syntax = "proto2"; package; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atom_field_options.proto"; option java_package = ""; option java_multiple_files = true; extend Atom { optional ArtDatumReported art_datum_reported = 332 [(module) = "art"]; optional ArtDeviceDatumReported art_device_datum_reported = 550 [(module) = "art"]; optional ArtDatumDeltaReported art_datum_delta_reported = 565 [(module) = "art"]; } // Indicates which compile filter was used for the package being loaded in an ART session. enum ArtCompileFilter { ART_COMPILATION_FILTER_UNSPECIFIED = 0; ART_COMPILATION_FILTER_ERROR = 1; ART_COMPILATION_FILTER_UNKNOWN = 2; ART_COMPILATION_FILTER_ASSUMED_VERIFIED = 3; ART_COMPILATION_FILTER_EXTRACT = 4; ART_COMPILATION_FILTER_VERIFY = 5; ART_COMPILATION_FILTER_QUICKEN = 6; ART_COMPILATION_FILTER_SPACE_PROFILE = 7; ART_COMPILATION_FILTER_SPACE = 8; ART_COMPILATION_FILTER_SPEED_PROFILE = 9; ART_COMPILATION_FILTER_SPEED = 10; ART_COMPILATION_FILTER_EVERYTHING_PROFILE = 11; ART_COMPILATION_FILTER_EVERYTHING = 12; ART_COMPILATION_FILTER_FAKE_RUN_FROM_APK = 13; ART_COMPILATION_FILTER_FAKE_RUN_FROM_APK_FALLBACK = 14; ART_COMPILATION_FILTER_FAKE_RUN_FROM_VDEX_FALLBACK = 15; } // Indicates what triggered the compilation of the package. enum ArtCompilationReason { ART_COMPILATION_REASON_UNSPECIFIED = 0; ART_COMPILATION_REASON_ERROR = 1; ART_COMPILATION_REASON_UNKNOWN = 2; ART_COMPILATION_REASON_FIRST_BOOT = 3; ART_COMPILATION_REASON_BOOT = 4; ART_COMPILATION_REASON_INSTALL = 5; ART_COMPILATION_REASON_BG_DEXOPT = 6; ART_COMPILATION_REASON_AB_OTA = 7; ART_COMPILATION_REASON_INACTIVE = 8; ART_COMPILATION_REASON_SHARED = 9; ART_COMPILATION_REASON_INSTALL_WITH_DEX_METADATA = 10; ART_COMPILATION_REASON_POST_BOOT = 11; ART_COMPILATION_REASON_INSTALL_FAST = 12; ART_COMPILATION_REASON_INSTALL_BULK = 13; ART_COMPILATION_REASON_INSTALL_BULK_SECONDARY = 14; ART_COMPILATION_REASON_INSTALL_BULK_DOWNGRADED = 15; ART_COMPILATION_REASON_INSTALL_BULK_SECONDARY_DOWNGRADED = 16; ART_COMPILATION_REASON_BOOT_AFTER_OTA = 17; ART_COMPILATION_REASON_PREBUILT = 18; ART_COMPILATION_REASON_CMDLINE = 19; ART_COMPILATION_REASON_VDEX = 20; ART_COMPILATION_REASON_BOOT_AFTER_MAINLINE_UPDATE = 21; } // Indicates which kind of measurement ART is reporting. // // Where it makes sense, the datum ID ends with the type of datum (counter or histogram) and the // units. // Note: Histograms are not yet reported by statsd. enum ArtDatumId { ART_DATUM_INVALID = 0; ART_DATUM_GC_WORLD_STOP_TIME_AVG_MICROS = 1; ART_DATUM_GC_YOUNG_GENERATION_COLLECTION_TIME_HISTO_MILLIS = 2; ART_DATUM_GC_YOUNG_GENERATION_COLLECTION_COUNT = 3; ART_DATUM_GC_FULL_HEAP_COLLECTION_TIME_HISTO_MILLIS = 4; ART_DATUM_GC_FULL_HEAP_COLLECTION_COUNT = 5; ART_DATUM_JIT_METHOD_COMPILE_TIME_MICROS = 6; ART_DATUM_AOT_COMPILE_TIME = 7; ART_DATUM_CLASS_VERIFICATION_TIME_COUNTER_MICROS = 8; ART_DATUM_CLASS_LOADING_TIME_COUNTER_MICROS = 9; // Metrics IDs for dex2oat. ART_DATUM_DEX2OAT_RESULT_CODE = 