1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5 * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6 * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7 * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
8 * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9 */
11 #include "modules/audio_processing/utility/delay_estimator.h"
13 #include "modules/audio_processing/utility/delay_estimator_internal.h"
14 #include "modules/audio_processing/utility/delay_estimator_wrapper.h"
15 #include "test/gtest.h"
17 namespace webrtc {
19 namespace {
21 enum { kSpectrumSize = 65 };
22 // Delay history sizes.
23 enum { kMaxDelay = 100 };
24 enum { kLookahead = 10 };
25 enum { kHistorySize = kMaxDelay + kLookahead };
26 // Length of binary spectrum sequence.
27 enum { kSequenceLength = 400 };
29 const int kDifferentHistorySize = 3;
30 const int kDifferentLookahead = 1;
32 const int kEnable[] = {0, 1};
33 const size_t kSizeEnable = sizeof(kEnable) / sizeof(*kEnable);
35 class DelayEstimatorTest : public ::testing::Test {
36 protected:
37 DelayEstimatorTest();
38 void SetUp() override;
39 void TearDown() override;
41 void Init();
42 void InitBinary();
43 void VerifyDelay(BinaryDelayEstimator* binary_handle, int offset, int delay);
44 void RunBinarySpectra(BinaryDelayEstimator* binary1,
45 BinaryDelayEstimator* binary2,
46 int near_offset,
47 int lookahead_offset,
48 int far_offset);
49 void RunBinarySpectraTest(int near_offset,
50 int lookahead_offset,
51 int ref_robust_validation,
52 int robust_validation);
54 void* handle_;
55 DelayEstimator* self_;
56 void* farend_handle_;
57 DelayEstimatorFarend* farend_self_;
58 BinaryDelayEstimator* binary_;
59 BinaryDelayEstimatorFarend* binary_farend_;
60 int spectrum_size_;
61 // Dummy input spectra.
62 float far_f_[kSpectrumSize];
63 float near_f_[kSpectrumSize];
64 uint16_t far_u16_[kSpectrumSize];
65 uint16_t near_u16_[kSpectrumSize];
66 uint32_t binary_spectrum_[kSequenceLength + kHistorySize];
67 };
DelayEstimatorTest()69 DelayEstimatorTest::DelayEstimatorTest()
70 : handle_(NULL),
71 self_(NULL),
72 farend_handle_(NULL),
73 farend_self_(NULL),
74 binary_(NULL),
75 binary_farend_(NULL),
76 spectrum_size_(kSpectrumSize) {
77 // Dummy input data are set with more or less arbitrary non-zero values.
78 memset(far_f_, 1, sizeof(far_f_));
79 memset(near_f_, 2, sizeof(near_f_));
80 memset(far_u16_, 1, sizeof(far_u16_));
81 memset(near_u16_, 2, sizeof(near_u16_));
82 // Construct a sequence of binary spectra used to verify delay estimate. The
83 // |kSequenceLength| has to be long enough for the delay estimation to leave
84 // the initialized state.
