "1593600\n", 275 }, 276 { 277 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_min_freq", 278 .size = 7, 279 .content = "307200\n", 280 }, 281 { 282 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_transition_latency", 283 .size = 2, 284 .content = "0\n", 285 }, 286 { 287 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/related_cpus", 288 .size = 4, 289 .content = "0 1\n", 290 }, 291 { 292 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies", 293 .size = 135, 294 .content = "307200 384000 460800 537600 614400 691200 768000 844800 902400 979200 1056000 1132800 1209600 1286400 1363200 1440000 1516800 1593600 \n", 295 }, 296 { 297 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors", 298 .size = 73, 299 .content = "interactive conservative ondemand userspace powersave performance sched \n", 300 }, 301 { 302 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq", 303 .size = 7, 304 .content = "537600\n", 305 }, 306 { 307 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_driver", 308 .size = 4, 309 .content = "msm\n", 310 }, 311 { 312 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor", 313 .size = 6, 314 .content = "sched\n", 315 }, 316 { 317 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq", 318 .size = 7, 319 .content = "307200\n", 320 }, 321 { 322 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state", 323 .size = 199, 324 .content = 325 "307200 253\n" 326 "384000 179\n" 327 "460800 168\n" 328 "537600 144\n" 329 "614400 156\n" 330 "691200 123\n" 331 "768000 121\n" 332 "844800 60\n" 333 "902400 67\n" 334 "979200 111\n" 335 "1056000 60\n" 336 "1132800 196\n" 337 "1209600 59\n" 338 "1286400 68\n" 339 "1363200 70\n" 340 "1440000 65\n" 341 "1516800 45\n" 342 "1593600 1033\n", 343 }, 344 { 345 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/total_trans", 346 .size = 4, 347 .content = "684\n", 348 }, 349 { 350 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/topology/physical_package_id", 351 .size = 2, 352 .content = "0\n", 353 }, 354 { 355 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/topology/core_siblings_list", 356 .size = 4, 357 .content = "0-1\n", 358 }, 359 { 360 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/topology/core_siblings", 361 .size = 2, 362 .content = "3\n", 363 }, 364 { 365 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/topology/core_id", 366 .size = 2, 367 .content = "0\n", 368 }, 369 { 370 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/topology/thread_siblings_list", 371 .size = 2, 372 .content = "0\n", 373 }, 374 { 375 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/topology/thread_siblings", 376 .size = 2, 377 .content = "1\n", 378 }, 379 { 380 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/affected_cpus", 381 .size = 4, 382 .content = "0 1\n", 383 }, 384 { 385 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq", 386 .size = 8, 387 .content = "1593600\n", 388 }, 389 { 390 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/cpuinfo_min_freq", 391 .size = 7, 392 .content = "307200\n", 393 }, 394 { 395 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/cpuinfo_transition_latency", 396 .size = 2, 397 .content = "0\n", 398 }, 399 { 400 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/related_cpus", 401 .size = 4, 402 .content = "0 1\n", 403 }, 404 { 405 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies", 406 .size = 135, 407 .content = "307200 384000 460800 537600 614400 691200 768000 844800 902400 979200 1056000 1132800 1209600 1286400 1363200 1440000 1516800 1593600 \n", 408 }, 409 { 410 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors", 411 .size = 73, 412 .content = "interactive conservative ondemand userspace powersave performance sched \n", 413 }, 414 { 415 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq", 416 .size = 7, 417 .content = "307200\n", 418 }, 419 { 420 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_driver", 421 .size = 4, 422 .content = "msm\n", 423 }, 424 { 425 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_governor", 426 .size = 6, 427 .content = "sched\n", 428 }, 429 { 430 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq", 431 .size = 7, 432 .content = "307200\n", 433 }, 434 { 435 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state", 436 .size = 199, 437 .content = 438 "307200 363\n" 439 "384000 268\n" 440 "460800 255\n" 441 "537600 169\n" 442 "614400 192\n" 443 "691200 129\n" 444 "768000 126\n" 445 "844800 65\n" 446 "902400 67\n" 447 "979200 111\n" 448 "1056000 60\n" 449 "1132800 196\n" 450 "1209600 59\n" 451 "1286400 68\n" 452 "1363200 70\n" 453 "1440000 65\n" 454 "1516800 45\n" 455 "1593600 1033\n", 456 }, 457 { 458 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/stats/total_trans", 459 .size = 4, 460 .content = "770\n", 461 }, 462 { 463 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/topology/physical_package_id", 464 .size = 2, 465 .content = "0\n", 466 }, 467 { 468 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/topology/core_siblings_list", 469 .size = 4, 470 .content = "0-1\n", 471 }, 472 { 473 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/topology/core_siblings", 474 .size = 2, 475 .content = "3\n", 476 }, 477 { 478 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/topology/core_id", 479 .size = 2, 480 .content = "1\n", 481 }, 482 { 483 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/topology/thread_siblings_list", 484 .size = 2, 485 .content = "1\n", 486 }, 487 { 488 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/topology/thread_siblings", 489 .size = 2, 490 .content = "2\n", 491 }, 492 { 493 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/affected_cpus", 494 .size = 4, 495 .content = "2 3\n", 496 }, 497 { 498 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq", 499 .size = 8, 500 .content = "2150400\n", 501 }, 502 { 503 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/cpuinfo_min_freq", 504 .size = 7, 505 .content = "307200\n", 506 }, 507 { 508 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/cpuinfo_transition_latency", 509 .size = 2, 510 .content = "0\n", 511 }, 512 { 513 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/related_cpus", 514 .size = 4, 515 .content = "2 3\n", 516 }, 517 { 518 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies", 519 .size = 191, 520 .content = "307200 384000 460800 537600 614400 691200 748800 825600 902400 979200 1056000 1132800 1209600 1286400 1363200 1440000 1516800 1593600 1670400 1747200 1824000 1900800 1977600 2054400 2150400 \n", 521 }, 522 { 523 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors", 524 .size = 73, 525 .content = "interactive conservative ondemand userspace powersave performance sched \n", 526 }, 527 { 528 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq", 529 .size = 7, 530 .content = "307200\n", 531 }, 532 { 533 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/scaling_driver", 534 .size = 4, 535 .content = "msm\n", 536 }, 537 { 538 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/scaling_governor", 539 .size = 6, 540 .content = "sched\n", 541 }, 542 { 543 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq", 544 .size = 8, 545 .content = "2150400\n", 546 }, 547 { 548 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq", 549 .size = 7, 550 .content = "307200\n", 551 }, 552 { 553 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state", 554 .size = 273, 555 .content = 556 "307200 803\n" 557 "384000 39\n" 558 "460800 172\n" 559 "537600 209\n" 560 "614400 104\n" 561 "691200 154\n" 562 "748800 62\n" 563 "825600 66\n" 564 "902400 56\n" 565 "979200 68\n" 566 "1056000 59\n" 567 "1132800 168\n" 568 "1209600 77\n" 569 "1286400 54\n" 570 "1363200 55\n" 571 "1440000 50\n" 572 "1516800 64\n" 573 "1593600 48\n" 574 "1670400 41\n" 575 "1747200 57\n" 576 "1824000 46\n" 577 "1900800 36\n" 578 "1977600 21\n" 579 "2054400 55\n" 580 "2150400 1146\n", 581 }, 582 { 583 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/stats/total_trans", 584 .size = 4, 585 .content = "593\n", 586 }, 587 { 588 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/topology/physical_package_id", 589 .size = 2, 590 .content = "1\n", 591 }, 592 { 593 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/topology/core_siblings_list", 594 .size = 4, 595 .content = "2-3\n", 596 }, 597 { 598 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/topology/core_siblings", 599 .size = 2, 600 .content = "c\n", 601 }, 602 { 603 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/topology/core_id", 604 .size = 2, 605 .content = "0\n", 606 }, 607 { 608 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/topology/thread_siblings_list", 609 .size = 2, 610 .content = "2\n", 611 }, 612 { 613 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/topology/thread_siblings", 614 .size = 2, 615 .content = "4\n", 616 }, 617 { 618 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/affected_cpus", 619 .size = 4, 620 .content = "2 3\n", 621 }, 622 { 623 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq", 624 .size = 8, 625 .content = "2150400\n", 626 }, 627 { 628 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/cpuinfo_min_freq", 629 .size = 7, 630 .content = "307200\n", 631 }, 632 { 633 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/cpuinfo_transition_latency", 634 .size = 2, 635 .content = "0\n", 636 }, 637 { 638 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/related_cpus", 639 .size = 4, 640 .content = "2 3\n", 641 }, 642 { 643 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies", 644 .size = 191, 645 .content = "307200 384000 460800 537600 614400 691200 748800 825600 902400 979200 1056000 1132800 1209600 1286400 1363200 1440000 1516800 1593600 1670400 1747200 1824000 1900800 1977600 2054400 2150400 \n", 646 }, 647 { 648 