/frameworks/base/core/tests/coretests/src/android/util/ |
D | LogNullabilityTest.java | 33 Log.v(null, ""); in nullTag() 34 Log.d(null, ""); in nullTag() 35 Log.i(null, ""); in nullTag() 36 Log.w(null, ""); in nullTag() 37 Log.e(null, ""); in nullTag() 38 Log.wtf(null, ""); in nullTag() 39 Log.wtfStack(null, ""); in nullTag() 40 Log.println(Log.INFO, null, ""); in nullTag() 47 Log.v(null, "", new Throwable()); in nullTagWithThrowable() 48 Log.d(null, "", new Throwable()); in nullTagWithThrowable() [all …]
D | LogTest.java | 154 canLog = Log.isLoggable(LOG_TAG, Log.VERBOSE); in testIsLoggable() 155 canLog = Log.isLoggable(LOG_TAG, Log.VERBOSE); in testIsLoggable() 156 canLog = Log.isLoggable(LOG_TAG, Log.VERBOSE); in testIsLoggable() 157 canLog = Log.isLoggable(LOG_TAG, Log.VERBOSE); in testIsLoggable() 158 canLog = Log.isLoggable(LOG_TAG, Log.VERBOSE); in testIsLoggable() 159 canLog = Log.isLoggable(LOG_TAG, Log.VERBOSE); in testIsLoggable() 160 canLog = Log.isLoggable(LOG_TAG, Log.VERBOSE); in testIsLoggable() 161 canLog = Log.isLoggable(LOG_TAG, Log.VERBOSE); in testIsLoggable() 162 canLog = Log.isLoggable(LOG_TAG, Log.VERBOSE); in testIsLoggable() 163 canLog = Log.isLoggable(LOG_TAG, Log.VERBOSE); in testIsLoggable()
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/util/ |
D | Slog.java | 50 return Log.println_native(Log.LOG_ID_SYSTEM, Log.VERBOSE, tag, msg); in v() 65 return Log.println_native(Log.LOG_ID_SYSTEM, Log.VERBOSE, tag, in v() 66 msg + '\n' + Log.getStackTraceString(tr)); in v() 80 return Log.println_native(Log.LOG_ID_SYSTEM, Log.DEBUG, tag, msg); in d() 96 return Log.println_native(Log.LOG_ID_SYSTEM, Log.DEBUG, tag, in d() 97 msg + '\n' + Log.getStackTraceString(tr)); in d() 111 return Log.println_native(Log.LOG_ID_SYSTEM, Log.INFO, tag, msg); in i() 126 return Log.println_native(Log.LOG_ID_SYSTEM, Log.INFO, tag, in i() 127 msg + '\n' + Log.getStackTraceString(tr)); in i() 141 return Log.println_native(Log.LOG_ID_SYSTEM, Log.WARN, tag, msg); in w() [all …]
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/telephony/ |
D | Rlog.java | 23 import android.util.Log; 43 return Log.println_native(Log.LOG_ID_RADIO, Log.VERBOSE, tag, msg); in v() 47 return Log.println_native(Log.LOG_ID_RADIO, Log.VERBOSE, tag, in v() 48 msg + '\n' + Log.getStackTraceString(tr)); in v() 53 return Log.println_native(Log.LOG_ID_RADIO, Log.DEBUG, tag, msg); in d() 58 return Log.println_native(Log.LOG_ID_RADIO, Log.DEBUG, tag, in d() 59 msg + '\n' + Log.getStackTraceString(tr)); in d() 64 return Log.println_native(Log.LOG_ID_RADIO, Log.INFO, tag, msg); in i() 69 return Log.println_native(Log.LOG_ID_RADIO, Log.INFO, tag, in i() 70 msg + '\n' + Log.getStackTraceString(tr)); in i() [all …]
/frameworks/base/media/tests/SoundPoolTest/src/com/android/ |
D | SoundPoolTest.java | 31 import android.util.Log; 84 if (DEBUG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Sample " + sampleId + " load status = " + status); in onLoadComplete() 98 Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Unable to open resource"); in loadSound() 131 if (DEBUG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Begin sounds test"); in TestSounds() 136 if (DEBUG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Start note " + id); in TestSounds() 138 Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Error occurred starting note"); in TestSounds() 143 if (DEBUG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Stop note " + id); in TestSounds() 146 if (DEBUG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "End sounds test"); in TestSounds() 151 if (DEBUG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Begin scale test"); in TestScales() 158 if (DEBUG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Start note " + id); in TestScales() [all …]
