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1# Copyright 2013 The Android Open Source Project
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
14"""Image processing utility functions."""
17import copy
18import io
19import logging
20import math
21import os
22import random
23import sys
24import unittest
26import capture_request_utils
27import cv2
28import error_util
29import numpy
30from PIL import Image
33# The matrix is from JFIF spec
34DEFAULT_YUV_TO_RGB_CCM = numpy.matrix([[1.000, 0.000, 1.402],
35                                       [1.000, -0.344, -0.714],
36                                       [1.000, 1.772, 0.000]])
38DEFAULT_YUV_OFFSETS = numpy.array([0, 128, 128])
39MAX_LUT_SIZE = 65536
40DEFAULT_GAMMA_LUT = numpy.array([
41    math.floor((MAX_LUT_SIZE-1) * math.pow(i/(MAX_LUT_SIZE-1), 1/2.2) + 0.5)
42    for i in range(MAX_LUT_SIZE)])
45TEST_IMG_DIR = os.path.join(os.environ['CAMERA_ITS_TOP'], 'test_images')
48def assert_props_is_not_none(props):
49  if not props:
50    raise AssertionError('props is None')
53def convert_capture_to_rgb_image(cap,
54                                 props=None,
55                                 apply_ccm_raw_to_rgb=True):
56  """Convert a captured image object to a RGB image.
58  Args:
59     cap: A capture object as returned by its_session_utils.do_capture.
60     props: (Optional) camera properties object (of static values);
61            required for processing raw images.
62     apply_ccm_raw_to_rgb: (Optional) boolean to apply color correction matrix.
64  Returns:
65        RGB float-3 image array, with pixel values in [0.0, 1.0].
66  """
67  w = cap['width']
68  h = cap['height']
69  if cap['format'] == 'raw10':
70    assert_props_is_not_none(props)
71    cap = unpack_raw10_capture(cap)
73  if cap['format'] == 'raw12':
74    assert_props_is_not_none(props)
75    cap = unpack_raw12_capture(cap)
77  if cap['format'] == 'yuv':
78    y = cap['data'][0: w * h]
79    u = cap['data'][w * h: w * h * 5//4]
80    v = cap['data'][w * h * 5//4: w * h * 6//4]
81    return convert_yuv420_planar_to_rgb_image(y, u, v, w, h)
82  elif cap['format'] == 'jpeg':
83    return decompress_jpeg_to_rgb_image(cap['data'])
84  elif cap['format'] == 'raw' or cap['format'] == 'rawStats':
85    assert_props_is_not_none(props)
86    r, gr, gb, b = convert_capture_to_planes(cap, props)
87    return convert_raw_to_rgb_image(
88        r, gr, gb, b, props, cap['metadata'], apply_ccm_raw_to_rgb)
89  elif cap['format'] == 'y8':
90    y = cap['data'][0: w * h]
91    return convert_y8_to_rgb_image(y, w, h)
92  else:
93    raise error_util.CameraItsError('Invalid format %s' % (cap['format']))
96def unpack_raw10_capture(cap):
97  """Unpack a raw-10 capture to a raw-16 capture.
99  Args:
100    cap: A raw-10 capture object.
102  Returns:
103    New capture object with raw-16 data.
104  """
105  # Data is packed as 4x10b pixels in 5 bytes, with the first 4 bytes holding
106  # the MSBs of the pixels, and the 5th byte holding 4x2b LSBs.
107  w, h = cap['width'], cap['height']
108  if w % 4 != 0:
109    raise error_util.CameraItsError('Invalid raw-10 buffer width')
110  cap = copy.deepcopy(cap)
111  cap['data'] = unpack_raw10_image(cap['data'].reshape(h, w * 5 // 4))
112  cap['format'] = 'raw'
113  return cap
116def unpack_raw10_image(img):
117  """Unpack a raw-10 image to a raw-16 image.
119  Output image will have the 10 LSBs filled in each 16b word, and the 6 MSBs
120  will be set to zero.
122  Args:
123    img: A raw-10 image, as a uint8 numpy array.
125  Returns:
126    Image as a uint16 numpy array, with all row padding stripped.
127  """
128  if img.shape[1] % 5 != 0:
129    raise error_util.CameraItsError('Invalid raw-10 buffer width')
130  w = img.shape[1] * 4 // 5
131  h = img.shape[0]
132  # Cut out the 4x8b MSBs and shift to bits [9:2] in 16b words.
133  msbs = numpy.delete(img, numpy.s_[4::5], 1)
134  msbs = msbs.astype(numpy.uint16)
135  msbs = numpy.left_shift(msbs, 2)
136  msbs = msbs.reshape(h, w)
137  # Cut out the 4x2b LSBs and put each in bits [1:0] of their own 8b words.
