1// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. 2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be 3// found in the LICENSE file. 4// 5// This file is based on and intended as a replacement for Chrome's 6// /media/remoting/media_remoting_rpc.proto file. Structurally, the messaging 7// and enums are a reflection of Chrome's media stack. NOTE: all content 8// encryption related messaging has been removed, and replaced with `reserved` 9// keyword usages below. 10 11syntax = "proto2"; 12 13option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; 14 15package openscreen.cast; 16 17// DecoderBuffer information which will be sent using RTP packets. The actual 18// decoder buffer is not included in this proto data structure. 19message DecoderBuffer { 20 reserved 4, 7; 21 reserved "decrypt_config", "splice_timestamp_usec"; 22 23 optional int64 timestamp_usec = 1; 24 optional int64 duration_usec = 2; 25 optional bool is_key_frame = 3; 26 optional int64 front_discard_usec = 5; 27 optional int64 back_discard_usec = 6; 28 optional bytes side_data = 8; 29 30 // To distinguish from valid 0-length buffers 31 optional bool is_eos = 9; 32} 33 34message Size { 35 optional int32 width = 1; 36 optional int32 height = 2; 37} 38 39message AudioDecoderConfig { 40 reserved 2; 41 reserved "encryption_scheme"; 42 43 // Proto version of Chrome's media::Codec. 44 enum Codec { 45 kUnknownAudioCodec = 0; 46 kCodecAAC = 1; 47 kCodecMP3 = 2; 48 kCodecPCM = 3; 49 kCodecVorbis = 4; 50 kCodecFLAC = 5; 51 kCodecAMR_NB = 6; 52 kCodecAMR_WB = 7; 53 kCodecPCM_MULAW = 8; 54 kCodecGSM_MS = 9; 55 kCodecPCM_S16BE = 10; 56 kCodecPCM_S24BE = 11; 57 kCodecOpus = 12; 58 kCodecEAC3 = 13; 59 kCodecPCM_ALAW = 14; 60 kCodecALAC = 15; 61 kCodecAC3 = 16; 62 kCodecMpegHAudio = 17; 63 } 64 65 // Proto version of Chrome's media::SampleFormat. 66 enum SampleFormat { 67 kUnknownSampleFormat = 0; 68 kSampleFormatU8 = 1; 69 kSampleFormatS16 = 2; 70 kSampleFormatS32 = 3; 71 kSampleFormatF32 = 4; 72 kSampleFormatPlanarS16 = 5; 73 kSampleFormatPlanarF32 = 6; 74 kSampleFormatPlanarS32 = 7; 75 kSampleFormatS24 = 8; 76 kSampleFormatAc3 = 9; 77 kSampleFormatEac3 = 10; 78 kSampleFormatMpegHAudio = 11; 79 }; 80 81 // Proto version of Chrome's media::ChannelLayout. 82 enum ChannelLayout { 83 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_NONE = 0; 84 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_UNSUPPORTED = 1; 85 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_MONO = 2; 86 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO = 3; 87 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_2_1 = 4; 88 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_SURROUND = 5; 89 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_4_0 = 6; 90 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_2_2 = 7; 91 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_QUAD = 8; 92 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_5_0 = 9; 93 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_5_1 = 10; 94 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_5_0_BACK = 11; 95 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_5_1_BACK = 12; 96 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_7_0 = 13; 97 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_7_1 = 14; 98 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_7_1_WIDE = 15; 99 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO_DOWNMIX = 16; 100 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_2POINT1 = 17; 101 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_3_1 = 18; 102 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_4_1 = 19; 103 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_6_0 = 20; 104 