1<?xml version="1.0"?> 2<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi"> 3 <Fragment> 4 <PackageGroup Id="crt"> 5 <MsiPackage Id="ucrt_AllUsers" 6 SourceFile="ucrt.msi" 7 Compressed="no" 8 DownloadUrl="$(var.DownloadUrl)" 9 ForcePerMachine="yes" 10 InstallCondition="InstallAllUsers and not CRTInstalled and (Include_core or Include_exe or Include_pip) and not LauncherOnly"> 11 <MsiProperty Name="TARGETDIR" Value="[TargetDir]" /> 12 </MsiPackage> 13 <MsiPackage Id="ucrt_JustForMe" 14 SourceFile="ucrt.msi" 15 Compressed="no" 16 DownloadUrl="$(var.DownloadUrl)" 17 ForcePerMachine="no" 18 InstallCondition="not InstallAllUsers and not CRTInstalled and (Include_core or Include_exe or Include_pip) and not LauncherOnly"> 19 <MsiProperty Name="TARGETDIR" Value="[TargetDir]" /> 20 </MsiPackage> 21 </PackageGroup> 22 </Fragment> 23</Wix>