1 /*
<lambda>null2 * Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17 package trebuchet.queries.slices
19 import kotlin.sequences.Sequence
20 import kotlin.sequences.SequenceScope
22 import trebuchet.model.Model
23 import trebuchet.model.ProcessModel
24 import trebuchet.model.ThreadModel
25 import trebuchet.model.base.Slice
26 import trebuchet.model.base.SliceGroup
27 import trebuchet.util.slices.parseSliceName
28 import trebuchet.util.time.*
30 enum class TraverseAction {
31 /**
32 * Continue iterating over any child slices
33 */
35 /**
36 * There is no need to process any child slices
37 */
38 DONE,
39 }
41 interface SliceTraverser {
beginSlicenull42 fun beginSlice(slice: Slice): TraverseAction = TraverseAction.VISIT_CHILDREN
43 fun endSlice(slice: Slice) {}
44 }
46 class MissingSliceException : Exception {
47 constructor(pid : Int, type : String, value : String?) {
48 Exception("Unable to find slice. PID = $pid, Type = $type" +
49 (if (value == null) "" else ", Value = $value"))
50 }
52 constructor(pid : Int, type : String, value : String?, lowerBound : Double, upperBound : Double) {
53 Exception("Unable to find slice. PID = $pid, Type = $type" +
54 (if (value == null) "" else ", Value = $value") +
55 " (Bounds: [${lowerBound.secondValueToMillisecondString()}," +
56 " ${upperBound.secondValueToMillisecondString()}])")
57 }
59 constructor (pid : Int, pattern : Regex) {
60 Exception("Unable to find slice. PID = $pid, Pattern = $pattern")
61 }
63 constructor (pid : Int, pattern : Regex, lowerBound : Double, upperBound : Double) {
64 Exception("Unable to find slice. PID = $pid, Pattern = $pattern" +
65 " (Bounds: [${lowerBound.secondValueToMillisecondString()}," +
66 " ${upperBound.secondValueToMillisecondString()}])")
67 }
68 }
70 /**
71 * Find all of the slices that match the given predicate.
72 *
73 * @param predicate The predicate used to test slices
74 */
selectAllnull75 fun Model.selectAll(predicate: (Slice) -> Boolean): List<Slice> {
76 val ret = mutableListOf<Slice>()
77 this.iterSlices {
78 if (predicate(it)) {
79 ret.add(it)
80 }
81 }
82 return ret
83 }
85 /**
86 * Find all of the slices that match the given predicate.
87 *
88 * @param predicate The predicate used to test slices
89 */
ProcessModelnull90 fun ProcessModel.selectAll(predicate : (Slice) -> Boolean) : List<Slice> {
91 val ret = mutableListOf<Slice>()
92 this.iterSlices {
93 if (predicate(it)) {
94 ret.add(it)
95 }
96 }
97 return ret
98 }
selectAllnull100 fun ThreadModel.selectAll(predicate: (Slice) -> Boolean): List<Slice> {
101 val ret = mutableListOf<Slice>()
102 this.iterSlices {
103 if (predicate(it)) {
104 ret.add(it)
105 }
106 }
107 return ret
108 }
110 /**
111 * Find the first slice that matches the given predicate.
112 *
113 * @param predicate The predicate used to test slices
114 */
selectFirstnull115 fun Model.selectFirst(predicate: (Slice) -> Boolean) : Slice? {
116 return this.processes.values.mapNotNull { it.selectFirst(predicate) }.minByOrNull { it.startTime }
117 }
120 /**
121 * Find the first slice that matches the given predicate.
122 *
123 * @param predicate The predicate used to test slices
124 */
ProcessModelnull125 fun ProcessModel.selectFirst(predicate: (Slice) -> Boolean) : Slice? {
126 var ret : Slice? = null
128 this.asyncSlices.forEach {
129 if (predicate(it)) {
130 ret = it
131 return@forEach
132 }
133 }
135 this.threads.forEach { thread ->
136 val threadSlice = thread.selectFirst(predicate)
138 if (threadSlice != null && (ret == null || threadSlice.startTime < ret!!.startTime)) {
139 ret = threadSlice
140 }
141 }
143 return ret
144 }
147 /**
148 * Find the first slice that matches the given predicate.
149 *
150 * @param predicate The predicate used to test slices
151 */
selectFirstnull152 fun ThreadModel.selectFirst(predicate : (Slice) -> Boolean) : Slice? {
153 var ret : Slice? = null
154 this.iterSlices {
155 if (predicate(it)) {
156 ret = it
157 return@iterSlices
158 }
159 }
160 return ret
161 }
163 /**
164 * This function is a more powerful version of [iterSlices]. It takes a [SliceTraverser], which
165 * allows code to be run at the beginning and end of processing a slice. This allows the
166 * [SliceTraverser] to, for example, keep track of how deep it is within the tree. The
167 * [SliceTraverser] can also indicate whether [traverseSlices] should continue processing child
168 * slices in the case of a [SliceGroup].