85 binary_spectrum_[0] = 1;
86 for (int i = 1; i < (kSequenceLength + kHistorySize); i++) {
87 binary_spectrum_[i] = 3 * binary_spectrum_[i - 1];
88 }
89 }
SetUp()91 void DelayEstimatorTest::SetUp() {
92 farend_handle_ =
93 WebRtc_CreateDelayEstimatorFarend(kSpectrumSize, kHistorySize);
94 ASSERT_TRUE(farend_handle_ != NULL);
95 farend_self_ = reinterpret_cast<DelayEstimatorFarend*>(farend_handle_);
96 handle_ = WebRtc_CreateDelayEstimator(farend_handle_, kLookahead);
97 ASSERT_TRUE(handle_ != NULL);
98 self_ = reinterpret_cast<DelayEstimator*>(handle_);
99 binary_farend_ = WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimatorFarend(kHistorySize);
100 ASSERT_TRUE(binary_farend_ != NULL);
101 binary_ = WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimator(binary_farend_, kLookahead);
102 ASSERT_TRUE(binary_ != NULL);
103 }
TearDown()105 void DelayEstimatorTest::TearDown() {
106 WebRtc_FreeDelayEstimator(handle_);
107 handle_ = NULL;
108 self_ = NULL;
109 WebRtc_FreeDelayEstimatorFarend(farend_handle_);
110 farend_handle_ = NULL;
111 farend_self_ = NULL;
112 WebRtc_FreeBinaryDelayEstimator(binary_);
113 binary_ = NULL;
114 WebRtc_FreeBinaryDelayEstimatorFarend(binary_farend_);
115 binary_farend_ = NULL;
116 }
Init()118 void DelayEstimatorTest::Init() {
119 // Initialize Delay Estimator
120 EXPECT_EQ(0, WebRtc_InitDelayEstimatorFarend(farend_handle_));
121 EXPECT_EQ(0, WebRtc_InitDelayEstimator(handle_));
122 // Verify initialization.
123 EXPECT_EQ(0, farend_self_->far_spectrum_initialized);
124 EXPECT_EQ(0, self_->near_spectrum_initialized);
125 EXPECT_EQ(-2, WebRtc_last_delay(handle_)); // Delay in initial state.
126 EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0, WebRtc_last_delay_quality(handle_)); // Zero quality.
127 }
InitBinary()129 void DelayEstimatorTest::InitBinary() {
130 // Initialize Binary Delay Estimator (far-end part).
131 WebRtc_InitBinaryDelayEstimatorFarend(binary_farend_);
132 // Initialize Binary Delay Estimator
133 WebRtc_InitBinaryDelayEstimator(binary_);
134 // Verify initialization. This does not guarantee a complete check, since
135 // |last_delay| may be equal to -2 before initialization if done on the fly.
136 EXPECT_EQ(-2, binary_->last_delay);
137 }
VerifyDelay(BinaryDelayEstimator * binary_handle,int offset,int delay)139 void DelayEstimatorTest::VerifyDelay(BinaryDelayEstimator* binary_handle,
140 int offset,
141 int delay) {
142 // Verify that we WebRtc_binary_last_delay() returns correct delay.
143 EXPECT_EQ(delay, WebRtc_binary_last_delay(binary_handle));
145 if (delay != -2) {
146 // Verify correct delay estimate. In the non-causal case the true delay
147 // is equivalent with the |offset|.
148 EXPECT_EQ(offset, delay);
149 }
150 }
RunBinarySpectra(BinaryDelayEstimator * binary1,BinaryDelayEstimator * binary2,int near_offset,int lookahead_offset,int far_offset)152 void DelayEstimatorTest::RunBinarySpectra(BinaryDelayEstimator* binary1,
153 BinaryDelayEstimator* binary2,
154 int near_offset,
155 int lookahead_offset,
156 int far_offset) {
157 int different_validations =
158 binary1->robust_validation_enabled ^ binary2->robust_validation_enabled;
159 WebRtc_InitBinaryDelayEstimatorFarend(binary_farend_);
160 WebRtc_InitBinaryDelayEstimator(binary1);
161 WebRtc_InitBinaryDelayEstimator(binary2);
162 // Verify initialization. This does not guarantee a complete check, since
163 // |last_delay| may be equal to -2 before initialization if done on the fly.
164 EXPECT_EQ(-2, binary1->last_delay);
165 EXPECT_EQ(-2, binary2->last_delay);
166 for (int i = kLookahead; i < (kSequenceLength + kLookahead); i++) {
167 WebRtc_AddBinaryFarSpectrum(binary_farend_,
168 binary_spectrum_[i + far_offset]);
169 int delay_1 = WebRtc_ProcessBinarySpectrum(binary1, binary_spectrum_[i]);
170 int delay_2 = WebRtc_ProcessBinarySpectrum(
171 binary2, binary_spectrum_[i - near_offset]);
173 VerifyDelay(binary1, far_offset + kLookahead, delay_1);
174 VerifyDelay(binary2,
175 far_offset + kLookahead + lookahead_offset + near_offset,
176 delay_2);
177 // Expect the two delay estimates to be offset by |lookahead_offset| +
178 // |near_offset| when we have left the initial state.
