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2#   Copyright 2021 - The Android Open Source Project
4#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
8#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14#   limitations under the License.
16import time
18from acts import asserts
19from acts.controllers.openwrt_ap import MOBLY_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_NAME as OPENWRT
20from acts.test_decorators import test_tracker_info
21from acts_contrib.test_utils.net import connectivity_const as cconst
22from acts_contrib.test_utils.net import connectivity_test_utils as cutils
23from acts_contrib.test_utils.net.net_test_utils import start_tcpdump
24from acts_contrib.test_utils.net.net_test_utils import stop_tcpdump
25from acts_contrib.test_utils.wifi import wifi_test_utils as wutils
26from acts_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
27from scapy.all import rdpcap
28from scapy.all import Scapy_Exception
29from scapy.all import TCP
30from scapy.all import UDP
36class DnsOverHttpsTest(WifiBaseTest):
37    """Tests for DnsoverHttps feature."""
39    def setup_class(self):
40        """Setup devices and OpenWrt for DnsoverHttps test and unpack params."""
42        self.dut = self.android_devices[0]
43        if len(self.android_devices) > 1:
44            self.dut_b = self.android_devices[1]
45        for ad in self.android_devices:
46            wutils.reset_wifi(ad)
47            ad.droid.setPrivateDnsMode(True)
48        req_params = ("ping_hosts",)
49        opt_params = ("wifi_network", "configure_OpenWrt",
50                      "ipv4_only_network", "ipv4_ipv6_network")
51        self.unpack_userparams(req_param_names=req_params,
52                               opt_param_names=opt_params)
53        if OPENWRT in self.user_params:
54            self.openwrt = self.access_points[0]
55            if hasattr(self, "configure_OpenWrt") and self.configure_OpenWrt == "skip":
56                self.dut.log.info("Skip configure Wifi interface due to config setup.")
57            else:
58                self.configure_openwrt_ap_and_start(wpa_network=True)
59        self.tcpdump_pid = None
60        self.default_dns = None
61        self.default_dns_v6 = None
62        self._setup_doh(self.dut, self.get_wifi_network())
64    def teardown_test(self):
65        wutils.reset_wifi(self.dut)
66        if OPENWRT in self.user_params:
67            self.openwrt.network_setting.del_default_dns(self.default_dns)
68            self.default_dns = None
69            self.default_dns_v6 = None
71    def teardown_class(self):
72        for ad in self.android_devices:
73            ad.droid.setPrivateDnsMode(True)
74            self._setup_doh(ad, self.get_wifi_network(), enable=False)
76    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
77        self.dut.take_bug_report(test_name, begin_time)
79    def get_wifi_network(self, ipv6_supported=False):
80        """Return fit network for conditions.
82        Args:
83            ipv6_supported: Boolean for select network.
84        Returns:
85            A dict for network object for connect wifi.
86        """
87        if OPENWRT in self.user_params:
88            if ipv6_supported:
89                self.openwrt.network_setting.enable_ipv6()
90                self.openwrt.network_setting.setup_ipv6_bridge()
91            else:
92                self.openwrt.network_setting.disable_ipv6()
93                self.openwrt.network_setting.remove_ipv6_bridge()
94            if self.default_dns:
95                self.openwrt.network_setting.add_default_dns(self.default_dns)
96            if self.default_dns_v6:
97                for ipv6_dns in self.default_dns_v6:
98                    self.openwrt.network_setting.add_default_v6_dns(ipv6_dns)
99            if hasattr(self, "configure_OpenWrt") and self.configure_OpenWrt == "skip":
100                return self.wifi_network
101            return self.openwrt.get_wifi_network()
102        if ipv6_supported:
103            return self.ipv4_ipv6_network
104        return self.ipv4_only_network
106    def _verify_doh_queries(self, pcap_file, over_https):
107        """Verify if DNS queries were over https or not.
