/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PacketVideo Corp. MP3 Decoder Library Filename: pvmp3_mpeg2_stereo_proc.cpp Functions: pvmp3_st_intensity_ver2 pvmp3_mpeg2_stereo_proc Date: 09/21/2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REVISION HISTORY Description: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pvmp3_st_intensity_ver2 INPUT AND OUTPUT DEFINITIONS Input int32 xr[], input channel int32 xl[], int32 m, selecting index: io = 2(1/4) (m=0), io = 2(1/8) (m=1) int32 is_pos, index on table is_pos_pow_eitgh_root_of_2 int32 Start, Location of first element where stereo intensity is applied int32 Number number of elements affected Returns int32 xl[], generated stereo channel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pvmp3_mpeg2_stereo_proc INPUT AND OUTPUT DEFINITIONS Input int32 xr[], input channel int32 xl[], mp3ScaleFactors *scalefac, scale factors structure for Right channel granuleInfo *gr_info_l, granule structure for the left channel granuleInfo *gr_info_r, granule structure for the rigth channel uint32 *scalefac_IIP_buffer, auxiliary scale factor vector mp3Header *info mp3 header info Returns int32 xl[], generated stereo channel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTION DESCRIPTION stereo processing for mpeg2 layer III LSF extension ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REQUIREMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REFERENCES [1] ISO MPEG Audio Subgroup Software Simulation Group (1996) ISO 13818-3 MPEG-2 Audio Decoder - Lower Sampling Frequency Extension ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PSEUDO-CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; INCLUDES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "pvmp3_mpeg2_stereo_proc.h" #include "pvmp3_stereo_proc.h" #include "pv_mp3dec_fxd_op.h" #include "pvmp3_tables.h" #include "mp3_mem_funcs.h" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; MACROS ; Define module specific macros here ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DEFINES ; Include all pre-processor statements here. Include conditional ; compile variables also. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Q31_fmt(a) (int32(double(0x7FFFFFFF)*(a))) /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; LOCAL FUNCTION DEFINITIONS ; Function Prototype declaration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; LOCAL STORE/BUFFER/POINTER DEFINITIONS ; Variable declaration - defined here and used outside this module ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const int32 is_pos_pow_eitgh_root_of_2[8] = { /* --- 2^(1/8) ----- */ Q31_fmt(1.00000000000000), Q31_fmt(0.91700404320467), Q31_fmt(0.84089641525371), Q31_fmt(0.77110541270397), Q31_fmt(0.70710678118655), Q31_fmt(0.64841977732550), Q31_fmt(0.59460355750136), Q31_fmt(0.54525386633263) }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; EXTERNAL FUNCTION REFERENCES ; Declare functions defined elsewhere and referenced in this module ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; EXTERNAL GLOBAL STORE/BUFFER/POINTER REFERENCES ; Declare variables used in this module but defined elsewhere ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; FUNCTION CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void pvmp3_st_intensity_ver2(int32 xr[SUBBANDS_NUMBER*FILTERBANK_BANDS], int32 xl[SUBBANDS_NUMBER*FILTERBANK_BANDS], int32 m, int32 is_pos, int32 Start, int32 Number) { int32 k[2]; /* pow(io, ((is_pos + 1)>>1)); io = 2(1/4) (m=0), io = 2(1/8) (m=1) */ k[0] = is_pos_pow_eitgh_root_of_2[((is_pos+1)&(3+(m<<2)))<<(1-m)] >> ((is_pos + 1) >> (2 + m)); /* pow(io, (is_pos>>1)); io = 2(1/4) (m=0), io = 2(1/8) (m=1) */ k[1] = is_pos_pow_eitgh_root_of_2[(is_pos&(3+(m<<2)))<<(1-m)] >> (is_pos >> (2 + m)); int32 *pt_xr = &xr[Start]; int32 *pt_xl = &xl[Start]; if (is_pos == 0) /* 0 < is_pos < 31 */ { pv_memcpy(pt_xl, pt_xr, Number*sizeof(*pt_xr)); } else if (is_pos & 1) { for (int32 i = Number >> 1; i != 0; i--) { *(pt_xl++) = (*pt_xr); *(pt_xr) = fxp_mul32_Q32((*pt_xr) << 1, k[0]); pt_xr++; *(pt_xl++) = (*pt_xr); *(pt_xr) = fxp_mul32_Q32((*pt_xr) << 1, k[0]); pt_xr++; } if (Number&1) { *(pt_xl) = (*pt_xr); *(pt_xr) = fxp_mul32_Q32((*pt_xr) << 