138  lsbs = img[::, 4::5].reshape(h, w // 4)
139  lsbs = numpy.right_shift(
140      numpy.packbits(numpy.unpackbits(lsbs).reshape((h, w // 4, 4, 2)), 3), 6)
141  # Pair the LSB bits group to 0th pixel instead of 3rd pixel
142  lsbs = lsbs.reshape(h, w // 4, 4)[:, :, ::-1]
143  lsbs = lsbs.reshape(h, w)
144  # Fuse the MSBs and LSBs back together
145  img16 = numpy.bitwise_or(msbs, lsbs).reshape(h, w)
146  return img16
149def unpack_raw12_capture(cap):
150  """Unpack a raw-12 capture to a raw-16 capture.
152  Args:
153    cap: A raw-12 capture object.
155  Returns:
156     New capture object with raw-16 data.
157  """
158  # Data is packed as 4x10b pixels in 5 bytes, with the first 4 bytes holding
159  # the MSBs of the pixels, and the 5th byte holding 4x2b LSBs.
160  w, h = cap['width'], cap['height']
161  if w % 2 != 0:
162    raise error_util.CameraItsError('Invalid raw-12 buffer width')
163  cap = copy.deepcopy(cap)
164  cap['data'] = unpack_raw12_image(cap['data'].reshape(h, w * 3 // 2))
165  cap['format'] = 'raw'
166  return cap
169def unpack_raw12_image(img):
170  """Unpack a raw-12 image to a raw-16 image.
172  Output image will have the 12 LSBs filled in each 16b word, and the 4 MSBs
173  will be set to zero.
175  Args:
176   img: A raw-12 image, as a uint8 numpy array.
178  Returns:
179    Image as a uint16 numpy array, with all row padding stripped.
180  """
181  if img.shape[1] % 3 != 0:
182    raise error_util.CameraItsError('Invalid raw-12 buffer width')
183  w = img.shape[1] * 2 // 3
184  h = img.shape[0]
185  # Cut out the 2x8b MSBs and shift to bits [11:4] in 16b words.
186  msbs = numpy.delete(img, numpy.s_[2::3], 1)
187  msbs = msbs.astype(numpy.uint16)
188  msbs = numpy.left_shift(msbs, 4)
189  msbs = msbs.reshape(h, w)
190  # Cut out the 2x4b LSBs and put each in bits [3:0] of their own 8b words.
191  lsbs = img[::, 2::3].reshape(h, w // 2)
192  lsbs = numpy.right_shift(
193      numpy.packbits(numpy.unpackbits(lsbs).reshape((h, w // 2, 2, 4)), 3), 4)
194  # Pair the LSB bits group to pixel 0 instead of pixel 1
195  lsbs = lsbs.reshape(h, w // 2, 2)[:, :, ::-1]
196  lsbs = lsbs.reshape(h, w)
197  # Fuse the MSBs and LSBs back together
198  img16 = numpy.bitwise_or(msbs, lsbs).reshape(h, w)
199  return img16
202def convert_yuv420_planar_to_rgb_image(y_plane, u_plane, v_plane,
203                                       w, h,
204                                       ccm_yuv_to_rgb=DEFAULT_YUV_TO_RGB_CCM,
205                                       yuv_off=DEFAULT_YUV_OFFSETS):
206  """Convert a YUV420 8-bit planar image to an RGB image.
208  Args:
209    y_plane: The packed 8-bit Y plane.
210    u_plane: The packed 8-bit U plane.
211    v_plane: The packed 8-bit V plane.
212    w: The width of the image.
213    h: The height of the image.
214    ccm_yuv_to_rgb: (Optional) the 3x3 CCM to convert from YUV to RGB.
215    yuv_off: (Optional) offsets to subtract from each of Y,U,V values.
217  Returns:
218    RGB float-3 image array, with pixel values in [0.0, 1.0].
219  """
220  y = numpy.subtract(y_plane, yuv_off[0])
221  u = numpy.subtract(u_plane, yuv_off[1]).view(numpy.int8)
222  v = numpy.subtract(v_plane, yuv_off[2]).view(numpy.int8)
223  u = u.reshape(h // 2, w // 2).repeat(2, axis=1).repeat(2, axis=0)
224  v = v.reshape(h // 2, w // 2).repeat(2, axis=1).repeat(2, axis=0)
225  yuv = numpy.dstack([y, u.reshape(w * h), v.reshape(w * h)])
226  flt = numpy.empty([h, w, 3], dtype=numpy.float32)
227  flt.reshape(w * h * 3)[:] = yuv.reshape(h * w * 3)[:]
228  flt = numpy.dot(flt.reshape(w * h, 3), ccm_yuv_to_rgb.T).clip(0, 255)
229  rgb = numpy.empty([h, w, 3], dtype=numpy.uint8)
230  rgb.reshape(w * h * 3)[:] = flt.reshape(w * h * 3)[:]
231  return rgb.astype(numpy.float32) / 255.0
234def decompress_jpeg_to_rgb_image(jpeg_buffer):
235  """Decompress a JPEG-compressed image, returning as an RGB image.