109        Args:
110            pcap_file: tcpdump file
111            over_https: True if excepted all dns go through doh.
112        """
113        try:
114            packets = rdpcap(pcap_file)
115        except Scapy_Exception:
116            asserts.fail("Not a valid pcap file")
118        for pkt in packets:
119            summary = "%s" % pkt.summary()
120            for host in self.ping_hosts:
121                host = host.split(".")[-2]
122                if UDP in pkt and pkt[UDP].sport == 53 and host in summary:
123                    if over_https:
124                        asserts.fail("Found query to port 53: %s" % summary)
125                    else:
126                        self.dut.log.info("Found query to port 53: %s" % summary)
127                if TCP in pkt and pkt[TCP].sport == 853:
128                    asserts.fail("Found query to port 853: %s" % summary)
130    def _test_public_doh_mode(self, ad, net, dns_mode, hostname=None):
131        """Test step for DoH.
133        Args:
134            ad: android device object.
135            net: wifi network to connect to, LTE network if None.
136            dns_mode: private DNS mode.
137            hostname: private DNS hostname to set to.
138        """
140        # set private dns mode
141        if dns_mode:
142            cutils.set_private_dns(self.dut, dns_mode, hostname)
143        # connect to wifi
144        wutils.start_wifi_connection_scan_and_ensure_network_found(
145            self.dut, net[wutils.WifiEnums.SSID_KEY])
146        wutils.wifi_connect(self.dut, net)
147        self._verify_tls_completed()
149        # start tcpdump on the device
150        self.tcpdump_pid = start_tcpdump(self.dut, self.test_name)
152        # ping hosts should pass
153        for host in self.ping_hosts:
154            self.log.info("Pinging %s" % host)
155            status = wutils.validate_connection(self.dut, host)
156            asserts.assert_true(status, "Failed to ping host %s" % host)
157            self.log.info("Ping successful")
159        # stop tcpdump
160        pcap_file = stop_tcpdump(self.dut, self.tcpdump_pid, self.test_name)
162        # verify DNS queries
163        overhttps = dns_mode != cconst.PRIVATE_DNS_MODE_OFF
164        self._verify_doh_queries(pcap_file, overhttps)
166        # reset wifi
167        wutils.reset_wifi(self.dut)
169    def _verify_tls_completed(self, retry_count=5):
170        """Verify tls finish verification process.
172        Expect all private dns server status, should be
173        "success", or "fail".
175        Args:
176            retry_count: int for retry times.
177        Raises:
178            TimeoutError: if TLS verification stuck in processing.
179        """
180        for attempt in range(retry_count):
181            out = self.dut.adb.shell("dumpsys dnsresolver")
182            if "status{in_process}" in out:
183                if attempt + 1 < retry_count:
184                    self.dut.log.info("DoT still validating, retrying...")
185                    time.sleep(DEFAULT_DNS_TIMEOUT)
186            else:
187                return
188        raise TimeoutError("Fail to completed TLS verification.")
190    def _setup_doh(self, ad, net, enable=True):
191        """Enable/Disable DoH option.
193        Args:
194            ad: android devies.
195            net: network as wifi.
196            enable: if True, sets the 'doh' experiment flag.
197        """
198        if enable:
199            ad.adb.shell("setprop persist.device_config.netd_native.doh 1")
200        else:
201            ad.adb.shell("setprop persist.device_config.netd_native.doh 0")
202        wutils.wifi_connect(ad, net)
203        wutils.reset_wifi(ad)
204        out = ad.adb.shell("dumpsys dnsresolver |grep doh")
205        ad.log.debug(out)
207    def test_mix_server_ipv4_only_wifi_network_with_dns_strict_mode(self):
208        """Test doh flag with below situation.
