1 // Copyright ⓒ 2015-2016 Kevin B. Knapp and [`clap-rs` contributors](https://github.com/clap-rs/clap/blob/v2.33.1/CONTRIBUTORS.md). 2 // Licensed under the MIT license 3 // (see LICENSE or <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>) All files in the project carrying such 4 // notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. 5 6 //! `clap` is a simple-to-use, efficient, and full-featured library for parsing command line 7 //! arguments and subcommands when writing console/terminal applications. 8 //! 9 //! ## About 10 //! 11 //! `clap` is used to parse *and validate* the string of command line arguments provided by the user 12 //! at runtime. You provide the list of valid possibilities, and `clap` handles the rest. This means 13 //! you focus on your *applications* functionality, and less on the parsing and validating of 14 //! arguments. 15 //! 16 //! `clap` also provides the traditional version and help switches (or flags) 'for free' meaning 17 //! automatically with no configuration. It does this by checking the list of valid possibilities you 18 //! supplied and adding only the ones you haven't already defined. If you are using subcommands, 19 //! `clap` will also auto-generate a `help` subcommand for you in addition to the traditional flags. 20 //! 21 //! Once `clap` parses the user provided string of arguments, it returns the matches along with any 22 //! applicable values. If the user made an error or typo, `clap` informs them of the mistake and 23 //! exits gracefully (or returns a `Result` type and allows you to perform any clean up prior to 24 //! exit). Because of this, you can make reasonable assumptions in your code about the validity of 25 //! the arguments. 26 //! 27 //! 28 //! ## Quick Example 29 //! 30 //! The following examples show a quick example of some of the very basic functionality of `clap`. 31 //! For more advanced usage, such as requirements, conflicts, groups, multiple values and 32 //! occurrences see the [documentation](https://docs.rs/clap/), [examples/] directory of 33 //! this repository or the [video tutorials]. 34 //! 35 //! **NOTE:** All of these examples are functionally the same, but show different styles in which to 36 //! use `clap` 37 //! 38 //! The first example shows a method that allows more advanced configuration options (not shown in 39 //! this small example), or even dynamically generating arguments when desired. The downside is it's 40 //! more verbose. 41 //! 42 //! ```no_run 43 //! // (Full example with detailed comments in examples/01b_quick_example.rs) 44 //! // 45 //! // This example demonstrates clap's full 'builder pattern' style of creating arguments which is 46 //! // more verbose, but allows easier editing, and at times more advanced options, or the possibility 47 //! // to generate arguments dynamically. 48 //! extern crate clap; 49 //! use clap::{Arg, App, SubCommand}; 50 //! 51 //! fn main() { 52 //! let matches = App::new("My Super Program") 53 //! .version("1.0") 54 //! .author("Kevin K. <kbknapp@gmail.com>") 55 //! .about("Does awesome things") 56 //! .arg(Arg::with_name("config") 57 //! .short("c") 58 //! .long("config") 59 //! .value_name("FILE") 60 //! .help("Sets a custom config file") 61 //! .takes_value(true)) 62 //! .arg(Arg::with_name("INPUT") 63 //! .help("Sets the input file to use") 64 //! .required(true) 65 //! .index(1)) 66 //! .arg(Arg::with_name("v") 67 //! .short("v") 68 //! .multiple(true) 69 //! .help("Sets the level of verbosity")) 70 //! .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test") 71 //! .about("controls testing features") 72 //! .version("1.3") 73 //! .author("Someone E. <someone_else@other.com>") 74 //! .arg(Arg::with_name("debug") 75 //! .short("d") 76 //! .help("print debug information verbosely"))) 77 //! .get_matches(); 78 //! 79 //! // Gets a value for config if supplied by user, or defaults to "default.conf" 80 //! let config = matches.value_of("config").unwrap_or("default.conf"); 81 //! println!("Value for config: {}", config); 82 //! 83 //! // Calling .unwrap() is safe here because "INPUT" is required (if "INPUT" wasn't 84 //! // required we could have used an 'if let' to conditionally get the value) 85 //! println!