/external/tensorflow/tensorflow/python/framework/ |
D | python_op_gen.cc | 85 strings::StrAppend(result, indentation, in AddInferredAttr() 95 strings::StrAppend(&ret, ", "); in VectorToTuple() 97 strings::StrAppend(&ret, l[i]); in VectorToTuple() 99 strings::StrAppend(&ret, ")"); in VectorToTuple() 107 strings::StrAppend(result, prefix, var, " = "); in Unflatten() 108 if (i > 0) strings::StrAppend(result, var, "[:", i, "] + "); in Unflatten() 112 strings::StrAppend(result, "[", var, "[:", output_sizes[i], "]] + ", in Unflatten() 115 strings::StrAppend(result, "[", var, "[", i, ":", i, " + ", in Unflatten() 120 strings::StrAppend(result, "[", var, "[", i, ":]]"); in Unflatten() 122 strings::StrAppend(result, "\n"); in Unflatten() [all …]
D | python_op_gen_internal.cc | 134 strings::StrAppend(&result, "\n"); in Indent() 136 strings::StrAppend(&result, Spaces(rest), line, "\n"); in Indent() 149 strings::StrAppend(dest, "\n", append); in AppendWithinWidth() 151 strings::StrAppend(dest, " ", append); in AppendWithinWidth() 179 if (!ret.empty()) strings::StrAppend(&ret, ", "); in TypeListString() 182 strings::StrAppend(&ret, PythonDataTypeString(RemoveRefType(dtype)), in TypeListString() 185 strings::StrAppend(&ret, "`", PythonDataTypeString(dtype), "`"); in TypeListString() 226 strings::StrAppend(&prefix, " mutable"); in ArgTypeName() 288 strings::StrAppend(&result, "\n Returns:\n"); in GetReturns() 290 strings::StrAppend(&result, " The created Operation.\n"); in GetReturns() [all …]
D | python_api_info.cc | 398 absl::StrAppend(&s, " param_names=[", absl::StrJoin(param_names_, ", "), in DebugInfo() 401 absl::StrAppend( in DebugInfo() 404 absl::StrAppend(&s, " attributes=["); in DebugInfo() 407 absl::StrAppend(&s, "\n {index=", attrib.index); in DebugInfo() 410 absl::StrAppend(&s, "\n {inferred_index=", attrib.inferred_index); in DebugInfo() 412 absl::StrAppend(&s, ", name=", attrib.name, in DebugInfo() 415 absl::StrAppend(&s, "]\n"); in DebugInfo() 418 absl::StrAppend(&s, " inputs=["); in DebugInfo() 420 absl::StrAppend(&s, "\n {index=", input.index, in DebugInfo() 424 absl::StrAppend(&s, "]\n"); in DebugInfo() [all …]
/external/tensorflow/tensorflow/cc/framework/ |
D | cc_op_gen.cc | 126 strings::StrAppend(&ret, indent, "///\n"); in MakeComment() 128 strings::StrAppend(&ret, indent, "/// ", in MakeComment() 147 if (d > 0) strings::StrAppend(&ret, ", "); in PrintTensorShape() 148 strings::StrAppend(&ret, shape.dim_size(d)); in PrintTensorShape() 150 strings::StrAppend(&ret, "}"); in PrintTensorShape() 158 if (i > 0) strings::StrAppend(&ret, ", "); in PrintArray() 159 strings::StrAppend(&ret, array[i]); in PrintArray() 194 if (i > 0) strings::StrAppend(&ret, " "); in PrintTensor() 195 strings::StrAppend(&ret, absl::CEscape(t.flat<tstring>()(i))); in PrintTensor() 234 if (i > 0) strings::StrAppend(&ret, ", "); in PrintAttrValue() [all …]
/external/tensorflow/tensorflow/core/framework/ |
