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1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1999, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10  *
11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15  * accompanied this code).
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20  *
21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23  * questions.
24  */
26 package java.util;
27 import dalvik.annotation.optimization.ReachabilitySensitive;
28 import java.util.Date;
29 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
31 /**
32  * A facility for threads to schedule tasks for future execution in a
33  * background thread.  Tasks may be scheduled for one-time execution, or for
34  * repeated execution at regular intervals.
35  *
36  * <p>Corresponding to each {@code Timer} object is a single background
37  * thread that is used to execute all of the timer's tasks, sequentially.
38  * Timer tasks should complete quickly.  If a timer task takes excessive time
39  * to complete, it "hogs" the timer's task execution thread.  This can, in
40  * turn, delay the execution of subsequent tasks, which may "bunch up" and
41  * execute in rapid succession when (and if) the offending task finally
42  * completes.
43  *
44  * <p>After the last live reference to a {@code Timer} object goes away
45  * <i>and</i> all outstanding tasks have completed execution, the timer's task
46  * execution thread terminates gracefully (and becomes subject to garbage
47  * collection).  However, this can take arbitrarily long to occur.  By
48  * default, the task execution thread does not run as a <i>daemon thread</i>,
49  * so it is capable of keeping an application from terminating.  If a caller
50  * wants to terminate a timer's task execution thread rapidly, the caller
51  * should invoke the timer's {@code cancel} method.
52  *
53  * <p>If the timer's task execution thread terminates unexpectedly, for
54  * example, because its {@code stop} method is invoked, any further
55  * attempt to schedule a task on the timer will result in an
56  * {@code IllegalStateException}, as if the timer's {@code cancel}
57  * method had been invoked.
58  *
59  * <p>This class is thread-safe: multiple threads can share a single
60  * {@code Timer} object without the need for external synchronization.
61  *
62  * <p>This class does <i>not</i> offer real-time guarantees: it schedules
63  * tasks using the {@code Object.wait(long)} method.
64  *
65  * <p>Java 5.0 introduced the {@code java.util.concurrent} package and
66  * one of the concurrency utilities therein is the {@link
67  * java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
68  * ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor} which is a thread pool for repeatedly
69  * executing tasks at a given rate or delay.  It is effectively a more
70  * versatile replacement for the {@code Timer}/{@code TimerTask}
71  * combination, as it allows multiple service threads, accepts various
72  * time units, and doesn't require subclassing {@code TimerTask} (just
73  * implement {@code Runnable}).  Configuring {@code
74  * ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor} with one thread makes it equivalent to
75  * {@code Timer}.
76  *
77  * <p>Implementation note: This class scales to large numbers of concurrently
78  * scheduled tasks (thousands should present no problem).  Internally,
79  * it uses a binary heap to represent its task queue, so the cost to schedule
80  * a task is O(log n), where n is the number of concurrently scheduled tasks.
81  *
82  * <p>Implementation note: All constructors start a timer thread.
83  *
84  * @author  Josh Bloch
85  * @see     TimerTask
86  * @see     Object#wait(long)
87  * @since   1.3
88  */
90 public class Timer {
91     /**
92      * The timer task queue.  This data structure is shared with the timer
93      * thread.  The timer produces tasks, via its various schedule calls,
94      * and the timer thread consumes, executing timer tasks as appropriate,
95      * and removing them from the queue when they're obsolete.
96      */
97     // Android-added: @ReachabilitySensitive
98     // Otherwise the finalizer may cancel the Timer in the middle of a
99     // sched() call.
100     @ReachabilitySensitive
101     private final TaskQueue queue = new TaskQueue();
103     /**
104      * The timer thread.
105      */
106     // Android-added: @ReachabilitySensitive
107     @ReachabilitySensitive
108     private final TimerThread thread = new TimerThread(queue);
110     /**
111      * This object causes the timer's task execution thread to exit
112      * gracefully when there are no live references to the Timer object and no
113      * tasks in the timer queue.  It is used in preference to a finalizer on
114      * Timer as such a finalizer would be susceptible to a subclass's
115      * finalizer forgetting to call it.
116      */
117     private final Object threadReaper = new Object() {
118         @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
119         protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
120             synchronized(queue) {
121                 thread.newTasksMayBeScheduled = false;
122                 queue.notify(); // In case queue is empty.
123             }
124         }
125     };
127     /**
128      * This ID is used to generate thread names.