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors", 649 .size = 73, 650 .content = "interactive conservative ondemand userspace powersave performance sched \n", 651 }, 652 { 653 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq", 654 .size = 7, 655 .content = "537600\n", 656 }, 657 { 658 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/scaling_driver", 659 .size = 4, 660 .content = "msm\n", 661 }, 662 { 663 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/scaling_governor", 664 .size = 6, 665 .content = "sched\n", 666 }, 667 { 668 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq", 669 .size = 8, 670 .content = "2150400\n", 671 }, 672 { 673 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq", 674 .size = 7, 675 .content = "307200\n", 676 }, 677 { 678 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state", 679 .size = 273, 680 .content = 681 "307200 806\n" 682 "384000 40\n" 683 "460800 174\n" 684 "537600 224\n" 685 "614400 110\n" 686 "691200 164\n" 687 "748800 78\n" 688 "825600 68\n" 689 "902400 61\n" 690 "979200 78\n" 691 "1056000 64\n" 692 "1132800 178\n" 693 "1209600 82\n" 694 "1286400 65\n" 695 "1363200 60\n" 696 "1440000 61\n" 697 "1516800 74\n" 698 "1593600 49\n" 699 "1670400 47\n" 700 "1747200 57\n" 701 "1824000 56\n" 702 "1900800 41\n" 703 "1977600 26\n" 704 "2054400 70\n" 705 "2150400 1290\n", 706 }, 707 { 708 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/stats/total_trans", 709 .size = 4, 710 .content = "677\n", 711 }, 712 { 713 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/topology/physical_package_id", 714 .size = 2, 715 .content = "1\n", 716 }, 717 { 718 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/topology/core_siblings_list", 719 .size = 4, 720 .content = "2-3\n", 721 }, 722 { 723 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/topology/core_siblings", 724 .size = 2, 725 .content = "c\n", 726 }, 727 { 728 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/topology/core_id", 729 .size = 2, 730 .content = "1\n", 731 }, 732 { 733 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/topology/thread_siblings_list", 734 .size = 2, 735 .content = "3\n", 736 }, 737 { 738 .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/topology/thread_siblings", 739 .size = 2, 740 .content = "8\n", 741 }, 742 { NULL }, 743 }; 744 745 #ifdef __ANDROID__ 746 struct cpuinfo_mock_property properties[] = { 747 { 748 .key = "af.fast_track_multiplier", 749 .value = "1", 750 }, 751 { 752 .key = "audio.adm.buffering.ms", 753 .value = "3", 754 }, 755 { 756 .key = "audio_hal.period_size", 757 .value = "192", 758 }, 759 { 760 .key = "dalvik.vm.appimageformat", 761 .value = "lz4", 762 }, 763 { 764 .key = "dalvik.vm.dex2oat-Xms", 765 .value = "64m", 766 }, 767 { 768 .key = "dalvik.vm.dex2oat-Xmx", 769 .value = "512m", 770 }, 771 { 772 .key = "dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit", 773 .value = "256m", 774 }, 775 { 776 .key = "dalvik.vm.heapmaxfree", 777 .value = "8m", 778 }, 779 { 780 .key = "dalvik.vm.heapminfree", 781 .value = "512k", 782 }, 783 { 784 .key = "dalvik.vm.heapsize", 785 .value = "512m", 786 }, 787 { 788 .key = "dalvik.vm.heapstartsize", 789 .value = "8m", 790 }, 791 { 792 .key = "dalvik.vm.heaptargetutilization", 793 .value = "0.75", 794 }, 795 { 796 .key = "dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-Xms", 797 .value = "64m", 798 }, 799 { 800 .key = "dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-Xmx", 801 .value = "64m", 802 }, 803 { 804 .key = "dalvik.vm.isa.arm.features", 805 .value = "default", 806 }, 807 { 808 .key = "dalvik.vm.isa.arm.variant", 809 .value = "krait", 810 }, 811 { 812 .key = "dalvik.vm.isa.arm64.features", 813 .value = "default", 814 }, 815 { 816 .key = "dalvik.vm.isa.arm64.variant", 817 .value = "generic", 818 }, 819 { 820 .key = "dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file", 821 .value = "/data/anr/traces.txt", 822 }, 823 { 824 .key = "dalvik.vm.usejit", 825 .value = "true", 826 }, 827 { 828 .key = "dalvik.vm.usejitprofiles", 829 .value = "true", 830 }, 831 { 832 .key = "debug.atrace.tags.enableflags", 833 .value = "0", 834 }, 835 { 836 .key = "debug.force_rtl", 837 .value = "0", 838 }, 839 { 840 .key = "debug.sf.disable_hwc_vds", 841 .value = "1", 842 }, 843 { 844 .key = "dev.bootcomplete", 845 .value = "1", 846 }, 847 { 848 .key = "drm.service.enabled", 849 .value = "true", 850 }, 851 { 852 .key = "gsm.current.phone-type", 853 .value = "1", 854 }, 855 { 856 .key = "gsm.network.type", 857 .value = "Unknown", 858 }, 859 { 860 .key = "gsm.operator.alpha", 861 .value = "", 862 }, 863 { 864 .key = "gsm.operator.iso-country", 865 .value = "", 866 }, 867 { 868 .key = "gsm.operator.isroaming", 869 .value = "false", 870 }, 871 { 872 .key = "gsm.operator.numeric", 873 .value = "", 874 }, 875 { 876 .key = "gsm.sim.operator.alpha", 877 .value = "", 878 }, 879 { 880 .key = "gsm.sim.operator.iso-country", 