D | collective.cc | 62 strings::StrAppend(&v, d, ","); in ToString() 64 strings::StrAppend(&v, "} task_names={"); in ToString() 66 strings::StrAppend(&v, n, ", "); in ToString() 68 strings::StrAppend(&v, "} num_devices_per_task={"); in ToString() 70 strings::StrAppend(&v, dpt.first, ": ", dpt.second, ", "); in ToString() 72 strings::StrAppend(&v, "}"); in ToString() 106 strings::StrAppend(&v, "}, collective_name=", impl_details.collective_name, in ToString() 108 strings::StrAppend(&v, "}, subdiv_offsets={"); in ToString() 110 strings::StrAppend(&v, d, ","); in ToString() 112 strings::StrAppend(&v, "}, subdiv_perms={"); in ToString() [all …]
/external/tensorflow/tensorflow/js/ops/ |
D | ts_op_gen.cc | 103 strings::StrAppend(&result_, "\n"); in Code() 161 strings::StrAppend(&inputs, input_op_args_[*iter].op_def_arg.name()); in InputForAttr() 168 strings::StrAppend(&result_, "export function ", api_def_.endpoint(0).name(), in AddMethodSignature() 176 strings::StrAppend(&result_, ", "); in AddMethodSignature() 181 strings::StrAppend(&result_, op_def_arg.name(), ": "); in AddMethodSignature() 183 strings::StrAppend(&result_, "tfc.Tensor[]"); in AddMethodSignature() 185 strings::StrAppend(&result_, "tfc.Tensor"); in AddMethodSignature() 190 strings::StrAppend(&result_, "): tfc.Tensor {\n"); in AddMethodSignature() 192 strings::StrAppend(&result_, "): tfc.Tensor[] {\n"); in AddMethodSignature() 197 strings::StrAppend(&result_, " const opAttrs = [\n"); in AddOpAttrs() [all …]
/external/tensorflow/tensorflow/core/util/ |
D | bcast_test.cc | 33 strings::StrAppend(&ret, "[", absl::StrJoin(b.x_reshape(), ","), "]"); in BCast() 34 strings::StrAppend(&ret, "[", absl::StrJoin(b.x_bcast(), ","), "]"); in BCast() 35 strings::StrAppend(&ret, "[", absl::StrJoin(b.y_reshape(), ","), "]"); in BCast() 36 strings::StrAppend(&ret, "[", absl::StrJoin(b.y_bcast(), ","), "]"); in BCast() 37 strings::StrAppend(&ret, "[", absl::StrJoin(b.result_shape(), ","), "]"); in BCast() 38 strings::StrAppend(&ret, "[", absl::StrJoin(b.output_shape(), ","), "]"); in BCast() 39 strings::StrAppend(&ret, "[", absl::StrJoin(b.grad_x_reduce_idx(), ","), "]"); in BCast() 40 strings::StrAppend(&ret, "[", absl::StrJoin(b.grad_y_reduce_idx(), ","), "]"); in BCast() 50 strings::StrAppend(&ret, "[", absl::StrJoin(b.x_batch_indices(), ","), "]"); in BCastBatchIndices() 51 strings::StrAppend(&ret, "[", absl::StrJoin(b.y_batch_indices(), ","), "]"); in BCastBatchIndices() [all …]
/external/perfetto/src/trace_processor/util/ |
D | protozero_to_text.cc | 57 void StrAppend(std::string* out, const T& to_add) { in StrAppend() function 63 void StrAppend(std::string* out, const T& first, strings... values) { in StrAppend() function 80 StrAppend(out, separator, indent, fd.name(), ": ", in ConvertProtoTypeToFieldAndValueString() 84 StrAppend(out, separator, indent, fd.name(), ": ", in ConvertProtoTypeToFieldAndValueString() 90 StrAppend(out, separator, indent, fd.name(), ": ", in ConvertProtoTypeToFieldAndValueString() 94 StrAppend(out, separator, indent, fd.name(), ": ", in ConvertProtoTypeToFieldAndValueString() 98 StrAppend(out, separator, indent, fd.name(), ": ", in ConvertProtoTypeToFieldAndValueString() 102 StrAppend(out, separator, indent, fd.name(), ": ", in ConvertProtoTypeToFieldAndValueString() 106 StrAppend(out, separator, indent, fd.name(), ": ", in ConvertProtoTypeToFieldAndValueString() 110 StrAppend(out, separator, indent, fd.name(), ": ", in ConvertProtoTypeToFieldAndValueString() [all …]