1, k[0]); } } else { for (int32 i = Number >> 1; i != 0; i--) { *(pt_xl++) = fxp_mul32_Q32((*(pt_xr++)) << 1, k[1]); *(pt_xl++) = fxp_mul32_Q32((*(pt_xr++)) << 1, k[1]); } if (Number&1) { *(pt_xl) = fxp_mul32_Q32((*pt_xr) << 1, k[1]); } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; FUNCTION CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void pvmp3_mpeg2_stereo_proc(int32 xr[SUBBANDS_NUMBER*FILTERBANK_BANDS], int32 xl[SUBBANDS_NUMBER*FILTERBANK_BANDS], mp3ScaleFactors *scalefac_R, granuleInfo *gr_info_l, granuleInfo *gr_info_r, uint32 *scalefac_IIP_buffer, int32 used_freq_lines, mp3Header *info) { int32 sfreq; int32 sb; int32 ss; int32 sfbNo; int32 sfbStart; int32 sfb; int32 sfbTemp; int32 i; int32 j; int32 io; int32 i_stereo = (info->mode == MPG_MD_JOINT_STEREO) && (info->mode_ext & 0x1); int32 ms_stereo = (info->mode == MPG_MD_JOINT_STEREO) && (info->mode_ext & 0x2); if (i_stereo) { if (gr_info_r->scalefac_compress & 1) { io = 0; /* 2^(-1/4) */ } else { io = 1; /* 2^(-1/8) */ } sfreq = info->version_x + (info->version_x << 1); sfreq += info->sampling_frequency; if (gr_info_l->window_switching_flag && (gr_info_l->block_type == 2)) { if (gr_info_l->mixed_block_flag) { /* * mixed blocks processing */ i = 31; ss = 17; sb = -1; while (i >= 0) { if (xl[(i*FILTERBANK_BANDS) + ss]) { sb = (i << 4) + (i << 1) + ss; i = -1; } else { ss--; if (ss < 0) { i--; ss = 17; } } } /* now sb is the number of highest line with value != 0 */ /* can be between -1 (all lines zero) and 575 (no line zero) */ if (sb < 36) /* was (sb <= 36) */ { /* * mixed blocks processing: intensity bound inside long blocks */ /* 1. long blocks up to intensity border: Stereo or M/S */ if (mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[4] <= sb) { i = 4; } else { i = 0; } while (mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[i] <= sb) { i++; } sfbTemp = i; /* from that (long) sfb on we have intensity stereo */ sfbNo = mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[sfbTemp]; /* number of lines to process */ /* from sfbStart up sfbNo lines do ms_stereo or normal stereo */ if (ms_stereo) { pvmp3_st_mid_side(xr, xl, 0, sfbNo); } /* 2. long blocks from intensity border up to sfb band 6: intensity */ /* calc. MPEG_1_2_Factor[0], MPEG_1_2_Factor[1] */ for (sfb = sfbTemp; sfb < 6; sfb++) { sfbStart = mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[sfb]; /* = Start in 0 ... 575 */ sfbNo = mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[sfb+1] - mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[sfb]; /* No of lines to process */ if ((uint32)(scalefac_R->l[sfb]) != scalefac_IIP_buffer[sfb]) { pvmp3_st_intensity_ver2(xr, xl, io, scalefac_R->l[sfb], sfbStart, sfbNo); } else if (ms_stereo) { pvmp3_st_mid_side(xr, xl, sfbStart, sfbNo); } } /* 3. now process all sfb with short blocks (3...12), all in intensity mode */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { /* first calculate directional factors for intensity stereo, * for all sfb in intensity mode, but only * if they do not have "illegal" position: */ /* to do this for all sfb we have to get information for last scale factor band: * here we clearly have more than one sfb in intensity mode, * so copy factors and legal/illegal information from sfb11 to sfb12 */ (scalefac_R->s[j][12]) = (scalefac_R->s[j][11]); scalefac_IIP_buffer[36 + j] = scalefac_IIP_buffer[33 + j]; /* legal/illegal in sfb 12 same as in sfb 11 */ for (sfb = 3; sfb < 13; sfb++) { sfbNo = mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb+1] - mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb]; /* No of lines to process */ sfbStart = 3 * mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb] + j * sfbNo; if ((uint32)(scalefac_R->s[j][sfb]) != scalefac_IIP_buffer[3*sfb + j]) { pvmp3_st_intensity_ver2(xr, xl, io, scalefac_R->s[j][sfb], sfbStart, sfbNo); } else if (ms_stereo) { pvmp3_st_mid_side(xr, xl, sfbStart, sfbNo); } } } /* for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) */ } else /* else then (sb >= 36) */ { /* * mixed blocks processing: intensity bound outside long blocks */ /* 2. short blocks, do for all 3 */ /* ------------------------------ */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { int32 sfbcnt = -1; for (sfb = 12; sfb >= 3; sfb--) { int32 lines = mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb+1] - mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb]; i = 3 * mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb] + (j + 1) * lines - 1; while (lines > 0) { if (xl[i]) { sfbcnt = sfb; sfb = -10; lines = -10; } lines--; i--; } } sfbcnt += 1; if (sfbcnt < 3) { sfbcnt = 3; /* should not be necessary */ } sfbTemp = sfbcnt; /* from this (short) sfb on we have intensity mode */ /* can have values between 3 (all short sfb in intensity) */ /* and 13 (no short sfb in intensity mode) */ /* 3. from sfbTemp to last sfb calculate is_ratio values: */ /* first calculate directional factors for intensity stereo, */ /* for all sfb in intensity mode, but only */ /* if they do not have "illegal" position: */ /* to do this for all sfb we have to get information for last scale factor band: */ /* get factors for last scale factor band: */ /* more than one sfb in intensity mode, copy factors and legal/illegal information from sfb11 to sfb12 */ if (sfbTemp < 12) { (scalefac_R->s[j][12]) = (scalefac_R->s[j][11]); scalefac_IIP_buffer[36 + j] = scalefac_IIP_buffer[33 + j]; /* legal/illegal in sfb 12 same as in sfb 11 */ } else if (sfbTemp == sfb) /* only sfb 12 in intensity mode, use factors corresponding to is_pos[12] == 0 */ { (scalefac_R->s[j][12]) = 0; scalefac_IIP_buffer[36 + j] = 1; /* the scf value 0 in sfb12 is "legal" */ } /* if sfbTemp > sfb (no sfb in intensity mode): do nothing */ /* 4. do normal stereo or MS stereo from sfb 3 to < sfbTemp: */ for (sfb = 3; sfb < sfbTemp; sfb++) { sfbNo = mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb+1] - mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb]; sfbStart = 3 * mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb] + j * sfbNo; if (ms_stereo) { pvmp3_st_mid_side(xr, xl, sfbStart, sfbNo); } } /* 5. now intensity stereo processing of the remaining sfb's: */ for (sfb = sfbTemp; sfb < 13; sfb++) { sfbNo = mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb+1] - mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb]; /* No of lines to process */ sfbStart = 3 * mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb] + j * sfbNo; if ((uint32)(scalefac_R->s[j][sfb]) != scalefac_IIP_buffer[3*sfb + j]) { pvmp3_st_intensity_ver2(xr, xl, io, scalefac_R->s[j][sfb], sfbStart, sfbNo); } else if (ms_stereo) { pvmp3_st_mid_side(xr, xl, sfbStart, sfbNo); } } /* end of correction by efs 2003-07-04 */ } /* for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) */ /* long blocks 0 up to sfb band 6: no intensity */ sfbNo = mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[6]; /* number of lines to process */ if (ms_stereo) { pvmp3_st_mid_side(xr, xl, 0, sfbNo); } } /* if intensity bound inside or outside long blocks */ } /* if (gr_info->mixed_block_flag) */ else { /* * short block processing */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { int32 sfbcnt = -1; for (sfb = 12; sfb >= 0; sfb--) { int32 lines = mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb+1] - mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb]; i = 3 * mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb] + (j + 1) * lines - 1; while (lines > 0) { if (xl[i]) { sfbcnt = sfb; sfb = -10; lines = -10; } lines--; i--; } } sfbcnt += 1; /* start of corrected version by efs 2003-07-04 */ sfbTemp = sfbcnt; /* from this (short) sfb on we have intensity mode */ /* can have values between 3 (all short sfb in intensity) */ /* and 13 (no short sfb in intensity mode) */ /* first calculate directional factors for intensity stereo, for all sfb in intensity mode, but only if they do not have "illegal" position: */ /* to do this for all sfb we have to get information for last scale factor band: */ /* get factors for last scale factor band: */ /* more than one sfb in intensity mode, copy factors and legal/illegal information from sfb11 to sfb12 */ if (sfbTemp < 12) { (scalefac_R->s[j][12]) = (scalefac_R->s[j][11]); scalefac_IIP_buffer[36 + j] = scalefac_IIP_buffer[33 + j]; /* legal/illegal in sfb 12 same as in sfb 11 */ } else if (sfbTemp == 12) /* only sfb 12 in intensity mode, use factors corresponding to