129      */
130     private static final AtomicInteger nextSerialNumber = new AtomicInteger(0);
serialNumber()131     private static int serialNumber() {
132         return nextSerialNumber.getAndIncrement();
133     }
135     /**
136      * Creates a new timer.  The associated thread does <i>not</i>
137      * {@linkplain Thread#setDaemon run as a daemon}.
138      */
Timer()139     public Timer() {
140         this("Timer-" + serialNumber());
141     }
143     /**
144      * Creates a new timer whose associated thread may be specified to
145      * {@linkplain Thread#setDaemon run as a daemon}.
146      * A daemon thread is called for if the timer will be used to
147      * schedule repeating "maintenance activities", which must be
148      * performed as long as the application is running, but should not
149      * prolong the lifetime of the application.
150      *
151      * @param isDaemon true if the associated thread should run as a daemon.
152      */
Timer(boolean isDaemon)153     public Timer(boolean isDaemon) {
154         this("Timer-" + serialNumber(), isDaemon);
155     }
157     /**
158      * Creates a new timer whose associated thread has the specified name.
159      * The associated thread does <i>not</i>
160      * {@linkplain Thread#setDaemon run as a daemon}.
161      *
162      * @param name the name of the associated thread
163      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code name} is null
164      * @since 1.5
165      */
Timer(String name)166     public Timer(String name) {
167         thread.setName(name);
168         thread.start();
169     }
171     /**
172      * Creates a new timer whose associated thread has the specified name,
173      * and may be specified to
174      * {@linkplain Thread#setDaemon run as a daemon}.
175      *
176      * @param name the name of the associated thread
177      * @param isDaemon true if the associated thread should run as a daemon
178      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code name} is null
179      * @since 1.5
180      */
Timer(String name, boolean isDaemon)181     public Timer(String name, boolean isDaemon) {
182         thread.setName(name);
183         thread.setDaemon(isDaemon);
184         thread.start();
185     }
187     /**
188      * Schedules the specified task for execution after the specified delay.
189      *
190      * @param task  task to be scheduled.
191      * @param delay delay in milliseconds before task is to be executed.
192      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code delay} is negative, or
193      *         {@code delay + System.currentTimeMillis()} is negative.
194      * @throws IllegalStateException if task was already scheduled or
195      *         cancelled, timer was cancelled, or timer thread terminated.
196      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code task} is null
197      */
schedule(TimerTask task, long delay)198     public void schedule(TimerTask task, long delay) {
199         if (delay < 0)
200             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative delay.");
201         sched(task, System.currentTimeMillis()+delay, 0);
202     }
204     /**
205      * Schedules the specified task for execution at the specified time.  If
206      * the time is in the past, the task is scheduled for immediate execution.
207      *
208      * @param task task to be scheduled.
209      * @param time time at which task is to be executed.
210      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code time.getTime()} is negative.
211      * @throws IllegalStateException if task was already scheduled or
212      *         cancelled, timer was cancelled, or timer thread terminated.
213      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code task} or {@code time} is null
214      */
schedule(TimerTask task, Date time)215     public void schedule(TimerTask task, Date time) {
216         sched(task, time.getTime(), 0);
217     }
219     /**
220      * Schedules the specified task for repeated <i>fixed-delay execution</i>,
221      * beginning after the specified delay.  Subsequent executions take place
222      * at approximately regular intervals separated by the specified period.
223      *
224      * <p>In fixed-delay execution, each execution is scheduled relative to
225      * the actual execution time of the previous execution.  If an execution
226      * is delayed for any reason (such as garbage collection or other
227      * background activity), subsequent executions will be delayed as well.
228      * In the long run, the frequency of execution will generally be slightly
229      * lower than the reciprocal of the specified period (assuming the system
230      * clock underlying {@code Object.wait(long)} is accurate).
231      *
232      * <p>Fixed-delay execution is appropriate for recurring activities
233      * that require "smoothness."  In other words, it is appropriate for
234      * activities where it is more important to keep the frequency accurate
235      * in the short run than in the long run.  This includes most animation
236      * tasks, such as blinking a cursor at regular intervals.  It also includes
237      * tasks wherein regular activity is performed in response to human
238      * input, such as automatically repeating a character as long as a key
239      * is held down.
240      *
241      * @param task   task to be scheduled.
242      * @param delay  delay in milliseconds before task is to be executed.
243      * @param period time in milliseconds between successive task executions.