/external/tensorflow/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/ |
D | hlo_module_config.cc | 29 using absl::StrAppend; 52 StrAppend(&key, "::("); in compilation_cache_key() 59 StrAppend(&key, absl::StrJoin(params, ", "), ") => ", in compilation_cache_key() 65 StrAppend(&key, "forcing recompile ", counter++); in compilation_cache_key() 68 StrAppend(&key, "::replica_count=", replica_count()); in compilation_cache_key() 70 StrAppend(&key, debug_options_.DebugString()); in compilation_cache_key() 72 StrAppend(&key, "::intra_op_parallelism_threads=", in compilation_cache_key() 75 StrAppend(&key, "::alias_passthrough_params=", alias_passthrough_params_); in compilation_cache_key()
/external/tensorflow/tensorflow/core/common_runtime/ |
D | build_graph_options.cc | 25 strings::StrAppend(&rv, s, ", "); in DebugString() 27 strings::StrAppend(&rv, "\nFetch endpoints: "); in DebugString() 29 strings::StrAppend(&rv, s, ", "); in DebugString() 31 strings::StrAppend(&rv, "\nTarget nodes: "); in DebugString() 33 strings::StrAppend(&rv, s, ", "); in DebugString() 36 strings::StrAppend(&rv, "\ncollective_graph_key: ", collective_graph_key); in DebugString() 50 strings::StrAppend(&rv, "\ncollective_order: ", collective_order_str); in DebugString()
D | collective_util.cc | 59 strings::StrAppend(&buf, "Subdiv ", sdi, " device order:\n"); in SubdivPermDebugString() 64 strings::StrAppend(&buf, col_params.group.device_names[idx], "\n"); in SubdivPermDebugString() 67 strings::StrAppend(&buf, " subdiv_offsets: "); in SubdivPermDebugString() 69 strings::StrAppend(&buf, o, " "); in SubdivPermDebugString() 70 strings::StrAppend(&buf, " SubdivRank: "); in SubdivPermDebugString() 71 for (auto d : col_params.subdiv_rank) strings::StrAppend(&buf, d, " "); in SubdivPermDebugString() 73 strings::StrAppend(&buf, " subdiv_source_rank: "); in SubdivPermDebugString() 75 strings::StrAppend(&buf, src, " "); in SubdivPermDebugString() 77 strings::StrAppend(&buf, "\n"); in SubdivPermDebugString()
/external/libchrome/base/strings/ |
D | strcat_unittest.cc | 31 TEST(StrAppend, 8Bit) { 35 StrAppend(&result, {std::string()}); 39 StrAppend(&result, {"1"}); 43 StrAppend(&result, {"1", "22", "333"}); 47 TEST(StrAppend, 16Bit) { 55 StrAppend(&result, {string16()}); 59 StrAppend(&result, {arg1}); 63 StrAppend(&result, {arg1, arg2, arg3});
D | strcat.h | 82 BASE_EXPORT void StrAppend(std::string* dest, span<const StringPiece> pieces); 83 BASE_EXPORT void StrAppend(string16* dest, span<const StringPiece16> pieces); 84 BASE_EXPORT void StrAppend(std::string* dest, span<const std::string> pieces); 85 BASE_EXPORT void StrAppend(string16* dest, span<const string16> pieces); 88 inline void StrAppend(std::string* dest, in StrAppend() function 90 return StrAppend(dest, make_span(pieces.begin(), pieces.size())); in StrAppend() 92 inline void StrAppend(string16* dest, in StrAppend() function 94 return StrAppend(dest, make_span(pieces.begin(), pieces.size())); in StrAppend()
/external/openscreen/third_party/abseil/src/absl/strings/ |
