#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright 2019 - The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Project config class.""" import os from aidegen import constant from aidegen.lib import common_util from aidegen.lib import errors SKIP_BUILD_INFO = ('If you are sure the related modules and dependencies have ' 'been already built, please try to use command {} to skip ' 'the building process.') _SKIP_BUILD_CMD = 'aidegen {} -s' _SKIP_BUILD_WARN = ( 'You choose "--skip-build". Skip building jar and module might increase ' 'the risk of the absence of some jar or R/AIDL/logtags java files and ' 'cause the red lines to appear in IDE tool.') _INSTANCE_NOT_EXIST_ERROR = ('The instance of {} does not exist. Please ' 'initialize it before using.') class ProjectConfig(): """A singleton class manages AIDEGen's configurations. ProjectConfig is a singleton class that can be accessed in other modules. Usage: 1. Main module should do it once by instantiating a ProjectConfig with users' input arguments and calling init_environment(). args = aidegen_main.main(sys.argv[1:]) project_config.ProjectConfig(args).init_environment() 2. All others can get the ProjectConfig instance by calling get_instance(). project_config.ProjectConfig.get_instance() Class attributes: _instance: A singleton instance of ProjectConfig. Attributes: ide_name: The IDE name which users prefer to launch. is_launch_ide: A boolean for launching IDE in the end of AIDEGen. depth: The depth of module referenced by source. full_repo: A boolean decides import whole Android source repo. is_skip_build: A boolean decides skipping building jars or modules. targets: A string list with Android module names or paths. verbose: A boolean. If true, display DEBUG level logs. ide_installed_path: A string of IDE installed path. config_reset: A boolean if true to reset all saved configurations. atest_module_info: A ModuleInfo instance. language: The programming language users prefer to deal with. """ _instance = None def __init__(self, args): """ProjectConfig initialize. Args: An argparse.Namespace object holds parsed args. """ self.language = constant.LANGUAGE_NAME_DICT[args.language[0]] self.ide_name = constant.IDE_NAME_DICT[args.ide[0]] self.is_launch_ide = not args.no_launch self.depth = args.depth self.full_repo = args.android_tree self.is_skip_build = args.skip_build self.targets = args.targets.copy() self.verbose = args.verbose self.ide_installed_path = args.ide_installed_path self.config_reset = args.config_reset self.exclude_paths = args.exclude_paths self.atest_module_info = None ProjectConfig._instance = self def init_environment(self): """Initialize the environment settings for the whole project.""" self._show_skip_build_msg() # TODO(b/159078170): Avoid CLion IDE case for now, we should avoid # Android Studio's native project's case in the future. targets = self.targets if self.language == constant.JAVA else None self.atest_module_info = common_util.get_atest_module_info(targets) self.exclude_paths = _transform_exclusive_paths( self.atest_module_info, self.exclude_paths) self.targets = _check_whole_android_tree(self.targets, self.full_repo) self.full_repo = (self.targets[0] == constant.WHOLE_ANDROID_TREE_TARGET) def _show_skip_build_msg(self): """Display different messages if users skip building targets or not.""" if self.is_skip_build: print('\n{} {}\n'.format( common_util.COLORED_INFO('Warning:'), _SKIP_BUILD_WARN)) else: msg = SKIP_BUILD_INFO.format( common_util.COLORED_INFO( _SKIP_BUILD_CMD.format(' '.join(self.targets)))) print('\n{} {}\n'.format(common_util.COLORED_INFO('INFO:'), msg)) @classmethod def get_instance(cls): """Get a singleton's instance. Returns: A singleton instance of ProjectConfig. Raises: An exception of errors.InstanceNotExistError if users didn't instantiate a ProjectConfig object before calling this method. """ if not cls._instance: raise errors.InstanceNotExistError( _INSTANCE_NOT_EXIST_ERROR.format(str(cls))) return cls._instance def _check_whole_android_tree(targets, android_tree): """Check if it's a building project file for the whole Android tree. The rules: 1. If users command aidegen under Android root, e.g., root$ aidegen that implies users would like to launch the whole Android tree, AIDEGen should set the flag android_tree True. 2. If android_tree is True, add whole Android tree to the project. Args: targets: A list of targets to be imported. android_tree: A boolean, True if it's a whole Android tree case, otherwise False. Returns: A list of targets to be built. """ if common_util.is_android_root(os.getcwd()) and targets == ['']: return [constant.WHOLE_ANDROID_TREE_TARGET] new_targets = targets.copy() if android_tree: new_targets.insert(0, constant.WHOLE_ANDROID_TREE_TARGET) return new_targets def is_whole_android_tree(targets, android_tree): """Checks is AIDEGen going to process whole android tree. Args: targets: A list of targets to be imported. android_tree: A boolean, True if it's a whole Android tree case, otherwise False. Returns: A boolean, True when user is going to import whole Android tree. """ return (android_tree or (common_util.is_android_root(os.getcwd()) and targets == [''])) def _transform_exclusive_paths(atest_module_info, exclude_paths): """Transforms exclusive paths to relative paths. Args: exclude_paths: A list of strings of exclusive paths. Returns: A list of relative paths. """ if not exclude_paths: return None excludes = [] for path in exclude_paths: exclude_path, _ = common_util.get_related_paths(atest_module_info, path) excludes.append(exclude_path) return excludes