# Copyright 2022 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import contextlib import functools import glob import hashlib import json import logging import os import pathlib import posixpath import random import re import subprocess import tarfile import tempfile import threading import time import angle_path_util # Currently we only support a single test package name. TEST_PACKAGE_NAME = 'com.android.angle.test' ANGLE_TRACE_TEST_SUITE = 'angle_trace_tests' class _Global(object): initialized = False is_android = False current_suite = None lib_extension = None traces_outside_of_apk = False temp_dir = None def _ApkPath(suite_name): return os.path.join('%s_apk' % suite_name, '%s-debug.apk' % suite_name) @functools.lru_cache() def _FindAapt(): build_tools = ( pathlib.Path(angle_path_util.ANGLE_ROOT_DIR) / 'third_party' / 'android_sdk' / 'public' / 'build-tools') latest_build_tools = sorted(build_tools.iterdir())[-1] aapt = str(latest_build_tools / 'aapt') aapt_info = subprocess.check_output([aapt, 'version']).decode() logging.info('aapt version: %s', aapt_info.strip()) return aapt def _RemovePrefix(str, prefix): assert str.startswith(prefix) return str[len(prefix):] def _FindPackageName(apk_path): aapt = _FindAapt() badging = subprocess.check_output([aapt, 'dump', 'badging', apk_path]).decode() package_name = next( _RemovePrefix(item, 'name=').strip('\'') for item in badging.split() if item.startswith('name=')) logging.debug('Package name: %s' % package_name) return package_name def _InitializeAndroid(apk_path): if _GetAdbRoot(): # /data/local/tmp/ is not writable by apps.. So use the app path _Global.temp_dir = '/data/data/' + TEST_PACKAGE_NAME + '/tmp/' else: # /sdcard/ is slow (see https://crrev.com/c/3615081 for details) # logging will be fully-buffered, can be truncated on crashes _Global.temp_dir = '/sdcard/Download/' assert _FindPackageName(apk_path) == TEST_PACKAGE_NAME apk_files = subprocess.check_output([_FindAapt(), 'list', apk_path]).decode().split() apk_so_libs = [posixpath.basename(f) for f in apk_files if f.endswith('.so')] if 'libangle_util.cr.so' in apk_so_libs: _Global.lib_extension = '.cr.so' else: assert 'libangle_util.so' in apk_so_libs _Global.lib_extension = '.so' # When traces are outside of the apk this lib is also outside interpreter_so_lib = 'libangle_trace_interpreter' + _Global.lib_extension _Global.traces_outside_of_apk = interpreter_so_lib not in apk_so_libs if logging.getLogger().isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logging.debug(_AdbShell('dumpsys nfc | grep mScreenState || true').decode()) logging.debug(_AdbShell('df -h').decode()) def Initialize(suite_name): if _Global.initialized: return apk_path = _ApkPath(suite_name) if os.path.exists(apk_path): _Global.is_android = True _InitializeAndroid(apk_path) _Global.initialized = True def IsAndroid(): assert _Global.initialized, 'Initialize not called' return _Global.is_android def _EnsureTestSuite(suite_name): assert IsAndroid() if _Global.current_suite != suite_name: _PrepareTestSuite(suite_name) _Global.current_suite = suite_name def _Run(cmd): logging.debug('Executing command: %s', cmd) startupinfo = None if hasattr(subprocess, 'STARTUPINFO'): # Prevent console window popping up on Windows startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, startupinfo=startupinfo) return output @functools.lru_cache() def _FindAdb(): platform_tools = ( pathlib.Path(angle_path_util.ANGLE_ROOT_DIR) / 'third_party' / 'android_sdk' / 'public' / 'platform-tools') adb = str(platform_tools / 'adb') if platform_tools.exists() else 'adb' adb_info = ', '.join(subprocess.check_output([adb, '--version']).decode().strip().split('\n')) logging.info('adb --version: %s', adb_info) return adb def _AdbRun(args): return _Run([_FindAdb()] + args) def _AdbShell(cmd): return _Run([_FindAdb(), 'shell', cmd]) def _GetAdbRoot(): shell_id, su_path = _AdbShell('id -u; which su || echo noroot').decode().strip().split('\n') if int(shell_id) == 0: logging.info('adb already got root') return True if su_path == 