179 if ((delay_1 != -2) && (delay_2 != -2)) {
180 EXPECT_EQ(delay_1, delay_2 - lookahead_offset - near_offset);
181 }
182 // For the case of identical signals |delay_1| and |delay_2| should match
183 // all the time, unless one of them has robust validation turned on. In
184 // that case the robust validation leaves the initial state faster.
185 if ((near_offset == 0) && (lookahead_offset == 0)) {
186 if (!different_validations) {
187 EXPECT_EQ(delay_1, delay_2);
188 } else {
189 if (binary1->robust_validation_enabled) {
190 EXPECT_GE(delay_1, delay_2);
191 } else {
192 EXPECT_GE(delay_2, delay_1);
193 }
194 }
195 }
196 }
197 // Verify that we have left the initialized state.
198 EXPECT_NE(-2, WebRtc_binary_last_delay(binary1));
199 EXPECT_LT(0, WebRtc_binary_last_delay_quality(binary1));
200 EXPECT_NE(-2, WebRtc_binary_last_delay(binary2));
201 EXPECT_LT(0, WebRtc_binary_last_delay_quality(binary2));
202 }
RunBinarySpectraTest(int near_offset,int lookahead_offset,int ref_robust_validation,int robust_validation)204 void DelayEstimatorTest::RunBinarySpectraTest(int near_offset,
205 int lookahead_offset,
206 int ref_robust_validation,
207 int robust_validation) {
208 BinaryDelayEstimator* binary2 = WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimator(
209 binary_farend_, kLookahead + lookahead_offset);
210 // Verify the delay for both causal and non-causal systems. For causal systems
211 // the delay is equivalent with a positive |offset| of the far-end sequence.
212 // For non-causal systems the delay is equivalent with a negative |offset| of
213 // the far-end sequence.
214 binary_->robust_validation_enabled = ref_robust_validation;
215 binary2->robust_validation_enabled = robust_validation;
216 for (int offset = -kLookahead;
217 offset < kMaxDelay - lookahead_offset - near_offset; offset++) {
218 RunBinarySpectra(binary_, binary2, near_offset, lookahead_offset, offset);
219 }
220 WebRtc_FreeBinaryDelayEstimator(binary2);
221 binary2 = NULL;
222 binary_->robust_validation_enabled = 0; // Reset reference.
223 }
TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest,CorrectErrorReturnsOfWrapper)225 TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest, CorrectErrorReturnsOfWrapper) {
226 // In this test we verify correct error returns on invalid API calls.
228 // WebRtc_CreateDelayEstimatorFarend() and WebRtc_CreateDelayEstimator()
229 // should return a NULL pointer on invalid input values.
230 // Make sure we have a non-NULL value at start, so we can detect NULL after
231 // create failure.
232 void* handle = farend_handle_;
233 handle = WebRtc_CreateDelayEstimatorFarend(33, kHistorySize);
234 EXPECT_TRUE(handle == NULL);
235 handle = WebRtc_CreateDelayEstimatorFarend(kSpectrumSize, 1);
236 EXPECT_TRUE(handle == NULL);
238 handle = handle_;
239 handle = WebRtc_CreateDelayEstimator(NULL, kLookahead);
240 EXPECT_TRUE(handle == NULL);
241 handle = WebRtc_CreateDelayEstimator(farend_handle_, -1);
242 EXPECT_TRUE(handle == NULL);
244 // WebRtc_InitDelayEstimatorFarend() and WebRtc_InitDelayEstimator() should
245 // return -1 if we have a NULL pointer as |handle|.