10; ART_DATUM_DEX2OAT_DEX_CODE_COUNTER_BYTES = 11; ART_DATUM_DEX2OAT_TOTAL_TIME_COUNTER_MILLIS = 12; ART_DATUM_DEX2OAT_VERIFY_DEX_FILE_TIME_COUNTER_MILLIS = 13; ART_DATUM_DEX2OAT_FAST_VERIFY_TIME_COUNTER_MILLIS = 14; ART_DATUM_DEX2OAT_RESOLVE_METHODS_AND_FIELDS_TIME_COUNTER_MILLIS = 15; ART_DATUM_CLASS_VERIFICATION_COUNT = 16; ART_DATUM_GC_TOTAL_BYTES_ALLOCATED = 17; ART_DATUM_GC_TOTAL_METADATA_SIZE_BYTES = 18 [deprecated=true]; ART_DATUM_GC_YOUNG_GENERATION_COLLECTION_THROUGHPUT_HISTO_MB_PER_SEC = 19; ART_DATUM_GC_FULL_HEAP_COLLECTION_THROUGHPUT_HISTO_MB_PER_SEC = 20; ART_DATUM_JIT_METHOD_COMPILE_COUNT = 21; ART_DATUM_GC_YOUNG_GENERATION_TRACING_THROUGHPUT_HISTO_MB_PER_SEC = 22; ART_DATUM_GC_FULL_HEAP_TRACING_THROUGHPUT_HISTO_MB_PER_SEC = 23; ART_DATUM_GC_YOUNG_GENERATION_COLLECTION_THROUGHPUT_AVG_MB_PER_SEC = 24; ART_DATUM_GC_FULL_HEAP_COLLECTION_THROUGHPUT_AVG_MB_PER_SEC = 25; ART_DATUM_GC_YOUNG_GENERATION_TRACING_THROUGHPUT_AVG_MB_PER_SEC = 26; ART_DATUM_GC_FULL_HEAP_TRACING_THROUGHPUT_AVG_MB_PER_SEC = 27; ART_DATUM_GC_TOTAL_COLLECTION_TIME_MS = 28; // New metrics to support averages reported as sum (numerator) and count (denominator), // in order to make it easier to be reported as Value Metrics. // numerator from ART_DATUM_GC_WORLD_STOP_TIME_AVG_MICROS ART_DATUM_GC_WORLD_STOP_TIME_US = 29; // denominator from ART_DATUM_GC_WORLD_STOP_TIME_AVG_MICROS ART_DATUM_GC_WORLD_STOP_COUNT = 30; // numerator from ART_DATUM_GC_YOUNG_GENERATION_TRACING_THROUGHPUT_AVG_MB_PER_SEC ART_DATUM_GC_YOUNG_GENERATION_COLLECTION_SCANNED_BYTES = 31; // numerator from ART_DATUM_GC_YOUNG_GENERATION_COLLECTION_THROUGHPUT_AVG_MB_PER_SEC ART_DATUM_GC_YOUNG_GENERATION_COLLECTION_FREED_BYTES = 32; // denominator from ART_DATUM_GC_YOUNG_GENERATION_TRACING_THROUGHPUT_AVG_MB_PER_SEC // and ART_DATUM_GC_YOUNG_GENERATION_COLLECTION_THROUGHPUT_AVG_MB_PER_SEC ART_DATUM_GC_YOUNG_GENERATION_COLLECTION_DURATION_MS = 33; // numerator from ART_DATUM_GC_FULL_HEAP_TRACING_THROUGHPUT_AVG_MB_PER_SEC ART_DATUM_GC_FULL_HEAP_COLLECTION_SCANNED_BYTES = 34; // numerator from ART_DATUM_GC_FULL_HEAP_COLLECTION_THROUGHPUT_AVG_MB_PER_SEC ART_DATUM_GC_FULL_HEAP_COLLECTION_FREED_BYTES = 35; // denominator from ART_DATUM_GC_FULL_HEAP_TRACING_THROUGHPUT_AVG_MB_PER_SEC // and ART_DATUM_GC_FULL_HEAP_COLLECTION_THROUGHPUT_AVG_MB_PER_SEC ART_DATUM_GC_FULL_HEAP_COLLECTION_DURATION_MS = 36; } // Indicates which kind of measurement ART is reporting as increments / deltas. // Next ID: 37 enum ArtDatumDeltaId { ART_DATUM_DELTA_INVALID = 0; // These IDs are the equivalent of the ArtDatumId values, // but for reporting increments / deltas. ART_DATUM_DELTA_CLASS_VERIFICATION_COUNT = 16; ART_DATUM_DELTA_CLASS_VERIFICATION_TIME_MICROS = 8; ART_DATUM_DELTA_CLASS_LOADING_TIME_MICROS = 9; ART_DATUM_DELTA_GC_FULL_HEAP_COLLECTION_COUNT = 5; ART_DATUM_DELTA_GC_TOTAL_BYTES_ALLOCATED = 17; ART_DATUM_DELTA_GC_TOTAL_COLLECTION_TIME_MS = 28; ART_DATUM_DELTA_GC_YOUNG_GENERATION_COLLECTION_COUNT = 