.. _module-pw_third_party_boringssl: ========= BoringSSL ========= The ``$dir_pw_third_party/boringssl`` module provides the build files to compile and use BoringSSL. The source code of BoringSSL needs to be provided by the user. It is recommended to download it via Git submodules. ------------- Build support ------------- This module provides support to compile BoringSSL with GN. This is required when compiling backends modules that use BoringSSL, such as some facades in :ref:`module-pw_crypto` Submodule ========= The recommended way to include BoringSSL source code is to add it as a submodule: .. code-block:: sh git submodule add https://boringssl.googlesource.com/boringssl/ \ third_party/boringssl/src GN == The GN build file depends on a generated file called ``BUILD.generated.gni`` with the list of the different types of source files for the selected BoringSSL version. .. code-block:: sh cd third_party/boringssl python src/util/generate_build_files.py gn The GN variables needed are defined in ``$dir_pw_third_party/boringssl/boringssl.gni``: #. Set the GN ``dir_pw_third_party_boringssl`` to the path of the BoringSSL installation. - If using the submodule path from above, add the following to the ``default_args`` in the project's ``.gn``: .. code-block:: dir_pw_third_party_boringssl = "//third_party/boringssl/src" #. Having a non-empty ``dir_pw_third_party_boringssl`` variable causes GN to attempt to include the ``BUILD.generated.gni`` file from the sources even during the bootstrap process before the source package is installed by the bootstrap process. To avoid this problem, set this variable to the empty string during bootstrap by adding it to the ``virtualenv.gn_args`` setting in the ``env_setup.json`` file: .. code-block:: json { "virtualenv": { "gn_args": [ "dir_pw_third_party_boringssl=\"\"" ] } } #. Alternatively, set the GN ``pw_third_party_boringssl_ALIAS`` to your boringssl build target if you would like to use your own build target instead of the one provided by Pigweed. This should be used instead of ``dir_pw_third_party_boringssl``. This fixes diamond dependency conflicts caused by two build targets using the same source files. After this is done a ``pw_source_set`` for the BoringSSL library is created at ``$dir_pw_third_party/boringssl``.