881 .value = "", 882 }, 883 { 884 .key = "gsm.sim.operator.numeric", 885 .value = "", 886 }, 887 { 888 .key = "gsm.sim.state", 889 .value = "ABSENT", 890 }, 891 { 892 .key = "gsm.version.baseband", 893 .value = "8996-012511-1611190200", 894 }, 895 { 896 .key = "gsm.version.ril-impl", 897 .value = "Qualcomm RIL 1.0", 898 }, 899 { 900 .key = "htc.camera.sensor.front_SN", 901 .value = "000000004200AB23", 902 }, 903 { 904 .key = "htc.camera.sensor.inf", 905 .value = "-210", 906 }, 907 { 908 .key = "init.svc.adbd", 909 .value = "running", 910 }, 911 { 912 .key = "init.svc.adsprpcd", 913 .value = "running", 914 }, 915 { 916 .key = "init.svc.audioserver", 917 .value = "running", 918 }, 919 { 920 .key = "init.svc.bootanim", 921 .value = "stopped", 922 }, 923 { 924 .key = "init.svc.cameraserver", 925 .value = "running", 926 }, 927 { 928 .key = "init.svc.cnd", 929 .value = "running", 930 }, 931 { 932 .key = "init.svc.cnss-daemon", 933 .value = "running", 934 }, 935 { 936 .key = "init.svc.cnss_diag", 937 .value = "stopped", 938 }, 939 { 940 .key = "init.svc.debuggerd", 941 .value = "running", 942 }, 943 { 944 .key = "init.svc.debuggerd64", 945 .value = "running", 946 }, 947 { 948 .key = "init.svc.drm", 949 .value = "running", 950 }, 951 { 952 .key = "init.svc.fingerprintd", 953 .value = "running", 954 }, 955 { 956 .key = "init.svc.flash-nanohub-fw", 957 .value = "stopped", 958 }, 959 { 960 .key = "init.svc.gatekeeperd", 961 .value = "running", 962 }, 963 { 964 .key = "init.svc.healthd", 965 .value = "running", 966 }, 967 { 968 .key = "init.svc.imsdatadaemon", 969 .value = "running", 970 }, 971 { 972 .key = "init.svc.imsqmidaemon", 973 .value = "running", 974 }, 975 { 976 .key = "init.svc.init-radio-sh", 977 .value = "stopped", 978 }, 979 { 980 .key = "init.svc.installd", 981 .value = "running", 982 }, 983 { 984 .key = "init.svc.irsc_util", 985 .value = "stopped", 986 }, 987 { 988 .key = "init.svc.keystore", 989 .value = "running", 990 }, 991 { 992 .key = "init.svc.lmkd", 993 .value = "running", 994 }, 995 { 996 .key = "init.svc.loc_launcher", 997 .value = "running", 998 }, 999 { 1000 .key = "init.svc.logd", 1001 .value = "running", 1002 }, 1003 { 1004 .key = "init.svc.logd-reinit", 1005 .value = "stopped", 1006 }, 1007 { 1008 .key = "init.svc.media", 1009 .value = "running", 1010 }, 1011 { 1012 .key = "init.svc.mediacodec", 1013 .value = "running", 1014 }, 1015 { 1016 .key = "init.svc.mediadrm", 1017 .value = "running", 1018 }, 1019 { 1020 .key = "init.svc.mediaextractor", 1021 .value = "running", 1022 }, 1023 { 1024 .key = "init.svc.msm_irqbalance", 1025 .value = "running", 1026 }, 1027 { 1028 .key = "init.svc.nanohub_slpi", 1029 .value = "running", 1030 }, 1031 { 1032 .key = "init.svc.netd", 1033 .value = "running", 1034 }, 1035 { 1036 .key = "init.svc.netmgrd", 1037 .value = "running", 1038 }, 1039 { 1040 .key = "init.svc.p2p_supplicant", 1041 .value = "running", 1042 }, 1043 { 1044 .key = "init.svc.per_mgr", 1045 .value = "running", 1046 }, 1047 { 1048 .key = "init.svc.per_proxy", 1049 .value = "running", 1050 }, 1051 { 1052 .key = "init.svc.perfd", 1053 .value = "running", 1054 }, 1055 { 1056 .key = "init.svc.port-bridge", 1057 .value = "running", 1058 }, 1059 { 1060 .key = "init.svc.qseecomd", 1061 .value = "running", 1062 }, 1063 { 1064 .key = "init.svc.ril-daemon", 1065 .value = "running", 1066 }, 1067 { 1068 .key = "init.svc.rmt_storage", 1069 .value = "running", 1070 }, 1071 { 1072 .key = "init.svc.servicemanager", 1073 .value = "running", 1074 }, 1075 { 1076 .key = "init.svc.ssr_setup", 1077 .value = "stopped", 1078 }, 1079 { 1080 .key = "init.svc.start_hci_filter", 1081 .value = "running", 1082 }, 1083 { 1084 .key = "init.svc.surfaceflinger", 1085 .value = "running", 1086 }, 1087 { 1088 .key = "init.svc.thermal-engine", 1089 .value = "running", 1090 }, 1091 { 1092 .key = "init.svc.time_daemon", 1093 .value = "running", 1094 }, 1095 { 1096 .key = "init.svc.ueventd", 1097 .value = "running", 1098 }, 1099 { 1100 .key = "init.svc.update_engine", 1101 .value = "running", 1102 }, 1103 { 1104 .key = "init.svc.vold", 1105 .value = "running", 1106 }, 1107 { 1108 .key = "init.svc.zygote", 1109 .value = "running", 1110 }, 1111 { 1112 .key = "init.svc.zygote_secondary", 1113 .value = "running", 1114 }, 1115 { 1116 .key = "keyguard.no_require_sim", 1117 .value = "true", 1118 }, 1119 { 1120 .key = "media.mediadrmservice.enable", 1121 .value = "true", 1122 }, 1123 { 1124 .key = "net.bt.name", 1125 .value = "Android", 1126 }, 1127 { 1128 .key = "net.change", 1129 .value = "net.lte.ims.data.enabled", 1130 }, 1131 { 1132 .key = "net.hostname", 1133 .value = "android-9c055742859f692", 1134 }, 1135 { 1136 .key = "net.lte.ims.data.enabled", 1137 .value = "true", 1138 }, 1139 { 1140 .key = "net.qtaguid_enabled", 1141 .value = "1", 1142 }, 1143 { 1144 .key = "net.tcp.2g_init_rwnd", 1145 .value = "10", 1146 }, 1147 { 1148 .key = "net.tcp.buffersize.default", 