("Using input file: {}", matches.value_of("INPUT").unwrap()); 86 //! 87 //! // Vary the output based on how many times the user used the "verbose" flag 88 //! // (i.e. 'myprog -v -v -v' or 'myprog -vvv' vs 'myprog -v' 89 //! match matches.occurrences_of("v") { 90 //! 0 => println!("No verbose info"), 91 //! 1 => println!("Some verbose info"), 92 //! 2 => println!("Tons of verbose info"), 93 //! 3 | _ => println!("Don't be crazy"), 94 //! } 95 //! 96 //! // You can handle information about subcommands by requesting their matches by name 97 //! // (as below), requesting just the name used, or both at the same time 98 //! if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("test") { 99 //! if matches.is_present("debug") { 100 //! println!("Printing debug info..."); 101 //! } else { 102 //! println!("Printing normally..."); 103 //! } 104 //! } 105 //! 106 //! // more program logic goes here... 107 //! } 108 //! ``` 109 //! 110 //! The next example shows a far less verbose method, but sacrifices some of the advanced 111 //! configuration options (not shown in this small example). This method also takes a *very* minor 112 //! runtime penalty. 113 //! 114 //! ```no_run 115 //! // (Full example with detailed comments in examples/01a_quick_example.rs) 116 //! // 117 //! // This example demonstrates clap's "usage strings" method of creating arguments 118 //! // which is less verbose 119 //! extern crate clap; 120 //! use clap::{Arg, App, SubCommand}; 121 //! 122 //! fn main() { 123 //! let matches = App::new("myapp") 124 //! .version("1.0") 125 //! .author("Kevin K. <kbknapp@gmail.com>") 126 //! .about("Does awesome things") 127 //! .args_from_usage( 128 //! "-c, --config=[FILE] 'Sets a custom config file' 129 //! <INPUT> 'Sets the input file to use' 130 //! -v... 'Sets the level of verbosity'") 131 //! .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test") 132 //! .about("controls testing features") 133 //! .version("1.3") 134 //! .author("Someone E. <someone_else@other.com>") 135 //! .arg_from_usage("-d, --debug 'Print debug information'")) 136 //! .get_matches(); 137 //! 138 //! // Same as previous example... 139 //! } 140 //! ``` 141 //! 142 //! This third method shows how you can use a YAML file to build your CLI and keep your Rust source 143 //! tidy or support multiple localized translations by having different YAML files for each 144 //! localization. 145 //! 146 //! First, create the `cli.yml` file to hold your CLI options, but it could be called anything we 147 //! like: 148 //! 149 //! ```yaml 150 //! name: myapp 151 //! version: "1.0" 152 //! author: Kevin K. <kbknapp@gmail.com> 153 //! about: Does awesome things 154 //! args: 155 //! - config: 156 //! short: c 157 //! long: config 158 //! value_name: FILE 159 //! help: Sets a custom config file 160 //! takes_value: true 161 //! - INPUT: 162 //! help: Sets the input file to use 163 //! required: true 164 //! index: 1 165 //! - verbose: 166 //! short: v 167 //! multiple: true 168 //! help: Sets the level of verbosity 169 //! subcommands: 170 //! - test: 171 //! about: controls testing features 172 //! version: "1.3" 173 //! author: Someone E. <someone_else@other.com> 174 //! args: 175 //! - debug: 176 //! short: d 177 //! help: print debug information 178 //! ``` 179 //! 180 //! Since this feature requires additional dependencies that not everyone may want, it is *not* 181 //! compiled in by default and we need to enable a feature flag in Cargo.toml: 182 //! 183 //! Simply change your `clap = "~2.27.0"` to `clap = {version = "~2.27.0", features = ["yaml"]}`. 184 //! 185 //! At last we create our `main.rs` file just like we would have with the previous two examples: 186 //! 187 //! ```ignore 188 //! // (Full example with detailed comments in examples/17_yaml.rs) 189 //! // 190 //! // This example demonstrates clap's building from YAML style of creating arguments which is far 191 //! // more clean, but takes a very small performance hit compared to the other two methods. 192 //! #[macro_use] 193 //! extern crate clap; 194 //! use clap::App; 195 //! 