# Copyright 2021 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # # Build configuration for OpenCL-related targets. import("../../gni/angle.gni") assert(angle_enable_cl) if (is_win || is_linux) { glesv2_path = rebase_path(get_label_info("$angle_root:libGLESv2", "root_out_dir")) } angle_shared_library("OpenCL_ANGLE") { defines = [ "LIBCL_IMPLEMENTATION" ] if (is_win) { defines += [ "ANGLE_GLESV2_LIBRARY_PATH=\"" + string_replace(glesv2_path, "/", "\\\\") + "\"" ] } sources = [ "dispatch.cpp", "dispatch.h", "libOpenCL_autogen.cpp", ] configs += [ "$angle_root:debug_annotations_config", "$angle_root:library_name_config", ] deps = [ "$angle_root:angle_common", "$angle_root:cl_includes", ] if (is_linux) { inputs = [ "libOpenCL_autogen.map" ] ldflags = [ "-Wl,--version-script=" + rebase_path("libOpenCL_autogen.map", root_build_dir), "-Wl,-rpath=" + glesv2_path, ] } } group("angle_cl") { data_deps = [ ":OpenCL_ANGLE" ] }