/external/skqp/tools/lua/ |
D | lua_pictures.cpp | 35 static DEFINE_string2(skpPath, r, "", "Read this .skp file or .skp files from this dir"); 36 static DEFINE_string2(luaFile, l, "", "File containing lua script to run"); 37 static DEFINE_string2(headCode, s, "", "Optional lua code to call at beginning"); 38 static DEFINE_string2(tailFunc, s, "", "Optional lua function to call at end");
/external/skqp/tools/bookmaker/ |
D | bookmaker.cpp | 16 DEFINE_string2(status, a, "", "File containing status of documentation. (Use in place of -b -i)"); 17 DEFINE_string2(bmh, b, "", "Path to a *.bmh file or a directory."); 19 DEFINE_string2(examples, e, "", "File of fiddlecli input, usually fiddle.json (For now, disables -r… 21 DEFINE_string2(fiddle, f, "", "File of fiddlecli output, usually fiddleout.json."); 24 DEFINE_string2(include, i, "", "Path to a *.h file or a directory."); 29 DEFINE_string2(ref, r, "", "Resolve refs and write *.md files to path. (Requires -b -f)"); 30 DEFINE_string2(spellcheck, s, "", "Spell-check [once, all, mispelling]. (Requires -b)");
/external/skia/modules/svg/utils/ |
D | SvgTool.cpp | 19 static DEFINE_string2(input , i, nullptr, "Input SVG file."); 20 static DEFINE_string2(output, o, nullptr, "Output PNG file.");
/external/skia/tools/ |
D | skottie2movie.cpp | 24 static DEFINE_string2(input, i, "", "skottie animation to render"); 25 static DEFINE_string2(output, o, "", "mp4 file to create"); 26 static DEFINE_string2(assetPath, a, "", "path to assets needed for json file");
D | get_images_from_skps.cpp | 25 static DEFINE_string2(skps, s, "skps", "A path to a directory of skps or a single skp."); 26 static DEFINE_string2(out, o, "img-out", "A path to an output directory."); 33 static DEFINE_string2(failuresJsonPath, j, "",
D | skhello.cpp | 18 static DEFINE_string2(outFile, o, "skhello", "The filename to write the image."); 19 static DEFINE_string2(text, t, "Hello", "The string to write.");
D | dump_record.cpp | 21 static DEFINE_string2(skps, r, "", ".SKPs to dump."); 28 static DEFINE_string2(write, w, "", "Write the (optimized) picture to the named file.");
D | Resources.cpp | 20 static DEFINE_string2(resourcePath, i, "resources",
D | skpinfo.cpp | 16 static DEFINE_string2(input, i, "", "skp on which to report");
/external/skqp/tools/ |
D | get_images_from_skps.cpp | 26 DEFINE_string2(skps, s, "skps", "A path to a directory of skps or a single skp."); 27 DEFINE_string2(out, o, "img-out", "A path to an output directory."); 33 DEFINE_string2(failuresJsonPath, j, "",
D | dump_record.cpp | 20 DEFINE_string2(skps, r, "", ".SKPs to dump."); 26 DEFINE_string2(write, w, "", "Write the (optimized) picture to the named file.");
D | skhello.cpp | 18 DEFINE_string2(outFile, o, "skhello", "The filename to write the image."); 19 DEFINE_string2(text, t, "Hello", "The string to write.");
D | Resources.cpp | 20 DEFINE_string2(resourcePath, i, "resources", "Directory with test resources: images, fonts, etc.");
D | skpinfo.cpp | 16 DEFINE_string2(input, i, "", "skp on which to report");
/external/skqp/modules/skottie/src/ |
D | SkottieTool.cpp | 22 DEFINE_string2(input , i, nullptr, "Input .json file."); 23 DEFINE_string2(writePath, w, nullptr, "Output directory. Frames are names [0-9]{6}.png."); 24 DEFINE_string2(format , f, "png" , "Output format (png or skp)");
/external/skqp/tools/flags/ |
D | SkCommonFlags.cpp | 33 DEFINE_string2(match, m, nullptr, 82 DEFINE_string2(writePath, w, "", "If set, write bitmaps here as .pngs.");
/external/skia/tests/ |
D | skia_test.cpp | 31 static DEFINE_string2(json, J, "", "write json version of tests."); 37 static DEFINE_string2(match, m, nullptr,
D | Test.cpp | 16 static DEFINE_string2(tmpDir, t, nullptr, "Temp directory to use.");
/external/skqp/tests/ |
D | Test.cpp | 16 DEFINE_string2(tmpDir, t, nullptr, "Temp directory to use.");
D | skia_test.cpp | 32 DEFINE_string2(json, J, "", "write json version of tests.");
/external/skia/modules/skottie/src/ |
D | SkottieTool.cpp | 36 static DEFINE_string2(input , i, nullptr, "Input .json file."); 37 static DEFINE_string2(writePath, w, nullptr, "Output directory. Frames are names [0-9]{6}.png."); 38 static DEFINE_string2(format , f, "png" , formats_help);
/external/skia/fuzz/ |
D | FuzzMain.cpp | 33 static DEFINE_string2(bytes, b, "", "A path to a file or a directory. If a file, the " 37 static DEFINE_string2(name, n, "", "If --type is 'api', fuzz the API with this name."); 38 static DEFINE_string2(dump, d, "", "If not empty, dump 'image*' or 'skp' types as a " 71 static DEFINE_string2(type, t, "", g_type_message);
/external/skqp/fuzz/ |
D | FuzzMain.cpp | 37 DEFINE_string2(bytes, b, "", "A path to a file or a directory. If a file, the " 41 DEFINE_string2(name, n, "", "If --type is 'api', fuzz the API with this name."); 42 DEFINE_string2(dump, d, "", "If not empty, dump 'image*' or 'skp' types as a " 68 DEFINE_string2(type, t, "", g_type_message);
/external/skia/tools/fm/ |
D | fm.cpp | 51 static DEFINE_string2(sources, s, "", "Which GMs, .skps, or images to draw."); 52 static DEFINE_string2(backend, b, "", "Backend used to create a canvas to draw into."); 86 static DEFINE_string2(writePath, w, "", "Write .pngs to this directory if set.");
/external/skia/tools/flags/ |
D | CommandLineFlags.h | 220 #define DEFINE_string2(name, shortName, defaultValue, helpString) … macro