/frameworks/base/telecomm/java/android/telecom/ |
D | ConnectionServiceAdapter.java | 53 Log.w(this, "Ignoring duplicate adapter addition."); in addAdapter() 97 Log.getExternalSession()); in handleCreateConnectionComplete() 110 Log.getExternalSession()); in handleCreateConferenceComplete() 125 adapter.setActive(callId, Log.getExternalSession()); in setActive() 139 adapter.setRinging(callId, Log.getExternalSession()); in setRinging() 153 adapter.setDialing(callId, Log.getExternalSession()); in setDialing() 168 adapter.setPulling(callId, Log.getExternalSession()); in setPulling() 184 adapter.setDisconnected(callId, disconnectCause, Log.getExternalSession()); in setDisconnected() 198 adapter.setOnHold(callId, Log.getExternalSession()); in setOnHold() 213 adapter.setRingbackRequested(callId, ringback, Log.getExternalSession()); in setRingbackRequested() [all …]
D | ConnectionService.java | 120 private static final boolean PII_DEBUG = Log.isLoggable(android.util.Log.DEBUG); 232 Log.startSession(sessionInfo, SESSION_ADD_CS_ADAPTER); 236 args.arg2 = Log.createSubsession(); 239 Log.endSession(); 245 Log.startSession(sessionInfo, SESSION_REMOVE_CS_ADAPTER); 249 args.arg2 = Log.createSubsession(); 252 Log.endSession(); 264 Log.startSession(sessionInfo, SESSION_CREATE_CONN); 270 args.arg4 = Log.createSubsession(); 275 Log.endSession(); [all …]
/frameworks/ex/camera2/portability/src/com/android/ex/camera2/portability/debug/ |
D | Log.java | 19 public class Log { class 30 private static final Log.Tag TAG = new Log.Tag("Log"); 59 if (isLoggable(tag, android.util.Log.DEBUG)) { in d() 60 android.util.Log.d(tag.toString(), msg); in d() 65 if (isLoggable(tag, android.util.Log.DEBUG)) { in d() 66 android.util.Log.d(tag.toString(), msg, tr); in d() 71 if (isLoggable(tag, android.util.Log.ERROR)) { in e() 72 android.util.Log.e(tag.toString(), msg); in e() 77 if (isLoggable(tag, android.util.Log.ERROR)) { in e() 78 android.util.Log.e(tag.toString(), msg, tr); in e() [all …]
/frameworks/base/tests/CoreTests/android/core/ |
D | RequestAPITest.java | 23 import android.util.Log; 53 Log.d(LOGTAG, "Base setup context = " + mContext); in setUp() 62 Log.d(LOGTAG, "Base tearDown"); in tearDown() 64 Log.d(LOGTAG, "Base teardown done"); in tearDown() 88 Log.d(LOGTAG, "testRequestAddNullHeader start "); in testRequestAddNullHeader() 92 Log.d(LOGTAG, "testRequestAddNullHeader - returning"); in testRequestAddNullHeader() 100 Log.d(LOGTAG, "testRequestAddNullValue start "); in testRequestAddNullValue() 104 Log.d(LOGTAG, "testRequestAddNullValue - returning"); in testRequestAddNullValue() 112 Log.d(LOGTAG, "testRequestAddEmptyValue start "); in testRequestAddEmptyValue() 116 Log.d(LOGTAG, "testRequestAddEmptyValue - returning"); in testRequestAddEmptyValue() [all …]
/frameworks/base/tests/VoiceInteraction/src/com/android/test/voiceinteraction/ |
D | MainInteractionService.java | 24 import android.util.Log; 35 Log.i(TAG, "onAvailabilityChanged(" + status + ")"); 41 Log.i(TAG, "onDetected"); 46 Log.i(TAG, "onError"); 51 Log.i(TAG, "onRecognitionPaused"); 56 Log.i(TAG, "onRecognitionResumed"); 65 Log.i(TAG, "Creating " + this); in onReady() 66 Log.i(TAG, "Keyphrase enrollment error? " + getKeyphraseEnrollmentInfo().getParseError()); in onReady() 67 Log.i(TAG, "Keyphrase enrollment meta-data: " in onReady() 76 Log.i(TAG, "Hotword availability = " + availability); in hotwordAvailabilityChangeHelper() [all …]
/frameworks/base/telephony/java/com/android/telephony/ |
D | Rlog.java | 20 import android.util.Log; 40 return Log.logToRadioBuffer(priority, tag, msg); in log() 44 return log(Log.VERBOSE, tag, msg); in v() 48 return log(Log.VERBOSE, tag, in v() 49 msg + '\n' + Log.getStackTraceString(tr)); in v() 53 return log(Log.DEBUG, tag, msg); in d() 57 return log(Log.DEBUG, tag, in d() 58 msg + '\n' + Log.getStackTraceString(tr)); in d() 62 return log(Log.INFO, tag, msg); in i() 66 return log(Log.INFO, tag, in i() [all …]