1149 .value = "4096,87380,524288,4096,16384,110208", 1150 }, 1151 { 1152 .key = "net.tcp.buffersize.edge", 1153 .value = "4093,26280,35040,4096,16384,35040", 1154 }, 1155 { 1156 .key = "net.tcp.buffersize.evdo", 1157 .value = "4094,87380,524288,4096,16384,262144", 1158 }, 1159 { 1160 .key = "net.tcp.buffersize.gprs", 1161 .value = "4092,8760,11680,4096,8760,11680", 1162 }, 1163 { 1164 .key = "net.tcp.buffersize.hsdpa", 1165 .value = "4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608", 1166 }, 1167 { 1168 .key = "net.tcp.buffersize.hspa", 1169 .value = "4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608", 1170 }, 1171 { 1172 .key = "net.tcp.buffersize.hspap", 1173 .value = "4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608", 1174 }, 1175 { 1176 .key = "net.tcp.buffersize.hsupa", 1177 .value = "4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608", 1178 }, 1179 { 1180 .key = "net.tcp.buffersize.lte", 1181 .value = "2097152,4194304,8388608,262144,524288,1048576", 1182 }, 1183 { 1184 .key = "net.tcp.buffersize.umts", 1185 .value = "4094,87380,110208,4096,16384,110208", 1186 }, 1187 { 1188 .key = "net.tcp.buffersize.wifi", 1189 .value = "524288,2097152,4194304,262144,524288,1048576", 1190 }, 1191 { 1192 .key = "net.tcp.default_init_rwnd", 1193 .value = "60", 1194 }, 1195 { 1196 .key = "partition.system.verified", 1197 .value = "2", 1198 }, 1199 { 1200 .key = "partition.vendor.verified", 1201 .value = "2", 1202 }, 1203 { 1204 .key = "persist.audio.fluence.speaker", 1205 .value = "true", 1206 }, 1207 { 1208 .key = "persist.audio.fluence.voicecall", 1209 .value = "true", 1210 }, 1211 { 1212 .key = "persist.audio.fluence.voicecomm", 1213 .value = "true", 1214 }, 1215 { 1216 .key = "persist.audio.fluence.voicerec", 1217 .value = "false", 1218 }, 1219 { 1220 .key = "persist.camera.debug.logfile", 1221 .value = "0", 1222 }, 1223 { 1224 .key = "persist.camera.eis.enable", 1225 .value = "1", 1226 }, 1227 { 1228 .key = "persist.camera.gyro.android", 1229 .value = "4", 1230 }, 1231 { 1232 .key = "persist.camera.is_type", 1233 .value = "4", 1234 }, 1235 { 1236 .key = "persist.camera.tnr.preview", 1237 .value = "1", 1238 }, 1239 { 1240 .key = "persist.camera.tnr.video", 1241 .value = "1", 1242 }, 1243 { 1244 .key = "persist.camera.tof.direct", 1245 .value = "1", 1246 }, 1247 { 1248 .key = "persist.cne.feature", 1249 .value = "1", 1250 }, 1251 { 1252 .key = "persist.data.iwlan.enable", 1253 .value = "true", 1254 }, 1255 { 1256 .key = "persist.data.mode", 1257 .value = "concurrent", 1258 }, 1259 { 1260 .key = "persist.radio.RATE_ADAPT_ENABLE", 1261 .value = "1", 1262 }, 1263 { 1264 .key = "persist.radio.ROTATION_ENABLE", 1265 .value = "1", 1266 }, 1267 { 1268 .key = "persist.radio.VT_ENABLE", 1269 .value = "1", 1270 }, 1271 { 1272 .key = "persist.radio.VT_HYBRID_ENABLE", 1273 .value = "1", 1274 }, 1275 { 1276 .key = "persist.radio.adb_log_on", 1277 .value = "0", 1278 }, 1279 { 1280 .key = "persist.radio.apm_sim_not_pwdn", 1281 .value = "1", 1282 }, 1283 { 1284 .key = "persist.radio.custom_ecc", 1285 .value = "1", 1286 }, 1287 { 1288 .key = "persist.radio.data_con_rprt", 1289 .value = "true", 1290 }, 1291 { 1292 .key = "persist.radio.data_ltd_sys_ind", 1293 .value = "1", 1294 }, 1295 { 1296 .key = "persist.radio.eons.enabled", 1297 .value = "false", 1298 }, 1299 { 1300 .key = "persist.radio.is_wps_enabled", 1301 .value = "true", 1302 }, 1303 { 1304 .key = "persist.radio.ril_payload_on", 1305 .value = "0", 1306 }, 1307 { 1308 .key = "persist.radio.sglte_target", 1309 .value = "0", 1310 }, 1311 { 1312 .key = "persist.radio.sib16_support", 1313 .value = "1", 1314 }, 1315 { 1316 .key = "persist.radio.snapshot_enabled", 1317 .value = "1", 1318 }, 1319 { 1320 .key = "persist.radio.snapshot_timer", 1321 .value = "3", 1322 }, 1323 { 1324 .key = "persist.radio.sw_mbn_loaded", 1325 .value = "1", 1326 }, 1327 { 1328 .key = "persist.radio.sw_mbn_update", 1329 .value = "1", 1330 }, 1331 { 1332 .key = "persist.radio.ver_info", 1333 .value = "8996-012511-1611190200", 1334 }, 1335 { 1336 .key = "persist.radio.videopause.mode", 1337 .value = "1", 1338 }, 1339 { 1340 .key = "persist.rcs.supported", 1341 .value = "1", 1342 }, 1343 { 1344 .key = "persist.sys.cnd.iwlan", 1345 .value = "1", 1346 }, 1347 { 1348 .key = "persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib.2", 1349 .value = "libart.so", 1350 }, 1351 { 1352 .key = "persist.sys.locale", 1353 .value = "en-US", 1354 }, 1355 { 1356 .key = "persist.sys.profiler_ms", 1357 .value = "0", 1358 }, 1359 { 1360 .key = "persist.sys.ssr.restart_level", 1361 .value = "venus,AR6320,slpi,modem,adsp", 1362 }, 1363 { 1364 .key = "persist.sys.timezone", 1365 .value = "America/Los_Angeles", 1366 }, 1367 { 1368 .key = "persist.sys.usb.config", 1369 .value = "mtp,adb", 1370 }, 1371 { 1372 .key = "persist.sys.webview.vmsize", 1373 .value = "116905264", 1374 }, 1375 { 1376 .key = "pm.dexopt.ab-ota", 