/external/iperf3/docs/ |
D | building.rst | 1 Building iperf3 4 Building iperf3, as with most tools of this type, is a fairly 14 Building chapter
/external/tensorflow/tensorflow/lite/micro/examples/image_recognition_experimental/ |
D | README.md | 7 - [Building](#building) 8 - [Building the testcase](#building-the-testcase) 9 - [Building the image recognition application](#building-the-image-recognition-application) 28 ## Building section in Image Recognition Example 32 ### Building the test case argument 44 ### Building the image recognition application argument
/external/python/cpython3/Modules/_decimal/tests/ |
D | runall.bat | 10 echo # Building Python (Debug^|x64) 44 echo # Building Python (Release^|x64) 72 echo # Building Python (Debug^|Win32) 106 echo # Building Python (Release^|Win32)
/external/hamcrest/ |
D | BUILDING.txt | 2 ********************* Building Hamcrest ********************* 11 --[ Building from the command line ]-------------------------
/external/protobuf/ |
D | appveyor.bat | 11 echo Building MinGW 22 echo Building C++ 32 echo Building C#
/external/tensorflow/tensorflow/compiler/xla/python/tpu_driver/ |
D | README.md | 6 # Building chapter 16 ## Building section in Building
/external/llvm-project/clang-tools-extra/clangd/test/ |
D | check-fail.test | 6 // CHECK: Building preamble... 8 // CHECK: Building AST...
D | check.test | 6 // CHECK: Building preamble... 8 // CHECK: Building AST...
/external/python/cpython3/PC/bdist_wininst/ |
D | build.bat | 8 echo Building Lib\distutils\command\wininst-xx.0.exe 17 echo Building Lib\distutils\command\wininst-xx.0-amd64.exe
/external/jline/src/src/site/apt/ |
D | building.apt | 5 Building JLine 7 Building JLine requires an installation of {{{http://maven.apache.org/}Maven 2}}.
/external/dng_sdk/fuzzer/ |
D | README.md | 21 ## Building & running the fuzz target: Android device 36 ## Building & running the fuzz target: Host
/external/llvm/cmake/modules/ |
D | TableGen.cmake | 37 COMMENT "Building ${ofn}..." 78 COMMENT "Building libLLVMSupport for native TableGen...") 85 COMMENT "Building libLLVMTableGen for native TableGen...") 130 COMMENT "Building native TableGen...")
/external/llvm-project/mlir/tools/mlir-shlib/ |
D | CMakeLists.txt | 1 # Building libmlir-cpp.so fails if LLVM_ENABLE_PIC=Off 6 # Building libmlir-cpp.so may not work on MSVC
/external/sfntly/doc/ |
D | build_cpp.md | 42 ## Building on Windows 72 ### Building on Windows via Command Line 104 ## Building on Linux/Mac 106 ### Recommended Out-of-Source Building 114 ### Default In-Source Building
/external/flatbuffers/docs/source/ |
D | Building.md | 1 Building {#flatbuffers_guide_building} 4 ## Building with CMake 25 Building should also produce two sample executables, `flatsamplebinary` and 32 ## Building with VCPKG 45 ## Building for Android
/external/llvm-project/llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/ |
D | arm64-opt-remarks-lazy-bfi.ll | 39 ; HOTNESS-NEXT: Building MachineBlockFrequencyInfo on the fly 40 ; HOTNESS-NEXT: Building LoopInfo on the fly 41 ; HOTNESS-NEXT: Building DominatorTree on the fly
/external/cn-cbor/ |
D | README.md | 43 ## Building section in cn-cbor: A constrained node implementation of CBOR in C 49 Building with `cmake`: 53 Building including testing:
/external/jsoncpp/ |
D | CONTRIBUTING.md | 3 ## Building section in Contributing to JsonCpp 10 ## Building and testing with Meson/Ninja 39 ## Building and testing with other build systems 40 See https://github.com/open-source-parsers/jsoncpp/wiki/Building 66 ## Building the documentation
/external/llvm-project/lldb/tools/intel-features/ |
D | CMakeLists.txt | 2 option(LLDB_BUILD_INTEL_MPX "Enable Building of Intel(R) Memory Protection Extensions" ON) 3 option(LLDB_BUILD_INTEL_PT "Enable Building of Intel(R) Processor Trace Tool" OFF)
/external/libpng/contrib/gregbook/ |
D | makevms.com | 73 $ write sys$output "Building rpng-x..." 85 $ write sys$output "Building wpng..."
/external/igt-gpu-tools/lib/i915/shaders/media/ |
D | README_media_vme.txt | 1 Step1: Building IGA (Intel Graphics Assembler) 53 Step2: Building ASM code
/external/grpc-grpc-java/ |
D | COMPILING.md | 1 Building gRPC-Java 4 Building is only necessary if you are making changes to gRPC-Java. 6 Building requires JDK 8, as our tests use TLS. 25 Building in IntelliJ works best when you import the project as a Gradle project and delegate IDE
/external/google-breakpad/ |
D | README.ANDROID | 11 I. Building the client library: 18 I.1. Building with ndk-build: 40 I.2. Building with a standalone Android toolchain: 132 - Building, installing and running a test crasher program on a device.
/external/angle/doc/ |
D | DevSetup.md | 80 ### Building with Goma (Google employees only) 98 ### Building and Debugging with Visual Studio 112 ### Building ANGLE for Android 155 …bEGL.lib` and `libGLESv2.lib` found in the build output directory (see [Building ANGLE](#building-… 160 …3. Copy `libEGL.dll` and `libGLESv2.dll` from the build output directory (see [Building ANGLE](#bu… 171 ### Source and Building
/external/llvm-project/llvm/docs/tutorial/ |
D | BuildingAJIT4.rst | 2 Building a JIT: Extreme Laziness - Using LazyReexports to JIT from ASTs 15 Welcome to Chapter 4 of the "Building an ORC-based JIT in LLVM" tutorial. This