237  Args:
238    jpeg_buffer: The JPEG stream.
240  Returns:
241     A numpy array for the RGB image, with pixels in [0,1].
242  """
243  img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(jpeg_buffer))
244  w = img.size[0]
245  h = img.size[1]
246  return numpy.array(img).reshape((h, w, 3)) / 255.0
249def convert_image_to_numpy_array(image_path):
250  """Converts image at image_path to numpy array and returns the array.
252  Args:
253    image_path: file path
254  Returns:
255    numpy array
256  """
257  if not os.path.exists(image_path):
258    raise AssertionError(f'{image_path} does not exist.')
259  image = Image.open(image_path)
260  return numpy.array(image)
263def convert_capture_to_planes(cap, props=None):
264  """Convert a captured image object to separate image planes.
266  Decompose an image into multiple images, corresponding to different planes.
268  For YUV420 captures ("yuv"):
269        Returns Y,U,V planes, where the Y plane is full-res and the U,V planes
270        are each 1/2 x 1/2 of the full res.
272    For Bayer captures ("raw", "raw10", "raw12", or "rawStats"):
273        Returns planes in the order R,Gr,Gb,B, regardless of the Bayer pattern
274        layout. For full-res raw images ("raw", "raw10", "raw12"), each plane
275        is 1/2 x 1/2 of the full res. For "rawStats" images, the mean image
276        is returned.
278    For JPEG captures ("jpeg"):
279        Returns R,G,B full-res planes.
281  Args:
282    cap: A capture object as returned by its_session_utils.do_capture.
283    props: (Optional) camera properties object (of static values);
284            required for processing raw images.
286  Returns:
287    A tuple of float numpy arrays (one per plane), consisting of pixel values
288    in the range [0.0, 1.0].
289  """
290  w = cap['width']
291  h = cap['height']
292  if cap['format'] == 'raw10':
293    assert_props_is_not_none(props)
294    cap = unpack_raw10_capture(cap)
295  if cap['format'] == 'raw12':
296    assert_props_is_not_none(props)
297    cap = unpack_raw12_capture(cap)
298  if cap['format'] == 'yuv':
299    y = cap['data'][0:w * h]
300    u = cap['data'][w * h:w * h * 5 // 4]
301    v = cap['data'][w * h * 5 // 4:w * h * 6 // 4]
302    return ((y.astype(numpy.float32) / 255.0).reshape(h, w, 1),
303            (u.astype(numpy.float32) / 255.0).reshape(h // 2, w // 2, 1),
304            (v.astype(numpy.float32) / 255.0).reshape(h // 2, w // 2, 1))
305  elif cap['format'] == 'jpeg':
306    rgb = decompress_jpeg_to_rgb_image(cap['data']).reshape(w * h * 3)
307    return (rgb[::3].reshape(h, w, 1), rgb[1::3].reshape(h, w, 1),
308            rgb[2::3].reshape(h, w, 1))
309  elif cap['format'] == 'raw':
310    assert_props_is_not_none(props)
311    white_level = float(props['android.sensor.info.whiteLevel'])
312    img = numpy.ndarray(
313        shape=(h * w,), dtype='<u2', buffer=cap['data'][0:w * h * 2])
314    img = img.astype(numpy.float32).reshape(h, w) / white_level
315    # Crop the raw image to the active array region.
316    if (props.get('android.sensor.info.preCorrectionActiveArraySize') is
317        not None and
318        props.get('android.sensor.info.pixelArraySize') is not None):
319      # Note that the Rect class is defined such that the left,top values
320      # are "inside" while the right,bottom values are "outside"; that is,
321      # it's inclusive of the top,left sides only. So, the width is
322      # computed as right-left, rather than right-left+1, etc.
323      wfull = props['android.sensor.info.pixelArraySize']['width']
324      hfull = props['android.sensor.info.pixelArraySize']['height']
325      xcrop = props['android.sensor.info.preCorrectionActiveArraySize']['left']
326      ycrop = props['android.sensor.info.preCorrectionActiveArraySize']['top']
327      wcrop = props['android.sensor.info.preCorrectionActiveArraySize'][
328          'right'] - xcrop
329      hcrop = props['android.sensor.info.preCorrectionActiveArraySize'][
330          'bottom'] - ycrop
331      if not wfull >= wcrop >= 0:
332        raise AssertionError(f'wcrop: {wcrop} not in wfull: {wfull}')
333      if not  hfull >= hcrop >= 0:
334        raise AssertionError(f'hcrop: {hcrop} not in hfull: {hfull}')
335      if not wfull - wcrop >= xcrop >= 0:
336        raise AssertionError(f'xcrop: {xcrop} not in wfull-crop: {wfull-wcrop}')
337      if not hfull - hcrop >= ycrop >= 0:
338        raise AssertionError(f'ycrop: {ycrop} not in hfull-crop: {hfull-hcrop}')
339      if w == wfull and h == hfull:
340        # Crop needed; extract the center region.