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/accounts/ |
D | AbstractAccountAuthenticator.java | 28 import android.util.Log; 159 if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { in addAccount() 160 Log.v(TAG, "addAccount: accountType " + accountType in addAccount() 169 if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { in addAccount() 173 Log.v(TAG, "addAccount: result " + AccountManager.sanitizeResult(result)); in addAccount() 189 if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { in confirmCredentials() 190 Log.v(TAG, "confirmCredentials: " + account); in confirmCredentials() 196 if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { in confirmCredentials() 200 Log.v(TAG, "confirmCredentials: result " in confirmCredentials() 215 if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { in getAuthTokenLabel() [all …]
/frameworks/base/media/tests/MediaFrameworkTest/src/com/android/mediaframeworktest/functional/ |
D | CodecTest.java | 31 import android.util.Log; 81 Log.v(TAG, e.toString()); in printCpuInfo() 88 Log.v(TAG, "getDuration - " + filePath); in getDuration() 94 Log.v(TAG, e.toString()); in getDuration() 97 Log.v(TAG, "Duration " + duration); in getDuration() 99 Log.v(TAG, "release"); in getDuration() 104 Log.v(TAG, "GetCurrentPosition - " + filePath); in getCurrentPosition() 111 Log.v(TAG, "start playback"); in getCurrentPosition() 120 Log.v(TAG, e.toString()); in getCurrentPosition() 125 Log.v(TAG, "mp currentPositon = " + currentPosition + " play duration = " + (t2-t1)); in getCurrentPosition() [all …]
/frameworks/base/services/robotests/src/com/android/server/testing/shadows/ |
D | ShadowSlog.java | 19 import android.util.Log; 29 return Log.v(tag, msg); in v() 34 return Log.v(tag, msg, tr); in v() 39 return Log.d(tag, msg); in d() 44 return Log.d(tag, msg, tr); in d() 49 return Log.i(tag, msg); in i() 54 return Log.i(tag, msg, tr); in i() 59 return Log.w(tag, msg); in w() 64 return Log.w(tag, msg, tr); in w() 69 return Log.w(tag, tr); in w() [all …]
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/service/quickaccesswallet/ |
D | GetWalletCardsCallbackImpl.java | 25 import android.util.Log; 60 Log.w(TAG, "Invalid GetWalletCards response"); in onSuccess() 79 Log.w(TAG, "already called"); in onSuccessInternal() 86 Log.w(TAG, "Error returning wallet cards", e); in onSuccessInternal() 92 Log.w(TAG, "already called"); in onFailureInternal() 99 Log.e(TAG, "Error returning failure message", e); in onFailureInternal() 105 Log.w(TAG, "Invalid response: response is null"); in isValidResponse() 109 Log.w(TAG, "Invalid response: walletCards is null"); in isValidResponse() 113 Log.w(TAG, "Invalid response: selectedIndex is negative"); in isValidResponse() 118 Log.w(TAG, "Invalid response: selectedIndex out of bounds"); in isValidResponse() [all …]
/frameworks/opt/car/setupwizard/library/main/src/com/android/car/setupwizardlib/util/ |
D | CarDrivingStateMonitor.java | 35 import android.util.Log; 80 Log.v(TAG, "Gear has reversed, exiting SetupWizard."); 111 Log.w(TAG, "MonitorStartedCount was negative"); in startMonitor() 115 Log.i(TAG, String.format( in startMonitor() 122 Log.e(TAG, "Car not connected", e); in startMonitor() 129 Log.e(TAG, "Failure connecting to Car object.", e); in startMonitor() 142 Log.e(TAG, "Car not connected", e); in startMonitor() 154 Log.e(TAG, "Car not connected", e); in startMonitor() 162 Log.e(TAG, "Failure connecting to Car object.", e); in startMonitor() 174 Log.v(TAG, "stopMonitor"); in stopMonitor() [all …]
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/nfc/cardemulation/ |