D | str_cat_test.cc | 319 TEST(StrAppend, Basics) { in TEST() argument 342 absl::StrAppend(&result); in TEST() 346 absl::StrAppend(&result, strs[0]); in TEST() 350 absl::StrAppend(&result, strs[1], pieces[2]); in TEST() 354 absl::StrAppend(&result, stdstrs[0], ", ", pieces[2]); in TEST() 358 absl::StrAppend(&result, strs[0], ", ", stdstrs[1], " ", strs[2], "!"); in TEST() 362 absl::StrAppend(&result, pieces[0], ", ", pieces[1], " ", pieces[2]); in TEST() 366 absl::StrAppend(&result, c_strs[0], ", ", c_strs[1], " ", c_strs[2]); in TEST() 370 absl::StrAppend(&result, "ASCII ", i32s[0], ", ", i32s[1], " ", i32s[2], "!"); in TEST() 374 absl::StrAppend(&result, ui64s[0], ", ", ui64s[1], "!"); in TEST() [all …]
/external/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/ |
D | str_cat_test.cc | 319 TEST(StrAppend, Basics) { in TEST() argument 342 absl::StrAppend(&result); in TEST() 346 absl::StrAppend(&result, strs[0]); in TEST() 350 absl::StrAppend(&result, strs[1], pieces[2]); in TEST() 354 absl::StrAppend(&result, stdstrs[0], ", ", pieces[2]); in TEST() 358 absl::StrAppend(&result, strs[0], ", ", stdstrs[1], " ", strs[2], "!"); in TEST() 362 absl::StrAppend(&result, pieces[0], ", ", pieces[1], " ", pieces[2]); in TEST() 366 absl::StrAppend(&result, c_strs[0], ", ", c_strs[1], " ", c_strs[2]); in TEST() 370 absl::StrAppend(&result, "ASCII ", i32s[0], ", ", i32s[1], " ", i32s[2], "!"); in TEST() 374 absl::StrAppend(&result, ui64s[0], ", ", ui64s[1], "!"); in TEST() [all …]
/external/rust/crates/grpcio-sys/grpc/third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/ |
D | str_cat_test.cc | 319 TEST(StrAppend, Basics) { in TEST() argument 342 absl::StrAppend(&result); in TEST() 346 absl::StrAppend(&result, strs[0]); in TEST() 350 absl::StrAppend(&result, strs[1], pieces[2]); in TEST() 354 absl::StrAppend(&result, stdstrs[0], ", ", pieces[2]); in TEST() 358 absl::StrAppend(&result, strs[0], ", ", stdstrs[1], " ", strs[2], "!"); in TEST() 362 absl::StrAppend(&result, pieces[0], ", ", pieces[1], " ", pieces[2]); in TEST() 366 absl::StrAppend(&result, c_strs[0], ", ", c_strs[1], " ", c_strs[2]); in TEST() 370 absl::StrAppend(&result, "ASCII ", i32s[0], ", ", i32s[1], " ", i32s[2], "!"); in TEST() 374 absl::StrAppend(&result, ui64s[0], ", ", ui64s[1], "!"); in TEST() [all …]
/external/webrtc/third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/ |
D | str_cat_test.cc | 319 TEST(StrAppend, Basics) { in TEST() argument 342 absl::StrAppend(&result); in TEST() 346 absl::StrAppend(&result, strs[0]); in TEST() 350 absl::StrAppend(&result, strs[1], pieces[2]); in TEST() 354 absl::StrAppend(&result, stdstrs[0], ", ", pieces[2]); in TEST() 358 absl::StrAppend(&result, strs[0], ", ", stdstrs[1], " ", strs[2], "!"); in TEST() 362 absl::StrAppend(&result, pieces[0], ", ", pieces[1], " ", pieces[2]); in TEST() 366 absl::StrAppend(&result, c_strs[0], ", ", c_strs[1], " ", c_strs[2]); in TEST() 370 absl::StrAppend(&result, "ASCII ", i32s[0], ", ", i32s[1], " ", i32s[2], "!"); in TEST() 374 absl::StrAppend(&result, ui64s[0], ", ", ui64s[1], "!"); in TEST() [all …]