3; ART_DATUM_DELTA_JIT_METHOD_COMPILE_COUNT = 21; ART_DATUM_DELTA_JIT_METHOD_COMPILE_TIME_MICROS = 6; // numerator from ART_DATUM_GC_WORLD_STOP_TIME_AVG_MICROS ART_DATUM_DELTA_GC_WORLD_STOP_TIME_US = 29; // denominator from ART_DATUM_GC_WORLD_STOP_TIME_AVG_MICROS ART_DATUM_DELTA_GC_WORLD_STOP_COUNT = 30; // numerator from ART_DATUM_GC_YOUNG_GENERATION_TRACING_THROUGHPUT_AVG_MB_PER_SEC ART_DATUM_DELTA_GC_YOUNG_GENERATION_COLLECTION_SCANNED_BYTES = 31; // numerator from ART_DATUM_GC_YOUNG_GENERATION_COLLECTION_THROUGHPUT_AVG_MB_PER_SEC ART_DATUM_DELTA_GC_YOUNG_GENERATION_COLLECTION_FREED_BYTES = 32; // denominator from ART_DATUM_GC_YOUNG_GENERATION_TRACING_THROUGHPUT_AVG_MB_PER_SEC // and ART_DATUM_GC_YOUNG_GENERATION_COLLECTION_THROUGHPUT_AVG_MB_PER_SEC ART_DATUM_DELTA_GC_YOUNG_GENERATION_COLLECTION_DURATION_MS = 33; // numerator from ART_DATUM_GC_FULL_HEAP_TRACING_THROUGHPUT_AVG_MB_PER_SEC ART_DATUM_DELTA_GC_FULL_HEAP_COLLECTION_SCANNED_BYTES = 34; // numerator from ART_DATUM_GC_FULL_HEAP_COLLECTION_THROUGHPUT_AVG_MB_PER_SEC ART_DATUM_DELTA_GC_FULL_HEAP_COLLECTION_FREED_BYTES = 35; // denominator from ART_DATUM_GC_FULL_HEAP_TRACING_THROUGHPUT_AVG_MB_PER_SEC // and ART_DATUM_GC_FULL_HEAP_COLLECTION_THROUGHPUT_AVG_MB_PER_SEC ART_DATUM_DELTA_GC_FULL_HEAP_COLLECTION_DURATION_MS = 36; reserved 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27; } // Indicates what class of thread the reported values apply to. enum ArtThreadType { ART_THREAD_UNKNOWN = 0; ART_THREAD_MAIN = 1; ART_THREAD_BACKGROUND = 2; } // Indicates the type of dex metadata. enum ArtDexMetadataType { ART_DEX_METADATA_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; ART_DEX_METADATA_TYPE_PROFILE = 1; ART_DEX_METADATA_TYPE_VDEX = 2; ART_DEX_METADATA_TYPE_PROFILE_AND_VDEX = 3; ART_DEX_METADATA_TYPE_NONE = 4; ART_DEX_METADATA_TYPE_ERROR = 5; } // Indicates the type of the apk. enum ArtApkType { ART_APK_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; ART_APK_TYPE_BASE = 1; ART_APK_TYPE_SPLIT = 2; } // Indicates the ISA. enum ArtIsa { ART_ISA_UNKNOWN = 0; ART_ISA_ARM = 1; ART_ISA_ARM64 = 2; ART_ISA_X86 = 3; ART_ISA_X86_64 = 4; ART_ISA_MIPS = 5; ART_ISA_MIPS64 = 6; ART_ISA_RISCV64 = 7; } // Indicates the GC collector type. enum ArtGcCollectorType { ART_GC_COLLECTOR_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; ART_GC_COLLECTOR_TYPE_MARK_SWEEP = 1; ART_GC_COLLECTOR_TYPE_CONCURRENT_MARK_SWEEP = 2; ART_GC_COLLECTOR_TYPE_CONCURRENT_MARK_COMPACT = 3; ART_GC_COLLECTOR_TYPE_SEMI_SPACE = 4; ART_GC_COLLECTOR_TYPE_CONCURRENT_COPYING = 5; ART_GC_COLLECTOR_TYPE_CONCURRENT_COPYING_BACKGROUND = 6; } // Indicates support for userfaultfd and minor fault mode. enum ArtUffdSupport { ART_UFFD_SUPPORT_UNKNOWN = 0; ART_UFFD_SUPPORT_UFFD_NOT_SUPPORTED = 1; ART_UFFD_SUPPORT_MINOR_FAULT_MODE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 2; ART_UFFD_SUPPORT_MINOR_FAULT_MODE_SUPPORTED = 3; } message ArtDatumReported { // The session ID is used to correlate this report with others from