341        img = img[ycrop:ycrop + hcrop, xcrop:xcrop + wcrop]
342        w = wcrop
343        h = hcrop
344      elif w == wcrop and h == hcrop:
345        logging.debug('Image is already cropped.No cropping needed.')
346        # pylint: disable=pointless-statement
347        None
348      else:
349        raise error_util.CameraItsError('Invalid image size metadata')
350    # Separate the image planes.
351    imgs = [
352        img[::2].reshape(w * h // 2)[::2].reshape(h // 2, w // 2, 1),
353        img[::2].reshape(w * h // 2)[1::2].reshape(h // 2, w // 2, 1),
354        img[1::2].reshape(w * h // 2)[::2].reshape(h // 2, w // 2, 1),
355        img[1::2].reshape(w * h // 2)[1::2].reshape(h // 2, w // 2, 1)
356    ]
357    idxs = get_canonical_cfa_order(props)
358    return [imgs[i] for i in idxs]
359  elif cap['format'] == 'rawStats':
360    assert_props_is_not_none(props)
361    white_level = float(props['android.sensor.info.whiteLevel'])
362    # pylint: disable=unused-variable
363    mean_image, var_image = unpack_rawstats_capture(cap)
364    idxs = get_canonical_cfa_order(props)
365    return [mean_image[:, :, i] / white_level for i in idxs]
366  else:
367    raise error_util.CameraItsError('Invalid format %s' % (cap['format']))
370def downscale_image(img, f):
371  """Shrink an image by a given integer factor.
373  This function computes output pixel values by averaging over rectangular
374  regions of the input image; it doesn't skip or sample pixels, and all input
375  image pixels are evenly weighted.
377  If the downscaling factor doesn't cleanly divide the width and/or height,
378  then the remaining pixels on the right or bottom edge are discarded prior
379  to the downscaling.
381  Args:
382    img: The input image as an ndarray.
383    f: The downscaling factor, which should be an integer.
385  Returns:
386    The new (downscaled) image, as an ndarray.
387  """
388  h, w, chans = img.shape
389  f = int(f)
390  assert f >= 1
391  h = (h//f)*f
392  w = (w//f)*f
393  img = img[0:h:, 0:w:, ::]
394  chs = []
395  for i in range(chans):
396    ch = img.reshape(h*w*chans)[i::chans].reshape(h, w)
397    ch = ch.reshape(h, w//f, f).mean(2).reshape(h, w//f)
398    ch = ch.T.reshape(w//f, h//f, f).mean(2).T.reshape(h//f, w//f)
399    chs.append(ch.reshape(h*w//(f*f)))
400  img = numpy.vstack(chs).T.reshape(h//f, w//f, chans)
401  return img
404def convert_raw_to_rgb_image(r_plane, gr_plane, gb_plane, b_plane, props,
405                             cap_res, apply_ccm_raw_to_rgb=True):
406  """Convert a Bayer raw-16 image to an RGB image.
408  Includes some extremely rudimentary demosaicking and color processing
409  operations; the output of this function shouldn't be used for any image
410  quality analysis.
412  Args:
413   r_plane:
414   gr_plane:
415   gb_plane:
416   b_plane: Numpy arrays for each color plane
417            in the Bayer image, with pixels in the [0.0, 1.0] range.
418   props: Camera properties object.
419   cap_res: Capture result (metadata) object.
420   apply_ccm_raw_to_rgb: (Optional) boolean to apply color correction matrix.
422  Returns:
423   RGB float-3 image array, with pixel values in [0.0, 1.0]
424  """
425    # Values required for the RAW to RGB conversion.
426  assert_props_is_not_none(props)
427  white_level = float(props['android.sensor.info.whiteLevel'])
428  black_levels = props['android.sensor.blackLevelPattern']
429  gains = cap_res['android.colorCorrection.gains']
430  ccm = cap_res['android.colorCorrection.transform']
432  # Reorder black levels and gains to R,Gr,Gb,B, to match the order
433  # of the planes.
434  black_levels = [get_black_level(i, props, cap_res) for i in range(4)]
435  gains = get_gains_in_canonical_order(props, gains)
437  # Convert CCM from rational to float, as numpy arrays.
438  ccm = numpy.array(capture_request_utils.rational_to_float(ccm)).reshape(3, 3)
440  # Need to scale the image back to the full [0,1] range after subtracting
441  # the black level from each pixel.
