Name |
Date |
Size |
#Lines |
.. | - | - | ||||
.github/ | 03-May-2024 | - | 27 | 23 | ||
src/ | 03-May-2024 | - | 1,045 | 790 | ||
tests/ | 03-May-2024 | - | 63 | 46 | ||
.cargo_vcs_info.json | D | 03-May-2024 | 74 | 6 | 5 | |
.gitignore | D | 03-May-2024 | 18 | 3 | 2 | |
Android.bp | D | 03-May-2024 | 1.6 KiB | 47 | 43 | |
Cargo.toml | D | 03-May-2024 | 1.2 KiB | 45 | 37 | |
Cargo.toml.orig | D | 03-May-2024 | 716 | 28 | 23 | |
LICENSE | D | 03-May-2024 | 10.6 KiB | 202 | 169 | |
LICENSE-APACHE | D | 03-May-2024 | 10.6 KiB | 202 | 169 | |
LICENSE-MIT | D | 03-May-2024 | 1 KiB | 26 | 22 | |
METADATA | D | 03-May-2024 | 411 | 20 | 19 | |
MODULE_LICENSE_APACHE2 | D | 03-May-2024 | 0 | |||
NOTICE | D | 03-May-2024 | 10.6 KiB | 202 | 169 | |
OWNERS | D | 03-May-2024 | 40 | 2 | 1 | | | D | 03-May-2024 | 6.5 KiB | 156 | 115 | |
TEST_MAPPING | D | 03-May-2024 | 143 | 9 | 8 | | | D | 03-May-2024 | 1.1 KiB | 32 | 22 |
1Procedural macros in expression position 2======================================== 3 4[<img alt="github" src="" height="20">]( 5[<img alt="" src="" height="20">]( 6[<img alt="" src=";base64,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" height="20">]( 7[<img alt="build status" src="" height="20">]( 8 9<table><tr><td><hr> 10<b>Note:</b> <i>As of Rust 1.45 this crate is superseded by native support for 11#[proc_macro] in expression position. Only consider using this crate if you care 12about supporting compilers between 1.31 and 1.45.</i> 13<hr></td></tr></table> 14 15Since Rust 1.30, the language supports user-defined function-like procedural 16macros. However these can only be invoked in item position, not in statements or 17expressions. 18 19This crate implements an alternative type of procedural macro that can be 20invoked in statement or expression position. 21 22This approach works with any Rust version 1.31+. 23 24## Defining procedural macros 25 26Two crates are required to define a procedural macro. 27 28### The implementation crate 29 30This crate must contain nothing but procedural macros. Private helper 31functions and private modules are fine but nothing can be public. 32 33[» example of an implementation crate][demo-hack-impl] 34 35Just like you would use a #\[proc_macro\] attribute to define a natively 36supported procedural macro, use proc-macro-hack's #\[proc_macro_hack\] 37attribute to define a procedural macro that works in expression position. 38The function signature is the same as for ordinary function-like procedural 39macros. 40 41```rust 42use proc_macro::TokenStream; 43use proc_macro_hack::proc_macro_hack; 44use quote::quote; 45use syn::{parse_macro_input, Expr}; 46 47#[proc_macro_hack] 48pub fn add_one(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { 49 let expr = parse_macro_input!(input as Expr); 50 TokenStream::from(quote! { 51 1 + (#expr) 52 }) 53} 54``` 55 56### The declaration crate 57 58This crate is allowed to contain other public things if you need, for 59example traits or functions or ordinary macros. 60 61[» example of a declaration crate][demo-hack] 62 63Within the declaration crate there needs to be a re-export of your 64procedural macro from the implementation crate. The re-export also carries a 65\#\[proc_macro_hack\] attribute. 66 67```rust 68use proc_macro_hack::proc_macro_hack; 69 70/// Add one to an expression. 71/// 72/// (Documentation goes here on the re-export, not in the other crate.) 73#[proc_macro_hack] 74pub use demo_hack_impl::add_one; 75``` 76 77Both crates depend on `proc-macro-hack`: 78 79```toml 80[dependencies] 81proc-macro-hack = "0.5" 82``` 83 84Additionally, your implementation crate (but not your declaration crate) is 85a proc macro crate: 86 87```toml 88[lib] 89proc-macro = true 90``` 91 92## Using procedural macros 93 94Users of your crate depend on your declaration crate (not your 95implementation crate), then use your procedural macros as usual. 96 97[» example of a downstream crate][example] 98 99```rust 100use demo_hack::add_one; 101 102fn main() { 103 let two = 2; 104 let nine = add_one!(two) + add_one!(2 + 3); 105 println!("nine = {}", nine); 106} 107``` 108 109[demo-hack-impl]: 110[demo-hack]: 111[example]: 112 113## Limitations 114 115- Only proc macros in expression position are supported. Proc macros in pattern 116 position ([#20]) are not supported. 117 118- By default, nested invocations are not supported i.e. the code emitted by a 119 proc-macro-hack macro invocation cannot contain recursive calls to the same 120 proc-macro-hack macro nor calls to any other proc-macro-hack macros. Use 121 [`proc-macro-nested`] if you require support for nested invocations. 122 123- By default, hygiene is structured such that the expanded code can't refer to 124 local variables other than those passed by name somewhere in the macro input. 125 If your macro must refer to *local* variables that don't get named in the 126 macro input, use `#[proc_macro_hack(fake_call_site)]` on the re-export in your 127 declaration crate. *Most macros won't need this.* 128 129- On compilers that are new enough to natively support proc macros in expression 130 position, proc-macro-hack does not automatically use that support, since the 131 hygiene can be subtly different between the two implementations. To opt in to 132 compiling your macro to native `#[proc_macro]` on sufficiently new compilers, 133 use `#[proc_macro_hack(only_hack_old_rustc)]` on the re-export in your 134 declaration crate. 135 136[#10]: 137[#20]: 138[`proc-macro-nested`]: 139 140<br> 141 142#### License 143 144<sup> 145Licensed under either of <a href="LICENSE-APACHE">Apache License, Version 1462.0</a> or <a href="LICENSE-MIT">MIT license</a> at your option. 147</sup> 148 149<br> 150 151<sub> 152Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted 153for inclusion in this hack by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall 154be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions. 155</sub> 156