is_pos[12] == 0 */ { (scalefac_R->s[j][12]) = 0; scalefac_IIP_buffer[36 + j] = 1; /* the scf value 0 in sfb12 is "legal" */ } /* if sfbTemp > sfb (no sfb in intensity mode): do nothing */ /* Now process audio samples */ /* first process lower sfb's not in intensity mode */ for (sfb = 0; sfb < sfbTemp; sfb++) { sfbNo = mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb+1] - mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb]; sfbStart = 3 * mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb] + j * sfbNo; if (ms_stereo) { pvmp3_st_mid_side(xr, xl, sfbStart, sfbNo); } } /* now intensity stereo processing of the remaining sfb's: */ for (sfb = sfbTemp; sfb < 13; sfb++) { sfbNo = mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb+1] - mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb]; /* No of lines to process */ sfbStart = 3 * mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb] + j * sfbNo; if ((uint32)(scalefac_R->s[j][sfb]) != scalefac_IIP_buffer[3*sfb + j]) { pvmp3_st_intensity_ver2(xr, xl, io, scalefac_R->s[j][sfb], sfbStart, sfbNo); } else if (ms_stereo) { pvmp3_st_mid_side(xr, xl, sfbStart, sfbNo); } } } /* for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) */ } /* end of else ( gr_info->mixed_block_flag) */ } /* if (gr_info->window_switching_flag && (gr_info->block_type == 2)) */ else { /* * long block processing */ i = 31; ss = 17; sb = 0; while (i >= 0) { if (xl[(i*FILTERBANK_BANDS) + ss]) { sb = (i << 4) + (i << 1) + ss; /* i = -1 patched RF 24-09-2002 */ i = -2; } else { ss--; if (ss < 0) { i--; ss = 17; } } } /* patched RF 24-09-2002 */ if (sb) { if (mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[14] <= sb) { i = 14; } else if (mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[7] <= sb) { i = 7; } else { i = 0; } while (mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[i] <= sb) { i++; } } else { if (i == -1) { /* all xr[1][][] are 0: set IS bound sfb to 0 */ i = 0; } else { /* xr[1][0][0] is unequal 0 and all others are 0: set IS bound sfb to 1 */ i = 1; } } /* corrected version by efs 2003-07-04 */ sfbTemp = i; /* from this (long) sfb on we have intensity mode */ /* can have values between 0 (all long sfb in intensity) */ /* and 22 (no long sfb in intensity mode) */ /* first calculate directional factors for intensity stereo, for all sfb in intensity mode, but only if they do not have "illegal" position: */ /* to do this for all sfb we have to get information for last scale factor band: */ if (sfbTemp < 21) /* more than one sfb in intensity mode, */ /* copy factors and legal/illegal information from sfb20 to sfb21 */ { (scalefac_R->l[21]) = (scalefac_R->l[20]); scalefac_IIP_buffer[21] = scalefac_IIP_buffer[20]; /* legal/illegal in sfb 21 same as in sfb 20 */ } else if (sfbTemp == 21) /* only sfb 21 in intensity mode, is_pos[21] = 0 */ { (scalefac_R->l[21]) = 0; scalefac_IIP_buffer[21] = 1; /* the scf value 0 in sfb21 is "legal" */ } /* if sfbTemp > 21 (no sfb in intensity mode): do nothing */ /* Now process audio samples */ /* first process lower sfb's not in intensity mode */ sfbNo = mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[sfbTemp] - mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[0]; sfbStart = mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[0]; if (ms_stereo) { pvmp3_st_mid_side(xr, xl, sfbStart, sfbNo); } /* now intensity stereo processing of the remaining sfb's: */ for (sfb = sfbTemp; sfb < 22; sfb++) { sfbNo = mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[sfb+1] - mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[sfb]; /* number of lines to process */ sfbStart = mp3_sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[sfb]; /* start of sfb */ if ((uint32)(scalefac_R->l[sfb]) != scalefac_IIP_buffer[sfb]) /* "legal" position ? */ { pvmp3_st_intensity_ver2(xr, xl, io, scalefac_R->l[sfb], sfbStart, sfbNo); } else if (ms_stereo) { pvmp3_st_mid_side(xr, xl, sfbStart, sfbNo); } } /* for (sfb = sfbTemp; sfb < 22; sfb++) */ } /* if (gr_info->window_switching_flag && (gr_info->block_type == 2)) */ } /* if (i_stereo) */ else { /* * normal or ms stereo processing */ if (ms_stereo) { pvmp3_st_mid_side(xr, xl, 0, used_freq_lines); } } /* if (i_stereo) */ }