169 */
traverseSlicesnull170 fun Model.traverseSlices(visitor: SliceTraverser) {
171 this.processes.values.forEach { it.traverseSlices(visitor) }
172 }
174 /**
175 * This function is a more powerful version of [iterSlices]. It takes a [SliceTraverser], which
176 * allows code to be run at the beginning and end of processing a slice. This allows the
177 * [SliceTraverser] to, for example, keep track of how deep it is within the tree. The
178 * [SliceTraverser] can also indicate whether [traverseSlices] should continue processing child
179 * slices in the case of a [SliceGroup].
180 */
ProcessModelnull181 fun ProcessModel.traverseSlices(visitor: SliceTraverser) {
182 this.asyncSlices.forEach {
183 visitor.beginSlice(it)
184 visitor.endSlice(it)
185 }
187 this.threads.forEach { it.traverseSlices(visitor) }
188 }
190 /**
191 * This function is a more powerful version of [iterSlices]. It takes a [SliceTraverser], which
192 * allows code to be run at the beginning and end of processing a slice. This allows the
193 * [SliceTraverser] to, for example, keep track of how deep it is within the tree. The
194 * [SliceTraverser] can also indicate whether [traverseSlices] should continue processing child
195 * slices in the case of a [SliceGroup].
196 */
traverseSlicesnull197 fun ThreadModel.traverseSlices(visitor: SliceTraverser) {
198 this.slices.traverseSlices(visitor)
199 }
201 /**
202 * This function is a more powerful version of [iterSlices]. It takes a [SliceTraverser], which
203 * allows code to be run at the beginning and end of processing a slice. This allows the
204 * [SliceTraverser] to, for example, keep track of how deep it is within the tree. The
205 * [SliceTraverser] can also indicate whether [traverseSlices] should continue processing child
206 * slices in the case of a [SliceGroup].
207 */
traverseSlicesnull208 fun List<SliceGroup>.traverseSlices(visitor: SliceTraverser) {
209 this.forEach {
210 val action = visitor.beginSlice(it)
211 if (action == TraverseAction.VISIT_CHILDREN) {
212 it.children.traverseSlices(visitor)
213 }
214 visitor.endSlice(it)
215 }
216 }
218 /**
219 * Call the provided lambda on every slice in the model.
220 */
Modelnull221 fun Model.iterSlices(consumer: (Slice) -> Unit) {
222 this.processes.values.forEach { it.iterSlices(consumer) }
223 }
225 /**
226 * Call the provided lambda on every slice in the model.
227 */
ProcessModelnull228 fun ProcessModel.iterSlices(consumer: (Slice) -> Unit) {
229 this.asyncSlices.forEach { consumer(it) }
230 this.threads.forEach { it.iterSlices(consumer) }
231 }
233 /**
234 * Call the provided lambda on every slice in the model.
235 */
ThreadModelnull236 fun ThreadModel.iterSlices(consumer: (Slice) -> Unit) {
237 this.slices.iterSlices(consumer)
238 }
240 /**
241 * Call the provided lambda on every slice in the model.
242 */
Listnull243 fun List<SliceGroup>.iterSlices(consumer: (Slice) -> Unit) {
244 this.forEach {
245 consumer(it)
246 it.children.iterSlices(consumer)
247 }
248 }
250 /**
251 * Call the provided lambda on every slice in the list.
252 */
Listnull253 fun List<SliceGroup>.any(predicate: (Slice) -> Boolean): Boolean {
254 this.forEach {
255 if (predicate(it)) return true
256 if (it.children.any(predicate)) return true
257 }
258 return false
259 }
261 /**
262 * Find the first slice that meets the provided criteria.
263 *
264 * @param queryType The "type" of the slice being searched for
265 * @param queryValue The "value" of the slice being searched for
266 * @param lowerBound Slice must occur after this timestamp
267 * @param upperBound Slice must occur before this timestamp
268 *
269 * @throws MissingSliceException If no matching slice is found.
270 */
ProcessModelnull271 fun ProcessModel.findFirstSlice(queryType : String,
272 queryValue : String?,
273 lowerBound : Double = this.model.beginTimestamp,
274 upperBound : Double = this.model.endTimestamp) : Slice {
276 val foundSlice = this.findFirstSliceOrNull(queryType, queryValue, lowerBound, upperBound)
278 if (foundSlice != null) {
279 return foundSlice
280 } else if (lowerBound == this.model.beginTimestamp && upperBound == this.model.endTimestamp) {
281 throw MissingSliceException(this.id, queryType, queryValue)
282 } else {
283 throw MissingSliceException(this.id, queryType, queryValue, lowerBound, upperBound)
284 }
285 }
287 /**
288 * Find the first slice that meets the provided criteria.
