/frameworks/native/cmds/installd/ |
D | otapreopt_chroot.cpp | 71 PLOG(ERROR) << "Running otapreopt failed: " << apexd_error_msg; in ActivateApexPackages() 81 PLOG(ERROR) << "Running /system/bin/apexd --unmount-all failed: " << apexd_error_msg; in DeactivateApexPackages() 124 PLOG(ERROR) << "Not enough arguments."; in otapreopt_chroot() 141 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to unshare() for otapreopt."; in otapreopt_chroot() 147 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to mount private."; in otapreopt_chroot() 158 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to bind-mount " << kBindMounts[i]; in otapreopt_chroot() 173 LOG(ERROR) << "Target slot suffix not legal: " << arg[2]; in otapreopt_chroot() 190 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to mount a tmpfs for " << kPostInstallLinkerconfig; in otapreopt_chroot() 216 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to mount tmpfs in " << kPostinstallApexDir; in otapreopt_chroot() 220 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to restorecon " << kPostinstallApexDir; in otapreopt_chroot() [all …]
D | otapreopt_parameters.cpp | 65 LOG(ERROR) << "Missing parameters"; in ReadArguments() 71 LOG(ERROR) << "Target slot suffix not legal: " << target_slot; in ReadArguments() 77 LOG(ERROR) << "Missing parameters"; in ReadArguments() 106 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not parse version: " << argv[2]; in ReadArguments() 146 LOG(ERROR) << "Missing parameters"; in ReadArgumentsV1() 150 LOG(ERROR) << "Expected \"dexopt\" but found: " << argv[2]; in ReadArgumentsV1() 227 LOG(ERROR) << "Too many arguments, got " << param; in ReadArgumentsV1() 233 LOG(ERROR) << "Not enough parameters"; in ReadArgumentsV1() 256 LOG(ERROR) << "Don't know how to read arguments for version " << version; in ReadArgumentsPostV1() 263 LOG(ERROR) << "Missing parameters"; in ReadArgumentsPostV1() [all …]
D | otapreopt.cpp | 122 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed reading command line."; in Main() 127 LOG(ERROR)<< "Failed reading system properties."; in Main() 132 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed reading environment properties."; in Main() 137 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed initializing globals."; in Main() 144 LOG(ERROR) << "Bad boot image."; in Main() 244 LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create fd for derive_classpath"; in ReadEnvironment() 250 PLOG(ERROR) << "Running derive_classpath failed: " << error_msg; in ReadEnvironment() 298 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not set ASEC_MOUNTPOINT environment variable"; in CheckAndInitializeInstalldGlobals() 303 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not initialize globals; exiting."; in CheckAndInitializeInstalldGlobals() 310 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not access " << GetOtaDirectoryPrefix(); in CheckAndInitializeInstalldGlobals() [all …]
D | dexopt.cpp | 238 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to unlink " << path; in UnlinkIgnoreResult() 286 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set dex2oat task profile"; in SetDex2OatScheduling() 290 PLOG(ERROR) << "setpriority failed"; in SetDex2OatScheduling() 300 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create profile " << profile; in create_profile() 308 PLOG(ERROR) << "Could not chown profile " << profile; in create_profile() 337 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open profile " << profile; in open_profile() 345 PLOG(ERROR) << "Could not set mode " << std::hex << mode << std::dec in open_profile() 698 LOG(ERROR) << "profman dump: no profiles to dump for " << pkgname; in dump_profiles() 705 LOG(ERROR) << "installd cannot chmod file for dump_profile" << out_file_name; in dump_profiles() 713 PLOG(ERROR) << "installd cannot open " << code_path.c_str(); in dump_profiles() [all …]
/frameworks/native/libs/gui/bufferqueue/2.0/ |
