/tools/repohooks/tools/ |
D | cpplint.py | 665 return _regexp_compile_cache[pattern].match(s) 1464 if _RE_PATTERN_INCLUDE.match(elided): 1478 match = Match(r'^([^\'"]*)([\'"])(.*)$', elided) 1479 if not match: 1482 head, quote, tail = match.groups() 1952 match = Match(r'#endif\s*//\s*' + cppvar + r'(_)?\b', endif) 1953 if match: 1954 if match.group(1) == '_': 1971 match = Match(r'#endif\s*/\*\s*' + cppvar + r'(_)?\s*\*/', endif) 1972 if match: [all …]
/tools/asuite/atest/test_finders/ |
D | test_finder_utils.py | 211 match = _PACKAGE_RE.match(line) 212 if match: 213 package = match.group('package') 232 match = _CC_CLASS_METHOD_RE.match(line) 233 if match: 249 match = _PACKAGE_RE.match(line) 250 if match: 251 return match.group('package') 265 match = _PARENT_CLS_RE.match(line) 266 if match: [all …]
D | tf_integration_finder.py | 279 match = _INT_NAME_RE.match(test_file) 280 if not match: 284 int_name = match.group('int_name') 348 match = _INT_NAME_RE.match(rel_config) 349 if not match: 353 int_name = match.group('int_name')
D | suite_plan_finder.py | 79 match = _SUITE_PLAN_NAME_RE.match(path) 80 if not match: 83 suite = match.group('suite') 84 suite_plan_name = match.group('suite_plan_name')
/tools/test/connectivity/acts_tests/acts_contrib/test_utils/wifi/ |
D | wifi_performance_test_utils.py | 487 match = re.search(LOSS_REGEX, line) 488 self.packet_loss_percentage = float(match.group('loss')) 490 match = re.search(RTT_REGEX, line) 492 self.start_time = float(match.group('timestamp')) 495 float(match.group('timestamp')) - self.start_time, 496 float(match.group('rtt')))) 1057 match = re.search('bssid=.*', status_output) 1058 if match: 1059 current_bssid = match.group(0).split('=')[1] 1067 match = re.search('\s+ssid=.*', status_output) [all …]
/tools/asuite/atest/tools/ |
D | atest_tools.py | 106 match = constants.ACLOUD_REPORT_FILE_RE.match(acloud_args) 107 if match: 108 return match.group('report_file') 180 match = output_re.match(entry) 181 if match: 182 _dict.setdefault(match.group(key), set()).add( 183 match.group(value)) 319 match = constants.QCLASS_OUTPUT_RE.match(entry) 320 if match: 321 fqcn = match.group('package') + '.' + match.group('class') [all …]
/tools/asuite/atest-py2/test_finders/ |
D | test_finder_utils.py | 183 match = _PACKAGE_RE.match(line) 184 if match: 185 package = match.group('package') 204 match = _CC_CLASS_RE.match(line) 205 if match: 221 match = _PACKAGE_RE.match(line) 222 if match: 223 return match.group('package') 242 if constants.JAVA_EXT_RE.match(test_path): 245 elif constants.CC_EXT_RE.match(test_path): [all …]
D | tf_integration_finder.py | 189 match = _INT_NAME_RE.match(test_file) 190 if not match: 194 int_name = match.group('int_name') 257 match = _INT_NAME_RE.match(rel_config) 258 if not match: 262 int_name = match.group('int_name')
D | suite_plan_finder.py | 79 match = _SUITE_PLAN_NAME_RE.match(path) 80 if not match: 83 suite = match.group('suite') 84 suite_plan_name = match.group('suite_plan_name')
/tools/external_updater/ |
D | crates_updater.py | 55 match = CRATES_IO_URL_RE.match(self._old_url.value) 56 if match is None: 58 self.package = match.group(1) 62 match = VERSION_MATCHER.match(version) 63 if match is not None: 64 return tuple(int(match.group(i)) for i in range(1, 4)) 81 if (not v["yanked"] and not ALPHA_BETA_RE.match(version) and 95 if ALPHA_BETA_RE.match(self._new_ver): 181 match = DESCRIPTION_MATCHER.match(line) 182 if match: [all …]
/tools/test/connectivity/acts/framework/acts/controllers/buds_lib/ |
D | apollo_lib.py | 110 match = re.search(DEVICE_REGEX, line) 111 interface = match.group('interface') 115 commander_port = '/dev/' + match.group('port') 118 log_port = '/dev/' + match.group('port') 121 device_serial = match.group('device_serial') 338 match = re.match(regexp, res[0][0]) 339 if match: 340 connlib41 = match.group('m2') + match.group('m1') 354 match = re.search(regexp, res[0][0]) 355 if match: [all …]
D | b29_lib.py | 69 match = re.search(DEVICE_REGEX, line) 70 device_serial = match.group('device_serial') 72 commander_port = '/dev/' + match.group('port') 120 match = version_match.search(version_str) 121 version = match.groups()[0] 125 def _parse_output_of_running_process(self, subprocess, match, timeout=30): argument 136 success_match = re.compile(match)
