# Copyright 2017, The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Command Line Translator for atest.""" # pylint: disable=line-too-long # pylint: disable=too-many-lines from __future__ import print_function import fnmatch import json import logging import os import re import sys import time from typing import List import atest_error import atest_utils import bazel_mode import constants import test_finder_handler import test_mapping from atest_enum import DetectType, ExitCode from metrics import metrics from metrics import metrics_utils from test_finders import module_finder from test_finders import test_finder_utils FUZZY_FINDER = 'FUZZY' CACHE_FINDER = 'CACHE' TESTNAME_CHARS = {'#', ':', '/'} # Pattern used to identify comments start with '//' or '#' in TEST_MAPPING. _COMMENTS_RE = re.compile(r'(?m)[\s\t]*(#|//).*|(\".*?\")') _COMMENTS = frozenset(['//', '#']) #pylint: disable=no-self-use class CLITranslator: """ CLITranslator class contains public method translate() and some private helper methods. The atest tool can call the translate() method with a list of strings, each string referencing a test to run. Translate() will "translate" this list of test strings into a list of build targets and a list of TradeFederation run commands. Translation steps for a test string reference: 1. Narrow down the type of reference the test string could be, i.e. whether it could be referencing a Module, Class, Package, etc. 2. Try to find the test files assuming the test string is one of these types of reference. 3. If test files found, generate Build Targets and the Run Command. """ def __init__(self, mod_info=None, print_cache_msg=True, bazel_mode_enabled=False, host=False, bazel_mode_features: List[bazel_mode.Features]=None): """CLITranslator constructor Args: mod_info: ModuleInfo class that has cached module-info.json. print_cache_msg: Boolean whether printing clear cache message or not. True will print message while False won't print. bazel_mode_enabled: Boolean of args.bazel_mode. host: Boolean of args.host. bazel_mode_features: List of args.bazel_mode_features. """ self.mod_info = mod_info self._bazel_mode = bazel_mode_enabled self._bazel_mode_features = bazel_mode_features or [] self._host = host self.enable_file_patterns = False self.msg = '' if print_cache_msg: self.msg = ('(Test info has been cached for speeding up the next ' 'run, if test info need to be updated, please add -c ' 'to clean the old cache.)') # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-statements def _find_test_infos(self, test, tm_test_detail): """Return set of TestInfos based on a given test. Args: test: A string representing test references. tm_test_detail: The TestDetail of test configured in TEST_MAPPING files. Returns: Set of TestInfos based on the given test. """ test_infos = set() test_find_starts = time.time() test_found = False test_finders = [] test_info_str = '' find_test_err_msg = None test_name, mainline_modules = atest_utils.parse_mainline_modules(test) if not self._verified_mainline_modules(test_name, mainline_modules): return test_infos find_methods = test_finder_handler.get_find_methods_for_test( self.mod_info, test) if self._bazel_mode: find_methods = [bazel_mode.create_new_finder( self.mod_info, f, host=self._host, enabled_features=self._bazel_mode_features ) for f in find_methods] for finder in find_methods: # For tests in TEST_MAPPING, find method is only related to # test name, so the details can be set after test_info object # is created. try: found_test_infos = finder.find_method( finder.test_finder_instance, test_name) except atest_error.TestDiscoveryException as e: find_test_err_msg = e if found_test_infos: finder_info = finder.finder_info for test_info in found_test_infos: test_deps = set() if self.mod_info: test_deps = self.mod_info.get_install_module_dependency( test_info.test_name) logging.debug('(%s) Test dependencies: %s', test_info.test_name, test_deps) if tm_test_detail: test_info.data[constants.TI_MODULE_ARG] = ( tm_test_detail.options) test_info.from_test_mapping = True test_info.host = tm_test_detail.host if finder_info != CACHE_FINDER: test_info.test_finder = finder_info if mainline_modules: test_info.test_name = test # TODO: remove