import sys, os, py import subprocess import cffi from testing.udir import udir from shutil import rmtree from tempfile import mkdtemp def chdir_to_tmp(f): f.chdir_to_tmp = True return f def from_outside(f): f.chdir_to_tmp = False return f class TestDist(object): def setup_method(self, meth): self.executable = os.path.abspath(sys.executable) self.rootdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname( cffi.__file__))) self.udir = udir.join(meth.__name__) os.mkdir(str(self.udir)) if meth.chdir_to_tmp: self.saved_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(str(self.udir)) def teardown_method(self, meth): if hasattr(self, 'saved_cwd'): os.chdir(self.saved_cwd) def run(self, args, cwd=None): env = os.environ.copy() # a horrible hack to prevent distutils from finding ~/.pydistutils.cfg # (there is the --no-user-cfg option, but not in Python 2.6...) # NOTE: pointing $HOME to a nonexistent directory can break certain things # that look there for configuration (like ccache). tmp_home = mkdtemp() assert tmp_home != None, "cannot create temporary homedir" env['HOME'] = tmp_home if cwd is None: newpath = self.rootdir if 'PYTHONPATH' in env: newpath += os.pathsep + env['PYTHONPATH'] env['PYTHONPATH'] = newpath try: subprocess.check_call([self.executable] + args, cwd=cwd, env=env) finally: rmtree(tmp_home) def _prepare_setuptools(self): if hasattr(TestDist, '_setuptools_ready'): return try: import setuptools except ImportError: py.test.skip("setuptools not found") if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.rootdir, '')):['', 'egg_info'], cwd=self.rootdir) TestDist._setuptools_ready = True def check_produced_files(self, content, curdir=None): if curdir is None: curdir = str(self.udir) found_so = None for name in os.listdir(curdir): if (name.endswith('.so') or name.endswith('.pyd') or name.endswith('.dylib') or name.endswith('.dll')): found_so = os.path.join(curdir, name) # => foo parts = name.split('.') del parts[-1] if len(parts) > 1 and parts[-1] != 'bar': # => foo, but => del parts[-1] name = '.'.join(parts) # foo_d => foo (Python 2 debug builds) if name.endswith('_d') and hasattr(sys, 'gettotalrefcount'): name = name[:-2] name += '.SO' if name.startswith('pycparser') and name.endswith('.egg'): continue # no clue why this shows up sometimes and not others if name == '.eggs': continue # seems new in 3.5, ignore it assert name in content, "found unexpected file %r" % ( os.path.join(curdir, name),) value = content.pop(name) if value is None: assert name.endswith('.SO') or ( os.path.isfile(os.path.join(curdir, name))) else: subdir = os.path.join(curdir, name) assert os.path.isdir(subdir) if value == '?': continue found_so = self.check_produced_files(value, subdir) or found_so assert content == {}, "files or dirs not produced in %r: %r" % ( curdir, content.keys()) return found_so @chdir_to_tmp def test_empty(self): self.check_produced_files({}) @chdir_to_tmp def test_abi_emit_python_code_1(self): ffi = cffi.FFI() ffi.set_source("package_name_1.mymod", None) ffi.emit_python_code('') self.check_produced_files({'': None}) @chdir_to_tmp def test_abi_emit_python_code_2(self): ffi = cffi.FFI() ffi.set_source("package_name_1.mymod", None) py.test.raises(IOError, ffi.emit_python_code, 'unexisting/') @from_outside def test_abi_emit_python_code_3(self): ffi = cffi.FFI() ffi.set_source("package_name_1.mymod", None) ffi.emit_python_code(str(self.udir.join(''))) self.check_produced_files({'': None}) @chdir_to_tmp def test_abi_compile_1(self): ffi = cffi.FFI() ffi.set_source("mod_name_in_package.mymod", None) x = ffi.compile() self.check_produced_files({'mod_name_in_package': {'': None}}) assert x == os.path.join('.', 'mod_name_in_package', '') @chdir_to_tmp def test_abi_compile_2(self): ffi = cffi.FFI() ffi.set_source("mod_name_in_package.mymod", None) x = ffi.compile('build2') self.check_produced_files({'build2': { 'mod_name_in_package': {'': None}}}) assert x == os.path.join('build2', 'mod_name_in_package', '') @from_outside def test_abi_compile_3(self): ffi = cffi.FFI() ffi.set_source("mod_name_in_package.mymod", None) tmpdir = str(self.udir.join('build3')) x = ffi.compile(tmpdir) self.check_produced_files({'build3': { 'mod_name_in_package': {'': None}}}) assert x == os.path.join(tmpdir, 'mod_name_in_package', '') @chdir_to_tmp def test_api_emit_c_code_1(self): ffi = cffi.FFI() ffi.set_source("package_name_1.mymod", "/*code would be here*/") ffi.emit_c_code('xyz.c') self.check_produced_files({'xyz.c': None}) @chdir_to_tmp def test_api_emit_c_code_2(self): ffi = cffi.FFI() ffi.set_source("package_name_1.mymod", "/*code would be here*/") py.test.raises(IOError, ffi.emit_c_code, 'unexisting/xyz.c') @from_outside def test_api_emit_c_code_3(self): ffi = cffi.FFI() ffi.set_source("package_name_1.mymod", "/*code would be here*/") ffi.emit_c_code(str(self.udir.join('xyu.c'))) self.check_produced_files({'xyu.c': None}) @chdir_to_tmp def test_api_compile_1(self): ffi = cffi.FFI() ffi.set_source("mod_name_in_package.mymod", "/*code would be here*/") x = ffi.compile() if sys.platform != 'win32': sofile = self.check_produced_files({ 'mod_name_in_package': {'mymod.SO': None, 'mymod.c': None, 'mymod.o': None}}) assert os.path.isabs(x) and os.path.samefile(x, sofile) else: self.check_produced_files({ 'mod_name_in_package': {'mymod.SO': None, 'mymod.c': None}, 'Release': '?'}) @chdir_to_tmp def test_api_compile_2(self): ffi = cffi.FFI() ffi.set_source("mod_name_in_package.mymod", "/*code would be here*/") x = ffi.compile('output') if sys.platform != 'win32': sofile = self.check_produced_files({ 'output': {'mod_name_in_package': {'mymod.SO': None, 'mymod.c': None, 'mymod.o': None}}}) assert os.path.isabs(x) and os.path.samefile(x, sofile) else: self.check_produced_files({ 'output': {'mod_name_in_package': {'mymod.SO': None, 'mymod.c': None}, 'Release': '?'}}) @from_outside def test_api_compile_3(self): ffi = cffi.FFI() ffi.set_source("mod_name_in_package.mymod", "/*code would be here*/") x = ffi.compile(str(self.udir.join('foo'))) if sys.platform != 'win32': sofile = self.check_produced_files({ 'foo': {'mod_name_in_package': {'mymod.SO': None, 'mymod.c': None, 'mymod.o': None}}}) assert os.path.isabs(x) and os.path.samefile(x, sofile) else: self.check_produced_files({ 'foo': {'mod_name_in_package': {'mymod.SO': None, 'mymod.c': None}, 'Release': '?'}}) @chdir_to_tmp def test_api_compile_explicit_target_1(self): ffi = cffi.FFI() ffi.set_source("mod_name_in_package.mymod", "/*code would be here*/") x = ffi.compile(target="*") if sys.platform != 'win32': sofile = self.check_produced_files({ 'mod_name_in_package': {'': None, 'mymod.c': None, 'mymod.o': None}}) assert os.path.isabs(x) and os.path.samefile(x, sofile) else: self.check_produced_files({ 'mod_name_in_package': {'': None, 'mymod.c': None}, 'Release': '?'}) @chdir_to_tmp def test_api_compile_explicit_target_3(self): ffi = cffi.FFI() ffi.set_source("mod_name_in_package.mymod", "/*code would be here*/") x = ffi.compile(target="") if sys.platform != 'win32': self.check_produced_files({ 'mod_name_in_package': {'': None, 'mymod.c': None, 'mymod.o': None}}) sofile = os.path.join(str(self.udir), 'mod_name_in_package', '') assert os.path.isabs(x) and os.path.samefile(x, sofile) else: self.check_produced_files({ 'mod_name_in_package': {'': None, 'mymod.c': None}, 'Release': '?'