# Copyright 2021-2022 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. [metadata] name = bumble use_scm_version = True description = Bluetooth Stack for Apps, Emulation, Test and Experimentation long_description = file: README.md long_description_content_type = text/markdown author = Google author_email = tbd@tbd.com url = https://github.com/google/bumble [options] python_requires = >=3.8 packages = bumble, bumble.transport, bumble.profiles, bumble.apps, bumble.apps.link_relay package_dir = bumble = bumble bumble.apps = apps include-package-data = True install_requires = appdirs >= 1.4 click >= 7.1.2; platform_system!='Emscripten' cryptography == 35; platform_system!='Emscripten' grpcio >= 1.46; platform_system!='Emscripten' libusb1 >= 2.0.1; platform_system!='Emscripten' libusb-package ==; platform_system!='Emscripten' prompt_toolkit >= 3.0.16; platform_system!='Emscripten' protobuf >= 3.12.4 pyee >= 8.2.2 pyserial-asyncio >= 0.5; platform_system!='Emscripten' pyserial >= 3.5; platform_system!='Emscripten' pyusb >= 1.2; platform_system!='Emscripten' websockets >= 8.1; platform_system!='Emscripten' [options.entry_points] console_scripts = bumble-console = bumble.apps.console:main bumble-controller-info = bumble.apps.controller_info:main bumble-gatt-dump = bumble.apps.gatt_dump:main bumble-hci-bridge = bumble.apps.hci_bridge:main bumble-l2cap-bridge = bumble.apps.l2cap_bridge:main bumble-pair = bumble.apps.pair:main bumble-scan = bumble.apps.scan:main bumble-show = bumble.apps.show:main bumble-unbond = bumble.apps.unbond:main bumble-usb-probe = bumble.apps.usb_probe:main bumble-link-relay = bumble.apps.link_relay.link_relay:main bumble-bench = bumble.apps.bench:main [options.package_data] * = py.typed, *.pyi [options.extras_require] build = build >= 0.7 test = pytest >= 6.2 pytest-asyncio >= 0.17 pytest-html >= 3.2.0 coverage >= 6.4 development = black == 22.10 invoke >= 1.7.3 mypy == 1.1.1 nox >= 2022 pylint == 2.15.8 types-appdirs >= 1.4.3 types-invoke >= 1.7.3 types-protobuf >= 4.21.0 documentation = mkdocs >= 1.4.0 mkdocs-material >= 8.5.6 mkdocstrings[python] >= 0.19.0