below statement when soong can also # parse TestConfig and inject mainline modules information # to module-info. test_info.mainline_modules = mainline_modules # Only add dependencies to build_targets when they are in # module info test_deps_in_mod_info = [ test_dep for test_dep in test_deps if self.mod_info.is_module(test_dep)] test_info.build_targets = set(test_info.build_targets) test_info.build_targets.update(test_deps_in_mod_info) test_infos.add(test_info) test_found = True print("Found '%s' as %s" % ( atest_utils.colorize(test, constants.GREEN), finder_info)) if finder_info == CACHE_FINDER and test_infos: test_finders.append(list(test_infos)[0].test_finder) test_finders.append(finder_info) test_info_str = ','.join([str(x) for x in found_test_infos]) break if not test_found: f_results = self._fuzzy_search_and_msg(test, find_test_err_msg) if f_results: test_infos.update(f_results) test_found = True test_finders.append(FUZZY_FINDER) metrics.FindTestFinishEvent( duration=metrics_utils.convert_duration( time.time() - test_find_starts), success=test_found, test_reference=test, test_finders=test_finders, test_info=test_info_str) # Cache test_infos by default except running with TEST_MAPPING which may # include customized flags and they are likely to mess up other # non-test_mapping tests. if test_infos and not tm_test_detail: atest_utils.update_test_info_cache(test, test_infos) if self.msg: print(self.msg) return test_infos def _verified_mainline_modules(self, test, mainline_modules): """ Verify the test with mainline modules is acceptable. The test must be a module and mainline modules are in module-info. The syntax rule of mainline modules will check in build process. The rule includes mainline modules are sorted alphabetically, no space, and no duplication. Args: test: A string representing test references mainline_modules: A string of mainline_modules. Returns: True if this test is acceptable. Otherwise, print the reason and return False. """ if not mainline_modules: return True if not self.mod_info.is_module(test): print('Error: "%s" is not a testable module.' % atest_utils.colorize(test, constants.RED)) return False if not self.mod_info.has_mainline_modules(test, mainline_modules): print('Error: Mainline modules "%s" were not defined for %s in ' 'neither build file nor test config.' % (atest_utils.colorize(mainline_modules, constants.RED), atest_utils.colorize(test, constants.RED))) return False return True def _fuzzy_search_and_msg(self, test, find_test_err_msg): """ Fuzzy search and print message. Args: test: A string representing test references find_test_err_msg: A string of find test error message. Returns: A list of TestInfos if found, otherwise None. """ print('No test found for: %s' % atest_utils.colorize(test, constants.RED)) # Currently we focus on guessing module names. Append names on # results if more finders support fuzzy searching. if atest_utils.has_chars(test, TESTNAME_CHARS): return None mod_finder = module_finder.ModuleFinder(self.mod_info) results = mod_finder.get_fuzzy_searching_results(test) if len(results) == 1 and self._confirm_running(results): found_test_infos = mod_finder.find_test_by_module_name(results[0]) # found_test_infos is a list with at most 1 element. if found_test_infos: return found_test_infos elif len(results) > 1: self._print_fuzzy_searching_results(results) else: print('No matching result for {0}.'.format(test)) if find_test_err_msg: print('%s\n' % (atest_utils.colorize( find_test_err_msg, constants.MAGENTA))) return None def _get_test_infos(self, tests, test_mapping_test_details=None): """Return set of TestInfos based on passed in tests. Args: tests: List of strings representing test references. test_mapping_test_details: List of TestDetail for tests configured in TEST_MAPPING files. Returns: Set of TestInfos based on the passed in tests. """ test_infos = set() if not test_mapping_test_details: test_mapping_test_details = [None] * len(tests) for test, tm_test_detail in zip(tests, test_mapping_test_details): found_test_infos = self._find_test_infos(test, tm_test_detail) test_infos.update(found_test_infos) return test_infos def _confirm_running(self, results): """Listen to an answer from raw input. Args: results: A list of results. Returns: True is the answer is affirmative. """ return atest_utils.prompt_with_yn_result( 'Did you mean {0}?'