1@ RUN: llvm-mc -n -triple thumbv7-apple-darwin10 %s -filetype=obj -o %t.obj 2@ RUN: llvm-readobj -s -sd < %t.obj > %t.dump 3@ RUN: FileCheck < %t.dump %s 4 5@ When not using subsections-via-symbols, references to non-local symbols 6@ in the same section can be resolved at assembly time w/o relocations. 7 8 .syntax unified 9 .text 10 .thumb 11 .thumb_func _foo 12_foo: 13 ldr r3, bar 14bar: 15 .long 0 16 17@ CHECK: RelocationCount: 0 18@ CHECK: SectionData ( 19@ CHECK: 0000: DFF80030 00000000 |...0....| 20@ CHECK: ) 21