/tools/acloud/list/ |
D | instance.py | 113 match = _LOCAL_INSTANCE_NAME_PATTERN.match(name) 114 if match: 115 return int(match.group("id")) 214 match = _RE_TIMEZONE.match(start_time) 218 if match: 620 match = cls._INSTANCE_NAME_PATTERN.match(name) 621 if match: 622 return int(match.group("id")) 642 match = cls._DEVICE_SERIAL_PATTERN.match(serial) 643 if not match: [all …]
/tools/acloud/create/ |
D | avd_spec.py | 243 match = _RE_RES.match(value) 244 if match: 245 arg_hw_properties[_X_RES] = match.group("x_res") 246 arg_hw_properties[_Y_RES] = match.group("y_res") 251 match = _RE_MEMORY.match(value) 252 if match and match.group("gb_size"): 254 int(match.group("gb_size")) * 1024) 255 elif match and match.group("mb_size"): 256 arg_hw_properties[key] = match.group("mb_size") 261 if not _RE_INT.match(value): [all …]
/tools/asuite/atest-py2/tools/ |
D | atest_tools.py | 156 match = output_re.match(entry) 157 if match: 158 _dict.setdefault(match.group(key), set()).add(match.group(value)) 284 match = constants.QCLASS_OUTPUT_RE.match(entry) 285 if match: 286 fqcn = match.group('package') + '.' + match.group('class') 287 _dict.setdefault(fqcn, set()).add(match.group('java_path'))
/tools/acloud/setup/ |
D | setup_common.py | 117 match = _INSTALLED_RE.match(line) 118 if match: 119 installed_ver = match.group("installed_ver").strip() 121 match = _CANDIDATE_RE.match(line) 122 if match: 123 candidate_ver = match.group("candidate_ver").strip()
/tools/ndkports/src/main/kotlin/com/android/ndkports/ |
D | CMakeCompatibleVersion.kt | 54 val match = versionRegex.find(versionString) in toString() constant 55 require(match != null) { in toString() 59 match.groups[1]!!.value.toInt(), in toString() 60 match.groups[2]?.value?.toInt(), in toString() 61 match.groups[3]?.value?.toInt(), in toString() 62 match.groups[4]?.value?.toInt() in toString()
/tools/test/connectivity/acts/framework/acts/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/ |
D | contest.py | 171 match = re.search('(?<={}).+(?=\\\\)'.format(prefix), 173 if match: 174 testplan_directory = match.group(0) 178 match = re.search('(?<=Exit code: )-?\d+', output) 179 if match: 180 exit_code = int(match.group(0)) 270 match = re.search('(?<=Margin search completed, the lowest ' 273 if match: 275 match.group(0))
/tools/asuite/atest-py2/test_runners/ |
D | robolectric_test_runner.py | 165 if not reg.match(buf) or data == '': 173 match = EVENT_RE.match(event) 174 if match: 176 event_data = json.loads(match.group('json_data'), 181 match.group('json_data')) 183 event_name = match.group('event_name')
/tools/test/connectivity/acts/framework/acts/controllers/utils_lib/commands/ |
D | ip.py | 60 match = re.search('inet (?P<address>[^\s]*) brd (?P<bcast>[^\s]*)', 62 if match: 63 d = match.groupdict() 68 match = re.search('inet (?P<address>[^\s]*)', line) 69 if match: 70 d = match.groupdict()
D | route.py | 100 match = re.search('dev (?P<net_interface>.*)', line) 102 if match: 106 match.groupdict()['net_interface']) 109 match = re.search( 112 if match: 115 d = match.groupdict()
/tools/asuite/atest/test_runners/ |
D | robolectric_test_runner.py | 176 if not reg.match(buf) or data == '': 184 match = EVENT_RE.match(event) 185 if match: 187 event_data = json.loads(match.group('json_data'), 192 match.group('json_data')) 194 event_name = match.group('event_name')
/tools/acloud/reconnect/ |
D | reconnect.py | 93 match = re.search(_WEBRTC_PORTS_SEARCH, line) 94 if match: 115 match = _RE_DISPLAY.match(display) 116 if match: 117 utils.LaunchVncClient(vnc_port, match.group(1), match.group(2))
/tools/test/connectivity/acts_tests/tests/google/coex/hotspot_tests/ |
D | HotspotWiFiChannelTest.py | 216 match = re.search('freq=.*', out) 217 if match: 218 freq = match.group(0).split('=')[1] 236 match = re.search(r'[0-9.]+MHz', out) 237 if match: 238 bandwidth = match.group(0).strip('MHz')
/tools/repohooks/rh/ |
D | hooks.py | 171 if exclusion_path.match(proj_dir): 411 if check_re.match(line): 435 if check_re.match(line): 548 if check_re.match(line): 636 if check_re_field_misspells.match(line): 655 if (check_re_relnote.match(cur_line) and 662 not check_re_empty_string.match(next_line)): 685 if check_re_relnote.match(cur_line) and contains_quote: 711 on_relnote_line = check_re_relnote.match(cur_line) 793 if check_re.match(line):