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_6_0_FRONT = 21; 105 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_HEXAGONAL = 22; 106 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_6_1 = 23; 107 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_6_1_BACK = 24; 108 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_6_1_FRONT = 25; 109 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_7_0_FRONT = 26; 110 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_7_1_WIDE_BACK = 27; 111 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_OCTAGONAL = 28; 112 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_DISCRETE = 29; 113 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO_AND_KEYBOARD_MIC = 30; 114 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_4_1_QUAD_SIDE = 31; 115 CHANNEL_LAYOUT_BITSTREAM = 32; 116 }; 117 118 optional Codec codec = 1; 119 optional SampleFormat sample_format = 3; 120 optional ChannelLayout channel_layout = 4; 121 optional int32 samples_per_second = 5; 122 optional int64 seek_preroll_usec = 6; 123 optional int32 codec_delay = 7; 124 optional bytes extra_data = 8; 125} 126 127message Rect { 128 optional int32 x = 1; 129 optional int32 y = 2; 130 optional int32 width = 3; 131 optional int32 height = 4; 132} 133 134message VideoDecoderConfig { 135 reserved 2; 136 reserved "encryption_scheme"; 137 138 // Proto version of Chrome's media::VideoCodec. 139 enum Codec { 140 kUnknownVideoCodec = 0; 141 kCodecH264 = 1; 142 kCodecVC1 = 2; 143 kCodecMPEG2 = 3; 144 kCodecMPEG4 = 4; 145 kCodecTheora = 5; 146 kCodecVP8 = 6; 147 kCodecVP9 = 7; 148 kCodecHEVC = 8; 149 kCodecDolbyVision = 9; 150 kCodecAV1 = 10; 151 } 152 153 // Proto version of Chrome's media::VideoCodecProfile. 154 enum Profile { 155 VIDEO_CODEC_PROFILE_UNKNOWN = -1; 156 H264PROFILE_BASELINE = 0; 157 H264PROFILE_MAIN = 1; 158 H264PROFILE_EXTENDED = 2; 159 H264PROFILE_HIGH = 3; 160 H264PROFILE_HIGH10PROFILE = 4; 161 H264PROFILE_HIGH422PROFILE = 5; 162 H264PROFILE_HIGH444PREDICTIVEPROFILE = 6; 163 H264PROFILE_SCALABLEBASELINE = 7; 164 H264PROFILE_SCALABLEHIGH = 8; 165 H264PROFILE_STEREOHIGH = 9; 166 H264PROFILE_MULTIVIEWHIGH = 10; 167 VP8PROFILE_ANY = 11; 168 VP9PROFILE_PROFILE0 = 12; 169 VP9PROFILE_PROFILE1 = 13; 170 VP9PROFILE_PROFILE2 = 14; 171 VP9PROFILE_PROFILE3 = 15; 172 HEVCPROFILE_MAIN = 16; 173 HEVCPROFILE_MAIN10 = 17; 174 HEVCPROFILE_MAIN_STILL_PICTURE = 18; 175 DOLBYVISION_PROFILE0 = 19; 176 DOLBYVISION_PROFILE4 = 20; 177 DOLBYVISION_PROFILE5 = 21; 178 DOLBYVISION_PROFILE7 = 22; 179 THEORAPROFILE_ANY = 23; 180 AV1PROFILE_PROFILE_MAIN = 24; 181 AV1PROFILE_PROFILE_HIGH = 25; 182 AV1PROFILE_PROFILE_PRO = 26; 183 DOLBYVISION_PROFILE8 = 27; 184 DOLBYVISION_PROFILE9 = 28; 185 }; 186 187 // Proto version of Chrome's media::VideoPixelFormat. 188 enum Format { 189 reserved 8, 25; 190 reserved "PIXEL_FORMAT_UYVY", "PIXEL_FORMAT_Y8"; 191 192 PIXEL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN = 0; 193 PIXEL_FORMAT_I420 = 1; 194 PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12 = 2; 195 PIXEL_FORMAT_I422 = 3; 196 PIXEL_FORMAT_I420A = 4; 197 PIXEL_FORMAT_I444 = 5; 198 PIXEL_FORMAT_NV12 = 6; 199 PIXEL_FORMAT_NV21 = 7; 200 PIXEL_FORMAT_YUY2 = 9; 201 PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB = 10; 202 PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB = 11; 203 PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB24 = 12; 204 PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB32 = 13; 205 PIXEL_FORMAT_MJPEG = 14; 206 PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420P9 = 16; 207 PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420P10 = 17; 208 PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV422P9 = 18; 209 PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV422P10 = 19; 210 PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV444P9 = 20; 211 PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV444P10 = 21; 212 PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420P12 = 22; 213 PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV422P12 = 23; 214 PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV444P12 = 24; 215 PIXEL_FORMAT_Y16 = 26; 216 PIXEL_FORMAT_ABGR = 27; 217 PIXEL_FORMAT_XBGR = 28; 218 PIXEL_FORMAT_P016LE = 29; 219 PIXEL_FORMAT_XR30 = 30; 220 PIXEL_FORMAT_XB30 = 31; 221 }; 222 223 // Proto version of Chrome's media::ColorSpace. 224 enum ColorSpace { 225 COLOR_SPACE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; 226 COLOR_SPACE_JPEG = 1; 227 COLOR_SPACE_HD_REC709 = 2; 228 COLOR_SPACE_SD_REC601 = 3; 229 }; 230 231 optional Codec codec = 1; 232 optional Profile profile = 3; 233 optional Format format = 4; 234 optional ColorSpace color_space = 5; 235 optional Size coded_size = 6; 236 optional Rect visible_rect = 7; 237 optional Size natural_size = 8; 238 optional bytes extra_data = 9; 239} 240 241message PipelineDecoderInfo { 242 reserved 3; 243 reserved "has_decrypting_demuxer_stream"; 244 optional string decoder_name = 1; 245 optional bool is_platform_decoder = 2; 246}; 247 248message PipelineStatistics { 249 optional uint64 audio_bytes_decoded = 1; 250 optional uint64 video_bytes_decoded = 2; 251 optional uint32 video_frames_decoded = 3; 252 optional uint32 video_frames_dropped = 4; 253 optional int64 audio_memory_usage = 5; 254 optional int64 video_memory_usage = 6; 255 optional int64 video_frame_duration_average_usec = 7; 256 optional PipelineDecoderInfo audio_decoder_info = 8; 257 optional PipelineDecoderInfo video_decoder_info = 9; 258}; 259 260message AcquireDemuxer { 261 optional int32 audio_demuxer_handle = 1; 262 optional int32 video_demuxer_handle = 2; 263} 264 265message RendererInitialize { 266 optional int32 client_handle = 1; 267 optional int32 audio_demuxer_handle = 2; 268 optional int32 video_demuxer_handle = 3; 269 optional int32 callback_handle = 4; 270} 271 272message RendererFlushUntil { 273 optional uint32 audio_count = 1; 274 optional uint32 video_count = 2; 275 optional int32 callback_handle = 3; 276} 277 278message RendererClientOnTimeUpdate { 279 optional int64 time_usec = 1; 280 optional int64 max_time_usec = 2; 281} 282 283message RendererClientOnBufferingStateChange { 284 // Proto version of Chrome's media::BufferingState. 285 enum State { 286 BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING = 0; 287 BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH = 1; 288 }; 289 290 optional State state = 1; 291} 292 293message RendererClientOnAudioConfigChange { 294 optional AudioDecoderConfig audio_decoder_config = 1; 295} 296 297message RendererClientOnVideoConfigChange { 298 optional VideoDecoderConfig video_decoder_config = 1; 299} 300 301message DemuxerStreamReadUntil { 302 optional int32 callback_handle = 1; 303 optional uint32 count = 2; 304} 305 306message DemuxerStreamInitializeCallback { 307 optional int32 type = 1; 308 optional AudioDecoderConfig audio_decoder_config = 2; 309 optional VideoDecoderConfig video_decoder_config = 3; 310} 311 312message DemuxerStreamReadUntilCallback { 313 // Proto version of Chrome's media::DemuxerStream::Status. 314 enum Status { 315 kOk = 0; 316 kAborted = 1; 317 kConfigChanged = 2; 318 kError = 3; 319 }; 320 321 optional Status status = 1; 322 optional uint32 count = 2; 323 optional AudioDecoderConfig audio_decoder_config = 3; 324 optional VideoDecoderConfig video_decoder_config = 4; 325} 326 327message RpcMessage { 328 enum RpcProc { 329 reserved 3, 4, 1005, 2007, 2008, 4000 to 5003; 330 331 // NOTE: Since ContentDecryptionModule is also deprecated, do not add new 332 // enum values that begin with "RPC_CDM_". 