D | NfcFCardEmulation.java | 28 import android.util.Log; 69 Log.e(TAG, "NfcAdapter context is null."); in getInstance() 75 Log.e(TAG, "Cannot get PackageManager"); in getInstance() 80 Log.e(TAG, "This device does not support NFC-F card emulation"); in getInstance() 84 Log.e(TAG, "PackageManager query failed."); in getInstance() 94 Log.e(TAG, "This device does not implement the INfcFCardEmulation interface."); in getInstance() 125 Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover CardEmulationService."); in getSystemCodeForService() 131 Log.e(TAG, "Failed to reach CardEmulationService."); in getSystemCodeForService() 172 Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover CardEmulationService."); in registerSystemCodeForService() 179 Log.e(TAG, "Failed to reach CardEmulationService."); in registerSystemCodeForService() [all …]
D | CardEmulation.java | 37 import android.util.Log; 157 Log.e(TAG, "NfcAdapter context is null."); in getInstance() 163 Log.e(TAG, "Cannot get PackageManager"); in getInstance() 168 Log.e(TAG, "This device does not support card emulation"); in getInstance() 172 Log.e(TAG, "PackageManager query failed."); in getInstance() 182 Log.e(TAG, "This device does not implement the INfcCardEmulation interface."); in getInstance() 217 Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover CardEmulationService."); in isDefaultServiceForCategory() 224 Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover CardEmulationService."); in isDefaultServiceForCategory() 248 Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover CardEmulationService."); in isDefaultServiceForAid() 254 Log.e(TAG, "Failed to reach CardEmulationService."); in isDefaultServiceForAid() [all …]
/frameworks/base/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/location/ |
D | SettingsInjector.java | 42 import android.util.Log; 130 if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { in getSettings() 131 Log.d(TAG, "Found services for profile id " + profileId + ": " + resolveInfos); in getSettings() 142 Log.w(TAG, "Unable to load service info " + resolveInfo); in getSettings() 147 Log.w(TAG, "Unable to load service info " + resolveInfo, e); in getSettings() 149 Log.w(TAG, "Unable to load service info " + resolveInfo, e); in getSettings() 152 if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { in getSettings() 153 Log.d(TAG, "Loaded settings for profile id " + profileId + ": " + settings); in getSettings() 228 if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.WARN)) { in parseServiceInfo() 229 Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring attempt to inject setting from app not in system image: " in parseServiceInfo() [all …]
/frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/view/ |
D | ScrollCaptureInternal.java | 24 import android.util.Log; 81 Log.v(TAG, "hint: cannot be scrolled"); in detectScrollingType() 86 Log.v(TAG, "hint: can be scrolled up or down"); in detectScrollingType() 91 Log.v(TAG, "hint: not a subclass of ViewGroup"); in detectScrollingType() 96 Log.v(TAG, "hint: is a subclass of ViewGroup"); in detectScrollingType() 102 Log.v(TAG, "hint: scrollable with multiple children"); in detectScrollingType() 109 Log.v(TAG, "scrollable with no children"); in detectScrollingType() 114 Log.v(TAG, "hint: single child view"); in detectScrollingType() 119 Log.v(TAG, "hint: scrollY != 0"); in detectScrollingType() 123 Log.v(TAG, "hint: scrollY == 0"); in detectScrollingType() [all …]
/frameworks/base/media/tests/MediaFrameworkTest/src/com/android/mediaframeworktest/unit/ |