246 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_InitDelayEstimatorFarend(NULL));
247 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_InitDelayEstimator(NULL));
249 // WebRtc_AddFarSpectrumFloat() should return -1 if we have:
250 // 1) NULL pointer as |handle|.
251 // 2) NULL pointer as far-end spectrum.
252 // 3) Incorrect spectrum size.
253 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_AddFarSpectrumFloat(NULL, far_f_, spectrum_size_));
254 // Use |farend_handle_| which is properly created at SetUp().
255 EXPECT_EQ(-1,
256 WebRtc_AddFarSpectrumFloat(farend_handle_, NULL, spectrum_size_));
257 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_AddFarSpectrumFloat(farend_handle_, far_f_,
258 spectrum_size_ + 1));
260 // WebRtc_AddFarSpectrumFix() should return -1 if we have:
261 // 1) NULL pointer as |handle|.
262 // 2) NULL pointer as far-end spectrum.
263 // 3) Incorrect spectrum size.
264 // 4) Too high precision in far-end spectrum (Q-domain > 15).
265 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_AddFarSpectrumFix(NULL, far_u16_, spectrum_size_, 0));
266 EXPECT_EQ(-1,
267 WebRtc_AddFarSpectrumFix(farend_handle_, NULL, spectrum_size_, 0));
268 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_AddFarSpectrumFix(farend_handle_, far_u16_,
269 spectrum_size_ + 1, 0));
270 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_AddFarSpectrumFix(farend_handle_, far_u16_,
271 spectrum_size_, 16));
273 // WebRtc_set_history_size() should return -1 if:
274 // 1) |handle| is a NULL.
275 // 2) |history_size| <= 1.
276 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_set_history_size(NULL, 1));
277 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_set_history_size(handle_, 1));
278 // WebRtc_history_size() should return -1 if:
279 // 1) NULL pointer input.
280 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_history_size(NULL));
281 // 2) there is a mismatch between history size.
282 void* tmp_handle = WebRtc_CreateDelayEstimator(farend_handle_, kHistorySize);
283 EXPECT_EQ(0, WebRtc_InitDelayEstimator(tmp_handle));
284 EXPECT_EQ(kDifferentHistorySize,
285 WebRtc_set_history_size(tmp_handle, kDifferentHistorySize));
286 EXPECT_EQ(kDifferentHistorySize, WebRtc_history_size(tmp_handle));
287 EXPECT_EQ(kHistorySize, WebRtc_set_history_size(handle_, kHistorySize));
288 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_history_size(tmp_handle));
290 // WebRtc_set_lookahead() should return -1 if we try a value outside the
291 /// buffer.
292 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_set_lookahead(handle_, kLookahead + 1));
293 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_set_lookahead(handle_, -1));
295 // WebRtc_set_allowed_offset() should return -1 if we have:
296 // 1) NULL pointer as |handle|.
297 // 2) |allowed_offset| < 0.
298 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_set_allowed_offset(NULL, 0));
299 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_set_allowed_offset(handle_, -1));
301 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_get_allowed_offset(NULL));
303 // WebRtc_enable_robust_validation() should return -1 if we have:
304 // 1) NULL pointer as |handle|.
305 // 2) Incorrect |enable| value (not 0 or 1).
306 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_enable_robust_validation(NULL, kEnable[0]));
307 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_enable_robust_validation(handle_, -1));
308 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_enable_robust_validation(handle_, 2));
310 // WebRtc_is_robust_validation_enabled() should return -1 if we have NULL
311 // pointer as |handle|.
312 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_is_robust_validation_enabled(NULL));
314 // WebRtc_DelayEstimatorProcessFloat() should return -1 if we have:
315 // 1) NULL pointer as |handle|.
316 // 2) NULL pointer as near-end spectrum.
317 // 3) Incorrect spectrum size.
318 // 4) Non matching history sizes if multiple delay estimators using the same
319 // far-end reference.