289 *
290 * @param pattern A pattern the slice text must match
291 * @param lowerBound Slice must occur after this timestamp
292 * @param upperBound Slice must occur before this timestamp
293 *
294 * @throws MissingSliceException If no matching slice is found.
295 */
ProcessModelnull296 fun ProcessModel.findFirstSlice(pattern : Regex,
297 lowerBound : Double = this.model.beginTimestamp,
298 upperBound : Double = this.model.endTimestamp) : Slice {
300 val foundSlice = this.findFirstSliceOrNull(pattern, lowerBound, upperBound)
302 if (foundSlice != null) {
303 return foundSlice
304 } else if (lowerBound == this.model.beginTimestamp && upperBound == this.model.endTimestamp) {
305 throw MissingSliceException(this.id, pattern)
306 } else {
307 throw MissingSliceException(this.id, pattern, lowerBound, upperBound)
308 }
309 }
311 /**
312 * Find the first slice that meets the provided criteria.
313 *
314 * @param queryType The "type" of the slice being searched for
315 * @param queryValue The "value" of the slice being searched for
316 * @param lowerBound Slice must occur after this timestamp
317 * @param upperBound Slice must occur before this timestamp
318 *
319 * @return Slice or null if no match is found.
320 */
ProcessModelnull321 fun ProcessModel.findFirstSliceOrNull(queryType : String,
322 queryValue : String?,
323 lowerBound : Double = this.model.beginTimestamp,
324 upperBound : Double = this.model.endTimestamp) : Slice? {
326 return this.selectFirst { slice ->
327 val sliceInfo = parseSliceName(slice.name)
329 sliceInfo.name == queryType &&
330 (queryValue == null || sliceInfo.value == queryValue) &&
331 lowerBound <= slice.startTime &&
332 slice.startTime <= upperBound
333 }
334 }
336 /**
337 * Find the first slice that meets the provided criteria.
338 *
339 * @param pattern A pattern the slice text must match
340 * @param lowerBound Slice must occur after this timestamp
341 * @param upperBound Slice must occur before this timestamp
342 *
343 * @return Slice or null if no match is found.
344 */
ProcessModelnull345 fun ProcessModel.findFirstSliceOrNull(pattern : Regex,
346 lowerBound : Double = this.model.beginTimestamp,
347 upperBound : Double = this.model.endTimestamp) : Slice? {
349 return this.selectFirst { slice ->
350 pattern.find(slice.name) != null &&
351 lowerBound <= slice.startTime &&
352 slice.startTime <= upperBound
353 }
354 }
356 /**
357 * Find all slices that meet the provided criteria.
358 *
359 * @param queryType The "type" of the slice being searched for
360 * @param queryValue The "value" of the slice being searched for
361 * @param lowerBound Slice must occur after this timestamp
362 * @param upperBound Slice must occur before this timestamp
363 *
364 * @throws MissingSliceException If no matching slice is found.
365 */
ProcessModelnull366 fun ProcessModel.findAllSlices(queryType : String,
367 queryValue : String?,
368 lowerBound : Double = this.model.beginTimestamp,
369 upperBound : Double = this.model.endTimestamp) : List<Slice> {
371 return this.selectAll{ slice ->
372 val sliceInfo = parseSliceName(slice.name)
374 sliceInfo.name == queryType &&
375 (queryValue == null || sliceInfo.value == queryValue) &&
376 lowerBound <= slice.startTime &&
377 slice.startTime <= upperBound
378 }
379 }
381 /**
382 * Find all slices that meet the provided criteria.
383 *
384 * @param pattern A pattern the slice text must match
385 * @param lowerBound Slice must occur after this timestamp
386 * @param upperBound Slice must occur before this timestamp
387 *
388 * @throws MissingSliceException If no matching slice is found.
389 */
ProcessModelnull390 fun ProcessModel.findAllSlices(pattern : Regex,
391 lowerBound : Double = this.model.beginTimestamp,
392 upperBound : Double = this.model.endTimestamp) : List<Slice> {
394 return this.selectAll { slice ->
395 pattern.find(slice.name) != null &&
396 lowerBound <= slice.startTime &&
397 slice.startTime <= upperBound
398 }
399 }
yieldSlicesnull401 private suspend fun SequenceScope<Slice>.yieldSlices(slices: List<SliceGroup>) {
402 slices.forEach {
403 yield(it)
404 yieldSlices(it.children)
405 }
406 }
slicesnull408 fun Model.slices(includeAsync: Boolean = true): Sequence<Slice> {
409 val model = this
410 return sequence {
411 model.processes.values.forEach { process ->
412 if (includeAsync) {
413 yieldAll(process.asyncSlices)
414 }
415 process.threads.forEach { thread ->
416 yieldSlices(thread.slices)
417 }
418 }
419 }
420 }