D | H2BGraphicBufferProducer.cpp | 100 LOG(ERROR) << "requestBuffer: transaction failed."; in requestBuffer() 104 LOG(ERROR) << "requestBuffer: corrupted transaction."; in requestBuffer() 116 LOG(ERROR) << "setMaxDequeuedBufferCount: transaction failed."; in setMaxDequeuedBufferCount() 120 LOG(ERROR) << "setMaxDequeuedBufferCount: corrupted transaction."; in setMaxDequeuedBufferCount() 130 LOG(ERROR) << "setAsyncMode: transaction failed."; in setAsyncMode() 134 LOG(ERROR) << "setAsyncMode: corrupted transaction."; in setAsyncMode() 169 LOG(ERROR) << "dequeueBuffer: transaction failed."; in dequeueBuffer() 173 LOG(ERROR) << "dequeueBuffer: corrupted transaction."; in dequeueBuffer() 184 LOG(ERROR) << "detachBuffer: transaction failed."; in detachBuffer() 188 LOG(ERROR) << "detachBuffer: corrupted transaction."; in detachBuffer() [all …]
/frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/color/ |
D | ColorDisplayShellCommand.java | 35 private static final int ERROR = -1; field in ColorDisplayShellCommand 61 if (level == ERROR) { in setSaturation() 62 return ERROR; in setSaturation() 70 if (level == ERROR) { in setLayerSaturation() 71 return ERROR; in setLayerSaturation() 76 return ERROR; in setLayerSaturation() 81 return ERROR; in setLayerSaturation() 98 return ERROR; in getLevel() 105 return ERROR; in getLevel() 110 return ERROR; in getLevel()
/frameworks/av/media/libmediatranscoding/transcoder/ |
D | MediaSampleReaderNDK.cpp | 37 LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to allocate AMediaExtractor"; in createFromFd() 43 LOG(ERROR) << "AMediaExtractor_setDataSourceFd returned error: " << status; in createFromFd() 131 LOG(ERROR) << "Error: Forward seek is not supported"; in seekExtractorBackwards_l() 140 LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to seek to " << seekToTimeUs << ", target " << targetTimeUs; in seekExtractorBackwards_l() 219 LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid trackIndex " << trackIndex << " for trackCount " << mTrackCount; in selectTrack() 222 LOG(ERROR) << "TrackIndex " << trackIndex << " already selected"; in selectTrack() 225 LOG(ERROR) << "Tracks must be selected before sample reading begins."; in selectTrack() 231 LOG(ERROR) << "AMediaExtractor_selectTrack returned error: " << status; in selectTrack() 244 LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid trackIndex " << trackIndex << " for trackCount " << mTrackCount; in unselectTrack() 247 LOG(ERROR) << "unselectTrack must be called before sample reading begins."; in unselectTrack() [all …]
D | MediaTranscoder.cpp | 36 LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot merge null formats"; in createVideoTrackFormat() 159 LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to add track to sample writer."; in onTrackFormatAvailable() 196 LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to start sample writer."; in onTrackFormatAvailable() 212 LOG(ERROR) << "TrackTranscoder " << transcoder << " returned error " << status; in onTrackError() 217 LOG(status == AMEDIA_OK ? DEBUG : ERROR) << "Sample writer finished with status " << status; in onFinished() 247 LOG(ERROR) << "Callbacks cannot be null"; in create() 257 LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid source fd: " << fd; in configureSource() 266 LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to parse source fd: " << fd; in configureSource() 274 LOG(ERROR) << "Track #" << trackIndex << " has no format"; in configureSource() 298 LOG(ERROR) << "Source must be configured before tracks"; in configureTrackFormat() [all …]
D | VideoTrackTranscoder.cpp | 161 LOG(ERROR) << "Error from codec " << codec << ", userdata " << userdata << ", error " in onAsyncError() 204 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get default operating rate due to missing resolution"; in getDefaultOperatingRate() 215 LOG(ERROR) << "Destination format is null, use passthrough transcoder"; in configureDestinationFormat() 221 LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to copy destination format"; in configureDestinationFormat() 228 LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to estimate bitrate. Using default " << kDefaultBitrateMbps; in configureDestinationFormat() 270 LOG(ERROR) << "Destination MIME type is required for transcoding."; in configureDestinationFormat() 283 LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create encoder for type " << destinationMime; in configureDestinationFormat() 293 LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to configure video encoder: " << status; in configureDestinationFormat() 299 LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create an encoder input surface: %d" << status; in configureDestinationFormat() 307 LOG(ERROR) << "Source MIME type is required for transcoding."; in configureDestinationFormat() [all …]