320 EXPECT_EQ(-1,
321 WebRtc_DelayEstimatorProcessFloat(NULL, near_f_, spectrum_size_));
322 // Use |handle_| which is properly created at SetUp().
323 EXPECT_EQ(-1,
324 WebRtc_DelayEstimatorProcessFloat(handle_, NULL, spectrum_size_));
325 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_DelayEstimatorProcessFloat(handle_, near_f_,
326 spectrum_size_ + 1));
327 // |tmp_handle| is already in a non-matching state.
328 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_DelayEstimatorProcessFloat(tmp_handle, near_f_,
329 spectrum_size_));
331 // WebRtc_DelayEstimatorProcessFix() should return -1 if we have:
332 // 1) NULL pointer as |handle|.
333 // 2) NULL pointer as near-end spectrum.
334 // 3) Incorrect spectrum size.
335 // 4) Too high precision in near-end spectrum (Q-domain > 15).
336 // 5) Non matching history sizes if multiple delay estimators using the same
337 // far-end reference.
339 -1, WebRtc_DelayEstimatorProcessFix(NULL, near_u16_, spectrum_size_, 0));
340 EXPECT_EQ(-1,
341 WebRtc_DelayEstimatorProcessFix(handle_, NULL, spectrum_size_, 0));
342 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_DelayEstimatorProcessFix(handle_, near_u16_,
343 spectrum_size_ + 1, 0));
344 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_DelayEstimatorProcessFix(handle_, near_u16_,
345 spectrum_size_, 16));
346 // |tmp_handle| is already in a non-matching state.
347 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_DelayEstimatorProcessFix(tmp_handle, near_u16_,
348 spectrum_size_, 0));
349 WebRtc_FreeDelayEstimator(tmp_handle);
351 // WebRtc_last_delay() should return -1 if we have a NULL pointer as |handle|.
352 EXPECT_EQ(-1, WebRtc_last_delay(NULL));
354 // Free any local memory if needed.
355 WebRtc_FreeDelayEstimator(handle);
356 }
TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest,VerifyAllowedOffset)358 TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest, VerifyAllowedOffset) {
359 // Is set to zero by default.
360 EXPECT_EQ(0, WebRtc_get_allowed_offset(handle_));
361 for (int i = 1; i >= 0; i--) {
362 EXPECT_EQ(0, WebRtc_set_allowed_offset(handle_, i));
363 EXPECT_EQ(i, WebRtc_get_allowed_offset(handle_));
364 Init();
365 // Unaffected over a reset.
366 EXPECT_EQ(i, WebRtc_get_allowed_offset(handle_));
367 }
368 }
TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest,VerifyEnableRobustValidation)370 TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest, VerifyEnableRobustValidation) {
371 // Disabled by default.
372 EXPECT_EQ(0, WebRtc_is_robust_validation_enabled(handle_));
373 for (size_t i = 0; i < kSizeEnable; ++i) {
374 EXPECT_EQ(0, WebRtc_enable_robust_validation(handle_, kEnable[i]));
375 EXPECT_EQ(kEnable[i], WebRtc_is_robust_validation_enabled(handle_));
376 Init();
377 // Unaffected over a reset.
378 EXPECT_EQ(kEnable[i], WebRtc_is_robust_validation_enabled(handle_));
379 }
380 }
TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest,InitializedSpectrumAfterProcess)382 TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest, InitializedSpectrumAfterProcess) {
383 // In this test we verify that the mean spectra are initialized after first
384 // time we call WebRtc_AddFarSpectrum() and Process() respectively. The test
385 // also verifies the state is not left for zero spectra.
386 const float kZerosFloat[kSpectrumSize] = {0.0};
387 const uint16_t kZerosU16[kSpectrumSize] = {0};
389 // For floating point operations, process one frame and verify initialization
390 // flag.