244      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code delay < 0}, or
245      *         {@code delay + System.currentTimeMillis() < 0}, or
246      *         {@code period <= 0}
247      * @throws IllegalStateException if task was already scheduled or
248      *         cancelled, timer was cancelled, or timer thread terminated.
249      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code task} is null
250      */
schedule(TimerTask task, long delay, long period)251     public void schedule(TimerTask task, long delay, long period) {
252         if (delay < 0)
253             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative delay.");
254         if (period <= 0)
255             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-positive period.");
256         sched(task, System.currentTimeMillis()+delay, -period);
257     }
259     /**
260      * Schedules the specified task for repeated <i>fixed-delay execution</i>,
261      * beginning at the specified time. Subsequent executions take place at
262      * approximately regular intervals, separated by the specified period.
263      *
264      * <p>In fixed-delay execution, each execution is scheduled relative to
265      * the actual execution time of the previous execution.  If an execution
266      * is delayed for any reason (such as garbage collection or other
267      * background activity), subsequent executions will be delayed as well.
268      * In the long run, the frequency of execution will generally be slightly
269      * lower than the reciprocal of the specified period (assuming the system
270      * clock underlying {@code Object.wait(long)} is accurate).  As a
271      * consequence of the above, if the scheduled first time is in the past,
272      * it is scheduled for immediate execution.
273      *
274      * <p>Fixed-delay execution is appropriate for recurring activities
275      * that require "smoothness."  In other words, it is appropriate for
276      * activities where it is more important to keep the frequency accurate
277      * in the short run than in the long run.  This includes most animation
278      * tasks, such as blinking a cursor at regular intervals.  It also includes
279      * tasks wherein regular activity is performed in response to human
280      * input, such as automatically repeating a character as long as a key
281      * is held down.
282      *
283      * @param task   task to be scheduled.
284      * @param firstTime First time at which task is to be executed.
285      * @param period time in milliseconds between successive task executions.
286      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code firstTime.getTime() < 0}, or
287      *         {@code period <= 0}
288      * @throws IllegalStateException if task was already scheduled or
289      *         cancelled, timer was cancelled, or timer thread terminated.
290      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code task} or {@code firstTime} is null
291      */
schedule(TimerTask task, Date firstTime, long period)292     public void schedule(TimerTask task, Date firstTime, long period) {
293         if (period <= 0)
294             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-positive period.");
295         sched(task, firstTime.getTime(), -period);
296     }
298     /**
299      * Schedules the specified task for repeated <i>fixed-rate execution</i>,
300      * beginning after the specified delay.  Subsequent executions take place
301      * at approximately regular intervals, separated by the specified period.
302      *
303      * <p>In fixed-rate execution, each execution is scheduled relative to the
304      * scheduled execution time of the initial execution.  If an execution is
305      * delayed for any reason (such as garbage collection or other background
306      * activity), two or more executions will occur in rapid succession to
307      * "catch up."  In the long run, the frequency of execution will be
308      * exactly the reciprocal of the specified period (assuming the system
309      * clock underlying {@code Object.wait(long)} is accurate).
310      *
311      * <p>Fixed-rate execution is appropriate for recurring activities that
312      * are sensitive to <i>absolute</i> time, such as ringing a chime every
313      * hour on the hour, or running scheduled maintenance every day at a
314      * particular time.  It is also appropriate for recurring activities
315      * where the total time to perform a fixed number of executions is
316      * important, such as a countdown timer that ticks once every second for
317      * ten seconds.  Finally, fixed-rate execution is appropriate for
318      * scheduling multiple repeating timer tasks that must remain synchronized
319      * with respect to one another.
320      *
321      * @param task   task to be scheduled.
322      * @param delay  delay in milliseconds before task is to be executed.
323      * @param period time in milliseconds between successive task executions.
324      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code delay < 0}, or
325      *         {@code delay + System.currentTimeMillis() < 0}, or
326      *         {@code period <= 0}
327      * @throws IllegalStateException if task was already scheduled or
328      *         cancelled, timer was cancelled, or timer thread terminated.
329      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code task} is null
330      */
scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerTask task, long delay, long period)331     public void scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerTask task, long delay, long period) {
332         if (delay < 0)
333             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative delay.");
334         if (period <= 0)
335             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-positive period.");
336         sched(task, System.currentTimeMillis()+delay, period);
337     }
339     /**
340      * Schedules the specified task for repeated <i>fixed-rate execution</i>,
341      * beginning at the specified time. Subsequent executions take place at
342      * approximately regular intervals, separated by the specified period.