D | MediaMetadataRetrieverTest.java | 24 import android.util.Log; 39 Log.v(TAG, "testGetEmbeddedPicture starts."); in testGetEmbeddedPicture() 46 Log.v(TAG, "File " + i + ": " + MediaNames.ALBUMART_TEST_FILES[i]); in testGetEmbeddedPicture() 49 Log.v( in testGetEmbeddedPicture() 62 Log.e( in testGetEmbeddedPicture() 69 Log.e(TAG, "Fails to setDataSource for " + MediaNames.ALBUMART_TEST_FILES[i]); in testGetEmbeddedPicture() 75 Log.v(TAG, "testGetEmbeddedPicture completes."); in testGetEmbeddedPicture() 86 Log.v(TAG, "Thumbnail processing starts"); in testThumbnailCapture() 90 Log.v(TAG, "File " + i + ": " + MediaNames.THUMBNAIL_METADATA_TEST_FILES[i]); in testThumbnailCapture() 94 Log.v( in testThumbnailCapture() [all …]
/frameworks/base/tests/ActivityTests/src/com/google/android/test/activity/ |
D | ArrayMapTests.java | 21 import android.util.Log; 123 Log.e("test", "Bad size: expected " + map.size() + ", got " + array.size()); in compareMaps() 132 Log.e("test", "Bad value: expected " + expValue + ", got " + gotValue in compareMaps() 143 Log.e("test", "Bad value: expected " + expValue + ", got " + gotValue in compareMaps() 150 Log.e("test", "Entry set hash codes differ: map=0x" in compareMaps() 157 Log.e("test", "Failed calling equals on map entry set against array set"); in compareMaps() 162 Log.e("test", "Failed calling equals on array entry set against map set"); in compareMaps() 167 Log.e("test", "Key set hash codes differ: map=0x" in compareMaps() 174 Log.e("test", "Failed calling equals on map key set against array set"); in compareMaps() 179 Log.e("test", "Failed calling equals on array key set against map set"); in compareMaps() [all …]
/frameworks/base/core/tests/bandwidthtests/src/com/android/bandwidthtest/util/ |
D | ConnectionUtil.java | 41 import android.util.Log; 132 Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Clear Wifi before we start the test."); in wifiTestInit() 149 Log.d(LOG_TAG, "This is a sticky broadcast don't do anything."); in onReceive() 152 Log.v(LOG_TAG, "ConnectivityReceiver: onReceive() is called with " + intent); in onReceive() 155 Log.v("ConnectivityReceiver", "onReceive() called with " + intent); in onReceive() 168 Log.v(LOG_TAG, "mNetworkInfo: " + mNetworkInfo.toString()); in onReceive() 171 Log.v(LOG_TAG, "mOtherNetworkInfo: " + mOtherNetworkInfo.toString()); in onReceive() 188 Log.v("WifiReceiver", "onReceive() is calleld with " + intent); in onReceive() 190 Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Scan results are available"); in onReceive() 195 Log.v(LOG_TAG, "mWifiNetworkInfo: " + mWifiNetworkInfo.toString()); in onReceive() [all …]
/frameworks/base/media/mca/filterpacks/java/android/filterpacks/videosrc/ |
D | MediaSource.java | 41 import android.util.Log; 168 mLogVerbose = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE); in MediaSource() 185 if (mLogVerbose) Log.v(TAG, "Preparing MediaSource"); in prepare() 198 Log.v(TAG, "Opening MediaSource"); in open() 200 Log.v(TAG, "Current URL is " + mSourceUrl); in open() 202 Log.v(TAG, "Current source is Asset!"); in open() 221 if (mLogVerbose) Log.v(TAG, "Processing new frame"); in process() 236 if (mLogVerbose) Log.v(TAG, "Waiting for preparation to complete"); in process() 254 if (mLogVerbose) Log.v(TAG, "Starting playback"); in process() 262 if (mLogVerbose) Log.v(TAG, "Waiting for new frame"); in process() [all …]
/frameworks/base/media/tests/MediaFrameworkTest/src/com/android/mediaframeworktest/functional/mediarecorder/ |
D | MediaRecorderTest.java | 38 import android.util.Log; 83 Log.v(TAG,"startPreviewAndPrepareRecording"); in recordVideo() 86 Log.v(TAG, "setAudioSource"); in recordVideo() 91 Log.v(TAG, "output format " + outFormat); in recordVideo() 95 Log.v(TAG, "setEncoder"); in recordVideo() 101 Log.v(TAG, "setPreview"); in recordVideo() 103 Log.v(TAG, "prepare"); in recordVideo() 105 Log.v(TAG, "start"); in recordVideo() 108 Log.v(TAG, "stop"); in recordVideo() 112 Log.v("record video failed ", e.toString()); in recordVideo() [all …]