#!/usr/bin/python3 # # Copyright 2015 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import errno import random from socket import * # pylint: disable=wildcard-import import time import unittest from scapy import all as scapy import csocket import multinetwork_base import net_test RTMGRP_NEIGH = 4 NUD_INCOMPLETE = 0x01 NUD_REACHABLE = 0x02 NUD_STALE = 0x04 NUD_DELAY = 0x08 NUD_PROBE = 0x10 NUD_FAILED = 0x20 NUD_PERMANENT = 0x80 # TODO: Support IPv4. class NeighbourTest(multinetwork_base.MultiNetworkBaseTest): # Set a 500-ms retrans timer so we can test for ND retransmits without # waiting too long. Apparently this cannot go below 500ms. RETRANS_TIME_MS = 500 # This can only be in seconds, so 1000 is the minimum. DELAY_TIME_MS = 1000 # Unfortunately, this must be above the delay timer or the kernel ND code will # not behave correctly (e.g., go straight from REACHABLE into DELAY). This is # is fuzzed by the kernel from 0.5x to 1.5x of its value, so we need a value # that's 2x the delay timer. BASE_REACHABLE_TIME_MS = 2 * DELAY_TIME_MS MAX_REACHABLE_TIME_MS = 1.5 * BASE_REACHABLE_TIME_MS # Kernel default unicast solicit is 3, but it need be changed larger # when test recofiguration during probing UCAST_SOLICIT_DEFAULT = 3 UCAST_SOLICIT_LARGE = 10 @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(NeighbourTest, cls).setUpClass() for netid in cls.tuns: iface = cls.GetInterfaceName(netid) # This can't be set in an RA. for proto in ["ipv4", "ipv6"]: cls.SetSysctl( "/proc/sys/net/%s/neigh/%s/delay_first_probe_time" % (proto, iface), cls.DELAY_TIME_MS // 1000) cls.SetSysctl( "/proc/sys/net/%s/neigh/%s/retrans_time_ms" % (proto, iface), cls.RETRANS_TIME_MS) def setUp(self): super(NeighbourTest, self).setUp() for netid in self.tuns: # Clear the ND cache entries for all routers, so each test starts with # the IPv6 default router in state STALE. addr = self._RouterAddress(netid, 6) ifindex = self.ifindices[netid] self.iproute.UpdateNeighbour(6, addr, None, ifindex, NUD_FAILED) # Configure IPv6 by sending an RA. self.SendRA(netid, retranstimer=self.RETRANS_TIME_MS, reachabletime=self.BASE_REACHABLE_TIME_MS) self.sock = socket(AF_NETLINK, SOCK_RAW, NETLINK_ROUTE) self.sock.bind((0, RTMGRP_NEIGH)) net_test.SetNonBlocking(self.sock) self.netid = random.choice(list(self.tuns.keys())) self.ifindex = self.ifindices[self.netid] # MultinetworkBaseTest always uses NUD_PERMANENT for router ARP entries. # Temporarily change those entries to NUD_STALE so we can test them. self.ChangeRouterNudState(4, NUD_STALE) def SetUnicastSolicit(self, proto, iface, value): self.SetSysctl( "/proc/sys/net/%s/neigh/%s/ucast_solicit" % (proto, iface), value) def tearDown(self): super(NeighbourTest, self).tearDown() # It is already reset to default by TearDownClass, # but here we need to set it to default after each testcase. iface = self.GetInterfaceName(self.netid) for proto in ["ipv4", "ipv6"]: self.SetUnicastSolicit(proto, iface, self.UCAST_SOLICIT_DEFAULT) # Change router ARP entries back to NUD_PERMANENT, # so as not to affect other tests. self.ChangeRouterNudState(4, NUD_PERMANENT) self.sock.close() self.sock = None def ChangeRouterNudState(self, version, state): router = self._RouterAddress(self.netid, version) macaddr = self.RouterMacAddress(self.netid) self.iproute.UpdateNeighbour(version, router, macaddr, self.ifindex, state) self.ExpectNeighbourNotification(router, state) self.assertNeighbourState(state, router) def GetNeighbour(self, addr, ifindex): version = csocket.AddressVersion(addr) for msg, args in self.iproute.DumpNeighbours(version, ifindex): if args["NDA_DST"] == addr: return msg, args def GetNdEntry(self, addr): return self.GetNeighbour(addr, self.ifindex) def CheckNoNdEvents(self): self.assertRaisesErrno(errno.EAGAIN, self.sock.recvfrom, 4096, MSG_PEEK) def assertNeighbourState(self, state, addr): self.assertEqual(state, self.GetNdEntry(addr)[0].state) def