343      *
344      * <p>In fixed-rate execution, each execution is scheduled relative to the
345      * scheduled execution time of the initial execution.  If an execution is
346      * delayed for any reason (such as garbage collection or other background
347      * activity), two or more executions will occur in rapid succession to
348      * "catch up."  In the long run, the frequency of execution will be
349      * exactly the reciprocal of the specified period (assuming the system
350      * clock underlying {@code Object.wait(long)} is accurate).  As a
351      * consequence of the above, if the scheduled first time is in the past,
352      * then any "missed" executions will be scheduled for immediate "catch up"
353      * execution.
354      *
355      * <p>Fixed-rate execution is appropriate for recurring activities that
356      * are sensitive to <i>absolute</i> time, such as ringing a chime every
357      * hour on the hour, or running scheduled maintenance every day at a
358      * particular time.  It is also appropriate for recurring activities
359      * where the total time to perform a fixed number of executions is
360      * important, such as a countdown timer that ticks once every second for
361      * ten seconds.  Finally, fixed-rate execution is appropriate for
362      * scheduling multiple repeating timer tasks that must remain synchronized
363      * with respect to one another.
364      *
365      * @param task   task to be scheduled.
366      * @param firstTime First time at which task is to be executed.
367      * @param period time in milliseconds between successive task executions.
368      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code firstTime.getTime() < 0} or
369      *         {@code period <= 0}
370      * @throws IllegalStateException if task was already scheduled or
371      *         cancelled, timer was cancelled, or timer thread terminated.
372      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code task} or {@code firstTime} is null
373      */
scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerTask task, Date firstTime, long period)374     public void scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerTask task, Date firstTime,
375                                     long period) {
376         if (period <= 0)
377             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-positive period.");
378         sched(task, firstTime.getTime(), period);
379     }
381     /**
382      * Schedule the specified timer task for execution at the specified
383      * time with the specified period, in milliseconds.  If period is
384      * positive, the task is scheduled for repeated execution; if period is
385      * zero, the task is scheduled for one-time execution. Time is specified
386      * in Date.getTime() format.  This method checks timer state, task state,
387      * and initial execution time, but not period.
388      *
389      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code time} is negative.
390      * @throws IllegalStateException if task was already scheduled or
391      *         cancelled, timer was cancelled, or timer thread terminated.
392      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code task} is null
393      */
sched(TimerTask task, long time, long period)394     private void sched(TimerTask task, long time, long period) {
395         if (time < 0)
396             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal execution time.");
398         // Constrain value of period sufficiently to prevent numeric
399         // overflow while still being effectively infinitely large.
400         if (Math.abs(period) > (Long.MAX_VALUE >> 1))
401             period >>= 1;
403         synchronized(queue) {
404             if (!thread.newTasksMayBeScheduled)
405                 throw new IllegalStateException("Timer already cancelled.");
407             synchronized(task.lock) {
408                 if (task.state != TimerTask.VIRGIN)
409                     throw new IllegalStateException(
410                         "Task already scheduled or cancelled");
411                 task.nextExecutionTime = time;
412                 task.period = period;
413                 task.state = TimerTask.SCHEDULED;
414             }
416             queue.add(task);
417             if (queue.getMin() == task)
418                 queue.notify();
419         }
420     }
422     /**
423      * Terminates this timer, discarding any currently scheduled tasks.
424      * Does not interfere with a currently executing task (if it exists).
425      * Once a timer has been terminated, its execution thread terminates
426      * gracefully, and no more tasks may be scheduled on it.
427      *
428      * <p>Note that calling this method from within the run method of a
429      * timer task that was invoked by this timer absolutely guarantees that
430      * the ongoing task execution is the last task execution that will ever
431      * be performed by this timer.
432      *
433      * <p>This method may be called repeatedly; the second and subsequent
434      * calls have no effect.
435      */
cancel()436     public void cancel() {
437         synchronized(queue) {
438             thread.newTasksMayBeScheduled = false;
439             queue.clear();
440             queue.notify();  // In case queue was already empty.
441         }
442     }
444     /**
445      * Removes all cancelled tasks from this timer's task queue.  <i>Calling
446      * this method has no effect on the behavior of the timer</i>, but
447      * eliminates the references to the cancelled tasks from the queue.
448      * If there are no external references to these tasks, they become
449      * eligible for garbage collection.
450      *
451      * <p>Most programs will have no need to call this method.
