1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17 #pragma once
19 #include <limits>
20 #include <type_traits>
21 #include <utility>
23 #include <binder/Enums.h>
24 #include <binder/Status.h>
25 #include <error/Result.h>
27 namespace android {
29 template <typename T>
30 using ConversionResult = error::Result<T>;
32 /**
33 * A generic template to safely cast between integral types, respecting limits of the destination
34 * type.
35 */
36 template<typename To, typename From>
convertIntegral(From from)37 ConversionResult<To> convertIntegral(From from) {
38 // Special handling is required for signed / vs. unsigned comparisons, since otherwise we may
39 // have the signed converted to unsigned and produce wrong results.
40 if (std::is_signed_v<From> && !std::is_signed_v<To>) {
41 if (from < 0 || from > std::numeric_limits<To>::max()) {
42 return base::unexpected(BAD_VALUE);
43 }
44 } else if (std::is_signed_v<To> && !std::is_signed_v<From>) {
45 if (from > std::numeric_limits<To>::max()) {
46 return base::unexpected(BAD_VALUE);
47 }
48 } else {
49 if (from < std::numeric_limits<To>::min() || from > std::numeric_limits<To>::max()) {
50 return base::unexpected(BAD_VALUE);
51 }
52 }
53 return static_cast<To>(from);
54 }
56 /**
57 * A generic template to safely cast between types, that are intended to be the same size, but
58 * interpreted differently.
59 */
60 template<typename To, typename From>
convertReinterpret(From from)61 ConversionResult<To> convertReinterpret(From from) {
62 static_assert(sizeof(From) == sizeof(To));
63 return static_cast<To>(from);
64 }
66 /**
67 * A generic template that helps convert containers of convertible types, using iterators.
68 */
69 template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename Func>
convertRange(InputIterator start,InputIterator end,OutputIterator out,const Func & itemConversion)70 status_t convertRange(InputIterator start,
71 InputIterator end,
72 OutputIterator out,
73 const Func& itemConversion) {
74 for (InputIterator iter = start; iter != end; ++iter, ++out) {
75 *out = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(itemConversion(*iter));
76 }
77 return OK;
78 }
80 /**
81 * A generic template that helps convert containers of convertible types, using iterators.
82 * Uses a limit as maximum conversion items.
83 */
84 template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename Func>
convertRangeWithLimit(InputIterator start,InputIterator end,OutputIterator out,const Func & itemConversion,const size_t limit)85 status_t convertRangeWithLimit(InputIterator start,
86 InputIterator end,
87 OutputIterator out,
88 const Func& itemConversion,
89 const size_t limit) {
90 InputIterator last = end;
91 if (end - start > limit) {
92 last = start + limit;
93 }
94 for (InputIterator iter = start; (iter != last); ++iter, ++out) {
95 *out = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(itemConversion(*iter));
96 }
97 return OK;
98 }
100 /**
101 * A generic template that helps convert containers of convertible types.
102 */
103 template<typename OutputContainer, typename InputContainer, typename Func>
104 ConversionResult<OutputContainer>
convertContainer(const InputContainer & input,const Func & itemConversion)105 convertContainer(const InputContainer& input, const Func& itemConversion) {
106 OutputContainer output;
107 auto ins = std::inserter(output, output.begin());
108 for (const auto& item : input) {
109 *ins = VALUE_OR_RETURN(itemConversion(item));
110 }
111 return output;
112 }
114 /**
115 * A generic template that helps convert containers of convertible types
116 * using an item conversion function with an additional parameter.
117 */
118 template<typename OutputContainer, typename InputContainer, typename Func, typename Parameter>
119 ConversionResult<OutputContainer>
convertContainer(const InputContainer & input,const Func & itemConversion,const Parameter & param)120 convertContainer(const InputContainer& input, const Func& itemConversion, const Parameter& param) {
121 OutputContainer output;
122 auto ins = std::inserter(output, output.begin());
123 for (const auto& item : input) {
124 *ins = VALUE_OR_RETURN(itemConversion(item, param));
125 }
126 return output;
127 }
129 /**
130 * A generic template that helps to "zip" two input containers of the same size
131 * into a single vector of converted types. The conversion function must
132 * thus accept two arguments.
133 */
134 template<typename OutputContainer, typename InputContainer1,
135 typename InputContainer2, typename Func>
136 ConversionResult<OutputContainer>
convertContainers(const InputContainer1 & input1,const InputContainer2 & input2,const Func & itemConversion)137 convertContainers(const InputContainer1& input1, const InputContainer2& input2,
138 const Func& itemConversion) {
139 auto iter2 = input2.begin();
140 OutputContainer output;
141 auto ins = std::inserter(output, output.begin());
142 for (const auto& item1 : input1) {
143 RETURN_IF_ERROR(iter2 != input2.end() ? OK : BAD_VALUE);
144 *ins = VALUE_OR_RETURN(itemConversion(item1, *iter2++));
145 }
146 return output;
147 }
149 /**
150 * A generic template that helps to "unzip" a per-element conversion into
151 * a pair of elements into a pair of containers. The conversion function
152 * must emit a pair of elements.