D | MediaSampleWriter.cpp | 58 LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create AMediaMuxer"; in create() 98 LOG(ERROR) << "Callback object cannot be null"; in init() 101 LOG(ERROR) << "Muxer cannot be null"; in init() 107 LOG(ERROR) << "Sample writer is already initialized"; in init() 121 LOG(ERROR) << "Track format must be non-null"; in addTrack() 127 LOG(ERROR) << "Muxer needs to be initialized when adding tracks."; in addTrack() 140 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add media track to muxer: " << trackIndexOrError; in addTrack() 178 LOG(ERROR) << "No tracks to write."; in start() 181 LOG(ERROR) << "Sample writer is not initialized"; in start() 207 LOG(ERROR) << "Sample writer is not started."; in stop() [all …]
D | MediaTrackTranscoder.cpp | 33 LOG(ERROR) << "Configure can only be called once"; in configure() 38 LOG(ERROR) << "MediaSampleReader is null"; in configure() 42 LOG(ERROR) << "TrackIndex is invalid " << trackIndex; in configure() 52 LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to get format for track #" << mTrackIndex; in configure() 58 LOG(ERROR) << "configure failed with error " << status; in configure() 70 LOG(ERROR) << "TrackTranscoder must be configured before started"; in start()
/frameworks/base/libs/androidfw/ |
D | LoadedArsc.cpp | 31 #ifdef ERROR 32 #undef ERROR 78 LOG(ERROR) << "RES_TABLE_TYPE_TYPE has invalid ID 0."; in VerifyResTableType() 84 LOG(ERROR) << "RES_TABLE_TYPE_TYPE has too many entries (" << entry_count << ")."; in VerifyResTableType() 94 LOG(ERROR) << "RES_TABLE_TYPE_TYPE entry offsets overlap actual entry data."; in VerifyResTableType() 99 LOG(ERROR) << "RES_TABLE_TYPE_TYPE entry offsets extend beyond chunk."; in VerifyResTableType() 104 LOG(ERROR) << "RES_TABLE_TYPE_TYPE entries start at unaligned address."; in VerifyResTableType() 114 LOG(ERROR) << "Entry at offset " << entry_offset << " is not 4-byte aligned."; in VerifyResTableEntry() 121 LOG(ERROR) << "Entry at offset " << entry_offset << " is too large."; in VerifyResTableEntry() 129 LOG(ERROR) << "Entry at offset " << entry_offset in VerifyResTableEntry() [all …]
D | CursorWindow.cpp | 69 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed create"; in create() 89 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed ashmem_create_region"; in maybeInflate() 94 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed ashmem_set_prot_region"; in maybeInflate() 100 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed mmap"; in maybeInflate() 105 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed ashmem_set_prot_region"; in maybeInflate() 131 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed maybeInflate"; in maybeInflate() 150 LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected size " << window->mSize << " for " << window->mNumRows in createFromParcel() 160 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed readFileDescriptor"; in createFromParcel() 166 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC"; in createFromParcel() 172 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed mmap"; in createFromParcel() [all …]
D | PosixUtils.cpp | 55 PLOG(ERROR) << "pipe"; in ExecuteBinary() 61 PLOG(ERROR) << "pipe"; in ExecuteBinary() 79 PLOG(ERROR) << "fork"; in ExecuteBinary() 83 PLOG(ERROR) << "setgid"; in ExecuteBinary() 88 PLOG(ERROR) << "setuid"; in ExecuteBinary() 101 PLOG(ERROR) << "execv"; in ExecuteBinary()
/frameworks/opt/net/wifi/libwifi_system_iface/ |
D | interface_tool.cpp | 47 LOG(ERROR) << "Interface name is too long: " << if_name; in GetIfState() 52 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not read interface state for " << if_name in GetIfState() 65 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open socket to set up/down state (" in GetUpState() 81 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open socket to set up/down state (" in SetUpState() 103 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not set interface flags for " << if_name in SetUpState() 123 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open socket to set MAC address (" in SetMacAddress() 136 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not set interface MAC address for " << if_name in SetMacAddress() 156 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open socket to get factory MAC address (" in GetFactoryMacAddress() 170 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not get factory address MAC for " << if_name in GetFactoryMacAddress() 182 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not add bridge " << br_name.c_str() in createBridge() [all …]
