Lines Matching refs:by
9 incoming data. This ensures more code paths are reached by the fuzzer.
27 | `AudioFormat` | 77 values of type `audio_format_t` | Value chosen from valid values by obtaining …
28 | `AudioChannelMask` | 83 values of type `audio_channel_mask_t` | Value chosen from valid values by…
29 | `AudioOutputFlag` | 16 values of type `audio_output_flags_t` | Value chosen from valid values by …
30 …E_IN_AUX_DIGITAL`, `AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_STUB` | Value chosen from valid values by obtaining index from…
31 | `MixType` | `MIX_TYPE_PLAYERS`, `MIX_TYPE_RECORDERS` | Value chosen from valid values by obtain…
32 …OP_BACK_AND_RENDER`, `MIX_ROUTE_FLAG_ALL` | Value chosen from valid values by obtaining index from…
34 …ELAYED`, `AUDIO_USAGE_NOTIFICATION_EVENT` | Value chosen from valid values by obtaining index from…
35 …MOVIE`, `AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION` | Value chosen from valid values by obtaining index from…
36 | `AudioSource` | 14 values of type `audio_source_t` | Value chosen from valid values by obtaining …
37 | `AudioFlagMask` | 15 values of type `audio_flags_mask_t` | Value chosen from valid values by obta…
38 …AILABLE`, `AUDIO_POLICY_DEVICE_STATE_CNT` | Value chosen from valid values by obtaining index from…