/external/exoplayer/tree/library/extractor/src/main/java/com/google/android/exoplayer2/extractor/ |
D | VorbisUtil.java | 19 import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ParserException; 151 throws ParserException { in readVorbisIdentificationHeader() 201 throws ParserException { in readVorbisCommentHeader() 222 throws ParserException { in readVorbisCommentHeader() 244 throw new ParserException("framing bit expected to be set"); in readVorbisCommentHeader() 261 int headerType, ParsableByteArray header, boolean quiet) throws ParserException { in verifyVorbisHeaderCapturePattern() 266 throw new ParserException("too short header: " + header.bytesLeft()); in verifyVorbisHeaderCapturePattern() 274 throw new ParserException("expected header type " + Integer.toHexString(headerType)); in verifyVorbisHeaderCapturePattern() 287 throw new ParserException("expected characters 'vorbis'"); in verifyVorbisHeaderCapturePattern() 306 throws ParserException { in readVorbisModes() [all …]
/external/exoplayer/tree/library/common/src/main/java/com/google/android/exoplayer2/ |
D | ParserException.java | 23 public class ParserException extends IOException { class 25 public ParserException() { in ParserException() method in ParserException 32 public ParserException(String message) { in ParserException() method in ParserException 39 public ParserException(Throwable cause) { in ParserException() method in ParserException 47 public ParserException(String message, Throwable cause) { in ParserException() method in ParserException
/external/exoplayer/tree/library/extractor/src/main/java/com/google/android/exoplayer2/extractor/mkv/ |
D | EbmlProcessor.java | 19 import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ParserException; 94 void startMasterElement(int id, long contentPosition, long contentSize) throws ParserException; in startMasterElement() 102 void endMasterElement(int id) throws ParserException; in endMasterElement() 111 void integerElement(int id, long value) throws ParserException; in integerElement() 120 void floatElement(int id, double value) throws ParserException; in floatElement() 129 void stringElement(int id, String value) throws ParserException; in stringElement()
D | MatroskaExtractor.java | 25 import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ParserException; 607 throws ParserException { in startMasterElement() 612 throw new ParserException("Multiple Segment elements not supported"); in startMasterElement() 668 protected void endMasterElement(int id) throws ParserException { in endMasterElement() 681 throw new ParserException("Mandatory element SeekID or SeekPosition not found"); in endMasterElement() 723 throw new ParserException("Encrypted Track found but ContentEncKeyID was not found"); in endMasterElement() 731 throw new ParserException("Combining encryption and compression is not supported"); in endMasterElement() 743 throw new ParserException("No valid tracks were found"); in endMasterElement() 758 protected void integerElement(int id, long value) throws ParserException { in integerElement() 763 throw new ParserException("EBMLReadVersion " + value + " not supported"); in integerElement() [all …]
D | DefaultEbmlReader.java | 21 import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ParserException; 120 throw new ParserException("Invalid integer size: " + elementContentSize); in read() 128 throw new ParserException("Invalid float size: " + elementContentSize); in read() 135 throw new ParserException("String element size: " + elementContentSize); in read() 149 throw new ParserException("Invalid element type " + type); in read()
/external/exoplayer/tree/library/extractor/src/main/java/com/google/android/exoplayer2/extractor/flv/ |
D | TagPayloadReader.java | 18 import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ParserException; 30 public static final class UnsupportedFormatException extends ParserException { 64 public final boolean consume(ParsableByteArray data, long timeUs) throws ParserException { in consume() 75 protected abstract boolean parseHeader(ParsableByteArray data) throws ParserException; in parseHeader() 86 throws ParserException; in parsePayload()
/external/exoplayer/tree/library/extractor/src/main/java/com/google/android/exoplayer2/extractor/ts/ |