153 */
154 template<typename OutputContainer1, typename OutputContainer2,
155 typename InputContainer, typename Func>
156 ConversionResult<std::pair<OutputContainer1, OutputContainer2>>
convertContainerSplit(const InputContainer & input,const Func & itemConversion)157 convertContainerSplit(const InputContainer& input, const Func& itemConversion) {
158 OutputContainer1 output1;
159 OutputContainer2 output2;
160 auto ins1 = std::inserter(output1, output1.begin());
161 auto ins2 = std::inserter(output2, output2.begin());
162 for (const auto& item : input) {
163 auto out_pair = VALUE_OR_RETURN(itemConversion(item));
164 *ins1 = out_pair.first;
165 *ins2 = out_pair.second;
166 }
167 return std::make_pair(output1, output2);
168 }
170 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
171 // The code below establishes:
172 // IntegralTypeOf<T>, which works for either integral types (in which case it evaluates to T), or
173 // enum types (in which case it evaluates to std::underlying_type_T<T>).
175 template<typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<T> || std::is_enum_v<T>>>
176 struct IntegralTypeOfStruct {
177 using Type = T;
178 };
180 template<typename T>
181 struct IntegralTypeOfStruct<T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum_v<T>>> {
182 using Type = std::underlying_type_t<T>;
183 };
185 template<typename T>
186 using IntegralTypeOf = typename IntegralTypeOfStruct<T>::Type;
188 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
189 // Utilities for handling bitmasks.
191 template<typename Enum>
192 Enum indexToEnum_index(int index) {
193 static_assert(std::is_enum_v<Enum> || std::is_integral_v<Enum>);
194 return static_cast<Enum>(index);
195 }
197 template<typename Enum>
198 Enum indexToEnum_bitmask(int index) {
199 static_assert(std::is_enum_v<Enum> || std::is_integral_v<Enum>);
200 return static_cast<Enum>(1 << index);
201 }
203 template<typename Mask, typename Enum>
204 Mask enumToMask_bitmask(Enum e) {
205 static_assert(std::is_enum_v<Enum> || std::is_integral_v<Enum>);
206 static_assert(std::is_enum_v<Mask> || std::is_integral_v<Mask>);
207 return static_cast<Mask>(e);
208 }
210 template<typename Mask, typename Enum>
211 Mask enumToMask_index(Enum e) {
212 static_assert(std::is_enum_v<Enum> || std::is_integral_v<Enum>);
213 static_assert(std::is_enum_v<Mask> || std::is_integral_v<Mask>);
214 return static_cast<Mask>(static_cast<std::make_unsigned_t<IntegralTypeOf<Mask>>>(1)
215 << static_cast<int>(e));
216 }
218 template<typename DestMask, typename SrcMask, typename DestEnum, typename SrcEnum>
219 ConversionResult<DestMask> convertBitmask(
220 SrcMask src, const std::function<ConversionResult<DestEnum>(SrcEnum)>& enumConversion,
221 const std::function<SrcEnum(int)>& srcIndexToEnum,
222 const std::function<DestMask(DestEnum)>& destEnumToMask) {
223 using UnsignedDestMask = std::make_unsigned_t<IntegralTypeOf<DestMask>>;
224 using UnsignedSrcMask = std::make_unsigned_t<IntegralTypeOf<SrcMask>>;
226 UnsignedDestMask dest = static_cast<UnsignedDestMask>(0);
227 UnsignedSrcMask usrc = static_cast<UnsignedSrcMask>(src);
229 int srcBitIndex = 0;
230 while (usrc != 0) {
231 if (usrc & 1) {
232 SrcEnum srcEnum = srcIndexToEnum(srcBitIndex);
233 DestEnum destEnum = VALUE_OR_RETURN(enumConversion(srcEnum));
234 DestMask destMask = destEnumToMask(destEnum);
235 dest |= destMask;
236 }
237 ++srcBitIndex;
238 usrc >>= 1;
239 }
240 return static_cast<DestMask>(dest);
241 }
243 template<typename Mask, typename Enum>
244 bool bitmaskIsSet(Mask mask, Enum index) {
245 return (mask & enumToMask_index<Mask, Enum>(index)) != 0;
246 }
248 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
249 // Utilities for working with AIDL unions.
250 // UNION_GET(obj, fieldname) returns a ConversionResult<T> containing either the strongly-typed
251 // value of the respective field, or BAD_VALUE if the union is not set to the requested field.
252 // UNION_SET(obj, fieldname, value) sets the requested field to the given value.
