import import import import import org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.logging.TestLogEvent import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile import import import java.util.Properties buildDir = getBuildDirectory() defaultTasks = mutableListOf( "installDist", "test", CREATE_ARCHIVE_TASK, CREATE_BUILD_INFO_TASK, "ktlint" ) repositories { google() mavenCentral() val lintRepo = project.findProperty("lintRepo") as String? if (lintRepo != null) { logger.warn("Building using custom $lintRepo maven repository") maven { url = uri(lintRepo) } } } plugins { alias(libs.plugins.kotlinJvm) id("application") id("java") id("maven-publish") } group = "" version = getMetalavaVersion() application { mainClass.set("") applicationDefaultJvmArgs = listOf("-ea", "-Xms2g", "-Xmx4g") } java { sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 } tasks.withType( { sourceCompatibility = "1.8" targetCompatibility = "1.8" kotlinOptions { jvmTarget = "1.8" apiVersion = "1.6" languageVersion = "1.6" allWarningsAsErrors = true } } val customLintVersion = findProperty("lintVersion") as String? val studioVersion: String = if (customLintVersion != null) { logger.warn("Building using custom $customLintVersion version of Android Lint") customLintVersion } else { "30.3.0-alpha08" } dependencies { implementation("$studioVersion") implementation("$studioVersion") implementation("$studioVersion") implementation("$studioVersion") implementation("$studioVersion") implementation("$studioVersion") implementation("$studioVersion") implementation("$studioVersion") implementation("$studioVersion") implementation("$studioVersion") implementation(libs.kotlinStdlib) implementation(libs.kotlinReflect) implementation("org.ow2.asm:asm:8.0") implementation("org.ow2.asm:asm-tree:8.0") implementation("") testImplementation("$studioVersion") testImplementation("junit:junit:4.13.2") testImplementation("") testImplementation(libs.kotlinTest) } val zipTask: TaskProvider = project.tasks.register( "zipResultsOf${name.capitalize()}", ) { destinationDirectory.set(File(getDistributionDirectory(), "host-test-reports")) archiveFileName.set("") } val testTask = tasks.named("test", testTask.configure { maxParallelForks = (Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() / 2).takeIf { it > 0 } ?: 1 = hashSetOf( TestLogEvent.FAILED, TestLogEvent.PASSED, TestLogEvent.SKIPPED, TestLogEvent.STANDARD_OUT, TestLogEvent.STANDARD_ERROR ) if (isBuildingOnServer()) ignoreFailures = true finalizedBy(zipTask) } zipTask.configure { from( { it.reports.junitXml.outputLocation.get() }) } fun getMetalavaVersion(): Any { val versionPropertyFile = File(projectDir, "src/main/resources/") if (versionPropertyFile.canRead()) { val versionProps = Properties() versionProps.load(FileInputStream(versionPropertyFile)) val metalavaVersion = versionProps["metalavaVersion"] ?: throw IllegalStateException("metalava version was not set in ${versionPropertyFile.absolutePath}") return if (isBuildingOnServer()) { metalavaVersion } else { // Local builds are not public release candidates. "$metalavaVersion-SNAPSHOT" } } else { throw FileNotFoundException("Could not read ${versionPropertyFile.absolutePath}") } } fun getBuildDirectory(): File { return if (System.getenv("OUT_DIR") != null) { File(System.getenv("OUT_DIR"), "metalava") } else { File(projectDir, "../../out/metalava") } } /** * The build server will copy the contents of the distribution directory and make it available for * download. */ fun getDistributionDirectory(): File { return if (System.getenv("DIST_DIR") != null) { File(System.getenv("DIST_DIR")) } else { File(projectDir, "../../out/dist") } } fun isBuildingOnServer(): Boolean { return System.getenv("OUT_DIR") != null && System.getenv("DIST_DIR") != null } /** * @return build id string for current build * * The build server does not pass the build id so we infer it from the last folder of the * distribution directory name. */ fun getBuildId(): String { return if (System.getenv("DIST_DIR") != null) File(System.getenv("DIST_DIR")).name else "0" } // KtLint: fun Project.getKtlintConfiguration(): Configuration { return configurations.findByName("ktlint") ?: configurations.create("ktlint") { val dependency = project.dependencies.create("com.pinterest:ktlint:0.41.0") dependencies.add(dependency) } } tasks.register("ktlint", { description = "Check Kotlin code style." group = "Verification" classpath = getKtlintConfiguration() mainClass.set("com.pinterest.ktlint.Main") args = listOf("src/**/*.kt", "build.gradle.kts") } tasks.register("ktlintFormat", { description = "Fix Kotlin code style deviations." group = "formatting" classpath = getKtlintConfiguration() mainClass.set("com.pinterest.ktlint.Main") args = listOf("-F", "src/**/*.kt", "build.gradle.kts") } val publicationName = "Metalava" val repositoryName = "Dist" publishing { publications { create(publicationName) { from(components["java"]) pom { licenses { license { name.set("The Apache License, Version 2.0") url.set("") } } developers { developer { name.set("The Android Open Source Project") } } scm { connection.set("scm:git:") url.set("") } } } } repositories { maven { name = repositoryName url = uri("file://${getDistributionDirectory().canonicalPath}/repo/m2repository") } } } // Workaround for tasks.withType( { val outDirProvider = project.providers.environmentVariable("DIST_DIR")"buildOutputDirectory", outDirProvider).optional(true) doLast { val metadata = outputFile.asFile.get() val text = metadata.readText() val buildId = outDirProvider.orNull?.let { File(it).name } ?: "0" metadata.writeText( text.replace( "\"buildId\": .*".toRegex(), "\"buildId:\": \"${buildId}\"" ) ) } } val archiveTaskProvider = configurePublishingArchive( project, publicationName, repositoryName, getBuildId(), getDistributionDirectory() ) configureBuildInfoTask( project, isBuildingOnServer(), getDistributionDirectory(), archiveTaskProvider )