}) @chdir_to_tmp def test_api_distutils_extension_1(self): ffi = cffi.FFI() ffi.set_source("mod_name_in_package.mymod", "/*code would be here*/") ext = ffi.distutils_extension() self.check_produced_files({'build': { 'mod_name_in_package': {'mymod.c': None}}}) if hasattr(os.path, 'samefile'): assert os.path.samefile(ext.sources[0], 'build/mod_name_in_package/mymod.c') @from_outside def test_api_distutils_extension_2(self): ffi = cffi.FFI() ffi.set_source("mod_name_in_package.mymod", "/*code would be here*/") ext = ffi.distutils_extension(str(self.udir.join('foo'))) self.check_produced_files({'foo': { 'mod_name_in_package': {'mymod.c': None}}}) if hasattr(os.path, 'samefile'): assert os.path.samefile(ext.sources[0], str(self.udir.join('foo/mod_name_in_package/mymod.c'))) def _make_distutils_api(self): os.mkdir("src") os.mkdir(os.path.join("src", "pack1")) with open(os.path.join("src", "pack1", ""), "w") as f: pass with open("", "w") as f: f.write("""if 1: # import sys if sys.platform == 'win32': try: import setuptools except ImportError: pass import cffi ffi = cffi.FFI() ffi.set_source("pack1.mymod", "/*code would be here*/") from distutils.core import setup setup(name='example1', version='0.1', packages=['pack1'], package_dir={'': 'src'}, ext_modules=[ffi.distutils_extension()]) """) @chdir_to_tmp def test_distutils_api_1(self): self._make_distutils_api()["", "build"]) self.check_produced_files({'': None, 'build': '?', 'src': {'pack1': {'': None}}}) @chdir_to_tmp def test_distutils_api_2(self): self._make_distutils_api()["", "build_ext", "-i"]) self.check_produced_files({'': None, 'build': '?', 'src': {'pack1': {'': None, 'mymod.SO': None}}}) def _make_setuptools_abi(self): self._prepare_setuptools() os.mkdir("src0") os.mkdir(os.path.join("src0", "pack2")) with open(os.path.join("src0", "pack2", ""), "w") as f: pass with open(os.path.join("src0", "pack2", ""), "w") as f: f.write("""if 1: import cffi ffi = cffi.FFI() ffi.set_source("pack2.mymod", None) """) with open("", "w") as f: f.write("""if 1: from setuptools import setup setup(name='example1', version='0.1', packages=['pack2'], package_dir={'': 'src0'}, cffi_modules=["src0/pack2/"]) """) @chdir_to_tmp def test_setuptools_abi_1(self): self._make_setuptools_abi()["", "build"]) self.check_produced_files({'': None, 'build': '?', 'src0': {'pack2': {'': None, '': None}}}) @chdir_to_tmp def test_setuptools_abi_2(self): self._make_setuptools_abi()["", "build_ext", "-i"]) self.check_produced_files({'': None, 'src0': {'pack2': {'': None, '': None, '': None}}}) def _make_setuptools_api(self): self._prepare_setuptools() os.mkdir("src1") os.mkdir(os.path.join("src1", "pack3")) with open(os.path.join("src1", "pack3", ""), "w") as f: pass with open(os.path.join("src1", "pack3", ""), "w") as f: f.write("""if 1: import cffi ffi = cffi.FFI() ffi.set_source("pack3.mymod", "/*code would be here*/") ffi._hi_there = 42 """) with open("", "w") as f: f.write("from __future__ import print_function\n" """if 1: from setuptools import setup from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext import os class TestBuildExt(build_ext): def pre_run(self, ext, ffi): print('_make_setuptools_api: in pre_run:', end=" ") assert ffi._hi_there == 42 assert == "pack3.mymod" fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.build_lib), '..', 'see_me') print('creating %r' % (fn,)) open(fn, 'w').close() setup(name='example1', version='0.1', packages=['pack3'], package_dir={'': 'src1'}, cffi_modules=["src1/pack3/"], cmdclass={'build_ext': TestBuildExt}, ) """) @chdir_to_tmp def test_setuptools_api_1(self): self._make_setuptools_api()["", "build"]) self.check_produced_files({'': None, 'build': '?', 'see_me': None, 'src1': {'pack3': {'': None, '': None}}}) @chdir_to_tmp def test_setuptools_api_2(self): self._make_setuptools_api()["", "build_ext", "-i"]) self.check_produced_files({'': None, 'build': '?', 'see_me': None, 'src1': {'pack3': {'': None, '': None, 'mymod.SO': None}}})