254 template<typename T, typename T::Tag tag>
255 using UnionFieldType = std::decay_t<decltype(std::declval<T>().template get<tag>())>;
257 template<typename T, typename T::Tag tag>
258 ConversionResult<UnionFieldType<T, tag>> unionGetField(const T& u) {
259 if (u.getTag() != tag) {
260 return base::unexpected(BAD_VALUE);
261 }
262 return u.template get<tag>();
263 }
265 #define UNION_GET(u, field) \
266 unionGetField<std::decay_t<decltype(u)>, std::decay_t<decltype(u)>::Tag::field>(u)
268 #define UNION_SET(u, field, value) \
269 (u).set<std::decay_t<decltype(u)>::Tag::field>(value)
271 namespace aidl_utils {
273 /**
274 * Return true if the value is valid for the AIDL enumeration.
275 */
276 template <typename T>
277 bool isValidEnum(T value) {
278 constexpr android::enum_range<T> er{};
279 return std::find(er.begin(), er.end(), value) != er.end();
280 }
282 // T is a "container" of enum binder types with a toString().
283 template <typename T>
284 std::string enumsToString(const T& t) {
285 std::string s;
286 for (const auto item : t) {
287 if (s.empty()) {
288 s = toString(item);
289 } else {
290 s.append("|").append(toString(item));
291 }
292 }
293 return s;
294 }
296 /**
297 * Return the equivalent Android status_t from a binder exception code.
298 *
299 * Generally one should use statusTFromBinderStatus() instead.
300 *
301 * Exception codes can be generated from a remote Java service exception, translate
302 * them for use on the Native side.
303 *
304 * Note: for EX_TRANSACTION_FAILED and EX_SERVICE_SPECIFIC a more detailed error code
305 * can be found from transactionError() or serviceSpecificErrorCode().
306 */
307 static inline status_t statusTFromExceptionCode(int32_t exceptionCode) {
308 using namespace ::android::binder;
309 switch (exceptionCode) {
310 case Status::EX_NONE:
311 return OK;
312 case Status::EX_SECURITY: // Java SecurityException, rethrows locally in Java
314 case Status::EX_BAD_PARCELABLE: // Java BadParcelableException, rethrows in Java
315 case Status::EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT: // Java IllegalArgumentException, rethrows in Java
316 case Status::EX_NULL_POINTER: // Java NullPointerException, rethrows in Java
317 return BAD_VALUE;
318 case Status::EX_ILLEGAL_STATE: // Java IllegalStateException, rethrows in Java
319 case Status::EX_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION: // Java UnsupportedOperationException, rethrows
321 case Status::EX_HAS_REPLY_HEADER: // Native strictmode violation
322 case Status::EX_PARCELABLE: // Java bootclass loader (not standard exception), rethrows
323 case Status::EX_NETWORK_MAIN_THREAD: // Java NetworkOnMainThreadException, rethrows
324 case Status::EX_TRANSACTION_FAILED: // Native - see error code
325 case Status::EX_SERVICE_SPECIFIC: // Java ServiceSpecificException,
326 // rethrows in Java with integer error code
327 return UNKNOWN_ERROR;
328 }
329 return UNKNOWN_ERROR;
330 }
332 /**
333 * Return the equivalent Android status_t from a binder status.
334 *
335 * Used to handle errors from a AIDL method declaration
336 *
337 * [oneway] void method(type0 param0, ...)
338 *
339 * or the following (where return_type is not a status_t)
340 *
341 * return_type method(type0 param0, ...)
342 */
343 static inline status_t statusTFromBinderStatus(const ::android::binder::Status &status) {
344 return status.isOk() ? OK // check OK,
345 : status.serviceSpecificErrorCode() // service-side error, not standard Java exception
346 // (fromServiceSpecificError)
347 ?: status.transactionError() // a native binder transaction error (fromStatusT)
348 ?: statusTFromExceptionCode(status.exceptionCode()); // a service-side error with a
349 // standard Java exception (fromExceptionCode)
350 }
352 /**
353 * Return a binder::Status from native service status.
354 *
355 * This is used for methods not returning an explicit status_t,
356 * where Java callers expect an exception, not an integer return value.
357 */
358 static inline ::android::binder::Status binderStatusFromStatusT(
359 status_t status, const char *optionalMessage = nullptr) {
360 const char * const emptyIfNull = optionalMessage == nullptr ? "" : optionalMessage;
361 // From binder::Status instructions:
362 // Prefer a generic exception code when possible, then a service specific
363 // code, and finally a status_t for low level failures or legacy support.
364 // Exception codes and service specific errors map to nicer exceptions for
365 // Java clients.
367 using namespace ::android::binder;
368 switch (status) {
369 case OK:
370 return Status::ok();
371 case PERMISSION_DENIED: // throw SecurityException on Java side
372 return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_SECURITY, emptyIfNull);
373 case BAD_VALUE: // throw IllegalArgumentException on Java side
374 return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, emptyIfNull);
375 case INVALID_OPERATION: // throw IllegalStateException on Java side
376 return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_ILLEGAL_STATE, emptyIfNull);
377 }
379 // A service specific error will not show on status.transactionError() so
380 // be sure to use statusTFromBinderStatus() for reliable error handling.
382 // throw a ServiceSpecificException.
383 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(status, emptyIfNull);
384 }
387 } // namespace aidl_utils
389 } // namespace android