442  scale = white_level / (white_level - max(black_levels))
444  # Three-channel black levels, normalized to [0,1] by white_level.
445  black_levels = numpy.array(
446      [b / white_level for b in [black_levels[i] for i in [0, 1, 3]]])
448  # Three-channel gains.
449  gains = numpy.array([gains[i] for i in [0, 1, 3]])
451  h, w = r_plane.shape[:2]
452  img = numpy.dstack([r_plane, (gr_plane + gb_plane) / 2.0, b_plane])
453  img = (((img.reshape(h, w, 3) - black_levels) * scale) * gains).clip(0.0, 1.0)
454  if apply_ccm_raw_to_rgb:
455    img = numpy.dot(
456        img.reshape(w * h, 3), ccm.T).reshape((h, w, 3)).clip(0.0, 1.0)
457  return img
460def convert_y8_to_rgb_image(y_plane, w, h):
461  """Convert a Y 8-bit image to an RGB image.
463  Args:
464    y_plane: The packed 8-bit Y plane.
465    w: The width of the image.
466    h: The height of the image.
468  Returns:
469    RGB float-3 image array, with pixel values in [0.0, 1.0].
470  """
471  y3 = numpy.dstack([y_plane, y_plane, y_plane])
472  rgb = numpy.empty([h, w, 3], dtype=numpy.uint8)
473  rgb.reshape(w * h * 3)[:] = y3.reshape(w * h * 3)[:]
474  return rgb.astype(numpy.float32) / 255.0
477def write_image(img, fname, apply_gamma=False):
478  """Save a float-3 numpy array image to a file.
480  Supported formats: PNG, JPEG, and others; see PIL docs for more.
482  Image can be 3-channel, which is interpreted as RGB, or can be 1-channel,
483  which is greyscale.
485  Can optionally specify that the image should be gamma-encoded prior to
486  writing it out; this should be done if the image contains linear pixel
487  values, to make the image look "normal".
489  Args:
490   img: Numpy image array data.
491   fname: Path of file to save to; the extension specifies the format.
492   apply_gamma: (Optional) apply gamma to the image prior to writing it.
493  """
494  if apply_gamma:
495    img = apply_lut_to_image(img, DEFAULT_GAMMA_LUT)
496  (h, w, chans) = img.shape
497  if chans == 3:
498    Image.fromarray((img * 255.0).astype(numpy.uint8), 'RGB').save(fname)
499  elif chans == 1:
500    img3 = (img * 255.0).astype(numpy.uint8).repeat(3).reshape(h, w, 3)
501    Image.fromarray(img3, 'RGB').save(fname)
502  else:
503    raise error_util.CameraItsError('Unsupported image type')
506def read_image(fname):
507  """Read image function to match write_image() above."""
508  return Image.open(fname)
511def apply_lut_to_image(img, lut):
512  """Applies a LUT to every pixel in a float image array.
514  Internally converts to a 16b integer image, since the LUT can work with up
515  to 16b->16b mappings (i.e. values in the range [0,65535]). The lut can also
516  have fewer than 65536 entries, however it must be sized as a power of 2
517  (and for smaller luts, the scale must match the bitdepth).
519  For a 16b lut of 65536 entries, the operation performed is:
521  lut[r * 65535] / 65535 -> r'
522  lut[g * 65535] / 65535 -> g'
523  lut[b * 65535] / 65535 -> b'
525  For a 10b lut of 1024 entries, the operation becomes:
527  lut[r * 1023] / 1023 -> r'
528  lut[g * 1023] / 1023 -> g'
529  lut[b * 1023] / 1023 -> b'
531  Args:
532    img: Numpy float image array, with pixel values in [0,1].
533    lut: Numpy table encoding a LUT, mapping 16b integer values.
535  Returns:
536    Float image array after applying LUT to each pixel.
537  """
538  n = len(lut)
539  if n <= 0 or n > MAX_LUT_SIZE or (n & (n - 1)) != 0:
540    raise error_util.CameraItsError('Invalid arg LUT size: %d' % (n))
541  m = float(n - 1)
542  return (lut[(img * m).astype(numpy.uint16)] / m).astype(numpy.float32)
545def get_gains_in_canonical_order(props, gains):
546  """Reorders the gains tuple to the canonical R,Gr,Gb,B order.
548  Args:
549    props: Camera properties object.
550    gains: List of 4 values, in R,G_even,G_odd,B order.
552  Returns:
553    List of gains values, in R,Gr,Gb,B order.
554  """
555  cfa_pat = props['android.sensor.info.colorFilterArrangement']
556  if cfa_pat in [0, 1]:
557    # RGGB or GRBG, so G_even is Gr
558    return gains
559  elif cfa_pat in [2, 3]:
560    # GBRG or BGGR, so G_even is Gb
561    return [gains[0], gains[2], gains[1], gains[3]]
562  else:
563    raise error_util.CameraItsError('Not supported')
566def get_black_level(chan, props, cap_res=None):
567  """Return the black level to use for a given capture.