196 //! fn main() { 197 //! // The YAML file is found relative to the current file, similar to how modules are found 198 //! let yaml = load_yaml!("cli.yml"); 199 //! let matches = App::from_yaml(yaml).get_matches(); 200 //! 201 //! // Same as previous examples... 202 //! } 203 //! ``` 204 //! 205 //! Finally there is a macro version, which is like a hybrid approach offering the speed of the 206 //! builder pattern (the first example), but without all the verbosity. 207 //! 208 //! ```no_run 209 //! #[macro_use] 210 //! extern crate clap; 211 //! 212 //! fn main() { 213 //! let matches = clap_app!(myapp => 214 //! (version: "1.0") 215 //! (author: "Kevin K. <kbknapp@gmail.com>") 216 //! (about: "Does awesome things") 217 //! (@arg CONFIG: -c --config +takes_value "Sets a custom config file") 218 //! (@arg INPUT: +required "Sets the input file to use") 219 //! (@arg debug: -d ... "Sets the level of debugging information") 220 //! (@subcommand test => 221 //! (about: "controls testing features") 222 //! (version: "1.3") 223 //! (author: "Someone E. <someone_else@other.com>") 224 //! (@arg verbose: -v --verbose "Print test information verbosely") 225 //! ) 226 //! ).get_matches(); 227 //! 228 //! // Same as before... 229 //! } 230 //! ``` 231 //! 232 //! If you were to compile any of the above programs and run them with the flag `--help` or `-h` (or 233 //! `help` subcommand, since we defined `test` as a subcommand) the following would be output 234 //! 235 //! ```text 236 //! $ myprog --help 237 //! My Super Program 1.0 238 //! Kevin K. <kbknapp@gmail.com> 239 //! Does awesome things 240 //! 241 //! USAGE: 242 //! MyApp [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <INPUT> [SUBCOMMAND] 243 //! 244 //! FLAGS: 245 //! -h, --help Prints this message 246 //! -v Sets the level of verbosity 247 //! -V, --version Prints version information 248 //! 249 //! OPTIONS: 250 //! -c, --config <FILE> Sets a custom config file 251 //! 252 //! ARGS: 253 //! INPUT The input file to use 254 //! 255 //! SUBCOMMANDS: 256 //! help Prints this message 257 //! test Controls testing features 258 //! ``` 259 //! 260 //! **NOTE:** You could also run `myapp test --help` to see similar output and options for the 261 //! `test` subcommand. 262 //! 263 //! ## Try it! 264 //! 265 //! ### Pre-Built Test 266 //! 267 //! To try out the pre-built example, use the following steps: 268 //! 269 //! * Clone the repository `$ git clone https://github.com/clap-rs/clap && cd clap-rs/tests` 270 //! * Compile the example `$ cargo build --release` 271 //! * Run the help info `$ ./target/release/claptests --help` 272 //! * Play with the arguments! 273 //! 274 //! ### BYOB (Build Your Own Binary) 275 //! 276 //! To test out `clap`'s default auto-generated help/version follow these steps: 277 //! 278 //! * Create a new cargo project `$ cargo new fake --bin && cd fake` 279 //! * Add `clap` to your `Cargo.toml` 280 //! 281 //! ```toml 282 //! [dependencies] 283 //! clap = "2" 284 //! ``` 285 //! 286 //! * Add the following to your `src/main.rs` 287 //! 288 //! ```no_run 289 //! extern crate clap; 290 //! use clap::App; 291 //! 292 //! fn main() { 293 //! App::new("fake").version("v1.0-beta").get_matches(); 294 //! } 295 //! ``` 296 //! 297 //! * Build your program `$ cargo build --release` 298 //! * Run with help or version `$ ./target/release/fake --help` or `$ ./target/release/fake 299 //! --version` 300 //! 301 //! ## Usage 302 //! 303 //! For full usage, add `clap` as a dependency in your `Cargo.toml` (it is **highly** recommended to 304 //! use the `~major.minor.patch` style versions in your `Cargo.toml`, for more information see 305 //! [Compatibility Policy](#compatibility-policy)) to use from crates.io: 306 //! 307 //! ```toml 308 //! [dependencies] 309 //! clap = "~2.27.0" 310 //! ``` 311 //! 312 //! Or get the latest changes from the master branch at github: 313 //! 314 //! ```toml 315 //! [dependencies.clap] 316 //! git = "https://github.com/clap-rs/clap.git" 317 //! ``` 318 //! 319 //! Add `extern crate clap;` to your crate root. 320 //! 321 //! Define a list of valid arguments for your program (see the 322 //! [documentation](https://docs.rs/clap/) or [examples/] directory of this repo) 323 //! 