.format( atest_utils.colorize(results[0], constants.GREEN)), True) def _print_fuzzy_searching_results(self, results): """Print modules when fuzzy searching gives multiple results. If the result is lengthy, just print the first 10 items only since we have already given enough-accurate result. Args: results: A list of guessed testable module names. """ atest_utils.colorful_print('Did you mean the following modules?', constants.WHITE) for mod in results[:10]: atest_utils.colorful_print(mod, constants.GREEN) def filter_comments(self, test_mapping_file): """Remove comments in TEST_MAPPING file to valid format. Only '//' and '#' are regarded as comments. Args: test_mapping_file: Path to a TEST_MAPPING file. Returns: Valid json string without comments. """ def _replace(match): """Replace comments if found matching the defined regular expression. Args: match: The matched regex pattern Returns: "" if it matches _COMMENTS, otherwise original string. """ line = match.group(0).strip() return "" if any(map(line.startswith, _COMMENTS)) else line with open(test_mapping_file) as json_file: return re.sub(_COMMENTS_RE, _replace, json_file.read()) def _read_tests_in_test_mapping(self, test_mapping_file): """Read tests from a TEST_MAPPING file. Args: test_mapping_file: Path to a TEST_MAPPING file. Returns: A tuple of (all_tests, imports), where all_tests is a dictionary of all tests in the TEST_MAPPING file, grouped by test group. imports is a list of test_mapping.Import to include other test mapping files. """ all_tests = {} imports = [] test_mapping_dict = json.loads(self.filter_comments(test_mapping_file)) for test_group_name, test_list in test_mapping_dict.items(): if test_group_name == constants.TEST_MAPPING_IMPORTS: for import_detail in test_list: imports.append( test_mapping.Import(test_mapping_file, import_detail)) else: grouped_tests = all_tests.setdefault(test_group_name, set()) tests = [] for test in test_list: if (self.enable_file_patterns and not test_mapping.is_match_file_patterns( test_mapping_file, test)): continue test_mod_info = self.mod_info.name_to_module_info.get( atest_utils.parse_mainline_modules(test['name'])[0]) if not test_mod_info : print('WARNING: %s is not a valid build target and ' 'may not be discoverable by TreeHugger. If you ' 'want to specify a class or test-package, ' 'please set \'name\' to the test module and use ' '\'options\' to specify the right tests via ' '\'include-filter\'.\nNote: this can also occur ' 'if the test module is not built for your ' 'current lunch target.\n' % atest_utils.colorize(test['name'], constants.RED)) elif not any(x in test_mod_info['compatibility_suites'] for x in constants.TEST_MAPPING_SUITES): print('WARNING: Please add %s to either suite: %s for ' 'this TEST_MAPPING file to work with TreeHugger.' % (atest_utils.colorize(test['name'], constants.RED), atest_utils.colorize(constants.TEST_MAPPING_SUITES, constants.GREEN))) tests.append(test_mapping.TestDetail(test)) grouped_tests.update(tests) return all_tests, imports def _get_tests_from_test_mapping_files( self, test_groups, test_mapping_files): """Get tests in the given test mapping files with the match group. Args: test_groups: Groups of tests to run. Default is set to `presubmit` and `presubmit-large`. test_mapping_files: A list of path of TEST_MAPPING files. Returns: A tuple of (tests, all_tests, imports), where, tests is a set of tests (test_mapping.TestDetail) defined in TEST_MAPPING file of the given path, and its parent directories, with matching test_group. all_tests is a dictionary of all tests in TEST_MAPPING files, grouped by test group. imports is a list of test_mapping.Import objects that contains the details of where to import a TEST_MAPPING file. """ all_imports = [] # Read and merge the tests in all TEST_MAPPING files. merged_all_tests = {} for test_mapping_file in test_mapping_files: all_tests, imports = self._read_tests_in_test_mapping( test_mapping_file) all_imports.extend(imports) for test_group_name, test_list in all_tests.items(): grouped_tests = merged_all_tests.setdefault( test_group_name, set()) grouped_tests.update(test_list) tests = set() for test_group in test_groups: temp_tests = set(merged_all_tests.get(test_group, [])) tests.update(temp_tests) if test_group == constants.TEST_GROUP_ALL: for grouped_tests in merged_all_tests.values(): tests.update(grouped_tests) return tests, merged_all_tests, all_imports # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments # pylint: disable=too-many-locals def _find_tests_by_test_mapping( self, path='', test_groups=None, file_name=constants.TEST_MAPPING, include_subdirs=False, checked_files=None): """Find tests defined in TEST_MAPPING in the given path. Args: path: A string of path in source. Default is set to '', i.e., CWD. test_groups: A List of test groups to run. file_name: Name of TEST_MAPPING file. Default is set to `TEST_MAPPING`. The argument is added for testing purpose. include_subdirs: True to include tests in TEST_MAPPING files in sub directories. checked_files: Paths of TEST_MAPPING files that have been checked. Returns: A tuple of (tests, all_tests), where, tests is a set of tests (test_mapping.TestDetail) defined in TEST_MAPPING file of the given path, and its parent directories, with matching test_group. all_tests is a dictionary of all tests in TEST_MAPPING files, grouped by test group. """ path = os.path.realpath(path) # Default test_groups is set to [`presubmit`, `presubmit-large`]. if not test_groups: test_groups = constants.DEFAULT_TEST_GROUPS test_mapping_files = set() all_tests = {} test_mapping_file = os.path.join(path, file_name) if os.path.exists(test_mapping_file): test_mapping_files.add(test_mapping_file) # Include all TEST_MAPPING files in sub-directories if `include_subdirs` # is set to True. if include_subdirs: test_mapping_files.update(atest_utils.find_files(path, file_name)) # Include all possible TEST_MAPPING files in parent directories. root_dir = os.environ.get(constants.ANDROID_BUILD_TOP, os.sep) while path not in (root_dir, os.sep): path = os.path.dirname(path) test_mapping_file = os.path.join(path, file_name) if os.path.exists(test_mapping_file): test_mapping_files.add(test_mapping_file) if checked_files is None: checked_files = set() test_mapping_files.difference_update(checked_files) checked_files.update(test_mapping_files) if not test_mapping_files: return test_mapping_files, all_tests tests, all_tests, imports = self._get_tests_from_test_mapping_files( test_groups, test_mapping_files) # Load TEST_MAPPING files from imports recursively. if imports: for import_detail in imports: path = import_detail.get_path() # (b/110166535 #19) Import path might not exist if a project is # located in different directory in different branches. if path is None: logging.warning( 'Failed to import TEST_MAPPING at %s', import_detail) continue # Search for tests based on the imported search path. import_tests, import_all_tests = ( self._find_tests_by_test_mapping( path, test_groups, file_name, include_subdirs, checked_files)) # Merge the collections tests.update(import_tests) for group, grouped_tests in import_all_tests.items(): all_tests.setdefault(group, set()).update(grouped_tests) return tests, all_tests def _gather_build_targets(self, test_infos): targets = set() for test_info in test_infos: targets |= test_info.build_targets return targets def _get_test_mapping_tests(self, args, exit_if_no_test_found=True): """Find the tests in TEST_MAPPING files. Args: args: arg parsed object. exit_if_no_test(s)_found: A flag to exit atest if no test mapping tests found. Returns: A tuple of (test_names, test_details_list), where test_names: a list of test name test_details_list: a list of test_mapping.TestDetail objects for the tests in TEST_MAPPING files with matching test group. """ # Pull out tests from test mapping src_path = '' test_groups = constants.DEFAULT_TEST_GROUPS if args.tests: if ':' in args.tests[0]: src_path, test_group = args.tests[0].split(':') test_groups = [test_group] else: src_path = args.tests[0] test_details, all_test_details = self._find_tests_by_test_mapping( path=src_path, test_groups=test_groups, include_subdirs=args.include_subdirs, checked_files=set()) test_details_list = list(test_details) if not test_details_list and exit_if_no_test_found: logging.warning( 