/external/libtextclassifier/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/ |
D | str_cat_test.cc | 319 TEST(StrAppend, Basics) { in TEST() argument 342 absl::StrAppend(&result); in TEST() 346 absl::StrAppend(&result, strs[0]); in TEST() 350 absl::StrAppend(&result, strs[1], pieces[2]); in TEST() 354 absl::StrAppend(&result, stdstrs[0], ", ", pieces[2]); in TEST() 358 absl::StrAppend(&result, strs[0], ", ", stdstrs[1], " ", strs[2], "!"); in TEST() 362 absl::StrAppend(&result, pieces[0], ", ", pieces[1], " ", pieces[2]); in TEST() 366 absl::StrAppend(&result, c_strs[0], ", ", c_strs[1], " ", c_strs[2]); in TEST() 370 absl::StrAppend(&result, "ASCII ", i32s[0], ", ", i32s[1], " ", i32s[2], "!"); in TEST() 374 absl::StrAppend(&result, ui64s[0], ", ", ui64s[1], "!"); in TEST() [all …]
/external/angle/third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/ |
D | str_cat_test.cc | 319 TEST(StrAppend, Basics) { in TEST() argument 342 absl::StrAppend(&result); in TEST() 346 absl::StrAppend(&result, strs[0]); in TEST() 350 absl::StrAppend(&result, strs[1], pieces[2]); in TEST() 354 absl::StrAppend(&result, stdstrs[0], ", ", pieces[2]); in TEST() 358 absl::StrAppend(&result, strs[0], ", ", stdstrs[1], " ", strs[2], "!"); in TEST() 362 absl::StrAppend(&result, pieces[0], ", ", pieces[1], " ", pieces[2]); in TEST() 366 absl::StrAppend(&result, c_strs[0], ", ", c_strs[1], " ", c_strs[2]); in TEST() 370 absl::StrAppend(&result, "ASCII ", i32s[0], ", ", i32s[1], " ", i32s[2], "!"); in TEST() 374 absl::StrAppend(&result, ui64s[0], ", ", ui64s[1], "!"); in TEST() [all …]
/external/tensorflow/tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/gl/compiler/ |
D | variable_accessor.cc | 93 absl::StrAppend(result, t); in FormatValue() 98 absl::StrAppend(result, absl::StrFormat("%.9ff", t)); in FormatValue() 121 absl::StrAppend(result, VariableTypeGetter()(v), "(", in operator ()() 127 absl::StrAppend(result, VariableTypeGetter()(v), "(", in operator ()() 133 absl::StrAppend(result, VariableTypeGetter()(v), "(", in operator ()() 140 absl::StrAppend(result, type, "[", v.size(), "]("); in operator ()() 146 absl::StrAppend(result, ","); in operator ()() 150 absl::StrAppend(result, ")"); in operator ()() 164 absl::StrAppend(result, "shared highp ", GetVariableType(variable.value), in operator ()() 170 absl::StrAppend(result, "shared highp ", GetVariableType(variable.value), in operator ()() [all …]
/external/tensorflow/tensorflow/core/tpu/kernels/ |
D | tpu_op_util.cc | 33 absl::StrAppend(&shapes_prefix, size, ","); in CreateShapePrefix() 35 absl::StrAppend(&shapes_prefix, ";"); in CreateShapePrefix() 46 absl::StrAppend(&config_prefix, ":s"); in CreateConfigPrefix() 50 absl::StrAppend(&config_prefix, ":"); in CreateConfigPrefix() 55 absl::StrAppend(&config_prefix, "e"); in CreateConfigPrefix() 59 absl::StrAppend(&config_prefix, ":u"); in CreateConfigPrefix() 61 absl::StrAppend(&config_prefix, ",type(", arg.dtype(), ")"); in CreateConfigPrefix() 63 absl::StrAppend(&config_prefix, ",shape("); in CreateConfigPrefix() 65 absl::StrAppend(&config_prefix, dim.size(), ","); in CreateConfigPrefix() 67 absl::StrAppend(&config_prefix, ")"); in CreateConfigPrefix()