D | LatmReader.java | 21 import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ParserException; 104 public void consume(ParsableByteArray data) throws ParserException { in consume() 158 private void parseAudioMuxElement(ParsableBitArray data) throws ParserException { in parseAudioMuxElement() 169 throw new ParserException(); in parseAudioMuxElement() 177 throw new ParserException(); // Not defined by ISO/IEC 14496-3:2009. in parseAudioMuxElement() 183 private void parseStreamMuxConfig(ParsableBitArray data) throws ParserException { in parseStreamMuxConfig() 191 throw new ParserException(); in parseStreamMuxConfig() 197 throw new ParserException(); in parseStreamMuxConfig() 244 throw new ParserException(); // This is not defined by ISO/IEC 14496-3:2009. in parseStreamMuxConfig() 271 private int parseAudioSpecificConfig(ParsableBitArray data) throws ParserException { in parseAudioSpecificConfig() [all …]
D | ElementaryStreamReader.java | 18 import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ParserException; 56 void consume(ParsableByteArray data) throws ParserException; in consume()
/external/exoplayer/tree/library/smoothstreaming/src/main/java/com/google/android/exoplayer2/source/smoothstreaming/manifest/ |
D | SsManifestParser.java | 25 import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ParserException; 77 throw new ParserException(e); in parse() 84 public static class MissingFieldException extends ParserException { 223 protected void parseStartTag(XmlPullParser xmlParser) throws ParserException { in parseStartTag() 261 throws ParserException { in parseInt() 267 throw new ParserException(e); in parseInt() 274 protected final int parseRequiredInt(XmlPullParser parser, String key) throws ParserException { in parseRequiredInt() 280 throw new ParserException(e); in parseRequiredInt() 288 throws ParserException { in parseLong() 294 throw new ParserException(e); in parseLong() [all …]
/external/exoplayer/tree/library/extractor/src/test/java/com/google/android/exoplayer2/extractor/ |
D | VorbisUtilTest.java | 25 import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ParserException; 105 throws ParserException { in verifyVorbisHeaderCapturePattern_withValidHeader_returnsTrue() 118 } catch (ParserException e) { in verifyVorbisHeaderCapturePattern_withValidHeader_returnsFalse() 125 throws ParserException { in verifyVorbisHeaderCapturePattern_withInvalidHeaderQuite_returnsFalse() 138 } catch (ParserException e) { in verifyVorbisHeaderCapturePattern_withInvalidPattern_returnsFalse() 145 throws ParserException { in verifyVorbisHeaderCapturePatternQuite_withInvalidPatternQuite_returnsFalse()
/external/exoplayer/tree/library/extractor/src/main/java/com/google/android/exoplayer2/extractor/mp4/ |
D | FragmentedMp4Extractor.java | 24 import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ParserException; 364 throw new ParserException("Atom size less than header length (unsupported)."); in readAtomHeader() 402 throw new ParserException("Leaf atom defines extended atom size (unsupported)."); in readAtomHeader() 405 throw new ParserException("Leaf atom with length > 2147483647 (unsupported)."); in readAtomHeader() 412 throw new ParserException("Skipping atom with length > 2147483647 (unsupported)."); in readAtomHeader() 432 private void processAtomEnded(long atomEndPosition) throws ParserException { in processAtomEnded() 439 private void onLeafAtomRead(LeafAtom leaf, long inputPosition) throws ParserException { in onLeafAtomRead() 452 private void onContainerAtomRead(ContainerAtom container) throws ParserException { in onContainerAtomRead() 462 private void onMoovContainerAtomRead(ContainerAtom moov) throws ParserException { in onMoovContainerAtomRead() 542 private void onMoofContainerAtomRead(ContainerAtom moof) throws ParserException { in onMoofContainerAtomRead() [all …]
/external/exoplayer/tree/library/extractor/src/test/java/com/google/android/exoplayer2/extractor/amr/ |
D | AmrExtractorNonParameterizedTest.java | 27 import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ParserException; 67 } catch (ParserException e) { in read_nonAmrSignature_throwParserException() 84 } catch (ParserException e) { in read_amrNb_returnParserException_forInvalidFrameType() 101 } catch (ParserException e) { in read_amrWb_returnParserException_forInvalidFrameType() 152 } catch (ParserException e) { in read_amrNb_returnParserException_forInvalidFrameHeader() 173 } catch (ParserException e) { in read_amrWb_returnParserException_forInvalidFrameHeader()
/external/exoplayer/tree/library/core/src/main/java/com/google/android/exoplayer2/upstream/ |
D | DataSchemeDataSource.java | 24 import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ParserException; 51 throw new ParserException("Unsupported scheme: " + scheme); in open() 55 throw new ParserException("Unexpected URI format: " + uri); in open() 62 throw new ParserException("Error while parsing Base64 encoded string: " + dataString, e); in open()
/external/exoplayer/tree/library/common/src/main/java/com/google/android/exoplayer2/audio/ |