assertNeighbourAttr(self, addr, name, value): self.assertEqual(value, self.GetNdEntry(addr)[1][name]) def ExpectNeighbourNotification(self, addr, state, attrs=None): msg = self.sock.recv(4096) msg, actual_attrs = self.iproute.ParseNeighbourMessage(msg) self.assertEqual(addr, actual_attrs["NDA_DST"]) self.assertEqual(state, msg.state) if attrs: for name in attrs: self.assertEqual(attrs[name], actual_attrs[name]) def ExpectProbe(self, is_unicast, addr): version = csocket.AddressVersion(addr) llsrc = self.MyMacAddress(self.netid) if version == 6: if is_unicast: src = self.MyLinkLocalAddress(self.netid) dst = addr else: solicited = inet_pton(AF_INET6, addr) last3bytes = tuple([net_test.ByteToHex(b) for b in solicited[-3:]]) dst = "ff02::1:ff%s:%s%s" % last3bytes src = self.MyAddress(6, self.netid) expected = ( scapy.IPv6(src=src, dst=dst) / scapy.ICMPv6ND_NS(tgt=addr) / scapy.ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr(lladdr=llsrc) ) msg = "%s probe" % ("Unicast" if is_unicast else "Multicast") self.ExpectPacketOn(self.netid, msg, expected) else: # version == 4 if is_unicast: src = self._MyIPv4Address(self.netid) dst = addr else: raise NotImplementedError("This test does not support broadcast ARP") expected = scapy.ARP(psrc=src, pdst=dst, hwsrc=llsrc, op=1) msg = "Unicast ARP probe" self.ExpectPacketOn(self.netid, msg, expected) def ExpectUnicastProbe(self, addr): self.ExpectProbe(True, addr) def ExpectMulticastNS(self, addr): self.ExpectProbe(False, addr) def ReceiveUnicastAdvertisement(self, addr, mac, srcaddr=None, dstaddr=None, S=1, O=0, R=1): version = csocket.AddressVersion(addr) if srcaddr is None: srcaddr = addr if dstaddr is None: dstaddr = self.MyLinkLocalAddress(self.netid) if version == 6: packet = ( scapy.Ether(src=mac, dst=self.MyMacAddress(self.netid)) / scapy.IPv6(src=srcaddr, dst=dstaddr) / scapy.ICMPv6ND_NA(tgt=addr, S=S, O=O, R=R) / scapy.ICMPv6NDOptDstLLAddr(lladdr=mac) ) self.ReceiveEtherPacketOn(self.netid, packet) else: raise NotImplementedError def SendDnsRequest(self, addr): version = csocket.AddressVersion(addr) routing_mode = random.choice(["mark", "oif", "uid"]) s = self.BuildSocket(version, net_test.UDPSocket, self.netid, routing_mode) s.connect((addr, 53)) s.send(net_test.UDP_PAYLOAD) return s def MonitorSleepMs(self, interval, addr): slept = 0 while slept < interval: sleep_ms = min(100, interval - slept) time.sleep(sleep_ms / 1000.0) slept += sleep_ms print(self.GetNdEntry(addr)) def MonitorSleep(self, intervalseconds, addr): self.MonitorSleepMs(intervalseconds * 1000, addr) def SleepMs(self, ms): time.sleep(ms / 1000.0) def testNotifications(self): """Tests neighbour notifications. Relevant kernel commits: upstream net-next: 765c9c6 neigh: Better handling of transition to NUD_PROBE state 53385d2 neigh: Netlink notification for administrative NUD state change (only checked on kernel v3.13+, not on v3.10) android-3.10: e4a6d6b neigh: Better handling of transition to NUD_PROBE state android-3.18: 2011e72 neigh: Better handling of transition to NUD_PROBE state """ router4 = self._RouterAddress(self.netid, 4) router6 = self._RouterAddress(self.netid, 6) self.assertNeighbourState(NUD_STALE, router4) self.assertNeighbourState(NUD_STALE, router6) # Send a packet and check that we go into DELAY. s = self.SendDnsRequest(net_test.IPV6_ADDR) self.assertNeighbourState(NUD_DELAY, router6) # Wait for the probe interval, then check that we're in PROBE, and that the # kernel has notified us. self.SleepMs(self.DELAY_TIME_MS * 1.1) self.ExpectNeighbourNotification(router6, NUD_PROBE) self.assertNeighbourState(NUD_PROBE, router6) self.ExpectUnicastProbe(router6) # Respond to the NS and verify we're in REACHABLE again. self.ReceiveUnicastAdvertisement(router6, self.RouterMacAddress(self.netid)) self.assertNeighbourState(NUD_REACHABLE, router6) self.ExpectNeighbourNotification(router6, NUD_REACHABLE) # Wait until the reachable time has passed, and