569  Uses a dynamic value from the capture result if available, else falls back
570  to the static global value in the camera characteristics.
572  Args:
573    chan: The channel index, in canonical order (R, Gr, Gb, B).
574    props: The camera properties object.
575    cap_res: A capture result object.
577  Returns:
578    The black level value for the specified channel.
579  """
580  if (cap_res is not None and
581      'android.sensor.dynamicBlackLevel' in cap_res and
582      cap_res['android.sensor.dynamicBlackLevel'] is not None):
583    black_levels = cap_res['android.sensor.dynamicBlackLevel']
584  else:
585    black_levels = props['android.sensor.blackLevelPattern']
586  idxs = get_canonical_cfa_order(props)
587  ordered_black_levels = [black_levels[i] for i in idxs]
588  return ordered_black_levels[chan]
591def get_canonical_cfa_order(props):
592  """Returns a mapping to the standard order R,Gr,Gb,B.
594  Returns a mapping from the Bayer 2x2 top-left grid in the CFA to the standard
595  order R,Gr,Gb,B.
597  Args:
598    props: Camera properties object.
600  Returns:
601     List of 4 integers, corresponding to the positions in the 2x2 top-
602     left Bayer grid of R,Gr,Gb,B, where the 2x2 grid is labeled as
603     0,1,2,3 in row major order.
604  """
605    # Note that raw streams aren't croppable, so the cropRegion doesn't need
606    # to be considered when determining the top-left pixel color.
607  cfa_pat = props['android.sensor.info.colorFilterArrangement']
608  if cfa_pat == 0:
609    # RGGB
610    return [0, 1, 2, 3]
611  elif cfa_pat == 1:
612    # GRBG
613    return [1, 0, 3, 2]
614  elif cfa_pat == 2:
615    # GBRG
616    return [2, 3, 0, 1]
617  elif cfa_pat == 3:
618    # BGGR
619    return [3, 2, 1, 0]
620  else:
621    raise error_util.CameraItsError('Not supported')
624def unpack_rawstats_capture(cap):
625  """Unpack a rawStats capture to the mean and variance images.
627  Args:
628    cap: A capture object as returned by its_session_utils.do_capture.
630  Returns:
631    Tuple (mean_image var_image) of float-4 images, with non-normalized
632    pixel values computed from the RAW16 images on the device
633  """
634  if cap['format'] != 'rawStats':
635    raise AssertionError(f"Unpack fmt != rawStats: {cap['format']}")
636  w = cap['width']
637  h = cap['height']
638  img = numpy.ndarray(shape=(2 * h * w * 4,), dtype='<f', buffer=cap['data'])
639  analysis_image = img.reshape((2, h, w, 4))
640  mean_image = analysis_image[0, :, :, :].reshape(h, w, 4)
641  var_image = analysis_image[1, :, :, :].reshape(h, w, 4)
642  return mean_image, var_image
645def get_image_patch(img, xnorm, ynorm, wnorm, hnorm):
646  """Get a patch (tile) of an image.
648  Args:
649   img: Numpy float image array, with pixel values in [0,1].
650   xnorm:
651   ynorm:
652   wnorm:
653   hnorm: Normalized (in [0,1]) coords for the tile.
655  Returns:
656     Numpy float image array of the patch.
657  """
658  hfull = img.shape[0]
659  wfull = img.shape[1]
660  xtile = int(math.ceil(xnorm * wfull))
661  ytile = int(math.ceil(ynorm * hfull))
662  wtile = int(math.floor(wnorm * wfull))
663  htile = int(math.floor(hnorm * hfull))
664  if len(img.shape) == 2:
665    return img[ytile:ytile + htile, xtile:xtile + wtile].copy()
666  else:
667    return img[ytile:ytile + htile, xtile:xtile + wtile, :].copy()
670def compute_image_means(img):
671  """Calculate the mean of each color channel in the image.
673  Args:
674    img: Numpy float image array, with pixel values in [0,1].
676  Returns:
677     A list of mean values, one per color channel in the image.
678  """
679  means = []
680  chans = img.shape[2]
681  for i in range(chans):
682    means.append(numpy.mean(img[:, :, i], dtype=numpy.float64))
683  return means
686def compute_image_variances(img):
687  """Calculate the variance of each color channel in the image.
689  Args:
690    img: Numpy float image array, with pixel values in [0,1].
692  Returns:
693    A list of variance values, one per color channel in the image.
694  """
695  variances = []
696  chans = img.shape[2]
697  for i in range(chans):
698    variances.append(numpy.var(img[:, :, i], dtype=numpy.float64))
699  return variances
702def compute_image_sharpness(img):
703  """Calculate the sharpness of input image.