391 Init();
392 EXPECT_EQ(0, WebRtc_AddFarSpectrumFloat(farend_handle_, kZerosFloat,
393 spectrum_size_));
394 EXPECT_EQ(0, farend_self_->far_spectrum_initialized);
395 EXPECT_EQ(0,
396 WebRtc_AddFarSpectrumFloat(farend_handle_, far_f_, spectrum_size_));
397 EXPECT_EQ(1, farend_self_->far_spectrum_initialized);
398 EXPECT_EQ(-2, WebRtc_DelayEstimatorProcessFloat(handle_, kZerosFloat,
399 spectrum_size_));
400 EXPECT_EQ(0, self_->near_spectrum_initialized);
402 -2, WebRtc_DelayEstimatorProcessFloat(handle_, near_f_, spectrum_size_));
403 EXPECT_EQ(1, self_->near_spectrum_initialized);
405 // For fixed point operations, process one frame and verify initialization
406 // flag.
407 Init();
408 EXPECT_EQ(0, WebRtc_AddFarSpectrumFix(farend_handle_, kZerosU16,
409 spectrum_size_, 0));
410 EXPECT_EQ(0, farend_self_->far_spectrum_initialized);
412 0, WebRtc_AddFarSpectrumFix(farend_handle_, far_u16_, spectrum_size_, 0));
413 EXPECT_EQ(1, farend_self_->far_spectrum_initialized);
414 EXPECT_EQ(-2, WebRtc_DelayEstimatorProcessFix(handle_, kZerosU16,
415 spectrum_size_, 0));
416 EXPECT_EQ(0, self_->near_spectrum_initialized);
417 EXPECT_EQ(-2, WebRtc_DelayEstimatorProcessFix(handle_, near_u16_,
418 spectrum_size_, 0));
419 EXPECT_EQ(1, self_->near_spectrum_initialized);
420 }
TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest,CorrectLastDelay)422 TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest, CorrectLastDelay) {
423 // In this test we verify that we get the correct last delay upon valid call.
424 // We simply process the same data until we leave the initialized state
425 // (|last_delay| = -2). Then we compare the Process() output with the
426 // last_delay() call.
428 // TODO(bjornv): Update quality values for robust validation.
429 int last_delay = 0;
430 // Floating point operations.
431 Init();
432 for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
434 0, WebRtc_AddFarSpectrumFloat(farend_handle_, far_f_, spectrum_size_));
435 last_delay =
436 WebRtc_DelayEstimatorProcessFloat(handle_, near_f_, spectrum_size_);
437 if (last_delay != -2) {
438 EXPECT_EQ(last_delay, WebRtc_last_delay(handle_));
439 if (!WebRtc_is_robust_validation_enabled(handle_)) {
440 EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(7203.f / kMaxBitCountsQ9,
441 WebRtc_last_delay_quality(handle_));
442 }
443 break;
444 }
445 }
446 // Verify that we have left the initialized state.
447 EXPECT_NE(-2, WebRtc_last_delay(handle_));
448 EXPECT_LT(0, WebRtc_last_delay_quality(handle_));
450 // Fixed point operations.
451 Init();
452 for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
453 EXPECT_EQ(0, WebRtc_AddFarSpectrumFix(farend_handle_, far_u16_,
454 spectrum_size_, 0));
455 last_delay =
456 WebRtc_DelayEstimatorProcessFix(handle_, near_u16_, spectrum_size_, 0);
457 if (last_delay != -2) {
458 EXPECT_EQ(last_delay, WebRtc_last_delay(handle_));
459 if (!WebRtc_is_robust_validation_enabled(handle_)) {
460 EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(7203.f / kMaxBitCountsQ9,
461 WebRtc_last_delay_quality(handle_));
462 }
463 break;
464 }
465 }
466 // Verify that we have left the initialized state.
467 EXPECT_NE(-2, WebRtc_last_delay(handle_));
468 EXPECT_LT(0, WebRtc_last_delay_quality(handle_));
469 }
TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest,CorrectErrorReturnsOfBinaryEstimatorFarend)471 TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest, CorrectErrorReturnsOfBinaryEstimatorFarend) {
472 // In this test we verify correct output on invalid API calls to the Binary
473 // Delay Estimator (far-end part).