verify we're in STALE. self.SleepMs(self.MAX_REACHABLE_TIME_MS * 1.2) self.assertNeighbourState(NUD_STALE, router6) self.ExpectNeighbourNotification(router6, NUD_STALE) # Send a packet, and verify we go into DELAY and then to PROBE. s.send(net_test.UDP_PAYLOAD) s.close() self.assertNeighbourState(NUD_DELAY, router6) self.SleepMs(self.DELAY_TIME_MS * 1.1) self.assertNeighbourState(NUD_PROBE, router6) self.ExpectNeighbourNotification(router6, NUD_PROBE) # Wait for the probes to time out, and expect a FAILED notification. self.assertNeighbourAttr(router6, "NDA_PROBES", 1) self.ExpectUnicastProbe(router6) self.SleepMs(self.RETRANS_TIME_MS) self.ExpectUnicastProbe(router6) self.assertNeighbourAttr(router6, "NDA_PROBES", 2) self.SleepMs(self.RETRANS_TIME_MS) self.ExpectUnicastProbe(router6) self.assertNeighbourAttr(router6, "NDA_PROBES", 3) self.SleepMs(self.RETRANS_TIME_MS) self.assertNeighbourState(NUD_FAILED, router6) self.ExpectNeighbourNotification(router6, NUD_FAILED, {"NDA_PROBES": 3}) def testRepeatedProbes(self): router4 = self._RouterAddress(self.netid, 4) router6 = self._RouterAddress(self.netid, 6) routermac = self.RouterMacAddress(self.netid) self.assertNeighbourState(NUD_STALE, router4) self.assertNeighbourState(NUD_STALE, router6) def ForceProbe(addr, mac): self.iproute.UpdateNeighbour(6, addr, None, self.ifindex, NUD_PROBE) self.assertNeighbourState(NUD_PROBE, addr) self.ExpectNeighbourNotification(addr, NUD_PROBE) self.SleepMs(1) # TODO: Why is this necessary? self.assertNeighbourState(NUD_PROBE, addr) self.ExpectUnicastProbe(addr) self.ReceiveUnicastAdvertisement(addr, mac) self.assertNeighbourState(NUD_REACHABLE, addr) self.ExpectNeighbourNotification(addr, NUD_REACHABLE) for _ in range(5): ForceProbe(router6, routermac) def testIsRouterFlag(self): router6 = self._RouterAddress(self.netid, 6) self.assertNeighbourState(NUD_STALE, router6) # Get into FAILED. ifindex = self.ifindices[self.netid] self.iproute.UpdateNeighbour(6, router6, None, ifindex, NUD_FAILED) self.ExpectNeighbourNotification(router6, NUD_FAILED) self.assertNeighbourState(NUD_FAILED, router6) time.sleep(1) # Send another packet and expect a multicast NS. self.SendDnsRequest(net_test.IPV6_ADDR).close() self.ExpectMulticastNS(router6) # Receive a unicast NA with the R flag set to 0. self.ReceiveUnicastAdvertisement(router6, self.RouterMacAddress(self.netid), srcaddr=self._RouterAddress(self.netid, 6), dstaddr=self.MyAddress(6, self.netid), S=1, O=0, R=0) # Expect that this takes us to REACHABLE. self.ExpectNeighbourNotification(router6, NUD_REACHABLE) self.assertNeighbourState(NUD_REACHABLE, router6) def DoReconfigureDuringProbing(self, version): if version == 6: proto = "ipv6" ip_addr = net_test.IPV6_ADDR else: proto = "ipv4" ip_addr = net_test.IPV4_ADDR router = self._RouterAddress(self.netid, version) self.assertNeighbourState(NUD_STALE, router) iface = self.GetInterfaceName(self.netid) # set unicast solicit larger. self.SetUnicastSolicit(proto, iface, self.UCAST_SOLICIT_LARGE) # Send a packet and check that we go into DELAY. self.SendDnsRequest(ip_addr).close() self.assertNeighbourState(NUD_DELAY, router) # Probing 4 times but no reponse self.SleepMs(self.DELAY_TIME_MS * 1.1) self.ExpectNeighbourNotification(router, NUD_PROBE) self.assertNeighbourState(NUD_PROBE, router) self.ExpectUnicastProbe(router) for i in range(0, 3): self.SleepMs(self.RETRANS_TIME_MS) self.ExpectUnicastProbe(router) # reconfiguration to 3 while probing and the state change to NUD_FAILED self.SetUnicastSolicit(proto, iface, self.UCAST_SOLICIT_DEFAULT) self.SleepMs(self.RETRANS_TIME_MS) self.ExpectNeighbourNotification(router, NUD_FAILED) self.assertNeighbourState(NUD_FAILED, router) # Check neighbor state after re-config ARP probe times. def testReconfigureDuringProbing(self): self.DoReconfigureDuringProbing(4) self.DoReconfigureDuringProbing(6) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()