""" Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ load( ":cc_library_common.bzl", "add_lists_defaulting_to_none", "parse_sdk_version", "system_dynamic_deps_defaults", "system_static_deps_defaults", ) load(":cc_library_static.bzl", "cc_library_static") load(":stl.bzl", "shared_stl_deps", "static_binary_stl_deps") load(":stripped_cc_common.bzl", "stripped_binary") load(":versioned_cc_common.bzl", "versioned_binary") def cc_binary( name, dynamic_deps = [], srcs = [], srcs_c = [], srcs_as = [], copts = [], cppflags = [], conlyflags = [], asflags = [], deps = [], whole_archive_deps = [], system_deps = None, export_includes = [], export_system_includes = [], local_includes = [], absolute_includes = [], linkshared = True, linkopts = [], rtti = False, use_libcrt = True, stl = "", cpp_std = "", additional_linker_inputs = None, strip = {}, features = [], target_compatible_with = [], sdk_version = "", min_sdk_version = "", use_version_lib = False, **kwargs): "Bazel macro to correspond with the cc_binary Soong module." root_name = name + "_root" unstripped_name = name + "_unstripped" toolchain_features = [] toolchain_features += features if linkshared: toolchain_features.extend(["dynamic_executable", "dynamic_linker"]) else: toolchain_features.extend(["-dynamic_executable", "-dynamic_linker", "static_executable", "static_flag"]) if not use_libcrt: toolchain_features += ["-use_libcrt"] if min_sdk_version: toolchain_features += [ "sdk_version_" + parse_sdk_version(min_sdk_version), "-sdk_version_default", ] system_dynamic_deps = [] system_static_deps = [] if system_deps == None: if linkshared: system_deps = system_dynamic_deps_defaults else: system_deps = system_static_deps_defaults if linkshared: system_dynamic_deps = system_deps else: system_static_deps = system_deps stl_static, stl_shared = [], [] if linkshared: stl_static, stl_shared = shared_stl_deps(stl) else: stl_static = static_binary_stl_deps(stl) # The static library at the root of the shared library. # This may be distinct from the static version of the library if e.g. # the static-variant srcs are different than the shared-variant srcs. cc_library_static( name = root_name, absolute_includes = absolute_includes, alwayslink = True, asflags = asflags, conlyflags = conlyflags, copts = copts, cpp_std = cpp_std, cppflags = cppflags, deps = deps + whole_archive_deps + stl_static + system_static_deps, dynamic_deps = dynamic_deps, features = toolchain_features, local_includes = local_includes, rtti = rtti, srcs = srcs, srcs_as = srcs_as, srcs_c = srcs_c, stl = stl, system_dynamic_deps = system_dynamic_deps, target_compatible_with = target_compatible_with, use_version_lib = use_version_lib, ) binary_dynamic_deps = add_lists_defaulting_to_none( dynamic_deps, system_dynamic_deps, stl_shared, ) native.cc_binary( name = unstripped_name, deps = [root_name] + deps + system_static_deps + stl_static, dynamic_deps = binary_dynamic_deps, features = toolchain_features, linkopts = linkopts, additional_linker_inputs = additional_linker_inputs, target_compatible_with = target_compatible_with, **kwargs ) versioned_name = name + "_versioned" versioned_binary( name = versioned_name, src = unstripped_name, stamp_build_number = use_version_lib, ) stripped_binary( name = name, src = versioned_name, target_compatible_with = target_compatible_with, )