'noroot': logging.warning('adb root not available on this device') return False logging.info('Getting adb root (may take a few seconds)') _AdbRun(['root']) for _ in range(20): # `adb root` restarts adbd which can take quite a few seconds time.sleep(0.5) id_out = _AdbShell('id -u').decode('ascii').strip() if id_out == '0': logging.info('adb root succeeded') return True # Device has "su" but we couldn't get adb root. Something is wrong. raise Exception('Failed to get adb root') def _ReadDeviceFile(device_path): with _TempLocalFile() as tempfile_path: _AdbRun(['pull', device_path, tempfile_path]) with open(tempfile_path, 'rb') as f: return f.read() def _RemoveDeviceFile(device_path): _AdbShell('rm -f ' + device_path + ' || true') # ignore errors def _AddRestrictedTracesJson(): def add(tar, fn): assert (fn.startswith('../../')) tar.add(fn, arcname=fn.replace('../../', '')) with _TempLocalFile() as tempfile_path: with tarfile.open(tempfile_path, 'w', format=tarfile.GNU_FORMAT) as tar: for f in glob.glob('../../src/tests/restricted_traces/*/*.json', recursive=True): add(tar, f) add(tar, '../../src/tests/restricted_traces/restricted_traces.json') _AdbRun(['push', tempfile_path, '/sdcard/chromium_tests_root/t.tar']) _AdbShell('r=/sdcard/chromium_tests_root; tar -xf $r/t.tar -C $r/ && rm $r/t.tar') def _GetDeviceApkPath(): pm_path = _AdbShell('pm path %s || true' % TEST_PACKAGE_NAME).decode().strip() if not pm_path: logging.debug('No installed path found for %s' % TEST_PACKAGE_NAME) return None device_apk_path = _RemovePrefix(pm_path, 'package:') logging.debug('Device APK path is %s' % device_apk_path) return device_apk_path def _CompareHashes(local_path, device_path): if device_path.startswith('/data'): # Use run-as for files that reside on /data, which aren't accessible without root device_hash = _AdbShell('run-as ' + TEST_PACKAGE_NAME + ' sha256sum -b ' + device_path + ' 2> /dev/null || true').decode().strip() else: device_hash = _AdbShell('sha256sum -b ' + device_path + ' 2> /dev/null || true').decode().strip() if not device_hash: logging.debug('_CompareHashes: File not found on device') return False # file not on device h = hashlib.sha256() try: with open(local_path, 'rb') as f: for data in iter(lambda: f.read(65536), b''): h.update(data) except Exception as e: logging.error('An error occurred in _CompareHashes: %s' % e) return h.hexdigest() == device_hash def _PrepareTestSuite(suite_name): apk_path = _ApkPath(suite_name) device_apk_path = _GetDeviceApkPath() if device_apk_path and _CompareHashes(apk_path, device_apk_path): logging.info('Skipping APK install because host and device hashes match') else: logging.info('Installing apk path=%s size=%s' % (apk_path, os.path.getsize(apk_path))) _AdbRun(['install', '-r', '-d', apk_path]) permissions = [ 'android.permission.CAMERA', 'android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION', 'android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE', 'android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO', 'android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE' ] _AdbShell('p=%s;' 'for q in %s;do pm grant "$p" "$q";done;' % (TEST_PACKAGE_NAME, ' '.join(permissions))) _AdbShell('appops set %s MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE allow || true' % TEST_PACKAGE_NAME) _AdbShell('mkdir -p /sdcard/chromium_tests_root/') _AdbShell('mkdir -p %s' % _Global.temp_dir) if suite_name == ANGLE_TRACE_TEST_SUITE: _AddRestrictedTracesJson() if suite_name == 'angle_end2end_tests': _AdbRun([ 'push', '../../src/tests/angle_end2end_tests_expectations.txt', '/sdcard/chromium_tests_root/src/tests/angle_end2end_tests_expectations.txt' ]) def PrepareRestrictedTraces(traces): start = time.time() total_size = 0 skipped = 0 # In order to get files to the app's home directory and loadable as libraries, we must first # push them to tmp on the device. We then use `run-as` which allows copying files from tmp. # Note that `mv` is not allowed with `run-as`. This means there will briefly be two copies # of the trace on the device, so