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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
20 #include "src/trace_processor/storage/trace_storage.h"
21 #include "src/trace_processor/types/trace_processor_context.h"
23 namespace perfetto {
24 namespace trace_processor {
26 // Tracks and stores tracks based on track types, ids and scopes.
27 class TrackEventTracker {
28  public:
29   explicit TrackEventTracker(TraceProcessorContext*);
31   // Associate a TrackDescriptor track identified by the given |uuid| with a
32   // process's |pid|. This is called during tokenization. If a reservation for
33   // the same |uuid| already exists, verifies that the present reservation
34   // matches the new one.
35   //
36   // The track will be resolved to the process track (see InternProcessTrack())
37   // upon the first call to GetDescriptorTrack() with the same |uuid|. At this
38   // time, |pid| will also be resolved to a |upid|.
39   void ReserveDescriptorProcessTrack(uint64_t uuid,
40                                      StringId name,
41                                      uint32_t pid,
42                                      int64_t timestamp);
44   // Associate a TrackDescriptor track identified by the given |uuid| with a
45   // thread's |pid| and |tid|. This is called during tokenization. If a
46   // reservation for the same |uuid| already exists, verifies that the present
47   // reservation matches the new one.
48   //
49   // The track will be resolved to the thread track (see InternThreadTrack())
50   // upon the first call to GetDescriptorTrack() with the same |uuid|. At this
51   // time, |pid| will also be resolved to a |upid|.
52   void ReserveDescriptorThreadTrack(uint64_t uuid,
53                                     uint64_t parent_uuid,
54                                     StringId name,
55                                     uint32_t pid,
56                                     uint32_t tid,
57                                     int64_t timestamp);
59   // Associate a TrackDescriptor track identified by the given |uuid| with a
60   // parent track (usually a process- or thread-associated track). This is
61   // called during tokenization. If a reservation for the same |uuid| already
62   // exists, will attempt to update it.
63   //
64   // The track will be created upon the first call to GetDescriptorTrack() with
65   // the same |uuid|. If |parent_uuid| is 0, the track will become a global
66   // track. Otherwise, it will become a new track of the same type as its parent
67   // track.
68   void ReserveDescriptorChildTrack(uint64_t uuid,
69                                    uint64_t parent_uuid,
70                                    StringId name);
72   // Associate a counter-type TrackDescriptor track identified by the given
73   // |uuid| with a parent track (usually a process or thread track). This is
74   // called during tokenization. If a reservation for the same |uuid| already
75   // exists, will attempt to update it. The provided |category| will be stored
76   // into the track's args.
77   //
78   // If |is_incremental| is true, the counter will only be valid on the packet
79   // sequence identified by |packet_sequence_id|. |unit_multiplier| is an
80   // optional multiplication factor applied to counter values. Values for the
81   // counter will be translated during tokenization via
82   // ConvertToAbsoluteCounterValue().
83   //
84   // The track will be created upon the first call to GetDescriptorTrack() with
85   // the same |uuid|. If |parent_uuid| is 0, the track will become a global
86   // track. Otherwise, it will become a new counter track for the same
87   // process/thread as its parent track.
88   void ReserveDescriptorCounterTrack(uint64_t uuid,
89                                      uint64_t parent_uuid,
90                                      StringId name,
91                                      StringId category,
92                                      int64_t unit_multiplier,
93                                      bool is_incremental,
94                                      uint32_t packet_sequence_id);
96   // Returns the ID of the track for the TrackDescriptor with the given |uuid|.
97   // This is called during parsing. The first call to GetDescriptorTrack() for
98   // each |uuid| resolves and inserts the track (and its parent tracks,
99   // following the parent_uuid chain recursively) based on reservations made for
100   // the |uuid|. If the track is a child track and doesn't have a name yet,
101   // updates the track's name to event_name. Returns nullopt if no track for a
102   // descriptor with this |uuid| has been reserved.
103   // TODO(lalitm): this method needs to be split up and moved back to
104   // TrackTracker.
105   base::Optional<TrackId> GetDescriptorTrack(
106       uint64_t uuid,
107       StringId event_name = kNullStringId);
109   // Converts the given counter value to an absolute value in the unit of the
110   // counter, applying incremental delta encoding or unit multipliers as
111   // necessary. If the counter uses incremental encoding, |packet_sequence_id|
112   // must match the one in its track reservation. Returns base::nullopt if the
113   // counter track is unknown or an invalid |packet_sequence_id| was passed.
114   base::Optional<double> ConvertToAbsoluteCounterValue(
115       uint64_t counter_track_uuid,
116       uint32_t packet_sequence_id,
117       double value);
119   // Returns the ID of the implicit trace-global default TrackDescriptor track.
120   // TODO(lalitm): this method needs to be moved back to TrackTracker once
121   // GetDescriptorTrack is moved back.