475 BinaryDelayEstimatorFarend* binary = binary_farend_;
476 // WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimatorFarend() should return -1 if the input
477 // history size is less than 2. This is to make sure the buffer shifting
478 // applies properly.
479 // Make sure we have a non-NULL value at start, so we can detect NULL after
480 // create failure.
481 binary = WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimatorFarend(1);
482 EXPECT_TRUE(binary == NULL);
483 }
TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest,CorrectErrorReturnsOfBinaryEstimator)485 TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest, CorrectErrorReturnsOfBinaryEstimator) {
486 // In this test we verify correct output on invalid API calls to the Binary
487 // Delay Estimator.
489 BinaryDelayEstimator* binary_handle = binary_;
490 // WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimator() should return -1 if we have a NULL
491 // pointer as |binary_farend| or invalid input values. Upon failure, the
492 // |binary_handle| should be NULL.
493 // Make sure we have a non-NULL value at start, so we can detect NULL after
494 // create failure.
495 binary_handle = WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimator(NULL, kLookahead);
496 EXPECT_TRUE(binary_handle == NULL);
497 binary_handle = WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimator(binary_farend_, -1);
498 EXPECT_TRUE(binary_handle == NULL);
499 }
TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest,MeanEstimatorFix)501 TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest, MeanEstimatorFix) {
502 // In this test we verify that we update the mean value in correct direction
503 // only. With "direction" we mean increase or decrease.
505 int32_t mean_value = 4000;
506 int32_t mean_value_before = mean_value;
507 int32_t new_mean_value = mean_value * 2;
509 // Increasing |mean_value|.
510 WebRtc_MeanEstimatorFix(new_mean_value, 10, &mean_value);
511 EXPECT_LT(mean_value_before, mean_value);
512 EXPECT_GT(new_mean_value, mean_value);
514 // Decreasing |mean_value|.
515 new_mean_value = mean_value / 2;
516 mean_value_before = mean_value;
517 WebRtc_MeanEstimatorFix(new_mean_value, 10, &mean_value);
518 EXPECT_GT(mean_value_before, mean_value);
519 EXPECT_LT(new_mean_value, mean_value);
520 }
TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest,ExactDelayEstimateMultipleNearSameSpectrum)522 TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest, ExactDelayEstimateMultipleNearSameSpectrum) {
523 // In this test we verify that we get the correct delay estimates if we shift
524 // the signal accordingly. We create two Binary Delay Estimators and feed them
525 // with the same signals, so they should output the same results.
526 // We verify both causal and non-causal delays.
527 // For these noise free signals, the robust validation should not have an
528 // impact, hence we turn robust validation on/off for both reference and
529 // delayed near end.
531 for (size_t i = 0; i < kSizeEnable; ++i) {
532 for (size_t j = 0; j < kSizeEnable; ++j) {
533 RunBinarySpectraTest(0, 0, kEnable[i], kEnable[j]);
534 }
535 }
536 }
TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest,ExactDelayEstimateMultipleNearDifferentSpectrum)538 TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest, ExactDelayEstimateMultipleNearDifferentSpectrum) {
539 // In this test we use the same setup as above, but we now feed the two Binary
540 // Delay Estimators with different signals, so they should output different
541 // results.
542 // For these noise free signals, the robust validation should not have an
543 // impact, hence we turn robust validation on/off for both reference and
544 // delayed near end.
546 const int kNearOffset = 1;
547 for (size_t i = 0; i < kSizeEnable; ++i) {
548 for (size_t j = 0; j < kSizeEnable; ++j) {
549 RunBinarySpectraTest(kNearOffset, 0, kEnable[i], kEnable[j]);
550 }
551 }
552 }
TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest,ExactDelayEstimateMultipleNearDifferentLookahead)554 TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest, ExactDelayEstimateMultipleNearDifferentLookahead) {
555 // In this test we use the same setup as above, feeding the two Binary
556 // Delay Estimators with the same signals. The difference is that we create
557 // them with different lookahead.