333 reserved "RPC_ACQUIRE_CDM", "RPC_ACQUIRE_CDM_DONE", 334 "RPC_RC_ONWAITINGFORDECRYPTIONKEY", "RPC_RC_ONDURATIONCHANGE", 335 "RPC_R_SETCDM"; 336 337 // Remoting setup 338 RPC_INTERNAL = 0; 339 RPC_ACQUIRE_RENDERER = 1; 340 RPC_ACQUIRE_RENDERER_DONE = 2; 341 RPC_ACQUIRE_DEMUXER = 5; 342 343 // Renderer message 344 RPC_R_INITIALIZE = 1000; 345 RPC_R_FLUSHUNTIL = 1001; 346 RPC_R_STARTPLAYINGFROM = 1002; 347 RPC_R_SETPLAYBACKRATE = 1003; 348 RPC_R_SETVOLUME = 1004; 349 350 // Renderer callbacks 351 RPC_R_INITIALIZE_CALLBACK = 1100; 352 RPC_R_FLUSHUNTIL_CALLBACK = 1101; 353 RPC_R_SETCDM_CALLBACK = 1102; 354 355 // Renderer client message 356 RPC_RC_ONTIMEUPDATE = 2000; 357 RPC_RC_ONBUFFERINGSTATECHANGE = 2001; 358 RPC_RC_ONENDED = 2002; 359 RPC_RC_ONERROR = 2003; 360 RPC_RC_ONVIDEONATURALSIZECHANGE = 2004; 361 RPC_RC_ONVIDEOOPACITYCHANGE = 2005; 362 RPC_RC_ONSTATISTICSUPDATE = 2006; 363 RPC_RC_ONAUDIOCONFIGCHANGE = 2009; 364 RPC_RC_ONVIDEOCONFIGCHANGE = 2010; 365 366 // DemuxerStream message 367 RPC_DS_INITIALIZE = 3000; 368 RPC_DS_READUNTIL = 3001; 369 RPC_DS_ENABLEBITSTREAMCONVERTER = 3002; 370 RPC_DS_ONERROR = 3003; 371 372 // DemuxerStream callbacks 373 RPC_DS_INITIALIZE_CALLBACK = 3100; 374 RPC_DS_READUNTIL_CALLBACK = 3101; 375 }; 376 377 // Component base of RPC message handle. This allows both sender and receiver 378 // to send or handle message in desired individual components. 379 optional int32 handle = 1; 380 381 // RpcProc of this RPC message 382 optional RpcProc proc = 2; 383 384 oneof rpc_oneof { 385 // NOTE: reserved keyword is not supported by oneof. 386 // reserved 102, 500 to 506, 600 to 603 387 388 // For simple RPC which only passes one parameters can use the following 389 // various data type variables without using specific proto data structure. 390 // RPC_ACQUIRE_RENDERER 391 // RPC_ACQUIRE_RENDERER_DONE 392 // RPC_ACQUIRE_CDM 393 // RPC_ACQUIRE_CDM_DONE 394 // RPC_DS_INITIALIZE_CALLBACK 395 // RPC_DS_READ 396 // RPC_CDM_SETCLIENT 397 int32 integer_value = 3; 398 399 // RPC_R_STARTPLAYINGFROM 400 // RPC_RC_ONDURATIONCHANGE 401 int64 integer64_value = 4; 402 403 // RPC_R_SETPLAYBACKRATE 404 // RPC_R_SETVOLUME 405 double double_value = 5; 406 407 // RPC_R_INITIALIZE_CALLBACK 408 // RPC_R_SETCDM_CALLBACK 409 // RPC_RC_ONVIDEOOPACITYCHANGE 410 bool boolean_value = 6; 411 412 // string only: 413 // RPC_CDMC_ONSESSIONCLOSED 414 string string_value = 7; 415 416 // RPC_R_INITIALIZE 417 RendererInitialize renderer_initialize_rpc = 100; 418 419 // RPC_R_FLUSHUNTIL 420 RendererFlushUntil renderer_flushuntil_rpc = 101; 421 422 // RPC_ACQUIRE_DEMUXER 423 AcquireDemuxer acquire_demuxer_rpc = 103; 424 425 // RPC_RC_ONTIMEUPDATE 426 RendererClientOnTimeUpdate rendererclient_ontimeupdate_rpc = 200; 427 // RPC_RC_ONVIDEONATURALSIZECHANGE 428 Size rendererclient_onvideonatualsizechange_rpc = 201; 429 // RPC_RC_ONSTATISTICSUPDATE 430 PipelineStatistics rendererclient_onstatisticsupdate_rpc = 202; 431 // RPC_RC_ONBUFFERINGSTATECHANGE 432 RendererClientOnBufferingStateChange 433 rendererclient_onbufferingstatechange_rpc = 203; 434 // RPC_RC_ONAUDIOCONFIGCHANGE 435 RendererClientOnAudioConfigChange rendererclient_onaudioconfigchange_rpc = 436 204; 437 // RPC_RC_ONVIDEOCONFIGCHANGE 438 RendererClientOnVideoConfigChange rendererclient_onvideoconfigchange_rpc = 439 205; 440 441 // RPC_DS_READUNTIL 442 DemuxerStreamReadUntil demuxerstream_readuntil_rpc = 300; 443 444 // RPC_DS_INITIALIZE_CALLBACK 445 DemuxerStreamInitializeCallback demuxerstream_initializecb_rpc = 400; 446 // RPC_DS_READUNTIL_CALLBACK 447 DemuxerStreamReadUntilCallback demuxerstream_readuntilcb_rpc = 401; 448 }; 449}