D | AacUtil.java | 20 import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ParserException; 178 public static Config parseAudioSpecificConfig(byte[] audioSpecificConfig) throws ParserException { in parseAudioSpecificConfig() 194 throws ParserException { in parseAudioSpecificConfig() 231 throw new ParserException("Unsupported audio object type: " + audioObjectType); in parseAudioSpecificConfig() 242 throw new ParserException("Unsupported epConfig: " + epConfig); in parseAudioSpecificConfig()
/external/exoplayer/tree/library/core/src/main/java/com/google/android/exoplayer2/text/webvtt/ |
D | WebvttParserUtil.java | 19 import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ParserException; 41 public static void validateWebvttHeaderLine(ParsableByteArray input) throws ParserException { in validateWebvttHeaderLine() 45 throw new ParserException("Expected WEBVTT. Got " + input.readLine()); in validateWebvttHeaderLine()
/external/exoplayer/tree/library/common/src/main/java/com/google/android/exoplayer2/video/ |
D | HevcConfig.java | 19 import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ParserException; 41 public static HevcConfig parse(ParsableByteArray data) throws ParserException { in parse() 82 throw new ParserException("Error parsing HEVC config", e); in parse()
D | AvcConfig.java | 19 import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ParserException; 46 public static AvcConfig parse(ParsableByteArray data) throws ParserException { in parse() 77 throw new ParserException("Error parsing AVC config", e); in parse()
/external/exoplayer/tree/library/extractor/src/main/java/com/google/android/exoplayer2/extractor/ogg/ |
D | OggPageHeader.java | 19 import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ParserException; 102 throw new ParserException("expected OggS capture pattern at begin of page"); in populate() 111 throw new ParserException("unsupported bit stream revision"); in populate()
D | OggExtractor.java | 19 import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ParserException; 50 } catch (ParserException e) { in sniff() 77 throw new ParserException("Failed to determine bitstream type"); in read()
/external/exoplayer/tree/library/extractor/src/main/java/com/google/android/exoplayer2/extractor/wav/ |
D | WavExtractor.java | 21 import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ParserException; 94 throw new ParserException("Unsupported or unrecognized wav header."); in read() 119 throw new ParserException("Unsupported WAV format type: " + header.formatType); in read() 166 void init(int dataStartPosition, long dataEndPosition) throws ParserException; in init() 211 throws ParserException { in PassthroughOutputWriter() 219 throw new ParserException( in PassthroughOutputWriter() 336 throws ParserException { in ImaAdPcmOutputWriter() 353 throw new ParserException( in ImaAdPcmOutputWriter()
/external/exoplayer/tree/library/core/src/main/java/com/google/android/exoplayer2/source/ |
D | UnrecognizedInputFormatException.java | 19 import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ParserException; 24 public class UnrecognizedInputFormatException extends ParserException {
/external/jsilver/src/com/google/clearsilver/jsilver/syntax/parser/ |
D | ParserException.java | 8 public class ParserException extends Exception class 12 public ParserException(@SuppressWarnings("hiding") Token token, String message) in ParserException() method in ParserException
/external/snakeyaml/src/main/java/org/yaml/snakeyaml/parser/ |
D | ParserException.java | 25 public class ParserException extends MarkedYAMLException { class 41 public ParserException(String context, Mark contextMark, String problem, Mark problemMark) { in ParserException() method in ParserException
/external/exoplayer/tree/library/extractor/src/main/java/com/google/android/exoplayer2/extractor/amr/ |
D | AmrExtractor.java | 21 import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ParserException; 179 throw new ParserException("Could not find AMR header."); in read() 314 throw new ParserException("Invalid padding bits for frame header " + frameHeader); in peekNextSampleSize() 321 private int getFrameSizeInBytes(int frameType) throws ParserException { in getFrameSizeInBytes() 323 throw new ParserException( in getFrameSizeInBytes()
/external/exoplayer/tree/library/extractor/src/test/java/com/google/android/exoplayer2/extractor/ts/ |
D | AdtsReaderTest.java | 22 import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ParserException; 183 public void adtsDataOnly() throws ParserException { in adtsDataOnly() 190 private void feedLimited(int limit) throws ParserException { in feedLimited() 196 private void feed() throws ParserException { in feed()