324 //! Then run `cargo build` or `cargo update && cargo build` for your project. 325 //! 326 //! ### Optional Dependencies / Features 327 //! 328 //! #### Features enabled by default 329 //! 330 //! * `suggestions`: Turns on the `Did you mean '--myoption'?` feature for when users make typos. (builds dependency `strsim`) 331 //! * `color`: Turns on colored error messages. This feature only works on non-Windows OSs. (builds dependency `ansi-term` and `atty`) 332 //! * `wrap_help`: Wraps the help at the actual terminal width when 333 //! available, instead of 120 characters. (builds dependency `textwrap` 334 //! with feature `term_size`) 335 //! 336 //! To disable these, add this to your `Cargo.toml`: 337 //! 338 //! ```toml 339 //! [dependencies.clap] 340 //! version = "~2.27.0" 341 //! default-features = false 342 //! ``` 343 //! 344 //! You can also selectively enable only the features you'd like to include, by adding: 345 //! 346 //! ```toml 347 //! [dependencies.clap] 348 //! version = "~2.27.0" 349 //! default-features = false 350 //! 351 //! # Cherry-pick the features you'd like to use 352 //! features = [ "suggestions", "color" ] 353 //! ``` 354 //! 355 //! #### Opt-in features 356 //! 357 //! * **"yaml"**: Enables building CLIs from YAML documents. (builds dependency `yaml-rust`) 358 //! * **"unstable"**: Enables unstable `clap` features that may change from release to release 359 //! 360 //! ### Dependencies Tree 361 //! 362 //! The following graphic depicts `clap`s dependency graph (generated using 363 //! [cargo-graph](https://github.com/kbknapp/cargo-graph)). 364 //! 365 //! * **Dashed** Line: Optional dependency 366 //! * **Red** Color: **NOT** included by default (must use cargo `features` to enable) 367 //! * **Blue** Color: Dev dependency, only used while developing. 368 //! 369 //!  370 //! 371 //! ### More Information 372 //! 373 //! You can find complete documentation on the [docs.rs](https://docs.rs/clap/) for this project. 374 //! 375 //! You can also find usage examples in the [examples/] directory of this repo. 376 //! 377 //! #### Video Tutorials 378 //! 379 //! There's also the video tutorial series [Argument Parsing with Rust v2][video tutorials]. 380 //! 381 //! These videos slowly trickle out as I finish them and currently a work in progress. 382 //! 383 //! ## How to Contribute 384 //! 385 //! Contributions are always welcome! And there is a multitude of ways in which you can help 386 //! depending on what you like to do, or are good at. Anything from documentation, code cleanup, 387 //! issue completion, new features, you name it, even filing issues is contributing and greatly 388 //! appreciated! 389 //! 390 //! Another really great way to help is if you find an interesting, or helpful way in which to use 391 //! `clap`. You can either add it to the [examples/] directory, or file an issue and tell 392 //! me. I'm all about giving credit where credit is due :) 393 //! 394 //! Please read [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/clap-rs/clap/blob/v2.33.1/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) before you start contributing. 395 //! 396 //! 397 //! ### Testing Code 398 //! 399 //! To test with all features both enabled and disabled, you can run theese commands: 400 //! 401 //! ```text 402 //! $ cargo test --no-default-features 403 //! $ cargo test --features "yaml unstable" 404 //! ``` 405 //! 406 //! Alternatively, if you have [`just`](https://github.com/casey/just) installed you can run the 407 //! prebuilt recipes. *Not* using `just` is perfectly fine as well, it simply bundles commands 408 //! automatically. 409 //! 410 //! For example, to test the code, as above simply run: 411 //! 412 //! ```text 413 //! $ just run-tests 414 //! ``` 415 //! 416 //! From here on, I will list the appropriate `cargo` command as well as the `just` command. 417 //! 418 //! Sometimes it's helpful to only run a subset of the tests, which can be done via: 419 //! 420 //! ```text 421 //! $ cargo test --test <test_name> 422 //! 423 //! # Or 424 //! 425 //! $ just run-test <test_name> 426 //! ``` 427 //! 428 //! ### Linting Code 429 //! 