/external/tensorflow/tensorflow/core/profiler/utils/ |
D | step_intersection.cc | 144 absl::StrAppend(&str, "["); in StringDstStepNumbers() 146 if (i > 0) absl::StrAppend(&str, ", "); in StringDstStepNumbers() 147 absl::StrAppend(&str, step_numbers[i]); in StringDstStepNumbers() 149 absl::StrAppend(&str, "]"); in StringDstStepNumbers() 156 absl::StrAppend(&str, "["); in StringSrcToDstIndexMap() 158 if (i > 0) absl::StrAppend(&str, ", "); in StringSrcToDstIndexMap() 159 absl::StrAppend(&str, src_first_step_idx + i, ":", i); in StringSrcToDstIndexMap() 161 absl::StrAppend(&str, "]"); in StringSrcToDstIndexMap() 255 absl::StrAppend(&str, "chief host id_: ", chief_host_id_, "\n"); in DebugString() 256 absl::StrAppend(&str, "begin_chief_idx_: ", begin_chief_idx_, in DebugString() [all …]
/external/tensorflow/tensorflow/core/platform/ |
D | strcat_test.cc | 221 TEST(StrAppend, Basics) { in TEST() argument 234 tensorflow::strings::StrAppend(&result, strs[0]); in TEST() 238 tensorflow::strings::StrAppend(&result, strs[1], pieces[2]); in TEST() 242 tensorflow::strings::StrAppend(&result, strs[0], ", ", pieces[2]); in TEST() 246 tensorflow::strings::StrAppend(&result, strs[0], ", ", strs[1], " ", strs[2], in TEST() 251 tensorflow::strings::StrAppend(&result, pieces[0], ", ", pieces[1], " ", in TEST() 256 tensorflow::strings::StrAppend(&result, c_strs[0], ", ", c_strs[1], " ", in TEST() 261 tensorflow::strings::StrAppend(&result, "ASCII ", i32s[0], ", ", i32s[1], " ", in TEST() 266 tensorflow::strings::StrAppend(&result, ui64s[0], ", ", ui64s[1], "!"); in TEST() 273 tensorflow::strings::StrAppend(&result, "And a ", one.size(), " and a ", in TEST() [all …]
/external/tensorflow/tensorflow/core/profiler/convert/ |
D | trace_events_to_json.cc | 64 absl::StrAppend(json, R"({"ph":"M","pid":)", device_id, in AddDeviceMetadata() 68 absl::StrAppend(json, R"({"ph":"M","pid":)", device_id, in AddDeviceMetadata() 76 absl::StrAppend(json, R"({"ph":"M","pid":)", device_id, R"(,"tid":)", in AddResourceMetadata() 82 absl::StrAppend(json, R"({"ph":"M","pid":)", device_id, R"(,"tid":)", in AddResourceMetadata() 89 absl::StrAppend(json, R"({"ph":"X","pid":)", event.device_id(), R"(,"tid":)", in AddTraceEvent() 95 absl::StrAppend(json, R"(,"args":{)"); in AddTraceEvent() 97 absl::StrAppend(json, JsonString(arg->first), ":", in AddTraceEvent() 103 absl::StrAppend(json, "},"); in AddTraceEvent() 126 absl::StrAppend(&json, "{}]}"); in TraceEventsToJson()
/external/tensorflow/tensorflow/compiler/xla/ |
D | window_util.cc | 66 using absl::StrAppend; in ToString() 70 StrAppend(&str, ",stride=", dim.stride()); in ToString() 73 StrAppend(&str, ",padding_low=", dim.padding_low()); in ToString() 76 StrAppend(&str, ",padding_high=", dim.padding_high()); in ToString() 79 StrAppend(&str, ",base_dilation=", dim.base_dilation()); in ToString() 82 StrAppend(&str, ",window_dilation=", dim.window_dilation()); in ToString() 85 StrAppend(&str, ",window_reversal"); in ToString() 87 StrAppend(&str, ")"); in ToString() 92 using absl::StrAppend; in ToString() 99 StrAppend(&str, heading, "="); in ToString() [all …]