558 // For these noise free signals, the robust validation should not have an
559 // impact, hence we turn robust validation on/off for both reference and
560 // delayed near end.
562 const int kLookaheadOffset = 1;
563 for (size_t i = 0; i < kSizeEnable; ++i) {
564 for (size_t j = 0; j < kSizeEnable; ++j) {
565 RunBinarySpectraTest(0, kLookaheadOffset, kEnable[i], kEnable[j]);
566 }
567 }
568 }
TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest,AllowedOffsetNoImpactWhenRobustValidationDisabled)570 TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest, AllowedOffsetNoImpactWhenRobustValidationDisabled) {
571 // The same setup as in ExactDelayEstimateMultipleNearSameSpectrum with the
572 // difference that |allowed_offset| is set for the reference binary delay
573 // estimator.
575 binary_->allowed_offset = 10;
576 RunBinarySpectraTest(0, 0, 0, 0);
577 binary_->allowed_offset = 0; // Reset reference.
578 }
TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest,VerifyLookaheadAtCreate)580 TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest, VerifyLookaheadAtCreate) {
581 void* farend_handle =
582 WebRtc_CreateDelayEstimatorFarend(kSpectrumSize, kMaxDelay);
583 ASSERT_TRUE(farend_handle != NULL);
584 void* handle = WebRtc_CreateDelayEstimator(farend_handle, kLookahead);
585 ASSERT_TRUE(handle != NULL);
586 EXPECT_EQ(kLookahead, WebRtc_lookahead(handle));
587 WebRtc_FreeDelayEstimator(handle);
588 WebRtc_FreeDelayEstimatorFarend(farend_handle);
589 }
TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest,VerifyLookaheadIsSetAndKeptAfterInit)591 TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest, VerifyLookaheadIsSetAndKeptAfterInit) {
592 EXPECT_EQ(kLookahead, WebRtc_lookahead(handle_));
593 EXPECT_EQ(kDifferentLookahead,
594 WebRtc_set_lookahead(handle_, kDifferentLookahead));
595 EXPECT_EQ(kDifferentLookahead, WebRtc_lookahead(handle_));
596 EXPECT_EQ(0, WebRtc_InitDelayEstimatorFarend(farend_handle_));
597 EXPECT_EQ(kDifferentLookahead, WebRtc_lookahead(handle_));
598 EXPECT_EQ(0, WebRtc_InitDelayEstimator(handle_));
599 EXPECT_EQ(kDifferentLookahead, WebRtc_lookahead(handle_));
600 }
TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest,VerifyHistorySizeAtCreate)602 TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest, VerifyHistorySizeAtCreate) {
603 EXPECT_EQ(kHistorySize, WebRtc_history_size(handle_));
604 }
TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest,VerifyHistorySizeIsSetAndKeptAfterInit)606 TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest, VerifyHistorySizeIsSetAndKeptAfterInit) {
607 EXPECT_EQ(kHistorySize, WebRtc_history_size(handle_));
608 EXPECT_EQ(kDifferentHistorySize,
609 WebRtc_set_history_size(handle_, kDifferentHistorySize));
610 EXPECT_EQ(kDifferentHistorySize, WebRtc_history_size(handle_));
611 EXPECT_EQ(0, WebRtc_InitDelayEstimator(handle_));
612 EXPECT_EQ(kDifferentHistorySize, WebRtc_history_size(handle_));
613 EXPECT_EQ(0, WebRtc_InitDelayEstimatorFarend(farend_handle_));
614 EXPECT_EQ(kDifferentHistorySize, WebRtc_history_size(handle_));
615 }
617 // TODO(bjornv): Add tests for SoftReset...(...).
619 } // namespace
621 } // namespace webrtc