'No tests of group `%s` found in %s or its ' 'parent directories. (Available groups: %s)\n' 'You might be missing atest arguments,' ' try `atest --help` for more information.', test_groups, os.path.join(src_path, constants.TEST_MAPPING), ', '.join(all_test_details.keys())) if all_test_details: tests = '' for test_group, test_list in all_test_details.items(): tests += '%s:\n' % test_group for test_detail in sorted(test_list, key=str): tests += '\t%s\n' % test_detail logging.warning( 'All available tests in TEST_MAPPING files are:\n%s', tests) metrics_utils.send_exit_event(ExitCode.TEST_NOT_FOUND) sys.exit(ExitCode.TEST_NOT_FOUND) logging.debug( 'Test details:\n%s', '\n'.join([str(detail) for detail in test_details_list])) test_names = [detail.name for detail in test_details_list] return test_names, test_details_list def _extract_testable_modules_by_wildcard(self, user_input): """Extract the given string with wildcard symbols to testable module names. Assume the available testable modules is: ['Google', 'google', 'G00gle', 'g00gle'] and the user_input is: ['*oo*', 'g00gle'] This method will return: ['Google', 'google', 'g00gle'] Args: user_input: A list of input. Returns: A list of testable modules. """ testable_mods = self.mod_info.get_testable_modules() extracted_tests = [] for test in user_input: if atest_utils.has_wildcard(test): extracted_tests.extend(fnmatch.filter(testable_mods, test)) else: extracted_tests.append(test) return extracted_tests def _has_host_unit_test(self, tests): """Tell whether one of the given testis a host unit test. Args: tests: A list of test names. Returns: True when one of the given testis a host unit test. """ all_host_unit_tests = self.mod_info.get_all_host_unit_tests() for test in tests: if test in all_host_unit_tests: return True return False def translate(self, args): """Translate atest command line into build targets and run commands. Args: args: arg parsed object. Returns: A tuple with set of build_target strings and list of TestInfos. """ tests = args.tests # Test details from TEST_MAPPING files test_details_list = None # Loading Host Unit Tests. host_unit_tests = [] detect_type = DetectType.TEST_WITH_ARGS if not args.tests or atest_utils.is_test_mapping(args): detect_type = DetectType.TEST_NULL_ARGS start = time.time() if not args.tests: logging.debug('Finding Host Unit Tests...') path = os.path.relpath( os.path.realpath(''), os.environ.get(constants.ANDROID_BUILD_TOP, '')) host_unit_tests = test_finder_utils.find_host_unit_tests( self.mod_info, path) logging.debug('Found host_unit_tests: %s', host_unit_tests) if atest_utils.is_test_mapping(args): if args.enable_file_patterns: self.enable_file_patterns = True tests, test_details_list = self._get_test_mapping_tests( args, not bool(host_unit_tests)) atest_utils.colorful_print("\nFinding Tests...", constants.CYAN) logging.debug('Finding Tests: %s', tests) # Clear cache if user pass -c option if args.clear_cache: atest_utils.clean_test_info_caches(tests + host_unit_tests) # Process tests which might contain wildcard symbols in advance. if atest_utils.has_wildcard(tests): tests = self._extract_testable_modules_by_wildcard(tests) test_infos = self._get_test_infos(tests, test_details_list) if host_unit_tests: host_unit_test_details = [test_mapping.TestDetail( {'name':test, 'host':True}) for test in host_unit_tests] host_unit_test_infos = self._get_test_infos(host_unit_tests, host_unit_test_details) test_infos.update(host_unit_test_infos) if atest_utils.has_mixed_type_filters(test_infos): atest_utils.colorful_print( 'Mixed type filters found. ' 'Please separate tests into different runs.', constants.YELLOW) sys.exit(ExitCode.MIXED_TYPE_FILTER) finished_time = time.time() - start logging.debug('Finding tests finished in %ss', finished_time) metrics.LocalDetectEvent( detect_type=detect_type, result=int(finished_time)) for test_info in test_infos: logging.debug('%s\n', test_info) build_targets = self._gather_build_targets(test_infos) if not self._bazel_mode: if host_unit_tests or self._has_host_unit_test(tests): msg = (r"It is recommended to run host unit tests with " r"--bazel-mode.") atest_utils.colorful_print(msg, constants.YELLOW) return build_targets, test_infos