705  Args:
706    img: numpy float RGB/luma image array, with pixel values in [0,1].
708  Returns:
709    Sharpness estimation value based on the average of gradient magnitude.
710    Larger value means the image is sharper.
711  """
712  chans = img.shape[2]
713  if chans != 1 and chans != 3:
714    raise AssertionError(f'Not RGB or MONO image! depth: {chans}')
715  if chans == 1:
716    luma = img[:, :, 0]
717  else:
718    luma = convert_rgb_to_grayscale(img)
719  gy, gx = numpy.gradient(luma)
720  return numpy.average(numpy.sqrt(gy*gy + gx*gx))
723def compute_image_max_gradients(img):
724  """Calculate the maximum gradient of each color channel in the image.
726  Args:
727    img: Numpy float image array, with pixel values in [0,1].
729  Returns:
730    A list of gradient max values, one per color channel in the image.
731  """
732  grads = []
733  chans = img.shape[2]
734  for i in range(chans):
735    grads.append(numpy.amax(numpy.gradient(img[:, :, i])))
736  return grads
739def compute_image_snrs(img):
740  """Calculate the SNR (dB) of each color channel in the image.
742  Args:
743    img: Numpy float image array, with pixel values in [0,1].
745  Returns:
746    A list of SNR values in dB, one per color channel in the image.
747  """
748  means = compute_image_means(img)
749  variances = compute_image_variances(img)
750  std_devs = [math.sqrt(v) for v in variances]
751  snrs = [20 * math.log10(m/s) for m, s in zip(means, std_devs)]
752  return snrs
755def convert_rgb_to_grayscale(img):
756  """Convert and 3-D array RGB image to grayscale image.
758  Args:
759    img: numpy float RGB/luma image array, with pixel values in [0,1].
761  Returns:
762    2-D grayscale image
763  """
764  chans = img.shape[2]
765  if chans != 3:
766    raise AssertionError(f'Not an RGB image! Depth: {chans}')
767  return 0.299*img[:, :, 0] + 0.587*img[:, :, 1] + 0.114*img[:, :, 2]
770def normalize_img(img):
771  """Normalize the image values to between 0 and 1.
773  Args:
774    img: 2-D numpy array of image values
775  Returns:
776    Normalized image
777  """
778  return (img - numpy.amin(img))/(numpy.amax(img) - numpy.amin(img))
781def rotate_img_per_argv(img):
782  """Rotate an image 180 degrees if "rotate" is in argv.
784  Args:
785    img: 2-D numpy array of image values
786  Returns:
787    Rotated image
788  """
789  img_out = img
790  if 'rotate180' in sys.argv:
791    img_out = numpy.fliplr(numpy.flipud(img_out))
792  return img_out
795def stationary_lens_cap(cam, req, fmt):
796  """Take up to NUM_TRYS caps and save the 1st one with lens stationary.
798  Args:
799   cam: open device session
800   req: capture request
801   fmt: format for capture
803  Returns:
804    capture
805  """
806  tries = 0
807  done = False
808  reqs = [req] * NUM_FRAMES
809  while not done:
810    logging.debug('Waiting for lens to move to correct location.')
811    cap = cam.do_capture(reqs, fmt)
812    done = (cap[NUM_FRAMES - 1]['metadata']['android.lens.state'] == 0)
813    logging.debug('status: %s', done)
814    tries += 1
815    if tries == NUM_TRIES:
816      raise error_util.CameraItsError('Cannot settle lens after %d tries!' %
817                                      tries)
818  return cap[NUM_FRAMES - 1]
821def compute_image_rms_difference_1d(rgb_x, rgb_y):
822  """Calculate the RMS difference between 2 RBG images as 1D arrays.
824  Args:
825    rgb_x: image array
826    rgb_y: image array
828  Returns:
829    rms_diff
830  """
831  len_rgb_x = len(rgb_x)
832  len_rgb_y = len(rgb_y)
833  if len_rgb_y != len_rgb_x:
834    raise AssertionError('RGB images have different number of planes! '
835                         f'x: {len_rgb_x}, y: {len_rgb_y}')
836  return math.sqrt(sum([pow(rgb_x[i] - rgb_y[i], 2.0)
837                        for i in range(len_rgb_x)]) / len_rgb_x)
840def compute_image_rms_difference_3d(rgb_x, rgb_y):
841  """Calculate the RMS difference between 2 RBG images as 3D arrays.