1377 .value = "speed-profile", 1378 }, 1379 { 1380 .key = "pm.dexopt.bg-dexopt", 1381 .value = "speed-profile", 1382 }, 1383 { 1384 .key = "pm.dexopt.boot", 1385 .value = "verify-profile", 1386 }, 1387 { 1388 .key = "pm.dexopt.core-app", 1389 .value = "speed", 1390 }, 1391 { 1392 .key = "pm.dexopt.first-boot", 1393 .value = "interpret-only", 1394 }, 1395 { 1396 .key = "pm.dexopt.forced-dexopt", 1397 .value = "speed", 1398 }, 1399 { 1400 .key = "pm.dexopt.install", 1401 .value = "interpret-only", 1402 }, 1403 { 1404 .key = "pm.dexopt.nsys-library", 1405 .value = "speed", 1406 }, 1407 { 1408 .key = "pm.dexopt.shared-apk", 1409 .value = "speed", 1410 }, 1411 { 1412 .key = "qcom.bluetooth.soc", 1413 .value = "rome", 1414 }, 1415 { 1416 .key = "qdcm.diagonal_matrix_mode", 1417 .value = "1", 1418 }, 1419 { 1420 .key = "qdcm.only_pcc_for_trans", 1421 .value = "1", 1422 }, 1423 { 1424 .key = "ril.ecclist", 1425 .value = "911,*911,#911,112,000,08,110,999,118,119", 1426 }, 1427 { 1428 .key = "ril.qcril_pre_init_lock_held", 1429 .value = "0", 1430 }, 1431 { 1432 .key = "rild.libpath", 1433 .value = "/vendor/lib64/libril-qc-qmi-1.so", 1434 }, 1435 { 1436 .key = "ro.adb.secure", 1437 .value = "1", 1438 }, 1439 { 1440 .key = "ro.allow.mock.location", 1441 .value = "0", 1442 }, 1443 { 1444 .key = "ro.atrace.core.services", 1445 .value = "com.google.android.gms,com.google.android.gms.ui,com.google.android.gms.persistent", 1446 }, 1447 { 1448 .key = "ro.baseband", 1449 .value = "msm", 1450 }, 1451 { 1452 .key = "ro.bluetooth.dun", 1453 .value = "true", 1454 }, 1455 { 1456 .key = "ro.bluetooth.hfp.ver", 1457 .value = "1.6", 1458 }, 1459 { 1460 .key = "ro.bluetooth.sap", 1461 .value = "true", 1462 }, 1463 { 1464 .key = "ro.board.platform", 1465 .value = "msm8996", 1466 }, 1467 { 1468 .key = "ro.boot.authorized_kernel", 1469 .value = "true", 1470 }, 1471 { 1472 .key = "ro.boot.baseband", 1473 .value = "msm", 1474 }, 1475 { 1476 .key = "ro.boot.bootdevice", 1477 .value = "624000.ufshc", 1478 }, 1479 { 1480 .key = "ro.boot.bootloader", 1481 .value = "8996-012001-1611091517", 1482 }, 1483 { 1484 .key = "ro.boot.bootreason", 1485 .value = "reboot", 1486 }, 1487 { 1488 .key = "ro.boot.cid", 1489 .value = "11111111", 1490 }, 1491 { 1492 .key = "ro.boot.console", 1493 .value = "ttyHSL0", 1494 }, 1495 { 1496 .key = "ro.boot.ddrinfo", 1497 .value = "00000006", 1498 }, 1499 { 1500 .key = "ro.boot.ddrsize", 1501 .value = "4GB", 1502 }, 1503 { 1504 .key = "ro.boot.flash.locked", 1505 .value = "1", 1506 }, 1507 { 1508 .key = "ro.boot.fp_src", 1509 .value = "1", 1510 }, 1511 { 1512 .key = "ro.boot.hardware", 1513 .value = "marlin", 1514 }, 1515 { 1516 .key = "ro.boot.hardware.color", 1517 .value = "GRA00", 1518 }, 1519 { 1520 .key = "ro.boot.hardware.ddr", 1521 .value = "4096MB,Hynix,LPDDR4", 1522 }, 1523 { 1524 .key = "ro.boot.hardware.revision", 1525 .value = "PVT", 1526 }, 1527 { 1528 .key = "ro.boot.hardware.ufs", 1529 .value = "128GB,Toshiba", 1530 }, 1531 { 1532 .key = "ro.boot.htc.hrdump", 1533 .value = "detected", 1534 }, 1535 { 1536 .key = "ro.boot.keymaster", 1537 .value = "1", 1538 }, 1539 { 1540 .key = "ro.boot.msm.hw_ver_id", 1541 .value = "268824801", 1542 }, 1543 { 1544 .key = "ro.boot.oem_unlock_support", 1545 .value = "1", 1546 }, 1547 { 1548 .key = "ro.boot.qf.st", 1549 .value = "2", 1550 }, 1551 { 1552 .key = "ro.boot.ramdump.opt", 1553 .value = "mem@2g:2g,mem@4g:2g", 1554 }, 1555 { 1556 .key = "ro.boot.ramdump_enable", 1557 .value = "0", 1558 }, 1559 { 1560 .key = "ro.boot.serialno", 1561 .value = "HT74C0200006", 1562 }, 1563 { 1564 .key = "ro.boot.slot_suffix", 1565 .value = "_a", 1566 }, 1567 { 1568 .key = "ro.boot.verifiedbootstate", 1569 .value = "green", 1570 }, 1571 { 1572 .key = "ro.boot.veritymode", 1573 .value = "enforcing", 1574 }, 1575 { 1576 .key = "ro.boot.wificountrycode", 1577 .value = "US", 1578 }, 1579 { 1580 .key = "ro.bootimage.build.date", 1581 .value = "Fri Jan 13 03:24:11 UTC 2017", 1582 }, 1583 { 1584 .key = "ro.bootimage.build.date.utc", 1585 .value = "1484277851", 1586 }, 1587 { 1588 .key = "ro.bootimage.build.fingerprint", 1589 .value = "google/marlin/marlin:7.1.1/NOF26V/3636322:user/release-keys", 1590 }, 1591 { 1592 .key = "ro.bootloader", 1593 .value = "8996-012001-1611091517", 1594 }, 1595 { 1596 .key = "ro.bootmode", 1597 .value = "unknown", 1598 }, 1599 { 1600 .key = "ro.bt.bdaddr_path", 1601 .value = "/sys/module/bdaddress/parameters/bdaddress", 1602 }, 1603 { 1604 .key = "ro.build.ab_update", 1605 .value = "true", 1606 }, 1607 { 1608 .key = "ro.build.characteristics", 1609 .value = "nosdcard", 1610 }, 1611 { 1612 .key = "ro.build.date", 1613 .value = "Fri Jan 13 03:24:11 UTC 2017", 1614 }, 1615 { 1616 .key = "ro.build.date.utc", 1617 .value = "1484277851", 1618 }, 1619 { 1620 .key = "ro.build.description", 1621 .value = "marlin-user 7.1.1 NOF26V 3636322 release-keys", 1622 }, 1623 { 1624 .key = "ro.build.display.id", 1625 .value = "NOF26V", 1626 }, 1627 { 1628 .key = "ro.build.expect.baseband", 1629 .value = "8996-012511-1611190200", 1630 }, 1631 { 1632 .key = "ro.build.expect.bootloader", 1633 .value = "8996-012001-1611091517", 1634 }, 1635 { 1636 .key = "ro.build.fingerprint", 1637 .value = "google/marlin/marlin:7.1.1/NOF26V/3636322:user/release-keys", 1638 }, 1639 { 1640 .key = "ro.build.flavor", 1641 .value = "marlin-user", 1642 }, 1643 { 1644 .key = "ro.build.host", 1645 .value = "wpix7.hot.corp.google.com", 1646 }, 1647 { 1648 .key = "ro.build.id", 1649 .value = "NOF26V", 1650 }, 1651 { 1652 .key = "ro.build.product", 1653 .value = "marlin", 1654 }, 1655 { 1656 .key = "ro.build.system_root_image", 1657 .value = "true", 1658 }, 1659 { 1660 .key = "ro.build.tags", 1661 .value = "release-keys", 1662 }, 1663 { 1664 .key = "ro.build.type", 1665 .value = "user", 1666 }, 1667 { 1668 .key = "ro.build.user", 1669 .value = "android-build", 1670 }, 1671 { 1672 .key = "ro.build.version.all_codenames", 1673 .value = "REL", 1674 }, 1675 { 1676 .key = "ro.build.version.base_os", 1677 .value = "", 1678 }, 1679 { 1680 .key = "ro.build.version.codename", 1681 .value = "REL", 1682 }, 1683 { 1684 .key = "ro.build.version.incremental", 1685 .value = "3636322", 1686 }, 1687 { 1688 .key = "ro.build.version.preview_sdk", 1689 .value = "0", 1690 }, 1691 { 1692 .key = "ro.build.version.release", 1693 .value = "7.1.1", 1694 }, 1695 { 1696 .key = "ro.build.version.sdk", 1697 .value = "25", 1698 }, 1699 { 1700 .key = "ro.build.version.security_patch", 1701 .value = "2017-02-05", 1702 }, 1703 { 1704 .key = "ro.camera.notify_nfc", 1705 .value = "1", 1706 }, 1707 { 1708 .key = "ro.carrier", 1709 .value = "unknown", 1710 }, 1711 { 1712 .key = "ro.com.android.dataroaming", 1713 .value = "false", 1714 }, 1715 { 1716 .key = "ro.com.android.prov_mobiledata", 1717 .value = "false", 1718 }, 1719 { 1720 .key = "ro.com.android.wifi-watchlist", 1721 .value = "GoogleGuest", 1722 }, 1723 { 1724 .key = "ro.com.google.clientidbase", 1725 .value = "android-google", 1726 }, 1727 { 1728 .key = "ro.com.google.ime.theme_id", 1729 .value = "5", 1730 }, 1731 { 1732 .key = "ro.config.alarm_alert", 1733 .value = "Flow.ogg", 1734 }, 1735 { 1736 .key = "ro.config.notification_sound", 1737 .value = "Chime.ogg", 1738 }, 1739 { 1740 .key = "ro.config.ringtone", 1741 .value = "Zen.ogg", 1742 }, 1743 { 1744 .key = "ro.config.vc_call_vol_steps", 1745 .value = "7", 1746 }, 1747 { 1748 .key = "ro.cp_system_other_odex", 1749 .value = "1", 1750 }, 1751 { 1752 .key = "ro.crypto.scrypt_params", 1753 .value = "13:3:1", 1754 }, 1755 { 1756 .key = "ro.crypto.state", 1757 .value = "encrypted", 1758 }, 1759 { 1760 .key = "ro.crypto.type", 1761 .value = "file", 1762 }, 1763 { 1764 .key = "ro.dalvik.vm.native.bridge", 1765 .value = "0", 1766 }, 1767 { 1768 .key = "ro.debuggable", 1769 .value = "0", 1770 }, 1771 { 1772 .key = "ro.error.receiver.system.apps", 1773 .value = "com.google.android.gms", 1774 }, 1775 { 1776 .key = "ro.facelock.black_timeout", 1777 .value = "700", 1778 }, 1779 { 1780 .key = "ro.facelock.det_timeout", 1781 .value = "2500", 1782 }, 1783 { 1784 .key = "ro.facelock.est_max_time", 1785 .value = "600", 1786 }, 1787 { 1788 .key = "ro.facelock.rec_timeout", 1789 .value = "3500", 1790 }, 1791 { 1792 .key = "ro.frp.pst", 1793 .value = "/dev/block/platform/soc/624000.ufshc/by-name/frp", 1794 }, 1795 { 1796 .key = "ro.hardware", 1797 .value = "marlin", 1798 }, 1799 { 1800 .key = "ro.hardware.fingerprint", 1801 .value = "fpc", 1802 }, 1803 { 1804 .key = "ro.hwui.drop_shadow_cache_size", 1805 .value = "6", 1806 }, 1807 { 1808 .key = "ro.hwui.gradient_cache_size", 1809 .value = "1", 1810 }, 1811 { 1812 .key = "ro.hwui.layer_cache_size", 1813 .value = "48", 1814 }, 1815 { 1816 .key = "ro.hwui.path_cache_size", 1817 .value = "32", 1818 }, 1819 { 1820 .key = "ro.hwui.r_buffer_cache_size", 1821 .value = "8", 1822 }, 1823 { 1824 .key = "ro.hwui.text_large_cache_height", 1825 .value = "1024", 1826 }, 1827 { 1828 .key = "ro.hwui.text_large_cache_width", 1829 .value = "2048", 1830 }, 1831 { 1832 .key = "ro.hwui.text_small_cache_height", 1833 .value = "1024", 1834 }, 1835 { 1836 .key = "ro.hwui.text_small_cache_width", 1837 .value = "1024", 1838 }, 1839 { 1840 .key = "ro.hwui.texture_cache_flushrate", 1841 .value = "0.4", 1842 }, 1843 { 1844 .key = "ro.hwui.texture_cache_size", 1845 .value = "72", 1846 }, 1847 { 1848 .key = "ro.min_freq_0", 1849 .value = "384000", 1850 }, 1851 { 1852 .key = "ro.oem_unlock_supported", 1853 .value = "1", 1854 }, 1855 { 1856 .key = "ro.opa.eligible_device", 1857 .value = "true", 1858 }, 1859 { 1860 .key = "ro.opengles.version", 1861 .value = "196610", 1862 }, 1863 { 1864 .key = "ro.product.board", 1865 .value = "marlin", 1866 }, 1867 { 1868 .key = "ro.product.brand", 1869 .value = "google", 1870 }, 1871 { 1872 .key = "ro.product.cpu.abi", 1873 .value = "arm64-v8a", 