430 //! During the CI process `clap` runs against many different lints using 431 //! [`clippy`](https://github.com/Manishearth/rust-clippy). In order to check if these lints pass on 432 //! your own computer prior to submitting a PR you'll need a nightly compiler. 433 //! 434 //! In order to check the code for lints run either: 435 //! 436 //! ```text 437 //! $ rustup override add nightly 438 //! $ cargo build --features lints 439 //! $ rustup override remove 440 //! 441 //! # Or 442 //! 443 //! $ just lint 444 //! ``` 445 //! 446 //! ### Debugging Code 447 //! 448 //! Another helpful technique is to see the `clap` debug output while developing features. In order 449 //! to see the debug output while running the full test suite or individual tests, run: 450 //! 451 //! ```text 452 //! $ cargo test --features debug 453 //! 454 //! # Or for individual tests 455 //! $ cargo test --test <test_name> --features debug 456 //! 457 //! # The corresponding just command for individual debugging tests is: 458 //! $ just debug <test_name> 459 //! ``` 460 //! 461 //! ### Goals 462 //! 463 //! There are a few goals of `clap` that I'd like to maintain throughout contributions. If your 464 //! proposed changes break, or go against any of these goals we'll discuss the changes further 465 //! before merging (but will *not* be ignored, all contributes are welcome!). These are by no means 466 //! hard-and-fast rules, as I'm no expert and break them myself from time to time (even if by 467 //! mistake or ignorance). 468 //! 469 //! * Remain backwards compatible when possible 470 //! - If backwards compatibility *must* be broken, use deprecation warnings if at all possible before 471 //! removing legacy code - This does not apply for security concerns 472 //! * Parse arguments quickly 473 //! - Parsing of arguments shouldn't slow down usage of the main program - This is also true of 474 //! generating help and usage information (although *slightly* less stringent, as the program is about 475 //! to exit) 476 //! * Try to be cognizant of memory usage 477 //! - Once parsing is complete, the memory footprint of `clap` should be low since the main program 478 //! is the star of the show 479 //! * `panic!` on *developer* error, exit gracefully on *end-user* error 480 //! 481 //! ### Compatibility Policy 482 //! 483 //! Because `clap` takes `SemVer` and compatibility seriously, this is the official policy regarding 484 //! breaking changes and previous versions of Rust. 485 //! 486 //! `clap` will pin the minimum required version of Rust to the CI builds. Bumping the minimum 487 //! version of Rust is considered a minor breaking change, meaning *at a minimum* the minor version 488 //! of `clap` will be bumped. 489 //! 490 //! In order to keep from being surprised by breaking changes, it is **highly** recommended to use 491 //! the `~major.minor.patch` style in your `Cargo.toml`: 492 //! 493 //! ```toml 494 //! [dependencies] clap = "~2.27.0" 495 //! ``` 496 //! 497 //! This will cause *only* the patch version to be updated upon a `cargo update` call, and therefore 498 //! cannot break due to new features, or bumped minimum versions of Rust. 499 //! 500 //! #### Minimum Version of Rust 501 //! 502 //! `clap` will officially support current stable Rust, minus two releases, but may work with prior 503 //! releases as well. For example, current stable Rust at the time of this writing is 1.21.0, 504 //! meaning `clap` is guaranteed to compile with 1.19.0 and beyond. At the 1.22.0 release, `clap` 505 //! will be guaranteed to compile with 1.20.0 and beyond, etc. 506 //! 507 //! Upon bumping the minimum version of Rust (assuming it's within the stable-2 range), it *must* be 508 //! clearly annotated in the `CHANGELOG.md` 509 //! 510 //! ## License 511 //! 512 //! `clap` is licensed under the MIT license. Please read the [LICENSE-MIT][license] file in 513 //! this repository for more information. 514 //! 