843  Args:
844    rgb_x: image array in the form of w * h * channels
845    rgb_y: image array in the form of w * h * channels
847  Returns:
848    rms_diff
849  """
850  shape_rgb_x = numpy.shape(rgb_x)
851  shape_rgb_y = numpy.shape(rgb_y)
852  if shape_rgb_y != shape_rgb_x:
853    raise AssertionError('RGB images have different number of planes! '
854                         f'x: {shape_rgb_x}, y: {shape_rgb_y}')
855  if len(shape_rgb_x) != 3:
856    raise AssertionError(f'RGB images dimension {len(shape_rgb_x)} is not 3!')
858  mean_square_sum = 0.0
859  for i in range(shape_rgb_x[0]):
860    for j in range(shape_rgb_x[1]):
861      for k in range(shape_rgb_x[2]):
862        mean_square_sum += pow(rgb_x[i][j][k] - rgb_y[i][j][k], 2.0)
863  return (math.sqrt(mean_square_sum /
864                    (shape_rgb_x[0] * shape_rgb_x[1] * shape_rgb_x[2])))
867class ImageProcessingUtilsTest(unittest.TestCase):
868  """Unit tests for this module."""
869  _SQRT_2 = numpy.sqrt(2)
870  _YUV_FULL_SCALE = 1023
872  def test_unpack_raw10_image(self):
873    """Unit test for unpack_raw10_image.
875    RAW10 bit packing format
876            bit 7   bit 6   bit 5   bit 4   bit 3   bit 2   bit 1   bit 0
877    Byte 0: P0[9]   P0[8]   P0[7]   P0[6]   P0[5]   P0[4]   P0[3]   P0[2]
878    Byte 1: P1[9]   P1[8]   P1[7]   P1[6]   P1[5]   P1[4]   P1[3]   P1[2]
879    Byte 2: P2[9]   P2[8]   P2[7]   P2[6]   P2[5]   P2[4]   P2[3]   P2[2]
880    Byte 3: P3[9]   P3[8]   P3[7]   P3[6]   P3[5]   P3[4]   P3[3]   P3[2]
881    Byte 4: P3[1]   P3[0]   P2[1]   P2[0]   P1[1]   P1[0]   P0[1]   P0[0]
882    """
883    # Test using a random 4x4 10-bit image
884    img_w, img_h = 4, 4
885    check_list = random.sample(range(0, 1024), img_h*img_w)
886    img_check = numpy.array(check_list).reshape(img_h, img_w)
888    # Pack bits
889    for row_start in range(0, len(check_list), img_w):
890      msbs = []
891      lsbs = ''
892      for pixel in range(img_w):
893        val = numpy.binary_repr(check_list[row_start+pixel], 10)
894        msbs.append(int(val[:8], base=2))
895        lsbs = val[8:] + lsbs
896      packed = msbs
897      packed.append(int(lsbs, base=2))
898      chunk_raw10 = numpy.array(packed, dtype='uint8').reshape(1, 5)
899      if row_start == 0:
900        img_raw10 = chunk_raw10
901      else:
902        img_raw10 = numpy.vstack((img_raw10, chunk_raw10))
904    # Unpack and check against original
905    self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(unpack_raw10_image(img_raw10),
906                                      img_check))
908  def test_compute_image_sharpness(self):
909    """Unit test for compute_img_sharpness.
911    Tests by using PNG of ISO12233 chart and blurring intentionally.
912    'sharpness' should drop off by sqrt(2) for 2x blur of image.
914    We do one level of initial blur as PNG image is not perfect.
915    """
916    blur_levels = [2, 4, 8]
917    chart_file = os.path.join(TEST_IMG_DIR, 'ISO12233.png')
918    chart = cv2.imread(chart_file, cv2.IMREAD_ANYDEPTH)
919    white_level = numpy.amax(chart).astype(float)
920    sharpness = {}
921    for blur in blur_levels:
922      chart_blurred = cv2.blur(chart, (blur, blur))
923      chart_blurred = chart_blurred[:, :, numpy.newaxis]
924      sharpness[blur] = self._YUV_FULL_SCALE * compute_image_sharpness(
925          chart_blurred / white_level)
927    for i in range(len(blur_levels)-1):
928      self.assertTrue(numpy.isclose(
929          sharpness[blur_levels[i]]/sharpness[blur_levels[i+1]], self._SQRT_2,
930          atol=0.1))
932  def test_apply_lut_to_image(self):
933    """Unit test for apply_lut_to_image.
935    Test by using a canned set of values on a 1x1 pixel image.
936    The look-up table should double the value of the index: lut[x] = x*2
937    """
938    ref_image = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
939    lut_max = 65536
940    lut = numpy.array([i*2 for i in range(lut_max)])
941    x = numpy.array(ref_image).reshape((1, 1, 3))
942    y = apply_lut_to_image(x, lut).reshape(3).tolist()
943    y_ref = [i*2 for i in ref_image]
944    self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(y, y_ref, atol=1/lut_max))
947if __name__ == '__main__':
948  unittest.main()