/frameworks/av/services/mediacodec/registrant/ |
D | CodecServiceRegistrant.cpp | 69 LOG(ERROR) << "Preferred store is corrupted."; 81 LOG(ERROR) << "config -- bad input."; in config_sm() 101 LOG(ERROR) << "config -- " in config_sm() 107 LOG(ERROR) << "config -- " in config_sm() 113 LOG(ERROR) << "config -- transaction failed."; in config_sm() 122 LOG(ERROR) << "copyBuffer -- not supported."; in copyBuffer() 129 LOG(ERROR) << "createComponent -- not supported."; in createComponent() 136 LOG(ERROR) << "createInterface -- not supported."; in createInterface() 178 LOG(ERROR) << "query -- error while parsing params."; in query_sm() 197 LOG(ERROR) << "query -- unexpected error."; in query_sm() [all …]
/frameworks/av/media/codec2/hidl/1.0/utils/ |
D | types.cpp | 139 LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid C2FieldSupportedValues::range."; in objcpy() 189 LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid FieldSupportedValues::range."; in objcpy() 219 LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid C2FieldSupportedValuesQuery::field."; in objcpy() 275 LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid FieldSupportedValuesQuery."; in objcpy() 280 LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid FieldSupportedValuesQueryResult::values."; in objcpy() 400 LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid C2ParamFieldValues::paramOrField."; in objcpy() 406 LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid C2ParamFieldValues::values."; in objcpy() 421 LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid ParamFieldValues::values."; in objcpy() 429 LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid ParamFieldValues: " in objcpy() 478 LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid C2SettingResult::field."; in objcpy() [all …]
/frameworks/av/media/mtp/ |
D | MtpFfsHandle.cpp | 68 PLOG(ERROR) << "Could not get FFS bulk-in descriptor"; in getPacketSize() 92 PLOG(ERROR) << (ptp ? FFS_PTP_EP_IN : FFS_MTP_EP_IN) << ": cannot open bulk in ep"; in openEndpoints() 100 PLOG(ERROR) << (ptp ? FFS_PTP_EP_OUT : FFS_MTP_EP_OUT) << ": cannot open bulk out ep"; in openEndpoints() 108 PLOG(ERROR) << (ptp ? FFS_PTP_EP_INTR : FFS_MTP_EP_INTR) << ": cannot open intr ep"; in openEndpoints() 119 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to madvise"; in advise() 123 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to fadvise"; in advise() 205 LOG(ERROR) << "Mtp Event " << event->type << " (unknown)"; in handleEvent() 222 PLOG(ERROR) << "Mtp error ctrlreq read data"; in handleControlRequest() 255 LOG(ERROR) << "Unrecognized Mtp class request! " << code; in handleControlRequest() 258 LOG(ERROR) << "Unrecognized request type " << type; in handleControlRequest() [all …]
D | MtpUtils.cpp | 106 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create folder " << path; in makeFolder() 127 PLOG(ERROR) << "opendir " << fromPath << " failed"; in copyRecursive() 162 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open copy from " << fromPath; in copyFile() 167 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open copy to " << toPath; in copyFile() 184 PLOG(ERROR) << "Copying failed!"; in copyFile() 205 PLOG(ERROR) << "opendir " << path << " failed"; in deleteRecursive() 227 PLOG(ERROR) << "Deleting path " << childPath << " failed"; in deleteRecursive() 245 PLOG(ERROR) << "deletePath stat failed for " << path; in deletePath() 249 PLOG(ERROR) << "Deleting path " << path << " failed"; in deletePath()
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/speech/tts/ |
D | FileSynthesisCallback.java | 124 return TextToSpeech.ERROR; in start() 128 return TextToSpeech.ERROR; in start() 148 return TextToSpeech.ERROR; in start() 166 return TextToSpeech.ERROR; in audioAvailable() 171 return TextToSpeech.ERROR; in audioAvailable() 175 return TextToSpeech.ERROR; in audioAvailable() 193 return TextToSpeech.ERROR; in audioAvailable() 211 return TextToSpeech.ERROR; in done() 219 return TextToSpeech.ERROR; in done() 223 return TextToSpeech.ERROR; in done() [all …]