210        - Android device in strict mode
211        - DNS server supporting both Dns, DoT and DoH protocols
212        - IPv4-only network
213        """
214        self._test_public_doh_mode(self.dut, self.get_wifi_network(),
215                                   cconst.PRIVATE_DNS_MODE_STRICT,
216                                   hostname=cconst.DNS_GOOGLE_HOSTNAME)
218    def test_mix_server_ipv4_ipv6_wifi_network_with_dns_strict_mode(self):
219        """Test doh flag with below situation.
221        - Android device in strict mode
222        - DNS server supporting both Dns, DoT and DoH protocols
223        - IPv4-IPv6 network
224        """
225        self._test_public_doh_mode(self.dut, self.get_wifi_network(),
226                                   cconst.PRIVATE_DNS_MODE_STRICT,
227                                   hostname=cconst.DNS_GOOGLE_HOSTNAME)
229    def test_pure_server_ipv4_only_wifi_network_with_dns_strict_mode(self):
230        """Test doh flag with below situation.
232        - Android device in strict mode
233        - DNS server only supporting DoH protocols
234        - IPv4-only network
235        """
236        self._test_public_doh_mode(self.dut, self.get_wifi_network(),
237                                   cconst.PRIVATE_DNS_MODE_STRICT,
238                                   hostname=cconst.DOH_CLOUDFLARE_HOSTNAME)
240    def test_pure_server_ipv4_ipv6_wifi_network_with_dns_strict_mode(self):
241        """Test doh flag with below situation.
243        - Android device in strict mode
244        - DNS server only supporting DoH protocols
245        - IPv4-IPv6 network
246        """
247        self._test_public_doh_mode(self.dut, self.get_wifi_network(),
248                                   cconst.PRIVATE_DNS_MODE_STRICT,
249                                   hostname=cconst.DOH_CLOUDFLARE_HOSTNAME)
251    def test_mix_server_ipv4_only_wifi_network_with_dns_opportunistic_mode(self):
252        """Test doh flag with below situation.
254        - Android device in opportunistic mode
255        - DNS server supporting both Dns, DoT and DoH protocols
256        - IPv4-only network
257        """
258        self.default_dns = cconst.DNS_GOOGLE_ADDR_V4
259        self._test_public_doh_mode(self.dut, self.get_wifi_network(),
260                                   cconst.PRIVATE_DNS_MODE_OPPORTUNISTIC)
262    def test_mix_server_ipv4_ipv6_wifi_network_with_dns_opportunistic_mode(self):
263        """Test doh flag with below situation.
265        - Android device in opportunistic mode
266        - DNS server supporting both Dns, DoT and DoH protocols
267        - IPv4-IPv6 network
268        """
269        self.default_dns = cconst.DNS_GOOGLE_ADDR_V4
270        self.default_dns_v6 = cconst.DNS_GOOGLE_ADDR_V6
271        self._test_public_doh_mode(self.dut, self.get_wifi_network(),
272                                   cconst.PRIVATE_DNS_MODE_OPPORTUNISTIC)
274    def test_mix_server_ipv4_only_wifi_network_with_dns_off_mode(self):
275        """Test doh with below situation.
277        - Android device in dns off mode
278        - DNS server supporting both Dns, DoT and DoH protocols
279        - IPv4-only network
280        """
281        self.default_dns = cconst.DNS_GOOGLE_ADDR_V4
282        self._test_public_doh_mode(self.dut, self.get_wifi_network(),
283                                   cconst.PRIVATE_DNS_MODE_OFF)
285    def test_mix_server_ipv4_ipv6_wifi_network_with_dns_off_mode(self):
286        """Test doh with below situation.
288        - Android device in dns off mode
289        - DNS server supporting both Dns, DoT and DoH protocols
290        - IPv4-IPv6 network
291        """
292        self.default_dns = cconst.DNS_GOOGLE_ADDR_V4
293        self.default_dns_v6 = cconst.DNS_GOOGLE_ADDR_V6
294        self._test_public_doh_mode(self.dut, self.get_wifi_network(),
295                                   cconst.PRIVATE_DNS_MODE_OFF)