the same ART instance. optional int64 session_id = 1; // The UID of the app that ART is running on behalf of. optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // What compiler filter the APK or DEX file was compiled with. optional ArtCompileFilter compile_filter = 3; // Why the package was compiled the way it was. optional ArtCompilationReason compilation_reason = 4; // The number of milliseconds since the ART runtime instance was started. optional int64 timestamp_millis = 5; // What kind of thread (UI or background) this metric corresponds to. optional ArtThreadType thread_type = 6; // Which counter this is that is being reported. optional ArtDatumId kind = 7; // The value of the counter. optional int64 value = 8; // The type of dex metadata optional ArtDexMetadataType dex_metadata_type = 9; // The type of the APK file. optional ArtApkType apk_type = 10; // The ISA of the device. optional ArtIsa isa = 11; // The Garbage Collector used in the Android Runtime. optional ArtGcCollectorType gc = 12; // The support for userfaultfd and minor fault mode. optional ArtUffdSupport uffd_support = 13; } // ArtDatumDeltaReported is the same as ArtDatumReported, except for the kind field // (ArtDatumDeltaId here, ArtDatumId for ArtDatumReported) message ArtDatumDeltaReported { // The session ID is used to correlate this report with others from the same ART instance. optional int64 session_id = 1; // The UID of the app that ART is running on behalf of. optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // What compiler filter the APK or DEX file was compiled with. optional ArtCompileFilter compile_filter = 3; // Why the package was compiled the way it was. optional ArtCompilationReason compilation_reason = 4; // The number of milliseconds since the ART runtime instance was started. optional int64 timestamp_millis = 5; // What kind of thread (UI or background) this metric corresponds to. optional ArtThreadType thread_type = 6; // Which counter this is that is being reported. optional ArtDatumDeltaId kind = 7; // The value of the counter. optional int64 value = 8; // The type of dex metadata optional ArtDexMetadataType dex_metadata_type = 9; // The type of the APK file. optional ArtApkType apk_type = 10; // The ISA of the device. optional ArtIsa isa = 11; // The Garbage Collector used in the Android Runtime. optional ArtGcCollectorType gc = 12; // The support for userfaultfd and minor fault mode. optional ArtUffdSupport uffd_support = 13; } /** * Logs ART metrics that are device-specific (as opposed to app-specific ones logged by * ArtDatumReported). * * Logged from: * art/runtime/metrics/ */ message ArtDeviceDatumReported { enum BootImageStatus { // Unknown value. STATUS_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // Boot image(s) are fully usable. STATUS_FULL = 1; // Only the minimal boot image is usable. STATUS_MINIMAL = 2; // No boot image is usable. STATUS_NONE = 3; } optional BootImageStatus boot_image_status = 1; }