1874 }, 1875 { 1876 .key = "ro.product.cpu.abilist", 1877 .value = "arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,armeabi", 1878 }, 1879 { 1880 .key = "ro.product.cpu.abilist32", 1881 .value = "armeabi-v7a,armeabi", 1882 }, 1883 { 1884 .key = "ro.product.cpu.abilist64", 1885 .value = "arm64-v8a", 1886 }, 1887 { 1888 .key = "ro.product.device", 1889 .value = "marlin", 1890 }, 1891 { 1892 .key = "ro.product.first_api_level", 1893 .value = "24", 1894 }, 1895 { 1896 .key = "ro.product.locale", 1897 .value = "en-US", 1898 }, 1899 { 1900 .key = "ro.product.manufacturer", 1901 .value = "Google", 1902 }, 1903 { 1904 .key = "ro.product.model", 1905 .value = "Pixel XL", 1906 }, 1907 { 1908 .key = "ro.product.name", 1909 .value = "marlin", 1910 }, 1911 { 1912 .key = "ro.qc.sdk.audio.fluencetype", 1913 .value = "fluencepro", 1914 }, 1915 { 1916 .key = "ro.qualcomm.bluetooth.ftp", 1917 .value = "true", 1918 }, 1919 { 1920 .key = "ro.qualcomm.bluetooth.hfp", 1921 .value = "true", 1922 }, 1923 { 1924 .key = "ro.qualcomm.bluetooth.hsp", 1925 .value = "true", 1926 }, 1927 { 1928 .key = "ro.qualcomm.bluetooth.map", 1929 .value = "true", 1930 }, 1931 { 1932 .key = "ro.qualcomm.bluetooth.nap", 1933 .value = "true", 1934 }, 1935 { 1936 .key = "ro.qualcomm.bluetooth.opp", 1937 .value = "true", 1938 }, 1939 { 1940 .key = "ro.qualcomm.bluetooth.pbap", 1941 .value = "true", 1942 }, 1943 { 1944 .key = "ro.retaildemo.video_path", 1945 .value = "/data/preloads/demo/retail_demo.mp4", 1946 }, 1947 { 1948 .key = "ro.revision", 1949 .value = "0", 1950 }, 1951 { 1952 .key = "ro.ril.svdo", 1953 .value = "false", 1954 }, 1955 { 1956 .key = "ro.ril.svlte1x", 1957 .value = "false", 1958 }, 1959 { 1960 .key = "ro.secure", 1961 .value = "1", 1962 }, 1963 { 1964 .key = "ro.serialno", 1965 .value = "HT74C0200006", 1966 }, 1967 { 1968 .key = "ro.setupwizard.enterprise_mode", 1969 .value = "1", 1970 }, 1971 { 1972 .key = "ro.setupwizard.rotation_locked", 1973 .value = "true", 1974 }, 1975 { 1976 .key = "ro.sf.lcd_density", 1977 .value = "560", 1978 }, 1979 { 1980 .key = "ro.storage_manager.enabled", 1981 .value = "true", 1982 }, 1983 { 1984 .key = "ro.telephony.call_ring.multiple", 1985 .value = "false", 1986 }, 1987 { 1988 .key = "ro.telephony.default_cdma_sub", 1989 .value = "0", 1990 }, 1991 { 1992 .key = "ro.telephony.default_network", 1993 .value = "10", 1994 }, 1995 { 1996 .key = "ro.url.legal", 1997 .value = "http://www.google.com/intl/%s/mobile/android/basic/phone-legal.html", 1998 }, 1999 { 2000 .key = "ro.url.legal.android_privacy", 2001 .value = "http://www.google.com/intl/%s/mobile/android/basic/privacy.html", 2002 }, 2003 { 2004 .key = "ro.vendor.build.date", 2005 .value = "Fri Jan 13 03:24:11 UTC 2017", 2006 }, 2007 { 2008 .key = "ro.vendor.build.date.utc", 2009 .value = "1484277851", 2010 }, 2011 { 2012 .key = "ro.vendor.build.fingerprint", 2013 .value = "google/marlin/marlin:7.1.1/NOF26V/3636322:user/release-keys", 2014 }, 2015 { 2016 .key = "ro.vendor.extension_library", 2017 .value = "libqti-perfd-client.so", 2018 }, 2019 { 2020 .key = "ro.wallpapers_loc_request_suw", 2021 .value = "true", 2022 }, 2023 { 2024 .key = "ro.wifi.channels", 2025 .value = "", 2026 }, 2027 { 2028 .key = "ro.zygote", 2029 .value = "zygote64_32", 2030 }, 2031 { 2032 .key = "sdm.debug.disable_rotator_split", 2033 .value = "1", 2034 }, 2035 { 2036 .key = "security.perf_harden", 2037 .value = "1", 2038 }, 2039 { 2040 .key = "selinux.reload_policy", 2041 .value = "1", 2042 }, 2043 { 2044 .key = "selinux.restorecon_recursive", 2045 .value = "/data/misc_ce/0", 2046 }, 2047 { 2048 .key = "service.bootanim.exit", 2049 .value = "1", 2050 }, 2051 { 2052 .key = "sys.boot_completed", 2053 .value = "1", 2054 }, 2055 { 2056 .key = "sys.ims.QMI_DAEMON_STATUS", 2057 .value = "1", 2058 }, 2059 { 2060 .key = "sys.keymaster.loaded", 2061 .value = "true", 2062 }, 2063 { 2064 .key = "sys.listeners.registered", 2065 .value = "true", 2066 }, 2067 { 2068 .key = "sys.oem_unlock_allowed", 2069 .value = "0", 2070 }, 2071 { 2072 .key = "sys.sysctl.extra_free_kbytes", 2073 .value = "43200", 2074 }, 2075 { 2076 .key = "sys.usb.config", 2077 .value = "mtp,adb", 2078 }, 2079 { 2080 .key = "sys.usb.configfs", 2081 .value = "0", 2082 }, 2083 { 2084 .key = "sys.usb.ffs.ready", 2085 .value = "1", 2086 }, 2087 { 2088 .key = "sys.usb.rps_mask", 2089 .value = "0", 2090 }, 2091 { 2092 .key = "sys.usb.state", 2093 .value = "mtp,adb", 2094 }, 2095 { 2096 .key = "telephony.lteOnCdmaDevice", 2097 .value = "1", 2098 }, 2099 { 2100 .key = "vidc.debug.perf.mode", 2101 .value = "2", 2102 }, 2103 { 2104 .key = "vold.has_adoptable", 2105 .value = "0", 2106 }, 2107 { 2108 .key = "vold.post_fs_data_done", 2109 .value = "1", 2110 }, 2111 { 2112 .key = "wifi.interface", 2113 .value = "wlan0", 2114 }, 2115 { 2116 .key = "wlan.driver.status", 2117 .value = "ok", 2118 }, 2119 { NULL }, 2120 }; 2121 #endif /* __ANDROID__ */ 2122