122   TrackId GetOrCreateDefaultDescriptorTrack();
124   // Called by ProtoTraceReader whenever incremental state is cleared on a
125   // packet sequence. Resets counter values for any incremental counters of
126   // the sequence identified by |packet_sequence_id|.
127   void OnIncrementalStateCleared(uint32_t packet_sequence_id);
129  private:
130   struct DescriptorTrackReservation {
131     uint64_t parent_uuid = 0;
132     base::Optional<uint32_t> pid;
133     base::Optional<uint32_t> tid;
134     int64_t min_timestamp = 0;  // only set if |pid| and/or |tid| is set.
135     StringId name = kNullStringId;
137     // For counter tracks.
138     bool is_counter = false;
139     StringId category = kNullStringId;
140     int64_t unit_multiplier = 1;
141     bool is_incremental = false;
142     uint32_t packet_sequence_id = 0;
143     double latest_value = 0;
145     // Whether |other| is a valid descriptor for this track reservation. A track
146     // should always remain nested underneath its original parent.
IsForSameTrackDescriptorTrackReservation147     bool IsForSameTrack(const DescriptorTrackReservation& other) {
148       // Note that |min_timestamp|, |latest_value|, and |name| are ignored for
149       // this comparison.
150       return std::tie(parent_uuid, pid, tid, is_counter, category,
151                       unit_multiplier, is_incremental, packet_sequence_id) ==
152              std::tie(other.parent_uuid, pid, tid, is_counter, category,
153                       unit_multiplier, is_incremental, packet_sequence_id);
154     }
155   };
157   class ResolvedDescriptorTrack {
158    public:
159     enum class Scope {
160       kThread,
161       kProcess,
162       kGlobal,
163     };
165     static ResolvedDescriptorTrack Process(UniquePid upid,
166                                            bool is_counter,
167                                            bool is_root);
168     static ResolvedDescriptorTrack Thread(UniqueTid utid,
169                                           bool is_counter,
170                                           bool is_root);
171     static ResolvedDescriptorTrack Global(bool is_counter, bool is_root);
scope()173     Scope scope() const { return scope_; }
is_counter()174     bool is_counter() const { return is_counter_; }
utid()175     UniqueTid utid() const {
176       PERFETTO_DCHECK(scope() == Scope::kThread);
177       return utid_;
178     }
upid()179     UniquePid upid() const {
180       PERFETTO_DCHECK(scope() == Scope::kProcess);
181       return upid_;
182     }
is_root_in_scope()183     UniqueTid is_root_in_scope() const { return is_root_in_scope_; }
185    private:
186     Scope scope_;
187     bool is_counter_;
188     bool is_root_in_scope_;
190     // Only set when |scope| == |Scope::kThread|.
191     UniqueTid utid_;
193     // Only set when |scope| == |Scope::kProcess|.
194     UniquePid upid_;
195   };
197   base::Optional<TrackId> GetDescriptorTrackImpl(uint64_t uuid);
198   TrackId CreateTrackFromResolved(const ResolvedDescriptorTrack&);
199   base::Optional<ResolvedDescriptorTrack> ResolveDescriptorTrack(
200       uint64_t uuid,
201       std::vector<uint64_t>* descendent_uuids);
202   ResolvedDescriptorTrack ResolveDescriptorTrackImpl(
203       uint64_t uuid,
204       const DescriptorTrackReservation&,
205       std::vector<uint64_t>* descendent_uuids);
207   static constexpr uint64_t kDefaultDescriptorTrackUuid = 0u;
209   std::map<UniqueTid, TrackId> thread_tracks_;
210   std::map<UniquePid, TrackId> process_tracks_;
212   std::map<uint64_t /* uuid */, DescriptorTrackReservation>
213       reserved_descriptor_tracks_;
214   std::map<uint64_t /* uuid */, ResolvedDescriptorTrack>
215       resolved_descriptor_tracks_;
216   std::map<uint64_t /* uuid */, TrackId> descriptor_tracks_;
218   // Stores the descriptor uuid used for the primary process/thread track
219   // for the given upid / utid. Used for pid/tid reuse detection.
220   std::map<UniquePid, uint64_t /*uuid*/> descriptor_uuids_by_upid_;
221   std::map<UniqueTid, uint64_t /*uuid*/> descriptor_uuids_by_utid_;
223   const StringId source_key_ = kNullStringId;
224   const StringId source_id_key_ = kNullStringId;
225   const StringId is_root_in_scope_key_ = kNullStringId;
226   const StringId category_key_ = kNullStringId;
228   const StringId descriptor_source_ = kNullStringId;
230   const StringId default_descriptor_track_name_ = kNullStringId;
232   TraceProcessorContext* const context_;
233 };
235 }  // namespace trace_processor
236 }  // namespace perfetto