/frameworks/native/libs/vr/libbufferhubqueue/benchmarks/ |
D | buffer_transport_benchmark.cpp | 93 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to acquire next buffer."; in onFrameAvailable() 103 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to release buffer."; in onFrameAvailable() 162 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get the benchmark service."; in Start() 175 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get buffer queue over binder."; in CreateSurface() 182 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get IGraphicBufferProducer over binder."; in CreateSurface() 188 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get IGraphicBufferProducer over binder."; in CreateSurface() 250 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create epoll fd: %s", strerror(-ret); in Start() 258 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set scheduler policy, ret=" << ret; in Start() 272 LOG(ERROR) << "Error polling consumer queues."; in Start() 296 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create BufferHub-based BufferQueue."; in CreateSurface() [all …]
/frameworks/layoutlib/bridge/tests/src/com/android/tools/idea/validator/accessibility/ |
D | AccessibilityValidatorTests.java | 139 speakableCheck = filter(speakableCheck, EnumSet.of(Level.ERROR)); in testSpeakableTextPresentCheck() 142 result.getIssues(), EnumSet.of(Level.ERROR, Level.WARNING, Level.INFO)); in testSpeakableTextPresentCheck() 161 textContrast = filter(textContrast, EnumSet.of(Level.ERROR)); in testTextContrastCheck() 162 List<Issue> filtered = filter(result.getIssues(), EnumSet.of(Level.ERROR)); in testTextContrastCheck() 180 textContrast = filter(textContrast, EnumSet.of(Level.ERROR)); in testTextContrastCheckNoImage() 181 List<Issue> filtered = filter(result.getIssues(), EnumSet.of(Level.ERROR)); in testTextContrastCheckNoImage() 198 imageContrast = filter(imageContrast, EnumSet.of(Level.ERROR, Level.WARNING)); in testImageContrastCheck() 199 … List<Issue> filtered = filter(result.getIssues(), EnumSet.of(Level.ERROR, Level.WARNING)); in testImageContrastCheck() 215 imageContrast = filter(imageContrast, EnumSet.of(Level.ERROR, Level.WARNING)); in testImageContrastCheckNoImage() 216 … List<Issue> filtered = filter(result.getIssues(), EnumSet.of(Level.ERROR, Level.WARNING)); in testImageContrastCheckNoImage() [all …]
/frameworks/opt/net/wifi/libwifi_hal/ |
D | wifi_hal_common.cpp | 66 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open " << filename; in insmod() 74 PLOG(ERROR) << "finit_module return: " << ret; in insmod() 114 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to access driver state control param " in wifi_change_driver_state() 120 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open driver state control param"; in wifi_change_driver_state() 125 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write driver state control param"; in wifi_change_driver_state() 262 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open wlan fw path param"; in wifi_change_fw_path() 267 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write wlan fw path param"; in wifi_change_fw_path()
/frameworks/base/tools/processors/view_inspector/src/java/android/processor/view/inspector/ |
D | ProcessingException.java | 19 import static javax.tools.Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR; 73 ERROR, getMessage(), mElement, mAnnotationMirror, mAnnotationValue); in print() 75 messager.printMessage(ERROR, getMessage(), mElement, mAnnotationMirror); in print() 78 messager.printMessage(ERROR, getMessage(), mElement); in print() 81 messager.printMessage(ERROR, getMessage()); in print()
/frameworks/av/services/mediacodec/ |
D | main_codecservice.cpp | 55 LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot create IOmx HAL service."; in main() 57 LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot register IOmx HAL service."; in main() 64 LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot create IOmxStore HAL service."; in main() 66 LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot register IOmxStore HAL service."; in main()