keep that in mind as space becomes a problem in the future. app_tmp_path = '/data/local/tmp/angle_traces/' def _HashesMatch(local_path, device_path): nonlocal total_size, skipped if _CompareHashes(local_path, device_path): skipped += 1 return True else: total_size += os.path.getsize(local_path) return False def _Push(local_path, path_from_root): device_path = '/sdcard/chromium_tests_root/' + path_from_root if not _HashesMatch(local_path, device_path): _AdbRun(['push', local_path, device_path]) def _PushLibToAppDir(lib_name): local_path = lib_name device_path = '/data/user/0/com.android.angle.test/angle_traces/' + lib_name if _HashesMatch(local_path, device_path): return tmp_path = posixpath.join(app_tmp_path, lib_name) logging.debug('_PushToAppDir: Pushing %s to %s' % (local_path, tmp_path)) try: _AdbRun(['push', local_path, tmp_path]) _AdbShell('run-as ' + TEST_PACKAGE_NAME + ' cp ' + tmp_path + ' ./angle_traces/') _AdbShell('rm ' + tmp_path) except Exception as e: logging.error('An error occurred in _PushToAppDir: %s' % e) finally: _RemoveDeviceFile(tmp_path) # Create the directories we need _AdbShell('mkdir -p ' + app_tmp_path) _AdbShell('run-as ' + TEST_PACKAGE_NAME + ' mkdir -p angle_traces') # Set up each trace for idx, trace in enumerate(sorted(traces)): logging.info('Syncing %s trace (%d/%d)', trace, idx + 1, len(traces)) path_from_root = 'src/tests/restricted_traces/' + trace + '/' + trace + '.angledata.gz' _Push('../../' + path_from_root, path_from_root) tracegz = 'gen/tracegz_' + trace + '.gz' _Push(tracegz, tracegz) if _Global.traces_outside_of_apk: lib_name = 'libangle_restricted_traces_' + trace + _Global.lib_extension _PushLibToAppDir(lib_name) # Push one additional file when running outside the APK if _Global.traces_outside_of_apk: _PushLibToAppDir('libangle_trace_interpreter' + _Global.lib_extension) logging.info('Synced files for %d traces (%.1fMB, %d files already ok) in %.1fs', len(traces), total_size / 1e6, skipped, time.time() - start) def _RandomHex(): return hex(random.randint(0, 2**64))[2:] @contextlib.contextmanager def _TempDeviceDir(): path = posixpath.join(_Global.temp_dir, 'temp_dir-%s' % _RandomHex()) _AdbShell('mkdir -p ' + path) try: yield path finally: _AdbShell('rm -rf ' + path) @contextlib.contextmanager def _TempDeviceFile(): path = posixpath.join(_Global.temp_dir, 'temp_file-%s' % _RandomHex()) try: yield path finally: _AdbShell('rm -f ' + path) @contextlib.contextmanager def _TempLocalFile(): fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) try: yield path finally: os.remove(path) def _RunInstrumentation(flags): with _TempDeviceFile() as temp_device_file: cmd = ' '.join([ 'p=%s;' % TEST_PACKAGE_NAME, 'ntr=org.chromium.native_test.NativeTestInstrumentationTestRunner;', 'am instrument -w', '-e $ntr.NativeTestActivity "$p".AngleUnitTestActivity', '-e $ntr.ShardNanoTimeout 2400000000000', '-e org.chromium.native_test.NativeTest.CommandLineFlags "%s"' % ' '.join(flags), '-e $ntr.StdoutFile ' + temp_device_file, '"$p"/org.chromium.build.gtest_apk.NativeTestInstrumentationTestRunner', ]) _AdbShell(cmd) return _ReadDeviceFile(temp_device_file) def _DumpDebugInfo(since_time): logcat_output = _AdbRun(['logcat', '-t', since_time]).decode() logging.info('logcat:\n%s', logcat_output) pid_lines = [ ln for ln in logcat_output.split('\n') if 'org.chromium.native_test.NativeTest.StdoutFile' in ln ] if pid_lines: debuggerd_output = _AdbShell('debuggerd %s' % pid_lines[-1].split(' ')[2]).decode() logging.warning('debuggerd output:\n%s', debuggerd_output) def _RunInstrumentationWithTimeout(flags, timeout): initial_time = _AdbShell('date +"%F %T.