452      * It is designed for use by the rare application that cancels a large
453      * number of tasks.  Calling this method trades time for space: the
454      * runtime of the method may be proportional to n + c log n, where n
455      * is the number of tasks in the queue and c is the number of cancelled
456      * tasks.
457      *
458      * <p>Note that it is permissible to call this method from within
459      * a task scheduled on this timer.
460      *
461      * @return the number of tasks removed from the queue.
462      * @since 1.5
463      */
purge()464      public int purge() {
465          int result = 0;
467          synchronized(queue) {
468              for (int i = queue.size(); i > 0; i--) {
469                  if (queue.get(i).state == TimerTask.CANCELLED) {
470                      queue.quickRemove(i);
471                      result++;
472                  }
473              }
475              if (result != 0)
476                  queue.heapify();
477          }
479          return result;
480      }
481 }
483 /**
484  * This "helper class" implements the timer's task execution thread, which
485  * waits for tasks on the timer queue, executions them when they fire,
486  * reschedules repeating tasks, and removes cancelled tasks and spent
487  * non-repeating tasks from the queue.
488  */
489 class TimerThread extends Thread {
490     /**
491      * This flag is set to false by the reaper to inform us that there
492      * are no more live references to our Timer object.  Once this flag
493      * is true and there are no more tasks in our queue, there is no
494      * work left for us to do, so we terminate gracefully.  Note that
495      * this field is protected by queue's monitor!
496      */
497     boolean newTasksMayBeScheduled = true;
499     /**
500      * Our Timer's queue.  We store this reference in preference to
501      * a reference to the Timer so the reference graph remains acyclic.
502      * Otherwise, the Timer would never be garbage-collected and this
503      * thread would never go away.
504      */
505     private TaskQueue queue;
TimerThread(TaskQueue queue)507     TimerThread(TaskQueue queue) {
508         this.queue = queue;
509     }
run()511     public void run() {
512         try {
513             mainLoop();
514         } finally {
515             // Someone killed this Thread, behave as if Timer cancelled
516             synchronized(queue) {
517                 newTasksMayBeScheduled = false;
518                 queue.clear();  // Eliminate obsolete references
519             }
520         }
521     }
523     /**
524      * The main timer loop.  (See class comment.)
525      */
mainLoop()526     private void mainLoop() {
527         while (true) {
528             try {
529                 TimerTask task;
530                 boolean taskFired;
531                 synchronized(queue) {
532                     // Wait for queue to become non-empty
533                     while (queue.isEmpty() && newTasksMayBeScheduled)
534                         queue.wait();
535                     if (queue.isEmpty())
536                         break; // Queue is empty and will forever remain; die
538                     // Queue nonempty; look at first evt and do the right thing
539                     long currentTime, executionTime;
540                     task = queue.getMin();
541                     synchronized(task.lock) {
542                         if (task.state == TimerTask.CANCELLED) {
543                             queue.removeMin();
544                             continue;  // No action required, poll queue again
545                         }
546                         currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
547                         executionTime = task.nextExecutionTime;
548                         if (taskFired = (executionTime<=currentTime)) {
549                             if (task.period == 0) { // Non-repeating, remove
550                                 queue.removeMin();
551                                 task.state = TimerTask.EXECUTED;
552                             } else { // Repeating task, reschedule
553                                 queue.rescheduleMin(
554                                   task.period<0 ? currentTime   - task.period
555                                                 : executionTime + task.period);
556                             }
557                         }
558                     }
559                     if (!taskFired) // Task hasn't yet fired; wait
560                         queue.wait(executionTime - currentTime);
561                 }
562                 if (taskFired)  // Task fired; run it, holding no locks
563                     task.run();
564             } catch(InterruptedException e) {
565             }
566         }
567     }
568 }
570 /**
571  * This class represents a timer task queue: a priority queue of TimerTasks,
572  * ordered on nextExecutionTime.  Each Timer object has one of these, which it
573  * shares with its TimerThread.  Internally this class uses a heap, which
574  * offers log(n) performance for the add, removeMin and rescheduleMin
575  * operations, and constant time performance for the getMin operation.
576  */
577 class TaskQueue {
578     /**
579      * Priority queue represented as a balanced binary heap: the two children
580      * of queue[n] are queue[2*n] and queue[2*n+1].  The priority queue is
581      * ordered on the nextExecutionTime field: The TimerTask with the lowest
582      * nextExecutionTime is in queue[1] (assuming the queue is nonempty).  For
583      * each node n in the heap, and each descendant of n, d,
584      * n.nextExecutionTime <= d.nextExecutionTime.