515 //! [examples/]: https://github.com/clap-rs/clap/tree/v2.33.1/examples 516 //! [video tutorials]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLza5oFLQGTl2Z5T8g1pRkIynR3E0_pc7U 517 //! [license]: https://github.com/clap-rs/clap/blob/v2.33.1/LICENSE-MIT 518 519 #![crate_type = "lib"] 520 #![doc(html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/clap/2.33.3")] 521 #![deny( 522 missing_docs, 523 missing_debug_implementations, 524 missing_copy_implementations, 525 trivial_casts, 526 unused_import_braces, 527 unused_allocation 528 )] 529 // Lints we'd like to deny but are currently failing for upstream crates 530 // unused_qualifications (bitflags, clippy) 531 // trivial_numeric_casts (bitflags) 532 #![cfg_attr( 533 not(any(feature = "lints", feature = "nightly")), 534 forbid(unstable_features) 535 )] 536 #![cfg_attr(feature = "lints", feature(plugin))] 537 #![cfg_attr(feature = "lints", plugin(clippy))] 538 // Need to disable deny(warnings) while deprecations are active 539 // #![cfg_attr(feature = "lints", deny(warnings))] 540 #![cfg_attr(feature = "lints", allow(cyclomatic_complexity))] 541 #![cfg_attr(feature = "lints", allow(doc_markdown))] 542 #![cfg_attr(feature = "lints", allow(explicit_iter_loop))] 543 544 #[cfg(all(feature = "color", not(target_os = "windows")))] 545 extern crate ansi_term; 546 #[cfg(feature = "color")] 547 extern crate atty; 548 #[macro_use] 549 extern crate bitflags; 550 #[cfg(feature = "suggestions")] 551 extern crate strsim; 552 #[cfg(feature = "wrap_help")] 553 extern crate term_size; 554 extern crate textwrap; 555 #[cfg(feature = "vec_map")] 556 extern crate vec_map; 557 #[cfg(feature = "yaml")] 558 extern crate yaml_rust; 559 560 pub use app::{App, AppSettings}; 561 pub use args::{Arg, ArgGroup, ArgMatches, ArgSettings, OsValues, SubCommand, Values}; 562 pub use completions::Shell; 563 pub use errors::{Error, ErrorKind, Result}; 564 pub use fmt::Format; 565 #[cfg(feature = "yaml")] 566 pub use yaml_rust::YamlLoader; 567 568 #[macro_use] 569 mod macros; 570 mod app; 571 mod args; 572 mod completions; 573 mod errors; 574 mod fmt; 575 mod map; 576 mod osstringext; 577 mod strext; 578 mod suggestions; 579 mod usage_parser; 580 581 const INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG: &'static str = "Fatal internal error. Please consider filing a bug \ 582 report at https://github.com/clap-rs/clap/issues"; 583 const INVALID_UTF8: &'static str = "unexpected invalid UTF-8 code point"; 584 585 #[cfg(unstable)] 586 pub use derive::{ArgEnum, ClapApp, FromArgMatches, IntoApp}; 587 588 #[cfg(unstable)] 589 mod derive { 590 /// @TODO @release @docs 591 pub trait ClapApp: IntoApp + FromArgMatches + Sized { 592 /// @TODO @release @docs parse() -> Self593 fn parse() -> Self { 594 Self::from_argmatches(Self::into_app().get_matches()) 595 } 596 597 /// @TODO @release @docs parse_from<I, T>(argv: I) -> Self where I: IntoIterator<Item = T>, T: Into<OsString> + Clone,598 fn parse_from<I, T>(argv: I) -> Self 599 where 600 I: IntoIterator<Item = T>, 601 T: Into<OsString> + Clone, 602 { 603 Self::from_argmatches(Self::into_app().get_matches_from(argv)) 604 } 605 606 /// @TODO @release @docs try_parse() -> Result<Self, clap::Error>607 fn try_parse() -> Result<Self, clap::Error> { 608 Self::try_from_argmatches(Self::into_app().get_matches_safe()?) 609 } 610 611 /// @TODO @release @docs try_parse_from<I, T>(argv: I) -> Result<Self, clap::Error> where I: IntoIterator<Item = T>, T: Into<OsString> + Clone,612 fn try_parse_from<I, T>(argv: I) -> Result<Self, clap::Error> 613 where 614 I: IntoIterator<Item = T>, 615 T: Into<OsString> + Clone, 616 { 617 Self::try_from_argmatches(Self::into_app().get_matches_from_safe(argv)?) 618 } 619 } 620 621 /// @TODO @release @docs 622 pub trait IntoApp { 623 /// @TODO @release @docs into_app<'a, 'b>() -> clap::App<'a, 'b>624 fn into_app<'a, 'b>() -> clap::App<'a, 'b>; 625 } 626 627 /// @TODO @release @docs 628 pub trait FromArgMatches: Sized { 629 /// @TODO @release @docs from_argmatches<'a>(matches: clap::ArgMatches<'a>) -> Self630 fn from_argmatches<'a>(matches: clap::ArgMatches<'a>) -> Self; 631 632 /// @TODO @release @docs try_from_argmatches<'a>(matches: clap::ArgMatches<'a>) -> Result<Self, clap::Error>633 fn try_from_argmatches<'a>(matches: clap::ArgMatches<'a>) -> Result<Self, clap::Error>; 634 } 635 636 /// @TODO @release @docs 637 pub trait ArgEnum {} 638 } 639