%3N"').decode().strip() results = [] def run(): results.append(_RunInstrumentation(flags)) t = threading.Thread(target=run) t.daemon = True t.start() t.join(timeout=timeout) if t.is_alive(): # join timed out logging.warning('Timed out, dumping debug info') _DumpDebugInfo(since_time=initial_time) raise TimeoutError('Test run did not finish in %s seconds' % timeout) return results[0] def AngleSystemInfo(args): _EnsureTestSuite('angle_system_info_test') with _TempDeviceDir() as temp_dir: _RunInstrumentation(args + ['--render-test-output-dir=' + temp_dir]) output_file = posixpath.join(temp_dir, 'angle_system_info.json') return json.loads(_ReadDeviceFile(output_file)) def GetBuildFingerprint(): return _AdbShell('getprop ro.build.fingerprint').decode('ascii').strip() def _PullDir(device_dir, local_dir): files = _AdbShell('ls -1 %s' % device_dir).decode('ascii').split('\n') for f in files: f = f.strip() if f: _AdbRun(['pull', posixpath.join(device_dir, f), posixpath.join(local_dir, f)]) def _RemoveFlag(args, f): matches = [a for a in args if a.startswith(f + '=')] assert len(matches) <= 1 if matches: original_value = matches[0].split('=')[1] args.remove(matches[0]) else: original_value = None return original_value def RunSmokeTest(): _EnsureTestSuite(ANGLE_TRACE_TEST_SUITE) test_name = 'TraceTest.words_with_friends_2' run_instrumentation_timeout = 60 logging.info('Running smoke test (%s)', test_name) trace_name = GetTraceFromTestName(test_name) if not trace_name: raise Exception('Cannot find trace name from %s.' % test_name) PrepareRestrictedTraces([trace_name]) with _TempDeviceFile() as device_test_output_path: flags = [ '--gtest_filter=' + test_name, '--no-warmup', '--steps-per-trial', '1', '--trials', '1', '--isolated-script-test-output=' + device_test_output_path ] try: output = _RunInstrumentationWithTimeout(flags, run_instrumentation_timeout) except TimeoutError: raise Exception('Smoke test did not finish in %s seconds' % run_instrumentation_timeout) test_output = _ReadDeviceFile(device_test_output_path) output_json = json.loads(test_output) if output_json['tests'][test_name]['actual'] != 'PASS': raise Exception('Smoke test (%s) failed. Output:\n%s' % (test_name, output)) logging.info('Smoke test passed') def RunTests(test_suite, args, stdoutfile=None, log_output=True): _EnsureTestSuite(test_suite) args = args[:] test_output_path = _RemoveFlag(args, '--isolated-script-test-output') perf_output_path = _RemoveFlag(args, '--isolated-script-test-perf-output') test_output_dir = _RemoveFlag(args, '--render-test-output-dir') result = 0 output = b'' output_json = {} try: with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: device_test_output_path = stack.enter_context(_TempDeviceFile()) args.append('--isolated-script-test-output=' + device_test_output_path) if perf_output_path: device_perf_path = stack.enter_context(_TempDeviceFile()) args.append('--isolated-script-test-perf-output=%s' % device_perf_path) if test_output_dir: device_output_dir = stack.enter_context(_TempDeviceDir()) args.append('--render-test-output-dir=' + device_output_dir) output = _RunInstrumentationWithTimeout(args, timeout=10 * 60) if '--list-tests' in args: # When listing tests, there may be no output file. We parse stdout anyways. test_output = '{"interrupted": false}' else: try: test_output = _ReadDeviceFile(device_test_output_path) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logging.error('Unable to read test json output. Stdout:\n%s', output.decode()) result = 1 return result, output.decode(), None if test_output_path: with open(test_output_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(test_output) output_json = json.loads(test_output) num_failures = output_json.get('num_failures_by_type', {}).get('FAIL', 0) interrupted = output_json.get('interrupted', True) # Normally set to False if num_failures != 0 or interrupted or output_json.get('is_unexpected', False): logging.error('Tests failed: %s', test_output.decode()) result = 1 if test_output_dir: _PullDir(device_output_dir, test_output_dir) if perf_output_path: _AdbRun(['pull', device_perf_path, perf_output_path]) if log_output: logging.info(output.decode()) if stdoutfile: with open(stdoutfile, 'wb') as f: f.write(output) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) result = 1 return result, output.decode(), output_json def GetTraceFromTestName(test_name): if test_name.startswith('TraceTest.'): return test_name[len('TraceTest.'):] return None