585      */
586     private TimerTask[] queue = new TimerTask[128];
588     /**
589      * The number of tasks in the priority queue.  (The tasks are stored in
590      * queue[1] up to queue[size]).
591      */
592     private int size = 0;
594     /**
595      * Returns the number of tasks currently on the queue.
596      */
597     int size() {
598         return size;
599     }
601     /**
602      * Adds a new task to the priority queue.
603      */
604     void add(TimerTask task) {
605         // Grow backing store if necessary
606         if (size + 1 == queue.length)
607             queue = Arrays.copyOf(queue, 2*queue.length);
609         queue[++size] = task;
610         fixUp(size);
611     }
613     /**
614      * Return the "head task" of the priority queue.  (The head task is an
615      * task with the lowest nextExecutionTime.)
616      */
617     TimerTask getMin() {
618         return queue[1];
619     }
621     /**
622      * Return the ith task in the priority queue, where i ranges from 1 (the
623      * head task, which is returned by getMin) to the number of tasks on the
624      * queue, inclusive.
625      */
626     TimerTask get(int i) {
627         return queue[i];
628     }
630     /**
631      * Remove the head task from the priority queue.
632      */
633     void removeMin() {
634         queue[1] = queue[size];
635         queue[size--] = null;  // Drop extra reference to prevent memory leak
636         fixDown(1);
637     }
639     /**
640      * Removes the ith element from queue without regard for maintaining
641      * the heap invariant.  Recall that queue is one-based, so
642      * 1 <= i <= size.
643      */
644     void quickRemove(int i) {
645         assert i <= size;
647         queue[i] = queue[size];
648         queue[size--] = null;  // Drop extra ref to prevent memory leak
649     }
651     /**
652      * Sets the nextExecutionTime associated with the head task to the
653      * specified value, and adjusts priority queue accordingly.
654      */
655     void rescheduleMin(long newTime) {
656         queue[1].nextExecutionTime = newTime;
657         fixDown(1);
658     }
660     /**
661      * Returns true if the priority queue contains no elements.
662      */
663     boolean isEmpty() {
664         return size==0;
665     }
667     /**
668      * Removes all elements from the priority queue.
669      */
670     void clear() {
671         // Null out task references to prevent memory leak
672         for (int i=1; i<=size; i++)
673             queue[i] = null;
675         size = 0;
676     }
678     /**
679      * Establishes the heap invariant (described above) assuming the heap
680      * satisfies the invariant except possibly for the leaf-node indexed by k
681      * (which may have a nextExecutionTime less than its parent's).
682      *
683      * This method functions by "promoting" queue[k] up the hierarchy
684      * (by swapping it with its parent) repeatedly until queue[k]'s
685      * nextExecutionTime is greater than or equal to that of its parent.
686      */
687     private void fixUp(int k) {
688         while (k > 1) {
689             int j = k >> 1;
690             if (queue[j].nextExecutionTime <= queue[k].nextExecutionTime)
691                 break;
692             TimerTask tmp = queue[j];  queue[j] = queue[k]; queue[k] = tmp;
693             k = j;
694         }
695     }
697     /**
698      * Establishes the heap invariant (described above) in the subtree
699      * rooted at k, which is assumed to satisfy the heap invariant except
700      * possibly for node k itself (which may have a nextExecutionTime greater
701      * than its children's).
702      *
703      * This method functions by "demoting" queue[k] down the hierarchy
704      * (by swapping it with its smaller child) repeatedly until queue[k]'s
705      * nextExecutionTime is less than or equal to those of its children.
706      */
707     private void fixDown(int k) {
708         int j;
709         while ((j = k << 1) <= size && j > 0) {
710             if (j < size &&
711                 queue[j].nextExecutionTime > queue[j+1].nextExecutionTime)
712                 j++; // j indexes smallest kid
713             if (queue[k].nextExecutionTime <= queue[j].nextExecutionTime)
714                 break;
715             TimerTask tmp = queue[j];  queue[j] = queue[k]; queue[k] = tmp;
716             k = j;
717         }
718     }
720     /**
721      * Establishes the heap invariant (described above) in the entire tree,
722      * assuming nothing about the order of the elements prior to the call.
723      */
724     void heapify() {
725         for (int i = size/2; i >= 1; i--)
726             fixDown(i);
727     }
728 }