# Lint as: python2, python3 # Copyright (c) 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import logging import time from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error from autotest_lib.server import test from autotest_lib.server.cros.cellular.callbox_utils import CallboxLookup as cbl from autotest_lib.server.cros.cellular.callbox_utils import cmw500_cellular_simulator as cmw from autotest_lib.server.cros.cellular.simulation_utils import ChromebookCellularDut from autotest_lib.server.cros.cellular.simulation_utils import LteSimulation class cellular_Callbox_AssertSMS(test.test): """ Asserts that SMS functionality works. This test asserts that SMS messages are received. It does so by connecting to the callbox, setting the text message to be a unique string, asserting that the text is not in /var/log/net.log, restarting the modemmanager with log level in debug mode so that SMS messages are sent to /var/log/net.log, sending the SMS message, then asserting that the string appears in /var/log/net.log """ version = 1 def run_once(self, host): """Simple test that asserts that SMS messages are received by the Chromebook DUT """ self.log = logging.getLogger() self.sim = cmw.CMW500CellularSimulator(cbl.callboxes[host.hostname], 5025) self.dut = ChromebookCellularDut.ChromebookCellularDut(host, self.log) self.simulation = LteSimulation.LteSimulation( self.sim, self.log, self.dut, { 'attach_retries': 1, 'attach_timeout': 120 }, None) parameter_list = [ 'band', '2', 'bw', '20', 'mimo', '2x2', 'tm', '1', 'pul', '0', 'pdl', 'high' ] self.simulation.parse_parameters(parameter_list) self.simulation.start() host.run("stop modemmanager") host.run("start modemmanager MM_LOGLEVEL=DEBUG") text_string = "SMSWRAPPER" + str(time.time()) + "SMSWRAPPER" try: grep_out = host.run("cat /var/log/net.log | grep %s" % text_string) except: pass else: raise error.TestFailure( "Expected not to find '%s', got '%s'" % (text_string, grep_out)) self.simulation.send_sms(text_string) try: grep_out = host.run("cat /var/log/net.log | grep %s" % text_string) except: raise error.TestFailure( "Expected string (%s) not found in /var/log/net.log" % text_string)